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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #888 on: July 01, 2010, 08:30:07 pm »
Banana, quoting is good.,
and blue priest,  don't lie - [you] did it!


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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #889 on: July 01, 2010, 08:50:21 pm »
Congratulation [you] you have the thread with more pages than any thread in this forum :D

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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #890 on: July 01, 2010, 08:56:22 pm »
I know who really did it. It was a group effort. I have a amount listed by each one to show how much effort they put in out of 50
Dam Mael(1) cebra(1) SirChronicus(1) sillyking14(1) ellak96(1) skyguy(1) wavedash(1) davesunnyo(1) Elemental_Penguin(1) MdbK(1) zebala(1) relic master(1) david_yo(1) xpanterx(1) Sollarule(1) Master(1) coinich(1) xiongwen8(1) Lifestream(1) ArcaneSaint(1) Rossendale(1) syco666(1) 918273645(1) BurnOne(1) TsuStyle(1) gutsyDuck(1) HaunterS(1) Tukkun(1) collimatrix(1) Demagog(1) Lucifear(1) adriantdf(1) plastiqe(1) baku36(1) thepeeko(1) kangoshi(1) chuckles4me(1) Downsociety(1) o0Dinasty0o(1) linkcat(1) venumuse(1) violenceisanart(1) maddog(1) ScytherLoL(1) rockzo(1) Thalas(1) Slawth(1) Ashebrethafe(1) Optimalist(1) Glorioustickman(1) IVIonster l3(1) breach(1) Wynden(1) WakSkylicker(1) vrt(1) PuppyChow(1) Lanidrak(1) ArcanisX(1) pikachufan2164(1) BetaParticle(1) Warkthogus(1) [you](1) kintar(1) nustarz(1) TheoCT(1) doomlord(1) zerakova(1) Onafets(1) pandasianx(1) nkedwards90(1) 7_Deadly_Sins(1) Terroking(1) crimsonflippa(1) JBCWK(1) LordStriker(1) implosion(1) Boingo(1) Aygor(1) omerbey(1) omgarm(1) Seiya(1) Clane(1) Wizardcat(1) phaedrusz(1) Cryptoid(1) Nume(1) Essence(1) Kynslayer(1) netjak(1) becarem(1) jakubas(1) Glaviga(1) Hyroen(1) sunnyh(1) Brion(1) girlsgeneration(1) RavingRabbid(1) valuka(1) michael14141414(1) harakirinosaru(1) squishyone(1) Colossus(1) Richie(1) Noobslayerkid(1) CelestrialDreamer(1) xKelevra(1) Wisemage(1) ajm6(1) helloface123(1) Kuroaitou(1) rotface(1) JoshK(1) Zeru(1) icecoldbro(1) Xoned(1) monovax(1) Cisco(2) Hidhorse(2) larsi2358(2) minipika12(2) BluePriest(2) ddviper001(2) blackpinkgoldfish(2) Marblecakealsothegame(2) flowers1234(2) kobisjeruk(2) killfer8(2) acelink(2) Zigabogado(2) Amesjay(2) Svenningen(2) Harikaze(2) Cynxos(2) JennyP81(2) jmizzle7(2) BadWolfskin(2) EvilCombat(2) Flayne(2) MaxMilen(2) ntz(2) Aves(2) DrunkDestroyer(2) jipooki(2) Daneman(2) guel(2) IStoneI(2) Italy2(2) Uncle Jellyfish(2) sSethia(2) Tom Bombadil(2) qwas296(2) manaboy100(2) Tea is good(2) Unkwant3dli0n(2) v.0(2) Aviyor(2) yodice(2) ridzr(2) the fury(2) guy_fawkes(2) Kaine(2) The dictator(2) edunavas(3) zac80(3) redtom7(3) Thelonesun(3) vampirictorch(3) Kurohami(3) ElementalPJM(3) marioNweed(3) littlegriffi(3) DevilLoss(3) th1s1sr4nd0m(3) Tabit(3) Lolnoob333(3) yaladilae(3) Takeno_ita(3) gpthepanzer(3) cjjkrenzbgt(3) Fixari(4) notverygood(4) M00LLIGAN(4) PacoThePenguin(4) Helios(4) godofdeath500(4) Lordpants(4) Xoff(4) KollerN(5) WayneCore(5) xxxdeathxxx(5) Reasoner(5) theunamed(5) xdude(6) jamesdyer680(6) hermantheowl(6) Ohmega(6) bongoz(6) marcoslayer(6) darkfrogger(6) Flying Farenheit(6) rakazy8564(7) Gl1tch(7) CB!(7) Artois(7) wolfunit(7) Hobnob5000(7) airframe(7) miniwally(8 ) humptydumper(8 ) $$$man(8 ) dragonhuman(9) jallenw(9) dekskose(9) TheDarkAzura(10) zac333(10) teffy(10) Arondight(10) Kamietsu(10) icybraker(11) Chemist(11) borbland(11) Snopel(11) killsdazombies(11) morningstar(11) Bloodshadow(12) Dm1321(12) Selenbrant(13) ddevans96(16) Purity_Riot(17) thekillergame(19) thedragon559(19) Xinef(19) hello5666(19) Wardead(24) Ant-n-ero(24) slovenc555(36) Scaredgirl(43) melzardust(47)
Are you accusing me? Haven't we all agreed the real h4xx0r is [you]?

EDIT: And you're part of it too!
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
twitch: palafrost - speedrunner, ex-celeste, currently hades
avatar: makoto [persona 5] by asukabaka

Offline 1chase1997

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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #891 on: July 01, 2010, 10:22:47 pm »
i love this its hilarious

and people are evil

that means you too, [you]


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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #892 on: July 01, 2010, 10:31:52 pm »
[you] is the h4xx0r!!!!!

I get the joke, but how did you do that? I know, I'm stupid.
Quoting may be good for your health.


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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #893 on: July 01, 2010, 10:39:39 pm »
All this time, and I've been avoiding [you]!

Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #894 on: July 02, 2010, 08:04:11 am »
oh yeah, the longest thread in the whole forum is a joke about me :)


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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #895 on: July 02, 2010, 08:35:27 am »
it's not about you it's about [you]
his days are numbered...


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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #896 on: July 02, 2010, 11:16:47 pm »
Oh boy...

[you] is going to be in trouble now...

Offline Korugar

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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #897 on: July 03, 2010, 03:30:25 am »
Hilarious :)


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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #898 on: July 03, 2010, 08:39:39 pm »
Hilarious :)
[you] hacking is not the slightest bit hilarious .!


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Re: One of our members is a hacker!!! (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #899 on: July 04, 2010, 01:35:48 am »
Look I assume [you] even hacked SilentShadow´s image. Its a sun now. ;)

