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Messages - Kuross (767)

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 64
Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Speaking of pokémon....
« on: December 05, 2010, 04:15:32 pm »
Just a question and observation- cockatrice is a form of a bird right? Well then, you know what they say about birds and bushes "Better to have a cock in hand than two in a bush" ;)

Tournament Archive / Re: Western Tournament - Dec 4th - War of the Zodiac
« on: December 04, 2010, 06:12:49 pm »

Kuross- 1
The_Mormegil- 0

Death / Re: Soul Catcher
« on: December 04, 2010, 04:59:04 pm »

"Every obstacle in your path is also an opportunity.  Conquer all and be the soul victor."

Too punny?
Just a thought  :P

WoE Archive / Re: WoE Beta
« on: December 04, 2010, 04:37:38 pm »
In the real event itself, players are free to pick whichever element they want.
What happens if there are 15 :darkness players and only 2-3 :life players? I ask because in any siege system, or any form of group PvP, :life is going to be at a very serious disadvantage, regardless of allies.

WoE Archive / Re: Character Sheet
« on: December 02, 2010, 11:56:23 pm »
I think it's more a matter of how serious we take the story. If the storyline is just some little backdrop to add a little flavor to a forum event, then it won't really matter who is named what. But if this is going to be a living storyline and people want to take the story seriously, having "8675309, Lord of Tommy Tutones" will not seem creditible, especially if it's the same person over several turns of the story.

WoE Archive / Re: Sieges
« on: December 02, 2010, 04:03:35 pm »
I like your system SG. I'm assuming seigers can't be attacked by players inside the seiged city and conversely those trapped in the city can't attack those doing the seiging until the wall, or any city defenses, are down.

Just to add to it...

- As long as there is a hex unoccupied around the city being seiged, any player (friendly player that is) may leave or enter the seiged city through that hex.
- If enemy players hold a city, a resistance of NPCs would be available to aid those of the city's element to take back the lost city.

I'll post more on this in another thread meant for this kind of thing. Don't want to derail the thread too much :P

Neptune / Re: Neptune: Needs Help NOW!
« on: December 01, 2010, 04:29:12 pm »
Also, I wondered what that Poseidon is doing in his Deck when he has no chance of getting any :earth?
I believe this is the only FG that has Poseidon in it to win. Notice every other rare weapon is winnable in an upped form. If not for Neptune, there'd be no upped Poseidon to win. Just an observation. Perhaps plug it a FG that can actually use Posiedon or make a FG that can use :earth and :water? Also, keep in mind other FGs run weapons they can't use. Take Seism for instance. He runs Pulvy, but doesn't have the gravity to use it.

Tutorials / Re: Confused? click here for help from experienced players
« on: December 01, 2010, 03:31:06 pm »
Out of curiosity, what about people that work hard to recruit only to have that new recruit passed on to someone else? I hang out on Kong quite a bit and try to shift people over here when I can. Most of the time I tend to build a rapport with those people and it would be sort of awkward to build that rapport only to have someone else finish what I started. If it's a matter of abuse for awards that's an issue, why not make it so in order for new recruits to count towards the reward those new recruits have to reach the "jr." status of at least 30+ posts?
I'd like to avoid a situation where people recruit their friends and neighbors as Apprentices just to get reward icons. This project should not be about the icons, it should be about helping people. Having the icons is just something extra.

But if it would motivate Mentors more, we could always have a system where you get "points" for both recruiting and teaching the Apprentice. So even though you don't get to mentor that newbie you found, you'd still get some points. Generate enough points and you get an award.
I agree with Will 100% in that people should be motivated out of a simple desire to help rather than winning a competition of some sort. However, I don't see anything wrong in awarding those that are sincere in their efforts to help either. And, if a little added motivation kick starts others into helping, they may see the real benefit of helping themselves over time. Sadly, though idealistic, a notion of helping just to help isn't always going to work with many people. They need more to feel accomplished. And for the record, I could care less if there is a reward or not. I'd do it anyway. I am confident in my personal knowledge that the world as it is needs outside motivation from time to time to do charitable work. Take tax breaks from donating for example. I'd heavily argue that there would be less charitable donations if there were no tax breaks in it for those that donated. Keep in mind, those that receive charity from donors aren't too concerned that those that did the donating will get a tax break. They're just happy to get anything at all.

As for the point system, how about 2 pts for each new recruit and 5 points for each recruit mentored? Then 40 pts for some sort of reward. Just spit-balling here ;)

Tutorials / Re: Confused? click here for help from experienced players
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:50:50 pm »
If it's a matter of abuse for awards that's an issue, why not make it so in order for new recruits to count towards the reward those new recruits have to reach the "jr." status of at least 30+ posts?
or just remove the 'incentive' altogether

last thing i want to see is this turning into competition of some sort where people collect badges (similar to kongregate's)
we already have tourneys and competitions for that sort of thing, this should be completely volunteerish (completely forgot the exact word for it) as it could be similar to staff positions at this here forum
Though I can understand the idea of removing incentive, and in a lot of ways I agree, having some sort of recognition is important to. There should be something in place that recognizes the efforts by members to help newer players to become a part of this community and as long as there are set parameters in place for any reward, abuse should be kept to a minimal or nonexistant.

12 Lives / Re: 12 Lives Battle Thread (Hosted by RavingRabbid)
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:38:09 pm »
i haven't played my match with appawesome BUT i've some points:
1. i've been really active last days, you can ask people and even you know because i talked with you A LOT ;).
2. he WAS online but he couldn't play then.
i've been more active he couldn't play, i'd like to hear his side of the story.
1. Well, did you talk in chat, where I am banned?
2. I'm pretty sure it is illegal to skip school...

I was active, but I never saw you on the forums when I was on.
next time you'd tell people you're banned from chat....
So how am I suppose to do that?
*cough* forums *cough*

Tutorials / Re: Confused? click here for help from experienced players
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:20:41 pm »
Out of curiosity, what about people that work hard to recruit only to have that new recruit passed on to someone else? I hang out on Kong quite a bit and try to shift people over here when I can. Most of the time I tend to build a rapport with those people and it would be sort of awkward to build that rapport only to have someone else finish what I started. If it's a matter of abuse for awards that's an issue, why not make it so in order for new recruits to count towards the reward those new recruits have to reach the "jr." status of at least 30+ posts?

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