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Messages - Alexfrog (16)

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This deck is good but I think the PuppyChow deck is better, it gets control faster.  It doesnt spend as much time just stalling and drawing, so the game takes less time to finish.  Seems better for coins gained per hour.

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: January 23, 2010, 07:39:31 am »
I finally got this all together (got my shards) and its working very well.

I added a tower, didnt seem like there were quite enough.

I like the speed of the deck, much faster to get the necessary quantums to play Oty/Quintessence or Bonewall/Fire Storm than the regular rainbow decks.  Supernova is great with Entropy mark!

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:35:23 pm »
Just starting testing this.  2 of 4 so far.
I feel starved for quantums except when I get multiple supernovas. 

Looks like the key to getting EM is to switch form ice shield to bonewall near the end and let shards heal you up.  (Doesnt work against poison, but you dont usually get EM vs poison anyway).

Pulverizer won me one game by itself, got it very fast off supernovas and killed pillars.

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: January 22, 2010, 07:30:46 pm »
It seems to me that with so few towers, we wont have enough time quantums late in the game to use eternity repeatedly, and that could be dangerous.

Enchant Artifact seems important to protect the eternity against the hard gods.   Also I second the idea of testing Fire Buckler/Fire Wall.  It really helps against divine glory at least.

I need to test this now that I have 4 shards.  They seem very crotocal for this deck.

My biggest worry is the lack of towers.  We have a lot of supernovas, and with entropy mark should get going fast, but not much quantum generation long term (maybe its not needed?). 

Yes, I like the use of the water quanta in some way.

Whyen do you tend to play out the ice shield?

Generally my progression has been Sundials->Phase Shields->Bonewall, essentially stalling for a while until I can set up a bonewall play with rain of fire/otyugh backup to keep it alive for a long time. 

Permafrost shield is probably better when combined with the shards than without them.  With the shards its ok to take some damage each turn just not a ton.  Permafrost is good at making that happen wihle sticking around indefinitely.

I tried playing without Sundials last night and had a couple losses to Fire Queen and Ferox where I couldnt draw enough defense, that I felt I shouldnt have lost with sundials in there.  But maybe I just need to shirnk the deck further and get all my shards upgraded so I can use them.

I look forward to seeing the testing results!

I got 3 more shards of gratitude grinidng T50 last night, thankfully. 
Not sure what to think of permafrost shield.  Its more expensive than phase shield and doesnt stop all the damage.  If only it froze them all the time! 

I find that it doesnt win that much with no initial towers, when I've tried to play those starts I just end up wasting time and getting killed before I can get going - or being in too big of a hole. 

If we were entropy mark with 6 supernovas, then we might survive without towers, since after 2 turns you can just play the supernovas - but we arent.

The deck is clearly great, I just feel it gets a higher percentage of winnable draws with a bit more towers.

Elidnis / Re: Elidnis
« on: January 20, 2010, 07:05:38 pm »
I also find elednis to be easier than average.  Getting an Otyugh with transcendance is key, and stealing or destroying aether towers is very helpful.

Tested this and I also experienced too few quantum towers.  I had success after addign several towers.  Its a waste of card to have only a couple towers early on and end up discarding.   In my experience the no tower hands are not worth playing, even against easy gods.  Sure you can play it out and might win sometimes, but its far better to quit, lose the 30 coins, and try again to get a higher probability chance of winning. 

In order to maximize gains per hour, we should prioritize losing fast or winning with a high probability in games that we play out.  Ignoring the hard false gods by immediately quitting is beneficial to gains per hour.  In fact, I think it makes sense to build the deck in order to maximize win % against the easy/medium difficulty gods, and completely ignore the hard ones.  Generally we should beat the easy gods by having enough towers, and getting some card draw (having hourglass), since if we draw extra cards, we will draw into whatever else we need. 

Rainbow Decks / Re: Attack of the Clones
« on: January 20, 2010, 06:40:14 pm »
Seems extremely light on quantum generation, with just 7 pillars plus the supernovas.

I really need shards!! People, put um some shard farm t50s!!

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: January 19, 2010, 07:06:18 pm »
Permafrost shield probably works here because of the shards - we are ok taking some damage and healing it back each round.  In the builds with no shards and just the one late game feral bond, you cant afford to still be taking some of the damage.

This deck definitely seems to get faster starts than the standard rainbow, due to lots of supernovas in a smaller deck.  Does it end up beign tower-light or not?

It seems like one main issue will be supporting the time quantum requirements without time mark.  I guess we wont be using eternity until the end. 

Wouldnt one enchant artifact be essential given the small deck size?  Need to have eternity survive.

Is pulverizer really needed?  It seems to me that we cant really support the gravity cost to activate it, after already paying for otyughs.

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