Farewell / Re: Fade to Black, a goodbye
« on: April 06, 2012, 01:53:28 am »'Best wishes' just doesn't seem like enough when someone as great as both a player and a person leaves. While I can't say that this really comes as a surprise, I admit I always held out hope that you would return to your more active days.This was my fervent hope as well. I kept trying to get myself to be more active but alas my heart just wasn't in it.
I sorta expected this post to appear at some point but was hoping it wouldn't; I've always had high respect for you as a person, master, forum member, and Elements player despite the fact that I've never really gotten a chance to interact you with as often as I would have liked. I've never really said this openly before, but after the somewhat disappointing way in which I earned my master title during the 4th Trials I looked up to you and how you seemed to approach your victory during the 3rd Trials with optimism and used that to motivate myself to do my best as a master no matter what the current situation entailed. I don't know if I would have had the ambition to defend my title if not for that to be quite honest.Thank you very much for kind words Willng and i'm touched that i was able to inspire you even if it was just a little bit. And yeah, we really didn't get to chat too much (but really that's not your fault) but really, i'm not that interesting
You'll be greatly missed; I couldn't have asked for a better master to serve as my elemental opposite.

Always have been one of my favorite members here.We'll see each other again. Just like you perhaps i just need an extended break.
I also have to thank you for being such a wonderful partner in draft 1 and in TPvP idk the number.
And for having faith in me in war 2, even though I did not get into your team.
Hope we will get to talk again, You will be greatly missed.
I say you not farewell, but hope to see you in a nearest future as possible.
Anyhow thanks to everyone else who has bid me farewell, and i'll be lurking around now and then.