Hello guys. In order to spice up the interest of the community towards the Card Ideas & Art section (and in order to advertise my CIA deck image builder tool, heheheh!) I made the following CIA decks. Here we go...
1 ) Galactic Fractalstar If you like armies of Ball Lightnings but 6 BLs aren't enough for you, then you are going to love this deck!
CIA Cards used:
Galactic Battlestar ETG Cards used:
* Aether Tower
* Aether Pendulum (upgraded)
* Fractal (upgraded)
* Ball Lightning
2 ) Enchanted Water-Creature Army A deck that is probably more funny than effective. If you love

creatures but hate the fact you have to play their abilities with non-

quanta, then this is the deck of your dreams!
CIA Cards used:
Leech *
Ship of Theseus *
Enchantress *
Genbu *
Tadpole *
Squid *
Enchanted Sea ETG Cards used:
* Crysaora
* Toadfish
* Mind Flayer
* Steam Machine
* Water Pillar
* Water Pendulum
3 ) Revenge of the Scorpions As the title of the deck implies, it is time to show how powerful an army of all the 3 scorpions can be!
CIA Cards used:
Scorpion Alliance ETG Cards used:
* Deathstalker
* Dune Scorpion
* Forest Scorpion
* Golden Hourglass
* Quantum Pillar
4 ) Bright Photonic Tyrant! After establishing your perimeter with Mitosised Empathic Photons, you either turn your Photons into 2|2 critters and rush your opponent to death by playing Brightblossom for the cost of 6

or feed your Tyrant Lizard with Photons and wreak havoc with that beast! Don't forget to replace any Photons eaten by Tyrant Lizards with other ones via Mitosis.
CIA Cards used:
Brightblossom *
Tyrant Lizard ETG Cards used:
* Mitosis
* Empathic Bond
* Photon
* Emerald Pillar
* Life Pendulum
5 ) Improved Revenge of the Scorpions!! Though Scorpion Alliance seems to aim for the 3 ETG scorpions (



ones), it makes perfect sense to buff CIA scorpions (




ones) as well as the 3 core ones. Beware this deck of pure poison epicness!
CIA Cards used:
Ice Scorpion *
Graviton Scorpion *
Scorching Scorpion *
Entropic Scorpion *
Scorpion Alliance ETG Cards used:
* Quantum Tower
* Supernova
* Forest Scoprion (upped)
* Deathstalker (upped)
* Dune Scorpion (upped)
6 ) Amethyst Discordiah Who says Discord can be broken only in combination with Black Hole? Pariah can easily abuse Discord's ability with great effect. Furthermore, Purple Dragons will speed up your victory, especially when buffed by Amethyst Stones!
CIA Cards used:
Amethyst Stone *
Pariah ETG Cards used:
* Discord
* Purple Dragon
* Amethyst Pillar
* Entropy Pendulum
7 ) Indestructible Light! No matter how many CC or PC your opponent has, your cards can't be touched! I am not sure if Virgo can increase the stats of immortal adjacent creatures, but this deck is powerful enough even without that buff...
...and, let Virgo aside, the fact it has no more than 11 Marks of Light makes it available to everyone in the game!!!

CIA Cards used:
Virgo ETG Cards used:
* Morning Star
* Miracle
* Mark of Light
* Animate Weapon
8 ) Chaotically Buffed Deadly Permanents A more fun-to-play than effective deck, CBDP focus on giving your Soul Catchers (or even Boneyards) new abilities by casting Desynchronizations on them. Deviation is a supplement card which can be used both as a risky Skeleton buff or as a risky form of CC. Spite will make sure your Dream Catchers give you quanta and your Skeletons rising. Finally, don't forget that Amethyst Makers are possible targets of Desynchs too (they are indeed non-pillar permanents).
CIA Cards used:
Spite *
Desynchronization *
Deviation *
Amethyst Maker ETG Cards used:
* Soul Catcher
* Boneyard
* Amethyst Pillar
* Nova
* Quantum Pillar
9 ) What Kind of Shard Golem is This? The Ultimate by Newbiecake, but with SoVens and SoPros instead of SoWs and SoFrs?! I wonder, what kind of buff such Shards could give to a hypothetical Shard Golem summoned by them?! Only Zanz knows...
CIA Cards used:
Shard of Vengeance *
Shard of Protection ETG Cards used:
* Shard of Bravery (upgraded)
* Shard of Integrity (upgraded)
* Shard of Void (upgraded)
* Quantum Tower
10 ) Harpy's Nightmare! One of my most thrilling decks (in my personal honest opinion) whic bring Nightmare usage into another dimension. Harpy is your main hitter and she is buffed by Nightmares, while Oppressions are secondary damage and CC sources. All the other cards (Disparity, Subconscious Drive, Dark Allure, Interrogate) are in order to empty your opponent's hand in order to disable his/her strategy and to fill it anew with worthless Harpies, healing yourself and buffing your hitters at the same time!
CIA Cards used:
Harpy *
Disparity *
Subconscious Drive *
Oppression *
Dark Allure *
Interrogate ETG Cards used:
* Nightmare
* Obsidian Tower
* Dark Pendulum (upgraded)
11 ) Aerial Bladestrike A lovely mono

which loves messing with weapons and shield in both sides of the field. Skyguards can remove your opponent's shield and weapon for a low price. Furthermore, exchaning your Wings right before it duration ends with your opponent's shield via Wind Waltz can be very irritating indeed! Moreover, after using your Kamikazes, you can play your Dancing Blade to gain both extra attack and protection. Finally, Twin-headed Wyrms are fine mid-hitters to both start and end your job.
CIA Cards used:
Skyguard *
Dancing Blade *
Kamikaze *
Wind Waltz *
Twin-headed Wyrm ETG Cards used:
* Wings
* Wind Pillar
* Air Pendulum
12 ) Weapons on Fire! Time to use more than one Weapon Slots. All your 3 weapon types (Flamberge, Khalni Blade, Summer) have nice damage output and worthy abilities, especially Summer & Berzerker combo. Who needs 'Flying Weapons' while fighting with 7 different blades at once?
CIA Cards used:
Flamberge *
Khalni Fireblade *
Summer *
Berzerker *
Weapon Slot ETG Cards used:
* Burning Pillar
* Fire Pendulum
13 ) Manticore's Skill Elite Manticore is a creature benefitting differently from different marks. So, despite this deck starting with a

mark, Metamorphosis can change it, changing Elite Manticore's active abilities along with the mark. By using the right ability type at the right situation, as well as harvesting the benefits of Desecration and Magnetic Orb, while generating the needed mana type by Amber, Charoite and Emerald Factories, there is no circumstance you can't overcome!
CIA Cards used:
Metamorphosis *
Desecration *
Magnetic Orb *
Elite Manticore *
Amber Factory *
Charoite Factory *
Emerald Factory ETG Cards used:
None, because purely CIA decks are possible!
14 ) Overheated Gas! This deck has also appeared to CIA Decks Competition (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43510.0.html). However, since I find it quite an interesting idea, I think I am going to promote it a little more. Unstable Gases can reach great amounts of mass-CC damage via Overheat and you can have up to 12 UGs overall; Elemental Books can copy UG's abilities.
CIA Cards used:
Overheat *
Elemental Book ETG Cards used:
* Unstable Gas
* Air Pillar
* Air Pendulum
All these images were made via CIA Deck Image Builder Tool!! The link is here: