Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Card Ideas and Art => Card Art => Topic started by: TheManuz on October 20, 2011, 03:44:07 pm

Title: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 20, 2011, 03:44:07 pm
I'm making a split from EvaRia thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,22496.0.html) because i feel that i've done many marks and they're

spread all around the thread.
I just wanted to have a page to gather all of them, and list users who made the requests.
Some of them are still using them, some are not. You can click their name to discover if the mark is still used.

I also accept requests, but i do marks only when i got free time.
Also, the simpler and clearer are the request, the more possibilities there are that i will do it!
Additional info for nice results: marks looks good when they're simple. Try to request iconic or symbolic images. Take a look at existing marks to see which

ones are clearer.

If you find a mark of mine that is not taken by other users, you can take it.
Only make a post here to say it, it's not a permission, it's just that i like to see users with my marks!

Also, if you appreciate a mark i did for you, you can show your appreciation with a reputation point! (not needed, only if you feel to do it) ;D


Dual Marks
you can click on marks to zoom
some marks were made by jacker, this is his thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36126.0.html)
hover the mouse to discover the name of the hybrid mark
:aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 20, 2011, 03:50:46 pm
Can a better mark concept be done for Lither?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 20, 2011, 03:55:47 pm
Can a better mark concept be done for Lither?
I saw it's a :life :aether mark. Ok, i can give it a try!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: GG on October 20, 2011, 04:12:40 pm

Mark of Love! XD
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 20, 2011, 04:23:15 pm

Mark of Love! XD
Cute!  :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: MartyrX on October 20, 2011, 04:58:50 pm
hey mate, don't suppose you could make an earth one with an awesome grabby or pulvy in it?  Thanks.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 20, 2011, 06:39:43 pm
Can a better mark concept be done for Lither?
How about this?

EDIT: I cleaned Lither Mark to be more coherent with new dual marks.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 20, 2011, 06:49:25 pm
hey mate, don't suppose you could make an earth one with an awesome grabby or pulvy in it?  Thanks.
Here you go!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: artimies7 on October 20, 2011, 09:08:37 pm
Noodles pwn, dude. Epic props.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: MartyrX on October 20, 2011, 09:10:12 pm
hey mate, don't suppose you could make an earth one with an awesome grabby or pulvy in it?  Thanks.
Here you go!
Dude that mark is freaking awesome, thanks buddy.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 20, 2011, 09:57:02 pm
Noodles pwn, dude. Epic props.
Dude that mark is freaking awesome, thanks buddy.
I'm happy you liked them, buddies!  ;)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 22, 2011, 12:23:31 am
I would like to see what you can come up with for a :darknessbig + :lightbig
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: xn0ize on October 22, 2011, 10:37:58 am
Can you make a red poison mark ?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 22, 2011, 12:01:01 pm
I would like to see what you can come up with for a :darknessbig + :lightbig
Can you make a red poison mark ?
I can try both of them but not on the weekend (i've got no photoshop where i'm now!).
You'll see something in 2-3 days.
EDIT: Here they are!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 25, 2011, 03:55:57 pm
I would like to see your take on each of the Dual Element Marks.
Could you do Dareth first then Pyriel.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 25, 2011, 04:10:16 pm
I would like to see your take on each of the Dual Element Marks.
Do you mean each opposite or each dual combination of elements? Because the latter would be a HUUUGE work!
Anyway, i find this proposal really interesting, and for now i will start with opposite elements.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 25, 2011, 04:13:20 pm
ok which ever you want, I just like your work on the first 2 that much. yes there is 66 combos.

Duality mark names:
01. Darkness + Death = Dar'eth
02. Life + Aether = Lither
03. Entropy + Aether = Diseric
04. Air + Aether = Aer
05. Gravity + Fire = Masofuze
06. Earth + Fire = Terofuze
07. Earth + Gravity = Tersa
08. Fire + Water = Fierqua
09. Entropy + Gravity = Dissa
10. Light + Aether = Lumin
11. Aether + Gravity = Ascendiance
12. Darkness + Light = Duality
13. Darkness + Aether = Darth Aekness
14. Gravity + Water = Aquasa
15. Light + Fire = Pyriel
16. Time + Water = Chronrius
17. Time + Aether = Chroneric
18. Aether + Water = Aetharius
19. Earth + Darkness = Terow
20. Earth + Entropy =  Tercord
21. Death + Earth = Morra
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 25, 2011, 04:35:45 pm
I did 08, Fierqua, but since i didn't know the name i just called it SteamMark!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 25, 2011, 04:51:14 pm
Air: Ari – es Earth : Ter – ra Fire : Pyr – ofuze Water : Aqua – rius Light : Lum – iel Dark : Shad – ow Entropy : Dis – cord Gravity : Mas – sa Time : Chr – onos Aether : Aeth – eric Life : Vit – al Death : Mor – tis

Half blood names, prefix and suffix.

Example Pyriel is Fire and Light

Posted upon request from EmeraldTiger in chat.
Some of the names we put our own spin on but most are based off that chart.

You most likely already know, but as a tip for anyone else up to 6 attachments can be included per post.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 25, 2011, 05:29:03 pm
Another one: Teries. I was also thinking that a rock in the sky is a meteor, so this could be also the Meteor Mark!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on October 26, 2011, 08:33:18 pm
03. Entropy + Aether = Diseric
If you could do a Diseric mark sometime soon, I'd appreciate it.
Many thanks!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Zaealix on October 26, 2011, 08:45:20 pm
If I can get the posts needed to get a custom pic as my forum avi, I'd enjoy the  :gravity :earth mark. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 27, 2011, 06:25:56 pm
03. Entropy + Aether = Diseric
If you could do a Diseric mark sometime soon, I'd appreciate it.
Many thanks!
Diseric Mark done!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on October 27, 2011, 07:59:45 pm
I'd like to see Masow (dark gravity) sometime soon, or any other gravity combo.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EvaRia on October 27, 2011, 08:39:16 pm
Okay, so me and mt friend are working on putting together our own CCG for fun, so I was wondering if someone could possibly make some custom alignment images for us? Preferrably they would be original, so if possible not borrowing too much from elements? (I know, kind of a weird request for where I'm posting).

Anyways, there are 10 total that would be nice.

Fire (A flame)
Ice (An Ice shard or crystal)

Chaos (...Open to interpretation)
Order (Open to interpretation)

Energy (Something like a lightningbolt?)
Void (Open to interpretation)

Creation (Open to interpretation)
Destruction (An explosion?)

Sky (Wings? Open to interpretation)
Earth (Open to interpretation)

So it's fairly open to however you would like to make it...

If anyone could answer this request I'll make sure to give credit where it's due ^^
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Pythagoras on October 30, 2011, 08:17:55 pm
I am also making a ccg, could you make me some marks for these elements (not the etg ones)?
Fire (Red)
Water (Cyan)
Wind (Green)
Earth (Magenta)
Light (Yellow)
Darkness (Blue)
Aether (White)
Entropy (Black)
(Also, you can make marks of combinations of the first six)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 31, 2011, 06:30:15 pm
Could you remake Dar'eth Please since we have two of those ideas in the voting system?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 31, 2011, 06:36:17 pm
Could you remake Dar'eth Please since we have two of those ideas in the voting system?
Sure i can, i was just thinking of making another dual mark! Comes in a while!

EvaRia and Pythagoras: i'd like to help you but i have very little time, and for now i prefer to work on dual marks when i can. I can notify both of you when i have a little more free time, and if you still want those marks, i can start working on them. But for now, i have to decline your request.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Calindu on October 31, 2011, 06:37:32 pm
09. Entropy + Gravity = Dissa
11. Aether + Gravity = Ascendiance
May I ask to see those 2?I appreciate your work, you deserve +rep!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on October 31, 2011, 06:46:08 pm
Guessing you may not have seen my post, Manuz, since you didnt reply. Just in case: I'd like Gravity-Dark mark, or any other gravity-element mark
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 31, 2011, 06:57:11 pm
Air: Ari – es Earth : Ter – ra Fire : Pyr – ofuze Water : Aqua – rius Light : Lum – iel Dark : Shad – ow Entropy : Dis – cord Gravity : Mas – sa Time : Chr – onos Aether : Aeth – eric Life : Vit – al Death : Mor – tis

Would we call  :darkness :gravity Masow or Shadsa, but we could also give it a more unique name.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 31, 2011, 07:25:14 pm
Dar'eth Mark done! This was hard because both elements were dark and i tried to preserve readability.

@Naesala: you were right, i've didn't see your post! Sorry! Masow mark coming!

@calindu: after Naesala i will work on yours.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 31, 2011, 07:42:43 pm
@Naesala: i did the Masow mark.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 31, 2011, 07:56:43 pm
@calindu: Dissa mark done!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 31, 2011, 08:02:26 pm
Please continue making them when time allows until we have all 66. thanks
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 31, 2011, 08:17:35 pm
Please continue making them when time allows until we have all 66. thanks
You may find interesting the new Dual Marks section i made in OP. This way i won't not lose tracks of what i've done and what i have to do!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 31, 2011, 08:26:51 pm
@calindu: made the Ascendance mark!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Kakerlake on October 31, 2011, 09:58:38 pm
These pictures look really awesome!
I'd like to see the Grabowinder (Teronos) and Immortal (Teriel) mark :O
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 01, 2011, 12:05:52 pm
These pictures look really awesome!
I'd like to see the Grabowinder (Teronos) and Immortal (Teriel) mark :O
Teronos done.

EDIT: and Teriel too.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Calindu on November 01, 2011, 12:24:16 pm
@calindu: made the Ascendance mark!
Thanks for your work!It's purely awesome!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 01, 2011, 12:38:16 pm
I would like to see your take on each of the Dual Element Marks.
Could you do Dareth first then Pyriel.
I had forgotten about the Pyriel mark, but now i did it!

Thanks for your work!It's purely awesome!
You're welcome! I'm glad you like it!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on November 01, 2011, 07:45:52 pm
Just posting to track this. Awesome work Manuz!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: ralouf on November 01, 2011, 08:39:57 pm
I'll be glad if you are nice enough to create something around a death mark + an arsenic.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: maverixk on November 01, 2011, 11:10:02 pm
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE these marks.
Do you think maybe I could use the Dark/Light one as my avy?
Edit:What do I have to do to get one of these as my avy?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 01, 2011, 11:25:22 pm
Name  :earth :life Teravita. :darkness :life Shadebloom.  :darkness :aether Null.

Could I make a suggestion on (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=32706.0;attach=3195;image) and (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=32706.0;attach=3196;image)? Put the infinity symbol on the plate to where it looks like time is resting on earth. As for the other one lower and center the plate just a bit then make it brown.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 02, 2011, 12:43:09 am
Just posting to track this. Awesome work Manuz!
Thanks, i'm glad you like them!

I'll be glad if you are nice enough to create something around a death mark + an arsenic.
Sorry Ralouf, i tried but it's hard to merge Arsenic and Death mark without losing readability.
Since the arsenic art is cropped, i can't do much to find a better positioning!
Anyway, this is the Arsenic mark. If you have a particular idea involving Arsenic, you can propose it to me and i'll see what i can do!

I have to say, I absolutely LOVE these marks.
Do you think maybe I could use the Dark/Light one as my avy?
Edit:What do I have to do to get one of these as my avy?
Sure you can use it, you right-click on the image and find the image url, and copy it. Then on your profile you select "specify avatar by url" and you paste the image url in the text field.

@EmeraldTiger: thanks for your suggestions, i will try those when i can!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EvaRia on November 02, 2011, 02:33:19 am
Just posting to track this. Awesome work Manuz!
Thanks, i'm glad you like them!

I'll be glad if you are nice enough to create something around a death mark + an arsenic.
Sorry Ralouf, i tried but it's hard to merge Arsenic and Death mark without losing readability.
Since the arsenic art is cropped, i can't do much to find a better positioning!
Anyway, this is the Arsenic mark. If you have a particular idea involving Arsenic, you can propose it to me and i'll see what i can do!

I have to say, I absolutely LOVE these marks.
Do you think maybe I could use the Dark/Light one as my avy?
Edit:What do I have to do to get one of these as my avy?
Sure you can use it, you right-click on the image and find the image url, and copy it. Then on your profile you select "specify avatar by url" and you paste the image url in the text field.

@EmeraldTiger: thanks for your suggestions, i will try those when i can!
I thought I mind as well mention, I did do an Arsenic/Death mark before for Malignant a while back.

Since the arsenic is at a weird angle, I rotated it to fit the image better.


Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Sevs on November 02, 2011, 08:31:58 am
These look awesome, I would make a request but I really couldnt decide on anything with so many choicces. lol
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 02, 2011, 11:42:28 am
Just posting to track this. Awesome work Manuz!
Thanks, i'm glad you like them!

I'll be glad if you are nice enough to create something around a death mark + an arsenic.
Sorry Ralouf, i tried but it's hard to merge Arsenic and Death mark without losing readability.
Since the arsenic art is cropped, i can't do much to find a better positioning!
Anyway, this is the Arsenic mark. If you have a particular idea involving Arsenic, you can propose it to me and i'll see what i can do!

I have to say, I absolutely LOVE these marks.
Do you think maybe I could use the Dark/Light one as my avy?
Edit:What do I have to do to get one of these as my avy?
Sure you can use it, you right-click on the image and find the image url, and copy it. Then on your profile you select "specify avatar by url" and you paste the image url in the text field.

@EmeraldTiger: thanks for your suggestions, i will try those when i can!
I thought I mind as well mention, I did do an Arsenic/Death mark before for Malignant a while back.

Since the arsenic is at a weird angle, I rotated it to fit the image better.

You did a great job, arsenic is at a weird angle and is cropped too, so it's difficult to use!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: ralouf on November 02, 2011, 02:28:21 pm
Thanks I like it and will use it :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Djhopper :) on November 02, 2011, 05:26:24 pm
Posting so I don't forget this thread.

One day I will need an avatar change!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: maverixk on November 03, 2011, 01:31:54 am
Quote from: ralouf1 link=topic=[center
[/center]32706.msg448820#msg448820 date=1320244101]
Thanks I like it and will use it :)
That Avy looks familiar...
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: BluePriest on November 03, 2011, 04:12:28 am
Spiraler isnt using the mark he listed, so Im using it now (slightly edited)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Vineroz on November 03, 2011, 11:23:24 am
Can I request a Chronosa mark please? :) ( :time :gravity duo)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Pythagoras on November 03, 2011, 06:49:28 pm
Could you make an  :aether :time mark? Only to see how you do it
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: xn0ize on November 04, 2011, 02:48:47 pm
can you make something with Death mark + Life mark + a Frog ;o
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 04, 2011, 03:49:22 pm
Can I request a Chronosa mark please? :) ( :time :gravity duo)
Could you make an  :aether :time mark? Only to see how you do it
can you make something with Death mark + Life mark + a Frog ;o
I'm kind of busy in these days, guys.
But i've put these requests on my to-do list, i will do them whenever i can!

EDIT: Chronosa mark added.
EDIT: Aethonos mark added.
EDIT: Vitamor mark added. I will use this as base to make xn0ize request.
EDIT: Added the frog!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 08, 2011, 08:14:54 pm
Bump for new material addition!  :P
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on November 08, 2011, 10:59:18 pm
1) you could probably go ahead and put a slash or the normal mark on your OP graph for where the same element meets.
2) If you could do somethin with my avatar and any of the elements, that would be cool, but I don't expect anything.
3) Any chance rather than the Half-blood names for these marks we could start creating some original names? Fire-water=steam, etc. I think that would be more interesting personally.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: ninetyfools on November 08, 2011, 11:05:36 pm
03. Entropy + Aether = Diseric
If you could do a Diseric mark sometime soon, I'd appreciate it.
Many thanks!
Diseric Mark done!
I took this one.  :P
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 09, 2011, 12:00:00 am
1) you could probably go ahead and put a slash or the normal mark on your OP graph for where the same element meets.
2) If you could do somethin with my avatar and any of the elements, that would be cool, but I don't expect anything.
3) Any chance rather than the Half-blood names for these marks we could start creating some original names? Fire-water=steam, etc. I think that would be more interesting personally.
1) Yep, i'll do this, or another placeholder. Maybe even the normal mark.
2) I'll see if i come up to something nice!
3) I like when a concept emerge from the union of two elements (Steam, for example)
I also thought of Meteor =  :earth + :air
Fog =  :water + :air (fog is made of tiny particles of water suspended over the air)
Drought =  :fire + :air
Mud =  :earth + :water
Lava =  :fire + :earth (lava is molten rock)

Other marks are harder, though... suggestion accepted, but they have to have a reason for their names!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: ninetyfools on November 09, 2011, 12:07:38 am
How do u make the mark ur Profile Picture?  :-\
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 09, 2011, 12:19:52 am
Aer is needed.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 09, 2011, 12:53:49 am
How do u make the mark ur Profile Picture?  :-\
Right click on the image you want to use, copy the url of the image.
Go to "Profile"-> "Forum profile"
Under "Personalized Picture" select "Specify avatar by URL" and paste the address in the text field on the right.

Aer is needed.
I guess it's :air + :aether.
Ok, next on queue!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: ninetyfools on November 11, 2011, 01:12:49 am
Its not working. See?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 14, 2011, 01:15:05 pm
How would you modify :water to indicate a Liquid faction and an Ice faction?

How would you modify :life to indicate a Elves and Beast-men? Elves and Beast-men are also separate groups.

How would you modify :gravity to indicate the 3 casts of Gravity Military, Merchants and Mechanics?

That would be 7 separate marks.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 14, 2011, 04:00:15 pm
Its not working. See?
This is the url that you need to copy-paste:
Code: [Select]
How would you modify :water to indicate a Liquid faction and an Ice faction?

How would you modify :life to indicate a Elves and Beast-men? Elves and Beast-men are also separate groups.

How would you modify :gravity to indicate the 3 casts of Gravity Military, Merchants and Mechanics?

That would be 7 separate marks.
Interesting! I'll give it a check and post something.

EDIT: Done some tries.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 14, 2011, 06:18:37 pm
How would you modify :gravity to indicate the 3 casts of Gravity Military, Merchants and Mechanics?
Also did Mechanics and 2 tries for Military. No idea for merchants for now!  :(
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Calindu on November 14, 2011, 06:53:06 pm
How would you modify :gravity to indicate the 3 casts of Gravity Military, Merchants and Mechanics?
Also did Mechanics and 2 tries for Military. No idea for merchants for now!  :(
Wow, really good!I will use one of those!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on November 14, 2011, 07:40:04 pm
Oh man. If it's possible for logos to be sexy, those would be it.

For merchant, I'd recommend either a tilted S or C (for dollar and euro respectively), since Gravity's three arcs could double as the slashes for $ and €.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on November 14, 2011, 07:42:46 pm
Oh man. If it's possible for logos to be sexy, those would be it.

For merchant, I'd recommend either a tilted S or C (for dollar and euro respectively), since Gravity's three arcs could double as the slashes for $ and €.
...except for everyone in elements uses electrum for currency.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Djhopper :) on November 14, 2011, 08:07:10 pm
The stars on the water ice mark look a bit tacky, but other than that they look amazing.

How did you even do that?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on November 14, 2011, 08:44:54 pm
Oh man. If it's possible for logos to be sexy, those would be it.

For merchant, I'd recommend either a tilted S or C (for dollar and euro respectively), since Gravity's three arcs could double as the slashes for $ and €.
...except for everyone in elements uses electrum for currency.
I did think of that, but the electrum coins use both the life and death mark respectively, and that would've potentially been redundant considering there'll be marks for :gravity/ :life and :gravity/ :death.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Zaealix on November 14, 2011, 09:56:22 pm
O.o Ok...So since your making alternate marks for each element...
Lightning and dimensional marks for Aether?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 14, 2011, 10:19:07 pm
Oh man. If it's possible for logos to be sexy, those would be it.

For merchant, I'd recommend either a tilted S or C (for dollar and euro respectively), since Gravity's three arcs could double as the slashes for $ and €.
...except for everyone in elements uses electrum for currency.
I did think of that, but the electrum coins use both the life and death mark respectively, and that would've potentially been redundant considering there'll be marks for :gravity/ :life and :gravity/ :death.
€ could be the symbol of electrum!  :P

The stars on the water ice mark look a bit tacky, but other than that they look amazing.

How did you even do that?
Lol, thanks! It's photoshop vector graphic!

O.o Ok...So since your making alternate marks for each element...
Lightning and dimensional marks for Aether?
Are these two tribes or something like that?
If i get some idea ok, but i wanted to finish the :gravity merchant first.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 15, 2011, 01:22:46 am
Excellent Stuff!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Zaealix on November 15, 2011, 02:06:38 am
Kinda, yes. The idea was to basically show the electric, and demensional theme(or tribe, if you want to call it that) of aether. The same way  :life has elvish ( :life magic perhaps) and beastmen ( :life creatures)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Shrink on November 15, 2011, 02:17:54 am
I'm not sure if this is out of place, but I love your work. Its very impressive. Hopefully, when I get avatar privileges I'll be lucky enough for you to make me one :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 15, 2011, 05:46:49 pm
maybe this could be helpful http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Electrum_coins
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on November 22, 2011, 09:42:33 pm
I made some other marks:
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 22, 2011, 09:52:15 pm
very nice again!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Zaealix on November 22, 2011, 09:54:56 pm
May I Request the Tersa ( :earth :gravity) Mark?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on November 22, 2011, 09:55:31 pm
Ooh! SO tempted to switch to the Aether Sparks Mark...but that would be disloyal...
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 05, 2011, 01:48:48 pm
Made this mark for Caprapas!
The dragon is not mine, i got it from google images (it was Caprapas request).
Since it's not made entirely by me, i will not list it in the OP.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: SnoWeb on December 05, 2011, 02:46:00 pm
Very good work.

If you still take request I would love a mark too:
a spider web background (whitish on dark-purple-ish) with a nice snowflake as a main icon (light-blue-ish)

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: darkrobe on December 06, 2011, 06:23:14 am
Can I see / perhaps use your take on a  :life :water mark. Please and thank you
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 06, 2011, 10:32:48 am
Very good work.

If you still take request I would love a mark too:
a spider web background (whitish on dark-purple-ish) with a nice snowflake as a main icon (light-blue-ish)

Thanks in advance
Can I see / perhaps use your take on a  :life :water mark. Please and thank you
I'm kind of busy these days, but i will do these when i can (hopefully in a couple of days).
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: artimies7 on December 11, 2011, 08:14:06 pm
If you would, could you put a trollface in that little black bit in the  :gravity icon? Just for trollsies.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Daguerreo on December 11, 2011, 09:09:48 pm
Can I see / perhaps use your take on a  :life :water mark. Please and thank you
And  :water :earth -  :water :air -  :water :death too please :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 24, 2011, 02:18:30 pm
Hey, I like your work, you have style!

Could you please make me a mark with a Voodoo doll that has a Basilisk blood on his hand i see on the right and with a Gravity pull on his rised hand? =D

That would be greeeat, thanks!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 24, 2011, 02:24:20 pm
Here is an updated chart of the names. Please continue this work, it is very good and useful.

Pure Half-blood Names
:aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water
:aetherXAerNullMorericDisericAethofuzeAscendanceLitherLumin Aethonos Aetharius
:airAerXNiimeSkyraskTeries Lyriel
:darknessNullNiime XDar'ethTerowMasowShadebloomDualityDreamweaver]Leviathan
:earthTeriesTerowMorra XTercordTerofuzeTersaTeravita TerielTeronos
:lifeLitherShadebloomVitamorTeravitaYggdrasilXBright BlossomSipthom
:lightLuminLyrielDualityMercyTerielPyrielBright BlossomX
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 24, 2011, 02:33:02 pm
Here is an updated chart of the names. Please continue this work, it is very good and useful.

Pure Half-blood Names
:aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water
:aetherXAerNullMorericDisericAethofuzeAscendanceLitherLumin Aethonos Aetharius
:airAerXNiimeSkyraskTeries Lyriel
:darknessNullNiime XDar'ethTerowMasowShadebloomDualityDreamweaver]Leviathan
:earthTeriesTerowMorra XTercordTerofuzeTersaTeravita TerielTeronos
:lifeLitherShadebloomVitamorTeravitaYggdrasilXBright BlossomSipthom
:lightLuminLyrielDualityMercyTerielPyrielBright BlossomX

It's wrong. Every element has 2 half decks, a primary and a secondary. Every primary and secondary half deck has a different name. When you face a Halfblood, a random primary deck is joined with a random secondary deck.

For example, light primary is Lu and it's secondary is /miel, so Light - light is Lumiel.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Calindu on December 24, 2011, 02:41:53 pm
Here is an updated chart of the names. Please continue this work, it is very good and useful.

Pure Half-blood Names
:aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water
:aetherXAerNullMorericDisericAethofuzeAscendanceLitherLumin Aethonos Aetharius
:airAerXNiimeSkyraskTeries Lyriel
:darknessNullNiime XDar'ethTerowMasowShadebloomDualityDreamweaver]Leviathan
:earthTeriesTerowMorra XTercordTerofuzeTersaTeravita TerielTeronos
:lifeLitherShadebloomVitamorTeravitaYggdrasilXBright BlossomSipthom
:lightLuminLyrielDualityMercyTerielPyrielBright BlossomX
It's wrong. Every element has 2 half decks, a primary and a secondary. Every primary and secondary half deck has a different name. When you face a Halfblood, a random primary deck is joined with a random secondary deck.

For example, light primary is Lu and it's secondary is /miel, so Light - light is Lumiel.
But you wont draw a light mark, it's already on forums.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Xenocidius on December 24, 2011, 02:43:04 pm
He is making his own names for each unique combination (there are two :aether / :air Half-Bloods in Elements, only one here).
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 24, 2011, 02:48:02 pm
He is making his own names for each unique combination (there are two :aether / :air Half-Bloods in Elements, only one here).
Ohh sory, I thought he was compiling the HB names.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 24, 2011, 04:26:17 pm
Hey, I like your work, you have style!

Could you please make me a mark with a Voodoo doll that has a Basilisk blood on his hand i see on the right and with a Gravity pull on his rised hand? =D

That would be greeeat, thanks!
Is it Shak'ars Mark?  :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 24, 2011, 05:06:06 pm
Hey, I like your work, you have style!

Could you please make me a mark with a Voodoo doll that has a Basilisk blood on his hand i see on the right and with a Gravity pull on his rised hand? =D

That would be greeeat, thanks!
Is it Shak'ars Mark?  :D
Absolutely  :P Pleaaseeee
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 24, 2011, 05:56:58 pm
Hey, I like your work, you have style!

Could you please make me a mark with a Voodoo doll that has a Basilisk blood on his hand i see on the right and with a Gravity pull on his rised hand? =D

That would be greeeat, thanks!
Is it Shak'ars Mark?  :D
Absolutely  :P Pleaaseeee
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 24, 2011, 06:11:47 pm
Hey, I like your work, you have style!

Could you please make me a mark with a Voodoo doll that has a Basilisk blood on his hand i see on the right and with a Gravity pull on his rised hand? =D

That would be greeeat, thanks!
Is it Shak'ars Mark?  :D
Absolutely  :P Pleaaseeee
YOU ARE THE BEST humm i hope it's not much work, can the image be seen a bit bigger? does it enter in the mark frame?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 24, 2011, 07:10:16 pm
Hey, I like your work, you have style!

Could you please make me a mark with a Voodoo doll that has a Basilisk blood on his hand i see on the right and with a Gravity pull on his rised hand? =D

That would be greeeat, thanks!
Is it Shak'ars Mark?  :D
Absolutely  :P Pleaaseeee
YOU ARE THE BEST humm i hope it's not much work, can the image be seen a bit bigger? does it enter in the mark frame?
Made the image a little bigger and changed the glow color!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 24, 2011, 07:21:09 pm
Thanks a lot!!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Xenocidius on December 25, 2011, 02:24:49 am
This gives me a crazy idea for a series of marks based on decks ... how about a Bonebolt mark? An Instosis mark? :O
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 25, 2011, 02:56:14 am
This gives me a crazy idea for a series of marks based on decks ... how about a Bonebolt mark? An Instosis mark? :O
I had once a mitosis/devonian mark idea, but i thought it would be ugly xD
Bonebolt mark? sounds cool.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 27, 2011, 02:01:08 am
I need the Shadebloom mark, please.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on December 27, 2011, 02:19:36 am
I need the Shadebloom mark, please.
Humm i know it was not for me, but what's Shadebloom?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 27, 2011, 02:25:30 am
 :darkness :life hybrid
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: bripod on December 27, 2011, 03:11:37 am
Care to make a Mark for an ol' pal? ;)

You know me and what I'm all aboot, so I'll leave it to your imagination to see what you come up with...

getting close to 200 posts and a custom avatar... hmmm... maybe just the thing I need my brother... ;)

We all need to get together in IRC again. I miss you guys...

Later bro,
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 27, 2011, 01:32:41 pm
I need the Shadebloom mark, please.
Here you go, ET!

Care to make a Mark for an ol' pal? ;)

You know me and what I'm all aboot, so I'll leave it to your imagination to see what you come up with...

getting close to 200 posts and a custom avatar... hmmm... maybe just the thing I need my brother... ;)

We all need to get together in IRC again. I miss you guys...

Later bro,
Hey Bri! I can do something for you, but it would be easier for me if you give me some idea to work with.
Do you want a specific symbol (not necessarily related to elements) or a merge between two or more marks?

Take a look at the OP, it may gives you some inspiration!

EDIT: we can also use those images (https://www.dropbox.com/gallery/33829445/1/Elements%20Creatures?h=5cf959), if you want!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 03, 2012, 01:36:05 am
If I can come up with a mechanic the next needed Hybrid mark will be Niime.
:airbig :darknessbig
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: bripod on January 03, 2012, 03:27:49 am
Hey Bri! I can do something for you, but it would be easier for me if you give me some idea to work with.
Do you want a specific symbol (not necessarily related to elements) or a merge between two or more marks?
How aboot the Time Mark merged with something that makes you think of me?... ;)
(oh, Peace Symbol might be nice!) :) (Snap!, and tie-dyed too!) :P
I do like the iconic look of your "Mark of Power", it's real bad-ass IMO...   8)

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on January 03, 2012, 06:32:03 am
Requesting a :gravity/ :water mark, if it's not too much trouble.

Actually, could you modify your Moon Mark (http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd166671/NightMark2.png) to include either a translucent :gravity or :water mark (whichever is in your opinion more aesthetically "correct"), similar to your Rain of Fire/Mark of Time mark? Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on January 03, 2012, 06:44:18 am
Actually, when/if you make the Niime mark ( :air :darkness) if you could somehow work it in with my avatar somehow that would be a pretty awesome custome mark for me.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: maverixk on January 03, 2012, 06:44:48 am
Hey, I know you've probably got a lot of orders and stuff...but are you familiar with Naruto?

I was wondering if you could do a Sharingan(original with the three...things that circle around the pupil)/leaf village mark.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 03:00:59 pm
Whew, soooo many request from sooo many users!
I'm working on them, expect something soon.

If I can come up with a mechanic the next needed Hybrid mark will be Niime.
:airbig :darknessbig
Done! Attached to this post and linked in OP.

How aboot the Time Mark merged with something that makes you think of me?... ;)
(oh, Peace Symbol might be nice!) :) (Snap!, and tie-dyed too!) :P
I do like the iconic look of your "Mark of Power", it's real bad-ass IMO...   8)

Hey Bri, i'm working on yours now! I've had to search on Wikipedia what does "tie-dyed" means, but now i understood and i totally approve it!
I'll post something soon.

@Bhlewos, @Naesala, @maverixk: i will work on yours after bripod.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 04:06:39 pm
@bripod: here you go! It has so many colors  8)!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: SnoWeb on January 03, 2012, 04:24:46 pm

Very good work.

If you still take request I would love a mark too:
a spider web background (whitish on dark-purple-ish) with a nice snowflake as a main icon (light-blue-ish)

Thanks in advance
I'm kind of busy these days, but i will do these when i can (hopefully in a couple of days).
I'm forgotten already - I'm crying.
Still, you are doing a very good job.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 04:59:50 pm
Very good work.

If you still take request I would love a mark too:
a spider web background (whitish on dark-purple-ish) with a nice snowflake as a main icon (light-blue-ish)

Thanks in advance
I'm kind of busy these days, but i will do these when i can (hopefully in a couple of days).
I'm forgotten already - I'm crying.
Still, you are doing a very good job.
Ohhh, sorry man!
I lost track of your request!
Here it is!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 03, 2012, 05:04:40 pm
Please continue making the Hybrid Marks, stick with the ones that are already named in chart. Thank you, as they are for several purposes.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 05:24:55 pm
Please continue making the Hybrid Marks, stick with the ones that are already named in chart. Thank you, as they are for several purposes.
01. Darkness + Death = Dar'eth
02. Life + Aether = Lither
03. Entropy + Aether = Diseric
04. Air + Aether = Aer
05. Gravity + Fire = Masofuze
06. Earth + Fire = Terofuze
07. Earth + Gravity = Tersa
08. Fire + Water = Fierqua
09. Entropy + Gravity = Dissa
10. Light + Aether = Lumin
11. Aether + Gravity = Ascendiance
12. Darkness + Light = Duality
13. Darkness + Aether = Darth Aekness
14. Gravity + Water = Aquasa
15. Light + Fire = Pyriel
16. Time + Water = Chronrius
17. Time + Aether = Chroneric
18. Aether + Water = Aetharius
19. Earth + Darkness = Terow
20. Earth + Entropy =  Tercord
21. Death + Earth = Morra
Ok, i checked the list. I'll put this in OP, as a to-do list.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 03, 2012, 05:59:23 pm
Here is an updated chart of the names. Please continue this work, it is very good and useful.

Pure Half-blood Names
:aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water
:aetherXAerNullMorericDisericAethofuzeAscendanceLitherLumin Aethonos Aetharius
:airAerXNiimeSkyraskTeries Lyriel
:darknessNullNiime XDar'ethTerowMasowShadebloomDualityDreamweaver]Leviathan
:earthTeriesTerowMorra XTercordTerofuzeTersaTeravita TerielTeronos
:lifeLitherShadebloomVitamorTeravitaYggdrasilXBright BlossomSipthom
:lightLuminLyrielDualityMercyTerielPyrielBright BlossomX
this is the fuller list I will let u put the strike-through on the rest.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 06:46:05 pm
I modified the OP.
I think you will like the readability. Now it's easier to match name and mark.  8)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 07:00:57 pm
Hey, I know you've probably got a lot of orders and stuff...but are you familiar with Naruto?

I was wondering if you could do a Sharingan(original with the three...things that circle around the pupil)/leaf village mark.
EDIT: modified the mark a little.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on January 03, 2012, 07:21:07 pm
Het Manuz, I just realized you have the mark of POWER xDD
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 07:33:37 pm
Requesting a :gravity/ :water mark, if it's not too much trouble.

Actually, could you modify your Moon Mark (http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd166671/NightMark2.png) to include either a translucent :gravity or :water mark (whichever is in your opinion more aesthetically "correct"), similar to your Rain of Fire/Mark of Time mark? Thanks in advance!
Here are the Aquasa mark and the Graviton Moon mark.

EDIT: fixed the glow on Graviton Moon mark.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Rutarete on January 03, 2012, 08:18:08 pm
Finally commenting on this thread instead of lurking at its awesomeness.

That Gravity-moon mark is awesome!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 08:28:48 pm
Finally commenting on this thread instead of lurking at its awesomeness.

That Gravity-moon mark is awesome!
Thank you very much!  :D

Actually, when/if you make the Niime mark ( :air :darkness) if you could somehow work it in with my avatar somehow that would be a pretty awesome custome mark for me.
I did it, but i think that the space is too narrow for a detailed character such as Naesala.
Marks usually works best with stylized and iconized images.
It's not bad, but Naesala may be too small.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on January 03, 2012, 09:49:49 pm
Thanks for the Graviton Moon! =D I'd give you +rep but it asks me to spread the love again. xD

I'll be using it for my card idea. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: bripod on January 03, 2012, 10:33:21 pm
@bripod: here you go! It has so many colors  8)!
Absolutely Freaking Awesome!!! Thank you so much my friend.  ;D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 03, 2012, 10:57:00 pm
Thanks for the Graviton Moon! =D I'd give you +rep but it asks me to spread the love again. xD

I'll be using it for my card idea. Thanks again!
I think you could need the art without the mark sphere.
This is the image direct link: http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd243825/GravityMoon.png

@bripod: here you go! It has so many colors  8)!
Absolutely Freaking Awesome!!! Thank you so much my friend.  ;D
You're welcome! You still need 3 posts to reach the 200th post. May i suggest this thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,13519.0.html) for the last one?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on January 03, 2012, 11:11:32 pm
=O Thanks! You really didn't have to go the extra mile and make it card-worthy, I kinda feel guilty for your extra work. ^^; I'll definitely be using that though! =D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: maverixk on January 04, 2012, 12:11:58 am
First off, thanks! The mark looks sweet. And I am in love with that  :air/ :darkness mark, it's awesome!!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on January 04, 2012, 01:15:57 am
It looks awesome, thanks man. I'll try it out, at least for awhile.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 04, 2012, 02:44:55 am
=O Thanks! You really didn't have to go the extra mile and make it card-worthy, I kinda feel guilty for your extra work. ^^; I'll definitely be using that though! =D
Don't worry about that, i've already had the graphics done without the sphere, it only took a few minutes!

First off, thanks! The mark looks sweet. And I am in love with that  :air/ :darkness mark, it's awesome!!
Thanks, glad you like it!

It looks awesome, thanks man. I'll try it out, at least for awhile.
Don't worry if you feel to going back to your old avatar, i won't be offended! ;)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Astrid on January 04, 2012, 02:54:01 am
The artimies one is pretty cool. Yay, ramen! Nom nom... :))
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Daguerreo on January 04, 2012, 03:13:57 pm
Thanks for the Graviton Moon! =D I'd give you +rep but it asks me to spread the love again. xD

I'll be using it for my card idea. Thanks again!
I think you could need the art without the mark sphere.
This is the image direct link: http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd243825/GravityMoon.png

@bripod: here you go! It has so many colors  8)!
Absolutely Freaking Awesome!!! Thank you so much my friend.  ;D
You're welcome! You still need 3 posts to reach the 200th post. May i suggest this thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,13519.0.html) for the last one?
OMG I love that art D:
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 04, 2012, 03:24:03 pm
Thanks for the Graviton Moon! =D I'd give you +rep but it asks me to spread the love again. xD

I'll be using it for my card idea. Thanks again!
I think you could need the art without the mark sphere.
This is the image direct link: http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd243825/GravityMoon.png

@bripod: here you go! It has so many colors  8)!
Absolutely Freaking Awesome!!! Thank you so much my friend.  ;D
You're welcome! You still need 3 posts to reach the 200th post. May i suggest this thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,13519.0.html) for the last one?
OMG I love that art D:
Well, it's not totally original. It's the Nightfall art, i enlarged it, added the glow ring and then added the gravity rings.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 04, 2012, 03:34:22 pm
please finish Darkness and Aether marks 1st
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 04, 2012, 06:06:46 pm
please finish Darkness and Aether marks 1st
New marks!
Null, Aethofuze, Aetharius

EDIT: Meanwhile, may i suggest some names for the missing ones?
 :aether :earth Aetherra
 :air :fire Drouth (archaic for drought, those 2 elements make me think of a searing wind)
 :light :entropy Kaleidos
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on January 04, 2012, 06:17:58 pm
Null is such a good name for the  :aether :darkness, because of the fractal pests xD
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: maverixk on January 05, 2012, 12:06:06 am
dude, those are siiiick
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Shrink on January 05, 2012, 12:30:07 am
Alright I keep forgetting to post for this, but could you try to do something with this and the life and or the entropy mark?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on January 05, 2012, 12:31:30 am
Alright I keep forgetting to post for this, but could you try to do something with this and the life and or the entropy mark?
What's that draw, srm? Is it a symbol?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Shrink on January 05, 2012, 12:35:00 am
What's that draw, srm? Is it a symbol?
Damn, you quoted me before I edited :X

It is the symbol for the Green Monkeys from an old show called Legends of the Hidden Temple. I grew up on it and mostly the rest of '90s Nickelodeon.

EDIT: Actually, you quoted me perfectly...
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 05, 2012, 12:37:56 am
please finish Darkness and Aether marks 1st
New marks!
Null, Aethofuze, Aetharius

EDIT: Meanwhile, may i suggest some names for the missing ones?
 :aether :earth Aetherra good
 :air :fire Drouth (archaic for drought, those 2 elements make me think of a searing wind) good
 :light :entropy Kaleidos great

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Bhlewos on January 06, 2012, 08:25:03 am
Just for fun, I took your Graviton Moon image and fiddled around with the colors. Here they are:

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: jacker on January 09, 2012, 03:53:41 pm
Can i help you with this mark? :D

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Djhopper :) on January 09, 2012, 04:24:02 pm
Could I please request a mark of logic and darkness. (Mabye a book to represent logic?)

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 12, 2012, 02:22:40 pm
Alright I keep forgetting to post for this, but could you try to do something with this and the life and or the entropy mark?
Done! I tried it in the entropy mark but didn't looked good (yellow on pink was kind of...  :o)

I'm also posting a rework of SnoWeb Mark.

Can i help you with this mark? :D

Thank you, but i prefer to maintain a constant style all over the dual marks.

Could I please request a mark of logic and darkness. (Mabye a book to represent logic?)

Thank you in advance.
Mhhh... i'll see what i can do.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Shrink on January 12, 2012, 10:36:27 pm
Absolutely awesome, thanks!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on January 13, 2012, 12:27:36 am
For your next hybrid mark it'd help if you'd do Mercy  :light :death
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: SnoWeb on January 13, 2012, 08:06:56 am
I'm also posting a rework of SnoWeb Mark.
Great work Thanks.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 13, 2012, 12:03:23 pm
I would like my current avatar made into mark, please. make it more lither than aether.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 17, 2012, 03:17:49 pm
Here is the mark of Terrius.

I would like my current avatar made into mark, please. make it more lither than aether.
Did it. However, i find that the mark sphere is too little for the whole tiger, so i had to crop the image to show only the head.
I don't know if it's what you expected. Don't be afraid to ask for modifications (or other versions) or to leave your avatar as it is now if the mark is not good enough.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Poker Alho on March 30, 2012, 11:20:33 pm
can i request a mark of gravity inserted in my current image? if you are able to, you can delete the word "parkour" to put the mark there instead

would really appreciate if you could do it ^^
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Drake_XIV on March 31, 2012, 05:30:56 am
Where are you getting the base Marks from?

Also, can I have my own image Mark-fied?  Preferably with a :time base.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Absol on March 31, 2012, 07:18:08 am
Can you markify my avvy? Also put the Mark of Light on the white part and Mark of Darkness on the black part.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on March 31, 2012, 05:54:33 pm
can i request a mark of gravity inserted in my current image? if you are able to, you can delete the word "parkour" to put the mark there instead

would really appreciate if you could do it ^^
I'll see what i can do. Just to be sure: you want a mark inside your current image, not the image inside a gravity mark.

Where are you getting the base Marks from?

Also, can I have my own image Mark-fied?  Preferably with a :time base.
EDIT: I forgot to answer your first question. There was a thread in this forum where you can find the PSD files of every mark. I'll just edit those source files.
Sure, your request is easy, i can do it.
EDIT: Done!

Can you markify my avvy? Also put the Mark of Light on the white part and Mark of Darkness on the black part.
I can try, but this one seems a little complicated. Mainly because the space available is low.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Poker Alho on March 31, 2012, 06:06:19 pm
can i request a mark of gravity inserted in my current image? if you are able to, you can delete the word "parkour" to put the mark there instead

would really appreciate if you could do it ^^
I'll see what i can do. Just to be sure: you want a mark inside your current image, not the image inside a gravity mark.
well the second option seems pretty cool too now that i think about it but yeah its like you said :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Absol on March 31, 2012, 06:24:05 pm
Just change the white/black background to yin yang style and put the mark of light and dark on their respective color, with the text on top.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Drake_XIV on March 31, 2012, 07:20:31 pm
Brilliant work.  Now to trawl for that post with the Mark images...
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 01, 2012, 06:24:28 pm
Just change the white/black background to yin yang style and put the mark of light and dark on their respective color, with the text on top.
Done! I hope it's like you expected!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 01, 2012, 07:12:52 pm
can i request a mark of gravity inserted in my current image? if you are able to, you can delete the word "parkour" to put the mark there instead

would really appreciate if you could do it ^^
I'll see what i can do. Just to be sure: you want a mark inside your current image, not the image inside a gravity mark.
well the second option seems pretty cool too now that i think about it but yeah its like you said :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Poker Alho on April 01, 2012, 07:43:14 pm
can i request a mark of gravity inserted in my current image? if you are able to, you can delete the word "parkour" to put the mark there instead

would really appreciate if you could do it ^^
I'll see what i can do. Just to be sure: you want a mark inside your current image, not the image inside a gravity mark.
well the second option seems pretty cool too now that i think about it but yeah its like you said :)
oh man its awesome thank you so much :DD
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Arum on April 01, 2012, 09:16:04 pm
Ohaiz! I can have an Aether/Time/Entropy combo? I want them sort of spread out and intersect in the middle. Sort of like a peace sign. Also I want the colors of the element to correspond to where they are. I know EvaRia also has done one, but I want to see what you come up with!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Absol on April 02, 2012, 04:56:58 am
Sorry for another request, but could you fix the background? (just flip it vertically)
This is a yin-yang original symbol, for your preference:
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Yin_and_Yang.svg/200px-Yin_and_Yang.svg.png)Everything else is good.
Thanks again.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Laxadarap on April 14, 2012, 03:17:05 am
I'm really not sure where to ask, so hopefully somebody will see it.  I'm not quite asking you, because I'm not sure how will it will look in mark form, but I kind of want a seraph with the SoW coloring, light blue and dark blue as opposed to the orange.  Anybody willing? (yes I know this may take a while and will probably be a lot of work (unless theres an easier method than paint).
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: BluePriest on April 14, 2012, 05:02:37 am
Sorta like this?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Laxadarap on April 14, 2012, 05:11:57 am
Wow, that looks awesome.  I was kind of wanting more of a teal color though, as in the seraphs robes would be the color of the body of the SoW.
Not sure how you did this, so I'm not sure if this is possible.  Just let me know.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 14, 2012, 12:47:16 pm
Sorry for another request, but could you fix the background? (just flip it vertically)
This is a yin-yang original symbol, for your preference:
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Yin_and_Yang.svg/200px-Yin_and_Yang.svg.png)Everything else is good.
Thanks again.

I did it. I also cleaned my opening post, since the migration to the new forum damaged all the links. Now i restored them all (that was a long and boring work!).

Here is your mark:

@Laxadarap: i tried this mark for you
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: manaboy100 on April 14, 2012, 01:27:12 pm
Hrmm, Manuz, can I ask for a non-markified picture of the SoW-Seraph picture? It looks beautiful :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: BluePriest on April 14, 2012, 01:42:38 pm
Wow, that looks awesome.  I was kind of wanting more of a teal color though, as in the seraphs robes would be the color of the body of the SoW.
Not sure how you did this, so I'm not sure if this is possible.  Just let me know.  Thanks.
It was just a simple hue change in pixlr. Changing the base color of something is usually quite simple if you are using the right program.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Rutarete on April 14, 2012, 02:32:17 pm
Wow, that looks awesome.  I was kind of wanting more of a teal color though, as in the seraphs robes would be the color of the body of the SoW.
Not sure how you did this, so I'm not sure if this is possible.  Just let me know.  Thanks.
It was just a simple hue change in pixlr. Changing the base color of something is usually quite simple if you are using the right program.
Yes, but wouldn't you have to crop out the body of seraph, change the color, and paste it back on? That seems harder to me.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: BluePriest on April 14, 2012, 02:41:22 pm
Wow, that looks awesome.  I was kind of wanting more of a teal color though, as in the seraphs robes would be the color of the body of the SoW.
Not sure how you did this, so I'm not sure if this is possible.  Just let me know.  Thanks.
It was just a simple hue change in pixlr. Changing the base color of something is usually quite simple if you are using the right program.
Yes, but wouldn't you have to crop out the body of seraph, change the color, and paste it back on? That seems harder to me.
No joke, for my image at least, all I did was open up seraph in pixlr, and raise the hue to max, then save it. Working on seeing if I can get it more teal color right now.

STill not as shiny as the shard though. If Manuz does his in none mark form, it would probably be better.

Edit again, just realized what you meant by cape. For some reason I thought his cape was his wings, so yeah... that image wont be what you are looking for...
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Laxadarap on April 14, 2012, 05:07:56 pm

Hmm which to choose.  Probably would go with the markified picture, as I like the color a tiny bit better.  However, I kind of want the full body.  Is this markifiable? Or does it look bad?  Sorry I'm picky  :-[
BP: Thanks for being the first one to give me hope though :D

@Mana: off my idear lol. :P

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 14, 2012, 05:38:35 pm
Hmm which to choose.  Probably would go with the markified picture, as I like the color a tiny bit better.  However, I kind of want the full body.  Is this markifiable? Or does it look bad?  Sorry I'm picky  :-[
BP: Thanks for being the first one to give me hope though :D

@Mana: off my idear lol. :P

This is the markified version with full body.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Laxadarap on April 14, 2012, 05:42:31 pm
Hmm which to choose.  Probably would go with the markified picture, as I like the color a tiny bit better.  However, I kind of want the full body.  Is this markifiable? Or does it look bad?  Sorry I'm picky  :-[
BP: Thanks for being the first one to give me hope though :D

@Mana: off my idear lol. :P

This is the markified version with full body.

And that... is awesome.  Thank you Manuz, thank you Priest
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 14, 2012, 05:56:08 pm
Ehm... sorry, Laxadarap, but i moved the images from "Elements Custom Marks" to "ElementsCustomMarks" because it seemed to give problems with the spaces.
And since i don't want to modify the path by hand everytime i link an image, i moved all the images!

This happened because on the old forum the images were uploaded on the forum itself, but now the we moved, the link appeared all dead!
So i moved all of my images to my Dropbox, but i made the mistake of using a folder with spaces in its name!

So you and Absol should update the image path, but this is the last time i move the images, i swear! :P
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 14, 2012, 06:31:59 pm
@killsdazombies: Here we are!
I must admit that your idea of crossed weapons was really interesting! I like the result, i hope you like it too!

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Laxadarap on April 14, 2012, 06:34:04 pm
@killsdazombies: Here we are!
I must admit that your idea of crossed weapons was really interesting! I like the result, i hope you like it too!


That is fricking awesome lol
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: killsdazombies on April 14, 2012, 06:36:48 pm
I wasn't expecting that XD. It's much, much better then i had hoped, thank you :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 14, 2012, 06:54:03 pm
I wasn't expecting that XD. It's much, much better then i had hoped, thank you :D
You're welcome! ;)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: glennfoo on April 15, 2012, 08:44:41 pm
I really like your marks. I really do. I LOVE them. But what I have in mind is quite difficult. I really really hope you can do it. once I reach 200 posts I will be using the avatar. Laxadarap is the one suggested your name, thanks to him.

I think seraph is cool. I like fire(my favourite element). farenheit has been my avatar for a while. Is it possible to insert a farenheit and a fire buckler to the seraph. his right hand is holding a farenheit and his left hand is holding a fire buckler.  and add some white aura around the mark. some sort like a white flame radiating from the mark. if the colour is weird perhaps can change the white flame to something like bright orange. hehe I am not that good at art but my imagination is going wild while I type this.

Is it too much to ask for?? I really really hope you can do this. I like your work too much not to ask something impossible like this.  Please reply if it is possible. waiting for the news

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: MartyrX on April 16, 2012, 03:51:41 pm
Hey mate,

I am looking for a half  :earth half  :entropy mark and in the center of the mark where they meet, I kind of want it to blend together.  Then in front I would like a steel golem holding a discord in each hand.  Thanks. mate
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 28, 2012, 01:10:01 pm
I really like your marks. I really do. I LOVE them. But what I have in mind is quite difficult. I really really hope you can do it. once I reach 200 posts I will be using the avatar. Laxadarap is the one suggested your name, thanks to him.

I think seraph is cool. I like fire(my favourite element). farenheit has been my avatar for a while. Is it possible to insert a farenheit and a fire buckler to the seraph. his right hand is holding a farenheit and his left hand is holding a fire buckler.  and add some white aura around the mark. some sort like a white flame radiating from the mark. if the colour is weird perhaps can change the white flame to something like bright orange. hehe I am not that good at art but my imagination is going wild while I type this.

Is it too much to ask for?? I really really hope you can do this. I like your work too much not to ask something impossible like this.  Please reply if it is possible. waiting for the news
Hello glennfoo!
I made the mark you requested. I hope you like it, it was kind of hard to recreate the missing part of the Fahrenheit!
I also see that, at the time i'm writing, you only need 3 posts to reach 200 and use the custom avatar, so i can say i'm coming at the right time!
Enough talk, here is the mark:

Note: actually the mark is hosted in my dropbox account, and i plan to keep all of my marks there. But i also suggest you to save it, just in case!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Absol on April 28, 2012, 01:34:37 pm
I also see that, at the time i'm writing, you only need 3 posts to reach 200 and use the custom avatar, so i can say i'm coming at the right time!
He just needs to post here saying thank you, then post in the xth epic post saying 200. Finished.

Thanks for my mark, btw. Really like it.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 28, 2012, 01:39:44 pm
I also see that, at the time i'm writing, you only need 3 posts to reach 200 and use the custom avatar, so i can say i'm coming at the right time!
He just needs to post here saying thank you, then post in the xth epic post saying 200. Finished.

Thanks for my mark, btw. Really like it.
You're welcome!  ;)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: glennfoo on April 28, 2012, 02:19:37 pm
Oh my God...  :-*! THANK YOU SO MUCH ..... I really appreciate it. Thank you thank you. I like the way my avatar is drawing out the farenheit. And the colour is amazing. It blends well with the farenheit and the fire buckler. I LOVE IT... + reputation
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Poker Alho on April 28, 2012, 02:35:26 pm
Oh my God...  :-*! THANK YOU SO MUCH ..... I really appreciate it. Thank you thank you. I like the way my avatar is drawing out the farenheit. And the colour is amazing. It blends well with the farenheit and the fire buckler. I LOVE IT... + reputation

damn glenn that's an epic mark you got there :O
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 28, 2012, 02:43:53 pm
Oh my God...  :-*! THANK YOU SO MUCH ..... I really appreciate it. Thank you thank you. I like the way my avatar is drawing out the farenheit. And the colour is amazing. It blends well with the farenheit and the fire buckler. I LOVE IT... + reputation
You're welcome, and thanks for the reputation! ;)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: neuroleptics on May 05, 2012, 06:57:01 pm
Hello, although i've not reached the 200- post mark, but i would love to have a mark in store. A shard of integrity surrounded by the 12 elements. Please take your time, i don't mind waiting. really, thank you so much  :D I don't know is that going to be too small...

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: XVoidWalkerX on May 05, 2012, 07:01:45 pm
Hey mate,

I am looking for a half  :earth half  :entropy mark and in the center of the mark where they meet, I kind of want it to blend together.  Then in front I would like a steel golem holding a discord in each hand.  Thanks. mate
Lol...love your forum pic...TRUFFLE SHUFFLE IS A NEW SHIELD oFTo
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 05, 2012, 07:32:32 pm
Hello, although i've not reached the 200- post mark, but i would love to have a mark in store. A shard of integrity surrounded by the 12 elements. Please take your time, i don't mind waiting. really, thank you so much  :D I don't know is that going to be too small...
Hello Neuroleptics! Nice idea you got! I'll see what i can do whenever i can!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: neuroleptics on May 05, 2012, 07:38:37 pm
;D thank you.  i was afraid that my idea sounded a little absurd, thank goodness you said that's a nice idea :D Can i ask this? I would like the shard of integrity (in the center) to be 3D, transparent and the 12 elements can form a ring surrounding it (front to back)
http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s459/Neuroleptics/06052012718.jpg[/img]](http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s459/Neuroleptics/06052012718.jpg) (http://[IMG)
thank you :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 06, 2012, 11:46:25 am
Ok, i understand what you mean. I think i can do it.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 06, 2012, 01:05:27 pm
Hey, neuroleptics, i wanted you to see the work as it's right now.
I wanted to ask you if it's still the case to put the image inside a mark, since the elements marks are so small.
I think that make them smaller would reduce the visibility.

Also, sidenote to everyone caring: i think that the elements order should be remade.
I examined the order on the Oracle wheel, and i found that it was... strange, since opposite elements weren't at opposite position.
I will search the forum for a wheel of elements, if someone did it. If i cannot find it, i will do it.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: neuroleptics on May 06, 2012, 01:34:36 pm
 :D Nice, i really cannot find a way to adequately thank you. pls accept a sincere token from me +rep  ;D . I think it's ok, since all i wanted it to be is the integration of the 12 elements.....though i support the war  :P
Seriously you are really good at doing this. I would definitely try to achieve the 200-post as soon as possible but i will definitely NOT spamming. haha :)
Ya, now that you mentioned the oracle, yes, they r not. Thank you so much for putting your effort into this
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Jenkar on May 06, 2012, 01:54:54 pm
/wonders werether you could take my current avatar & make it human-ish.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Calindu on May 06, 2012, 02:40:42 pm
A Seraph with a Discord in hand please?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 06, 2012, 02:46:16 pm
/wonders werether you could take my current avatar & make it human-ish.
If you explain better what's your idea, i'll see whay i can do.

A Seraph with a Discord in hand please?
Doable, but the Discord will be facing down, since the Seraph position doesn't allow for other position (otherwise i'd have to rescale everything, and the result would be really small and unclear).
See glennfoo mark to see what i mean.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Jenkar on May 06, 2012, 02:52:06 pm
actually, a more decent idea : a human shadow ON the flower, inner core, curving from bottom left to upper right, sort off squishheed on the flower.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Gandora on May 06, 2012, 09:00:55 pm
can you make something like a shard compass?

especially i'd only like to see it with void, and either freedom or wisdom.
with the black of void maybe SoR or bravery (but darker red) could fit somehow too...

So yeah... it's difficult to explain, i had something like a windrose in mind. ( look here (https://www.google.ch/search?client=opera&rls=de&q=windrose&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=de&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=e-WmT7aXDsKEOpqyiawD&biw=1589&bih=778&sei=BeamT5bGE86UOvKzsJ8D) for ideas)

but of course with a cool background and the shards I mentioned (not all of them). just void is a must. so divinity would be cool with void because they are black and white.
if it isn't too much work you can make some examples with different shards?

that'd be totally awesome :D

btw, +rep for the stuff you already did so far, you're awesome!


Also a nice idea would be to take the mutation card as background, and as you can see it has a circle in the middle (the one in the background). I'd like to see this in darker colors, and then it'd be possible to put one of your duo marks in the middle. Like shadebloom if the background is in black and dark green, or duality, or maybe just poison mark or death/darkness if you make it a mysterious dark purple in background. well i guess you have more talent than i to know which colors look good ;) but i like dark colors.

you can choose if you want to make both, one or none of them xD however, thanks in advance!! :D

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: radioactivetiger on May 06, 2012, 10:09:32 pm
Wow... TheManuz, I am impressed. All these look great, I especially like killsdazombies :P. I hope you continue to make thse
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on May 06, 2012, 10:56:55 pm

Alright, this one deserves a giant WOW
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Arum on May 07, 2012, 02:32:50 pm
Oh, TheManuz, I got something interesting for you.
Place this (http://i.imgur.com/5mUPu.jpg) in a mark outline, and place Entropy mark at the top, Aether mark at the left, and Time mark at the bottome in the little circles. Tyvm.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 07, 2012, 02:46:45 pm
Oh, TheManuz, I got something interesting for you.
Place this (http://i.imgur.com/5mUPu.jpg) in a mark outline, and place Entropy mark at the top, Aether mark at the left, and Time mark at the bottome in the little circles. Tyvm.
That was a little small. Fortunately i found the big one: http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1308959370l/215541.jpg (http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1308959370l/215541.jpg)

To Jenkar, Gandora and Arum: i will work on your request, but i usually lack free time during the week. I usually work on marks on weekends.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: neuroleptics on May 07, 2012, 04:22:35 pm
Hey, neuroleptics, i wanted you to see the work as it's right now.
I wanted to ask you if it's still the case to put the image inside a mark, since the elements marks are so small.
I think that make them smaller would reduce the visibility.

Also, sidenote to everyone caring: i think that the elements order should be remade.
I examined the order on the Oracle wheel, and i found that it was... strange, since opposite elements weren't at opposite position.
I will search the forum for a wheel of elements, if someone did it. If i cannot find it, i will do it.

oo...now only i understand....so if wanna to make it into the custom mark, that has to be resized into a smaller 1 and the elements would be small and blur.....but if that's so, i think i have no choice, since i don't wan't a single element mark with shard of integrity inside, it's ok, i think ppl will understand that those are 12 elements....Thank you
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: freemod1espilon on May 16, 2012, 08:23:02 pm
Dear Manuz can you make me a mark that uses this (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110318210629/monsterhunter/images/thumb/5/58/Akantor_Artwork.jpg/185px-Akantor_Artwork.jpg) and this(http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110318211106/monsterhunter/images/thumb/4/4e/Pink_Fatalis_Scan_44.jpg/200px-Pink_Fatalis_Scan_44.jpg) with an in the middle. By in the middle I mean like it would be hit by both attack/beam/tunnel things thank you if you do make it If you don't its okay :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Rutarete on May 16, 2012, 10:51:12 pm
I'm looking forward to seeing the results of freemod1espilon's request.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: glennfoo on May 17, 2012, 06:35:51 am
I'm looking forward to seeing the results of freemod1espilon's request.

I think everybody does.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: freemod1espilon on May 17, 2012, 06:53:14 pm
It would come out quite interesting wouldn't it?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Gandora on May 23, 2012, 05:58:35 pm
It would come out quite interesting wouldn't it?

I think every request becomes quite interesting because Manuz is awesome :D
but yeah, I'm anxious to see your request (as well as mine xD)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: killsdazombies on May 23, 2012, 07:01:39 pm
Manuz works very hard, and has earned much respect from me. If he decides to do it, it will look, as everything he does, awesome.erything he does, awesome.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 23, 2012, 08:33:50 pm
LOL, thanks guys!
I'm very busy these days, and i've no time for working on marks.
However i will do them, just not now.

I'm going to live together with my girlfriend, we found a new home and we are in the middle of the moving!  ;D

Hopefully i will be more free in 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Gandora on May 23, 2012, 08:44:05 pm
LOL, thanks guys!
I'm very busy these days, and i've no time for working on marks.
However i will do them, just not now.

I'm going to live together with my girlfriend, we found a new home and we are in the middle of the moving!  ;D

Hopefully i will be more free in 2 weeks.

Congratulations, that's awesome :D I wish you great times and good moving!
And take your time, there's absolutely no hurry. Also it would lack quality if you'd do them quickly ;)
Have fun!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: killsdazombies on May 23, 2012, 09:30:46 pm
Wow manuz, congrats!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: justaburd on May 23, 2012, 09:33:35 pm
congratz! Hope everything works out fine for you.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on May 23, 2012, 10:15:51 pm
Dude, he plays Elements and has a life. Teach me, master!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Arum on May 24, 2012, 01:11:48 am
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 24, 2012, 09:46:18 am
Dude, he plays Elements and has a life. Teach me, master!
LOL, i don't play Elements as much as i want! That's the secret!

@Gandora, killsdazombies, justaburd, Chapuz, Arum: thanks guys! I'm happy that all of you support me!  :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: glennfoo on May 24, 2012, 11:16:18 am
I like your work too. I am very proud of my avatar
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Poker Alho on May 24, 2012, 11:35:56 am
i'm a fan of your work here, all these marks and avatars are pretty awesome (like mine ^^)

good luck with everything man!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on May 24, 2012, 10:02:11 pm
Thanks glennfoo and Poker Alho! :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Annele on June 04, 2012, 12:00:11 am
:o Your marks are epic :o
Could you please do something to my rubbish attempt at an avatar?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on July 12, 2012, 03:46:23 am
My avatar is the Mark of Rave-bow.  It dances!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 12, 2012, 04:37:36 am
My avatar is the Mark of Rave-bow.  It dances!

The thing that bothers is the black background...  can't GIFs have transparent backgrounds?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on July 12, 2012, 09:00:49 am
My avatar is the Mark of Rave-bow.  It dances!

The thing that bothers is the black background...  can't GIFs have transparent backgrounds?

I'm not sure.  All of the images that I used were PNG's without the background.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: neuroleptics on July 12, 2012, 10:23:02 am
My avatar is the Mark of Rave-bow.  It dances!

The thing that bothers is the black background...  can't GIFs have transparent backgrounds?

I'm not sure.  All of the images that I used were PNG's without the background.

It would be nice if the pic can be slowed by increasing the time frame.......
I stumbled upon this link tho....
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 12, 2012, 05:33:42 pm
Should be doable with gIMP too...
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Elbirn on October 15, 2012, 04:32:46 am

Just posting to say that I'm commandeering (Read: Stealing) the use of "null". Also, I really like your work, and hope all is going well for you irl :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on October 15, 2012, 07:39:34 am

Just posting to say that I'm commandeering (Read: Stealing) the use of "null". Also, I really like your work, and hope all is going well for you irl :D
I'm still alive (:P), and everything is ok, but i'm really busy with many thing (work and studies) so i can only lurk and post once in a while.
Thank you for your post! I'm happy that you like my marks!  ;D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 03, 2012, 02:33:06 pm
Could I see your version of a  :time + :aether mark?

Never mind i see it.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheAccuso on December 03, 2012, 02:50:46 pm
I take teronos, i really like it, ty manuz :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: deidmann on December 12, 2012, 09:24:42 pm
I would very much like a  custom fusion of Aether, Entropy and Time (cuz Mind, Morph and Time would be my trio powerset of choice). Although Time and Entropy would be enough.
What modes and stuff do you use to make these? I'd like to experiment myself.
I will use requested avatar in advance.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 13, 2012, 04:13:32 pm
I would very much like a  custom fusion of Aether, Entropy and Time (cuz Mind, Morph and Time would be my trio powerset of choice). Although Time and Entropy would be enough.
What modes and stuff do you use to make these? I'd like to experiment myself.
I will use requested avatar in advance.
I'm sorry to tell you that i've not been active on custom marks, lately.
I used photoshop and vector marks (done by Kamietsu).
If you want, you can use any of the mark on the first post as avatar.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Arum on December 13, 2012, 10:54:35 pm
I would very much like a  custom fusion of Aether, Entropy and Time (cuz Mind, Morph and Time would be my trio powerset of choice). Although Time and Entropy would be enough.
What modes and stuff do you use to make these? I'd like to experiment myself.
I will use requested avatar in advance.
I wouldn't mind sharing my mark with you, as long as you gave some credit to me. Also, edit it a little so that people don't confuse us! :D http://i.imgur.com/iEpcl.png?1
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: rob77dp on December 14, 2012, 06:46:03 am
I would very much like a  custom fusion of Aether, Entropy and Time (cuz Mind, Morph and Time would be my trio powerset of choice). Although Time and Entropy would be enough.
What modes and stuff do you use to make these? I'd like to experiment myself.
I will use requested avatar in advance.
I'm sorry to tell you that i've not been active on custom marks, lately.
I used photoshop and vector marks (done by Kamietsu).
If you want, you can use any of the mark on the first post as avatar.

I understand that you're saying you are too busy.  Figured it can't hurt to ask though, right?  If you don't have time or motivation to do another, no worries - just decline my request!   ;D

Since I have zero Photoshop skills and have no idea what "vector marks" are, I have no shot of making my own.  Would like a Poison + Devourer... I'm envisioning the Devourer behind the Poison image sort of "wrapping" itself around the poison... can you make that?

Thanks in advance, Manuz (whether you can help or not!).
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Asterix3 on December 31, 2012, 03:43:24 pm
LOVE the Aethonos mark. Can I use it?

(Also do I need to post a certain number of times or have a certain reputation in order to have a profile pic?...I can't seem to figure it out)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: shadow303 on December 31, 2012, 03:51:15 pm
I have a few custom marks in my gallery (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,44996.0.html) too, but they are really simple and not even close to all the stuff TheManuz created here (btw: great work!)

Also do I need to post a certain number of times or have a certain reputation in order to have a profile pic?...I can't seem to figure it out

Unfortunately you need too be a full member (200 posts) to be able to use a custom avatar in the forum.
With 30 posts you can use a standard avatar (as I currently do).
Details on the forum rules here: forum FAQ (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6459.0.html)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on December 31, 2012, 07:30:00 pm
LOVE the Aethonos mark. Can I use it?

(Also do I need to post a certain number of times or have a certain reputation in order to have a profile pic?...I can't seem to figure it out)
Sure you can!
The general rule for using marks in this thread is just to ask (not for a permission, just to let me know. I like when people use my marks as avatar), and to avoid a mark if already taken by another user.

I have a few custom marks in my gallery (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,44996.0.html) too, but they are really simple and not even close to all the stuff TheManuz created here (btw: great work!)
Not bad, shadow303, i like your Zombie Fish and your NetMark and ConfigurationMark.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Asterix3 on December 31, 2012, 07:44:40 pm
LOVE the Aethonos mark. Can I use it?

(Also do I need to post a certain number of times or have a certain reputation in order to have a profile pic?...I can't seem to figure it out)
Sure you can!
The general rule for using marks in this thread is just to ask (not for a permission, just to let me know. I like when people use my marks as avatar), and to avoid a mark if already taken by another user.

Sweet. Now I just need like 180 more posts  :o
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 15, 2013, 04:11:25 pm
Big Favor to ask. Could you finish the Dual Element(Hybrid) marks. If you do not have the time, please suggest someone to take it over.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 15, 2013, 08:17:42 pm
Big Favor to ask. Could you finish the Dual Element(Hybrid) marks. If you do not have the time, please suggest someone to take it over.
I'm sorry i'm totally out of time... and i don't know who can take over on this project!  :(
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 16, 2013, 02:55:11 pm
Could u plug into the table the ones jacker did that u didn't do already?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on January 16, 2013, 08:55:49 pm
Could u plug into the table the ones jacker did that u didn't do already?
Sure, did it!
Jacker is doing an awesome work, i love the  :death :fire mark, it's the most badass mark i've ever seen!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: siriosirio on March 30, 2013, 12:24:13 pm
ciao manuz kann i have the 1 first mark in the op? that with the nightfall?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on March 30, 2013, 07:07:29 pm
ciao manuz kann i have the 1 first mark in the op? that with the nightfall?
Sure you can!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Rutarete on March 30, 2013, 08:50:45 pm
ciao manuz kann i have the 1 first mark in the op? that with the nightfall?
What did you have before that? I thought you always had that avi... Unless that was someone else?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: siriosirio on March 30, 2013, 08:55:11 pm
ciao manuz kann i have the 1 first mark in the op? that with the nightfall?
What did you have before that? I thought you always had that avi... Unless that was someone else?
yes y chose nightfall from beginning and i don't have never change it, i like the graphic but now i have a better one  ;)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Hazardus10 on March 30, 2013, 10:55:11 pm
Manuz has some real talent in art, personally I think he is one of the best computer artist I have seen in any game.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 06, 2013, 11:01:49 am
Manuz has some real talent in art, personally I think he is one of the best computer artist I have seen in any game.
Hey Hazardus! Here is your mark! Hope you like it!
The hard part was to reconstruct the missing parts of Arsenic!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Hazardus10 on April 06, 2013, 12:20:18 pm
Manuz has some real talent in art, personally I think he is one of the best computer artist I have seen in any game.
Hey Hazardus! Here is your mark! Hope you like it!
The hard part was to reconstruct the missing parts of Arsenic!

It's awesome!!!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Annele on April 06, 2013, 09:22:56 pm
Hey, if you've got time, could you make a mark using the Silver Fern on a black background please?

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 07, 2013, 08:52:39 am
Hey, if you've got time, could you make a mark using the Silver Fern on a black background please?

Sure, here it is!

For everyone: simple and well explained requests (usually with reference images) are more likely to be accepted and done in short time!  ;)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Gandora on April 07, 2013, 08:55:07 am
I made a request on page 17 I think? I repost it here so you don't have to search it :)
Hope you can realize it :D

can you make something like a shard compass?

especially i'd only like to see it with void, and either freedom or wisdom.
with the black of void maybe SoR or bravery (but darker red) could fit somehow too...

So yeah... it's difficult to explain, i had something like a windrose in mind. ( look here (https://www.google.ch/search?client=opera&rls=de&q=windrose&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=de&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=e-WmT7aXDsKEOpqyiawD&biw=1589&bih=778&sei=BeamT5bGE86UOvKzsJ8D) for ideas)

but of course with a cool background and the shards I mentioned (not all of them). just void is a must. so divinity would be cool with void because they are black and white.
if it isn't too much work you can make some examples with different shards?

that'd be totally awesome :D

btw, +rep for the stuff you already did so far, you're awesome!


Also a nice idea would be to take the mutation card as background, and as you can see it has a circle in the middle (the one in the background). I'd like to see this in darker colors, and then it'd be possible to put one of your duo marks in the middle. Like shadebloom if the background is in black and dark green, or duality, or maybe just poison mark or death/darkness if you make it a mysterious dark purple in background. well i guess you have more talent than i to know which colors look good ;) but i like dark colors.

you can choose if you want to make both, one or none of them xD however, thanks in advance!! :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 07, 2013, 02:11:23 pm
Here is the shard compass mark.
I'm pretty satisfied with the result, hope you are satisfied too!
I tried with the Mutation background, but the pink color was too acid, considering all the colors from the shards, so i made a darker background.


Additional bonus: can you recognize all the shards???  ;D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: siriosirio on April 07, 2013, 02:27:07 pm
 SoD  :light, SoR  :time, SoBra  :fire, SoSac :death, SoV  :darkness, SoW  :aether, SoPa  :water, SoG  :life
not in SoFre  :air, SoI :earth, SoSe  :entropy,  SoFo :gravity
i'm right?
ps: in the op yuo don't have put mi name under the mark  ;), nice work i like your mark
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: TheManuz on April 07, 2013, 03:16:33 pm
SoD  :light, SoR  :time, SoBra  :fire, SoSac :death, SoV  :darkness, SoW  :aether, SoPa  :water, SoG  :life
not in SoFre  :air, SoI :earth, SoSe  :entropy,  SoFo :gravity
i'm right?
ps: in the op yuo don't have put mi name under the mark  ;), nice work i like your mark
You got the shards right!
I'll add you name right now! I forgot it!
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Gandora on April 07, 2013, 03:19:51 pm
Here is the shard compass mark.
I'm pretty satisfied with the result, hope you are satisfied too!
I tried with the Mutation background, but the pink color was too acid, considering all the colors from the shards, so i made a darker background.


Additional bonus: can you recognize all the shards???  ;D

OMG!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! THIS IS AWESOME :D You're the best! I love it. I will never change my avatar again :D
The flaw of the colors is just beautiful. I KNEW  you would create something great!

As for the shards: i would have said divinity, void, serendipity, wisdom, readiness, sacrifice, gratitude... no idea about the left one. but apparently i was wrong anyway :P
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Poker Alho on April 07, 2013, 04:17:58 pm
your avatar is awesome gandora :O
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Rutarete on April 07, 2013, 04:36:21 pm
your avatar is awesome gandora :O
I was thinking the same thing, but in all caps.
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Chapuz on April 07, 2013, 09:31:35 pm
@Gandora: What are you gonna do with the old one?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Annele on April 08, 2013, 05:31:09 am
Hey, if you've got time, could you make a mark using the Silver Fern on a black background please?

Sure, here it is!

For everyone: simple and well explained requests (usually with reference images) are more likely to be accepted and done in short time!  ;)

OMFG. That is AMAZING. Thankyou so much!

(Also, that shard one is epic too.)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Gandora on April 08, 2013, 08:04:35 am
@Gandora: What are you gonna do with the old one?

Nothng. I took it from the dual marks section. So if anyone wants it he can use it (as he could have while I was using it) :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Naesala on April 09, 2013, 10:11:26 am
Forum Brawl mark please?~ I don't have anything in mind but I'm easy to please
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: shadow303 on April 09, 2013, 06:42:33 pm
Nothng. I took it from the dual marks section. So if anyone wants it he can use it (as he could have while I was using it) :)
*cough* ... but yeah :)
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Hazardus10 on April 10, 2013, 01:57:01 am
Bug Hunter Mark! :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: neuroleptics on May 20, 2013, 10:58:06 am
Could you modify my avatar into a custom mark that's :time based?
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: dawn to dusk on May 20, 2013, 12:20:07 pm
I found this (http://zy0rg.deviantart.com/art/Blood-Splatter-169456074). I use it for my kong account pic and will hopefully use it for my forum pic as well but it would look cool as a mark wouldn't it :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: BeefSupreme on July 09, 2013, 10:29:04 am
Hey man, I don't know if you're still into creating these, but these are completely amazing!

I was wondering if you'd be up to making some more any time soon? It'd be much appreciated, seeing as I'd love to use one of these sweet marks for my profile picture.

+rep in advance because of how much effort it must have taken to do this in the first place
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: jarozaoz on July 11, 2013, 01:45:45 pm
I can use (http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33829445/ElementsCustomMarks/NightMark2.png)?  :D
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: BeefSupreme on July 11, 2013, 01:47:13 pm
I can use (http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33829445/ElementsCustomMarks/NightMark2.png)?  :D
You can't use anything till you get 200 posts ;P
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: jarozaoz on July 11, 2013, 02:01:28 pm
I can use (http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33829445/ElementsCustomMarks/NightMark2.png)?  :D
You can't use anything till you get 200 posts ;P

Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: BeefSupreme on July 11, 2013, 02:40:50 pm
I can use (http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33829445/ElementsCustomMarks/NightMark2.png)?  :D
You can't use anything till you get 200 posts ;P

*pats on the back*
It's okay. I felt the same way as you.
Zanz has his reasons and, even if you don't understand them now, just know that zanz knows what's best for you and always has your best interests at heart <3
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: jarozaoz on July 11, 2013, 03:00:20 pm
I can use (http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33829445/ElementsCustomMarks/NightMark2.png)?  :D
You can't use anything till you get 200 posts ;P

*pats on the back*
It's okay. I felt the same way as you.
Zanz has his reasons and, even if you don't understand them now, just know that zanz knows what's best for you and always has your best interests at heart <3

♥ :time♥ :electrum♥ :time♥
Title: Re: Custom Marks [by TheManuz]
Post by: Arum on August 19, 2013, 01:25:05 pm
Hey Manuz, can you finish the mark I asked for a while ago?
blarg: siriosirio,Grim1772,morningstar,ninjamaster1991,badivan1,Genuinous,Spiraler,PlayerOa,maverixk,Zblader,TheManuz,Abble,artimies7,calindu221,MartyrX,xn0ize,ralouf1,Chapuz,bripod,SnoWeb,Bhlewos,Naesala,srm359,EmeraldTiger,Drake_XIV,Absol,Laxadarap,killsdazombies,glennfoo,Hazardus10,Annele,Gandora,jacker,Caprapas