Rage Potion
Perceived as both a mixed blessing and a massive single-target creature killer, Rage Potion can benefit the user for both offensive and defensive purposes. This Fire spell will cause a creature to gain 5 (or 6 upgraded) ATK at the cost of 5 (6 upgraded) HP, unless it dies from the HP loss first.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Rage Potion grants a targeted creature 5 ATK, but also causes it to lose 5 HP.
- Upgraded, Rage Elixir sacrifices 6 HP for 6 ATK.
- Costs only 3
quanta for both versions.
Rage Potion is Fire’s nasty alchemy spell with a huge punch; for 3 quanta, a player may cast this spell on a creature to deal 5 damage (6 damage for the upped version, Rage Elixir), but also boosting their ATK by the same number.
The simple use of this card serves as another form of CC for Fire. Dealing 5-6 damage to an enemy creature will often wipe most creatures out, and if not, soften them up to other CC cards (including Rain of Fire and Fire Bolt). For most mono-Fire decks, Rage Potion will often serve as CC rather than an actual buff, due to the frailness of Fire creatures (excluding the ones with high HP, which include the Fire Nymph and a grown Lava Golem).
For other Fire-based decks, Rage Potion can serve as a risky buff to a creature’s offensive prowess. Many cards with high HP can shrug off the damage dealt to gain the offensive bonus, or even prevent further damage via healing and immortality abilities. In a few cases, some creatures may want the lowered health in order to take advantage of their passive ability or bypass certain shields ( Gravity Shield).
Voodoo Doll | Voodoo Doll is one of the few cards with an extraordinary amount of HP, but zero offensive capabilities. Given a single Rage Potion, the Voodoo Doll will gain the ATK boost while also dealing an additional 5-6 damage from its Voodoo (ability); the double-dipping effect of Rage Potion on the doll can cause a serious dent in your opponent’s health if they’re not careful, and this combination is well known in many Voodoo decks (including the False God, Hecate).
Guardian Angel | Archangel is another interesting card. Unupped, Guardian Angel deals a measly 1 damage, but where it shines is its capability to heal any creature (itself included) for 5 HP. A Rage Potion can boost its attack, and its ability can help recover the damage. Likewise, Rage Elixir can be used on the upped Archangel for a whopping 6-damage boost, and it can use its Heal ability to recover it to almost full HP. In addition to this combo, Angels can also heal other creatures affected by Rage Potion, turning Rage Potion into a pure buff-based spell.
For those who plan on using this mainly as CC, Rain of Fire | Fire Storm can serve the AOE complement for creature control. Depending on an enemy’s deck, Rage Potion may be capable of taking out some hard-hitters with moderately high HP, but given the limited amount of spells one can carry, an army of creatures becomes troublesome. Thus, players are encouraged to save their Potions on more concerning targets, and save Rain of Fire (RoF) when dealing with swarms of creatures (such as Rays of Light in an RoL-Hope deck).
Other Cards With Synergy
Other creatures that can work nicely with the Rage Potion include Armagio, Steel Golem, and Steam Machine. Plate Armor can also provide some extra HP to recover the loss from Rage Potion, although the upped version Heavy Armor can completely negate the damage from even the Elixir.
In regards to the CC aspect, Fire Bolt and Fire Shield also provide more direct (or indirect) forms of damage to enemy creatures. Other users can also use other cheap CC spells such as Shockwave or Lightning to take advantage of the overall damage in a rainbow or Immolation-based deck (both of those spells only cost 1 quanta of their element upped, which can be fueled by a single Cremated creature).
Rage Potion (or Elixir) can be the answer to a lack of offense, or a real problem-maker for enemy creatures. When it comes to aggression, Fire’s alchemy spell is a perfect match, and players should avoid getting upset if the concoction is used against them.
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