Guardian Angel
In a game filled with cards capable of demolishing a single creature or field of critters, Light's very own Guardian Angel can be a saving grace for those that manage to survive the damage. Guardian Angel can heal a target creature for 5 HP, which is usually enough to undo the damage from almost any CC effect, including Lightning.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Can heal a targeted creature with its ability, Heal, up to 5 HP.
- Cannot remove status ailments with Heal (infection, gravity pull, etc.)
- Cannot raise a creature's HP or heal the player with its ability.
Compared to the other Light creatures, Guardian Angel has a very specific use; ensuring that other creatures are still around to do deal damage or utilize their abilities. For 3 quanta, players can summon a fairly durable Guardian Angel into play, having health to withstand almost any damaging CC effect (save for Rage Potion, unless it's upgraded). On the battlefield, Guardian Angel will not deal as much damage compared to other Light creatures (or any other creature, for that matter) with its 1 ATK; but if one's creatures are damaged during battle, the user can activate the Angel's ability, 'Heal' to restore 5 HP to injured allies. Note that Heal cannot remove status ailments such as poison or Gravity Pull; in such cases, Heal may need to be used repeatedly in order to keep that creature from falling from such debuffs. Also, the Guardian Angel cannot heal the player (unlike the Light Nymph).
Upgraded though, Archangel's stats are quite different from its non-upped form. With a whopping 7 ATK and HP, Light elementals can call upon these winged monsters to deal impressive damage against their foes, while also having healing powers to undo damage. This significant stat boost comes with double the cost (6 quanta to summon), but can be seen as a decent trade, as the stronger angels are even more capable of ignoring CC effects and restoring HP to other angels in play.
Because Angels can undo damage dealt to all creatures (including themselves), Rage Potion | Rage Elixir can be tossed onto the creature and healed back immediately for a free ATK boost. Unupped, the healing effect cancels out the damage completely, giving the basic Guardian Angel 6 ATK - if a player were to use Rage Elixir, however, they must also realize that the spell can only be used on an Archangel with the increased HP, so as to prevent killing their own creature. This tactic is fairly simple and easy to pull off between the Fire and Light elements, and can create a wonderful field of tough, CC-resistant creatures with high ATK. To further improve on this strategy, skilled (or lucky) elementals can use the rare Red Nymph to continuously apply the Rage Potion effect to the Angels.
Conversely, some players may prefer more healing with their deck (despite Light having several alternatives), and may combine Liquid Shadow | Liquid Shadow alongside the Angel. Although Liquid Shadow will remove the 'Heal' ability from the target Angel, it will grant the ability 'Vampire', allowing the Angel to heal its owner based upon the damage it deals. Obviously, the upped version is a stronger choice for the Liquid Shadow due to its higher ATK, but players should note that without a secondary Angel in play, the poison inflicted by the alchemy spell will wither away the Angel until its death. Thus, it becomes a necessity for the Angel's ability to be used constantly to keep the bloodthirsty angel alive, so as to provide its fully augmented potential.
Finally, for players who like to avoid being damaged altogether, they may summon the heavy-duty Armagio | Elite Armagio into play. For 1 additonal
after summoning the high-HP creature, the user may then trigger the Gravity Pull active, redirecting all creature damage to the Armagio in question. Because the damage is inflicted onto the creature then instead of the player, Angels can easily recover such damage by redirecting all their efforts onto the targeted Armagio, creating a pseudo-invulnerability to attacks using creatures instead of shields. Unfortunately, this strategy can often fall prey to hard hitting creatures that remove chunks of health at a time; against a field of dragons, an Armagio may not survive against such heavy attacks for the Angel to save it in time.
Other Cards With Synergy
In some cases, Voodoo Doll can be a tricky choice to pair up with the Angel. As Dolls take damage in order to inflict pain unto the enemy player, Angels can easily heal up that damage back up to reinstill another wave of pain. Light Dragons are one of the top in-element Light creatures to heal due to their high HP and priority of targeting when facing AI. Damage done from Acceleration can also be replenished after 5 or so turns using Angels.
Although many players often ditch or ignore saving their armies after being struck by devastating attacks, Guardian Angel can gently remind them that such losses may be prevented with careful (or intensive) use of the protective spirit. Despite the majority of healing cards being from Light, and the plethora of healing spells available, the Angel is one of the tried-and-true cards famous enough to heal a creature back from near-death.
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