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Messages - Kiros (5)

Pages: [1]
I still lose every game before i can play any card because not enough mana, 20 out of 20 losses now even against the easiest ones. after playing the sundials, i sit there with fallen elf, firefly queen, oty and a quint for 4 turns waiting for mana and then fg has 4 or 5 monsters and taken 2/3 of my hp

/throws arms in the air in defeat

as far as ive seen there isnt anything to get used to, i sit there for at least 5 turns pressing space and playing illars if i get them and cant do anything else

i have some miracles and un-upgraded shards, good idea to use them(after upgrading shards) in the deck or no?. if so, replacing what?

side note, is there anywhere that lists what each card upgrades to?

i think i will have to go back to farming t50 for a while longer

Chaos Lord  0-1
Dark Matter 0-1
Destiny 0-2
Incarnate 0-1
Miracle 0-1
Obliterator 0-1
Octane 0-1
Rainbow 0-1
Seism 0-1
Total    0-10

games are very consistent, all so far lost within 10 turns and had not enough mana to play anything for first 7 or so turns

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