I recall he said in one of the post he used multiply sessions in the same account to spin the oracle daily...
This is a bug, that he exploited. Period
Imagine this, you saw a secret passage way thiefs use to break into the rich guy's house.
It is immoral to not tell the police, but not wrong
But what he is doing is, follow the passage way, and help himself with some money...
I dont care if he won 9 extra skeleton or 9electrum, or 9 darkness tower (yea, darkness sucks)
It is still wrong......
Oh by the way, saying the 9 skeleton part dont put up a valid arguement much, because you think i would be jealous... But I am just not that kind of person 
Wrong again :/
I highlighted in yellow to show your error
The thiefs are breaking in and taking stuff - stuff that is not theirs to claim
Kael did not hack the game nor would he be likened to those theifs by breaking into that guys house
What really happened was this:
The rich guy left £100(or $) on the pavement(sidewalk for you americans), if you went past nd took it, it's yours, he didn't claim it, he purposefully left it there
If he did this each day and you took it, they are yours, you had to make the effort to get it and he gave it to you
If you didn't take it, someone else would have, and you are stupid, you are stupid not to take this opportunity
therefore kael did the right thing imo, he didn't do anything wrong when claiming his reward, he simply spun and won
If he didn't spin each day - how would he know if it was fixed????????? answer that! (assuming he was a n00b and wasn't on the forums - which idk he might not have been)
and the skeleton thing was not to make you jealous or w/e you said, it was to show the opposite end of the spectrum (lets face it - nmyphs rule skeletons suck ass), you saying "oh you thought I would be jealous" kinda makes you sounds jealous now >_< lol
Kael followed the rules - return each day for a spin - as far as I'm concerned he did