Shard of Readiness
Shard of Readiness is a relatively cheap card for what it does. For a simple cost of 3 time quanta unupped and 2 time quanta upped, Shard of Readiness allows you to change a creature's skill cost to 0, effectively saving you quanta in the long run.
General Use
Quick Facts:
- Shard of Readiness sets any skill cost to 0
- Time creatures can immediately cast their skill twice when Shard of Readiness is applied to them.
- Deja Vu's ability is not affected by Shard of Readiness
Shard of Readiness is an other card that allows for much smoother bridging between elements. If one wanted to run a Firefly Queen deck for example, but didn't want to use any quanta, then Shard of Readiness can easily make a hard to balance duo into a very easy to balance mono. In addition to this, some creatures, such as Purple Nymph, Arctic Squid and Steam Machine often have very expensive costs to their abilities, but with Shard of Readiness, a few quanta can relive that problem for the rest of the game. In just a few turns, Shard of Readiness' ability to conserve quanta in the long run becomes apparent.
Mitosis is a card that grants a creature a skill that can vary from no quanta at all, to 10 quanta for expensive creatures like dragons. Shard of Readiness changes that skill cost to become 0 regardless what it was before. A dragon with mitosis is pretty good, but a dragon with mitosis that costs 0 quanta is just excellent. When used with mitosis, every turn a new expensive creature can be produced. When coupled with time creatures, Mitosis and Shard of Readiness become an insane combo for fast damage.
Butterfly Effect allows small creatures to destroy permanents, but the upkeep cost is not cheap at all. Butterfly Effect requires a huge 3
each turn to keep destroying permanents. However, just like Mitosis, Shard of Readiness can make that cost instantly disappear, allowing a creature that can freely destroy permanents each turn, becoming even more powerful than Shard of Focus. When used in conjunction with cards like Deja Vu and Scarab, this combo can instantly destroy 2 of the opponent's permanents in one turn, along with continued permanent destruction after that.
Pharaoh is known for its notoriously long time to set up, with such a heavy
investment, and slow build up of Scarabs. However, using Shard of Readiness with Pharaohs greatly alleviates the quanta strain as well as the slowness of the deck. A Pharaoh that can create two scarabs the moment it hits the field, and new scarabs for free each time, greatly speeds up any Pharaoh deck. When used in a Pharaoh deck, Shard of Readiness can also be used on the scarabs, for quick, free, immense gobbling and devouring.
Other Cards With Synergy
Fate Egg is another slow starter, but when paired up with the shard, it allows for instant hatching of two identical creatures, allowing more than double the speed and potential of Fate Eggs. Anubis has an expensive and awkward skill cost, but Shard of Readiness can fix that as well. Perhaps one of the most deadliest combos, Golden Nymph when used with Shard of Readiness allows for a powerful creature that also allows you to speed through your deck for no cost at all. A flying Eternity also benefits greatly from this, as without any limitations, a flying ready Eternity can keep casting Reverse Time on the opponent's creatures, locking down the field and gaining control.
Shard of Readiness is one of those cards for players who feel the need to pack in useful creatures but have difficulty balancing their skill costs. Shard of Readiness also allows the element of time to truly live up to its name, allowing double the casting of their skills and abilities. Shard of Readiness is a powerful and variable card, and deadly when used right.
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