Precognition is a funny little card, and a relatively new addition (since December). It has two main abilities: 1) Look at your opponent's hand and 2) Draw a card. Both are worth the cost by themselves; electrum hourglass costs 2 time unupped and 1 time upped to draw a card. And the hourglass does not get the ability to see the opponent's hand. The precognition part of it helps to know when to play cards and when to hold back, while the card drawing part is a different monster entirely. The card drawing aspect can actually be used to make 24 card decks, in effect, because the idea is that your draw a precog, play it, and then draw something else. Making the card really not even there.
What decks do well with precognitions?
- 30 card rush decks with ample time towers do best with it, since it speeds the deck up by so much.
- Decks that require rushing through a deck very fast (though not false god farmers; hourglass is better for them) do very well with this card. For instance, it is an alternative to rewinds for a quicksand/graboid rush, or a deck based solely on 6 unstable gasses would do well with them since you draw through a deck so much faster.
- Actually, any mainly time deck with more than the bare minimum of time towers would do well to include a few, maybe 2-3, in the deck. Since, as before said, they are essentially a free card, the only negative effect they have is a no pillar draw where you can't play them. This is why you should only add them if you are confident you will still draw some towers. Anyway, though in this instance they don't serve to make the deck size smaller since you're only adding them, they don't make it bigger either and provide the benefit of seeing your opponent's hand
So any pro" strategies I could use with this card?
- Be careful not to use it with 0 cards left; you'll lose. This goes for 1 card left too unless you'll win this turn or can rewind a creature directly after-wards.
- Don't try to include time in a deck solely for the use of precognitions. It ends up being a worse deck.
- Keep in mind that, when playing a deck upped, a time tower drawn after the precognition nullifies the precognition's cost. So you may want to take the risk to play it before another card. For instance, you have 4 time, a precognition, and a turtle shield. You could play the shield but then the precognition would be a waste. Instead, you may want to take the risk and play the precognition, hoping you draw a time tower next. If you do, you gain that time tower AND you can still play the turtle shield.
- Use it to determine whether or not to play a card. For instance, if the opponent has no creature control, go ahead and spam those dragons! If he/she has some though, you *may* want to hold back on the dragon. Or if it is a big mass creature control card, you should just play two or so dragons at a time.
What synergies does this card have?
- Time towers: Drawing it after-wards nullifies the cost.
- Silurian dragon: A staple for rush decks, and precogs make rush decks faster!
- Electrum hourglass: Increase the speed of hourglasses even more!
- Pharaoh/Scarab: Know what to do: rewind scarabs or keep them out, play them or not.