The arena is where the bulk of creativity and fun is. The arena is a place where you can submit your own deck, and battle other people's submitted decks. If you manage to get a win streak, you can get a special spin filled with all rares, and letting you respin the reels. Gold and Platinum special spins have all UPGRADED rares. You need 5 wins in a row for a bronze rarespin, 4 for silver, 3 for gold, and 2 for platinum. Be careful though! Bronze alone is probably harder than AI3 and platinum is on the level, if not higher than the difficulty of false gods.
Getting started
This is the main hub of the arena.
A. Click here to fight bronze league decks.
B. Click here to fight silver league decks.
C. Click here to fight gold league decks.
D. Click here to fight platinum league decks.
E. Click here to fight against your own arena deck to test it.
F. Click here to modify your arena deck.
G. Click here to collect all the electrum your arena deck has earned.
H. Click here to build a new arena deck using the oracle card you spun today.
Be warned though! When you fight arena decks, they often have benefits you don't, such as more health, double and triple marks, and even double draw. Your arena deck loses hp for each day it stays up. This is to inspire creativity and force players to keep making new decks.
How to build good arena decks
Before I go over how to build a good arena deck, I will first go over what the arena deck building means.
A. Stamina. You can increase your arena deck's hp up to 200. Costs 1 skill point for each 5 hp.
B. Wisdom. Limits how many upgraded cards you can use. 4 skill points to go from 5 to 10 to 20 to 30 to 60.
C. Intellect. Your mark multiplier. Your arena deck can have a single, double, or triple multiplier. Costs 10 skill points to increase.
D. Dexterity. Doubles your entire deck size as well as drawing speed. Costs 20 skill points.
E. Oracle card. You must use at least 5 copies of this card in your arena card. They are not removable. You do not have to actually own 5 copies of it though.
F. Level and skill points. Your level corresponds to your score. The higher your level, the more skill points you have to spend on building a good deck.
So how do I advise you to build an arena deck?
Use the advantages that you have over real players. Stamina is a big one. It's cheap and a good place to dump your unused skill points if you don't know what to do with it. Having more health lets you have more time to kill whoever is facing your arena deck. Wisdom isn't that important early on, but you'll definitely want to start investing in it once you've reached higher leagues and got more upped cards. Intellect is a slightly more tricky one. It costs an extremely expensive 10 skill points, but can work wonders if done right. Don't put skill points into this if you don't know how to use it or don't plan on using it a lot. Having a double or triple mark can help tremendously if done right. Dexterity is probably the skill that's the most important. For a hefty 20 points, it doubles your entire deck size and draw speed. The downside for it is that your arena deck will get slightly worse opening draws, but that is mitigated by having twice the amount of pillars and twice the amount of cards. To get a general idea for this, 6 dimensional shields allow for 18 turns of stalling. With dexterity, those 6 dimensional shields become 12 dimensional shields, allowing for 36 turns of stalling. If you only had 6 frogs previously, you now have 12 frogs to swarm your opponent. If you had 5 rage potions earlier, you now have 10. Dexterity is very deadly, and one of the best places to use your skill points. I'd advise you to nearly always invest in it if you can.
In general, my suggested priority would probably be dexterity first, mark or wisdom depending on whether you need more ups or quanta, and then put the rest of your points into hp. I'd generally suggest to try and keep your hp above 150 at least.
When building an arena deck, it needs to have from 35 to 60 (70 to 120 if dexterity) cards. 5 of those must be the oracle card and cannot be changed, forcing you to make use of them, or have at the very least, 1/7th of your deck be dead cards.
So how do you build a good arena deck? Let's go over some examples.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bt 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 8pn
If you are truly out of ideas, a regular old rush will do fine. This would be a good time to use more marks or hp.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f4 5f4 5f6 5f6 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5v2 5v2 5v2 5v2 5v2 8pt
Remember splashes? Splashes are now way more powerful since you can have double or triple marks. With a double mark, you can splash in cards that cost from 4-6 quanta. With a triple mark, you can even easily splash expensive cards such as
Parallel Universe into the deck of your choice. Notice that splash cards don't necessarily have to synergize with the deck, it can be just for utility, but in this example, Cloak is a natural and good choice to protect the easily killed Fire creatures.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4tb 4tb 4tb 4tb 4tb 4tb 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5rr 8pr
Have fun! Even though weapons and shields are harder to build decks around, don't forget your creativity and build fun decks. A fun deck that wins can earn twice the electrum that a boring shrieker rush could.
If you're still out of ideas, you can go to the wiki here and look at the card you were given, learn its strengths, weaknesses, and synergies, then see where you go from there. Remember, there's two ways to really abuse your advantage in the Arena. Either go for a quick and speedy win with the advantage you have, or drag it out and let your advantage really show off in the long run. Build your deck around one of these two ideas, and remember, be creative and innovative!
Bronze and SilverSo how do you tackle the arena if they have so much more benefits than you? Let me tell you.
Stamina. They may have more health than you, but that doesn't mean their deck quality or the AI's thinking is better than yours. With enough speed or control, you can quickly win the game or seize control.
Wisdom. Lower tiers of the arena don't usually spend too much on this, so it's not really relevant. The big point here is, arena decks are restricted by how much upped cards they use, while you're not bound by anything. This is the only section where you can match them.
Intellect. Their mark is twice or thrice yours, so the quanta output will be way higher than yours in a while. Finish the game quickly, and try not to let the game drag out and for their advantage to be more apparent.
Dexterity. Their double draw is certainly an advantage, but upgrading dexterity means they have slightly worse opening hands on average. Use the first few turns to build your advantage before their double cards overwhelm you.
Common bronze and silver decks:
Monos, Aether, Darkness, Death, Water, Fire, Life
Immobows, Grabbows, rainbows
Arena is the best place to get rares/score/money if done right.

^ A rarespin that happens when consecutive wins are achieved in the arena. 5 consecutive wins are needed for Bronze, and 4 for Silver. A rarespin is a reel that spins, but it only contains rare cards, letting players get rarer cards easier. Each reel can be respun up to three times, increasing the chances of getting a card.
Sadly, I really can't recommend any specific decks for arena since it always changes, but a fast rainbow could do pretty well in the Bronze and Silver leagues. A good arena beating deck should have enough flexibility or enough of an edge in speed or control that it truly shines and can counter a variety of different deck archetypes.