Basilisk Blood
Basilisk Blood is a specialized CC with the function of stalling a creature in exchange for increasing its defenses. Upon application, Basilisk Blood will delay (or stun) a creature for 6 turns, while also increasing the creature’s health by 20 HP. Using this spell can either be extremely beneficial or detrimental for a creature, depending on what mechanic you’re emphasizing.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Basilisk Blood will delay a creature for up to 6 turns, while also increasing its current and full HP by 20 health points
- The delay effect from Basilisk Blood doesn’t stack; the HP bonus does stack however.
Basilisk Blood is fairly cheap (2 or 1 quanta depending on whether it’s upgraded or not); although it’s incapable of actually killing enemy creatures (conversely, making them more immune to damaging attacks), its stalling potential is noted. A six-turn stun when used on the right creature can be incredibly devious to players, especially those that have high damage output or special abilities. Thus, what Basilisk Blood (or ‘BB’ for short) lacks in pure offensive control is compensated by the stalling capabilities of BB.
The other mechanic of BB is the health increase. While cards like Plate Armor and Blessing can increase a creature’s HP by decent amounts, BB increases a creature’s HP by a whopping 20 points - arguably making BB an incredibly tool to strengthen vulnerable creatures with. Of course, players should be weary about what cards they choose to apply BB to, as the effect can still be reversed by other forms of CC (Reverse Time and Mutation). Despite these risks, if a player is able to stall the enemy long enough to take advantage of the HP boost, then the creature will be more durable to damage-based CC effects.
Note that the HP bonus of Basilisk Blood stacks, but the actually delay effect does not. In other words, using multiple Basilisk Blood spells on the same creature serves as a better tactic for raising the creature’s HP, rather than delaying it indefinitely (as the delay will always be placed at 6 turns maximum).
One prime candidate for using BB with is Voodoo Doll | Voodoo Doll. Because of the Voodoo passive skill, Voodoo Doll can grant two special effects when used with BB ? the first is that upon being delayed for 6 turns, the opponent’s weapon will also be delayed (i.e. - ‘stunned’ in that the player can’t use the weapon or attack with it). Against weapons such as Pulverizer or Eternity, tossing a Basilisk Blood on a doll can halt the weapon’s damage while also preventing the use of the abilities. The second bonus is that by increasing the doll’s HP, you can also deal more damage to the doll to transfer to your opponent (i.e. - if the doll is Gravity Pulled, it’ll absorb more damage for you from the BB’s HP bonus, and redirect it back to the enemy).
For players who don’t enjoy the idea of having to use three elements (Voodoo Doll
, Basilisk Blood
, & Gravity Pull
), Armagio | Elite Armagio can be a great substitute for applying BB to. Because the Armagio already has Gravity Pull as its ability, one can use the alchemy spell after the Armagio has started redirected damage to itself. For 6
and a splash of
quanta, one can theoretically gain over 100 points of damage absorption from the Armagio. While it may not ‘reflect’ damage back to the enemy, it ties well with the various Earth-Gravity synergies already available in game, and allows more room for different tactics to deal damage to your opponent.
Gravity Shield | Gravity Shield also serves a fun combo; if you choose to use BB for enemy creature control (stalling), the additional HP bonus will also prevent that enemy creature from penetrating through the shield (unless they have momentum). This strategy can be further improved by having an Enchant Artifact spell placed on the shield so it cannot be destroyed by PC, or by having Heavy Armor within the Earth-Gravity duo-deck (Heavy Armor also increases the HP of the target creature like BB by a decent amount).
Other Cards With Synergy
Other cards that revolve around the benefit of gaining HP (despite being stunned) are Catapult (more HP = more tossing damage), Chimera (simply combines the added HP into the final creature), and Rage Potion (coverts the excess HP into ATK). Otyugh can also be a decent creature to pair up with BB as it requires high health pools in order to consume major creatures, but this will require a lot of setup time to execute properly, as a 6 turn stun in trade for being able to Devour (practically) any creature on the field can be a challenge. Reverse Time can also work wonders, as sending a creature (that has broken free of the stun) back to the player’s deck will also prolong the enemy’s offensive prowess.
All in all, Basilisk Blood is still a situational spell when it comes down to ‘soft’ creature control or as an HP boost; but when it’s used right, you can stupefy the foe right in their tracks.
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