What is ttw?
ttw =
That means the amount of (own) turns a deck needs to win a game.
One turn means, every time
you end a turn, by pressing the spacebar or clicking "done".
How to take statisics for a deck vs. ai3:
- Get approval from an official tester before examining a deck. We request that you test 50 games yourself to gauge speed before we give it an 'official' test.
- Every game needs to be played until the end.
Skipping or aborting bad looking games
is not allowed.- Every game needs to be played as best as you can. You should
try to win every game, even if it looks like a loss.
- Every deck should be played
as fast (in turns) as you can.- Please test on
low quality with AI speed set to
- It will be helpful to the community if you note starting and ending electrum and score values so we get a rough estimate of deck efficiency.
- Lost games dont count for average ttw. -> Avg ttw =summation of turns/amount of won games
- Our goal is 200 tested games for every deck.
- Please dont post statistics for decks you designed/posted by yourself. Any statistic will be more trustworthy, if its been tested from a "neutral" player. *This is only for a 200 game/official test. If you believe a deck you designed is deserving of being tested, then 50 games tested by yourself is okay.
- Currently jmdt, hrmmm, willng3, thatnewguy, pikachufan2164, and Jappert are official testers (if I missed anyone let me or willng3 know)
Please Post your Statistics in this form:Deckname:Games: x | Avg ttw: x | Avg. sec/game: x | Wins: x | Losses: x | Ems: x |
posted by - Yourname
Spoiler for deck image:
Mark: Mark author= Author
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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hrmmm made an easy way to get such a deck post.
If you like, you can use this spreed sheet:
the copy paste friendly test sheet
You can copy the form here:
Thanks for testing, and have fun