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Messages - Silenia (35)

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Silenia 2-1 SpikeSpiegel

Books & Comics / Re: Favourite Books of All Time
« on: January 07, 2012, 08:58:10 am »
I realize that some of these have already been put out here, but I'd like to reinforce their image as great books.

Ender's Game - Possibly my favorite book of all time. It has all the great elements of a sci-fi book, and has that human relationships feel to it you find in Firefly or Serenity.

Oh, Ender's game! This book has a kind of personal meaning for me :). [I have not listed it above, 'cause I have read the book just few months ago, so it doesn't match for me the sentence 'all time' :)]. But here is the story: my 'in-the-future-to-be-boyfriend' used to say I reminded him Ender very much, when it comes to my philosophy of life. When we first met, it was my birthday. He pulled out Ender's game and said that I had mentioned I would love to read it, but he thought it would be better to buy me one as a gift instead of lending me his one. And this day he asked me if I would like to be his girlfriend. [Said 'yes', but not only thanks to the book, lol.]. So I can say Ender's game has changed my life :).


Multilingual / Re: A more complex Multilingual section?
« on: January 06, 2012, 09:13:06 am »
I think it is a great idea to make at least tutorials in a native languages to make getting started as easy as possible, so that is why I've voted 'yes'.
Ambassadors? I am totally for it :). Would be cool if people from various countries knew where to look for help from.

Well, maybe game is in English, but if we made a topic/section with translations of each card I think many of them would stick to the game longer. :)


EDIT: Did Polish translation.

To była czyjaś propozycja, niestety, nie pamiętam czyja.

Pytanie brzmi: czy potrzebujemy bardziej złożonej sekcji wielojęzycznej? W tej chwili istnieje ona jako jedna sekcja z wieloma tematami. Moglibyśmy natomiast stworzyć osobne sekcje dla każdego języka/regionu. Na przykład:

- Sekcja niemiecka
- Sekcja francuska
- Sekcja skandynawska
- Sekcja chińska

W ten sposób sekcja wielojęzyczna stałaby się czymś więcej, niż tylko miejscem na luźne rozmowy. Można by tu umieścić samouczki do gry i inne przydatne rzeczy.

Aby uzyskać odpowiedź od Was, ustanowiłam ankietę. Możecie tu również umieścić swoje pomysły i sugestie. Dzięki.

Opcje do wyboru:
1. Nie. Nawet jeśli moja znajomość angielskiego jest kiepska, wolę i tak używać go niż mojego języka ojczystego
2. Tak. Zdobycie większej ilości informacji w moim ojczystym języku byłoby bardzo przydatne.
3. Angielski jest moim ojczystym językiem, więc ta ankieta mnie nie dotyczy.

Multilingual / Re: POLSKA, BIAŁO-CZERWONI!
« on: January 06, 2012, 08:38:30 am »
A to może jest nick kolesia z konga, on tam figuruje jako WARZYWO i z tego, co mi wiadomo, grywa w Elemele :P.

Meh...święta. Wszyscy akurat zachorowali poza mną, więc zgadnijcie, kto miał na głowie całe sprzątanie, pieczenie i gotowanie. Tak, zgadliście. Właśnie ja. [No, może nie całe pieczenie i gotowanie, ale sporą część i tak musiałam ja zrobić ;)]. @ prezenty: wiesz, że jesteś stary, kiedy zamiast zabawek dostajesz ciuchy :P. Ale dostałam takie fajne, że mrrrrr.... :3.

Xinef, mam do Ciebie pytanko: widzialam na youtube streamy z Twoich gier w Elements. Możesz mi powiedzieć, jak i za pomocą jakiego programu je zrobiłeś? Zastanawiam się nad streamowaniem moich gier od jakiegoś czasu, bo te desynchy mnie wkurzają. No i irytuje mnie, jak ktoś mówi na forum publicznym, ze wygrał ze mną, kiedy to akurat nie jest prawdą :P. Tak bym miała czarno na białym [a raczej pixel na pixelu :P], że było inaczej ;).

Multilingual / Re: Languages Spoken by Community Members
« on: January 06, 2012, 08:31:54 am »
Oh. I feel kind of omitted. Why is Polish not listed here? o.O

Polish -> 10 [Native. As far as I know, Zeru and Xinef are native Polish either :)]
Spanish -> around 4, maybe 5 now, been learnin' this one for few years, but I have had two years of break, so probably I have forgotten a lot of things.
Latin -> 3/4. Been learning this one for 3 years, still using Latin vocabulary due to my studies.
Japanese -> 2? Just phonetic, everything I know I have learnt from anime.

Few other languages as well, but this is low level so I don't think it's worth listingthem here :P.

Philosophy / Re: Words to live by.
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:17:32 pm »
Hmmm..the line I used to repeat many, many times:

'Do not look into the past, 'cause you cannot change it anymore. Do not care much about distant future, 'cause it is still changeable too much. Just care about and change your present in order not to regret it while it'll become your past, and in order to create better future while doing so.'

And always: 'What does not kill you, only makes you stronger'.

Philosophy / Re: Meaning of life.
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:12:22 pm »
I don't think life simply has meaning. It rather has meaningS. As the every singly person probably would prefer different way to give their life a meaning. I think we could assume that lack of meaning can be a kind of meaning too. It's subjective, as Zeru said. what have you exactly expected from us as answer, Zeru? Do you really thought someone would be able to give you an universal answer to your question? I think you'll live your life and however you probably will find your own meqaning of life, you'll die not getting to know if even there is an universal one. [Yup, I know you're away for a bit, but I'll wait patiently for your return and your reply, if you'd like to post one, of course :)].

I know it is not the precise answer for your question, but in my opinion there are few things we should do to give life a meaning:
 + to get to understand [or at least trying to]
 + to forgive
 + not to forget

Music / Re: Best lines from music
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:59:14 am »
Still and always, this song is the best ever for me. Could not pick the line, 'cause I think it is important here to read whole lyrics.

Aerosmith - Livin' on the edge

There's somethin' wrong with the world today
I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes

We're seein' things in a different way
And God knows it ain't his
It shore ain't no surprise

Livin' on the edge
Livin' on the edge
Livin' on the edge
Livin' on the edge

There's somethin' wrong with the world today
The light bulb's gettin dim
There's meltdown in the sky

If you can judge a wise man
By the color of his skin
Then mister you're a better man than I

Livin' on the edge
You can't help yourself from fallin'
Livin' on the edge
You can't help yourself at all
Livin' on the edge
You can't stop yourself from fallin'
Livin' on the edge

Tell me what you think about your sit-u-a-tion
Complication - aggravation
Is getting to you

If chicken little tells you that the sky is fallin'
Even if it wasn't would you still come crawlin'
Back again
I bet you would my friend
Again & again & again & again & again

Tell me what you think about your sit-u-a-tion
Complication - aggravation
Is getting to you

If chicken little tells you that the sky is fallin'
Even if it was would you still come crawlin'
Back again
I bet you would my friend
Again & again & again & again

Something right with the world today
And everybody knows it's wrong
But we can tell 'em no or we could let it go
But I'd would rather be a hanging on

Livin' on the edge
Livin' on the edge
Livin' on the edge
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Livin' on the edge
You can't help yourself
You can't help yourself
Livin' on the edge
You can't help yourself at all
Livin' on the edge
You can't help yourself
You can't help yourself
Livin' on the edge
You can't help yourself
You can't help yourself
Livin' on the edge
You can't help yourself from fallin'

Music / Re: What are you listening to on repeat?
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:52:58 am »
Lately I have been listening to these songs on repeat:

Piotr Lisiecki - Ain't no sunshine [cover]

Florence + The Machine -  No light no llight

Kwoon - I lived on the moon [short version] <- there is a great video clip made as well

Music / Re: Favorite Music era
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:45:27 am »
Hard to decide between 80s and 90s. But I think 80s was an music era happier and less rebel than 90s. And I am after my rebel stage, that is why I have picked 80s ;). I always have good mood while listening to the songs of this music decade.

Music / Re: creepy songs!
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:40:31 am »

A song 'Room of Angels' from game SilentHill 4. It is pretty one I think, but yet, it still has something disturbing inside for me. Never worked for me as a lullaby, that is what I can tell ;).

Books & Comics / Re: Favourite Books of All Time
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:36:52 am »
The Witcher
Written by Andrzej Sapkowski, Polish author. If you still don't know the book and you want to get to know more about it, follow the link: (
I bet many of you know the game though :). There was a Polish TV series made as well, based on The Witcher.

The Star Diaries
Another great Polish writer, Stanisław Lem and one of my favourites of his books :). I have even made an analysis of part of it for my school project :). If you like sci-fi, I bet you'll love Ijon Tichy and his cosmic adventures :). (

 I love reading Agatha Christhie, Raymond Chandler, Harry Harrison, Andrzej Pilipiuk, Rudyard Kipling and many, many others... The books listed above are just an examples of my main interests :).

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