I'm making a split from EvaRia thread (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,22496.0.html) because i feel that i've done many marks and they're
spread all around the thread.
I just wanted to have a page to gather all of them, and list users who made the requests.
Some of them are still using them, some are not. You can click their name to discover if the mark is still used.
I also accept requests, but i do marks only when i got free time.
Also, the simpler and clearer are the request, the more possibilities there are that i will do it!
Additional info for nice results: marks looks good when they're simple. Try to request iconic or symbolic images. Take a look at existing marks to see which
ones are clearer.
If you find a mark of mine that is not taken by other users, you can take it.
Only make a post here to say it, it's not a permission, it's just that i like to see users with my marks!
Also, if you appreciate a mark i did for you, you can show your appreciation with a reputation point! (not needed, only if you feel to do it)

Dual Marksyou can click on marks to zoom
some marks were made by
this is his threadhover the mouse to discover the name of the hybrid mark