Ver. 1.29 is now live. The new shards are available via donation and in the arena
New Cards:
Shard of Sacrifice
Shard of Void
Shard of Patience
Shard of Serendipity
New features:
Permanent shards now stack just like pillars
Shards are still neutral cards but each shard is attuned to a matching element and has better stats/outcomes if used with it
Shards works even as non-upgraded cards
Shard of gratitude heals 3 (5 if

mark) both for upped and unupped(cost 5)
Shard of Divinity adds 16 (24 if

mark) both for upped and unupped(cost 5)
Shard of readiness lets

creatures use their skill immediately and twice
Explosion cost increased to 3/2
Ash stats decreased to 0/5
Shroedinger cat skill cost reduced to 1


gain reduced to 6(8upped)
Quanta pool capped at 75 quanta per element
Catapults get a 50% bonus for frozen targets
Flooding now effects all but the first 5 creatures
User Interface:
New, smoother card backgrounds for entropy, death, earth, life and darkness
Added graphic effects for Silence, Sanctuary and Shard of Sacrifice
Added bands behind the name of rare cards: 2 bands=rare, 3 bands=legendary

Ai can now use adrenaline and mitosis on multiple targets
Deja Vu does not create triplets anymore when used with Shard of Readiness
Fixed a few bugs caused by reaching level 80
Elite Otyugh art updated
Arena rating system:
After losing to an arena deck the player can rate the winning deck with "thumb up" or "thumb down".
Rating a deck rewards the player with 5 coins
Rating a deck as "thumb up" doubles the rating gained by that deck
The cost for starting an arena game is now raised to 20 (nothing really changed since you can get the extra cost back rating decks)
Pvp1 cost increase to 30. Money reward greatly increased
Pvp2 cost increase to 50. Money reward greatly increased
Shard of Sacrifice HP cost increased to (48/40)
The AI does not use ignite/adrenaline/bolts and might hold cards in hand when the opponent uses Shard of Sacrifice
The AI uses burrow when the opponent uses Shard of sacrifice
Fixed a graphic error showing max HP in front of the cards
Winning/Losing a game now instantly happens when a player has 0 HP (healing with AM should not revive a player anymore, to be tested)
Merged details page with the "you lost" screen