Can I have some feedback on Ocula (,36635.0.html)?
In before any suggestions, I was thinking of:
Dropping health
Making ability one-time use only
1|5 stats (1|6 upgraded)
Usually this would be Seeing their hand and rendering their most threatening card useless (manual hostile discard).
The ability is the core mechanic to design around.
Questions to consider in the design process
1) How valuable is a manual hostile discard?
Obviously more powerful that drawing a card but how much more powerful.
2) How fragile should the ability be?
Very fragile since 2 of these could lock down almost any opponent. (~2-4 hp)
3) How late in a game should it be delayed?
Probably mid to late game. (~6-8 quanta casting cost)
4) What could this be compared to?
It deals in card advantage (discard), card filtering (manual discard) and information gathering (see hand). Precognition seems a good start for comparison so the Time Nymph is a good model to balance from.
So now there is a cost (6-8 quanta + 1 card) and a resilience (~2-4 hp) so the Attack + Skill Value should add up to 7-9.
So my suggestion would be to change the hp and increase the cost.
2 questions about Distort | Sequester (,36684.0.html):
1) Should the cost be lowered, especially when compared to other PC cards such as Steal and Deflagration?
2) Any suggestions on how to handle stackable permanents (pillars, SoG, etc)?
Destroy costs 3|2.
Worse than destroy costs 2


or 1


Temporarily reduce the size of the stack.