Quantum Pillar
Pillars are the staple of basic quanta generation in game; they are free to play (they require no quanta to place onto the field), and are considered to be the practical backbone of almost every deck in game.
Because of the requirements to play the various creatures, spells, and non-pillar/pendulum permanents in-game, pillars (and their upgraded form, towers) are essential for any player to generate a steady flow of quanta. Also, pillars are one of the few single-card permanents to create a stack upon being played (pendulums being the other permanent to stack on cards similar to itself). While this saves space on the permanent field, certain cards (Earthquake) can demolish the stacks of pillars very quickly as a form of quanta denial, so one should be careful about how and/or when they play these free cards when fighting certain opponents.
Quantum Pillars are the basic foundation to many rainbow decks. Quantum Pillars generate 3 random quanta every turn.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Quantum Pillar generate 3 random quanta every turn.
- The quanta generated by Quantum Pillar are totally random. 3 of the same element is just as possible as 3 different element quanta.
- Quantum Tower, the upped version, also generate 3 random quanta when played.
Because rainbow decks utilize quanta from almost every element, Quantum Pillar is the pillar of choice in many rainbow decks. Over time, the player will eventually gain quanta at roughly the same amount for every elements. As such, it is generally a good idea for rainbow decks to utilize as many element as possible, else the quanta generated for the unused element will be wasted.
Its random property while generating quanta is unreliable, though. While the player will eventually gain quanta for each element, a specific quanta pool is often required in the beginning of the game. This usually applies to a rainbow with a dominant element. As such, it is generally a good idea to switch some of the Quantum Pillars to elemental pillars.
While Quantum Pillar generates the quanta over time, faster decks will find themselves need a quick, sudden burst of quanta. As such, Nova | Supernova can assist in faster quanta generation. Unupgraded, Nova costs nothing and can be played instantly while at the same time distributes the quanta evenly. Upgraded, Supernova costs 2 quanta (which can be fueled off mark), but will generate the cost back instantly. Together with Quantum Pillar, Nova supports many faster rainbow decks.
Since rainbow decks have innate weakness against Black Hole | Black Hole, any quanta protection is appreciated. For it, Sanctuary | Sanctuary is the ace. For 4 | 3
, the player can protect their quanta from being drained by the opponent. To boot it up, it also heals 4 HP per turn, which is nice. Throw in Enchant Artifact | Protect Artifact, and almost no denial deck could touch it.
For very fast deck, drawing speed is crucial. Using Precognition | Precognition, a player can build a deck with practically less than 30 cards. This is preferable than fitting more card, because while including more cards could increase the damage potential, it also uses quanta. With a correct deck build, Precognition might actually be a better choice to be included in the deck.
Other Cards With Synergy
Cheap cards, such as Fog Shield | Improved Fog and Arsenic | Arsenic are generally favored in unupped decks, along with creatures like Forest Spirit | Forest Spectre and Lycanthrope | Werewolf. In the upped environment, with more quanta generation, players have wider range of cards to pick, such as Pulverizer | Pulverizer or even Firefly Queen | Elite Queen.
Quantum Pillar can help generate quanta for any element. When in doubt on what pillar to use in a rainbow deck, players generally pick Quantum Pillar and use the mark to generate the most dominant element.
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