shadow303's gallery & free artHi everybody,
since most artists have their own thread here to present what they already created for the elements and also to put online stuff that is free to use I decided to make my own gallery too. I will keep updating this gallery.
(Btw: I'm currently upping all this stuff on my
DeviantART Gallery too)
Free Art:Here a few graphics I created and which are up for grabs - feel free to use them, but please mention me as artist for your card (..or get me even one of those cool shiny "art by shadow303" notes - I'd really happy with that

) and give me a quick info that you used it, so that I can update this list.
Requested/Used Art:Also, make sure you check out the following card threads, the card creators that I am collaborating so far invented some really cool card ideas.
Collaboration with
Captain Scibra,
Drake XIV,
Spoiler for Collaboration - Art and Cards:
Raising ChargerVersion 1 - Created for
RutareteCard Thread:
Raising Charger | Flying Charger
ChibakiVersion 1 - Created for
RutareteCard Thread:
Chibaki | Manbaki
DustbunnyVersion 1 - Created for
RutareteVersion 2 - Improved as requested by
ArumCard thread:
Dustbunny | Dustbunny

Mechanical SpiderVersion 1, 2 - Created for
Captain ScibraCard thread:
Insertion Mech | Deployer Mech
Graviton Fighter GroupVersion 1 - Created for
Captain ScibraCard thread:
Team | Squad
AnchorVersion 1 - Created for
HyroenCard Thread:
Anchor | Anchor
ImpVersion 1, 2 - Created for
HyroenCard thread:
Imp | Imp
Broken MirrorVersion 1,2 and 3 - Created for
HyroenCard thread:
LeechVersion 1 - Created for
HyroenCard thread:

Frozen ButterfliesVersion 1 - Used by
ZbladerCard Thread:
Icicle Barrier | Icicle Fortress
Light DragonVersion 1 - Created for
ZbladerCard Thread:
Venerated Drake | Exalted Dragon
Shard AngelVersion 1 - Created for
ZbladerCard Thread:
Shard Remnant | Shard Remnant
Avenging AngelVersion 1 - Used by
ZbladerCard thread:
Spirit Guardian | Angelic Eidolon
Death TwirlVersion 1 - Used by
ElbirnCard thread:
Premature Burial | Premature Burial
Praying MantisVersion 1 - Used by
Praying Mantis | Praying Mantis
Crystal CatVersion 1 - Created for
russianspy1234Card Thread:
Crystal Cat | Crystal Cat
Dark GuardianVersion 1 - Used by
russianspy1234Card Thread:
Dark Guardian | Darkhand Protector
Crystal HedgehogVersion 1 - Created for
russianspy1234Card Thread:
Crystal Hedgehog | Crystal Hedgehog
Cursed MirrorVersion 1, 2 - Created for
russianspy1234Card Thread:
Horrify | Horrify

Infected HandVersion 1 - Used by
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Bony Clutch | Bony Clutch
Storm FlyerVersion 1, 2 - Created; Edited for
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Sandstream | Sandstream
Stone ThrowerVersion 1, 2 - Created; Edited for
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Peak Dweller | Peak Dweller
Tiny TurtleVersion 1 - Used by
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Withdraw | Improved Withdraw
Weird SwarmVersion 1, 2 - Created; Edited for
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Mycogenesis | Mycogenesis
Nature GuardianVersion 1 - Used by
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Marsh Troll | Swamp Troll
Angry BearVersion 1, 2 - Used/Adapted for
Drake XIV
Omnivore LarvaVersion 1 - Used by
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Lichenoid | Mature Lichenoid
Fighter BirdsVersion 1, 2 - Created for
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Stymphalia | Stymphalia
Desert DragonVersion 1 - Used by
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Piercing Cry | Piercing Shriek
Storm ScreamerVersion 1 - Used by
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Elder Drake | Ancient Drake
Time MageVersion 1 - Created for
HyroenVersion 2 - Edited for
Drake XIVCard Thread:
Kairomancer | Kairomancer

Burning TreantVersion 1 - Created for
MarsuCard Thread:
Burning Treant | Burning Treant
Tired TreantVersion 1 - Created for
MarsuCard Thread:
Tired Treant | Tired Treant
White/Gray DemonVersion 1, 2 - Used/Adapted for
MarsuCard Thread:
Feeding Shade | Feeding Shade

Anti Monster PotionVersion 1 - Created for
n00bCard Thread:
Serotonin | Tryptophan
Creepy RabbitVersion 1 - Used by
GamerJLCard Thread:
Groteske | Rogue Groteske
Light BowVersion 1 - Created for
GamerJLCard Thread:
Benediction | Benediction
Evil FishVersion 1 - Used by
GamerJLCard Thread:
Hunger | Mania
Custom Marks:Here a few custom marks that were created with
Kamietsu's great
vector mark templates.
If someone would like to use them as personal forum mark, just post it in this thread.
I also created several dual/hybrid-marks collaborating to the "
hybrid mark project" together with several other ETG artists (
TheManuz, Kamietsu ...). A full list of these marks can be found here:
Hybrid MarksBye