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Messages - Helios (509)

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 43
Forum Game Archive / Re: Clash of Worlds by Bloodshadow
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:21:12 pm »
OOC: What exactly does "Greater Deity" mean? I believe you referenced Zanzarino as a "Greater Deity" as well. And is Jonathan actually a son of God? Because if he is, he doesn't belong with us lowly beings, constrained to space and time.

For clarification: The High Ones literally don't care about anything which lies beyond Ardaeon's (and sometimes, even just Valerian's) boundaries, perhaps fault of having been in such positions for too long, leading to a measure of complacency. The only exception to this case would be if irrefutable evidence of something Multiversal in nature were brought forth.

They also hold no delusions of false grandeur; ultimately, everyone answers to a higher authority composed of the spirits whom never committed themselves to any world, known as the Court of Days, not because they are necessarily more powerful, but because these beings are essentially the legitimate representatives of the One on a cosmic scale.

Before the Dark One fell, he helped those spirits loyal to the One to seal Annihilus. Valerian's rulers are not only aware of cosmic entities, both the lesser and the great, but they can be considered as kin, despite the power difference. However, they mistakenly believe that their evil eldest brother has been sealed away for good.

"Bloodshed? Is there a crisis of a violent nature occuring here? I wasn't informed by my superiors about any such thing. This was supposed to be a civil investigation, not a one-man military expedition!"

"First priority is: I am here on the orders of the King and the Light Mage Elder Suriel informed me that you would be the bearer of more information regarding my investigation. Is there anything you could tell me?"

Seeing the approaching traveller, he acknowledged him briefly with a nod.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: ZOMG!!! HE IS BACK!!!
« on: September 18, 2010, 06:49:46 pm »
Jesus Christ, guys! I never knew I had so many adoring fans! :P

Anyways, I am really, really sorry for my inactivity, and I'm even more sorry to say that I'm going to have to leave you.

I recently received some life-changing news and I have to do a LOT of stuff starting from now that's going to change my life. Yes, I'm being vague.

So. I'm going to have to leave you guys. It was really fun being with all of you. And who knows? When I get all this sorted out, I may be back. But it's going to be a while.

Goodbye. It was fun. :)
This is disappointing; we have never grasped the meaning of loss until we have actually lost it.

Best of luck to you wherever you may be.

OOC: There appears to be a misunderstanding, for in no way did I intend to insinuate any actual religion into the RPG. I simply assumed based upon the name, "The Atlantean Church of Lumi", that it was a place of worship devoted to Lumi; if I am mistaken, then I will amend my post.

I suppose I shall take the three Spells from the current Spell List for now.


The wizard tilted his head blankly.

"Excuse me, but who is Isac? I am Findlethel, son of Elderian."

OOC: Given that it is a cathedral, by definition, it is used for religious purposes, is it not?

How many spells may I choose at this point?


Wonderful! Here is Sir Norii, whom should be the bearer of more information pertinent to the mission.

Inclining his head slightly upon approach, he said, "Greetings, Sir Norii; I am Findlethel, the one whom has been dispatched here by the King upon the investigation of the plague."

Bloody brilliant! For King, country and Father then.

He recalled his previous meetings with the Elder Light Mage Suriel and his orders.

"The Cathedral of the Archangel Lumi is a towering edifice positioned on your left when you exit the port."

"Wonderful! Should be hard to miss, Elder Suriel!"

Suriel had appeared saddened.

"Why this sarcastic attitude? One such as you should be pleased and proud to represent our kingdom and to lead its investigation."

"You know what I believe, Master."

"Ah yes, the Darkness folk. They must be responsible for everything, mustn't they?"

"Send one of the Novices, not an Adept like me. I should remain here, the son of Elderian, no less, to protect the kingdom. What if the entire event has been orchestrated by their Black Magic from the beginning?"

"And yet, what if it isn't? Son of Elderian, you must overcome your bias against Darkness..."

In any event, there it was; the ornate building of devotion with the Archangel Lumi on top. The figure of Heaven smiled at him benevolently, as if gracing him and his mission.

Character sheet updated with description and biography.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements RPG for REALZ this time by Gl1tch part 4
« on: September 16, 2010, 09:07:08 pm »
The Angel follows Korugar.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements RPG for REALZ this time by Gl1tch part 4
« on: September 16, 2010, 09:07:08 pm »
The Angel follows Korugar.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Clash of Worlds by Bloodshadow
« on: September 16, 2010, 09:05:16 pm »

His ego would probably not allow him to accept any assistance from anyone, as he perfectly believes that he is capable of accomplishing anything on his own, and not without reason. He was once the most powerful of the High Ones, after all.
Then he would either have get sealed away again

Precisely; after all, one can't have him trampling over all of Ardaeon.

What of foreign embassies? I presume there is an area for such edifices?

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