7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dl 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dn 7dn 7dn 7dn 7dn 7dn 7do 7dr 7dr 7dr 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7la 7la 7la 7la 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2
The general idea is that he plays Fahrenheit, endows his Crusaders, and animates Fahrenheit. Sometimes he Rage Pots his own crusader (as they end up being 8/7 after being endowed, and 15|1 after a rage pot.) This does make them very vulnerable to CC, but it also makes him damage you by massively large amounts.
I am running some tests atm to see how this FG holds up against various common FG Grinders.
CCYB: 0-5
Game 1
I play a QT & SoG first turn. He responds by dumping a hand full of

towers and a Fahrenheit. This is going to be a bad game. Two turns later I draw another QT, drop it and pass to his turn again. At then end of his turn he has 25

. Upon receiving my turn back, I play Pulverizer and pass. He animates his Fahrenheit. I play a newly drawn SoG. He casts Fahrenheit & explodes my Pulverizer. I pass again after playing Electrum Hourglass. He casts 2 Crusaders. I pass. He endows both Crusaders. Hitting for 17 each Crusader, and 15 each Fahrenheit. I desperately AM a Crusader. He rage pots the Crusader and swings for lethal.
A note after this game.. Lets say you AM a 8|7 Crusader, making it -8|7. Now lets say he has 40

. Do to the Firey ability, he gets +8, so he is essentially a 0|7. And for every 5

after that, he grows. This makes Crusader a difficult creature to AM.
Game 2
I play first, QT & SoG, and then I pass. He plays 4 towers and passes to me. I can't play anything, so I pass. He plays Fahrenheit, animates it, then plays another. On my turn I supernova. On his turn he animates another Fahrenheit, plays crusader, and casts another Fahrenheit. (He is sitting at 3 Fahrenheits, 1 crusader) Oh yah, then he explodes my only tower. (CCYB, you are sucking for me atm.) My turn I draw and play a supernova, giving me the quanta for an hourglass & pulverizer. He endows his crusader. I pulverize his unanimated fahrenheit and pass turn only to be hit in the face for 30 damage.
Game 3
He plays first, dropping 4 towers & fahrenheit. On my turn, I play 2 QT's and 2 SoGs (I need that healing bad). He kindly blows up a SoG, so I play another. We both continue to draw through our decks, his Fahrenheit growing. He plays a Crusader, and now I have the quanta to play permafrost shield. He plays firebuckler, and his crusader gets frozen. I cast Elite FFQ & Quint her. A few turns later he animates Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit freezes, but he plays another Crusader. He rage pots his existing endowed crusader (14|1) so I Antimatter it. My FFQ dies to buckler (how did I not draw a Pulvy yet?!) He drops another Fahrenheit, I die.
Game 4
I drop two towers first turn and pass. He drops 7 towers & passes. I play Electrum Hourglass and pass. He explodes it and passes. We pass back and forth until he casts Crusader, at which point I play SoG. He casts Fahrenheit and endows his Crusader. I play 2 more SoGs and pass. He plays another Fahrenheit, I play another SoG, SN, Pulverizer, and Permafrost Shield. I also Antimatter his 8|7 crusader. I destroy a Fahrenheit, but he has 87

, casts another Fahrenheit and ragepots his AM'd Crusader. I survive this turn with 1 life. His animated Fahrenheit is frozen. Next turn I blow up his weapon Fahrenheit. I heal to 21. He plays another Fahrenheit. His crusader (-2|1) actually swings for 16 damage, and his fahrenheit for 23 damage. Crap.
Game 5
He plays first. 4 towers & Fahrenheit. I respond with a QT. He passes, I play another QT and pass. He passes, and I play a SoG. He explodes my Shard and plays Crusader. I play another SoG. He plays Crusader, I play SN & Hourglass. He endows both of his crusaders and the beatdown begins. I cast Pulverizer, but he rage pots both crusaders and swings for massive amounts of damage.
RoL/Hope (Perpetual Light version):
Game 1
I play first, dropping 2 towers. I pass. He passes back after dropping some towers. I drop a RoL, leaving one in hand. He drops a Fahrenheit & Fire Buckler. I play a SoG, which he then blows up and plays a Crusader. Next turn I drop a RoL, and fractal it. He endows a crusader, plays another, animates his weapon and punches me in the face. I respond with Lobotimizer. He endows his other crusader and swings for lethal.
Game 2
He plays first, dropping multiple towers. I respond with multiple towers, a Lobotomizer, and a RoL. He explodes my Lobo, and I play another one. He explodes that one too, oh, then he plays a Crusader. I play SoG and pass. He plays another crusader. I play RoL, Fractal it, and cast a hand full (except one). He happens to cast one of the two Rains of Fire. Next turn I drop a tower & SoG. We pass back and forth for a while until he casts a Fahrenheit, and endows both crusaders. He has 57

, so each gets +13. He rage pots a Crusader.
Which other decks should I test against this?