Flying Weapon
Flying Weapon is arguably the most unique card in the entire game, because at the moment it is the only card capable of turning a weapon into a creature. When played, Flying Weapon automatically turns whatever weapon in the weapon slot at the moment into a creature. Players can only wield one weapon at a time, so turning their current weapon into a creature allows them to have multiple weapons in play at once.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Playing Flying Weapon turns one's weapon into a creature with the same ATK and ability. The spell fails if there is no weapon equipped.
- Upgrading Flying Weapon will change its cost from 1
to 1 random quantum, allowing anyone to add it to any deck.
Before using Flying Weapon, one must have a weapon equipped in their weapon slot; otherwise, using Flying Weapon will have no effect. Once the weapon is equipped, using Flying Weapon will destroy that weapon, and create a creature version of that weapon on the owner's field. Each weapon has a set of hidden stats that are unknown unless they're Flown, but the ATK of a weapon as a creature will always be equal to the damage the weapon does per turn. As a creature, a weapon retains its ATK and ability, so it isn't really changed all that much. However, as a creature, the weapon is now immune to permanent control, but vulnerable to creature control; since permanents are often easier to get rid of than creatures, this may actually be a good thing.
There are a couple of things about Flying Weapon that may not seem obvious. First, after the weapon is turned into a creature, any status effects it had are now lost. The most common status on a weapon is Immaterial, rendering the weapon indestructible when the spell Enchant Artifact is cast on it; players might assume that the weapon becomes Immortal after being Flown, but counter-intuitively Immortality is actually lost. Other status effects such as Freeze and Delay can only be inflicted through another card called Voodoo Doll. Second, Reverse Time is the bane of Flying Weapon decks; if a weapon creature is Rewound and returned to the owner's deck, it reverts to its weapon form. The same thing applies if the weapon creature is targeted with Fractal: normal weapons instead of weapon creatures are created in the hand instead of on the field.
The true potential of Flying Weapon is shown when it's used to wield multiple weapons at once. Normally, players can only equip one weapon at a time, because weapons are generally very powerful, and would be exploited if people were allowed to wield more than one of them. For example, the Death weapon, Arsenic, inflicts 1 poison damage to the opponent each turn, and one Arsenic is powerful enough; but with Flying Weapon, an elemental can have multiple Arsenics on the field, building up massive poison damage. Flying Weapon is a card that breaks one of the game's fundamental rules, and its power and potential is not to be underestimated.
Flying Weapon is one of those cards that is improved significantly when upgraded. The difference between Flying Weapon and its upgraded form, Animate Weapon, is subtle; at the first glance, the card doesn't look any different. However, players will see that the symbol after the 1 quantum cost is gone. This means that Animate Weapon costs random quanta instead of Air, essentially turning it into an Other card that can be put into any deck. When unupgraded, users need at least need a Mark of Air to fuel the Flying Weapons; but when upgraded, Animate Weapon accepts any type of elemental quanta, so it no longer forces the deckbuilder to play a Duo deck. Upgrading Flying Weapon will speed one's deck up noticeably.
Since there are 16 weapons in total, and each of them are unique, each weapon will be analyzed separately, but the main three choices will be highlighted in comparison to the rest of the weapons in the latter spoiler:
Vampire Stiletto 4/4 | Vampire Dagger 6/4 - Excellent
For only 1-2 , Vampire Stiletto | Vampire Dagger can deal 4-6 damage and also heal the owner for 6 HP each turn, which is an absolute steal. Looking at the cost, Vampire Dagger is by far the most efficient of all weapons. When turned into a creature, this weapon benefits from Nightfall | Eclipse, too. Vampire Dagger is an excellent target for Flying Weapon, because it offers high damage and healing for very little cost. However, one should be careful about using Flying Vampire Daggers against an opponent with Antimatter, as the high damage and healing will be reversed.
Titan 7/50 | Titan 8/50 - Excellent
No, the HP is not a typo; Titan | Titan really does have 50 HP when Flying. This ungodly huge weapon has half as much HP as a normal player, and no other creature in the game can match its toughness (save for Chimera, which can vary drastically). With that much HP, Flying Titan is literally the best target for Gravity Pull, redirecting all damage onto itself and almost doubling a player's current amount of HP. Get multiple Flying Titans, some Parallel Universe, and Gravity Pull, and one can absorb almost all damage directed at them and be near invulnerable. In addition to the above, players can also apply Acceleration onto the weapon instead, slowly turning it into a major powerhouse that can hammer away at the opponent's health. Finally, Titan also has Momentum, the ability to bypass all enemy shields, making it a potent attacker as well.
Morning Star 7/7 | Morning Glory 8/4 - Excellent
Morning Star | Morning Glory is the only weapon that is Immortal after Flying it, making it completely immune to creature control except from shield effects. Morning Star has a very high 7 ATK, so having multiple copies of this indestructible weapon can give an enemy an unavoidable beatdown. In fact, a horribly difficult False God named Divine Glory is based on Flying Morning Glories, making creature control useless. For those who have an aversion towards shields, using Shard of Wisdom can help bypass nasty defenses such as the Phase Shield, but may render one extremely vulnerable to retaliation damage by Reflective Shields.
Other Cards With Synergy
In conclusion, some of the top Flying Weapons are Vampire Stiletto, Titan, and Morning Star. In either case, one should try to experiment with what type of weapons that want to fly before creating a deck based around this card, and as such, should never doubt the versatility this card can bring.
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