General Changes
Remove quanta cap
(Aquatic) Immune to flooding. Gains +1/+1 while in the water.
(Burrow) rounds up on odd attack values
(Heavy) Creature cannot be Rewound
A poison counter does 1 damage a turn, a Toxin counter does 2 and the creature turns into a Malignant Cell if it dies.
Arctic Squid | Arctic Octopus
-No change
Blue Crawler | Abyss Crawler
-Passive Ability: (Aquatic)
Chrysaora | Physalia
-No change
Flooding | Inundation
-Change text: (Absorb

) Kill any creatures along the edge of the field. Flooded

creatures gain +1/+1.
Freeze | Congeal
-No change
Ice Bolt | Ice Lance
-May also freeze shield. (Lower chance)
Ice Dragon | Arctic Dragon
-Change stats: (unupped) 11/5
Ice Shield | Permafrost Shield
-Change costs: 4

/ 6

Mind Flayer | Ulitharid
-Change cost: 2

/ 2

Nymph Queen | Water Nymph
-Change text:

Nymph's Tears
Turn one of your pillars into a Nymph. All Nymphs gain +1/+1.
Nymph's Tears | Nymph's Tears
-Change cost: 5: water / 4

Purify | Purify
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

-Change text: (unupped) Remove the poison status from yourself. Gain 2 Purity counters.
Steam Machine | Steam Machine
-Change cost: 4

/ 4

Toadfish | Puffer Fish
-No change
Trident | Poseidon
-Change text: (Weapon) Deal 5 damage.


) Tsunami
Destroy up to 3 cards in target cluster.
Dimensional Shield | Phase Shield
-Change cost: 4

/ 3

-Change text: (Shield) Take no damage from physical sources for 2 turns. Your weapon deals no damage.
Fractal | Fractal
-No change (create passive that doesn't allow for fractaling) <-- No cards exist with this yet.
Immortal | Elite Immortal
*Name change: Celestial | Immortal
-Change text: (Immaterial) Gain +1/+1 for each other (Immaterial) creature in play.
Lightning | Thunderbolt
-No change
Lobotomizer | Electrocutor
-No change
Mindgate | Mindgate
-Change text:

Add a copy of the first card in your opponent's deck to your hand.
Parallel Universe | Twin Universe
-No change
Phase Dragon | Elite Phase Dragon
*Name change: Dimensional Dragon | Phase Dragon
-Change cost: 12

/ 13

Phase Spider | Phase Recluse
-No change
Quintessene | Quintessence
-No change
Silence | Silence
-No change
Spark | Ball Lightning
-Change stats: (upped) 4/0
-Change text: When attacking, may generate a new Spark (Ball Lightning). [30% chance]
Turqouise Nymph | Aether Nymph
-Change stats: (unupped) 5/2, (upped) 6/3
-Change text: (Immaterial)


Target creature gains (Immaterial).
Azure Dragon | Sky Dragon
-Change cost: 11

/ 12

-Change stats: (unupped) 11/6
Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
-No change
Dragonfly | Damselfly
-Change stats: (unupped) 2/1
Firefly | Elite Firefly
*Name change: Lightning Bug | Firefly
Firefly Queen | Elite Queen
*Name change: Lightning Queen | Firefly Queen
-Change cost: 6

/ 6

Flying Weapon | Animate Weapon
-Change text: Turn target player's weapon into a creature.
Fog Shield | Improved Fog
*Name change: Mist Shield | Fog Shield
-Change cost: 3

/ 2

Owl's Eye | Eagle's Eye
-No change
Shockwave | Shockwave
-No change
Sky Blitz | Sky Blitz
-Change cost: 8

/ 7

Thunderstorm | Lightning Storm
-Text change: Deals 1 damage to every enemy creature. Does an additional damage if creature is airborne.
Unstable Gas | Unstable Gas
-No change
Wings | Wings
-No change
Wyrm | Wyrm
*Name change: Wyrm | Wyvern
-Change stats: (unupped) 4/3
Black Dragon | Obsidian Dragon
-No change
Black Nymph | Dark Nymph
-No change
Cloak | Cloak
-No change
Devourer | Pest
-Change stats: (upped) 0/3
Drain Life | Siphon Life
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

Dusk Mantle | Improved Dusk
*Name change: Shade Mantle | Dusk Mantle
Gargoyle | Gargoyle
-Change text:

Stone Form
Gargoyle gains +0/+20 and (Heavy).
Liquid Shadow | Liquid Shadow
-No change
Minor Vampire | Vampire
-Change cost: 2

/ 5

-Change stats: (unupped) 2/1
Nightfall | Eclipse
-Change cost: 3

/ 3

Nightmare | Nightmare
-No change
Parasite | Bloodsucker
-Change cost: 1

/ 1

-Change stats: (unupped) 2/1
Steal | Improved Steal
*Name Change: Snatch | Steal
-No change
Vampire Stiletto | Vampire Dagger
-No change
Voodoo Doll | Voodoo Doll
-No change
Aflatoxin | Aflatoxin
-Change cost: 6

/ 5

Arsenic | Arsenic
-No change
Bone Dragon | Bone Dragon
-No change
Bone Wall | Bone Wall
-No change
Boneyard | Graveyard
-Change cost: 4

/ 3

Deathstalker | Deathstalker
-No change
Flesh Spider | Flesh Spider
-Change cost: 2

/ 3

-Change stats: (unupped) 3/1
Grey Nymph | Death Nymph
-Change stats: (unupped) 3/4, (upped) 3/7
Mummy | Elite Mummy
*Name change: Corpse | Mummy
Plague | Improved Plague
-Change cost: 3

/ 2

Poison | Deadly Poison
-No change
Skeleton | Elite Skeleton
*Name change: Gaunt | Skeleton
-Change cost: 1

/ 'free'
-Change stats: (unupped) 2/2
Skull Shield | Skull Buckler
-Change cost: 4

/ 3

-Change text: (Shield) Reduce damage by 1. Attacking creatures have a chance to die.
Soul Catcher | Soul Catcher
-Change text: Every time a creature is killed, Soul Catcher generates

. (upped:

Virus | Retrovirus
-Change cost: 'free' / 'free'
Vulture | Condor
-Change cost: 2

/ 2

Antlion | Elite Antlion
*Name change: Antlion | Ankheg
-Text change:

Ignores opponent's shield while burrowed.
Auburn Nymph | Earth Nymph
-No change
Basilisk Blood | Basilisk Blood
-No change
Earthquake | Quicksand
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

-Change text: Destroy up to 2 pillars or pendulums in target cluster.
Enchant Artifact | Protect Artifact
-No change
Gnome Rider | Gnome Gemfinder
-No change
Graboid | Elite Graboid
*Name change: Graboid | Dirt Dragon
-No change
Hematite Golem | Steel Golem
-No change
Iridium Warden | Vanadium Warden
-No change
Plate Armor | Heavy Armor
-Change text: Target creature gains +0/+3 (upped: +0/+6) and gain (Heavy).
Pulverizer | Pulverizer
-No change
Shrieker | Elite Shrieker
*Name change: Shrieker | Dust Dragon
-Change cost: 6

/ 6

-Change stats: (unupped) 6/3, (upped) 8/3
-Text change:

Ignores opponent's shield while burrowed.
Stone Dragon | Basalt Dragon
-Change cost: 10

/ 11

Stone Skin | Granite Skin
-Change text: Add X HP to your maximum health. X is your

quanta. Max 75 HP.
Titanium Shield | Diamond Shield
-No change
Abomination | Micro Abomination
-No change
Antimatter | Improved Antimatter
*Name change: Antisubstance | Antimatter
-Change cost: 8

/ 7

Butterfly Effect | Butterfly Effect
-Change cost: 4

/ 4

-Change text: (upped) Target creature with less than 3 attack power gains

: Destroy
Chaos Seed | Chaos Power
-No change
Discord | Discord
-Change cost: 4

/ 4

Dissipation Shield | Dissipation Field
-No change
Fallen Elf | Fallen Druid
-Change cost: 4

/ 4

Lycanthrope | Werewolf
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

Maxwell's Demon | Maxwell's Demon
-No change
Mutation | Improved Mutation
*Name change: Mutation | Super Mutation
Nova | Supernova
-Change cost: 1

/ 3

Pandemonium | Pandemonium
-Change cost: 4

/ 5

Purple Dragon | Amethyst Dragon
-No change
Purple Nymph | Purple Nymph
*Name change: Purple Nymph | Entropy Nymph
Schrödinger's cat | Schrödinger's cat
-Change stats: (unupped) 1/2
Ash Eater | Brimstone Eater
-Change stats: (upped) 3/1
-Change text: (unupped) Each turn

is generated.
Ash | Ash
-Change cost: 8

/ 3

Crimson Dragon | Ruby Dragon
-No change
Deflagration | Explosion
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit
-Change text: (Weapon) Deal 4 (upped: 6) damage. Deals more damage with more

quanta. [similar to Catapult]
Fire Bolt | Fire Lance
-Change text: Deals 3 damage to the target for each 10

quanta in your possesion. Max 15 damage.
Fire Shield | Fire Buckler
-No change
Fire Spirit | Fire Spectre
-Change cost: 2

/ 2

-Change stats: (unupped) 0/3
Immolation | Cremation
-Change text: Sacrifice a creature. Generate 6 (upped: 8 )

quanta and 1 quanta of each element.
Lava Golem | Lava Destroyer
-Change text:

Lava Golem (Lava Destroyer) gains +2/+1.
Phoenix | Minor Phoenix
-Change cost: 8

/ 3

Rage Potion | Rage Elixir
-Change text: Target creature gains +5/-2 (upped: +6/-3).
Rain of Fire | Fire Storm
*Name change: Rain of Fire | Firestorm
Red Nymph | Fire Nymph
-Change Text:

Target creature gains +5/-2 (upped: +6/-3)
Acceleration | Overdrive
-Change cost: 2

/ 3

Amber Nymph | Auburn Nymph
-No change
Armagio | Elite Armagio
*Name change: Armagio | Guardian
-Change stats: (unupped) 2/25
Black Hole | Black Hole
-No change
Catapult | Trebuchet
-No change
Chimera | Chimera
-Change cost: 6

/ 5

-Passive ability: (Heavy)
Colossal Dragon | Massive Dragon
-Change stats: (unupped) 7/20
-Passive ability: (Heavy)
Graviton Fire Eater | Graviton Firemaster
-Change cost: 1

/ 1

Graviton Mercenary | Graviton Guard
-Change cost: 3

/ 2

Gravity Pull | Gravity Force
-No change
Gravity Shield | Gravity Shield
-No change
Momentum | Unstoppable
-No change
Otyugh | Otyugh
*Name change: Otyugh | Gulguthra
-Change stats: (unupped) 0/4
-Change ability cost:

Sapphire Charger | Elite Charger
*Name change: Sapphire Charger | Diamond Charger
Titan | Titan
-No change
Adrenaline | Epinephrine
-No change
Cockatrice | Elite Cockatrice
*Name change: Cockatrice | Basilisk
Druidic Staff | Jade Staff
-No change
Emerald Dragon | Jade Dragon
-No change
Emerald Shield | Jade Shield
-Change cost: 3

/ 5

Empathic Bond | Feral Bond
-No change
Forest Scorpion | Scorpion
*Name change: Scorpion | Forest Scorpion
Forest Spirit | Forest Spectre
-Change cost: 2

/ 2

Green Nymph | Life Nymph
-No change
Heal | Improved Heal
*Name change: Mend | Heal
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

-Change text: Target player gains 20 HP.
Horned Frog | Giant Frog
-No change
Mitosis | Mitosis
-Change cost: 4

/ 3

Rustler | Leaf Dragon
-Change cost: 1

/ 'free'
-Change stats: (unupped) 1/3
Thorn Carapace | Spine Carapace
-Change cost: 6

/ 6

Blessing | Improved Blessing
*Name change: Grace | Blessing
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

Crusader | Crusader
-Change text:

Gain target weapon's ability and +X/+2. X is the weapon's attack.
Golden Dragon | Light Dragon
-Change cost: 11

/ 12

Guardian Angel | Archangel
-Change cost: 2

/ 6

-Change stats: (unupped) 2/7
Holy Light | Holy Flash
-Change text: Heal target for up to 10 HP. If the target is


, damage it instead. Gain 3

Hope | Hope
-Change cost: 7

/ 7

Light Nymph | Light Nymph
*Name change: White Nymph | Light Nymph
-Change cost: 8

/ 8

-Change stats: (unupped) 3/9; (upped) 3/9
-Change text:


) Luciferin
Your creatures without a skill gain 'bioluminescence'. Heal yourself for 10 HP.
Luciferin | Luciferase
-No change
Miracle | Improved Miracle
*Name change: Benediction | Miracle
Morning Star | Morning Glory
-No change
Pegasus | Elite Pegasus
*Name change: Winged Horse | Pegasus
-Change stats: (unupped) 3/3
Photon | Ray of Light
-Change text: (unupped) Gain

when put in play.
Reflective Shield
-Change cost: 1

/ 1

Sanctuary | Sanctuary
-Change cost: 3

/ 2

-Change text: Your quanta pool and your hand can not be altered by your opponent. Heal 3 HP per turn. (Now works with Dissipation Shield and Solar Shield)
Solar Shield | Solar Buckler
-Change cost: 2

/ 1

Anubis | Elite Anubis
*Name change: Anubis | Inpu
-Change cost: 7

/ 6

-Change text:

Target creature gains Immaterial.
Deja Vu | Elite Deja Vu
*Name change: Deux | Deja Vu
Devonian Dragon | Silurian Dragon
-Change stats: (unupped) 11/4
Dune Scorpion | Dune Scorpion
*Name change: Sand Scorpion | Dune Scorpion
Eternity | Eternity
-No change
Fate Egg | Fate Egg
-Change cost: 2

/ 2

-Change stats: 0/4
Ghost of the Past | Ghost of the Past
-Change cost: 6

/ 6

-Change text: (upped) 10 damage when discarded
Golden Hourglass | Electrum Hourglass
-Change cost: 5: time / 4

-Change text: (unupped)

Draw a card from your deck.
Golden Nymph | Golden Nymph
*Name change: Golden Nymph | Time Nymph
Pharaoh | Pharaoh
-Change cost: 8

/ 8

Precognition | Precognition
-No change
Procrastination | Turtle Shield
-Change cost: 5

/ 3

Reverse Time | Rewind
-Change cost: 3

/ 2

Scarab | Elite Scarab
*Name change: Scarab | Kheper
Sundial | Sundial
-No change