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Messages - Neotoxicblitz (62)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Fast-Draw Unupped Pillarless AI3 Grinder
« on: July 01, 2010, 09:22:17 am »
what should you upgrade?
I upgraded the Immolations first, next I will upgrade either one of the growth creatures or pregocs. I might find a way to use light quanta to my advantage, upgrading the Photons could prove useful.

Duo-Decks / Almost Mono Darkness
« on: June 30, 2010, 05:36:50 pm »
This deck was concocted by myself, the idea of this deck came from facing a lvl3 opponent, with the mark of Gravity.

The idea is to play your low HP cards to slowly pick away at your opponents Quanta and HP, while increasing yours, with the Gravity Shield in play, any hard hitters wont be able to get passed the Shield unless they use Momentum. I haven’t managed to test this much at all, but I imagine it will do quite well for itself.

You could take out the Otyugh’s and add a Black Dragon and use the Momentum to bypass the Shield.

Please discuss this deck and any changes that you think would help improve this deck.

Edit: I was thinking of taking out one of the Gravity Shields and putting in either a Life Drain, or Momentum.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
55p 55p 55r 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 8pl

Game Suggestions and Feedback / PVP 2 Upgrade Deck
« on: June 29, 2010, 03:03:20 pm »
Well since all cards get downgraded if you have any upped cards in your deck, for PVP 1 surely there should the same system with PVP 2 where it upgrades every card you have in your deck, and if not there should be a PVP 3 where it does, so that other players still get the experience of making their way up, so to speak in PVP 2.

Please discuss what you think about this.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Healing Before Damage Calculations
« on: June 29, 2010, 03:01:02 pm »
I want to make this as short as possible, basically healing takes during your end turn while you're attacking, I suggest that you change it so that healing comes before attacking. Simply because, I have had many opportunities to get E mastery with say 95 HP on my last turn with a SoG on the field, but because the opponents HP is too low, it wont heal in time to raise mine. This gets quite annoying because getting the extra 11, or 21 coins etc makes a lot of difference, especially considering how much it happens to me and god knows how many other.

This is just a suggestion and it would be nice to see it pull through, please discuss.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Fast-Draw Unupped Pillarless AI3 Grinder
« on: June 29, 2010, 12:48:05 pm »
As this deck is about faster drawing, I took out Chrysaora and Graviton Fire Eater and added two Sundials.

If for some reason you get off to a bad start then you are more likely to pull trough if you have two Sundials in the deck, it still being 30 cards, and adding them greatly increases w/l ratio against Top50. It also uses up the Light Quanta which is unused.

I have one question about this deck, what are the best variants of this deck once it's upgraded?

Deck Help / Re: Speed Deck to get a good start to the game
« on: June 27, 2010, 11:16:47 pm »
I agree, the Shrieker rush is very fast, and quite reliable when upgraded. I read up on the RoL deck, it seems good but not too sure on the w/l ratio for FG's.

Getting dragons out by the third turn is almost a certainty with the mono death deck, though I guess it is with most mono decks. The poison quickly picks off the players/NPC who use protectiong, the fire mono has no form of protection unless you add a shield or two in, even then it wont stop you from taking damage.

Deck Help / Speed Deck to get a good start to the game
« on: June 27, 2010, 10:42:35 pm »
After recapping on the game, and remembering a few things, I recently had the urge to post this.
There are two main decks that are recommended for new comers to start the game with. Picking the Element of Fire, or Dark, and modifying your deck so that it is mono (only one element)

The reason for Fire and Dark being so over used is because of, A) Fire deck has the highest damage creature 12/3 and only costs 10 quanta to play. And B) Because of the Dark decks capability to heal as well as dealing high damage, and stealing. These are obviously good choices to pick, but I have a deck that I think is faster than both of them, with over all damage and speed.

The mono Death deck containing 6 dragons, 6 poisons, 1 plague, 2 bone walls and 15 pillars, then eventually taking out one bone wall and adding Arsenic, once you complete the second last quest. (or you can keep two bone walls like I do) this deck seems to be very speedy for me, and gets me a constant w/l ratio of 10/1 against lvl3 non upgraded. For a started deck, this is a very fast way to rack up coins to upgrade either this deck, or move on to a FG/HB deck.

A friend of mine recommended I just stick to upgrading my rainbow deck rather than upgrading my grind deck (shown above) to get a faster start. As soon as I upgrade about half of my rainbow I will go for straight to FG's
I wanted people to comment on what they think about this, personally I have to say the deck shown above has given me a faster start and the mono fire has, and I have yet to try out the mono dark.

Thanks for your time, I hope it helps. And all feedback is welcome.

General Discussion / Elements Latest Trainer
« on: June 27, 2010, 10:29:26 pm »
I have recently come back to Elements, thanks to a good friend of mine (qazzaq123, aka Wolfunit)
Found out there were new cards coming out a while ago and never got round to looking at them.

After wanting to test out a few new deck idea's after analizing the new cards, I would like to request an update to the Elements trainer. As you can see in this quote, the link that jmizzle7 gave was out dated and taken down.

is there a new trainer? i keep hearing people saying they are trying out aflotoxin decks and nymph decks, yet everytime i go there ( ( it is the old version.
That's your problem. Chriskang's trainer never has been, and never will be, the official Elements trainer. The official Elements trainer is
Thank you for your time, I hope to hear back soon.

Edit: I meant to say, I have already checked through the forums, and searched as well and I found nothing else on this, thats why I made the topic. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned before.

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Kongregate/Elements Account Link Problem
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:48:24 am »
If you want to log in on the main site, go to our kongregate account and log into your linked account, click on 'Account info' and it will tell you your password, it should be a bunch of random numbers and letters, something like this: r674996742 Just use that password with the username on the main site, and it should work.

If that doesn't help, then I don't know either.

(please note, that is not an actual password, I'm not that stupid) ^_^

General Discussion / Re: Masters
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:21:51 pm »
I'd challenge 'coinich' for the Master of death title. I started with Death, and I'm sticking with it. It would be pretty cool if you could just pm a master and ask for a challenge. I had an old forum that I made, it was for pokemon, and I had Gym leaders which were top members of the forum, and couple be challenged via wifi, by simply pm'ing the leaders.

Would be nice.

Rainbow Decks / Re: immortal everything!
« on: March 09, 2010, 08:38:21 pm »
Well I have a Purple Nymph (maybe two if I get the one back that I lost today from Oracle)
I was thinking about testing this deck, maybe modifying it, like a couple of people said, adding an Eternity, and maybe a couple of SoG's in there. I have made an Anti-Matter deck which is Mono Entropy, using the same kind of tactics, but for gods, it is not a case of killing them, it IS a case of decking them out. And so far it has been extremely successful.

Anyway, like PuppyChow said, taking out the Octo and replacing him with Firestorm will be much more beneficial, due to your Otyugh's, if they can't eat a couple of bigger creatures, burn them down to size and then do so ;) Thanks for the deck idea.

Deck Help / Re: monodeath with potential
« on: March 09, 2010, 08:25:02 pm »
May I suggest a whole new approach, here is what I use in my Mono Death deck.
-Link -

It's a total speed deck, against AI (apart from gods) it is almost bound to win. Fully upgraded I have about a 70% win chance against L5's, around a 95% against L3's and the rest are 110%!

It is extremely dominant in PvP, I can normally win around 8 games in a row, if not more, before I get a bad hand, or a deck that halts me. Aether decks are it's weakness for sure, if you don't have a dragon and a couple of poisons in your hand at the start, then you might not stand a chance, but apart from that this has to be one of the fastest decks if seen in action. Maybe you should give it a whirl.

The Un-upgraded version works just as well, though I would personally stick to L3's at that point until you have upgraded about half of it, then go for some PvP grinding.

Here is what I'd use until you can get the Arsenic.

15 Bone pillars
6 Bone Dragons
5 Poisons
1 Aflatoxin
1 Plague

When you get one, remove the Plague.

I hope this helps.

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