Alrighty everyone. Ready for my first competition?
Your goal? To create a pair of cards that are both synergistic, and work well one their own.
The award will be a custom symbol reflecting your choice in elements.
Some simple rules:
1. The card idea must be posted using one of the approved templates, which will be listed below.
2. The cards must be of opposing alignments. (For those of you who do not play the game, or may have forgotten, they are listed below.

3. The cards must be viable for in game play, i.e. not OP.
4. Any art used should provide credit to the creator/owner.
5. The card idea must be posted in the Card Ideas (,6.0.html) section, so that it may be commented on.
Use one of these three tool to build your card:
1. The ULTIMATE Photoshop CARD TEMPLATES v2.2.2 (,891.msg9064.html#msg9064) (most complete but requires Photoshop and has a slight learning curve)
2. Browser based card builder (,2632.msg24970.html#msg24970) (some bugs and missing quantum icons)
3. Elements Card Image Builder by Planplan (,7251.msg86096.html#msg86096) (most "genuine" look but is still missing ability cost icons. Imported image has to be 256x256)