Fallen Elf
The Fallen Elf can be a creature of both fortune and calamity, depending on how lucky the player using it is. For 5 , players can summon the Elf to transform other creatures into a variety of strengthened mutants, or kill them with its touch.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Fallen Elf's ability may turn a creature into an Abomination (50%), a mutant (40%), or kill it (10%).
- On the other hand, the upgraded Fallen Druid's ability will always turn the creature into a mutant.
- Can use this ability on any targetable creature, including enemy creatures and itself.
- The creatures that are mutated from the Fallen Elf's/Druid's ability will generally require quanta of their element to use their new mutant ability.
Stats wise, Fallen Elf (and its upped counterpart, Fallen Druid) are quite fragile, with only 2 (3 upgraded) HP. This lack of health often makes the Elf a fairly easy target to take down with many forms of CC, both by players and the AI alike. However, both of their Mutation abilities compensate greatly for this weakness with the ability to potentially transform any creature into a behemoth, or a pile of dust.
The non-upped creature, Fallen Elf, is often used as a defensive card from its ability of turning any creature into a 5|5 Abomination with no abilities, or killing it outright. This ability can reduce dangerous enemy creatures to critters that can be killed or otherwise ignored. For example, a Massive Dragon has a whopping 30 HP, which is extremely difficult to get rid of; but with Mutation, it can be instantly turned into a 5|5 Abomination that can be destroyed by a single CC spell. Other times, the Fallen Elf can create beneficial creatures instead; a simple Photon with stats 1|1 can be turned into a Crimson Dragon with over 12 ATK and an ability, such as Dive. Despite the versatility of the Fallen Elf, its skills are somewhat unreliable; occasionally, the attempt to kill or mutate an enemy creature into a simple Abomination may result in them gaining a much more powerful creature, so players need to gauge if the usage of such a tricky skill is worth the risk.
Upgraded, the Fallen Druid becomes drastically more powerful and reliable. It can turn any creature into an guaranteed unique mutant with empowered stats and an ability that would never be found on that creature (or element). The creation of a powerful mutant can sometimes decide the outcome of the game, and often acts as a fun surprise tactic. For example, mutating something insignificant (such as a Spark into a 3|27 Armagio with Devour, a 15|6 Crimson Dragon with Growth, or a 5|10 Anubis with Steal can instantly turn a losing battle into a winning one. Unlike the non-upped version, the Druid is much more reliable in creating armies of impressive monsters with lethal active skills, but cannot kill or reduce creatures.
Although both the Firefly Queen | Elite Queen and Druid require
quanta, an ample supply from Quantum Pillars can often be enough to create an army of fast-acting mutants. While the Queen will generate Fireflies for both quanta generation and added offense, the Druid can choose to mutate the excess bugs into hard-hitters, utility creatures, or a combination of both. This strategy is often employed in various Rainbow decks in order to make use of the mutant abilities, given that the strengths of the transmuted creatures will often require quanta from distinct elements.
Likewise, other cheap creature generators provides both the Elf and the Druid to mutate one's own army into a force of nature. Boneyard | Graveyard acts as a skeleton-pumping machine that triggers upon death effects. Whether the enemy's creatures are killed by spells, such as Rain of Fire, or CC-based creatures and permanents like Otyugh and Eagle's Eye, the skeletons that are revived on one's field can become new monstrosities to help turn the tide of the battle.
In some cases, having a cheap creature to play can also work equally well with the Druid. Photon | Ray of Light is a simple creature that costs no quanta to play despite being a Light card; ignoring the Photon's abysmal stats (1|1), the Photon can instantly be transformed into a mutant with the Druid's ability (or an Abomination if the player is using the Elf), without needing any other quanta besides and
to gain the new attacker.
Other Cards With Synergy
Other creature generators, such as Pharaoh and Aflatoxin (assuming one uses the poisonous spell on one of their own creatures), are decent alternatives to supply a Druid with mutation fodder. Aflatoxin in particular is useful if the original Malignant Cell somehow survives to continually generate more cells to fill up the field. Spark can also can act as a substitute for Photon, assuming that the player will target it with the Elf's Mutation skill before it dies. In some cases, Nova's singularity generation can act as mutation fodder as well while simultaneously providing quanta for the mutant to use for its ability, but if the player fails to act on the detrimental anomaly, that entire strategy may fall apart very quickly.
While the Fallen Elf and Druid may not be reliable as to give a player a creature (or mutant) they desire, the number of surprise tactics generated from a single Elf can be a rewarding experience to those who know how to manipulate luck into their favor.
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