That second line was directly to russianspy, who acted more like I hadn't said anything about timestamps in the first place. I was hoping to convey that there are ways to check the validity of a comment that may have once been true, learn on your own, and avoid this conversation.
I will clarify mine and pika's statements. This deck was made many, many months and patches ago, in a totally different environment. It used to be one of the most effective FG decks in the game. Back then, skeletons were solely a vanilla creature and were the cheapest to use for rewinding.
Since then, many things have changed. Skeleton's undead ability is a fairly new addition, and as such it cannot be immediately rewinded. However, the phrase afters suggesting you can use another cheap creature is still valid. These days you would rewind a firefly or weak mutant.
Now, if you accuse me of getting butthurt, I would like to tell you something about me.
I've become a very blunt person on these forums, because I believe bluntness encourages people to look up things for themselves instead of begging for answers. I'm not saying you were at all, sometimes I come across as rude, and I never intend to. It's just the way I am.