So far, to me anyway, it seems more beneficial to ignore the farm table completely. It appears ridiculously inaccurate, even on the day a specific T50 was apparently updated.
It may be that I've had the deplorably bad luck to be on when the T50's that put up farms are actually online and so their real deck is up, but in the event that I'm not that unlucky I gotta say no info is better than bad info. :/
Anybody else share my experience with this list?
I haven't played T50 in a while (at least, not with frequency), but I never bothered to check this table. I just felt that, if you couldn't select your opponent, it had little use for me. I remember always wanting to encounter MrBlonde's farms, but the T50 server never gave him to me.
That doesn't mean this list is useless, though. If you're hunting for a specific rare and you see somebody on this list has a farm up (and hopefully it's accurate), then it's done its job. However, as has been said before, your best bet to get a farm of a specific rare up is to kindly request one in the Elements chat room; a lot of T50 players hang out there, and if they're not grinding, they just might take your request.