This was one of the toughest competitions to vote for in my opinion. Some of the entries had one or two GREAT ideas, but the third seemed lacking or dull. Here are some of the ones that definitely stood out, but they didn't get my vote because one of the ideas was weaker.
Entry One - I liked the screenshot idea, and the Jellybean Jar competition sounded like a lot of fun. However, the card idea competition didn't appeal to me. In fact, any card idea competition that focuses on the "Others" doesn't appeal to me. Like others (no pun intended) have pointed out, the Other is more for miscellaneous cards, and it should have very few cards.
Entry Three - The screenshot idea was pure genius, and I hope it gets used by the event organizers in the near future. But, I couldn't vote for it because the other ideas didn't seem fun or interesting. The PvP League competition was a good try at getting more people into the leagues, but it would require quite a bit of time just to participate. Plus, it seems like it's an "everyone is a winner" competition.
Entry Four - The card idea and screenshot competition was pretty good, but I despise the idea of a "fastest loser" competition. Everyone would just use the same time deck to deck out, making it completely luck-based.
Entry Six - The Holiday Card competition is a great idea, as is the photo competition. The screenshot competition just seems boring. Doable? Yes. Fun? Meh... not so much.
After a long thought process, I voted for these two entries.
Entry Five - All three ideas stood out. They were feasible, appealing, and anyone (newbie or veteran) could enjoy all three. Quanta craziness definitely seemed fun, but I would have liked the specification of forbidding the use of PvP screenshots.
Entry Ten - Same as above. They're doable and fun. Plus, I would really like to see what kind of creature models people create using everyday objects.