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Turbo-speed false god farming (statistics added, 5-6 upped cards per hour) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68594#msg68594
« on: May 14, 2010, 01:23:24 pm »
Here I present the (most likely) fastest way at present to farm false gods for cards/electrum.
I've already posted the deck and strategy in the light/hope/fractal thread, but I think it deserves it's own topic, because it has a very different goal than the rest of these decks, and it's easier to have every necessary information in one place.
Unlike going for a high win ratio, this one goes for the highest possible cards won/time ratio.
Using it won't get your score higher quickly, on average you get more score than you lose, but not by much.
It is purely intended for card/electrum farming purposes.
You can expect about 5-6 upgraded cards per hour on average.

The deck :
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5lk 5lk 5lk 5lk 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80e 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 8pu

(Optionally one tower can be replaced with a shard of gratitude. It will increase score by giving some masterities, and in a few cases it might even help surviving, but most of the time it only slows you down as you both lose the quanta from not drawing an additional tower and also the 2 quanta it costs to play. On average, it costs you one turn when you draw it, but in case of bad (but still playable) draws, it can be even more)

General strategy :
Your goal is to give up all matches where you could potentially lose a lot of time and not win the match at the end, focusing on matches where winning or losing is decided early.

The most important is your starting hand. If it is clogged with hopes, fractals, and dragons, and you have zero, or only one tower, quit, and don't bother playing. (There are exceptions to this rule, some gods are very slow to start, so sometimes it's better to start with a bad hand than to skip. This depends on the god, and what kind of "bad" hand you have. For some gods, being able to get out 4-6 rays is enough, but for most you need much more and for that you need space in your hand.)
Also quit in cases mentioned in the god-by god breakdown.

Other than that, the deck is played just like any other fractal/hope deck :
1. Play as many cards from your hand as possible (electrocutors, towers, and rays, even hopes if you have the quanta from your rays). Continue to keep your hand as empty as possible. Hold back one ray of light in your hand against gods that can destroy them before you reach step 2.
2. After you have 8 aether quanta, play your fractal on a ray, and play all the rays.
3. As soon as you have the quanta, play Hope, if you haven't done so yet.
4. Play another fractal on your rays when you can. Against certain gods, you might even need to play a third, or fourth one if they destroy your rays. Always keep enough space available for dragons when necessary (See individual god strategy).
5. If you are playing against a god without creature control, play your dragon when you can. If not, play it only if you can fractal it at the same turn.
6. Against gods with miracle, play at most 1-2 dragons, and drop 6-8 of them in a single turn when they can finish him off immediately. Use a calculator if you are unsure if the damage will be enough. Consider the amount of light quanta too, and space available, if there isn't enough wait another turn or two.
7. Profit.

Additional strategy tips :
-If your hand is too clogged with stuff, but have some time to afford doing nothing, not playing any cards for 1-3 turns and discarding the excess useless hopes, electrocutors (or rarely fractals) can help you out even if it means not playin aether towers or rays when you can. Do this only if you are playing against a slow god, otherwise just quit with those bad starting hands.
-Generally you want you hand as empty as possible for fractals but there is an exception : If you are short on light quanta, but need a certain number of dragons at a specific time (against miracle), or as many as possible (against bonds), not playing extra hopes can be the better strategy...you won't be able to play 8 dragons anyway, so you don't need that extra space in your hand, but you do need the quanta. The same applies to your second electrocutor if you are low on aether and can afford one less ray per fractal. Against some gods, you don't want to play too many rays to keep creature slots for dragons, in this case, keeping a few cards in hand when fractaling the rays can also be useful.

Statistics (1.24, will be updated if I play more)
Won : 62+3
Quick loss (1 minute or less, loss due to early rush before playing a hope) : 17+3
Slow loss : 6+6

"+" numbers come from gods that were supposed to be skipped but I played them to decide on their skip/don't skip status (and decided on skip at the end, basically Ferox, Decay and Obliterator).
Overall (ignoring "+" games as those were supposed to be skipped) : 62 wins, 23 losses.
Win ratio of played games : 72.9%
Win ratio of games longer than 1 minute : 91.1%
This means that if you spend more than 1 minute playing, and skip playing according to the guide, you'll have a 91.1% chance to win the game, so only 8.9% of your total time spent on playing will be wasted on lost games.

(Note : Individual playing speed varies by player. 5-6 upgraded cards per hour apply to MY speed of playing. It also includes the time spent on recoding the game results, so the actual value might even be 6-6.5 cards.)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 11:58:49 pm by willng3 »


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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68619#msg68619
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 02:44:08 pm »

Divine Glory
Won : 5, Lost : 0
His strongest creature attacks for 8 damage only, so even one fractal can often be enough to stop him. Due to his miracles, you need to play a large number of dragons in one turn though, otherwise you risk decking out.

Won : 6, Lost : 1
Fractaling rays endlessly until you have 23 of them is enough to win because he has no shields. Lobotomizing eggs and druids is often useful if you can do so, but isn't always necessary.
If you don't have all the important cards in hand (enough fractals, hope, ray, etc), do not play a dragon. It will be hit by rewind, preventing you from drawing the card you are waiting for. In general prefer a large number of rays to dragons, and only play dragons if you have nothing else left to do. He might get a large creature out every once in a while through mutation, or chaos powers, so a hope with 23 rays is the safest bet.

Won 9, Quick loss : 2, Slow loss : 1 (no lobo, too many viruses)
Electrocutor is your friend here, as his viruses are trouble. Still winnable without one, because his creatures don't attack for more than 6, so holding back your rays in case of a virus is often enough to handle the situation. Rays are enough for damage without dragons as he only has bone walls.

Won : 4, Quick loss : 1
Another one where Electrocutor is important, but not absolutely necessary.
While Electrocutor is not such high priority than at other gods, without one, blessed creatures can get excessively large, and then be cloned. Lobotomizing his rays denies his light quanta because he has no light towers at all, so doing so can prevent blessings, miracles, and sometimes even mirror shield. The blessings are the important here, if he can play those uncontrolled, you can easily find yourself facing 4-5 25/25 ray of lights or deja vus.
Overall, with Elec, your victory is 100% once you have your hope out with enough rays, without one, you'll probably lose a game or two out of every 5-6 you play.

Fire Queen
Won : 8, Quick loss : 2
As long as you can lobo her Queens and prevent token generation, she has no fire quanta, and her Ferals don't heal for much. Winning is very easy in this case.
Without lobo, it is quite risky however, with a full 23 creatures, she can heal for way too much, and can kill you with fire lances too. Quitting is recommended if she has 2 or more queens out before you get your first lobotomizer.
She has Eagle Eyes so keep at least one ray in hard until your first fractal.

Won : 6, Lost : 0
Growing creatures, and lobotomizing creatures here, so you need to get rid of those abilities in time. If you do, it isn't too difficult to win. Having both dragons in the last 5-10 cards can be trouble though, as he has some feral bonds, otherwise no problem.
Without a lobotomizer, pay atention to his quanta supply. His deck is short on towers, so you might be able to pull of a victory. If he does have multiple forest spirits and/or ultharids out before you have your elec, and he also has the quanta to use their abilities every turn, quit.

Won : 2, Skipped : 1
You need your Electrocutor asap here. If he already has over one creature with an ability by the time you play your elec, you might as well give up because those pharaohs will generate more scarabs, and then he plays more pharaohs too. Basically, you need to play one at at turn 2-3 at latest. Once you did, however, you'll most likely win the game.

Dream Cathcher
Won : 9, Quick loss : 2, Skipped : 2
This is probably the most luck based one. If he can drain more quanta than you produce, has a discord, or destroys all you towers with a quicksand, quitting is recommended.
Otherwise, fractaling rays for primary damage, using electrocutor on nymps if he plays and, and fractaled dragons if you have a large amount of excess quanta is the strategy.
While he could potentially devastate you by destroying all your pillars using butterfly effect, and antimattering all your creatures using the nymph, he strangely doesn't do it. He always uses the nymph ability on dragons, so don't play dragons unless you can kill him even if he antimatters a dragon each turn, or if you can lobotomize the nymph when it comes out. Avoid playing only a few dragons if you can't handle a nymph at all costs.


Won : 3, Quick Loss : 3, Slow Loss : 2.
He can play huge dragons quite early, and even bless them. Handling a 18/18 monster on turn four is often a problem and outright impossible with a suboptimal hand. Same can happen if he has a blessed pegasus that does 20+ damage per turn with dive.
I've expected a much better win rate than what I got against him this time, so this god is on my "Watch list". If this bad result remains consistent, this god might get moved to the SKIP section, although I doubt it will, I think I just had bad luck with him today.

Won : 2, Quick Loss : 3
Play all your rays ASAP, he has no creature control. Too many early shriekers can kill you fast, but if you manage to get at least 10+ rays out, you are safe and victory is guaranteed. Best to play exactly 13 rays because his largest creature is the time dragon with 13 atk. These games are unfortunately somewhat slow, but you can't lose them if you survive the early game. However, losing in the early game does happen often, so be ready.

Chaos Lord
Won : 4, Quick Loss : 2, Slow Loss : 2
Early discord, or powerful mutated creatures can kill you.
If neither of those happen, you can still lose to stuff like Dissipation shield, or stolen lobotomizer if you can't get enough dragons into play quickly.
Give up if a discord comes out before your shield and he has some strong creatures out.
If both dragons are down in the last 5-10 cards, you are also in big trouble.
Mutated creatures can also be a problem if your don't have an elec, and if it gets stolen, that is also a big trouble in itself because it will be used against you, and if you can't lobo the druids, your dragons will get mutated.
If you want to improve electrum/time ratio even further, skipping him might be a good idea.

Won : 4, Quick loss : 1, Slow loss : 1
He can and will kill a lot of rays, so this is where you have to fractal them at least 3, sometimes even 4 times. He also has miracles, so a well timed fractaled dragon is also necessary. These games are long, and mistakes usually cost you the game, but once you learn how to do it, there is a good chance to win.
This game is a bit more luck based than the rest, and you need to pay 100% attention, and sometimes use a calculator if you are unsure about your damage. If you let him play a miracle, your chance to win is greatly reduced, so the game is decided mainly on your timing of playing dragons, and the amount of quanta you have for them.

(Note : you CAN beat these, but the chance isn't very good, and most of the losses happen in long games, wasting your time. Stay away from these gods at all costs if you are playing my deck! You might want to play them using other variations, but not with mine.)

Won : 0 this time, but I have beaten him 2-3 times in unrecorded games. Quick Loss : 2 (by quitting when having no quanta left), Slow Loss : 2, Skipped : 4.
Even if you are fast enough to bypass his quanta denial lock, and make him play fractals on your rays instead of his pests, syphon life will kill some of your not-that many dragons, dusk will slow them down even more, and he'll gain life from those syphons too. Even worse, he might direct them at you and just kill your outright. Chance to win seems too low for the amount of time invested, but the good chance of winning cards, that are also all useful (pest,syphon life, steal, fractal, electrocutor, all good cards) might make this worth a try if you have a very good start. Don't hesitate to quit if you are low on life, or he has a lot of quanta, and you are slow at doing damage, because he will finish you off with syphon life. Don't even think about staring unless you have a perfect staring hand.

Won : 1, Slow Loss : 2, Skipped : 3
Too many creatures with momentum here, and his pulverizer can destroy your only way of removing that momentum ability. Not worth the time, the chance of victory is very minimal. Only possible if he has no pulverizer, you have elec, and a great starting hand.

Always Skipped
He can chain a large number of phase shields, so not only will you waste your time, you might deck out and not win anything at the end.
Add the fact that he can momentum his creatures, and even clone them, and that he can lobotomize your rays, so by the time his shields run out, you are also dead (or have no space left for dragons to do damage), this is probably the most time-wasting god to play.
Your victory mainly depends on the number of phase shields he draws.

Always Skipped.
While holding back your rays can bypass his plagues, without shards, his poison, and excess damage from ivory dragons (you can't play all the rays due to plagues) can easily kill you. Deck variants with more shards can get better win rates here, but without shards this one is an auto-skip.

Dark Matter
Always Skipped
Without an early electrocutor, you have no chance here, but even if you do have one, he can play too many 7 atk creatures before you get your shield out. He also has a lot of momentum, and blessings, so some damage can go through your shield, and kill you before you win.
Winning against him is possible, but way too rare to count on it. Chance is slightly better with shards, but not by much.

Eternal Phoenix
Always Skipped
You are guaranteed to die after a firestorm because of his ruby dragons, and he also has tons of explosions to destroy your pillars, slowing you down.
While not impossible, you'll only win if he has a slow start and never draws a firestorm in the mid- to endgame.

Always Skipped
With only 7 slots, that are needed for your rays, and dragons dying after attacking once, adding the fact that most of those 7 rays will be frozen, you just can't put out enough damage in time, especially through a permafrost shield. Decking out is far too likely to bother playing here.

Always Skipped
Firestorms can kill your rays, he has direct damage to kill you even if you have your shield up, and his growing creatures will eventually hit through anyway. Don't even bother.He can even blow up your pillars, too.

Always Skipped
Momentum, Otyughs eating your rays, growing creatures, and to top it off, firestorm and explosions that destroy your electrocutor. Oh, and even more momentum, including Titans, which you can't lobotomize.

Always Skipped
There is too much poison here for only one shard. 4+ shard variants can have a reasonable win rate here, this one however can't even hope to win.

Won : 2, Quick Loss : 1, Slow Loss : 2, Skipped : 1
All of his cards are creatures, and feral bonds. Even if you get the optimal draw, he is likely to outheal your damage. Early rush can also kill you if you aren't fast enough, but healing is the major problem. If you fractal too many rays, you won't have enough slots left for dragons, and if you don't, it takes too long to play those dragons. If you stop at exactly 12-13 rays, you might have a fair chance of victory with a quick start, but it's up to pure luck, so this is better to skip. Playing these games will reduce your time spent on winning games/total time spent ratio by a lot, so it is not recommended.

Always Skipped
Half of his deck are unstable gases. Those kill all your rays while also bypass your shield and do damage to you. This one is impossible. No, really impossible. Unless he draws 0 towers, no Fire Shield, and stays that way for the 15 turns necessary to kill him...

Total :
8 good, 4 playable, 12 skip.

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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68621#msg68621
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2010, 03:00:23 pm »
Deserves it's own thread eh?  ;)

I used this deck eversince I found your suggestion in the Rol+Hope... thread.
It is indeed hella fast and right on the spot for farming purposes.

However, I would expand to 31 cards and add 1 SoG. That actually makes you draw them sometimes.

The god-by-god-breakdown hits it perfectly on the spot. (With an extra SoG at least) I would move Paradox into the Good or even Easy section. I am always very happy to meet her and never lost to her. Also Scorpio is Difficult for me and not impossible.

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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68659#msg68659
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2010, 05:12:18 pm »
Allow me to make a point here!

Unlike going for a high win ratio, this one goes for the highest possible cards won/time ratio.
"Playable" gods : 10
Better to skip, or impossible : 14

I'm not that happy with this being the fastest way of farming...when I have to skip over half of the opponents...
On average, you win 1 card every 3 god win.
14 gods needs to be ditched. Assuming a perfect world, you play all 25 1 cycle, you win 3 cards, but wasted 14x30 electum, = 420. Net gain is 2850 or so electum, not bad

But then knowing you have to ditch like 10 god before you can win one (assuming you do win it) can feel a little depressing

And 1 more thing, I know your deck is fast, but calling it a turbo speed kinda sad, because I was looking for a pure rusher, like acelink's for example
But I would love it, if you call it turbo-speed RoL Hope killer tho

Ok, on the up side
Nothing much I want to add, because I know your RoL Hope deck is solid, nice deck =)


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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68668#msg68668
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2010, 05:26:47 pm »
Also Scorpio is Difficult for me and not impossible.
2 shards makes it possible, but of course still very hard. I've won relatively often with four shards.

However, I would expand to 31 cards and add 1 SoG. That actually makes you draw them sometimes.
I'm actually considering to drop that one too and add another aether tower. Losses happen sometimes when there isn't enough quanta, and playing the combo a turn or two earlier thanks to additional quanta and not taking that much damage is probably more important than 5 healing per turn. The quanta taken by playing it can often cost a turn too, and not playing it isn't an option as that would leave you with even less space in your hand for the rays.

Also, all gods where extra damage over the shield used to be a problem are now added to the "skip" section (morte,dark matter, gemini), or are ones where the quanta is much more important (seism), or destroy shards anyway (rainbow)

What I'm not too happy about is that there only are 10 gods that are worth playing since the new ones... making the ratio drop significantly, from 10/19 to 10/24, in reality even more because "good" gods used to take double slots so it was more like 14/24 before.

But then knowing you have to ditch like 10 god before you can win one (assuming you do win it) can feel a little depressing
Somewhat, more like very much. This is a main reason why I hate the game, you either skip more than half the games, or play excessively slow decks that are boring as hell.

but calling it a turbo speed kinda sad, because I was looking for a pure rusher,
If there is one that can beat 10/24 or more gods, I might actually switch over to using that, but I don't think there are 10 gods without miracles, fast damage, or creature control, unfortunately all of those kill rush decks.
Also, in a rush deck's case, you won't know in advance if you will or will not win, so more time is spent on losing games, reducing overall cards/hour.

I've used the word "turbo" in the sense of most electrum/hour, not shortest time/game.

I would move Paradox into the Good or even Easy section.
I considered that but I wanted to point out how important it is to lobotomize his rays by including it in that section. Still, you are right, he is like Incarnate, Elec helps a lot but isn't absolutely necessary, I'll move it.


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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68694#msg68694
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2010, 05:54:54 pm »
On average, you win 1 card every 3 god win.
14 gods needs to be ditched. Assuming a perfect world, you play all 25 1 cycle, you win 3 cards, but wasted 14x30 electum, = 420. Net gain is 2850 or so electum, not bad
Let's complete the numbers.

24 games will contain
14 losses from ditched gods, and maybe probably one more from a bad draw, so 14-15 losses.
9-10 wins from the good ones.

The 15 losses will cost you 450 electrum, and about one minute for clicking menu->lv6 again.
The 9-10 wins will take 3-5 minutes each for a total of 30-50 minutes, and give you 9* 40-50 electrum, giving you back about the same you spent on the losses, (with the shard included in the deck, some masterities will also happen, giving even more) and three cards.

Overall, you win three cards every 30-50 minutes, giving you an average of 4-5 cards per hour, so up to 40 cards can be won in a day (8 hours of playing).
I'd say it's pretty good, if only you didn't need to skip 60% of the games, and the winning would be more consistent instead of purely luck based slot machine...
Not gaining/even losing score out of farming makes me unhappy. I want score AND cards, not just one of the two...

Then again, "maybe one loss from a bad draw" was a bit too optimistic, it's more like skipping at least 2-3 out of those 10 "good" games, however, skipped games don't take time, so it's only minus 1-200 electrum per hour, not a big deal when winning that many cards.

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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68697#msg68697
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2010, 05:57:51 pm »
I would move Paradox into the Good or even Easy section.
I considered that but I wanted to point out how important it is to lobotomize his rays by including it in that section. Still, you are right, he is like Incarnate, Elec helps a lot but isn't absolutely necessary, I'll move it.
Hmm, that's odd. I do lobo her rays too if I think about it and then watch her waste her rare light quanta on a couple blessings.
However, I can only remember one game where she actually managed to build up a super-ray. For the most part she seems to randomly buff dejas, then a RoL again and so on ... not really anything I ever had to worry about.


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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68713#msg68713
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2010, 06:28:05 pm »
I think he blesses the larges creature, if it doesn't have an ability, and a dejavu with ability if there is one. Or the AI was changed, but I remember seeing 32/32 rays once.


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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68728#msg68728
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2010, 06:43:48 pm »
I use a variation of this deck also and I like it. -1 frac +1 SoG

The speed is what I like. There are no 30 minute matches, it's all over pretty quick. Chaos Lord and Dream Catcher haven't been as difficult for me. Unless they get a Discord out quickly, I found them to be beatable.

For Minor Phoenix, I think he only has 2 firestorms. So if you bait one out early (3 or more RoL and he'll play it), you're relatively safe hoping that the other is near the bottom of his deck.

Ferox is auto quit for me. I can't ever seem to out damage his bonds.

I feel like Gemini got smarter recently. I used to be able to bait his Phase shields early and then he'd eventually have gaps later on where I hit him hard. But now he seems to momentum a creature and then TU multiple times to bypass my Hope shield and kill me. I don't remember him doing that before.


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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68734#msg68734
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2010, 06:55:26 pm »
Unless they get a Discord out quickly, I found them to be beatable.
Chaos lord yes, I won often against him, it just takes time due to his shield.
Dream Catcher not so much. Earthquakes, and other quanta denial is a problem, I rarely get as far as 8 aether quanta.

For Minor Phoenix, I think he only has 2 firestorms. So if you bait one out early (3 or more RoL and he'll play it), you're relatively safe hoping that the other is near the bottom of his deck.
I actually won my first ever match against him. The problem is, he might draw a firestorm any time later, and if that happens you are dead. Unlike at Incarnate, or Morte, where you can just play more rays, here, even if you do play more rays, the dragons will still do too much damage over a 8 ray-shield. So I didn't even bother trying, because the risk is too high.
Losing all the pillars to explosions doesn't help either.
Oh, wait, I need to fix his name, Minor Phoenix is the card, not the god.

Ferox is auto quit for me. I can't ever seem to out damage his bonds.
I haven't managed to do so either, but others claimed it as possible I think. I was tempted to place him in impossible, though, so I'll move it.

So far the replacement of the shard with an additional tower seems to work.

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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68751#msg68751
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2010, 07:53:26 pm »
If speed's what you want, use this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5228.0.html)

It's actually a rush deck, and while it loses more often, the games are so much faster it makes up for it completely.
I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.


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Re: Turbo-speed false god farming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6546.msg68776#msg68776
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2010, 08:31:14 pm »
There is a major problem with that deck... winning or losing cannot be predicted easily, so you have to play longer (and more) losing games. Overall, you spend the same or even more time playing for the same number of wins, I think, and more losses also make it even more frustrating to play.
I rather win 95% of the games I've spent 3-4 minutes on, and get most of my losses in games lasting 30 seconds, than spending only 2 minutes per game, but winning less than half of those.
If there is a rush deck capable of winning at over 90% chance against any 8-10 specific gods, even by ditching all the rest, let me know and I'll play it. This one doesn't seem like that, or am I wrong?

I might try it out, but I doubt it'll be worth it. I have most of those cards so I don't have much to lose...well as long as I use rays instead of sparks.


blarg: Seravy