Mutation (ability)

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Quick Facts:

Mutation is an ability that, for a quanta cost, does one of the following to the target creature:

- (50%) change it to an Abomination - (40%) change it to a mutant - (10%) kill

If the target creature is changed into a mutant, it will randomly take the form of almost any unupgraded creature with altered stats and abilities. A mutant will have its health and attack randomly increased by a number between 0 and 4, and can have the ability Hatch, Freeze, Burrow, Destroy, Steal, Dive, Heal, Momentum, Paradox, Lycanthropy, Scavenger, Infection, Gravity Pull, Devour, Mutation, Growth, Ablaze, Poison, Deja Vu, Immaterial, Endow, Guard, or Mitosis. The cost of an activated ability is 1 or 2 of the quanta the creature’s element represents.

The mutation status will remain with the creature until it is made invulnerable or removed from the board, so transforming a mutant will reapply the mutation status on the resultant creature. For example, a mutant Mummy affected by Reverse Time will become a mutant Pharaoh. A mutant with the Hatch ability will hatch into a mutant. Casting (unimproved) Mutation on a mutant has a 50% chance of creating a mutant Abomination.

Rewinding a mutant will return the normal version of the shown creature to your deck.

Mutants can not take the form of creatures that are not stand-alone cards: Flying/Animated Weapons, Ash, Malignant Cell, Shard Golem, and Singularity.

Mutants also can not take the form of the following creatures: Chimera, Fate Egg, Devonian Dragon, Scarab, and Immortal.