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Messages - Feor (3)

Pages: [1]
I must be doing something wrong because I have trouble beating lvl 3s, let alone FGs...Hell, sometimes I even lose to lvl 2s. I really don't understand how you're supposed to play this deck. Like, I have no idea whatsoever. I run out of quanta all the time (Usually I can't play any card until the third or fourth turn, even if I get 4 pillars in the beginning), and I don't understand either how you're supposed to hurt the enemy. I also run out of cards very quickly, and since Eternity requires 3 quanta to reuse a creature and I'm short on quanta it doesn't really help me.
Any advice is appreciated. I know the questions are "noob" questions but I'm new to this game (started yesterday evening), and perhaps I'm just not very bright.
Thank you.

Edit : Alright played a little more, looks like I was just very unlucky. It's now lvl 5s that I have trouble against...Still nowhere near beating a false god :(
Edit 2: Apparently I just needed to get the hang of the deck, farming lvl 5s now, soon gonna try fgs.

Thank you !!
By the way, I finally gathered enough gold for my first upgrade and I want to try this deck. Should I upgrade an Otyugh or a Hourglass ?

I can't see the picture in the original post...Can someone reupload it or write down the cards ?
Thank you.

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