Wow, thanks for the feedback guys

That looks great willy. You combined 2 of the fastest deck into 1 monster.
Just for jollies I ran a 50 game battery with this deck to see the relative speed.
I got 5.98 ttw and 60.76 seconds per game with 0 losses. When the deck has a decent draw its great. Bad draws can and do happen, generally when there are no starting damsels, but it recovers well and is likely one of the top 10 fastest decks in the game.
Thanks for running those stats; I've been particularly busy today so I didn't have the time to actually record stats. Plus it's nice to have more than just my word to go by. The deck originally sparked as an idea, but potentially breaking the 6TTW barrier is amazing, far more than I was expecting.
pvp? if t50 is target, explosions are really helpful, along with momentum.
Yeah, I always tend to build my decks with AI3 in mind, but it should be easily customizable for PvP. For one, that Precog can be substituted for whatever you want at will. A CP could probably be exchanged for Momentum as well, if you really need it.
Why always the one precog?
What Kuro said. Also, I wanted to actually run 2 Precogs to basically make it a 28 card deck, but had too many cards I needed to make that happen, so for now it'll be at 29 cards. I've taken a liking to Precognition lately, it's unexpectedly useful in decks like these.
That said, this looks -incredibly- devious... if I was forced to write an article for the Dragonfly | Damselfly, this would be a top deck choice to include in the accounted synergy. 
Wow, thanks. That means a lot to me

I ran a few test games with Blessing and I've decided to stick with 4 Chaos Power for now. I like the fact that Blessing is consistent, but I did actually run into occasions where I had used 1 Cremation and was left with the Blessing in my hand. Circumstances such as this can potentially slow the deck down by at least a turn. I like to try and circumvent even the slightest issues before they appear.