Turquoise Nymph
Turquoise Nymph is the Nymph of Aether, and a surprisingly versatile card. Whilst it is slightly below average in terms of a cost/damage ratio, it more than makes up for it due to its potent ability.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Turquoise Nymph is the nymph of
, with Quintessence as its ability.
- Turquoise Nymph has the second-highest ATK of all
creatures, surpassed only by Phase Dragon.
With 7 ATK for a decent cost, Turquoise Nymph can beat down opponents almost on its own, backed up only by aether's handy arsenal of permanents and spells, such as Lightning and Lobotomizer. For comparison, Phase Dragon has the same ATK, and comes into play Immortal, but costs 5 more than the Nymph - You can use Quintessence on the Nymph the turn it enters play and get a cost reduction of 1
Upgraded, the Nymph gains an extra point of ATK and HP, allowing it to survive a bit longer before needing to become immaterial. Upgraded, Elite Phase Dragon has 2 extra points of ATK, but costs 6 more, making it potentially prohibitive against Devourer and its kind.
But the main draw in the nymph lies in its ability. Much like Anubis, Turquoise Nymph allows you to effectively make a large amount of immaterial creatures, although the Nymph tends to be more effective at this because they each have to be quinted on turn 1 in order to evade CC, and the Nymph has significantly higher attack, and in addition only costs quanta of one element, which makes it easier to manage in a duo/trio deck.
Quintessence | Quintessence is one of the most obvious cards to use with Turquoise Nymph, since it allows you to subvert the the card's two primary weaknesses: it's low HP, and its single turn of vulnerability before it can target itself and become immaterial. Once the Nymph is immaterial, you can easily play more creatures with powerful abilities that will be protected, such as Otyugh, Lava Golem, and Arctic Squid.
How do you get a bunch of creatures with powerful abilities? Nymph's Tears. Once you make a single Nymph Queen, you can immortalize it, then repeatedly use the ability on your pillars to generate an endless supply of Nymphs, and then make the important ones immaterial. Blue Nymph serves as an inevitable win condition, as well as some board clear, and many of the other Nymphs are useful for conttroling your opponent's creatures to buy you time (Red Nymph, Auburn Nymph, Purple Nymph).
Other Cards With Synergy
As stated previously, practically every creature which relies on using its ability or is vulnerable to CC benefits from Turquoise Nymph. Due to its high attack, it also makes a great complement to rush decks with frail creatures such as Phase Spider or Crimson Dragon. It's also a good target for Parallel Universe, since unless your opponent can immediately get rid of every Nymph, one will become immaterial, and you can follow up with easily protected ones.
Another way to protect your Turquoise Nymph can be Silence. It prevents the opponent from using cards like Lightning but will still leave you vulnerable to cards already on the board such as Eternity or Arctic Squid. Shard of Readiness can also be used as another method of protecting the Nymph, as it allows it to quint itself the turn it is played.
Although difficult to use and even more difficult to acquired, Turquoise Nymph is a very powerful card when applied properly. The ability to make any number of creatures immaterial is hugely powerful against decks that rely on CC, and this card can definitely turn the tide of a game not only by dealing damage but by protecting your powerful threats.
Popular Deck
Due to the rarity of Turquoise Nymph and nymphs in general, there aren't many popular decks that utilize them, However, if you're lucky enough to have a few, you can try this: a rush-down style like this:
808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80g 80g 80g 80g 80g 80g 80k 80k 80k 80s 80s 80s 80s 816 816 816 8pu
The nymphs don't have to be upgraded, and if you're missing a few you can replace them with Parallel Universe or almost any Aether card.
576 576 576 576 576 576 74b 74b 74b 74b 752 752 752 752 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 80h 80h 80h 80h 80h 80s 816 816 816 816 816 816 8pu