I started off extremely nooby(still am nooby

), found this game on kongregate and didn't find the forums till later. The tutorial area helped, but a lot of the guides aren't so great since the last change to the AI3 decks.
Though I was doing alright, I screwed up on the rare pick(chose eagle eye but abandoned air), switched around my AI3 farming deck a few times, and built a few horrible rainbow decks. So I started over.
El Decko
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5ur 5us 5us 8pt
You can't afford this deck right out the gate unless you've done the quests up to the 150 reward and have reset. But I think its worth building towards.
The Black Dragons are the key to victory. Generally I get them out fast unless I'm worried of Maxwell's Demons or Lightning hits.
Devourers are great at absorbing lighting, fire/ice bolts, or rage potions if you get them out before a dragon. Seems like theres always a Lightning right off the bat with the aether AI3. They're also great against the earth AI3 because even after a couple Earthquakes you still have quantum coming in. I do tend to hold them back against the gravity or time AI3 decks, or only put down 1 against gravity or 2 against time.
The Steals are very handy against Dimensional Shields, Druidic Staffs, Empathic Bonds, or any other weapon/shield causing a problem. Also if I have 2 available against the earth AI3 and it has a Catapult out, I'll steal that and a Gravity Pillar after it uses Basilisk Blood on a couple Devourers to add some use to them, it does about 16 damage per Devourer then.
Nightfall is nice, moves creatures another point away from danger from a devour skill, and makes any Devourers more useful, but its not needed most times.
Love the Vampire Stiletto when its at the top of the deck, its low in cost, does damage, and heals. Though during the game I'll usually steal another weapon its still nice to have in the beginning or when theres nothing good to steal.
I have the Drain Life cards mainly for taking out a Maxwell's Demon as it can ruin me with its paradox if unchecked. They're good against Dune Scorpions and Pegasuses(sp?) too.
I've played 100 games against AI3 with this deck and have won 93, lost 7. Average turns to winning is about 10.
Upgrading the Devourers would make it a safer deck from Otyughs and Scarabs. I plan to stick with this, maybe upgrade a few things, build up some cash, and rares, until I can build a nice rainbow deck.