@ddevans96: You realize that creatures in elements have summoning sickness, right? It can use its ability only after being in play for the one turn necessary for literally any damage-dealing creature control except for thunderstorm to kill it, and if your opponent has any in his hand, that's precisely what he or she will do.
I think that immortality is the way to go here specifically because of Anubis. An existing card already has the same exact ability, which can't be said for literally any other nymph. I think a more fitting ability would be to generate a copy of a target card in your hand (mix between fractal and PU), but it's the only one I have and I would actually rather have it be immortal. It makes perfect sense, since aether has two creatures with the same passive applicable skill unlike any other creature of any other element (charger is the only gravity creature with momentum, no life creatures have adrenaline, etc.). The purple nymph also has only 2 defense (upgraded, 1 unupped), but its ability gives a much higher advantage since it's the absolutely most powerful damage-reducing creature control in the game, and 1/3 cheaper than the card.
It just makes a lot of sense to me, and I know I'd actually use it if I didn't have to quint it, since at that point it's worth making a little more room in my deck and just using actual quints.