I'll be darned if I know what Obliterator is holding in hand. PAs, GPs, and shields? I really have no idea; usually he dumps his hand pretty darned quick. And no pulverizer was seen all game, which is unheard of for him. Despite my tiny deck size left, the game was only 19 turns because I got the hourglasses really early and went nuts. Obliterator was drawing 1 card for the second half of the game. The Steam Machine was GPed immediately after I played it, but the AI never had an unmomentumed creature to kill it with.
edit: A pic would help...

edit: this game isn't finished, though it looks like I should win, barring something really unlucky. Hecate fails with nightmare...

Where can I cash all those nymphs in for real ones?
edit: My deck is pretty good against Elidnis, but this is just insane. On turn 1, he played only 1 aether tower, and I pulverized it almost immediately. Later on in the game he managed a couple more aether towers, but never more than 1 at a time, and all were pulverized immediately. The only creature Elidnis ever played was a single Forest Spectre, and the only spell Elidnis ever played was a single Twin Universe on my nymph of all things; both were eaten by my otyugh. I think it had a few feral bonds that got pulverized immediately as well, but I'm not sure anymore. There is no way to destroy the Jade Shield; otherwise it would be a flawless victory :p (pesky early shield vs my fireflies is why it took awhile to win even with zero opposition)

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