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Messages - Nume (767)

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I've been having a decent bit of fun with this deck. Only deck that really gives me trouble so far in pvp is GotP/nightmare/rewind decks. I was messing around trying it on fg's bc I was bored, and managed to kill Jezebel :P:

Scary... (Welcome back Nume.)
Heh well I never really left, my play time just plummeted during the school year :P due to spending most of my work time on homework. Now I'm done though so back to wasting time on elements lol.

I've been having a decent bit of fun with this deck. Only deck that really gives me trouble so far in pvp is GotP/nightmare/rewind decks. I was messing around trying it on fg's bc I was bored, and managed to kill Jezebel :P:

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.26
« on: December 20, 2010, 09:56:29 pm »
Seriously. most people agree that huntig foor EMs is actually a slower way of gaining  :electrum
Have you met jmdt?
Maybe its changed since I had been paying attention to it, but I thought he had said that its better to get a fast deck with no ems than a slow deck with a lot of ems.
                                                                                              I believe the speed em decks were best, however they won't be effected by this change since they use heals rather than emp bond,

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: December 15, 2010, 11:26:27 pm »
Dark matter is possible, but only if you're using the aflatoxin version and get it quite early, along with an good draw all around. If you can stop him from having a gravity nymph and limit him to 1-3 chargers he's beatable. Thats not to say I'd recommend fighting him, just that it is possible to win :P. The only way I fight him though is if I have a truly amazing first hand heh.
So with the original version you're done for  :'(
Heh yeah unless he just doesnt draw any nymphs :P. Thats the one card that is practically unbeatable with the original due to the fact that he can easily heal for ~15-20 per turn per nymph depending on how many towers you have, and you cant grow your golems or fractal anything very easily with no quanta :P,

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.24) CC? Why bother?
« on: December 15, 2010, 12:35:41 pm »
Dark matter is possible, but only if you're using the aflatoxin version and get it quite early, along with an good draw all around. If you can stop him from having a gravity nymph and limit him to 1-3 chargers he's beatable. Thats not to say I'd recommend fighting him, just that it is possible to win :P. The only way I fight him though is if I have a truly amazing first hand heh.

I'd guess itll be visible since the last one was.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.26
« on: December 13, 2010, 10:34:37 pm »
The empathic bond wont change anything as far as how it works, it will simply make it so that it only heals when you have less than max hp, saving time and resources.
Edit: Err well I guess having not tested it, I'm not sure if that means it wont heal until after creatures attack? If so, than that would be a bit of a nerf for em purposes but yeah.

So uh, I'm Nume. I play quite a bit and am on the forums way too often :P. I'm really bad at selling myself but yeah I think I'd make a good council member.

General Discussion / Re: Elements Christmas Sweeptakes!
« on: December 12, 2010, 04:57:18 am »
All I want for Christmas is: 10,000 Electrum, 2 Nymphs or Mark cards, and 1 Shard of my choosing :P.

I actually think the nerf will hurt this version much less than the SoG version. This one is made to be efficient at getting the necessary quanta and cards ASAP so the extra cost is unlikely to really matter much, especially only playing the beatable FGs. The SoG version uses more quanta and produces less, and most people play the harder fgs with it, so it will probably be hurt some by the nerf. I think both will still remain popular decks though.


I still have almost no rares. I will miss the relative ease that the old T50 system used to have due to the generous T50. However I really like this T500 idea as a means to get the best deck available to fight without unfair starting position (AI 5 & 6). I also like the afk farming aspect of good decks (although it comes at a score loss overall). This might reduce grinding (or it may increase it).
I'm pretty sure the score loss he references is the score of your deck, not your actual score. Like how he said your deck will start at 0 and go up or down. So if your deck is good enough to stay in the t500 and not drop out you should see at least some profit. I dont think it would be very popular if people lost score whenever they were offline :P.

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