Tutorial on Synergies and Combos
This is a tutorial that shows card combos, synergies, and deck strategies in order to help newcomers see the wide spectrum of strategies that they can use and explore.
The combos explained here aren't all the possible ones in the game, but there is a fair amount of them shown so people can get pretty well introduced to them.
AttackBurning Dolls


Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Play Rage Potions on a Voodoo Doll, not only giving it 5 attack but also causing instant Voodoo damage to the opponent for 5 more damage!
Optional additions
When the voodoo doll is damaged enough, cast parallel universe(s) on the damaged voodoo doll. This causes the opponent to instantly take the same amount of damage that the doll has taken!
For example:
Doll + RP + RP = instant 10 damage + 10 every turn
Doll + RP + RP + PU = another doll with 10 damage bonus directly to the opponent because of the damage the doll has already taken.

Liquid Shadow makes the dolls heal you and poisons your opponent, which takes DOUBLE damage from it: Poison + doll damage from poison!

Dusk Shields and Vampire Stilettos are optional, as every player can make this deck with his/her own taste.

Another viable option for the

production is having more Voodoo Dolls and Immolations, so you don't have to worry about using

pillars or pendulums when running Parallel Universes.

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
As the name suggests, this deck’s idea is to catapult flying Titans. This strategy is one of the fastest unupgraded rushes.
If you don't have enough Titans, there are some other versions with Armagios. They don't require Flying Weapons, which makes it easy to add off-element additions without making a Trio deck.
Optional additions
Acceleration is a commonly seen addition, as it lets you do a lot of damage even when the opponent destroys your Catapults.

Freeze: Catapulting a frozen creature makes it deal 50% more damage. It can also be used as CC.

Basilisk Blood gives +20 HP to the creatures, which also increases its catapulted damage. The damage doesn't increase as much as with Freeze, but it's a 6-turn delay instead of 3, making it a better choice for CC.
HERE is an example of a control-style ArmagioPult trio.

Shockwave and Thunderstorm are also very effective as CC
Catapulting damage calculations Armagio: 20
Frozen/Congealed Armagio: 30
Armagio + BB: 25
Titan: 34
Frozen/Congealed Titan: 50
Titan + BB: 41

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
As self-explanatory as it looks, it has some interesting variations. It's not used much in PVP1, but it would no doubt do quite well. It's seen much more in tournaments and war either with lots of dimensional shields or builds like
Why frogs? because they are cheap and offer a good damage/cost ratio.
As explained in this previous link, getting upgraded frogs makes the deck significantly more effective due the frogs' high damage/cost ratio. Some excellent examples that have been used in the last wars can be seen
Here and
As you see in those links,

cards can offer a good variety of builds, depending on what you like or expect from the opponent.
Playing this deck isn’t as simple as it may seen. It's not always that easy to know when you must play a Silence chain or wait one more turn healing with the bonds before playing another shield. It may take some games to get used to, but it’s worth it.
Optional additions
Silence is a card to use when you expect Dimensional shields, CC or want to annoy the opponent a bit.

Lightning, excellent for CC

Emphatic Bond, nice healing

Heal if you don't like Emphatic Bond (since it is only effective late-game)
Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Graboids are one of the most, if not the most, efficient attackers. Taking advantage of their cost, grabbows (graboid-based rainbows) are excellent for PVP1, AI3 and bronze grinders. The deckbuilding isn’t that hard; just take 6 graboids and novas and any cheap cards you like. There are 2 basic build options:
1) Pick a mark and

pendulums and use high cost cards of that mark (or earth mark and other element pendulums)
2) Keep earth mark, pack some Quantum pillars and use all cheap (maybe not extremely cheap) cards.
Here are examples of
tons of Highly Customizable Grabbows to show how easy it is to build.
Optional additions


Gravity Pull, Momentum

Basilisk Blood, Graboid, Gnome Rider (as immolation bait and Lava Golem feed)

Forest Scorpion, Forest Spirit, Heal

Explosion, Rage Potion, Lava Golem, Phoenix. More expensive creatures because of immolation. Phoenix acts as immolation bait too.

Chrysaora, Freeze, Purify


Fog Shield, Shockwave, Unstable Gas (if there are Novas), Thunderstorm

Reverse Time, Precognition

Vampire Stiletto, Steal, Cloak, Nightmare

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Immolate Photons to gain

and other quanta. It has the potential to deal a lot damage before the opponent even plays his first card. Any 3-or-less-cost card can be played with the other quanta generated by the immolations and novas. Shields, CC, PC, denial cards and other small creatures: any low-cost card is viable. Usually, the mark is

to fuel Lava Golems.
Optional additions
See Grabbow
Life Rush 
Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Generate tons of

quanta to play lots of cheap attackers. This deck is very fast, as it requires a small amount of quanta. Adrenaline makes the frogs, scorpions and cockatrices attack 4 times! Use Cockatrices for higher damage or scorpions if you like poison.
Optional additions

Rustlers and

towers are often seen too, as they give x2

quanta generation, but that makes the deck more dependent on getting an early Rustler. A good example is
this one.

Adrenaline: Some of them have just Horned Frogs and Scorpions as attacking creatures because they are very cheap, easy to Mitosis and have a great (x4) attack when Adrenalined, as shown here (

Cockatrices are more common in Mitosis decks because they are more resistant to CC.

Emphatic Bond: For safer games, you can use Mitosis + Emphatic Bonds with 6-10 creatures, and either frogs or scorpions for damage.
Mono Death 
Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
These decks are self-explanatory. The advantages of this deck are the high damage/cost ratio and the ability of skull shield to work its magic against your opponent’s creatures. Arsenics are optional, but 2 of them compliment this deck nicely.
Optional additions
Other mono

decks have more stalling cards and less attacking cards. Bonewalls and plagues are a common sight.

Shard of Sacrifice: If you have some of those, don't hesitate in putting them in. The opponent will heal you for 2 turns!
Mono Water

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
As pure Pillar + Tears, it's one of the fastest unupped rushes. You only need 1 Nymph Tears to get a full army of Nymph Queens.
Optional additions
It’s even more effective when you add defensive cards such as Freeze and Permafrost Shield, even though it may take you longer to reach 100 damage.
You can fit any pendulum into this deck to have the nymph you want! Each nymph has its unique abilities and unique niche in the game.
Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Fractalling Psions is a good combo to make a mono Aether. The total damage in endgame gets pretty high, so it is able to break stalls.
This combo is used a lot in War and PvP events with restricted metagame.
Optional additions
Thunderbolt: Some people prefere to use them instead of Dimensional Shields, so they have more remaining quanta to spend in Psions.

Silence: Silence is another great card to use in this decks. Casting a Silence just before playing a bunch of Psions lets you protect them for an extra turn in case the opponent has CC.
Shrieker Rush

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
The basic idea is to generate tons of

quanta for an extremely fast rush. It is effective because Graboids and Shriekers/Stone Golems are nice attackers and can protect themselves in case the opponent is loaded with CC.
Optional additions
Reverse Time is a nice card to delay your opponent’s attack

Earthquake is another very powerful card, especially when combined with Reverse Time.
Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Fractal the Sparks to deal some cheap damage to the opponent. Spark costs no quanta, so it is a freely playable creature. Although it dies instantly, it has enough attack to make this a consistent combo. This is a very fun deck to play in PvP 1 and it’s very easy to annoy the opponent with its excellent shield and considerable attack power.
Optional additions
Bone wall is a great card. It completely blocks an attack for each wall counter. The counter increases by 2 with each death!

Boneyard is another great card, it generates a skeleton for each death, creating a consistent attacker against the opponent.

Vulture gains +1 attack and HP for each death. You can even fractal them before sparks to get +++ total attack for each Sparktal.

Soul Catcher gives you

for each death, letting you feed the cards mentioned above if you don't want to use death pillars or pendulums. They also let you get huge amounts of

quanta by the end of the game, useful for fractalling a Bone dragon for an OTK.

when running Vultures, a pair of Parallel Universes are especially useful.

If you are not running death cards, Dimensional Shields will protect you while you attack.
Speed Poison

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Even if the opponent manages to kill a pair of Chrysaoras and destroy an Arsenic, they will still be damaged by poison. This strategy is good in PvP because the only cure to poison is purify, a very underused card. The only real counter to this deck is a lot of healing and Creature Control.
Optional additions
Freeze is good for delaying opponent's creatures.

Bone wall is another good card, especially when combined with Freeze!

Skull Shield and Plague; mass CC never hurts you.

Novas and Sundials are nice too, as they prevent the opponent's creatures from attacking and let you draw an extra card.
Steam Engines

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This deck style can burn many other strategies. It's easy to play and a well-balanced deck is "complete": You can have PC, CC and good burst damage from the Steam Machines, which can increase their attack by 4 per turn.
Optional additions
Rage Potion is doubly useful: Use it as CC or to burst even more damage from your Steam Machines.

Deflagration is a good choice, as some shields may destroy your machines and you can lose your attack power.

Freeze is, as always, good in a water deck.

Artic Squid is also a good choice to compensate for the

quanta of the machines and Rage Pots.
Unstable Gas

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Unstable Gasses offer many different variations. Although they are not commonly seen, the decks that use them have several advantages against different deck styles.
The classic UG deck is the mono


mark to fuel the gasses with dragons as damage support (so you don't need to play 5 gasses to reach 100 damage). Using fogs or wings is matter of taste. UG decks are very good rushes and hard counters to any deck that uses little HP creatures. Reflective and Jade shields, although hard counters, are practically never seen, so they don't count as a real problem. The hard counters to this deck are generally clever PC such as SoFos and pulvys.
Optional additions
Deflagration: the

mark lets you pack some PC, something Air doesn't have on its own.

Immolation: Another way to get the Fire quanta is to immolate dragonflies, which can be little support damage, counting with that the opponent will target the Azure dragons if he has CC. A pair of examples of those can be seen

Dragonflies can be useful as support damage while generating quanta. If they deal 20 damage, you will need 1 less UG to reach 100 damage.

Fireflies: Upped decks can use fireflies for the fire quanta

Draw power: The other UG deck style is the drawpower based one. The basic strategy is to draw fast with Sundials, Precognitions and Hourglasses in order to play the gasses earlier. As they are your only damage source, gasses are commonly fueled with Novas and the remaining quanta spent on cards such as Cloak and Silence to avoid PC. This can be seen
Here and
Here. They are also almost PC proof because the opponent may waste their PC on the

permanents before the gasses are shown

DefenseEarth + Gravy Duo

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Earth and

have good synergies. Plate Armor on an Otyugh can mean doom for your opponent’s creature. Gravity shields are also great these styles of decks, as they block all high HP creatures while the Otyugh eats the small ones.
FFQ + Hope

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Play a FFQ (Firefly Queen) to summon Fireflies. Fireflies generate

to play Hope, which will eventually protect you from creatures with any amount of attack, while you kill the opponent with 3 attack creatures.
Optional additionsEverything about this deck style is explained in
This wonderful FFQ guide-
Instead of using FFQ, you can fractal Fireflies to get the Hope up. This offers new alternatives, like Lightning for CC.
Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Hope shield gets +1 damage protection for each

generating creature (Bioluminescence skill: generates

every turn) and Luciferin gives Bioluminescence to each vanilla creature. That said, get a lot of cheap creatures, give them Bioluminescence, play a Hope and enjoy watching your opponent can't damage you while you kill him.
Optional additions

Fractal RoLs is a good way to get many creatures for the shield.

Deja Vu is also a good option, as they count as 2x creatures. Reverse Time in a Deja Vu can let you play an extra new one, ending in a +1 creature in the field, as +1 damage reduction in your shield. They can also be fractalled.

Mitosis is another viable alternative, specially with

Mono Aether

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
AKA Basic Dimensional Shield Spammer. Play a shield. Play an immaterial creature. Play a shield. The opponent can do nothing unless he has something to get rid of them. This is an absolute defense against Creature Control and regular damage.
Of course it has a list of counters (I made a Dim Shield Spammers counter list myself
HERE), but not many people use them in PVP 1. This deck is very good against Half Bloods too!
Optional additions
Shard of Wisdom is a cheap card that increases the creatures' attack by 4 and makes them deal spell damage (which bypasses all shields except for reflective and emerald) if they are immaterial.
VariationsPsion can also be included and even fractalled. Useful against decks with shields.
OTK (One Turn Kill) / OHKO (One Hit Knock Out)

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This strategy is based on gaining quanta while stalling until you get a specific card combo in your hand, dealing 100+ damage when you play all the 6/7/8 cards in the same turn. Don't worry about a lack of possible combos, as there are plenty of them (see link below)!
There is SO MUCH to say about this deck style that I even made a
OTK Deckbuiding Guide. Panda Dolls


) (

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This deck style isn't seen often in PVP1, but it has been seen sometimes in tournaments and wars.
The idea is to get many Dolls while stalling the way you like most. When you have tons of Dolls and Pandas in your hand,
Unleash the Chaos 
The Pandas (Pandemoniums) will damage all your dolls (and opponent's creatures as well), hitting the opponent equal to the doll's damage, most of the time resulting in an OTK.
Packing 6 pandas lets you play some of them early to get rid of annoying creatures and weapons, and lets extra pandas copy damaged dolls, dealing instant damage to the opponent equal to the copied doll damage!
get many dolls by Fractal while stalling with Dimensional Shield, like in
THIS deck.

Spawn many dolls via Mitosis. Use Emphatic Bond to heal.
Schrodinger's Death Factory

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Not every deck implementing this strategy has as many

cards that this one has. Many decks of this style are just with Schrodinger's Cats, Bone Walls and Vultures/Dragons. They can be with or without the Soul Catchers, as you can replace them with

Pillars and Pendulums. The attacking speed is not that fast, but the massive shield and CC makes it very difficult for your opponent to deal damage to you. Also, decks that are based on PC can do nothing against this because an Explosion only destroys one of the Bone Wall layers. A counter to this deck is massive CC or a good shield.
Optional additions
Flooding is a creative way of getting an unbreakable Bone Wall. Generate Skeletons with Graveyards, which will attack and be instantly killed by the flooding, generating +++ Bone Wall each turn.

If you’re running Boneyard, Shard of patience can make the skeletons excellent attackers, giving them +2 attack and HP per turn!
Voodoo Slaughter


Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Play a Voodoo Doll, increase its HP with multiple Basilisk Bloods, and cast Gravity Pull on it. Your opponent's creatures will start attacking the doll instead of you,
and he will be taking the same amount of damage! You can have many Voodoo Dolls and Gravity Pulls and play the combo multiple times whenever you can or you can have just a few Dolls and GPs and stall until you get a single massive Voodoo Doll with Gravity Pull, like in
THIS deck-
Optional additions
When the Voodoo Doll is damaged enough, cast Parallel Universe on it. When you play a Parallel Universe in a damaged Voodoo Doll, it creates an identical one. The extra bonus is: the opponent receives damage equal to the damage that the doll has already taken! Specially viable in decks with a single big doll.
HealingAntimatter + Liquid Shadow

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Antimatter makes the opponent's creatures heal you instead of damaging you, and the addition of Liquid Shadow on an antimattered creature makes that creature damage the opponent while it heals you! Result: The opponent ends up killing himself
Optional additions
Blessing is a good addition as it gives more damage, HP and healing.

Shard of Wisdom makes the creatures hit harder, but with less hp than with Blessing.

You can rely on


mark and nymph tears, to have unlimited Antimattered and Liquid Shadowed creatures!

When upgraded, Chaos Power is a good card in this deck. It gives the creatures more attack and HP!

Drain Life is good for when you have to deal with many creatures.

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This combo lets you damage and heal 8 HP per turn for every adrenalined Vampire.
Optional additions
Momentum makes the vampire deal 12 damage when adrenalined, so it increases the damage and healing in 50%. It also makes them shield-proof.

Parallel Universe lets you have more Vampires, and therefore more of everything.

Devourer makes every game annoying for your opponent

Mitosis makes the deck less vulnerable to CC (you have more creatures). A single early mitosised Devourer at the beginning can be lethal while you slowly kill your opponent with Vampires.
Similar to this deck, you can make Blessed Vampires. Blessing gives less attack to the Vampires, but more hp, which means they’re less vulnerable to CC.
Flying AdrenaStaves

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
No matter what shield your opponent may have, the staves heal 5 HP per attack. Adrenalined, they attack 4 times, so they deal 8 damage and heal for 20 HP!
Optional additions
Momentum makes each adrenalined staff deal 12 damage, increasing the total damage dealt by 50%.

Parallel Universe for extra damage and healing.

Shockwaves and Fog Shields can make use of the excess

if you are using your mark to power the flying weapons.
Golden Vampires

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Pretty self-explanatory; dragons have enough HP to last for the whole game, so they are basically a constant healing source.
Optional additions
Blessing is a good use of an in-element card for more attack and healing.

Dusk Shield is a good shield, as it can avoid your opponent’s attacks
VamParallel Dragons

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This strategy outheals basically any deck and uses its high damage to guarantee short and successful matches.
Optional additions
Cloak is especially a good option for this deck. As Black Dragon has only 5 HP, Cloak helps to prevent them from being killed.
The Immortal

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Get a massive healing with Sanctuaries, 2-damage defense with Titanium shield, extra HP with Stone Skins and get fresh like a lettuce again with Miracles. Ending the game with your total HP highly increases your score and doubles the Electrum gained!
Optional additions
Morning Glory can be added to add some damage in case you need a bit of damage instead of decking your opponent out.

Shard of Divinity can be also used in decks with less

production for HP increase.
Creature ControlBonebolt / Bonestorm 





Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This strategy is based on poisoning out opponent until he dies, trying to bypass your enormous Bone Wall while you kill his creatures with Bolts and Storms. It has been a classic in wars and every competitive PVP environment, since it has been invented by Team Aether in War 3.
Optional additions
Thunderbolt is the main weapon. It's unique synergies are packing a pair of Fractals and Mummies for late-game damage and Phase Dragons for sticky damage to support the poison.

Thunderstorm and Shockwaves are it's main weapons. Eagle Eye can be used instead of Arsenic for extra CC with a decent damage.

Pandemonium is it's random yet powerful weapon. This strategy is usucally called Pandebonium.

Of course, Fire Bolts, Rage Potion and Rain of Fires are the deck's CC. For sticky damage you can pack Phoenixes, yet you need a lot of

generation to make Fire Bolts stronger.

Ice Bolt is weaker than other bolts, but with Desiccation they can be a good synergy. The advantage of Desiccation is that it regenerates its own consumed quanta.

Plague is another option for CC. More CC in a CC deck is always welcomed.

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Firestall is a very common deck in PVP 1 and Arena, because its massive amount of Creature Control and Permanent Control makes a huge variety of decks useless against it. In PvP1, many people just ragequit when they see that the opponent has a Firestall. Rain of Fire may be useful when the opponent has many creatures. If you don't have a Fahrenheit, a couple of Phoenixes can do the job. The player can also win by deckout. The

addition is commonly seen because Sanctuaries offers some protection against denial decks in addition to a good 4 HP/turn. Some Firestalls have some Miracles included too. It has a high win rate against AI3, but there are faster AI3 grinder decks. This deck is meant to be played in PvP1 and maybe Bronze Arena.
Stall Faster
Scarab Spammer

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Scarabs offer excellent field control once you get a few of them, and there are 3 ways of getting tons of them: Fractal, Mitosis and Pharaoh.
With fractal or mitosis, it's self-explanatory. Get an army of scarabs and eat whatever you can.
Notes for decks with Pharaohs and optionally SoRs (example
The basic idea is just to put 1-2 Pharaohs, give it free skill with SoR and start spamming scarabs all over the field while eating the opponent's creatures in the way. You may also want to put in a

mark and SoR a scarab, which makes your deck more SoR dependent but allows you to have more

Some other variants use the high amounts of creatures as a healing source, making something like
this. This type of deck usually win a lot in PVP1 and may have an over 75% win rate vs AI4 (Half Bloods), so if you have at least 4 Pharaohs you won't regret trying this!

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This strategy offers LOTS of CC and defense and destroys most of the decks commonly seen in PVP.
The basic idea is to fractal Viruses, increasing your Bone Walls while killing the opponent's creatures. After a few turns, fractal the attacking creatures for the win.
There are 2 general quanta and attack possible builds:
1) Quanta builds:
_Soul Catchers
2) Attack builds:
_Fractal Dragons
_Fractal Vultures
Usually, using Soul Catchers lets you have 75 quanta for midgame so you can fractal dragons later. Using pendulums makes the deck RNG safer and PC resistant (you are not dependent on the Soul Catchers) but it may take longer to get your first fractal. You also have less

quanta so Vultures are most seen with pendulum builds.
A common addition to this deck is a couple of Sparks to be used as fast quanta (with SC), Vulture and shield generators. There are even Sparktals without virus!
Parallel Universe is also seen in Vulture decks, as they can copy a big Vulture when a Fractal only makes 0 attack creatures.
HERE is a deck that uses all of these strategies.
If you are not sure about your quanta balance, you can always use mummies instead of dragons!
Quantum DenialDevtal

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Fractal Devourers to drain all the quanta from your opponent and gain

. Just 1 or 2 Devourers in the early game can be very annoying and eventually, you’ll ideally quanta-lock your opponent.
Optional additions
Minor Vampire is a good, cheap attacker that can be fractalled after you lock your opponent down. It also makes EMs very easy.

Drain Life is great as CC, healing and damage. You will have plenty of

quanta from the Devourers, so Drain Life is a natural fit.

Thunderbolts are nice for early CC in early creatures, before you lock your opponent down.

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Limit your opponent's quanta generation with Earthquake while making a mess of their remaining quanta with Discord.
Optional additions
Butterfly Effects, and Antimatters can be great additions to this deck to get rid of some annoying permanents and creatures

Flying Weapon is also a good option, as you can pack many discords in the deck and not have them wasted. Also, as Discord only messes up only 9 quanta, having more than 1 of them in the field can screw up their quanta even if you haven't played an Earthquake recently.

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Discords makes a mess of the opponents quanta, while black hole takes up to 3 of each oponent's quantum and heals you for up to 36 damage, and together they make a beautiful combination.
This strategy is devastating against any type of deck without Sanctuary or denial decks that block you first.
Optional additions
Butterfly Effects, and Antimatters can be great additions to this deck to get rid of some annoying permanents and creatures

Shard of Focus is used a lot in this decks, as it gets rid of annoying permanents like Sanctuary and shields and also becomes a black hole after 3 uses!

Flying Weapon is also a good option, as you can pack many discords in the deck and not have them wasted in your hand. Also, as Discord only messes up only 9 quanta, having more than 1 of them in the field can screw up their quanta even if you haven't played a Black Hole recently.
Mono Darkness 
Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
This is a simple deck used by many, many, many new players in PVP1. Many decks find devourers extremely annoying, and an early devourer against a low-pillar deck can force an automatic win.

is considered "the most complete element" because it has CC, PC and denial, all of which are shown in a simple deck like this one. Not much more to say, pretty self-explanatory.
Optional additions
Earthquake: Combined with Devourer, they are best friends. Can’t say the same thing about you and your opponent though.
Draw DenialGhostmare

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
The basic idea is to play a Ghost of the Past and Nightmare it, so the opponent doesn't draw a card that turn and has his hand full of Ghosts with the dilemma "Should I discard a useful card or a Ghost, inflicting 10 damage to myself?" Reverse Times -and later Eternities- help you lock the opponent’s draws.
Optional additions
Steal is a useful card to get rid of some annoying permanents, like Sanctuary or a shield. Sometimes even stealing a pillar makes a difference.

There are some decks which include Silences to maximize the locking effectiveness and versatility.

Spoiler for Deck example, Comments, Variations and Optional Additions:
Neurotoxin increases every time the opponent plays a card. To maximize the Dune Scorpion's effectiveness, you need your opponent to play as many cards as possible, while he dies of poison. Eternity -and Reverse Time- help you with that, as he will have to play his creatures again and again in order to damage you, all the while gaining more and more poison counters. You can take some healing and/or a lot of creature control to slow down your opponent.
You will need to buff their attack to make the poison start rolling, and the ways to do it are:

Blessing is one of the options to make the scorpions attack.

Momentum is another one, which is shield-bypassing.

Shard of Wisdom, it's a rare but it gives 4 attack.

Shard of Patience will buff every scorpion's attack.
Optional additions
Miracles are high healing cards for mid to late game. As he will be -slowly- attacking you, you will receive some hits and probably need to heal yourself 1 or 2 times.

Sanctuary is another option, which also prevents you from being screwed by quanta and drawing denial.
A great part of the game is looking at new synergies and trying to make decks with those, experimenting to find ones you like, the ones you don't, and testing and retesting decks because of quanta issues, extra cards, not enough cards, personal additions or everything that happens when you make new decks. Improving your deckbuilding skills is also matter of experimentation, and that's why this tutorial was made.
Special thanks to
UnderneathTheLens, who helped in the wording of this enormus tutorial.