Osiris has 2 copies of the following cards:
74a 74a 74h 74h 752 752 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q4 7q4 7q8 7qb 7qb 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 8pl
Mark : 3x Gravity |
Creature Control : Numerous Scarabs, 4x Rewind, 2x Eternity, 2x Turtle Shield |
Permanent Control : 4x Shard of Focus |
As the name suggests, Osiris uses the newly introduced Pharaoh cards to generate a swarm of scarabs with 20+ HP to overwhelm any creature the opponent plays. The deck starts slow, but once it gains momentum (pun intended), it is unstoppable. Once the entire field is filled with scarabs, the scarabs start eating 7~8 pharaohs on the field, or even themselves in order to break through shields.
The god plays Pharaohs virtually every turn from turn 2~10. Lobotomizing them is the best counter, similar to fighting Fire Queen. Also, stealing the turtle shield could stall the scarab production for a while.
A protected diamond shield could block all the damage (except the momentumed ones), and protected permafrost shield also works well.
One of the best ways to defeat the god is by making him deck out. Excluding the Precognitions, this deck only has 64 cards, and false gods draw 2 cards per turn. However, be aware that sometimes Osiris decides to draw one card a turn instead of two when he is about to deck out. Also, sometimes he uses rewind or eternity on his own creatures.
Rainbow control decks will fall easily to SoF unless they have means to control it on turn 1. Otherwise, SoF will remove permanents and quanta, making it impossible to get a good defense up. OTKs suffer a similar fate.
Various SoP OTKs react very differently to Osiris, so check your user's manual. This goes for all decks, but especially SoP OTK's.
Ray of Light - Hope deck could work, but Lobotomizer has to be up before pharaohs generate the second scarab or SoF comes out. Otherwise, scarabs will eat the RoL's, or SoF will break elecs before they can do anything.
This is one of the FG's where it pays off once again to have three Electrocutors in your Hope deck. If you get one early, Osiris is toast. If you get one mid-game, his SoF will have broken down some towers and scarabs will eat some of your RoL's, but you can still easily win and EM him. He has no means of healing, so he's rather easy to rush if you mange to slow down his Scarab production by lobotomising some of the Pharaohs and the SoFs. The sheer number of your creatures thanks to Fractal combined with his inability to do damage through your Hope will usually net you a win even without an early Electrocutor.
Starting from the 1.26 patch, Osiris has Trebuchets that he uses whenever his Pharaohs, Scarabs, or SoF are afflicted by negative status, or simply when there are too many Scarabs that he can generate more to fill the board again. He also uses Trebuchet on the SoF after only one or two permanents destroyed, wasting the last usage and the Black Hole. Since using Trebuchet ignores shield effects, he becomes quite menacing once he starts to fully run 2+ Trebuchets.
A note that can be helpful : Osiris does not rewind creatures affected by the turtle shield. The most effective way to be able to go through your deck, therefore, is to play creatures so that they all attack at the same time.
Oracle Counter
For now, Mono Aether is the best deck to use.
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