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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50096#msg50096
« Reply #120 on: April 08, 2010, 04:35:39 am »
BECOME RICH IN ELEMENTS: My Know - How (8th of April 2010):

It's good to read the whole guide once before doing anything.

 Hello everyone, i decided to enter the community after playing Elements for a while, so i could have a a bigger picture of what is happening. Plus i am not a Forum experienced user, but i will overcome that issue soon. Yes this is the first forum i am in.
 First of all, my apologies, my English are not perfect, i guess you might spot this even in this very first post.  :-[
 As i wasn't sure what to do, i sent a private message to Scaredgirl telling her what my experience was and that this topic might be good to have an update. Her reply was this:
"You should definitely post this on the forums."
Thank you very much, i appreciate that, so here i am posting it a little more enhanced:

 So, i am gonna try to show you people how to become rich in Elements, with an easy way, and also get some play experience.

 For those who have chosen an Element already, don't worry, i recommend you to make a fast grinding deck of your element, collect some cash to get what cards i will refer + 100 coins to change Element if needed.
 For those who choose Earth Element  :earth stay as you are.
 For those who start now, you already got it, CHOOSE EARTH Element --> :earth

Background story:
Well i had an incident last week, two of my nephiews came to visit me, (two young  boys) and they asked me what i was playing. So i made them an account and told them what to do in order to become rich fast.
 Well i saw the post:
"NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day"
and i believe it might need an update.

As i mentioned before i had to make a deck for two young boys who can't speak, read or write English very well, since it is a foreing language to us. So i  had to focus making the deck:
3) EASY (siple things are not usually easy)

Here goes my idea.

Mark of earth.  :earth
Provides graboids and shrinkers from the begining deck. That's cool!
You sell the useless-for-grinding-cards and do the first  fast quests  to get some cash in order to make the following deck:

6 Graboid,  :earth
6 shrinker   :earth
11 Earth Pilar   :earth
7 Time pillar  :time

If you don't have for any reason the cash to get 6 graboid and 6 shrinkers buy earth pillars instead and grind level 1 or level 2 in order to get the cash to make this easy deck.

Some may ask:"Why this deck?"
 Because graboid shrinker can hit faster than any starter Fire based deck
with better winning ratio and it is more simple to be played than the red one.
You won't get tired easily!

How it works:

Round one:
Assume in hand 3 Earth Pillar, 1 Time pillar, 2 Graboid, Shrinker, and we have Mark of Earth.
All pillars casted.
End Turn.

Round 2:
Draws an Earth Pillar
Cast Graboid
Cast Earth Pillar
End turn. 2 Damage.

Round 3:
Draws a Graboid
Cast Graboid
Turn Graboid into Shrinker
End Turn. 12 Damage!!!

Then you put down a shrinker that does 8 damage
you turn the graboid into shrinker.... etc... etc...


If you earn weapons by the spin it's good to keep them. Especially Lobotomizers. I will explain why later. By the way choose Lobotomizer as Quest gift. Yes, it's good to do all of them. Actually i believe it is essential.
After some fights transform your Mark to Time Element.  :time
Why? You make sure you got the Time Quantum to transform the Graboids into Shrinkers.
Your fiinal grinder is ready! MARK  :time  BASE: :earth
Next step is upgrading.
When you reach to Quest "Upgrade a Card" 1500 cash can turn a card into its upgraded version.
Upgrade the 6 Graboids, then the 6 Shrinkers.
You got 12 already upgraded cards and a fast as hell grinder deck.

Don't upgrade more cards!!!
Evey upgrade cost 1500 and can be sold for approximately 1100
So 30 cards * (-400) = -12000 for you. No no no!

Now 12 *(-400) = -4800 for you if sold, BUT you won't regret it.
Because you will have 13200 cash to do something else.

Get 10000 cash!

Having 10000 and selling your deck will provide you with 23200 cash.
Cool eu?
Do it!
Change Mark to Darkness.
We have mark of Darkness to ensure that no matter what we are gonna play something.

We buy:
4 Devourer  :darkness
4 Minor Vampire   :darkness
3 steal   :darkness
1 Black Dragon   :darkness
4 Fractal  :aether
7 Aether Pillar  :aether
7 Obsidian Pillar.  :darkness

4 Devourer
4 Minor Vampires.
4 Aether Pillar
Keep some cash and upgrade everything during the proccess.

The deck you just made can be:
1) A half blood killer

2) A LvL 6 Killer (not always though...)

3) A mid speed grinder for lvl 3 (later on re create a graboid - shrinker for this job)
Keep in mind that:
Green Rush, White Hope and Rainbow and Pillarless Fire Rush, can destroy it.
 Not easily but it is really vulnerable against them.
4) A great Top 50 hitman deck.

How it works:
You cast Pest, You cast Fractal on Pest, emptying your opponent's quantums and adding that much quantum to your Darkness quantum pool. Try to have as muc empty your hand as possible when you cast fractal.
Then you cast Fractal on a casted Vampire.
Do the opposite (Fractal on Vampire FIRST) if the attacking power of your opponent is huge.
Dragons are there if you must rush.
Steal to obliterate many defenses like Phasing Shield
.You earn life  as your opponent loses (+/-4 for each vampire passing with no damage reduction)
This can make you gain Elemental Master Victory at Level 5 Half Bloodes (much more cash)
Lobotomizers can control dangerous creature abilities.

I had it the wrong way in the begining,
 but i managed to understand what to do.
You can click to see my current deck, not ready yet though:


UPDATE 10/04/2010:
An extra idea about the  :darkness  :aether deck i mentioned:
A friend of mine has no Lobotomizers but has 6 Drain Life upgraded in his deck, plus 5 Fractal, 2 Vampire, 6 Pest and Pillars till 30 card reach
Works great, saw it in action.
This friend is Borgaduck so i give credit to him about that info. (score 66000+)

 I tried to avoid Drain life and had similar results with my deck, so whatever comes more handy for you... do it.  :)
 mentioned this strategy before because it demands 2 Miracle cards.

UPDATE 15/04/2010

MArk of Light

3 Hope
2 Golden Dragon
4 Fractal
4 Light Tower
6 Ray of Light
7 Aether Tower
2 Lobotomizer
2 Miracle

Works great for me.
I hope i helped you,
it's an honor to be a member of the community,
yours faithfuly,

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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50207#msg50207
« Reply #121 on: April 08, 2010, 01:02:49 pm »
y have any time pillars? and there already is a "shrieker rush deck" EVERY ONE uses the shrieker rush its the most over used deck in the history of this game!
this is what it should look like

17 earth pillars
6 shirkers
6 giabs
1 shortsword

to make it pvp add 3 earthquakes.

and another person posted that other deck your building and it looks like this

mark of aether
6 pests
10 dark pillars/ towers
6 aether towers
6 drain lifes
6 fracs

Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50328#msg50328
« Reply #122 on: April 08, 2010, 07:05:36 pm »
Ditch the Fire AI3 farming deck I saved and swap it out for a Grabnoid?


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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50531#msg50531
« Reply #123 on: April 09, 2010, 01:15:46 am »
Man, why do you complain about my post?
 I mean, this is MY know-how.
And about the other deck you mentioned, the black one, yes i know what other people post, plus i know what I DO post.
The other contains Drain Life. Mine hasn't any and i got a reason for that.
I don't remember though that the other had Lobotomizers.
Oh... You just saw the picture... yeah i hadn't Lobotomizers yesterday.
Never mind i will post a correct picture for people that judge a guide just by one picture.
Please people, read the whole guide first., then state whatever you want.
If someone has a better idea, please post it, that's great, i am not a Top 50 (yet)  :P
so if someone more experienced, can make a better suggestion for a STARTER player, be my guest!   :)
My post is an add on for this topic.
I never tried to play "Big Shot" and mostly i don't wanna start any arguments.   >:(
By the way did you read the whole stuff?
I mean if you read it, i guess you overlooked a major fact.
That was a private message in the begining.
To whom?
 To the autor of that topic.
And who was that again?
 Did she overlloked whatever you spotted and just told me to post it in order to make me feel shame?
I guess not.
She was happy someone was interested in transfering some delicate ways to enhance and update this topic, to beginners, form the beginners view.
Read the whole stuff first. People! Read the whole stuff first, comment later.
A child can do what i am saying here to this guide. TESTED!
Not many things to repeat every turn.
You won't get tired easily.
Things like that, MATTER to most newcomers.
Again i am not special or "Big time Genius Nerd"  or something.
Did i said anything like "Oooooooohh!!! I am awesome! My idea is cool because of that"?
What i mentioned here was my PERSONAL opinion.
It's not like saying "Hey guys tis is the BEST way to do it. Ooooh!!! I am so awesome".
Whats the point of uncovering a conspiracy behind every post?  :))

And stating that there is already a Graboid-Shrinker grinder...
well thank you i never noticed that before...  :P :P :P
Seriously man...i know that. And i know it is the most popular.
Because it does the job, (AGAIN: I-N M-Y O-P-I-N-I-O-N), better than anything else.
So your point being?
You are a Pro, you didn't learned something new, you expected something new for you, you were disappointed, and you posted that reply.....
It's okay man. Seriously, i am not refering to experienced players like you.
It's the Newbie's corner here man.
Well, get out of Newbie Stuff...
Tell you what, let's talk about the new cards in another topic okay?
Send me a PM to inform me about anything you wanna talk about.
I will be happy to have a conversation with you, on something you are interested.

So, to make a conclusion:
I said this is MY way, not the best way, or something like that.
So complaining about things like:

"Oh i prefer that instead of yours"

"Another guy posted something that looks like yours"

etc etc
have no place to stand, because i don't try to prove anything.

But if someone has any suggestion on something completely different, or an idea to make this idea better i have no problem with that.
As i said, i didn't wanna prove anything in the first place. I wanted to share something.

The Graboid Shrinker Rush Grinder contains a Weapon.
"killsdazombies"  thanks for mentioning that, i really mean it, thanks.
Yes people i took this out of the deck.
I prefer a pillar or a Graboid draw, instead of an easy to steal weapon. Sometimes, giving less options to your opponent, makes your game better.
Again, this is my opinion.
Thank you again for your time.


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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50542#msg50542
« Reply #124 on: April 09, 2010, 01:23:49 am »
I wasn't trying to be a dick :D im just trying to post what i thought was a better deck when i was girding, i got 5000 score from my grinder deck and its fast about >1min thats really fast, your deck is OK but i like shirker rush that i posted better because of speed.

and iv only got about 8000-900 score not that pro.


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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50546#msg50546
« Reply #125 on: April 09, 2010, 01:30:30 am »
I am about 8200 here. No you weren't a .... whatever you said  :-[  :-[  :-[
Everything is cool mate.  8)
Well if that was fast, then this would be the deck.
The faster the better.
If my works better, then mine shall be.
Put out the weapon, people, get time stats,
put the weapon inside the deck again, get time stats,

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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50549#msg50549
« Reply #126 on: April 09, 2010, 01:34:03 am »
i got about 19 elec per game plus over 6 of nearly every weapon/ rare and dozens of dozens of cards.


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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50553#msg50553
« Reply #127 on: April 09, 2010, 01:41:38 am »
Try the  :darkness :aether i mention (picture changed).
It owns lvl 5 False gods with Elem. Mastery victory. Plus,
You might like it.
Of course it has its own vulnerabilities...
..like...WISH you won't encounter Hope based decks. etc etc....  :o
Let's stop this chat here, and turn it PM if you like, i will be happy to.
Better yet, enter the chat.
But there is the danger of going off topic here.

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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50554#msg50554
« Reply #128 on: April 09, 2010, 01:43:15 am »
i got a lev 5 farmer right now almost fully uped kills all but shadow


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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50557#msg50557
« Reply #129 on: April 09, 2010, 01:45:51 am »
i got a lev 5 farmer right now almost fully uped kills all but shadow
IT's good.

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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50563#msg50563
« Reply #130 on: April 09, 2010, 01:48:41 am »
i got a lev 5 farmer right now almost fully uped kills all but shadow
IT's good.
Its also a good pvp deck here it is.
Code: [Select]
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c1 5c1 7ad 7ad 7ad 7ad 7ad 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ak 7ak 7ak 7ak 7al 7am 7am 7am 7am 7am 7am
water mark


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Re: NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=522.msg50649#msg50649
« Reply #131 on: April 09, 2010, 05:42:02 am »
water mark
You need to replace the word "mark" in the code with the word "water".

