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Messages - thenub (2)

Pages: [1]
Card Ideas and Art / double upgrades?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

just a stick in the mud but what if you could upgrade your card then do another upgrade making even rarer cards not somthing like  unlimited upgrading but just somthing like say lv1 upgrade more quata cost and more atk/hp lv2 upgrade less quanta same atk/hp? and mabye less cost for ability or sumthing
idk i just thought of this while looking around the fourm and didnt see a thread for it

Outdated Tutorials / NEWBIE GUIDE: How to become RICH in 1 Day
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:02 pm »

so i did everything you said in this guide and my 1st game with rainbow against gods i got raped but i wasnt too suprised cuz u said i probly would for a lil while but then  my second game i faced mirical i had about 13 cards left doing about 47 damage a turn with full health and he has like 32 and he uses mirical  and then it happens again and again and again then the game ends as i deck out with 100hp against a guy with 14 hp left... wahhhh  :'(

but i expect more of those kind of games but i will just keep on trying. anyways thanks for this guide it has helped me so much!  ;D

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