I've been trying to make that exact build, but I find that it falls apart around Level 5 Halfblood and Level 6 False God unless
it's part of a fatter rainbow. If you're using Elves or Druids then you're going to be pretty heavy on Green quanta for
mutations and if you use an Improved Mutation then you're using the quanta that you could have used to get your Elf on
the field (and usually shockwaved/plagued/Rage Potioned/lightninged very VERY VERY quickly)
Oddly enough, my most successful variant of that idea was throwing in 6 Supernovas into a mainly Time deck with about 3
Deja Vus and some Pharaohs (if you have any, but you can win them from AI3 fairly often). The Deja Vus and Scarabs make
great mutation fodder. I didn't save my deck build at the time, but it's partly Rainbow. You'll need 3-5 Quantum Pillars if
you don't have any SuperNovas, and you can gamble with a few Fate Eggs too if it suits you.
I'll try to make a build of that later today. But mutation has a lot of weaknesses. Fire Shield, Thorn Carapace, and any kind
of Creature Control (I'm looking at you, Owl's Eye!) will absolutely rip you apart. Don't even try to fight against Death.
The moment they pull out a Plague, you're a goner and even one Plague or Rain of Fire in a Rainbow is enough to ruin
your day, and I can guarantee they can get it out a hell out of lot sooner than you can Quint your Elf or Druid or get out
a very expensive Anubis.
Lobotomizers are terrible too. There's one Top50 deck that is nothing
but a Lobotomizer and tons of Aether pillars.
You'd be surprised how many decks it can take down if you don't have any form of permanent control.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sa 4sa 4sa 4vm 52n 52n 5rg 5rg 5rh 5rh 5rh 5rn 5rn 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 621 621 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u4 6u6 7q2 7q5 7q5 7qc 7qc 8pj
The Fallen Elf is there to turn your Deja Vus into 5/5 Abominations or castrate the enemy's dragons or the odd monster like
a Mind Flayer or an Anubis or Firefly Queen or Maxwell's Demon that you want to stop ASAP. The Druid is there to juggle
any extra skeletons with mutate. If you throw in an Eternity, you can also rewind skellies lategame but by that point,
you're probably already controlling the field with your mutations and it's fairly pointless. I found that Eternity just ends
up eating Quantum that I really really need for my Pharaohs instead.
You can fit in a Bonewall or a Procrastination into this deck if you had to. I leave the choice up to you. The Scarabs can feed
a bonewall by eating the enemy creatures or a newly-minted Scarab (which will also give you more skellies to play with).
In fact, I honestly prefer a Pharaoh to a Firefly Queen in terms of creation generation. It gives you more options, in the end,
than a Hope Shield and hoping for a Miracle.