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Messages - puri1 (60)

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False Gods / Re: Nerf or Buff? Featured FG: Serket
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:36:33 pm »
With some of the popular FG killers, Serket can be a nightmare, since most of them have drifted away from worrying about poison/healing and focus on speed now. CCYB works, since it almost seems made for him (AM for his fairly strong recluses, Permafrost shield to remove poison increase from creatures, Pulvy to remove the unprotected Arsenics, Cloaks and Eclipses, and a Purify to reset poison counter). But if he gets a good hand you can see poison in the double digits by turn 3. Still, I think a slight buff may be useful, though I have no idea what to swap or add.

General Discussion / Re: Is False God art possible?
« on: February 28, 2012, 04:42:27 am »
Glad to see all the responses. We might be able to turn this into a project yet. I really want to make this a reality.


Then we move this to the art section. (maybe also makes the "tarot" version of elements? The Rainbow, The Obliterator in card pics?)
Anyway, if we really want to start, everyone should post their opinion on how does the FGs looked like in their imagination.
I like the suggestion! I'll start us off. Once we get enough people interested we can start looking for people to sketch out concepts. I'll start with my take on three False Gods I really like, but feel free to contribute your ideas to any and all of the FGs. Pitch in your ideas and I'll make a poll of the ones people find most interesting so we can slowly get a master list of what we would most like to see in the False God's art. When you post your ideas try to approximate the following description style. You don't need to add everything, but keep it like this to make it easy for others to sort through and find ideas they agree/disagree with.

-Gender: Male
-Color Scheme: Brown/Black/Deep orange
-Size: Massive
-Concept (detailed): Round body, mostly due to his dusty armor being curved like a knight's breastplate with a round stomach. The armor is the same color tone as his body, it is hard to tell where his skin begins and his armor ends. He is crouching, staring intensely straight at you with both fists on the ground. Despite his weight, he looks about to pounce. Strapped over his right shoulder is a more rugged version of the Tower Shield. A mountain of similar size is shown behind him as scale for his massive size. Keen eyes see the Titan carelessly propped against it.

-Notes: Idea came from the beginning of a sumo match (prior to the tachi-ai) due to the namesake and legendary sumo wrestler Akebono Tarō. The Titan is humorously put aside as a nod to the weapons-free nature of sumo.
Gender: Female
-Color Scheme: Black with a blue tinged background
-Size: Medium
-Concept (detailed): Most of the picture is obscured by swirling darkness. In the center you can make out a figure who has a hand up to her face trying to cover it. She is swathed in the thick robes of Nymphs. You can only see bits of the robes, but it's so dark you can only imagine its true color. Her eyes, fully shrouded by the darkness, have dark blue tears flowing from them as though she's pleading for help. But her hand fails to fully cover her mouth, and you see it twisted into a cruel smile with shiny white teeth showing. And clutched in her other hand, held limply by her side, you can just make out the shape of a long, black dagger...

-Notes: My creepy interpretation of Jezebel as the sneaky, murderous queen of nymphs. Darkness is obviously reference to her generous (ab)use of Cloak, inability to see her true color is the Nymphs that spring up behind the Cloak, tears are Nymph's Tears, and the dagger is...I'll give you three guesses  :D
Gender: ? (indeterminate)
-Color Scheme: Background is a clear mirror on right. Checkered white and black.
-Size: Medium-large
-Concept (detailed): Paradox is an enigma, standing with a slightly drooped head with not an inch of skin visible. Its face is obscured by a mask, which has a frowning, clown-like appearance to it. Its costume is entirely checkered, and Divine Glories patches are stitched into the fabric down the front. The mirror to its right inexplicably show Paradox flipped entirely upside down. However, something is odd; the mirror mask at first looks like it's frowning from this angle as well (the corners are turned down). You realize the "mask" in the mirror has, instead of a frown, a broad smile..

-Notes: Idea was a blend of Pale Man/Voldo style look, where you innately know you don't want Paradox to truly see you. The mirrors are a reference to Twin Universe, Divine Glory is obvious, and the upside-down frown trick presents the chilling idea that what you thought was a mirror may not be one at all.
I had a blast writing these. Add your own and I'll keep posting my take on the rest when I get time.

Duo-Decks / Re: Catadriven Titans
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:46:33 am »
Aren't there already some decks like this? I think I have already seen this strategy in the forums.
Yeah,  here (,19769.msg267774#msg267774),  here (,29457.msg401540#msg401540),  here (,27210.msg369956#msg369956), and  here (,22132.msg302337#msg302337), to name a few. This one is slightly different with the Trebuchets, but still essentially the same thing. Not really getting the purpose of the Gravity Shields though, and you probably don't need three Trebuchets for 6 creatures (the sixth Titan can never fly due to only five AWs). I would either focus on one or the other strategy: overdrive them or simply get them all out and flinging them to do damage. Both in one deck is counter-productive.

False Gods / Re: Nerf or Buff? Featured FG: Osiris
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:30:12 am »
Wrong. The AI prefers targets like Stalkers and Dunes when it has buffs in the deck.
True. Perhaps Idle meant that given the large number of Pharaohs in the deck compared to the number of Dunes that would be added (presumably not too many to avoid cluttering) Osiris might pull out a Pharaoh before getting to his Dunes and thus blow his Momentums on them rather than waiting. Of course, the more Dunes added the less this becomes an issue.

False Gods / Re: Nerf or Buff? Featured FG: Osiris
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:11:19 pm »
Very small change, but adding in one more Turtle Shield could help him greatly. He can swap out a precog (or two) for another shield which would really help stall in the early game, especially if you have only light PC and he manages to play another after you destroy the first. Since he only has two my CCYB has been only been frustrated a few times by those damn Turtle Shields until I can get a Pulvy out, but by then I've not done enough damage to counter his late game offensive. Adding in more might make him more formidable.

False Gods / Re: Nerf or Buff? Featured FG: Octane
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:49:20 pm »
While Octane crumbles with the cards TheForbiddenOracle mentioned, he still does a decent job at making decks without those cards sweat. All in all, burning through (see what I did there  :P) his deck looking for gases is about the best strategy he has, and the deck reflects that. I would say buff him but I don't know how other than going and buffing the cards themselves, since increases to his deck size only hurts him.

General Discussion / Is False God art possible?
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:05:11 am »
I was mindlessly browsing through Deviantart while FG grinding in another tab when I realized that it would be sweet if we could get artistic interpretations of the False Gods. The Elements community has already contributed amazing art for the cards (GotP anyone?), so I'm sure the talent is here for this project. Having some impressive art would not only help flesh out the False Gods but could help spread the word about Elements around since art, especially good art, tends to be circulated like lightning on the web.

Anyone else interested in this idea? If this topic/idea has been suggested or art actually has already been done and is floating around somewhere please let me know. I'd love to see the False Gods in all their glory  :D

General Discussion / Re: Elements Nymph Count
« on: February 17, 2012, 02:33:07 am »
 :death:light:time:time, and  :aether. Been playing about a year now, so getting a Nymph is terrific for me.

FG Proposals / Re: Hephaestus: The Armorer
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:01:19 pm »
Shard of Readiness could find a place in this deck. Unless AI uses it on Crusader before endow is done of course. :)
FG's don't use shards and hopefully never will, though that is an interesting idea.

Given the reliance on QT's for different quanta and lack of Supernovas to get off-mark quanta (unlike Destiny) a possible counter in my opinion would be a Earth-Gravity duo that is Quicksand heavy. Throw in a protected Gravity Shield to stop some of the bigger weapons and Crusader that has been endowed with anything (except Titan) and you should be good to go. 6 SoG to take care of healing and it should be a straightforward Deck-out win. The traditional 500 EM deckout deck should work fine. That being said, I like the idea because a couple of other decks would be ripped apart by its versatility.

Jezebel / Re: Oracle : Jezebel
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:13:24 pm »
Easy 500 HP EM deck:
Agreed, I used it mostly unupped and lost due to because of incorrect judging of her damage, but I could see it would have been an easy victory had I been better at adding damage through her Cloak. Possible good enough to be added to the OP.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Shardless Neurotoxin Stall
« on: January 15, 2012, 05:53:43 pm »
Shardless Neurotoxin Stall
Where's this "Stall" you speak of? Try as I might, I cannot find it.

Help would be appreciated, especially if anyone knows a link to a SPLAT variation that has already done away with the reliance on the rare SoSa.
SPlat variation? Do you mean a Dune Scorpion deck that doesn't use Sacrifice? If so, how about every single Dune Scorpion deck ( made before Sacrifice entered the game? ^^;
Bad name choice, I had a shield before and some variation in healing so I didn't realize that the stall element was gradually lost. And saying it varied on SPlat was lack of research. I assumed SPlat decks were simply dune scorpion decks that relied solely on Neurotoxin, and didn't realize that wasn't it at all till later. Forget it, looking back I think I was just sleepy and thought I'd made a decent deck but now it just makes me cringe. I'd remove it if I could now.

Rainbow Decks / Shardless Neurotoxin Stall
« on: January 15, 2012, 12:48:39 am »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 71a 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 7an 7an 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7k2 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7th 7th 7th 8pj

Lame name idea, I know  :P. It's basically a more rounded variation of SPLAT without the use of SoSa, so the whole deck can be purchased sans the Imp. Miracle and the unneeded but potential Arsenic addition (I couldn't not have a weapon and not use poison quanta). Was put together kind of fast and has some glaring weaknesses so is still in testing phase. Against AI it does well enough, but most players simply won't play the Nightmared RoL's so I doubt it could transition to PvP use. Help would be appreciated, especially if anyone knows a link to a SPLAT variation that has already done away with the reliance on the rare SoSa.

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blarg: puri1