Shard of Wisdom
Despite being one of the newer shards, the Shard of Wisdom's uses are quite varied yet effective. It is capable of boosting the target creature's stats by an astounding +4/+0, and also changes the target's attacks to do spell damage, which means the creature can now ignore most shields. As creatures affected by Shard of Wisdom do spell damage, all it takes is a simple Reflective Shield to stop them cold. Despite these shortcomings, the Shard of Wisdom is a very powerful tool.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Shard of Wisdom is the most efficient buff card there is in terms of attack
- Using this card on an invulnerable creature causes them to deal spell damage like Psion
For a single quanta, Shard of Wisdom grants a +4 boost to attack and shield bypass. This alone, makes it the most offensively powerful buff card there is.. Shard of Wisdom can be used both defensively or offensively. In a mono aether rush deck, the boost of +4 attack to any creature brings an insane boost to the overall speed of the deck, especially with Twin Universe. Used defensively with a reflective shield, this can cause the opponent's creatures to attack their owner, at a much cheaper price than that of the liquid antimatter combo.
The use of Quintessence is often variable, in the sense that it can be used as a way to protect and boost your own creatures, as well as to immortalize and pile on spell damage to an opponent's creature while you have a reflective shield up, watching as your opponent can do nothing but stare at their incoming demise from their own creatures.
The Aether element is infamous for its inefficient creatures, but several Shards of Wisdom can boost the attack of an Immortal or Phase Dragon to insane levels in a short amount of time. A few Shards of Wisdom put into even the most basic of mono Aether decks can cause the speed to increase tremendously. A single Shard of Wisdom put on an Immortal nearly doubles it's attack, and Two nearly double a Phase Dragon's attack. Shard of Wisdom also allows a way for Aether to deal with another of its worst enemies, shields. Aether, having no solid permanent control, will no longer fear most shields by using this shard on their immortal creatures.
A very cheap shield, the Reflective Shield can be used with the Shard of Wisdom and Quintessence cards to make your opponent's creatures hurt your opponent instead of you, by using Quintessence and Shards of Wisdom on your opponent's creatures, functioning as a pseudo-Liquid Antimatter combination. The Reflective Shield is preferred over Emerald Shield because of its cheapness. Reflective Shield, and Mirror Shield, it's upgraded counterpart, only cost a measly 1 and 2 light quanta respectively, while an Emerald Shield needs at least 5 life quanta. This makes a Reflective Shield much faster and easier to get out, as it can be gotten out with just a nova or a mark.
Other cards with synergy
Turquoise Nymph and Anubis are also very popular cards to use alongside Shard of Wisdom. Both of them act like Quintessence, but their ability to cast it more than once could be invaluable. Emerald Shield, Shard of Gratitude, and Sanctuary can also be combined with the reflective properties of this shard to act as a stall to slowly heal yourself while your opponent's own creatures kill themselves.
Regardless of how you use it, Shard of Wisdom is in invaluable tool. Whether in rushes or stalls, the true, flowing embodiment of aether is there. A flexible shard that is able to fulfill it's purposes with amazing efficiency.
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