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Messages - k3jeff (31)

Pages: [1] 2 3
Politics / Re: The US should RAISE taxes
« on: February 26, 2011, 05:56:57 am »
Google Ron Paul.
He has some simple but excellent ideas.
1. Reduce the size of government
2. Less taxes, as cost of operating government is less
3. Less government interference, and let the free market sort itself out.
4. Less meddling in other country's squabbles, and mind your own business. The American military expense is bleeding taxpayers dry.

Quite an eyeopener.

Forum Archive / Re: RARE CARD FARMS - updated daily by the community!
« on: February 02, 2011, 04:53:01 am »
Trident farm up
You forgot Trident plus octopus.  ;D

Rainbow Decks / Re: Lone Stalker [1.26 FG grinder]
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:34:26 am »
after reading the records, I noticed the fact that this deck won basically not even once against gods with PC, but won every time against gods without PC...
Your statement is a bit exaggerated, the deck still does quite well with FGs with some PC (about 8 ),
badly versus FG with heavy PC (about 4) , but extremely well vs FG with no PC (about 12 ).

Results are comparable if not slightly better than CCYB.

Trio & Quartet / Re: Five Minutes 'til Lockdown
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:58:00 am »
Will try it against the AI3 and T50.
Not sure if it'll work against HB and FG.

Definitely a pain to pvp against.

Trio & Quartet / Re: Five Minutes 'til Lockdown
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:55:51 am »
Imagine if it was a FG deck >:D

Suspect its the AI logical sequence for CC:

1. Shortlist crit with no afflictions?
2. Target Crit with highest attack and hp?

Lower attack and hp technically poses a lower threat, altho I saw AI unburrow all its streakers to kill me on the last turn on more than 1 occasion.

hmmm...there are only two main deck with 6 staffs (have only 2) and RoL/Hope-Versions...dont have the RoLs...any ideas for mostly unupped/ without many rare versions?????
Once the update to 1.26 takes place, we can try a deck with Photons and Luciferin.
Ty...but that wont help me today ;)

Anyway, i tried a "Photon/Luciferin" with trainer and it doesnt perform very well atm. At least my tries^^
Try a Voodoo deck, should give u a decent chance.
Check out Shak'ars Revenge on anti-FG Decks:,14435.0.html

Crucible Archive / Re: Ghost | Phantom
« on: January 14, 2011, 04:29:33 am »
Quite OP. Compare this card to Immortal. For a better cost to damage ratio, you have the same unkillable creature but also with a built in creature control and creature booster. Running simply off your mark you can turn devourers into 7 force killers and exagerate this even further under the effects of eclipse. The only two cards capable of stopping this are fire shield and thorn carapace both of which see less than normal play and are easily countered with another darkness card steal allowing you to ghostify the opponents creatures and use the shield as your own CC. To add insult to this you also have a card generator, the Haunted Mansion which pops these out.
How to fix it?
Firstly you need to decide what aspect of the ghost you want to identify with most. Is it the Immaterial creature? If so then you need to strip the other effects that break its potential.
To me, a ghost is the residue of a sentinent creature going about its task or patterns it had in life. It causes fear in those it engages with and being intangible will move past barriers that would stop normal creatures. They don’t appear in the light.
How about a 1/1 and a 3/1 momentumd and immaterial creature for 4 with the power to nightmare itself into the opponents hand?
Damn he knows his Darkness cards well.  8)

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: Rushes Vs. Stalls
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:31:47 am »
Sounds fun, like the concept.

How about limiting the elements as well, like only duos or trios or only certain elements?
Any other special rules, like no upped cards, or rares etc?

Forum Archive / Re: RARE CARD FARMS - updated daily by the community!
« on: January 14, 2011, 12:00:35 am »
I was wondering if anyone could make a Miracle/Morning Star Deck

I'm lacking in both of those cards, and I haven't been lucky with ai3 at all with these two specific cards.
Heaps of them on the FGs, Miracle and Divine Glory.
And the odds are if you win versus them, your highly likely to get those cards, coz they pack so many of them

Use a standard Rol Hope versus them, should be relatively easy coz both have no CC.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Chaos Mage | Chaos Magician
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:20:41 am »
Hmm Flying Titan - 8/50 becomes 50/8 momentumed.
Throw in an Air Blitz and PU.

GG. I Like.

Issue Archive / Re: Congeal weapon and steal. [Not a bug]
« on: January 13, 2011, 06:53:11 am »

I don't agree with that. Freeze effect only lasts 3 turns.
Getting past RoL/Hope? I think that'd be great actually. Great games give more ways to counter each other's strategies, not limit.
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea that it might affect shields.
Freeze 3 rounds, Congeal 4 rounds, but classic Voodoo Deck uses Basilisk Blood 6 rounds.

And trust me with 6 BB that literally means those slots affected are completely shutdown the entire game with BB.
That's very interesting. I have never encountered or seen Voo Doo with Basilisk Blood (I must have been lucky lol). Will that disable the weapon slot for 6 turns?

By the way, it's totally unrelated, but I hate pandemonium/voodoo combo lol. I hardly ever lose to it, but I still hate it  :o
Yes, 6 rounds. Its a very popular FG deck build around it, in fact the first FG deck I used.
Pandemonium is a pain for critter rushes.

See:Shak'ars Revenge (FG-Voodoo),14435.0.html

Very fun deck to start out with.

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