Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Card Ideas and Art => Design Theory => Topic started by: OldTrees on October 10, 2011, 11:04:22 pm

Title: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 10, 2011, 11:04:22 pm
Simply put: The Idea Guru still has too much time on his hands.
As my profile says: I am available for questions.

Please keep the questions on topic. You are asking the Idea Guru not a scientist/philosopher/theologian/engineer/comedian ...

If a question would take too long to answer in this thread I might make another thread to address that question.

I welcome all on topic questions. However Suggestion Design questions are my specialization and are the most useful to card suggestion designers.

Not all questions are linked below. Just most.
Game Design
What are your thoughts on Shards being inclined towards rainbow decks? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437181#msg437181)

What's your opinion on the Shard of Sacrifice? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg444590#msg444590)

What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why? Part 1/2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg446630#msg446630)
What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why? Part 2/2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg446843#msg446843)

Based on the existing threads started by other members, what element(s) do you feel are the least "Complete" at the moment? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg453402#msg453402)

Which element could use a good mid range attacker with a unique but not particularly great or complicated ability? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32272.msg455741#msg455741)

What are your thoughts on an Elements that's much "softer"? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg458195#msg458195)

Costs of all elemental cards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg465644#msg465644)

What are you thoughts on the role of Vanilla Creatures in ETG? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg467361#msg467361)

Some game design assumptions (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg467424#msg467424)

Suggestion Design
To what extent should the environment of a card be considered in its balance? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg436815#msg436815)

How much ought balance be considered when voting in the Crucible, Force, and Armory when new additions to the game are always rebalanced? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437015#msg437015)

Why wouldn't you advice adding endow and itself as an exception? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg448654#msg448654)

Mechanic: Every X turns (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg452832#msg452832)

what in your opinion could we develop that hasn't been considered yet? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg453402#msg453402)

I've been thinking lately of doing a series of vanilla creatures. What element/s do you consider they don't need new vanilla creatures? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg455685#msg455685)

What are your thoughts on card effects that give creatures to an opponent? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg457710#msg457710)

Has anyone done a mechanic where a player shuffles cards in hand, and then draws that many cards?  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg465644#msg465644)

Specific cards
Gravity Field, Timeskip (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437015#msg437015)
Structural shift (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437181#msg437181)
Serpent (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg438874#msg438874)
Spirit Well (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg442773#msg442773)
Shades of Grey (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg444590#msg444590)
Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg446598#msg446598)
Holtzman shield (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg448654#msg448654)
Cursed Mirror / Mirror Demon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg448662#msg448662)
Endless Army (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg449080#msg449080)
Starfish | Sea Star (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg449940#msg449940)
Holy Rune (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg450560#msg450560)
Zebra | Zebra (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg453124#msg453124)
Master of Ice (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg456873#msg456873)
Dark | Dark (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg457617#msg457617)
Pacificism (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg460018#msg460018)
 Glowworm | Elite Glowworm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg461974#msg461974)
 Bulrush | Giant Bulrush. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg465461#msg465461)
Sinkhole | Sinkhole (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg468093#msg468093)
 Restore (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg468093#msg468093)

What would you suggest doing to reignite interest in the card without fundamentally changing it? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg436815#msg436815)

Could you tell me why this has been on crucible for 5 months, hanging in there around 4th-2nd place, and now it seems like its going to drop out? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg459248#msg459248)

What does the community want in a card? How can I consistently generate these results (positive feedback) when designing cards? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg461836#msg461836)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on October 10, 2011, 11:06:45 pm
Is this based off BP's thread?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 10, 2011, 11:18:36 pm
Is this based off BP's thread?
No. This is a serious thread.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 11, 2011, 04:03:12 am
This is a serious thread for card idea theory and design. OldTrees is here to help with balancing questions and other concepts connected to developing card ideas. I support him in this effort.

Personal note: If I have a question for him I usually need someone to interpret the technical concepts so I can understand them.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Xenocidius on October 11, 2011, 05:07:50 am
Please keep the questions on topic. You are asking the Idea Guru not a scientist/philosopher/theologian/engineer/comedian ...
But your profile says you are a philosopher ...

Anyway, good idea; a nice place for people to ask design theory questions without resorting to PMs, while also making them public and therefore benefiting everyone.

Let the questions begin!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: BluePriest on October 11, 2011, 05:34:50 am
What kind of questions are you expecting here? It seems very open, as far as CIA goes. We have a lot of serious "Ask ______" threads for different things. Many of them I see the point like the general game question ones, and arena one. Basically what Im saying is that this doesnt seem like the kind of area youd expect to have any questions on (at least not an overwhelming amount of). So back to what I first asked, What kind of questions are you expecting here? Although Im not active in CIA perhaps hearing the kind of thing you are expecting out of this will spur some ideas.

Actually.. While writing that, I had a question. Although Im not sure this would be the best place for it, its my best guess.

I have a couple Ideas, like Bio Shift (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9897.0.html),that I think are very solid, and have had good responses to from the communuty, however, the momentum died down. The idea is solid, and simple, just doesnt have that "awe" factor that say "this has to get into the game" to. What would you suggest doing to reignite interest in the card without fundamentally changing it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Contrary on October 11, 2011, 05:47:46 am
To what extent should the environment of a card be considered in its balance? Obviously some context is required, that's inherent to the idea of balance. But I noticed that in the Buff/Nerf subforums, moderators have said, multiple times, not to balance a card based on the element its in.

What's your opinion on this?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 11, 2011, 06:47:49 am
I left it very open because I am available for a large range of questions. I am expecting questions about Balancing a mechanic, detailing an aspect of the game (Grand strategy through coding), questions about themes (mechanics, name, element, art), describing the CIA community and card suggestion process and more.

I have a couple Ideas, like Bio Shift (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9897.0.html),that I think are very solid, and have had good responses to from the communuty, however, the momentum died down. The idea is solid, and simple, just doesnt have that "awe" factor that say "this has to get into the game" to. What would you suggest doing to reignite interest in the card without fundamentally changing it?
People are drawn to and get enthusiastic about the new. This means enthusiasm for a card will decrease with time and the introduction of newer competition. To reinvigorate this enthusiasm you can do a few things.
1) You can reintroduce the idea to people that had forgotten about it.
2) You can tie it to something more recent like the Arena or the Metagame discussions. Perhaps by discussing how it would work in an arena deck or discuss how it would (if it would) help fix perceived problems with the Metagame.
3) You can introduce it to people that never noticed it.
4) You could change minor details. The author knows which details are minor. I would suspect the Art and the Name could be changed if better options were known.
5) Sometimes it pays to refine the idea again and resubmit it.  This is less applicable for suggestions in the Forge.

To what extent should the environment of a card be considered in its balance? Obviously some context is required, that's inherent to the idea of balance. But I noticed that in the Buff/Nerf subforums, moderators have said, multiple times, not to balance a card based on the element its in.

What's your opinion on this?
Everything that contributes or detracts from a card's power or cost will effect the card's balance. We, as humans, cannot evaluate all the web of interactions.

Until recently there were only 3 cards that referenced a card's element (Flooding, Nightfall, Holy Light). Shard of Patience, (the new) Shard of Readiness and Shard of Serendipity are new additions. It is uncommon for one of these cards to act in a way significantly noticeably different from a variant that does not reference a card's element. Nightfall acts like "Your creatures gain +1|+1" except in the uncommon case that the opponent has a death/dark creature or you have a creature that is not from death/darkness. As such the color of the background of the card has had very little impact on balance yet. As such it is usually ignored. The element based effect of SoR and SoSe might be significant during balancing.

A division that has larger effects is the quanta types involved in the costs of the cards. Dune Scorpion costs :time. Before Shard of Patience, Dune Scorpion required the user to obtain a non :time quanta source. The same is true of Anubis but obviously not with Deja Vu. The more quanta types needed the less stable the quanta source. Hence Dune Scorpion would have a lower total cost if there was a creature attack booster that only required  :time by having a more stable quanta source.

In conclusion: The cards available to be cast using :fire is more useful during balancing than the cards with red backgrounds however exceptions to this guideline will exists.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on October 11, 2011, 10:27:16 am
Q1: Can other people answer other questions in this thread and comment on or argue against your answers?

Q2: How much ought balance be considered when voting in the Crucible, Force, and Armory when new additions to the game are always rebalanced? Why? Compared to this ideal value, how much does the general community currently value balance (as reflected in voting)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on October 11, 2011, 12:08:54 pm
Let the questions begin:
I have devised two seperate Card ideas meant to build on the  :time mechanic of 'Delayed'.
First one:  :gravity element spell, Gravity Field. This card is an AOE delay spell that freezes all the opponents' creatures. However, I've had difficulty figuring out how to balance it, in terms of power and cost.
Second one:  :time element spell, Timeskip/Timejump. Basically, it 'fast forwards' the creature(s) out of delay, but damages them (think what happens when you fast forward through your own life, that's how I imagine the spell working) In this case, I imagined the 'aging' as doing 1 damage per delay counter, but I'm not sure how much cost such a mechanic would require.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 11, 2011, 06:03:11 pm
Q1: Can other people answer other questions in this thread and comment on or argue against your answers?

Q2: How much ought balance be considered when voting in the Crucible, Force, and Armory when new additions to the game are always rebalanced? Why? Compared to this ideal value, how much does the general community currently value balance (as reflected in voting)?
A1: Yes. If it gets too long then I will provide a link to a separate thread in my answer.

A2: All cards that enter the game* go through "in development". The more imbalanced the starting card the longer the stay. However even SoSac made good time. As such balance is not required of card suggestions. However a card suggestion should be able to be balanced. Being balanced is the easiest way to demonstrate a card is able to be balanced.

I do think that for this end the community does over emphasize balance in the polls in a similar way they focus on Art or the New. Talking about balance in the threads is expected and helps prove ability to be balanced. As a card designer I have on a few occasions used this overemphasis to test the community's opinions on balance.
*card suggestions are never guarrenteed to enter the game

Let the questions begin:
I have devised two seperate Card ideas meant to build on the  :time mechanic of 'Delayed'.
First one:  :gravity element spell, Gravity Field. This card is an AOE delay spell that freezes all the opponents' creatures. However, I've had difficulty figuring out how to balance it, in terms of power and cost.
Second one:  :time element spell, Timeskip/Timejump. Basically, it 'fast forwards' the creature(s) out of delay, but damages them (think what happens when you fast forward through your own life, that's how I imagine the spell working) In this case, I imagined the 'aging' as doing 1 damage per delay counter, but I'm not sure how much cost such a mechanic would require.
First one: I would start by comparing "Lightning is to Fire Storm as Freeze|Basilisk Blood is to Gravity Field". Don't forget to compensate for the following details: Lightning deals 5 damage vs Fire Storm deals 3
Use the closer analogy to Gravity Field between Freeze and Basilisk Blood
Freeze is 3 turns, removed by quint, and vulnerable to shock vs Basilisk Blood is 6 turns, and increase their hp by 20

Second one: This cold be meant as CC, a means to escape CC or both.

When used as CC it would have to be combined with a source of Delay (Procrastination [mass 1 per turn], Basilisk Blood [target 6], Warden [target 1 per use] or a future card). Consider the total cost of both and the total benefit of both. Since it is damage I would compare it to Lightning. If the effect were repeatable (ability or status condition) its synergy would increase with Procrastination and Warden.

When used as escape from CC it would be used against a Source of Delay (Procrastination, Basilisk Blood, Warden or a future card). It does not seem to work very well as escape from CC against Procrastination as a spell (2 cards, 2 damage -> +1 turn of attack & skill). Against Warden it might be useful.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on October 11, 2011, 07:53:16 pm
Recently, I seem to be hearing a common opinion that involves the Shards making rainbow decks much stronger and neglecting monos despite the intent to favor decks with a certain mark.

What are your thoughts on this?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on October 11, 2011, 09:33:29 pm
Let the questions begin:
I have devised two seperate Card ideas meant to build on the  :time mechanic of 'Delayed'.
First one:  :gravity element spell, Gravity Field. This card is an AOE delay spell that freezes all the opponents' creatures. However, I've had difficulty figuring out how to balance it, in terms of power and cost.
Second one:  :time element spell, Timeskip/Timejump. Basically, it 'fast forwards' the creature(s) out of delay, but damages them (think what happens when you fast forward through your own life, that's how I imagine the spell working) In this case, I imagined the 'aging' as doing 1 damage per delay counter, but I'm not sure how much cost such a mechanic would require.
First one: I would start by comparing "Lightning is to Fire Storm as Freeze|Basilisk Blood is to Gravity Field". Don't forget to compensate for the following details: Lightning deals 5 damage vs Fire Storm deals 3
Use the closer analogy to Gravity Field between Freeze and Basilisk Blood
Freeze is 3 turns, removed by quint, and vulnerable to shock vs Basilisk Blood is 6 turns, and increase their hp by 20

Second one: This cold be meant as CC, a means to escape CC or both.

When used as CC it would have to be combined with a source of Delay (Procrastination [mass 1 per turn], Basilisk Blood [target 6], Warden [target 1 per use] or a future card). Consider the total cost of both and the total benefit of both. Since it is damage I would compare it to Lightning. If the effect were repeatable (ability or status condition) its synergy would increase with Procrastination and Warden.

When used as escape from CC it would be used against a Source of Delay (Procrastination, Basilisk Blood, Warden or a future card). It does not seem to work very well as escape from CC against Procrastination as a spell (2 cards, 2 damage -> +1 turn of attack & skill). Against Warden it might be useful.
Hrm, I personally had used SunDial as a comparison point for Gravity Field, but thank you for the advice. I just need to figure out some placeholder art and then I will submit these ideas, as well as a third one I designed.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: BluePriest on October 11, 2011, 11:47:17 pm
Im torn on how to have my Structural shift card (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30673.0.html) mechanic work.
Should it only turn weapons into weapons, shields into shields, and permanents into permanents, or should any permanent be able to turn into any permanent (potentially allowing for 5 shields out blocking nearly all damage). If it is this way, then the chances would be as follows-
Which do you think would be more balanced/enjoyable for game play?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 12, 2011, 12:10:42 am
In that case don't forget to consider:
Sundial does not prevent skill activation
Sundial affects both sides
Sundial can draw a card

Recently, I seem to be hearing a common opinion that involves the Shards making rainbow decks much stronger and neglecting monos despite the intent to favor decks with a certain mark.

What are your thoughts on this?
The easiest and cheapest way to pay a  :rainbow cost is with  :rainbow. Shards (excluding SoSac) cost  :rainbow. As such their costs are inclined towards rainbow decks. Mark based Shards will be inclined towards Mark based rainbows. This seems expected. While rainbow decks are getting new options, that does not necessitate them getting much stronger.

Im torn on how to have my Structural shift card (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30673.0.html) mechanic work.
Should it only turn weapons into weapons, shields into shields, and permanents into permanents, or should any permanent be able to turn into any permanent (potentially allowing for 5 shields out blocking nearly all damage). If it is this way, then the chances would be as follows-
Which do you think would be more balanced/enjoyable for game play?
I would recommend the effect destroy the old permanent and create a new permanent. This would cause any come into play effects to occur like tower quanta production and new shields or weapons appearing in the shield or weapon slot. With this change I see both options as enjoyable through they would appeal to slightly shifted groups of people. Polling the readers is a good way to estimate which group is larger.

I would recommend thinking about its use when targeting the opponent's permanents. Should a targeted shield turn into another shield and thus still offer some defense or should it be likely to turn into an off element non Item permanent?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 14, 2011, 05:08:16 pm
 What do you think about the serpent (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32417.msg438649#msg438649)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 14, 2011, 09:09:17 pm
What do you think about the serpent (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32417.msg438649#msg438649)?
Most damaging Creature Control takes place instantaneously. (Exception: Infection and rare Gravity Pull cases) This makes Angel's Heal ability not very valuable. Moult has a even more limited version of creature healing but gains +1|+0 per use. The skill probably should add 1 to the casting cost beyond the value of the stats.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 21, 2011, 02:21:37 am
Is Spirit Well (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32712.0.html) Balanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 21, 2011, 04:49:53 am
Is Spirit Well (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32712.0.html) Balanced?
Spirit Well requires:
1) X :death casting cost to summon the permanent. [Casting Cost]
2) Lethal CC to kill a creature. [Enabling Cost]
3) Y :life per clone created. [Activation Cost]

Activation Cost
Creature spawning has always had the activation cost close to the casting cost of the creature spawned. SoR is used when mitosis is used on expensive enough creatures. SoR and the initial expensive summon act like enabling costs for Mitosis Dragons.

Enabling Cost
Life and Death both have relatively slow lethal CC. Skull Shield is slower than Plague. Plague can be slower than Thorn Carapace for higher creature hp. Most likely Plague or Skull Shield would be used. Neither is a terribly expensive enabling cost. This is good because the high enabling cost of Mitosis Dragons made it less versatile. The bad news is the enabling cost is lower and thus a smaller factor in balancing.

Casting Cost
Permanents tend to be more expensive than creatures because they are more resilient to control.

Would people still use it if it cost 150% to 200% as much?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: The_Mormegil on October 21, 2011, 06:51:57 am
Would people still use it if it cost 150% to 200% as much?
It depends. They would use it as a combo card (but I can't see that much synergy with Death and Life as it is) but probably not as a standalone answer to CC. Also, another thing to note is that it works on your creatures too. A Giant Frog deck with this to make sure you can spam Frogs 'till the end of tomorrow, maybe even with Bonewalls, would be an amazing anti-CC deck. Overall it is probably a very good addition to Life, less so to Death. Thus, increasing the Death cost makes it less versatile IMO.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 21, 2011, 07:18:59 am
Still @Emerald Tiger
Would people still use it if it cost 150% to 200% as much?
It depends. They would use it as a combo card (but I can't see that much synergy with Death and Life as it is) but probably not as a standalone answer to CC. Also, another thing to note is that it works on your creatures too. A Giant Frog deck with this to make sure you can spam Frogs 'till the end of tomorrow, maybe even with Bonewalls, would be an amazing anti-CC deck. Overall it is probably a very good addition to Life, less so to Death. Thus, increasing the Death cost makes it less versatile IMO.
^Valuable insight. I had overlooked the passive Anti-CC usage.

Since the Active usage is more powerful than the Passive usage, the Activation Cost can be increased to balance the two strategies. The casting cost would then be adjusted to balance the two strategies with the standard.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 24, 2011, 05:48:39 pm
How well did I capture the essence of  :darkness and :light in Shades of Grey (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32881.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Brontos on October 24, 2011, 06:38:54 pm
What's your opinion on the Shard of Sacrifice?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 24, 2011, 09:08:36 pm
How well did I capture the essence of  :darkness and :light in Shades of Grey (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32881.0.html)?
Disclaimer: 1) Duos have many possible essences. 2) My theory about the essence of the elements can be inaccurate.

I have always considered Light to be focused on ignoring the opponent and enabling itself to ignore the opponent. (Miracle, Santuary, Morning Glory, High hp creatures, Hope) Healing is a means of enabling yourself to ignore the opponent's offense. Still the character of Sanctuary, Vampire and Empathetic Bond all vary based on the element.
I have associated Darkness on the other hand with interaction with the opponent. (Vampire[and variants], Drain Life, Nightmare, Pest, Steal) However this interaction is usually a 0 sum game where Darkness drains from the opponent.

Destruction of quanta is not native in Darkness or Light from preexistIing themes.
Quanta caps are new so the lack of a precedent is less troublesome.
The healing converts 2quanta destroyed to 1 hp healed. This is similar to Darkness healing.
Summary: Where is the Light? Why destruction of quanta?

What's your opinion on the Shard of Sacrifice?
While dislike aspects of the card I find it to be overall a beneficial addition to the game in the moderate to long term.

1] I greatly appreciate Zanz tying the Shards to Elements. This makes their effects easier to justify being universally available.
2] Rarity and the trainer were good moves to increase the target audience of the game without harming existing players.
3] Draining all but  :death with an  :rainbow casting cost only restricts the card's versatility and combinations. It does not act like an additional cost.
4] The hp cost of playing Shard of Sacrifice requires the opponent to be fielding 11|9 damage per turn for it to be played. As such the hp cost acts more like effect mitigation than an additional cost.
5] Shards are usually named after virtues however I do not think Sacrifice is a good descriptor considering neither alternate cost acts like an alternate cost. A good sacrifice should return a benefit in a manner different than the sacrifice. Immolation is a good example.
6] Each Shard of Sacrifice slows the opposing win condition down by 4hp per damage per turn above 10|8. This means it is a good anti-rush card. Even rushes can make use of it. A 10|8 damage per turn rush with SoS has a fair chance of beating most faster rushes.
7] Certain cards (SoP & Sundial) have exaggerated effect against Shard of Sacrifice. However Shard of Sacrifice is more vulnerable to indirect countering than direct countering. The Shard of Sacrifice defense can be indirectly countered by circumvention if predicted.
8] Remember I said the hp cost acts like effect mitigation? This single variable can be adjusted to balance the card without altering the core idea of the card.
9] Able to be balanced does not imply balanced. It may or may not be balanced. The magnitude of its effect is highly metagame dependent and also is expected to cause some metagame shifting. The indirect counters will take longer to infiltrate the metagame. Expect small aftershocks. Once the metagame is quieter the balance/imbalance of cards becomes more apparent. I expect it to be roughly balanced after the final aftershock.

10] Here is where I expect to lose some people. I apologize. Rereading usually helps.

     Metagame is a word with many meanings. The common usage in EtG and the usage above was in reference to the types and frequency of decks in a format (pvp1, pvp2, PvArena, War, Tournaments, ...). However metagame can also refer to the tier of combat that can occur between two players that are both aware of the previous tier. Recently the arena was dominated by Fire Stall. A fraction of players fighting the arena were aware of this. They decided to modify their decks so they were better against Fire Stall but more vulnerable to other decks. A fraction of the people submitting to the Arena recognized this shift and modified the decks they submitted to take advantage of the AntiFireStall decks. This back and forth was a tier 2 metagame. The tier 2 metagame of formats like War is very complex because the opponents persist and the decks change. The tactical variations between cards with the same strategic purpose can be exploited to greater advantage.

     There are many options to fulfill the strategy of defending against creatures (CC, Healing, Blocking). Healing and CC work better against fewer creatures. This makes them more potent against stalls. In response some stalls added cards to evade the CC (Quint) or counter the healing (PC or CC depending on the source of healing). CC and healing force defensive decks to further dilute their offense to be able to protect that small offense. Rush/Stall hybrids are discouraged by the prevalence of CC and healing. Most blocking is either most effective against large swarms of enemies (shields) or tiny groups (Warden or Squid). Creature based Rushes tend to have enough offense to secure the precious middle between the forms of blocking. Shard of Sacrifice is one of the defensive measures that is most effective against Rushes and does not care about how the incoming damage is distributed.

     I expect Shard of Sacrifice to simultaneously reward the inclusion of Healing and punish pure Rushes. I expect this to promote Rush/Stall hybrids to appear at greater frequency while still not dominating over Rushes or Stalls. A flatter frequency continuum than the current one will make tier 2 metagame combat more interesting and complex. This will also result in the aesthetic quality of Rock Paper Scissors model for the metagame including many more options. (Google RPS 25) Another useful side effect is that as the tier 2 metagame becomes more transparent higher tier metagames will get more players.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 24, 2011, 09:26:39 pm
I was trying to do :light protection of resources and :darkness denial of opponent's resources. I guess I missed the mark on the :light part.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 24, 2011, 09:32:45 pm
I was trying to do :light protection of resources and :darkness denial of opponent's resources. I guess I missed the mark on the :light part.
The card still allows your quanta to be destroyed/drained. No resources were protected.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Brontos on October 24, 2011, 11:34:33 pm
Interesting read.

I'm not sure we'll see that much new decks with SoSa in it shifting the metagame perpetually. The death quanta restriction is huge when you try to build a deck with it.

On a side note, I'm concerned about its ability to trivialize a large majority of FG. I know game balancing is done considering PvP mainly. But once you got your SoSa, you have a huge access to "easy" electrums. Much more easier to gather in my experience thzn the RoL/ hope deck, and much more efficient. Not saying that more electrums is a good or a bad thing, but it's a change! :)

Whatever, we'll see. Thanks for your detailed input. :)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 24, 2011, 11:57:08 pm
Interesting read.

I'm not sure we'll see that much new decks with SoSa in it shifting the metagame perpetually. The death quanta restriction is huge when you try to build a deck with it.

On a side note, I'm concerned about its ability to trivialize a large majority of FG. I know game balancing is done considering PvP mainly. But once you got your SoSa, you have a huge access to "easy" electrums. Much more easier to gather in my experience thzn the RoL/ hope deck, and much more efficient. Not saying that more electrums is a good or a bad thing, but it's a change! :)

Whatever, we'll see. Thanks for your detailed input. :)
You're welcome.
PS: Expect the decks of some of those AI to change. FG have to be unfair right?  >:D
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on October 26, 2011, 08:16:16 pm
So, had the idea for a permanent type card that would allow creatures to benefit from the power of what ever shield you had in play.
Wanted it to be  :earth, for the thematic of toughness, plus combo with PA. However, most shields, with a few exceptions, would not be very effective for this purpose on their own.
(Attack and dodge shields mainly, but very little effect from the damage resistance.) Considering  :gravity for interesting mechanic interaction(Gravity pull) Which do you think is more appropriate?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 26, 2011, 08:46:11 pm
So, had the idea for a permanent type card that would allow creatures to benefit from the power of what ever shield you had in play.
Wanted it to be  :earth, for the thematic of toughness, plus combo with PA. However, most shields, with a few exceptions, would not be very effective for this purpose on their own.
(Attack and dodge shields mainly, but very little effect from the damage resistance.) Considering  :gravity for interesting mechanic interaction(Gravity pull) Which do you think is more appropriate?
I agree that Earth has a very strong theme of strength and resilience.

Shields tend to protect, with a few exceptions, from Melee damage. Creatures tend to be controlled, with an exception, with Spells and Abilities. If Shielding for creatures only triggered when the Shield would normally trigger then it would require a forced combo with Gravity Pull, Reflective Shield, or Jade Shield. Alternatively Shielding for creatures could be triggered by the Spells and Abilities.

A Dusk protected creature would have a 50% chance to evade Lightning.
A Titanium protected creature would have DR 2 from all incoming damage (infection would bypass).
A Reflective protected creature would Reflect spells (not abilities) that target it.
A Phase protected creature would be immaterial for 3 turns.
A Gravity protected creature would not be targetable by the abilities of creatures with 6+ hp (spells have 0hp).
A Thorn protected creature would have a 75% chance to inflict 1 infection/poison to the creature or player.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on October 26, 2011, 08:51:44 pm
So, had the idea for a permanent type card that would allow creatures to benefit from the power of what ever shield you had in play.
Wanted it to be  :earth, for the thematic of toughness, plus combo with PA. However, most shields, with a few exceptions, would not be very effective for this purpose on their own.
(Attack and dodge shields mainly, but very little effect from the damage resistance.) Considering  :gravity for interesting mechanic interaction(Gravity pull) Which do you think is more appropriate?
I agree that Earth has a very strong theme of strength and resilience.

Shields tend to protect, with a few exceptions, from Melee damage. Creatures tend to be controlled, with an exception, with Spells and Abilities. If Shielding for creatures only triggered when the Shield would normally trigger then it would require a forced combo with Gravity Pull, Reflective Shield, or Jade Shield. Alternatively Shielding for creatures could be triggered by the Spells and Abilities.

A Dusk protected creature would have a 50% chance to evade Lightning.
A Titanium protected creature would have DR 2 from all incoming damage (infection would bypass).
A Reflective protected creature would Reflect spells (not abilities) that target it.
A Phase protected creature would be immaterial for 3 turns.
A Gravity protected creature would not be targetable by the abilities of creatures with 6+ hp (spells have 0hp).
A Thorn protected creature would have a 75% chance to inflict 1 infection/poison to the creature or player.
I see. I think I will go with Gravity for this idea, and have the shielding for creatures activated by melee, spells or abilites, as the melee is far to limited, and as is this card begs to be  :gravity, as other wise it would force a duo or trio to be brought to it's full potential.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Manipul8r on October 28, 2011, 05:42:59 pm
Hey OT, I've been gone for a while and I'd like to know about any new insights you've made, and/or a brief summary of any important happenings since I've been off the forum (about 3-4 months I believe).  If you don't really feel like it, or just have a couple highlights you'd rather summarize, that's cool too. :)

I'm also curious on how your card cost theory and balancing techniques would apply to the Shard of Sacrifice if it was assumed to be a card currently in development.  It seems to me to be an arduous card to balance.

@Zaealix, that's a really cool idea and OT provided some excellent and exciting examples.  Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 28, 2011, 08:36:36 pm
Hey OT, I've been gone for a while and I'd like to know about any new insights you've made, and/or a brief summary of any important happenings since I've been off the forum (about 3-4 months I believe).  If you don't really feel like it, or just have a couple highlights you'd rather summarize, that's cool too. :)
Zanzarino has made a major update to the game. Details in Elements 1.29 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31187.0.html)
The Shards were changed, new shards were/are being added, some Fire cards were nerfed and a Quanta Cap of 75 per type of quanta was added.

Xenocidius has significantly improved the Card Image Builder (http://xenocidius.webs.com/cardimagebuilder/index.html) and more importantly has created the Game Coding Q&A (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32442.0.html) thread.

The Metagame and related topics were discussed in depth: The Metagame: a multi-purpose community project (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30797.0.html), Which elements are "Complete"? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30640.0.html)

Interesting discussion about Separating Permanents from Weapons/Shields to balance Permanent Control (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31619.0.html)

I'm also curious on how your card cost theory and balancing techniques would apply to the Shard of Sacrifice if it was assumed to be a card currently in development.  It seems to me to be an arduous card to balance.
Shard of Sacrifice has no direct quanta cost and the hp cost is more accurately examined as part of the effect. This results in Shard of Sacrifice having a cost of 0quanta + 1 card (or 1 cost unit). Holy Light and Heal both have a 5hp/cost unit ratio. Therefore I would expect Shards of Sacrifices should heal on average across the metagame 5hp per SoSac drawn over the course of a game. We will see how much the hp cost needs to be adjusted after the metagame settles down with counters to the SoSac decks.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on October 28, 2011, 11:06:07 pm
What are your thoughts on Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30712.0.html) ?
If it is to be working with active abilities, how do you think the Crusader loop can be balanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on October 28, 2011, 11:49:00 pm
Never mind. I've figured out a method to make both thematic ideas work.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Manipul8r on October 29, 2011, 01:19:51 am
What are your thoughts on Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30712.0.html) ?
If it is to be working with active abilities, how do you think the Crusader loop can be balanced?
"Cannot gain Endow."?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 29, 2011, 02:57:13 am
What are your thoughts on Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30712.0.html) ?
If it is to be working with active abilities, how do you think the Crusader loop can be balanced?
It appears to be an inverted crusader with barely any modifications. Typically inversion changes the environment in such a manner that drastically changing the ability is possible without obstructing the end goal. A drastically different ability that achieved the same goal would add much more to EtG than a simple inversion.

Algrator (made up word) can, as a weapon, become a creature. Crusader cannot become a weapon.

The Crusader loop is not the problem. The Crusader involvement would be balanced if the Algrator loop were balanced AND if the activation cost was set at the appropriate constant*.
The Algrator loop begins with it able to target itself combined with the lack of support of an X activation cost in the game. Thus for some activation cost per turn a flown Algrator will get a permanent Dive or better. This is the problem of something with endow (or any slight modification) being able to target something else with endow (or any slight modification). The easiest solution is removing the +X. The second easiest solution is only getting the +X. The third easiest solution is changing the card so it will never get the opportunity to target endow (or its ability). This would include targeting passives only (I would recommend against that) but would not include a simple exception of Endow. I am sure there are harder solutions like balancing permanent Chaos Power augmented diving or changing the ability like Reprisal (forge, permanent) did but none spring to mind right now that were not already done.

* (Advice meant to be applicable even if costs and elements change)
Can the Crusader loop be used using only  :light? If so set the activation cost equal to  :light :light :light| :light :light or 6 :rainbow|4 :rainbow
Can the Crusader loop be used using only 1 non  :light quanta type? If so set the activation cost equal to  :underworld :underworld| :underworld or 4 :rainbow|2 :rainbow
If the loops takes 3 different quanta types then I think you would be wise to modify it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TuckingFypo on October 29, 2011, 03:14:34 am
What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 29, 2011, 04:33:39 am
What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why?
The insufficient distribution (and therefore quantity) of responses to offensive and defensive actions is a problem. This would be solved by adding responses to the elements that lack responses to particular offensive and defensive actions. To avoid redundancy, dilution and tenuous themes the majority of these additions should probably be indirect responses although soft direct responses are a close second.

Uncompressed version:
I dislike the concept of Unstoppable Offenses and Impregnable Defenses because they restrict the diversity of the metagame. This is why I am glad that EtG has responses (direct or indirect counters) to every offense or defense. However unless you are building a Rainbow, you do not have access to all of these responses during deck building. This means some Offenses and Defenses might require a player to change elements or lose before deckbuilding has finished. For a game based on the Elements this is a result that in the long term should be removed if it can be done so without harming other areas of the game. This also would have a larger impact on Element based PvP formats like WAR.

There are three primary ways to alter the game: Add cards, Change cards, Remove cards. Since the problem is lack of responses in certain elements remove cards is off the table. Change cards would only work if out of element responses were changed to costing  :rainbow. This would cause problems of elemental identity dilution. This leaves adding cards as the option of choice (as usual). The game has mostly direct hard responses in elements with the appropriate theme for direct hard responses. If more direct hard responses were added it would make the responses across the elements look rather uniform (dilution), have to rationalize themes (tenuous themes) and would be very similar to existing cards (redundant).

I go into this in more depth throughout the Which elements are "Complete"? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30640.0.html) thread.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TuckingFypo on October 29, 2011, 05:19:15 pm
What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why?
The insufficient distribution (and therefore quantity) of responses to offensive and defensive actions is a problem. This would be solved by adding responses to the elements that lack responses to particular offensive and defensive actions. To avoid redundancy, dilution and tenuous themes the majority of these additions should probably be indirect responses although soft direct responses are a close second.

Uncompressed version:
I dislike the concept of Unstoppable Offenses and Impregnable Defenses because they restrict the diversity of the metagame. This is why I am glad that EtG has responses (direct or indirect counters) to every offense or defense. However unless you are building a Rainbow, you do not have access to all of these responses during deck building. This means some Offenses and Defenses might require a player to change elements or lose before deckbuilding has finished. For a game based on the Elements this is a result that in the long term should be removed if it can be done so without harming other areas of the game. This also would have a larger impact on Element based PvP formats like WAR.

There are three primary ways to alter the game: Add cards, Change cards, Remove cards. Since the problem is lack of responses in certain elements remove cards is off the table. Change cards would only work if out of element responses were changed to costing  :rainbow. This would cause problems of elemental identity dilution. This leaves adding cards as the option of choice (as usual). The game has mostly direct hard responses in elements with the appropriate theme for direct hard responses. If more direct hard responses were added it would make the responses across the elements look rather uniform (dilution), have to rationalize themes (tenuous themes) and would be very similar to existing cards (redundant).

I go into this in more depth throughout the Which elements are "Complete"? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30640.0.html) thread.
Hmm...I was going to see what cards I could make based off of your answer but I actually disagree instead.  ???  Can you elaborate on this? v

More important than an Element having counters for most offenses/defenses, practical deck types/archetypes need counters for offenses/defenses.  There are can only be 30-60 cards in a deck.  Even if we create multiple cards in a single element that creatively and successfully counter a form of solid defense/offense and still fulfill another useful role (ie Mid-range attacker, quanta generation), will the player include all of those cards in his/her deck?  Won't playing Mono's just be like playing Rainbows?  If he includes all those cards, his deck would be pretty unstable.  If he doesn't, he'll still be hard countered by some deck archetypes.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 29, 2011, 05:51:00 pm
What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why?
The insufficient distribution (and therefore quantity) of responses to offensive and defensive actions is a problem. This would be solved by adding responses to the elements that lack responses to particular offensive and defensive actions. To avoid redundancy, dilution and tenuous themes the majority of these additions should probably be indirect responses although soft direct responses are a close second.

Uncompressed version:
I dislike the concept of Unstoppable Offenses and Impregnable Defenses because they restrict the diversity of the metagame. This is why I am glad that EtG has responses (direct or indirect counters) to every offense or defense. However unless you are building a Rainbow, you do not have access to all of these responses during deck building. This means some Offenses and Defenses might require a player to change elements or lose before deckbuilding has finished. For a game based on the Elements this is a result that in the long term should be removed if it can be done so without harming other areas of the game. This also would have a larger impact on Element based PvP formats like WAR.

There are three primary ways to alter the game: Add cards, Change cards, Remove cards. Since the problem is lack of responses in certain elements remove cards is off the table. Change cards would only work if out of element responses were changed to costing  :rainbow. This would cause problems of elemental identity dilution. This leaves adding cards as the option of choice (as usual). The game has mostly direct hard responses in elements with the appropriate theme for direct hard responses. If more direct hard responses were added it would make the responses across the elements look rather uniform (dilution), have to rationalize themes (tenuous themes) and would be very similar to existing cards (redundant).

I go into this in more depth throughout the Which elements are "Complete"? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30640.0.html) thread.
Hmm...I was going to see what cards I could make based off of your answer but I actually disagree instead.  ???  Can you elaborate on this? v

More important than an Element having counters for most offenses/defenses, practical deck types/archetypes need counters for offenses/defenses.  There are can only be 30-60 cards in a deck.  Even if we create multiple cards in a single element that creatively and successfully counter a form of solid defense/offense and still fulfill another useful role (ie Mid-range attacker, quanta generation), will the player include all of those cards in his/her deck?  Won't playing Mono's just be like playing Rainbows?  If he includes all those cards, his deck would be pretty unstable.  If he doesn't, he'll still be hard countered by some deck archetypes.
Thanks for prompting clarification.

In the long run providing each archetype with access to responses to offense/defense is a worthwhile goal. However that goal is not within reach yet because certain deck types would require each Element having access to responses as a necessary condition of them having access to responses.

I do not want players to have access to responses to all offenses and defenses when in a dual. I want them to have access during deckbuilding. I want people to be able to choose how vulnerable and where they will be vulnerable without changing elements. Deceased vulnerability comes at the cost of decreased power. Yes this means some duels will be decided before the match starts but after deckbuilding ends. This is an improvement from those duels being decided before deckbuilding ends. This improvement is also sufficient for the metagame. Metagame [tier 1] duels begin during deck building unlike non metagame [tier 0] duels which begin at the coin toss.

Would it be like playing Rainbows? No. All the responses would have the same feel and mechanical consequences as the hosting Element. Fire does not feel like Rainbow does it? In my opinion they feel distinctly different despite fire having responses to almost all the offenses/defenses that Rainbow has responses to. Additionally Rainbow will always remain distinct in that it can choose which Element's mechanical consequences it wants attached to each of its responses. (Lightning or Basilisk Blood?)

Did that cover where you wanted elaboration?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on November 01, 2011, 12:28:53 pm
A question about Series, and the grouping involved...
Right now I have several Card Ideas that I plan on turning into actual cards. Right now the grouping is 'Thematic Expansion' the idea being the increasing of tricks in some of the 'incomplete' element's arsenal, allowing for, if not soft counters to powerful cards, interesting new control options...The thing is, they have wildly differing abilites. Some of the ideas are.
AOE ability seal.
Locking enemy quanta use.
Freezing quanta production.
Could, say, those and a few other ideas be used in a series? Or should I just release each Card as a stand-alone?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 01, 2011, 04:12:28 pm
A question about Series, and the grouping involved...
Right now I have several Card Ideas that I plan on turning into actual cards. Right now the grouping is 'Thematic Expansion' the idea being the increasing of tricks in some of the 'incomplete' element's arsenal, allowing for, if not soft counters to powerful cards, interesting new control options...The thing is, they have wildly differing abilites. Some of the ideas are.
AOE ability seal.
Locking enemy quanta use.
Freezing quanta production.
Could, say, those and a few other ideas be used in a series? Or should I just release each Card as a stand-alone?
While you could make it a series, I do not see an advantage in doing so. The comments on one card, even on thematic issues, does not seem very applicable to fine tuning the other cards. I would release them as stand-alone unless they all have a very concrete overarching theme beyond the general theme of new control options.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on November 01, 2011, 05:37:02 pm
Alright then. I'm going to release that Shield Card I mentioned, and one of these, just have to pick which one...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on November 02, 2011, 01:06:50 am

Do you think Holtzman shield adds anything to elements as it is now (lets assume it doesnt block momentum creatures)? or as it is in any of the suggested changes in the poll?

Im afraid that in balancing the card it will become very much like other cards in existence and thus not really add to the elements universe.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jocko on November 02, 2011, 02:14:48 am
What are your thoughts on Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30712.0.html) ?
If it is to be working with active abilities, how do you think the Crusader loop can be balanced?
It appears to be an inverted crusader with barely any modifications. Typically inversion changes the environment in such a manner that drastically changing the ability is possible without obstructing the end goal. A drastically different ability that achieved the same goal would add much more to EtG than a simple inversion.

Algrator (made up word) can, as a weapon, become a creature. Crusader cannot become a weapon.

The Crusader loop is not the problem. The Crusader involvement would be balanced if the Algrator loop were balanced AND if the activation cost was set at the appropriate constant*.
The Algrator loop begins with it able to target itself combined with the lack of support of an X activation cost in the game. Thus for some activation cost per turn a flown Algrator will get a permanent Dive or better. This is the problem of something with endow (or any slight modification) being able to target something else with endow (or any slight modification). The easiest solution is removing the +X. The second easiest solution is only getting the +X. The third easiest solution is changing the card so it will never get the opportunity to target endow (or its ability). This would include targeting passives only (I would recommend against that) but would not include a simple exception of Endow. I am sure there are harder solutions like balancing permanent Chaos Power augmented diving or changing the ability like Reprisal (forge, permanent) did but none spring to mind right now that were not already done.

* (Advice meant to be applicable even if costs and elements change)
Can the Crusader loop be used using only  :light? If so set the activation cost equal to  :light :light :light| :light :light or 6 :rainbow|4 :rainbow
Can the Crusader loop be used using only 1 non  :light quanta type? If so set the activation cost equal to  :underworld :underworld| :underworld or 4 :rainbow|2 :rainbow
If the loops takes 3 different quanta types then I think you would be wise to modify it.
Why wouldn't you advice adding endow and itself as an exception? Don't get me wrong, i like the card now, without the +X, but there are some cards exceptions in the game.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 02, 2011, 03:55:06 am

Do you think Holtzman shield adds anything to elements as it is now (lets assume it doesnt block momentum creatures)? or as it is in any of the suggested changes in the poll?

Im afraid that in balancing the card it will become very much like other cards in existence and thus not really add to the elements universe.
Does it add to the game? Yes. It would not reduce the metagame and it does have some differences from Dimensional Shield and Wings (aka its in Gravity).
How much does it add to the game? Not much. It will create Gravity versions of many Dimension Shield decks and create a Gravity/Aether "can't touch this" stall. Beyond that it does not add much to the game. It is not expected to open a new frontier. This is a side effect of your choice of what slow would mean. You choose something that was uncommon similar to how airborne is and then you blocked all other cards. Hence its most common usage would be a short lived perfect blocker like the two shields before it.

What are your thoughts on Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30712.0.html) ?
If it is to be working with active abilities, how do you think the Crusader loop can be balanced?
It appears to be an inverted crusader with barely any modifications. Typically inversion changes the environment in such a manner that drastically changing the ability is possible without obstructing the end goal. A drastically different ability that achieved the same goal would add much more to EtG than a simple inversion.

Algrator (made up word) can, as a weapon, become a creature. Crusader cannot become a weapon.

The Crusader loop is not the problem. The Crusader involvement would be balanced if the Algrator loop were balanced AND if the activation cost was set at the appropriate constant*.
The Algrator loop begins with it able to target itself combined with the lack of support of an X activation cost in the game. Thus for some activation cost per turn a flown Algrator will get a permanent Dive or better. This is the problem of something with endow (or any slight modification) being able to target something else with endow (or any slight modification). The easiest solution is removing the +X. The second easiest solution is only getting the +X. The third easiest solution is changing the card so it will never get the opportunity to target endow (or its ability). This would include targeting passives only (I would recommend against that) but would not include a simple exception of Endow. I am sure there are harder solutions like balancing permanent Chaos Power augmented diving or changing the ability like Reprisal (forge, permanent) did but none spring to mind right now that were not already done.

* (Advice meant to be applicable even if costs and elements change)
Can the Crusader loop be used using only  :light? If so set the activation cost equal to  :light :light :light| :light :light or 6 :rainbow|4 :rainbow
Can the Crusader loop be used using only 1 non  :light quanta type? If so set the activation cost equal to  :underworld :underworld| :underworld or 4 :rainbow|2 :rainbow
If the loops takes 3 different quanta types then I think you would be wise to modify it.
Why wouldn't you advice adding endow and itself as an exception? Don't get me wrong, i like the card now, without the +X, but there are some cards exceptions in the game.
I recognize that there are players who will never look at either forum or the wiki. The first reason I dislike exceptions is because they punish these players for not reading the forum or wiki. The game is at its best when it can appeal to the greatest audience for the longest time. That includes those of use who want to learn everything about the game (me) and those that want to play it without any research.

The second reason I dislike exceptions is that they do not feel like elegant design. It feels more like a forced fix than a fitting solution to a problem.

Beyond these reasons to dislike exceptions there was yet another reason for avoiding exceptions in this case. The card was intended to let a permanent pretend to be a creature. Excluding Crusader would prevent it from pretending to be a Crusader. Any solution that was better able to include the Crusader would fulfill the goal better (by 1 creature) than the exception. Removing the +X had the side effect of excluding Attune through pointlessness instead of through a hidden restriction.

Short answer: Because there were better options available. I feel it can be improved further if altered to a less direct inversion which would add a new dimension to the game rather than extend the dimension Crusader added.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 02, 2011, 04:09:14 am
cost evaluation needed in thread http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33202.msg448325#msg448325
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 02, 2011, 04:26:13 am
cost evaluation needed in thread http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33202.msg448325#msg448325
Cursed Mirror / Mirror Demon has two True Casting Costs

1) Cursed Mirror + Lethal CC
2) Mirror Demon (from Fractal or RT)

The two methods should have approximately the same total cost. Therefore
Quanta Casting Cost of Cursed Mirror + Quanta Casting Cost of Lethal CC + 1 = Quanta Casting Cost of Mirror Demon

Mirror Demon deserves a Quanta Casting Cost of 8 :darkness|6 :darkness
In Element Lethal CC would be Drain Life with a Quanta Casting Cost of 3 :darkness|1 :darkness
Out of Element Lethal CC would be Lightning with a Quanta Casting Cost of 2 :aether|1 :aether (requiring a second element acts as an additional +1 cost)
Therefore Cursed Mirror should cost about 5 :darkness|5 :darkness.

Now Cursed Mirror's stats are insufficient for a creature with a 5 :darkness|4 :darkness casting cost. I would suggest the Cursed Mirror have 3 attack or an activated skill of equivalent worth.

Alternatively if the Mirror Demon only had 6 attack, Cursed Mirror would be balanced at 3 :darkness|2 :darkness for 1|4 stats.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: karis on November 02, 2011, 05:47:55 am
what about my 3 card in this topic 


Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 02, 2011, 06:10:02 am
what about my 3 card in this topic 


are those card interesting enough for competition.    and maybe how to improve it. (added from PM)
Still a somewhat vague question. I will try to restrict my answers to fit my guess of what you desire to hear about.

These are cards for a proposed new card slot. Each card in that slot would:
1) Replace the previous card
2) Be vulnerable as a permanent
3) Have a single large scale altering effect.
4) Have an additional alternate cost

Based on what I have seen of the other examples in the thread your examples are equally interesting/uninteresting.

How to improve it?
The competition should hinge around the slot and all the potential cards not just the particular cards shown. In this manner the card examples should be used to explain the limits of the slot. What it can and can't do. The pros and cons of adding the slot to the game.

Do the card effects fit the slot name?
Pillars are not part of the Elemental. Would the Elemental's form affect them?
Creatures and permanents are not part of the Elemental. Would the Elemental's form affect them?
Is the hand and deck part of the Elemental? (I think so but do you?)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TheManuz on November 03, 2011, 12:04:55 am
May i ask you what do you think of Endless Army (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33241.0.html) cost?
I'd also like a general feedback on the mechanic, if you don't mind.
Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 03, 2011, 01:48:10 am
May i ask you what do you think of Endless Army (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33241.0.html) cost?
I'd also like a general feedback on the mechanic, if you don't mind.
Thanks in advance!
The primary use of Endless Army and its predecessors Aspect of infinity and even further back Time Portal | Portal of Eternity was to prevent deckout by recycling dying creatures. The only other card that prevents deckout is Eternity.

Endless Army vs Eternity
Both combos require 2 cards. Both combos are vulnerable to PC and Silence. Both have an ~4 attack between the two cards used in the combo.
Eternity gets to use its attack when played while Endless Army has to wait till near deckout to use its effective attack from Spark|Ball Lightning.
Eternity is a weapon and thus blocks the weapon slot.
Reverse Time is useful for more than just antideckout but not at the same time.
Endless Army has much better synergy with Hourglass
The Eternity costs 6 :time|5 :time + 3 :time per turn + 2 cards

So until your deck runs out Endless Army is almost useless. Once your deck runs out Endless Army is significantly cheaper than the alternative. I do not think it has a theoretical balanced cost in this form.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: The_Mormegil on November 03, 2011, 07:47:32 am
May i ask you what do you think of Endless Army (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33241.0.html) cost?
I'd also like a general feedback on the mechanic, if you don't mind.
Thanks in advance!
The primary use of Endless Army and its predecessors Aspect of infinity and even further back Time Portal | Portal of Eternity was to prevent deckout by recycling dying creatures. The only other card that prevents deckout is Eternity.

Endless Army vs Eternity
Both combos require 2 cards. Both combos are vulnerable to PC and Silence. Both have an ~4 attack between the two cards used in the combo.
Eternity gets to use its attack when played while Endless Army has to wait till near deckout to use its effective attack from Spark|Ball Lightning.
Eternity is a weapon and thus blocks the weapon slot.
Reverse Time is useful for more than just antideckout but not at the same time.
Endless Army has much better synergy with Hourglass
The Eternity costs 6 :time|5 :time + 3 :time per turn + 2 cards

So until your deck runs out Endless Army is almost useless. Once your deck runs out Endless Army is significantly cheaper than the alternative. I do not think it has a theoretical balanced cost in this form.
Endless Army can destroy a CC heavy decker alone too, if those even exist anymore...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: karis on November 04, 2011, 03:19:01 am
thank you so much about my card   ^-^
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on November 04, 2011, 05:53:15 pm
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33313.0.html (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33313.0.html)

Could you let me know your thoughts about the quanta cost balance of Starfish | Sea Star. are they priced right?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 04, 2011, 07:02:55 pm
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33313.0.html (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33313.0.html)

Could you let me know your thoughts about the quanta cost balance of Starfish | Sea Star. are they priced right?
Adjusted Cost = Total Quanta Cost + Types of Quanta

Total Attack22481618+14=3246
Total Damage248163264110
Adjusted Cost57913212828
Sea Star
Total Attack448163248
Total Damage48163264112
Adjusted Cost579131313
Starfish achieves 110|112 damage on turn 7|6 for an adjusted cost of 28|13. [exponential swarm of creatures, swarm regenerates attack and hp]
Firefly Queen achieves 108|95 damage on turn 8|7 for an adjusted cost of 23|21. [linear swarm of creatures, swarm generates quanta]
Lava Golem achieves 96|91 damage on turn 8|7 for an adjusted cost of 14|13. [single creature, low hp, hp grows with attack]
Steam Machine achieves 90|90 damage on turn 7|7 for an adjusted cost of 18|18. [single creature, has lots of hp]

Unupped appears relatively balanced. The upgraded should have a high win condition cost, a slower win condition or both.
A turn 6/7 win condition with Sea Stars traits would be balanced around a ~25/20 adjusted cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TuckingFypo on November 05, 2011, 07:41:44 pm

Could you please give feedback on ^?  Main things to consider PU, and that all of the powerful combos you can do with it have a lot of separate cards involved.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 05, 2011, 11:04:47 pm

Could you please give feedback on ^?  Main things to consider PU, and that all of the powerful combos you can do with it have a lot of separate cards involved.
The Core of the idea is the effect:
"Any spell or skill that affects this card will also affect other Holy Runes."
The "up to 5" and "you control" clauses are unnecessary and do not have obvious thematic justifications.
This ability is primarily balanced by equal effect for positive and negative effects. However the current notes exclude certain negative effects resulting in less inherent balance. I would recommend removing this bias. Without that bias the positive and negative effects tend to cancel out.

CC would turn into Mass CC. Lightning would deal 5 damage to each
Mass CC would turn into incredibly large Mass CC. Thunderstorm would deal X damage to each
Buffs would turn into Mass Buffs. Blessing would add +3X attack total

Something important to remember is Buffs would get 1 attack before CC could be used. As such the stats should start subpar.

Fractal and Mitosis have enhancing effects on the original combo. Fractal increases the number of Holy Runes by ~6 each use. Mitosis increases the number of Holy Runes by the number at the time of casting per turn. Parallel Universe does not affect any Holy Rune therefore it does not trigger the ability.

Summary of Enhancers:
Fractal + Blessing + 2 Holy Runes: ~ 8 Blessed Holy Runes for 10 :aether|9 :aether + 3 :light|2 :light +2 cards + cost of 8 Holy Runes
Mitosis + Blessing + 2 Holy Runes: ~ 6 Blessed Holy Runes for 5 :life|4 :life + 3 :light|2 :light +2 cards + cost of 6 Holy Runes

Remove the clauses and the buff bias, forget about Parallel Universe because it never had an effect and nerf the stats drastically.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 07, 2011, 02:36:27 pm
would a :life perm that cancels death affects and/or generates Rustlers| Leaf Dragons instead be good?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 07, 2011, 03:39:50 pm
would a :life perm that cancels death affects and/or generates Rustlers| Leaf Dragons instead be good?
That would be harsh Element Hosing (punishes people arbitrarily because they choose Death). From my experience in MtG I have found that hosing on that high a level (Color or Element) has a negative effect on the game even when added in cycles with a card to hose each option.

The non hosing benefit of the card resembles Graveyard too closely.

Summary: Probably a harmful card in its present form.

On a side note: If it ever becomes the case that death trigger decks are too powerful in the metagame (unlikely but possible eventually) then the addition of other cards would allow people to use Soul Catchers against high death trigger decks. A direct counter to death triggers will never be needed.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 07, 2011, 04:45:45 pm
How about a perm that generates a copy of a spawn creature when spawn/mitosis skill is used?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 07, 2011, 06:45:20 pm
How about a perm that generates a copy of a spawn creature when spawn/mitosis skill is used?
It could be good. Copying tends to be Aetheric. Generating occurs in  :aether, :death, :life and :time.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ColdHeat on November 10, 2011, 02:31:32 pm
What I have in mind isn't a concrete card. It's a mechanic for cards. Cards that need some turns to become active. "After two turns...." or maybe "Every 3 turns...." A marker that shows how many turns are still required will be shown on the cards. Mainly for permanents and creatures of course. But even spells could use this mechanic. This would give your opponent the chance to try to evade the effect or even try to use it for themselfe.

A few examples what could be possible: (no balanced ideas, just to make sure what I mean)

entropy creature with the effect: Every 3 turns this card gains an stat boost (between +0/+0 and +5/+5)

simple spell that deals damage after 2 turns. (Opponent has the chance to heal himself or kill you before the effect hits)

permanent that has other effects depending on after how many turns you use it

Something like this. Could this be worth trying?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 10, 2011, 05:18:56 pm
What I have in mind isn't a concrete card. It's a mechanic for cards. Cards that need some turns to become active. "After two turns...." or maybe "Every 3 turns...." A marker that shows how many turns are still required will be shown on the cards. Mainly for permanents and creatures of course. But even spells could use this mechanic. This would give your opponent the chance to try to evade the effect or even try to use it for themselfe.

A few examples what could be possible: (no balanced ideas, just to make sure what I mean)

entropy creature with the effect: Every 3 turns this card gains an stat boost (between +0/+0 and +5/+5)

simple spell that deals damage after 2 turns. (Opponent has the chance to heal himself or kill you before the effect hits)

permanent that has other effects depending on after how many turns you use it

Something like this. Could this be worth trying?
Like most mechanical ideas, this idea comes with restrictions on what effects would go well with it. Namely the effect must not be better implemented without the wait.

In general paying resources to potentially give your opponent an advantage is a vulnerability to be avoided.

Random buff every 3 turns or Random weaker buff every turn?
Spell effect delayed for 2 turns or Spell held in the hand for 2 more turns?

A permanent with multiple different effects might be hard to fit in the description.

However there are good times to use this.
Amethyst Maker | Amethyst Factory (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32317.0) wants to be able to convert 2 turns of quanta into 1 specific quanta. It could have the ability 2 :rainbow:generate  :entropy but that might be a net :entropy loss.

A creature could have an activated ability to gain +X attack where X is the turns since the previous usage. It would result in a cheaper Growth/Ablaze that misses out on some of the damage.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 10, 2011, 06:38:40 pm
The Pact ideas need some guidance.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on November 11, 2011, 05:55:42 am
this is about Zebra | Zebra (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33581.0.html)

Could you comment on the summoning cost? Id like to keep the damage above 5 or 6 maybe even at 7 for upped. but there is disagreement on price v attack/health.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 11, 2011, 06:33:27 am
this is about Zebra | Zebra (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33581.0.html)

Could you comment on the summoning cost? Id like to keep the damage above 5 or 6 maybe even at 7 for upped. but there is disagreement on price v attack/health.
Zebra's ability in an AntiCC ability that usually will give card advantage. Since it is the core idea of the card it should probably be made to be worth the equivalent of ~2 attack.

Casting Cost = Stat Value + Skill Value
Y :life + 1 card = X + 2
Quanta Cost in  :life = Stat Value + 1
X attack -> X stat value
1-5 hp -> +0 stat value
6-7 hp -> +1 stat value
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on November 11, 2011, 06:27:08 pm
1) If we were to take an existing game concept in ETG and propose an additional idea for this concept (such as the new slots/Weapon and Shield or Alternative Costs|PseudoElements/The existing Elements), what in your opinion could we develop that hasn't been considered yet?

2) Based on the existing threads started by other members, what element(s) do you feel are the least "Complete" at the moment?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 11, 2011, 08:25:53 pm
1) If we were to take an existing game concept in ETG and propose an additional idea for this concept (such as the new slots/Weapon and Shield or Alternative Costs|PseudoElements/The existing Elements), what in your opinion could we develop that hasn't been considered yet?
What could we develop that has not been considered? (Even by me? IDK :) ) Well since I can't tell you about ones I have not considered, I will speak to one I have considered and has been pursued but has not investigated in depth yet.
You may recall Ambush (This creature gets +1|+0 until the end of the turn each time a creature with Ambush attacks) or the refined version Bloodthirst (This creature gets +1|+0 until the end of the turn each time the opponent is damaged). Each of these sought to take an event in the game and use the event as a variable to affect future events.

Thinking out loud:
EtG: Resources, Costs, Objects, Characteristics, Positions, Triggers, Effects, and ?

2) Based on the existing threads started by other members, what element(s) do you feel are the least "Complete" at the moment?
Completeness is judged by what can be done with only that type of quanta.
Lightning is a weak answer to damage prevention shields (Hope, Dimensional).
Lacks a fast game option. Makes up for it with Dimensional Shield.
Shockwave is a weak answer to damage prevention shields (Hope, Dimensional).
In mono the offense is not just predictable it is predicted.
Has only a weak defense. Wings vs non airborne, Fog/Snipe/Shockwave vs Dragons, Thunderstorm/Snipe vs flying swarms.
Has no answer to CC.
In mono the offense is not just predictable it is predicted.
No answer to damage prevention shields (Hope, Dimensional).
Has no answer to CC.
Has no answer to CC.
Black Hole is a weak answer to Poison or Spells.
Vulnerable to CC.
No answer to damage prevention shields (Hope, Dimensional).
Dragon is a weak answer to DR shields due to Life's general vulnerability to CC.
No answer to damage prevention shields (Hope, Dimensional).
No defense against poison or spells
Purify is a weak defense against spells
Has no answer to defenses.The prime candidate is Life.
Life is reliant on a creature offense. Thus all life decks are vulnerable to CC. Earth shares this problem but Earth a means to discourage CC. Life does not have a means of discouraging CC yet. Empathic Bond and Mitosis are also vulnerable to CC. CC combined with a DR shield can easily neutralize Life's offense.
1) Field advantage: Playing 1 card to create more than 1 creature. Even if it just created 2 creatures that would double the necessary CC.
2) Creature resilience: Playing 1 creature that requires more than 1 CC card on average to neutralize would obviously increase the cost of using Cc vs life.
Life also has a problem dealing with damage prevention shields. This is harder to deal with and less crucial.

Air is in a similar situation but not as bad. It is not as vulnerable to CC. It can use Shockwaves and Eagles Eye to avoid CC but that is not very effective. Additionally its defenses are  fairly weak. Unlike Life, Air has no defense against damage in the form of Spells, Poison and Catapult.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 16, 2011, 12:29:02 am
Would a :life and :fire spirit generator be a good idea?
Has it been attempted?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on November 16, 2011, 12:34:40 am
I personally can think of an idea-maybe some sort of spell that does damage for how many creatures you have/ how much life you have?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 16, 2011, 12:56:43 am
Would a :life and :fire spirit generator be a good idea?
Has it been attempted?
Has a Forest Spirit / Fire Spirit generator been attempted?
Not to my knowledge or search.

Would it be a good idea?
I see almost no problems but also almost no benefit. Creatures with abilities that need to be activated once per turn tend to not fit generation. There are exceptions like the exponential generators.

I personally can think of an idea-maybe some sort of spell that does damage for how many creatures you have/ how much life you have?
It would need a theme that made sense of the connection and still fit Life. However Life currently is vulnerable to CC. The first version of that spell would increase the importance of CC against Life.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 16, 2011, 01:53:44 am
has anyone done a  :time spirit where it gains +1|+1 per card drawn?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on November 16, 2011, 02:13:09 am
has anyone done a  :time spirit where it gains +1|+1 per card drawn?
It has been done similarly here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19592.0), so it should be useful for reference and comparison.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jocko on November 16, 2011, 02:17:17 am
I've been thinking lately of doing a series of vanilla creatures. What element/s do you consider they don't need new vanilla creatures?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on November 16, 2011, 02:27:38 am
For the most part, no new vanillias are needed I think...I gues  :aether and possibly  :fire could use one, as they don't actually have 'vanilla' creatures...But Those elements are two of the strongest around. So I'd say no.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 16, 2011, 03:00:49 am
has anyone done a  :time spirit where it gains +1|+1 per card drawn?
It has been done similarly here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19592.0), so it should be useful for reference and comparison.
Rutarete is correct. It has not been done yet.

I've been thinking lately of doing a series of vanilla creatures. What element/s do you consider they don't need new vanilla creatures?
I try to avoid making suggestions to Zanz that he has considered already. Almost all vanilla cards fall into this category. There is the possibility of creatures with minor abilities such that the ability does not justify a cost increase from the cost for the stats. These are semivanilla creatures.

What element(s) would benefit from more vanilla/semivanilla cards?
Aether might want something smaller than Phase Spider.
Light would benefit from a semivanilla creature with a passive ability that had synergy with Luciferin.

However for the most part vanilla creatures are not useful additions anymore and semivanilla creatures are not useful in themselves but rather as a means of adding valuable abilities that have minor effects into the game.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on November 16, 2011, 05:43:02 am
Which element could use a good mid range attacker with a unique but not particularly great or complicated ability?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 16, 2011, 06:25:56 am
Which element could use a good mid range attacker with a unique but not particularly great or complicated ability?
Each element has what I would term a mid ranged attacker except unupped mono  :light (Pegasus without dive and Crusader without Endow don't pass my test).
 :aether Phase Spider,  :air Wyrm/Eye,  :darkness Gargoyle,  :death Mummy,  :earth Golem,  :entropy Abomination,
 :fire Lava Golem,  :gravity Charger,  :life Cockatrice,  :light Archangel,  :time Ghost,  :water Toadfish.

Does any element require and additional one? Not in my opinion.

So if you know an ability that is great despite not being particularly powerful or complicated then put it in the element the fits that ability closest.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: rowcla on November 18, 2011, 07:59:18 am
Cost evaluation needed for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33754.0/topicseen.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 18, 2011, 12:14:53 pm
Cost evaluation needed for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33754.0/topicseen.html
The upped image and text disagree about the stats. I used the table.

Master of Ice has 2 primary usages that tend not to overlap. I will evaluate them separately.

Master of Ice is a Allied only version of Arctic Squid when used to Freeze your creatures for Catapulting. Arctic Squid is not balanced with this usage in mind and is not used for this purpose because it is UP in this usage compared to using multiple Freezes. Therefore to be balanced Master of Ice must be better than Arctic Squid at this usage and still not overshoot Freeze.
Master of Ice costs 4+X :water +1 card for X freezes. (atk ignored because the freezing rocks win condition ignores such low attacks)
Arctic Squid costs 3+2X :water +1 card for X freezes. (atk ignored because the freezing rocks win condition ignores such low attacks)
For an expected X>1 Master of Ice fulfills the first requirement.
Freeze costs X :water +X cards for X freezes.
For an expected X<6 Master of Ice fulfills the second requirement.
Launches required usually fall in this 2-5 range.
A cost of 3-5 :water would be balanced here.

Master of Ice can also be used as a faster version of Vulture. (Water freezes much faster than Death kills)
Master of Ice costs 4 :water|4 :water + 1 card has 0|2 attack, minor hp and increases +1|+1 per creature frozen (Ice Shield likely)
Vulture  costs 3 :death|3 :death + 1 card has 0|1 attack, minor hp and increases +1|+1 per death trigger (Cat or CC likely)
Using Ice Shield, Master of Ice increases by +X|+X where X starts at roughly 30% of the opposing offense and slowly shrinks to 17.7%.
Since Master of Ice does increase faster than Vulture it should cost more than Vulture. I would estimate that a 5 :water|4 :water + 1 card casting cost with 0 attack would be balanced with Vulture. If Vulture is OP/UP then adjust this estimate as you would adjust Vulture.

Sidenote: Master of Ice can be used as AntiCC.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: The_Mormegil on November 18, 2011, 01:54:23 pm
Master of Ice can also be used as a faster version of Vulture. (Water freezes much faster than Death kills)
A note: doesn't your normal cost theory agree on the fact that Vultures are severely UP? In fact, I don't believe they are ever used competitively... This might be worth mentioning when comparing Master of Ice to Vultures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 18, 2011, 03:14:43 pm
Master of Ice can also be used as a faster version of Vulture. (Water freezes much faster than Death kills)
A note: doesn't your normal cost theory agree on the fact that Vultures are severely UP? In fact, I don't believe they are ever used competitively... This might be worth mentioning when comparing Master of Ice to Vultures.
I know that Vultures need lots of deck support to be effective. However that was expected of free growth.
My first cost theory was a descriptive theory that assumed that most of the cards were balanced within the range of +/- .5quanta. This was a good assumption since most of the cards were. Cards with more difficult to measure abilities like Scavenger can be miscalculation under that assumption. The later step of discussing and critiquing each estimate lacked voices.
I am surprised to hear that it is not being used competitively (you mean among balanced cards not OP cards right?). Vulture + Skull Shield seemed like a cheap defense & win condition in theory. If vulture is UP then similar fixes would be desired for Master of Ice from my estimate.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Time_lord_victorius on November 18, 2011, 03:55:35 pm
has anyone attempted to make a creature that fits  :time :fire :darkness in quanta cost, effect and theme?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 18, 2011, 04:45:02 pm
has anyone attempted to make a creature that fits  :time :fire :darkness in quanta cost, effect and theme?
Did you mean a trio cost card (cost X :time Y :darkness and Z :fire) split up into casting, activation and absorption costs?
No. It also would severely hamper the versatility of the card.

Did you mean a card that cost  :time, had a  :darkness effect and was  :fire themed?
Not that I recall. If they did at least one of those three would have been changed to fit the others. A card with only darkness effects should cost darkness and have a darkness theme.

Did you mean something else?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Time_lord_victorius on November 18, 2011, 04:48:00 pm
that it cost  :time, has  :fire effect and is themed a bit to  :darkness
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 18, 2011, 06:54:20 pm
that it cost  :time, has  :fire effect and is themed a bit to  :darkness
oops. Mix up the order.
Why the darkness third wheel? Or is it Dark/Fire themed and Time is the third wheel? Would you please give a concrete example. I feel as though I am missing something.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on November 18, 2011, 09:41:50 pm
I think he means something like....
 :time Reverse Quanta flow. Spell-(he didn't specify a type, so I'm picking spell for ease of use.)
Destroys target pillar.-central function of card. (Destruction is  :fire's theme)
You gain same type of quanta as the pillar generated. (Secondary function-you now get quanta your opponent has, thematic mesh with  :darkness)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 18, 2011, 11:53:37 pm
I think he means something like....
 :time Reverse Quanta flow. Spell-(he didn't specify a type, so I'm picking spell for ease of use.)
Destroys target pillar.-central function of card. (Destruction is  :fire's theme)
You gain same type of quanta as the pillar generated. (Secondary function-you now get quanta your opponent has, thematic mesh with  :darkness)
Why not duo themed instead?
 :darkness Drain Pillar [Spell]
 :fire Destroy target pillar
 :darkness Gain quanta matching destroyed pillar
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 19, 2011, 02:13:07 am
Your thoughts on Dark, please.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on November 19, 2011, 05:13:02 am
Your thoughts on Dark | Dark (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33851.0.html) , please.
Added a link
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 19, 2011, 07:59:42 pm
Your thoughts on Dark | Dark (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33851.0.html) , please.
I do not understand the purpose of the Dark | Dark card.
Why would a Dark card treat a Death effect as a Water effect?
Why would a Dark card generate hp from nothing when drained?
Why would a Dark card be harmed by Life when Dark Elementals are not?
Why would the Heal ability heal most but not all Dark creatures?
Why would you want to mess with the balancing feature of Liquid Shadow?
This feels like an overextension of Holy Light.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on November 19, 2011, 11:23:30 pm
What are your thoughts on card effects that give creatures to an opponent?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 19, 2011, 11:29:32 pm
What are your thoughts on card effects that give creatures to an opponent?
This could be implemented either as a cost for an ability or as a means of delivering a package (like an Antimatterd Vampire)

The cost version would normally be pair for with a Spark so it would be roughly the equivalent of 1quanta+1card/2quanta+0cards.
The package version should come with a package and have the package be controllable(material). Also it would be wise if the opponent was not sure whether they wanted to remove the package or not.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on November 20, 2011, 05:44:06 pm
What are your thoughts on an Elements that's much "softer"?

Cards that are played (creature, permanents) only last a maximum of 10 turns before going from the field to the bottom of the deck. Spells automatically go to the bottom of the deck after being played.
Effects ("destroy", "steal", stat buffs, healing from spells, etc.) only last a maximum of 10 turns.
If you have no cards in your deck and attempt to draw, you lose 10 HP instead of decking out.
Players heal 10 HP per turn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 21, 2011, 12:36:38 am
What are your thoughts on an Elements that's much "softer"?

Cards that are played (creature, permanents) only last a maximum of 10 turns before going from the field to the bottom of the deck. Spells automatically go to the bottom of the deck after being played.
Effects ("destroy", "steal", stat buffs, healing from spells, etc.) only last a maximum of 10 turns.
If you have no cards in your deck and attempt to draw, you lose 10 HP instead of decking out.
Players heal 10 HP per turn.
Softer games tend to last longer and have greater opportunity for the endless game problem. Harder games tend to be shorter and put too much emphasis on biasing attrition to favor you. I like the hybridization EtG and many other games have settled upon where they try to strike a balance between ensuring recovery potential and inevitable victory in a duel.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jocko on November 23, 2011, 01:51:16 am
Could you tell me why this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26887.0.html) has been on crucible for 5 months, hanging in there around 4th-2nd place, and now it seems like its going to drop out? What do you think of the card, and is the cost balanced? I did it on a rush for a comp, and it seemed right that time around.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 23, 2011, 02:55:29 am
Could you tell me why this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26887.0.html) has been on crucible for 5 months, hanging in there around 4th-2nd place, and now it seems like its going to drop out? What do you think of the card, and is the cost balanced? I did it on a rush for a comp, and it seemed right that time around.
Element Book: Gain the ability of the target permanent.
Competitors: Weapon Slot, Electrum Boost, Soul Pillar, Quantum Locket, Quantum Harmonizer, Omnitron, Metamorphosis, and Discard

The reason I would assume it has not advanced yet is that it (a good card suggestion) was facing against Soul Pillar, Quantum Locket and Quantum Harmonizer (3 great card suggestions) when it was new and then it was old and some of its followers forgot it or passed it up for a newer card. Try getting people excited about the card again.

I think the card was well designed. However it repeats a slight modification of the Endow ability rather than taking a new approach.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: rowcla on November 24, 2011, 04:51:15 am
your thoughts on the balancing of http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34047.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 24, 2011, 11:02:34 pm
your thoughts on the balancing of http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34047.0.html
For 5 :light|4 :light +1card you summon as many creature abilities as you want (hand limited) for a cost of 0 :light+1card each.

Theoretically Pacificism would cost (quanta cost + card cost) around the average quanta saved - the average attack lost.
Crusader: 5 :light -3 attack = 2 :light per Endow summoned. Balanced at 3 Endows per Pacifism.
Light Nymph: 9 :light -1 attack = 8 :light per Luciferin summoned. Might be balanced at 1 Luciferin summoned.

This repeats for almost all non nymph vs nymph comparisons. Pacifism is balanced for a few non nymphs or 1 nymph. Cost reduction might work better since nymphs have higher casting costs.

Sidenote: It sets both current and full but not original attack to 0. Original attack is not a variable of the creature.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 28, 2011, 02:08:47 am
Thoughts on Cardinal | Cardinal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34224.0.html)




Other Comments:
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 28, 2011, 03:10:40 am
Thoughts on Cardinal | Cardinal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34224.0.html)
Small other creature
Cardinal Affinity: If Mark is  Cardinal gains Immaterial. If Mark is  Cardinal gains Momentum. If Mark is  a card is drawn. when Cardinal is played, If Mark is  Choas Seed or Chaos Power is cast on Cardinal.
4 :Cardinality: Target in hand card's cost is reduced by number of cards in your hand.

Pun. The activated ability does not fit all of the cardinal element themes.

Cardinal Affinity and the base stats alone deserves a slightly higher cost. ~1.5 :aether, ~.75 :entropy, ~1.5 :gravity, ~1 :time. A casting cost of 3-4|3 :rainbow would   more expected for Cardinal Affinity + Stats.

Cardinality is ... potent. As an Aetheric effect it will see usage with Fractal. Since it uses  :rainbow quanta it will be used with Quantum Pillars. Estimated conversion would be 4 :rainbow -> -8 :underworld casting cost. A Dragon fractal would cost 4 :rainbow + 2 :fire per Crimson Dragon.

Cardinality and Cardinal Affinity might work better as separate cards. On the other hand they might not.

Other Comments:
Cardinality is ... potent.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on November 28, 2011, 03:25:11 am
Considering the expanding of Cardinality to the other Element 'rings', what are your thoughts on:

 :life Heal 10 HP when played.
 :light Heal 2 HP and generate :light each turn.
 :darkness Comes into play Cloaked.
 :death Infects a random enemy creature.

 :air Starts with :air : Dive (Creature), ability costs 1 less (Permanent)
 :fire Deals 2 extra damage per turn.
 :earth Gains + 0 | + 5 (Creature), generates :earth per turn (Permanent).
 :water Has a 25% to avoid harmful spells.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 28, 2011, 03:38:40 am
Considering the expanding of Cardinality to the other Element 'rings', what are your thoughts on:

 :life Heal 10 HP when played.
 :light Heal 2 HP and generate :light each turn.
 :darkness Comes into play Cloaked.
 :death Infects a random enemy creature.

 :air Starts with :air : Dive (Creature), ability costs 1 less (Permanent)
 :fire Deals 2 extra damage per turn.
 :earth Gains + 0 | + 5 .
 :water Has a 25% to avoid harmful spells.
The spirituality effects are balanced at 1quanta+1card so a skill value of +2 would fit.
Life and Light could benefit from less used effects however the theme fits like a familiar glove.

Dive is powerful and already used twice.
Earth probably should be increased to +6hp.
Fire, Earth and Water seem also balanced on a +2 skill value.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 28, 2011, 03:58:23 am
Thoughts on Cardinal | Cardinal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34224.0.html)
Small other creature
Cardinal Affinity: If Mark is  Cardinal gains Immaterial. If Mark is  Cardinal gains Momentum. If Mark is  a card is drawn. when Cardinal is played, If Mark is  Choas Seed or Chaos Power is cast on Cardinal.
4 :Cardinality: Target in hand card's cost is reduced by number of cards in your hand.

Pun. The activated ability does not fit all of the cardinal element themes.

Cardinal Affinity and the base stats alone deserves a slightly higher cost. ~1.5 :aether, ~.75 :entropy, ~1.5 :gravity, ~1 :time. A casting cost of 3-4|3 :rainbow would   more expected for Cardinal Affinity + Stats.

Cardinality is ... potent. As an Aetheric effect it will see usage with Fractal. Since it uses  :rainbow quanta it will be used with Quantum Pillars. Estimated conversion would be 4 :rainbow -> -8 :underworld casting cost. A Dragon fractal would cost 4 :rainbow + 2 :fire per Crimson Dragon.

Cardinality and Cardinal Affinity might work better as separate cards. On the other hand they might not.

Other Comments:
Cardinality is ... potent.
We were looking to this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinality) when we came up with Cardinality.
any thoughts on a better mechanic?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 28, 2011, 04:16:52 am
Thoughts on Cardinal | Cardinal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34224.0.html)

Other Comments:
Cardinality is ... potent.
We were looking to this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinality) when we came up with Cardinality.
any thoughts on a better mechanic?
I do not know why the Cardinal elements were named Cardinal rather than another name. I sent a PM to Bloodshadow asking for clarification.
It might have been referring to a more abstract nature in those elements.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on November 28, 2011, 08:37:40 am
The thread for my card idea, Eden | Eden (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33274), seems to show that "this type" of idea garners positive feedback.

The question is, what makes Eden one of "this type" of idea? What exactly is "this type" of idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 28, 2011, 09:37:55 am
The thread for my card idea, Eden | Eden (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33274), seems to show that "this type" of idea garners positive feedback.

The question is, what makes Eden one of "this type" of idea? What exactly is "this type" of idea?
I was not able to find the post that refers to "this type of card" rather than "this card".

But, it obviously has to be one of the parts of the card.

6 parts:
All creatures gain +3/+3. [Rider]
Eden is destroyed when a non-Life card is played. [Vehicle]
Immaterial. [Third Wheel]

I think it is safe to assume that parts 2,5 & 6 are not the cause of the popularity of the card. I see signs of interest in each of the remaining three parts. This is a good trait of card design. A card is the sum of its parts. A good card is made of good parts that fit together.

If you clarify the context of your question I might be able to answer more.

*Some may vote for a card just based on the author. This is unfortunate and not to be encouraged.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on November 28, 2011, 02:44:49 pm
"This type" of card was not a reference to Eden, but rather a reference to the category that contains "good" card ideas.

What does the community want in a card? How can I consistently generate these results (positive feedback) when designing cards?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: The_Mormegil on November 28, 2011, 04:54:13 pm
"This type" of card was not a reference to Eden, but rather a reference to the category that contains "good" card ideas.

What does the community want in a card? How can I consistently generate these results (positive feedback) when designing cards?
Somehow related, I think. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25096.0.html)

Not the exact answer, though, as you are asking for what the community wants rather than what is actually good.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 28, 2011, 09:49:19 pm
"This type" of card was not a reference to Eden, but rather a reference to the category that contains "good" card ideas.

What does the community want in a card? How can I consistently generate these results (positive feedback) when designing cards?
Somehow related, I think. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25096.0.html)

Not the exact answer, though, as you are asking for what the community wants rather than what is actually good.
I cannot speak for the entire community. I can only estimate their opinion based on my time observing and studying them.

The community seems to like Clear, Good (see the link above), New, Balanced, Beautiful and Fun cards. (no particular order. a card suggestion can and should have as many as possible)
The community also goes through fads where it focuses on a few broad suggestions and the card suggestions that fit those categories.

In addition to those guidelines, the community has some dislikes. Some of these dislikes are based on taboos while others are a matter of taste.
Cheap to Medium cost creatures and permanents are preferred over Free or Expensive. (A balance between speed and power)
Normal spells should not cost more than Miracle without reason.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 28, 2011, 11:47:39 pm
Thoughts on Cardinal | Cardinal (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34224.0.html)

Other Comments:
Cardinality is ... potent.
We were looking to this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinality) when we came up with Cardinality.
any thoughts on a better mechanic?
I do not know why the Cardinal elements were named Cardinal rather than another name. I sent a PM to Bloodshadow asking for clarification.
It might have been referring to a more abstract nature in those elements.
Bloodshadow: "It means "of fundamental importance". Space, time, order, chaos, those aspects are about as "fundamental" as one can get."

Something dealing with fundamental aspects of the game might make sense.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Xenocidius on November 29, 2011, 01:40:25 am
There seems to be a bit of debate on balancing Glowworm | Elite Glowworm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34252), notably whether it should generate 1 or 2 quanta when played. Your thoughts on this (and other aspects of the card)?

In a more broad question, what is your opinion on instant quanta generation like this and Nova/Immolation?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on November 29, 2011, 02:55:00 am
There seems to be a bit of debate on balancing Glowworm | Elite Glowworm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34252), notably whether it should generate 1 or 2 quanta when played. Your thoughts on this (and other aspects of the card)?

In a more broad question, what is your opinion on instant quanta generation like this and Nova/Immolation?
2 quanta.

At 1 quanta generated:
Cost: 1 :earth -2|3 damage + 1 :life +1 card-> Creature costing 3 :air|3 :air +1 card*
Cost: ~3 :underworld -2|3 damage +1 card -> Creature costing 3 :air|3 :air +1 card
Cost: ~3 :underworld +Spark +1 card -> Creature costing 3 :air|3 :air +1 card
Cost: ~3 :underworld +2 cards -> Creature costing 3 :air|3 :air +1 card
Cost: ~4 :underworld +1 card -> Creature costing 3 :air|3 :air +1 card [4>3]
*Note: Glowworm generates the quanta when played rather than at the end of the turn. A minor detail.

Trio cards have significantly less versatility than Duo cards. This is why Firefly is a Mono/Duo hybrid rather than a Duo/Trio hybrid like Glowworm.

Instant quanta generation like nova and immolation is a counter to denial. The game would benefit from more denial and antidenial. Glowworm does not fit in that niche.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on November 30, 2011, 11:20:12 pm
What makes up the major theme of the the other 2 element groups?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 01, 2011, 12:11:01 am
What makes up the major theme of the the other 2 element groups?
Most elements have a few high level key concepts that act as major themes. Trying to combine them into one effect is difficult and varies based on the key concepts selected.

The Cardinal Elements seem to describe a fundemantal fabric of reality. For the Cardinal Elements  :aether :entropy :time :gravity, I tied to suggest an effect tied to fundamental aspects of EtG and be a combination of Copying Cards, Biased Luck, Moving Cards and Certainty.
End result: "Put a copy of target card on top of a random deck."

These are the selections I would make. However I am not the thematic expert on all of these Elements. Don't forget to see if you have a better theme to represent.
The Spiritual Elements are  :darkness :death :light :life. They seem to deal with less tangible aspects of the game. Manipulate, Decay, Ignore, and Grow.
The Material Elements are  :air :fire :earth :water. The material elements deal with very material concepts. Maneuverability, Destruction, Strength, Patience.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on December 01, 2011, 04:55:26 am
Had an idea for a card that Froze Permanents based on the amount of stacks, as a  :water spell...
Good Mechanic to Thematic match, or should I look elsewhere?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 01, 2011, 05:25:54 am
Had an idea for a card that Froze Permanents based on the amount of stacks, as a  :water spell...
Good Mechanic to Thematic match, or should I look elsewhere?
Does the mechanic fit the theme? Most likely, yes.
Froze (see Freeze)
as a Water spell (see Freeze again)
effecting permanents (see Ice Bolt)
based on the amount of stacks (what do you mean? In any case it would probably not disrupt the preexisting strong thematic link.)

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on December 01, 2011, 08:07:09 pm
The idea was that this card would 'soft-combo' with Trident, seeing as it's current duo useage is difficult to implement, by stopping pillars and pendulums from producing quanta for a while. I figured either the freeze would last longer the smaller the stack (ice layer is thicker and thus takes longer to remove) Or, as in my modified form, would freeze for every stack of permenants your opponent controls.
The soft-combo being that you use this to stop alot of different sources for a while, giving the Trident time to earthquake the pillars and pendulums, resulting in a quanta lockdown.
I don't like the freeze all permants for every stack of permants, since that would translate to a VERY long freeze, during which you just watch and rage as you are forced to discard several cards, and your opponent beats you down, so that's why I came to you.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 01, 2011, 11:56:58 pm
The idea was that this card would 'soft-combo' with Trident, seeing as it's current duo useage is difficult to implement, by stopping pillars and pendulums from producing quanta for a while. I figured either the freeze would last longer the smaller the stack (ice layer is thicker and thus takes longer to remove) Or, as in my modified form, would freeze for every stack of permenants your opponent controls.
The soft-combo being that you use this to stop alot of different sources for a while, giving the Trident time to earthquake the pillars and pendulums, resulting in a quanta lockdown.
I don't like the freeze all permants for every stack of permants, since that would translate to a VERY long freeze, during which you just watch and rage as you are forced to discard several cards, and your opponent beats you down, so that's why I came to you.
The yellow segment is a great balancing mechanic. Obviously the same volume of water would create a thinner coat on something with a larger surface area (stack).
The green segment uses number of stacks as a variable. I do not know what elements that variable would fit in. It feels like Earth and Life but that does not imply it would not fit in Water.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on December 02, 2011, 04:12:47 am
Hrm...Number of stacks? Well...That's something I'm not sure of myself. permanent stacks are from different permenant types/non-stacking permenants. But as for something that would reasonably care? Kinda sounds like something that would fall under  :gravity, since that, to me is the element closest to math. Argueably, :entropy is closer and more based in math, but I consider that to just be based in probability, as opposed to  :gravity, which would care more about the specific numbers put in...
But I digress. I'm going to try to make this card and get it in the crucible soon.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 05, 2011, 04:48:57 am
I need help to finish Chaotic Sands | Chaotic Sands (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34465.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 05, 2011, 05:25:56 am
I need help to finish Chaotic Sands | Chaotic Sands (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34465.0.html)
What does it need to be finished?
(I do not think it fits duality since the card would not make sense as Mono Time and feel slightly off as Mono Entropy. Perhaps Mono Entropy with Chaos Seed traps instead?)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on December 06, 2011, 03:40:00 am
How do you feel about the influx of "Whenever/If X, Y instead" mechanics in the Smithy?

In particular, what's your opinion on negation effects (negate trigger and do Y) vs. reaction effects (do not negate trigger but still do Y)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on December 06, 2011, 03:56:40 am
Another idea I had was an  :entropy card that would 'lock' a random amount of quanta, not allowing your opponent to use anything of that cost. The quanta 'locked' would be random, and change every turn. Ex. Turn 1, 3 is locked, you cannot play any card that costs 3 quanta to play, or use abilites that cost 3 quanta.
The ability lock is to help compensate for the lack of cards with a low cost, and to make this thing more viable.
Good idea, or Bad idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 06, 2011, 04:13:14 am
How do you feel about the influx of "Whenever/If X, Y instead" mechanics in the Smithy?

In particular, what's your opinion on negation effects (negate trigger and do Y) vs. reaction effects (do not negate trigger but still do Y)?
Interest in these types of triggers rises and falls in cycles. In general the mechanic is a valuable one. Likewise both negation and reaction effects are useful mechanics. However it is important to remember it is a tool and tools can be used properly or improperly. Automatic triggers have specific timing that can occur. It is important for proper balancing to do some preliminary testing by examining all the different possible chains of events. If one is thinking of using a trigger like these, take some time to honestly weigh the pros and cons between using it and another timing mechanic to deliver the carrier effect[Y].

Note: It is not a bad idea to have some idea for how the linear game would know to do Y when X would happen. Graveyard is an example but rather specific since generic death triggers are such a big thing for Death.

Another idea I had was an  :entropy card that would 'lock' a random amount of quanta, not allowing your opponent to use anything of that cost. The quanta 'locked' would be random, and change every turn. Ex. Turn 1, 3 is locked, you cannot play any card that costs 3 quanta to play, or use abilites that cost 3 quanta.
The ability lock is to help compensate for the lack of cards with a low cost, and to make this thing more viable.
Good idea, or Bad idea?
I must admit I am not sure how much the game would benefit from Entropy gaining this type of denial. Be careful the disruption is not too strong or too weak.
Also I though Entropy and EtG in general had lots of low cost cards. Would you please expand on the underlined sentence.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on December 06, 2011, 04:26:41 am
Could you comment on balance for this card  Bulrush | Giant Bulrush (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34463.0.html). Im  interested in the consumption of  :water quanta.

Please note that the card does not require  :water to stay on the field. the mechanic just forces you to pay for more bulrushes if you have available :water quanta.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 06, 2011, 05:21:23 am
Could you comment on balance for this card  Bulrush | Giant Bulrush (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34463.0.html). Im  interested in the consumption of  :water quanta.

Please note that the card does not require  :water to stay on the field. the mechanic just forces you to pay for more bulrushes if you have available :water quanta.
In mono it costs [4] 2 :life + 1 card + 1 turn to give a +1|+1 to a target creature (with Airborne, Dive, Vampire, Deadly Toxin or Neurotoxin).
In duo it costs [4] 2 :water + 0 cards + 1 turn + Duo to give a +1|+1 to a target creature (with Airborne, Dive, Vampire, Deadly Toxin or Neurotoxin).

The cost is similar to Blessing. However one should note that the duo version has an unlimited supply (The mono version will almost never be used) and the duo version heals massive amounts of hp per turn with Feral Bond. I would guess that the cost is about right but I am not very confident in my ability to correctly estimate the effect of the 'absorb' on the balance.

Being forced to pay for more bullrushes does not have a major effect other than adding a mechanic that is potentially confusingly similar to but is not absorb.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on December 06, 2011, 12:05:41 pm
Well, when I said that I didn't think that many elements had alot of 1-3-cost creatures...And as for the viability, that's because it's alsways changing the amount sealed. Now, seperate locks WOULD stack...But I guess I didn't think through what that ability would do, game-play wise.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 06, 2011, 04:33:00 pm
Has anyone done a mechanic where a player shuffles cards in hand, and then draws that many cards?
thinking of the mechanic I made (http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd239697/MR.png)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 06, 2011, 06:31:21 pm
Well, when I said that I didn't think that many elements had alot of 1-3-cost creatures...And as for the viability, that's because it's alsways changing the amount sealed. Now, seperate locks WOULD stack...But I guess I didn't think through what that ability would do, game-play wise.
Costs of all elemental cards
0,1 :rainbow,1,1,1,3,3,4,5,5,7,8,8,12
0,2 :rainbow,1,1,3,3,3,4,4,5,5,7,9,12,15
0,0,1 :rainbow,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,6,8,9,13,12
Has anyone done a mechanic where a player shuffles cards in hand, and then draws that many cards?
Has anyone made a card that produces a Mulligan effect? Yes.
Crucible Archive: Mulligan | Mulligan: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,19893.0.html
Smithy [Active]: Stormwind | Hurricane: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34387.0.html
Since mulligan is an obvious mechanic, it is the vehicle of the mulligan that would need to be sufficiently different to justify a new card suggestion.
Stormwind | Hurricane has a sufficiently different vehicle in two ways.
1) It locates a permanent not a player
2) It targets either side rather than being set to only your side
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on December 06, 2011, 08:58:50 pm
Doh! Again, I Did Not Do The Research. :o
Ok..And Storm wind covers an idea I had for an  :air spell, but it's more versatile. Soooo...Yea.
Out of card ideas for the time being, will be back with more eventually.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on December 08, 2011, 01:02:39 am
Could I get your thoughts on this variant.

 Quantum Lotus | Quantum Lotus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34542.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 08, 2011, 01:58:18 am
Could I get your thoughts on this variant.

 Quantum Lotus | Quantum Lotus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34542.0.html)
Play Quantum Lotus. Deny your opponent quanta while you get 1 turn to spend your quanta or donate it to the Quantum Lotuses. Harvest +1|+1s from your unending supply of Quantum Lotuses.

1 card, 4 :life causes
Opponent: No quanta
You: Only the quanta produced last turn
You: Offense that grows without additional quanta investment from you

The card is too powerful for any reasonable casting cost.

Note: Typically it is unwise balancewise to take a cost mechanic of a card and turn it into a weapon without adjusting the balance.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on December 08, 2011, 02:03:44 am
are you saying the card is unfixable? or that the card is too powerful in its current form?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 08, 2011, 02:43:26 am
are you saying the card is unfixable? or that the card is too powerful in its current form?
It can be fixed by having the user pay for the benefit or by reducing the benefit until it is paid for by the current cost.

However a versatile 1 card win is unlikely to be both balanced and usable in EtG.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on December 10, 2011, 04:07:21 am
Quantum Lotus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34542.0.html)

Still too powerful?

I removed the doubling in favor of health growth, and gave the skill a poison cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 10, 2011, 05:06:16 pm
Quantum Lotus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34542.0.html)

Still too powerful?

I removed the doubling in favor of health growth, and gave the skill a poison cost.

It is no longer too powerful.
Is it different enough from a Devourer?
Is consume worth the 1 card + 2 :life + 1 turn + 1 :death + duo [6q] cost?
Is the hp gain relevant or useful?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on December 10, 2011, 05:42:17 pm
lol. Doh. now I have gone too far the other way!  ;D

As far as the HP gain. The gain determines how much benefit you get from consume. It is also useful in a life deck because you can attach mitosis to one of these and eventually it willbe very hard to kill because of its high health. and will spawn more and more loti.

It is the reverse of devourer. The skill on devourer makes them hard to kill and the benefit is attached to the absorb. Here, the hard to kill is attached to the absorb and th benefit is attached to the skill. I dont really know if that makes it substantially different from devourer. But it is certainly thematically different. I could still have It drain from both players to make it stand out more I suppose/ play with the stats and the health gain which affects consume.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on December 11, 2011, 04:03:42 am
Out of curiousity:
What are you thoughts on the role of Vanilla Creatures in ETG?
Also, do you believe True Vanilla Creatures (AKA creatures with NO special abilities except for certain 'natural' passives such as Airborne) have an important role in ETG?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 11, 2011, 05:53:20 am
Out of curiousity:
What are you thoughts on the role of Vanilla Creatures in ETG?
Also, do you believe True Vanilla Creatures (AKA creatures with NO special abilities except for certain 'natural' passives such as Airborne) have an important role in ETG?
Vanilla creatures serve 3 roles in EtG that I can see.
Padding: In the beginning of the game, Zanz had to create a lot of cards in a short amount of time to be able to start the game. Vanilla cards and reusing mechanics was an understandable shortcut.
Simplicity: EtG tries to appeal to a broad range of players. Players vary in the degree of complexity they enjoy. You can't have a card simpler than a vanilla creature.
Expansion: Vanilla cards are a good platform to expand into cards like Lucierfin or Mitosis (no skill lost).

So they are important but Zanz has them well in hand and does not need suggestions for more.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: plastiqe on December 11, 2011, 07:18:38 am
Oh great and enlightened Idea Guru!  Bestow upon me thy vast wisdom, for I am but an unworthy fledgling designee.  Here I recount the 7 noble truths of Elements I have discovered through years of meditation.  Are these assumptions valid?

Having a lot of quanta stored up should be good for every Element.

Rainbow quanta production is OP.

CC that ignores creature defenses is OP.

Granting immortality + activated ability is OP.

No creature left behind, each one should have an ability.

The most expensive cards should be the best cards.

Instead of always being "better", Upgrades should mean "more".


Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 11, 2011, 08:28:18 am
Oh great and enlightened Idea Guru!  Bestow upon me thy vast wisdom, for I am but an unworthy fledgling designee.  Here I recount the 7 noble truths of Elements I have discovered through years of meditation.  Are these assumptions valid?
No, but they betray(reveal) thought and study.
Having a lot of quanta stored up should be good for every Element.
Not necessarily. To gain an advantage one must have opportunity and be able to pay the cost. Having a store of quanta enables the cost to be paid but their would need to be an outlet for that to be worthwhile. In the absence of expensive outlets players use more cheaper outlets and less quanta production. Excessive quanta production is just as problematic as deficient quanta production. The broader the band between deficient and excessive the more variety there is in gameplay. From a design point of view this implies that adding expensive and cheap outlets helps diversify the game if it can be done with no side effects. One of Fractal's main additions to the game is in this area.
Rainbow quanta production is OP.
QT: Probably not. A standard has to be made between rainbow and mono decks. A theoretical ideal standard would be 2.5 :rainbow per turn. Unfortunately 1/2 quanta is a contradiction in terms. The 3 :rainbow per turn based standard has made a respectable metagame.
Nova/Supernova/Immolation: Perhaps. It too sets a standard between long term and short term quanta producers. Standard producer the backbone of metagame structure and thus do not become OP as easily. A different standard might have a larger metagame. That would be reason to change Supernova but would not imply Supernova is OP.
To reiterate: Standards can be suboptimally designed but cannot be OP/UP.
CC that ignores creature defenses is OP.
Not unless your definition of creature defenses includes: HP, Immateriality, 0 attack/momentum, first 5 slots/water. Flooding is not OP.
Granting immortality + activated ability is OP.
No. There is a cost involved to balance the increased resilience of the creature.
No creature left behind, each one should have an ability.
No. Abilities have value. All value should be paid for in the cost. Sometimes you want the creature with the best stats for its cost. A creature without an ability should have better stats for its cost.
Also: Vanilla creatures are useful for expanding the audience to include vanilla only players.
The most expensive cards should be the best cards.
No. The most expensive cards should be the cards with the most powerful effects. However size is not the only important factor when identifying the important cards. Sometimes how soon a card can be played is important. Cards that appear innocent will survive longer.
Instead of always being "better", Upgrades should mean "more".
Upgraded cards get a free 1-2 quanta cost reduction or the equivalent. When the unupped and upgraded cards are comparable the upgraded should be better in the general case. +1 attack +1 cost would qualify as more but would not qualify as an upgrade. -1 attack -2 cost would not qualify as more but would qualify as an upgrade.
Too much to answer in those links.
Your directional balance estimations (OP or UP) appear to be fairly accurate though you are less accurate the closer the card is to balanced. You tend to try to complicate things as your solution. You are unaware of some important coding details (cards cannot cost X :entropy, cannot manually target twice during the same effect) which can be fixed by asking Xenocidius in his Coding Q&A thread.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 12, 2011, 01:52:09 pm
balance check please. Sinkhole | Sinkhole (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34716.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jocko on December 12, 2011, 07:46:21 pm
What do you think of Restore (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34736.new.html#new)?
Is it useful? Is it balanced? I just put it up quickly.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 12, 2011, 09:01:51 pm
balance check please. Sinkhole | Sinkhole (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34716.0.html)
Cost: 4 :earth|3 :earth +1card
Effect: Non targeting hard CC that has a chance to work that scales with creature hp. (The target location and making the location unusable post CC cancel each other out. Except for being a vehicle for non targeting single specific creature CC)

It should be obvious that this card is able to be balanced by adjusting the chance of CC. However is it currently balanced?
This card has a
30% chance to kill a Quint'd Accelerating Armagio.
6% chance to kill a Phase Dragon
~5% chance to kill most creatures (Compared to Lightning 2 :aether|1 :aether + 1 card having 100% chance)

Perhaps try "% = 3xhp but Airborne are immune" and see what people think of that.

What do you think of Restore (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34736.new.html#new)?
Is it useful? Is it balanced? I just put it up quickly.
Is it useful?
It will rarely remove damage except from Infection or self inflicted Gravity Pull.
It will remove Gravity Pull from Chimera.
Removes: Adrenaline, Blessing/Chaos Power, Mutation/Mitosis/Liquid Shadow/Acceleration
Removes: Lobotomy(Including Acceleration based lobo), Infection, Gravity Pull, Freeze/Delay

Is it balanced?
As a debuff it is more expensive than RT
As a healing it is less expensive than RT
For now I would assume it is balanced and seek more comments.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on December 13, 2011, 03:53:54 am
I have a pseudo formed idea in my head of a  :light skill. My problem is that it would probably best be implemented in a non  :light creature. What elements do you think are in need of increased synergy with  :light?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 13, 2011, 05:03:29 am
I have a pseudo formed idea in my head of a  :light skill. My problem is that it would probably best be implemented in a non  :light creature. What elements do you think are in need of increased synergy with  :light?
Unless the skill is extremely generic, that question is misleading. Consider how the skill interacts with other possible hosting elements. Consider the pros and cons both of the synergy and of permitting the synergy.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 13, 2011, 09:08:51 pm
Please, may I have a feedback for Royal Guard | Royal Guard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34759.new.html#new) ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 13, 2011, 11:24:49 pm
This thread is intended for more than just my critique of specific card suggestions. I welcome all on topic questions. However Suggestion Design questions are my specialization and are the most useful to card suggestion designers. I have added the following spoilers to the opening post.

Not all questions are linked below. Just most.
Game Design
What are your thoughts on Shards being inclined towards rainbow decks? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437181#msg437181)

What's your opinion on the Shard of Sacrifice? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg444590#msg444590)

What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why? Part 1/2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg446630#msg446630)
What do you think is currently the biggest problem of the Etg metagame (ie. Fire, mid-range attackers, PC, or something), and why? Part 2/2 (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg446843#msg446843)

Based on the existing threads started by other members, what element(s) do you feel are the least "Complete" at the moment? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg453402#msg453402)

Which element could use a good mid range attacker with a unique but not particularly great or complicated ability? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=32272.msg455741#msg455741)

What are your thoughts on an Elements that's much "softer"? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg458195#msg458195)

Costs of all elemental cards (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg465644#msg465644)

What are you thoughts on the role of Vanilla Creatures in ETG? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg467361#msg467361)

Some game design assumptions (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg467424#msg467424)

Suggestion Design
To what extent should the environment of a card be considered in its balance? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg436815#msg436815)

How much ought balance be considered when voting in the Crucible, Force, and Armory when new additions to the game are always rebalanced? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437015#msg437015)

Why wouldn't you advice adding endow and itself as an exception? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg448654#msg448654)

Mechanic: Every X turns (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg452832#msg452832)

what in your opinion could we develop that hasn't been considered yet? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg453402#msg453402)

I've been thinking lately of doing a series of vanilla creatures. What element/s do you consider they don't need new vanilla creatures? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg455685#msg455685)

What are your thoughts on card effects that give creatures to an opponent? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg457710#msg457710)

Has anyone done a mechanic where a player shuffles cards in hand, and then draws that many cards?  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg465644#msg465644)

Specific cards
Gravity Field, Timeskip (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437015#msg437015)
Structural shift (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg437181#msg437181)
Serpent (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg438874#msg438874)
Spirit Well (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg442773#msg442773)
Shades of Grey (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg444590#msg444590)
Algrator | Logthregor (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg446598#msg446598)
Holtzman shield (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg448654#msg448654)
Cursed Mirror / Mirror Demon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg448662#msg448662)
Endless Army (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg449080#msg449080)
Starfish | Sea Star (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg449940#msg449940)
Holy Rune (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg450560#msg450560)
Zebra | Zebra (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg453124#msg453124)
Master of Ice (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg456873#msg456873)
Dark | Dark (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg457617#msg457617)
Pacificism (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg460018#msg460018)
 Glowworm | Elite Glowworm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg461974#msg461974)
 Bulrush | Giant Bulrush. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg465461#msg465461)
Sinkhole | Sinkhole (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg468093#msg468093)
 Restore (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg468093#msg468093)

What would you suggest doing to reignite interest in the card without fundamentally changing it? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg436815#msg436815)

Could you tell me why this has been on crucible for 5 months, hanging in there around 4th-2nd place, and now it seems like its going to drop out? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg459248#msg459248)

What does the community want in a card? How can I consistently generate these results (positive feedback) when designing cards? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg461836#msg461836)

Please, may I have a feedback for Royal Guard | Royal Guard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34759.new.html#new) ?
What is the goal of the suggestion? [Important question]

The card is a 10|20 hp buffer that is protected by a shield effect for 7 :light.
With a DR shield the upgraded is double the effect of the unupped.
Same holds for a miss chance shield.
With a Blocking shield (Phase, Wings, Bone, Dissipation) the hp is extra and mostly irrelevant. There the upgraded is merely 10hp of healing (Holy Light) better than the unupped.

Except for Bone Wall, the only difference between this and Healing 10|20 hp is that creature hp buffs (Basilisk Blood) would translate 1:1 into healing.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 14, 2011, 12:10:51 am
Except for Bone Wall, the only difference between this and Healing 10|20 hp is that creature hp buffs (Basilisk Blood) would translate 1:1 into healing.
You can target opponent shield  as well, and you can use it to affect opponent's creatures (ice shield, spin carpace, fire buckler) and you have a little protection if your shield is destroyed from a PC
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 14, 2011, 12:36:27 am
Except for Bone Wall, the only difference between this and Healing 10|20 hp is that creature hp buffs (Basilisk Blood) would translate 1:1 into healing.
You can target opponent shield  as well, and you can use it to affect opponent's creatures (ice shield, spin carpace, fire buckler) and you have a little protection if your shield is destroyed from a PC

You did not answer the important question: What is the goal of the suggestion?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 14, 2011, 12:38:34 am
Can I have an opinion (and suggestion) to Yuki-Onna | Yuki-Onna (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34760.0.html) too, please?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 14, 2011, 12:39:39 am
You did not answer the important question: What is the goal of the suggestion?
I really not understood the meaning of the question :)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 14, 2011, 01:02:02 am
You did not answer the important question: What is the goal of the suggestion?
I really not understood the meaning of the question :)
When you make a suggestion (a card suggestion thread) you believe that the suggestion would improve the game. Crusader was intended to enable more uses of the abilities weapons possess. What improvement are you suggesting?
The same question applies to Yuki-Onna
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 14, 2011, 02:27:34 am
You did not answer the important question: What is the goal of the suggestion?
I really not understood the meaning of the question :)
When you make a suggestion (a card suggestion thread) you believe that the suggestion would improve the game. Crusader was intended to enable more uses of the abilities weapons possess. What improvement are you suggesting?
The same question applies to Yuki-Onna
As I said in chat, about Yuki-Onna:
Create a synergy  :water :gravity and allow to  :water to have a little PC, like ice bolt with opponent weapon.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 14, 2011, 02:42:52 am
Can I have an opinion (and suggestion) to Yuki-Onna | Yuki-Onna (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34760.0.html) too, please?

As I said in chat, about Yuki-Onna:
Create a synergy  :gravity :water and allow to  :water to have a little PC, like ice bolt with opponent weapon.
It certainly does have a  :gravity :water synergy and allows  :gravity :water to have antiShield PC.
The stats are worth about 7 :water|5 :water. The anti targeting ability is probably worth between +1 :water and +2 :water.
7 :water|7 :water +1card total.

Since it is so resilient it might be wise to reduce the stats to cheapen the cost.

Note: Creatures do not target to attack.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 14, 2011, 02:57:01 am
Can I have an opinion (and suggestion) to Yuki-Onna | Yuki-Onna (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34760.0.html) too, please?

As I said in chat, about Yuki-Onna:
Create a synergy  :gravity :water and allow to  :water to have a little PC, like ice bolt with opponent weapon.
It certainly does have a  :gravity :water synergy and allows  :gravity :water to have antiShield PC.
The stats are worth about 7 :water|5 :water. The anti targeting ability is probably worth between +1 :water and +2 :water.
7 :water|7 :water +1card total.

Since it is so resilient it might be wise to reduce the stats to cheapen the cost.

Note: Creatures do not target to attack.
Why anti-targeting? It can be affected to an opponent ability.
What about 4/6 and 2/10 cost 5:water both? Compared to abyssal crawler and toadfish/puffer fish seems balanced
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 14, 2011, 04:38:47 am
Can I have an opinion (and suggestion) to Yuki-Onna | Yuki-Onna (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34760.0.html) too, please?

As I said in chat, about Yuki-Onna:
Create a synergy  :gravity :water and allow to  :water to have a little PC, like ice bolt with opponent weapon.
It certainly does have a  :gravity :water synergy and allows  :gravity :water to have antiShield PC.
The stats are worth about 7 :water|5 :water. The anti targeting ability is probably worth between +1 :water and +2 :water.
7 :water|7 :water +1card total.

Since it is so resilient it might be wise to reduce the stats to cheapen the cost.

Note: Creatures do not target to attack.
Why anti-targeting? It can be affected to an opponent ability.
What about 4/6 and 2/10 cost 5:water both? Compared to abyssal crawler and toadfish/puffer fish seems balanced
Anti-targeting: An effect that prevents or discourages targeting.

4|6 / 2|10 for 5 :water|5 :water +1card sounds fair
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 14, 2011, 04:59:04 am
What would I look at to determine for myself if Inertia | Inertia (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34769.0.html) is balanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 14, 2011, 05:31:48 am
What would I look at to determine for myself if Inertia | Inertia (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34769.0.html) is balanced?
Find a standard: Solar Shield has DR 1 and converts DR 1 worth of blocked damage into  :light.
Note differences: The quanta generated is  :rainbow in your case.
Note differences: DR increases when upgraded in your case.
Find more standards: Titanium Shield | Diamond Shield and Shield | Tower Shield are good examples of DR increasing when upgraded.
Note more differences: The quanta gained will also increase in your case.
Note more differences: Hybrid quanta falls between Elemental and Random quanta in terms of cost.
Assemble the pieces.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 14, 2011, 06:45:12 pm
is hybrid worth +1 or +2?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 14, 2011, 08:05:00 pm
is hybrid worth +1 or +2?
X cost is about equivalent to
X Elemental quanta
1.5 + 1.5 * X Random quanta

Hybrid quanta, having access to more than 1 but less than 12 types of quanta, would lie between those values.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 14, 2011, 08:26:54 pm
What would I look at to determine for myself if Inertia | Inertia (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34769.0.html) is balanced?
Find a standard: Solar Shield has DR 1 and converts DR 1 worth of blocked damage into  :light. which cost 3 | 2 :light
Note differences: The quanta generated is  :rainbow in your case.
Note differences: DR increases when upgraded in your case.
Find more standards: Titanium Shield | Diamond Shield and Shield | Tower Shield are good examples of DR increasing when upgraded. which cost 4 | 6 :earth
Note more differences: The quanta gained will also increase in your case. 1 quanta appears to be free, 2 seems to cost 1.
Note more differences: Hybrid quanta falls between Elemental and Random quanta in terms of cost. is this a +1 or +2
Assemble the pieces.
1 DR appears to cost 2 on average.
UN(So 1 DR = +2 + 1 quanta gain = +0 +Hybrid =+1 or +2)= 3-4
U(And 2 DR = +4 + 2 quanta gain = +1 +Hybrid =+1 or +2)+upped = -1= 5-6
is all my assumptions correct?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 14, 2011, 08:37:39 pm
What would I look at to determine for myself if Inertia | Inertia (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34769.0.html) is balanced?
Find a standard: Solar Shield has DR 1 and converts DR 1 worth of blocked damage into  :light. which cost 3 | 2 :light
Note differences: The quanta generated is  :rainbow in your case.
Note differences: DR increases when upgraded in your case.
Find more standards: Titanium Shield | Diamond Shield and Shield | Tower Shield are good examples of DR increasing when upgraded. which cost 4 | 6 :earth
Note more differences: The quanta gained will also increase in your case. 1 quanta appears to be free, 2 seems to cost 1.
Note more differences: Hybrid quanta falls between Elemental and Random quanta in terms of cost. is this a +1 or +2
Assemble the pieces.
1 DR appears to cost 2 on average.
UN(So 1 DR = +2 + 1 quanta gain = +0 +Hybrid =+1 or +2)= 3-4
U(And 2 DR = +4 + 2 quanta gain = +1 +Hybrid =+1 or +2)+upped = -1= 5-6
is all my assumptions correct?
When Titanium's DR 2 is increased by 1 by being upgraded, the casting cost increases by 2 despite the upgrade cost reduction.
Other than that, your assumptions appear reasonable.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 16, 2011, 01:45:07 am
Do you have it written down anywhere, the common reusable mechanics and the values?

1DR = 2 cost being an example.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 16, 2011, 05:04:37 am
Do you have it written down anywhere, the common reusable mechanics and the values?

1DR = 2 cost being an example.
1 cost = 1 quanta cost or 1 card cost
+1 attack = +1 cost
+1 DR = +3 cost
Shield/Weapon slot = -3 cost
Permanent cost = +50% Creature cost
Upgrade = 1-2 cost reduction
 :underworld :underworld/ :underworld :underworld :underworld (Creature/Permanent) activation cost = -1 Cost
 :underworld :underworld :underworld activation cost = -2 Creature cost
 :underworld activation cost = +1 Permanent cost
Duo = -1 cost
Trio (hopefully not on 1 card) = -2 cost
1-5 = 0
6-7 = +1 cost
8-9 = +2 cost
10+ = +3 cost

X :underworld = (1.5 + 1.5 * X) :rainbow
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 17, 2011, 03:56:05 pm
Could you join discussion thread of Yuki-Onna (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34760.12.html) please?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 19, 2011, 05:45:13 pm
What about Atlantis's Protection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31232.0.html)?
Cost is balanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: darkrobe on December 19, 2011, 06:26:37 pm
its about Angler (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34903.0.html).

What do you think is the best combination of:

When it gains cloaked. aka: flooding in effect or whenever it is underwater.

When it gains Lure skill. aka: always has lure, lure when flooding is in effect, or lure only when underwater.

and does the price look right?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 19, 2011, 11:06:46 pm
What about Atlantis's Protection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31232.0.html)?
Cost is balanced?
Hard to tell. The card negates half of the opponent's PC. I would suggest a cost increase (7 :water|5 :water) and a poll asking the community's opinion.
You should clarify whether 2 deflagrations on separate turns would destroy a permanent. This would not affect the balance but having such an event destroy the target would be preferred.

its about Angler (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34903.0.html).

What do you think is the best combination of:

When it gains cloaked. aka: flooding in effect or whenever it is underwater.

When it gains Lure skill. aka: always has lure, lure when flooding is in effect, or lure only when underwater.

and does the price look right?
Cloaked while on dry land but flooding is in play is counter intuitive. How does flooding cloak a creature on dry land? Your current requirement of it being underwater makes more sense.

Lure to edge + Flooding is repeatable instant kill CC. It should take effort and resources to set that combo up. Flooding being in effect is not additional effort so it should not matter for when the ability is usable. Angler needing to be at the edge is a reasonable effort to be able to Lure things to the edge. What if Lure moved the creature toward Angler's slot? That would require Angler to be in the Flooding area for the combo without requiring Angler to be underwater.

The activation cost seems low. It is the cost of the CC after all.
With my suggestion for Lure, it seems that a weak low cost creature would work better than a strong  high cost creature.
The ability improves slightly when upgraded since the targets improve. Thus a -1 cost reduction or the equivalent is warranted instead of a -2 cost reduction or the equivalent.

Nice card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on December 21, 2011, 09:05:53 pm
What about Atlantis's Protection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31232.0.html)?
Cost is balanced?
Hard to tell. The card negates half of the opponent's PC. I would suggest a cost increase (7 :water|5 :water) and a poll asking the community's opinion.
You should clarify whether 2 deflagrations on separate turns would destroy a permanent. This would not affect the balance but having such an event destroy the target would be preferred.
Added some notes and a poll, could you vote it? :D

In addiction, could you see Crocodile | Alligator (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34881.12.html). There's an interesting idea for the skill from Snoweb, I like to know your opinion about that.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 22, 2011, 03:54:24 am
In addiction, could you see Crocodile | Alligator (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34881.12.html). There's an interesting idea for the skill from Snoweb, I like to know your opinion about that.
Snoweb is suggesting a skill that reduces the current delay of the same creature.
Well I suppose the whole idea is to make a good use of both sundial an SoP.  It is indeed a good idea and as time|water are unexplored it gives plenty of room for a nice card.

The card has two skills a passive (giving +2|+2 when delayed) and an active (delaying itself). As they are external ways to delay a creature (or forbid it to attack): turtle shield, sundial, SoP, freeze, BB etc... The active skill becomes useless or almost useless. I would invert it's use:

Patience (passive):    Crocodile|Alligator gain +2|+2 when it does not attack.
:time Surprise attack (active): Crocodile|Alligator is delayed 1 less turn but all bonus gain with patience are reset to +0|+0.

This way Crocodile|Alligator can either gain in stats when delayed or ignore but loose the bonus. Obviously it would only reduce the delay by one turn for each activation (for example with freeze or BB). It would also be the only skill than one could activate only when delay (as opposed to all other skills than one can activate only when not delayed).
Problem: Delay prevents activated skill use.
Solution: Make the ability target thus a non delayed Croc can remove delay from a delayed Croc.
Variations: Would the Croc that was delayed but is not anymore be able to use its skill?
Ideal Variant: When in doubt aim for Simple, Versatile and Balanced. Let the removal of delay ready the activated skill of the target.
Concern: Allowing it to target allows it to target non Crocs that would not lose the patience buff.
Solution: Rather than remove the buff if the target is a Croc, just pay for the ability through the activation cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on December 22, 2011, 10:44:31 am
Due to lack of feedback from the general community, I have turned to you.
Can you please comment on the theme of Animi (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34982.msg471127#msg471127) and the mechanic for Darkness Animus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35009)?
Responding in this thread is fine.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 22, 2011, 04:19:17 pm
Due to lack of feedback from the general community, I have turned to you.
Can you please comment on the theme of Animi (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34982.msg471127#msg471127) and the mechanic for Darkness Animus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35009)?
Responding in this thread is fine.
Animi cards will all be Other creatures with the same cost, same base stats (before elemental bonuses), and an effect that supports the inclusion of creatures of that element that is triggered by the same condition of "1 turn after you summon or generate this Animus"
So the mechanical theme is:
2|2 / 3|3 stats for 5 :rainbow|5 :rainbow (Subject to elemental influence in cases like Fire or Gravity. Elemental bonuses have since been rejected in theory. All cards had a free -1 elemental cost reduction from the card/draw cost.)
An elemental effect triggered if the creature survives X turns.

The delayed effect is very similar to a one use activated ability. Of course it is different in that it is paid for in the casting cost, has a chance of being paid for but not happen and, gets a slight cost reduction for the risk involved.
The backbone/vehicle (2|2 / 3|3 for 5 :rainbow|5 :rainbow) does not have merit in itself but only in how it works for implementing the rider ^ effect compared to other vehicle variants. The other cost allows all elements access to the elemental effect. However the effects shown so far draw their power from the presence of like element cards so the other cost does not free the card form the corresponding element. Rather the other cost allows more flexible casting in trio or duo decks. Flexibility/versatility is valuable.

5 :rainbow +1 card ~= 2 :time + 1 card
2|2 / 3|3 stats ~= 1 :time +1 card

Drawing ~= 1 :time or 1 card
Summoning ~= casting cost of creature
Generating 2 mark per  :darkness creature in hand ~= 1 :darkness per  :darkness creature in hand on average when effect triggers

The risk involved deserves a cost reduction. I am not certain of what fraction would be appropriate. I would guess as a starting point a 50% reduction to the cost of the triggered ability.

Based on this estimate the Time one is OP (In the excess by the ability to summon Dragons for free)
The Dark one might be balanced but I do not see the connection with Darkness nor do I see why it would be a Animus rather than a spell.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on December 23, 2011, 04:21:14 am
What are your thoughts on the following?
Higurashi | Higurashi (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35053.0.html)
Black Sunadokei | Kuro Hourglass (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35055.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 23, 2011, 05:20:18 am
What are your thoughts on the following?
Higurashi | Higurashi (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35053.0.html)
Black Sunadokei | Kuro Hourglass (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35055.0.html)
1|1 attack twice for 3 :life|3 :life +1card with low 1|3hp.
Solo it is UP by 2|3 casting cost (2 atk for 4 cost units)
Mono it is UP by 1|2 casting cost (8 atk for 9 cost units)
-> Duo with attack buff (Blessing|Chaos Power) it is OP by 1|1 casting cost (8|7 atk [5.5hp upped] for 7|5 cost units)
Duo with ability it is UP by 2|3 cost units (6 cost units for Silence [4 cost units])
A different upgrade change would help balance 1->3 hp is not much.
The difference between Mono and Duo attack might make it balanced.

Black Sunadokei | Kuro Hourglass
Manipulation was meant as a high level descriptor. It described the attitude towards the opponent in contrast to the Light non interactive attitude.
Does the first mechanic fit Water?
Is the 1 :water+1card high enough to balance the Dragon casting cost being produced?
Does the second mechanic fit Time? (It is more akin to an alternate cost like Immolation than it is to a penalty for discarding)
Is 1 :time+10hp (1 holy light, 1/2 a heal) a high enough cost for a Dragon?
Take means damage. Lose does not mean damage. Take would be reversed by SoSac. Lose would not.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on December 28, 2011, 02:46:27 am
I would like to know your thoughts on my latest hybrid ideads.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: plastiqe on December 29, 2011, 10:29:34 pm
Oh great and enlightened Idea Guru!  Bestow upon me thy vast wisdom, for I am but an unworthy fledgling designee.  Here I recount the 7 noble truths of Elements I have discovered through years of meditation.  Are these assumptions valid?
No, but they betray(reveal) thought and study.
Having a lot of quanta stored up should be good for every Element.
Not necessarily. To gain an advantage one must have opportunity and be able to pay the cost. Having a store of quanta enables the cost to be paid but their would need to be an outlet for that to be worthwhile. In the absence of expensive outlets players use more cheaper outlets and less quanta production. Excessive quanta production is just as problematic as deficient quanta production. The broader the band between deficient and excessive the more variety there is in gameplay. From a design point of view this implies that adding expensive and cheap outlets helps diversify the game if it can be done with no side effects. One of Fractal's main additions to the game is in this area.
Rainbow quanta production is OP.
QT: Probably not. A standard has to be made between rainbow and mono decks. A theoretical ideal standard would be 2.5 :rainbow per turn. Unfortunately 1/2 quanta is a contradiction in terms. The 3 :rainbow per turn based standard has made a respectable metagame.
Nova/Supernova/Immolation: Perhaps. It too sets a standard between long term and short term quanta producers. Standard producer the backbone of metagame structure and thus do not become OP as easily. A different standard might have a larger metagame. That would be reason to change Supernova but would not imply Supernova is OP.
To reiterate: Standards can be suboptimally designed but cannot be OP/UP.
CC that ignores creature defenses is OP.
Not unless your definition of creature defenses includes: HP, Immateriality, 0 attack/momentum, first 5 slots/water. Flooding is not OP.
Granting immortality + activated ability is OP.
No. There is a cost involved to balance the increased resilience of the creature.
No creature left behind, each one should have an ability.
No. Abilities have value. All value should be paid for in the cost. Sometimes you want the creature with the best stats for its cost. A creature without an ability should have better stats for its cost.
Also: Vanilla creatures are useful for expanding the audience to include vanilla only players.
The most expensive cards should be the best cards.
No. The most expensive cards should be the cards with the most powerful effects. However size is not the only important factor when identifying the important cards. Sometimes how soon a card can be played is important. Cards that appear innocent will survive longer.
Instead of always being "better", Upgrades should mean "more".
Upgraded cards get a free 1-2 quanta cost reduction or the equivalent. When the unupped and upgraded cards are comparable the upgraded should be better in the general case. +1 attack +1 cost would qualify as more but would not qualify as an upgrade. -1 attack -2 cost would not qualify as more but would qualify as an upgrade.
Too much to answer in those links.
Your directional balance estimations (OP or UP) appear to be fairly accurate though you are less accurate the closer the card is to balanced. You tend to try to complicate things as your solution. You are unaware of some important coding details (cards cannot cost X :entropy, cannot manually target twice during the same effect) which can be fixed by asking Xenocidius in his Coding Q&A thread.
To explain myself, when I say "should" I don't mean to say that is how it is, I think changing it that way would make for a better game.  As for the 3 items I claim as OP, maybe lets just agree to disagree.  : )

And I did ask Xeno (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32442.msg467805#msg467805), and he said a cost of X is fine so n'yah.  : P
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 30, 2011, 02:44:16 am
Once again I would like to suggest people read plastiqe's threads. There are a lot of good specific suggestions.

Oh great and enlightened Idea Guru!  Bestow upon me thy vast wisdom, for I am but an unworthy fledgling designee.  Here I recount the 7 noble truths of Elements I have discovered through years of meditation.  Are these assumptions valid?
No, but they betray(reveal) thought and study.
Having a lot of quanta stored up should be good for every Element.
Not necessarily. To gain an advantage one must have opportunity and be able to pay the cost. Having a store of quanta enables the cost to be paid but their would need to be an outlet for that to be worthwhile. In the absence of expensive outlets players use more cheaper outlets and less quanta production. Excessive quanta production is just as problematic as deficient quanta production. The broader the band between deficient and excessive the more variety there is in gameplay. From a design point of view this implies that adding expensive and cheap outlets helps diversify the game if it can be done with no side effects. One of Fractal's main additions to the game is in this area.
No creature left behind, each one should have an ability.
No. Abilities have value. All value should be paid for in the cost. Sometimes you want the creature with the best stats for its cost. A creature without an ability should have better stats for its cost.
Also: Vanilla creatures are useful for expanding the audience to include vanilla only players.
The most expensive cards should be the best cards.
No. The most expensive cards should be the cards with the most powerful effects. However size is not the only important factor when identifying the important cards. Sometimes how soon a card can be played is important. Cards that appear innocent will survive longer.
Instead of always being "better", Upgrades should mean "more".
Upgraded cards get a free 1-2 quanta cost reduction or the equivalent. When the unupped and upgraded cards are comparable the upgraded should be better in the general case. +1 attack +1 cost would qualify as more but would not qualify as an upgrade. -1 attack -2 cost would not qualify as more but would qualify as an upgrade.
To explain myself, when I say "should" I don't mean to say that is how it is, I think changing it that way would make for a better game.  As for the 3 items I claim as OP, maybe lets just agree to disagree.  : )

And I did ask Xeno (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32442.msg467805#msg467805), and he said a cost of X is fine so n'yah.  : P
1) I understood what you meant by should and responded both about the present and about the future
1 summary sentence per quote:
Stores of quanta being good for all elements is not necessary but is one of many areas that would improve the game.
There should exist some creatures without abilities because some vanilla creatures are valuable to the game as well.
The most expensive cards should get the greatest effect but best does not mean greatest effect.
Upgrades should be balanced against the upgraded cards and the cost required which means they should be better.

2) As further explained in Xeno's thread, cards cannot have an X minimum casting cost. This means the hand GUI would show the card as castable even if it was not. Any card suggestion that uses an X maximum casting cost would need to give reasoning for such a result.

I would like to know your thoughts on my latest hybrid ideas.
I am on vacation right now so my thoughts will be short.
Double Seed http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35145.msg473198#msg473198
+ Fits mono Life
+ Fits mono Aether
+ It is better as a hybrid than as a pair of mono cards
? But it might be better as a single duo or mono card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: The_Mormegil on December 30, 2011, 10:07:48 am
Insight on Shard of Focus? :)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on December 31, 2011, 02:31:59 am
Insight on Shard of Focus? :)
Shard of Focus
Cost: 3 :rainbow
Stats: 0|15
0:Destroy target permanent and gain +0|+10
When hp>50 it returns to your hand as a Black Hole card.
Zanz expects it to be OP as is and expects to nerf it.

Synergies to balance
Other PC vs existing PC
PC + BH vs BH
HP reduction through Gravity Pull, Rage Potion or Reverse Time
Fractal BH vs Amber Nymph
Cheap high hp creature for Acceleration vs Voodoo Doll or Armagio

Easy balance variables
Starting HP
HP per PC
Max HP
Casting cost in  :rainbow
Activation cost in  :rainbow

Cost: 4 :earth + duo activation cost +1 card + 1 turn + weapon + expensive activation cost
Converted cost: 8 :earth +1 card +1 turn + expensive activation cost (2 on creature/3 on permanent)
5 attack is worth 5 :earth
Cost of PC: 3 :earth +1 card +1 turn + expensive activation cost
X *  :earth = 1.5  :rainbow+ 1.5 * X *  :rainbow
Balance of reusable PC:
Casting Cost: 6 :rainbow or 7.5 :rainbow
+1 card +1 turn + expensive activation cost
Activation Cost: 4.5 :rainbow or 3 :rainbow

Obviously SoF should cost less than this because it has a limit to PC usage but I have not factored in the increased resilience from the hp either. So the above is a maximum.

Cheap HP
Voodoo Doll is 16hp for 2 :darkness + 1 card + Duo ~= 3 :gravity +1 card
Armagio is 25 hp for 5 :gravity + 1 card
SoF is 15-45hp for 3 :rainbow (~1 :gravity) +1 card + 0-3 turns
~ 3 :gravity + 1 card would be balanced
3 :gravity + 1 card ~= 6 :rainbow

PC + BH vs BH
Since the BH of SoF is delayed, I think if the other parts of SoF were balanced, then this would be balanced.

Summary: Shard of Focus is OP as of now. It should cost around 6 :rainbow with an increased activation cost and/or the stat variables should be manipulated.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on December 31, 2011, 03:38:06 am
Back when I asked for a review of Higurashi (card idea) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg472030#msg472030), you mentioned the following:

The difference between Mono and Duo attack might make it balanced.
Could you clarify this a little? (Just to make sure I've understood this correctly)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 01, 2012, 05:14:52 am
Back when I asked for a review of Higurashi (card idea) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.msg472030#msg472030), you mentioned the following:

The difference between Mono and Duo attack might make it balanced.
Could you clarify this a little? (Just to make sure I've understood this correctly)
1|1 attack twice for 3 |3  +1card with low 1|3hp.
Mono it is UP by 1|2 casting cost (8 atk for 9 cost units)
-> Duo with attack buff (Blessing|Chaos Power) it is OP by 1|1 casting cost (8|7 atk [5.5hp upped] for 7|5 cost units)
The difference between Mono and Duo attack might make it balanced.
I may be underestimating the anti CC value of the skill.
My cost estimate tends to be an underestimate for Duo 2 card combos.
So I may have underestimated the mono and overestimated the duo 2 card combo thus resulting in it being balanced.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: jacker on January 03, 2012, 02:59:56 pm
How much this card would cost? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35303.new.html#new (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35303.new.html#new)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 03, 2012, 09:22:10 pm
How much this card would cost? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35303.new.html#new (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35303.new.html#new)
Well it copies a creature so I would start with Parallel Universe as a basis.
It has a delayed effect. [Cost reduction]
The effect might target the less optimal target. [Cost Reduction]
It increases the stats by +2|+2 upgraded. [No cost reduction from upgrading]
It changes the element to Death. [Check for nightfall exploits]
It increases the hp upgraded. [Check for 0hp exploits]
Avoids the Chimera PU exception. [Check for Chimera exploits]
Try 5 :death|5 :death +1card but double check for exploits.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 04, 2012, 04:36:54 am
Feedback for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35322.0.html
and http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35325.0.html please, thank you.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 04, 2012, 05:42:17 am
Feedback for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35322.0.html
and http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35325.0.html please, thank you.
Wipe requires more explanation in the OP describing:
1) Why flip instead of delay? (Adrenaline does give extra turns)
2) Why does Aether revert the creature to just played status?
3) Why would it possibly switch sides?
4) What does Wipe have to do with parts 1-3?

H... & M...
1) Hasten from Hourglass gives 1 unit of card advantage per  :time :time| :time. Why would H&M give 6|8 units for a mere 1 :air?
2) Why is it a  :air/ :darkness hybrid card if it has a  :air activated ability? Would it work better as a mono or a duo card?
3) Why 1 activation per 3|4 turns?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 04, 2012, 06:31:08 am
Feedback for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35322.0.html
and http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35325.0.html please, thank you.
Wipe requires more explanation in the OP describing:
1) Why flip instead of delay? (Adrenaline does give extra turns) it is different
2) Why does Aether revert the creature to just played status? I did have trouble choosing element. but it is a form of phasing
3) Why would it possibly switch sides? as a downside.
4) What does Wipe have to do with parts 1-3? Idk it was the first thing that came to mind

H... & M...
1) Hasten from Hourglass gives 1 unit of card advantage per  :time :time| :time. Why would H&M give 6|8 units for a mere 1 :air?
2) Why is it a  :air/ :darkness hybrid card if it has a  :air activated ability? Would it work better as a mono or a duo card?
3) Why 1 activation per 3|4 turns?
We were thinking that the stealing part is :darkness but doing it only while airborne balances it to some degree.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 04, 2012, 06:55:22 am
Feedback for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35325.0.html please, thank you.
H... & M...
1) Hasten from Hourglass gives 1 unit of card advantage per  :time :time| :time. Why would H&M give 6|8 units for a mere 1 :air?
2) Why is it a  :air/ :darkness hybrid card if it has a  :air activated ability? Would it work better as a mono or a duo card?
3) Why 1 activation per 3|4 turns?
We were thinking that the stealing part is :darkness but doing it only while airborne balances it to some degree.
1) It is airborne every turn after the first. That is insufficient to balance the card.
2) You did not answer this part. Why is it a hybrid card if it requires specifically  :air quanta to use?
3) You missed part 3. Why 1 activation per 3|4 turns?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TheManuz on January 04, 2012, 12:28:52 pm
I was thinking... what do you think of actual game wording?
I feel that there is a general lack of standardization and we could have more clearness by redefining some texts on cards (leaving mechanics untouched).

Do you know if someone already start a similar project?
Do you think it could be a useful thing to do?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 04, 2012, 08:04:49 pm
I was thinking... what do you think of actual game wording?
I feel that there is a general lack of standardization and we could have more clearness by redefining some texts on cards (leaving mechanics untouched).

Do you know if someone already start a similar project?
Do you think it could be a useful thing to do?
I feel in general the wording is sufficiently precise/concise for the mechanics. There is sufficient standardization in cases where standardization is important ("Target").

It was discussed in small bits in http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,28533
Voodoo was discussed http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,19120

Increased clarity while not required is valuable. From my experience in the Voodoo Doll thread, it takes more work than expected and consensus is unlikely on more complicated cards.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 04, 2012, 10:00:36 pm
Hello Guru! :P

Please could you help us to build mechanics in:
Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35365.0.html)
Atlas (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35223.0.html)

Specific question about Royal Guard | Royal Guard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34759.0.html):
Should I increase atk to 1 to make it affectable by opponent shields?
Which is a better name for its ability?

And a general opinion about Enchanted Sea | Enchanted Ocean (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35338.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 04, 2012, 10:46:49 pm
Hello Guru! :P

Please could you help us to build mechanics in:
Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35365.0.html)
Atlas (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35223.0.html)

Specific question about Royal Guard | Royal Guard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34759.0.html):
Should I increase atk to 1 to make it affectable by opponent shields?
Which is a better name for its ability?

And a general opinion about Enchanted Sea | Enchanted Ocean (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35338.0.html)
Both the stealing effects (from deck or from hand) would add  something to the game.
Stealing from the hand is twice the net card advantage (2x  the value of Hasten)
Stealing from the deck is a Milling win condition

Usually there are fewer non creatures slots filled than creature slots filled. 1 per 2 < 1 per creature.
It is hard to make a good comparison to balance Atlas. Fractal Spark, Unstable Gas and Bolts might be useful.

Royal Guard:
Should I increase atk to 1 to make it affectable by opponent shields?
If necessary, I think the Gravity Pull is sufficient vulnerability.
Which is a better name for its ability?
Hold the Line? Protect is sufficient IMO.

Enchanted Sea | Enchanted Ocean:
It is interesting. I see many paths it opens. I do not know if it needs a more indepth explanation for how :water is able to power the abilities of your creature.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: jacker on January 05, 2012, 04:38:01 pm
Hey, i'm trying to empower a bit water, conisdering ita has a lot of half sinergies, i tried with this card.

intending that you receive the same type and value of quanta that creature need to activate its ability.
Is a bad concept, or it is worth a try?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 05, 2012, 04:52:45 pm
Hey, i'm trying to empower a bit water, conisdering ita has a lot of half sinergies, i tried with this card.

(http://i.imgur.com/bn314.png)intending that you receive the same type and value of quanta that creature need to activate its ability.
Is a bad concept, or it is worth a try?
The core of the card is "creatures get free skill uses per successful attacks".
Obviously this excludes creatures with 0 attack. (Chrysaora unupped only, Steam Machine mono  :water only)
Limiting it to Water creatures seems unnecessary.
Adrenaline will be interesting. (Adrenal Nymph could power Bolts?)

SoR is similar to but not the same as a single target version of this core effect.

Flooding costs 3 :water|2 :water Absorb :water. 7 :water Absorb  :water :water is expensive. Is the mass effect worth the cost?

Consider different implementations (Single target or growing number of targets or mass, status effect or permanent, ...) to identify which implementation fits best.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on January 05, 2012, 09:01:20 pm
For Stopwatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,27379.0.html), I've received many different cost suggestions - including ones above the current cost - some from the thread and some from chat boards. What do you think is a fitting cost for it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 05, 2012, 09:46:10 pm
For Stopwatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,27379.0.html), I've received many different cost suggestions - including ones above the current cost - some from the thread and some from chat boards. What do you think is a fitting cost for it?
Since it counts the beginning and end but not the duration of the delay or freeze or silence, it prefers short delay durations.
Turtle Shield 6 :time|4 :time + 1 card for on average X :time :aether per turn where X is the number of creatures the opponent has.

Soul Catcher is the best starting place for variable per turn quanta production.
It produces  :death :death| :death :death :death per death trigger.

variable per turn quanta production is balanced as:
Output per trigger * Average triggers per turn -> Cost

Stopwatch produces  :time :aether :time :aether with half of that delayed 1 turn.
How does  X :time + X :aether compare with 2X :death?
The increased versatility seems balanced with the forced diversification.

Stopwatch triggers using delay or freeze or silence.
The ideal engine of delay is Turtle shield. X/2 triggers per turn where X is the number of enemy creatures.
The ideal engine of death triggers is the Cat. Y triggers per turn where Y is the number of cats.
Obviously delay is going to be more frequent than death triggers.

Based on the increased output and frequency of the triggers, I think it deserves to cost 3x unupped Soulcatcher. [2 :time|1 :time + 1 card]
However playtesting will be needed.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on January 05, 2012, 10:41:57 pm
Adding onto the previous discussion on a "softer" Elements, how do you feel about all the situational yet devastating effects in elements, e.g. Purify, reflective shields, and Sanctuary?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 05, 2012, 11:19:15 pm
Adding onto the previous discussion on a "softer" Elements, how do you feel about all the situational yet devastating effects in elements, e.g. Purify, reflective shields, and Sanctuary?
Situational yet devastating effects are ridiculously hard to balance. In addition, as exceptions, they are usually clunky patches rather than elegant balance solutions.

I believe that there should be variation between the optimal circumstance and less optimal circumstances. Too little variation leads to bland cards. Too much leads to unfortunately situational yet destructive cards.

To test my view consider the following two extremes:
Cost: 0
Played immediately when drawn. Flip a coin. Heads you win, tails you lose.

Bye Bob
Cost: 0
Starts in your hand. If your opponent is named Bob, you win.
Neither is fun or valuable. Yet valuable cards appear between these two extremes.

Reflective Shield (unupped only) is the worst offender with Holy Light not far behind
Santuary heals 4hp per turn. (relatively useful since SoG is not much cheaper)
Purify heals 1|2hp per turn. (not much but it is always useful)
Mirror Shield is cheap and has DR and Immaterial. (useful)
Emerald shield has DR and Immaterial. (overpriced but useful)
Holy Light is creature healing. (useless unless you plan to hurt your creature with Rage, Gravity Pull or Voodoo)
Reflective Shield. (reduce your  :light by 1 to mitigate devourer or black hole)

There is a silver lining. The above cards in EtG do not need to be changed despite the room for improvement.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 07, 2012, 12:49:56 am
did u do a cost/balance for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35324.0.html ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 07, 2012, 02:10:32 am
did u do a cost/balance for http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35324.0.html ?

It is better than
2|4 creature with :life: gain +1|+1
2 attack is worth 2 :life
Half growth is worth 1.5 :life
Such a creature would cost 2.5 :life + 1 card
Fungus Monster should cost more than 2.5 :life + 1 card.

It is better than
2|4 creature with  :life gain +2|+2
2 attack is worth 2 :life
Half growth is worth 3 :life
Such a creature would cost 3 :life + 1 card (upgraded)

However the Generate :life and the :life :life activation cost is a "bit" over complicated and unnecessary.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 07, 2012, 02:18:50 am
General analyse for Confusion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35472.0.html) please.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 07, 2012, 02:35:24 am
General analyse for Confusion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35472.0.html) please.
It fits entropy well and requires focused deckbuilding to mitigate side effects.

Usually it will block 2|3 attacks by the creature (similar but less than Freeze) and delivers 2|3 bolts (similar but better than 2|3 Lightnings).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on January 11, 2012, 07:13:18 am
What should I consider before posting a card that can use multiple kinds of quanta?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 11, 2012, 06:05:21 pm
What should I consider before posting a card that can use multiple kinds of quanta?
1) You should consider what type of "multiple kinds of quanta" you are referring to. (Though I have a guess)

Duo cards use one type for a casting cost and one type for the activation cost. Note that a duo has an activation cost matching the theme of the activated ability and a casting cost matching the theme of everything else including passive abilities.

Other cards use any type of quanta for their costs. As such they are meant to be able to fit in the theme of any element or be generic enough (like Longsword) not to need any element at all.

Hybrid (my guess)
Hybrid quanta is a pseudoquanta that can be paid with any combination of two types of quanta including being paid in full with only one type of quanta. At the core Hybrid cards are 2 mono cards with identical mechanics. A hybrid Air/Aether card would need to make sense as a mono Air and as a mono Aether card. Unlike duo, only themes native to both elements should be used on a hybrid card. Air controls storms which involve Lightning. Aether controls electricity which involves Lightning. Lightning can be used for a hybrid card because Lightning is part of both elements.

other forms of Pseudoquanta
Each pseudoquanta has its own kinds of thematic requirements that are derived from the pseudoquanta mechanic.

Essentially it boils down to this: Any effect that can be paid for with only  :aether should fit Aether thematically.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on January 12, 2012, 02:19:59 am
Would you use this card (Shadow Stalker) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35509.0.html)? Why?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 12, 2012, 04:09:58 am
Would you use this card (Shadow Stalker) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35509.0.html)? Why?
No I would not use it.
It is more expensive all things considered than Twin Universe, Sky Blitz for Chimera or even Adrenaline in most cases.

The best case scenario is 9 attack dealing +27 damage over 3 turns.
A 9 attack creature with no death timer is theoretically worth 8|6.5 :darkness + 1 card.

In summary:
I would use Twin Universe, Skyblitz, Adrenaline or Black Dragon over Shadow Stalker.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on January 13, 2012, 12:13:00 am
Would you use this card (Shadow Stalker) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35509.0.html)? Why?
No I would not use it.
It is more expensive all things considered than Twin Universe, Sky Blitz for Chimera or even Adrenaline in most cases.

The best case scenario is 9 attack dealing +27 damage over 3 turns.
A 9 attack creature with no death timer is theoretically worth 8|6.5 :darkness + 1 card.

In summary:
I would use Twin Universe, Skyblitz, Adrenaline or Black Dragon over Shadow Stalker.
Is cost the only factor in the above decision?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 13, 2012, 08:04:05 am
Would you use this card (Shadow Stalker) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35509.0.html)? Why?
No I would not use it.
It is more expensive all things considered than Twin Universe, Sky Blitz for Chimera or even Adrenaline in most cases.

The best case scenario is 9 attack dealing +27 damage over 3 turns.
A 9 attack creature with no death timer is theoretically worth 8|6.5 :darkness + 1 card.

In summary:
I would use Twin Universe, Skyblitz, Adrenaline or Black Dragon over Shadow Stalker.
Is cost the only factor in the above decision?
I have fairly broad tastes as far as gameplay is concerned. At a balanced cost I would find some use for it in its niche (size and shape of niche depend on balancing method).
I kinda dislike how little the opponent is involved considering it is a Darkness card. This could be improved by having it balanced such that it could target any creature.

There are only 4 considerations that would prevent me from using a card:
Sufficiently unbalanced
Sufficiently poor thematic resonance (contradicting theme)
Sufficiently inelegant mechanic ("Block momentum")
Elemental hate cards (Holy Light)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 13, 2012, 11:51:37 am
What in standard would be used to determine balance here? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35654.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 13, 2012, 04:34:59 pm
What in standard would be used to determine balance here? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35654.0.html
Any Kael Card.  :P

I would compare it to several things:
1) Discord scrambles quanta which renders it nigh useless. Except the "useless quanta" protects the remaining quanta. [+3 for Scramble 10]
2) Earthquake destroys quanta production but does not destroy existing quanta. [+4per3 but might be OP]
3) Devourers drain quanta but if you remove the "Generate :darkness" part of the ability then it is "Destroy quanta". [+2per]

After that you can add on for each of the other abilities and the attack. Usually card design is capped at 2 abilities. Why are you considering 4 especially since 3 look irrelevant?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on January 14, 2012, 06:47:16 am
I kinda dislike how little the opponent is involved considering it is a Darkness card. This could be improved by having it balanced such that it could target any creature.
It already can. Or did you mean something else?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 14, 2012, 07:00:47 am
I kinda dislike how little the opponent is involved considering it is a Darkness card. This could be improved by having it balanced such that it could target any creature.
It already can. Or did you mean something else?
Oh! It can already target the opponent's 15|11 Lava Golem? In that case, ignore that comment of mine and, finish balancing it against Twin Universe and Antimatter.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 14, 2012, 08:59:55 pm
your thoughts on http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35691.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 15, 2012, 12:44:26 am
your thoughts on http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35691.0.html
Forever is a weapon which can be returned to the deck to damage a target creature.

Antideckout costs 3 :time + 1 card per turn with an initial cost of 5 :time (after subtracting the value of the attack and cost of the weapon slot)
3 :time + 1 :air + 1 card per turn

Lightning costs 2 :aether|1 :aether + 1 card
3 :time + 1 :air + 1 card

Upgraded Forever vs upgraded Lightning
Theoretically Antideckout + Lightning per turn would cost
3 :time + 1 :aether + 2 cards per turn with an initial cost of 5 :time (after subtracting the value of the attack and cost of the weapon slot)
3 :time + 1 :air + 1 card per turn

I think the reusable CC and Antideckout is a bit cheap. Though I am not very sure of my estimate. This implementation of Eternity + Owl's Eye is hard to judge.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: agentflare on January 15, 2012, 01:51:46 am
*talks about the card Forever* see the pun I made there?
The problem with this analysis is that:
1. You need 2 Forevers to prevent deckout.
2. It's useless as CC before the deckout point since you don't draw anything else (unless you have Hourglasses, which adds to the quanta and card cost)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on January 15, 2012, 02:29:14 am
What are your thoughts on Mythic Blade (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35642.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 15, 2012, 08:08:15 pm
Nice pun. Good points.
EmeraldTiger would be wise to take those points and my uncertainty into consideration.

What are your thoughts on Mythic Blade (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35642.0.html)?
1) Venom is an active skill despite not being an activated skill. There is a very short list of passive skills. As you know passive skill does not merely mean "does not require activation" it means "not vulnerable to lobotomy".
IIRC: Airborne, Devourer, Poisonous, Mummy, Undead, Mutant, Scarab, Ranged and the one I missed.
Quanta Production of Pillars is unknown and might be active. (We don't have a Lobotomize permanent effect yet)

2) Immaterial and Momentum are similar in that each has both a (mostly ceremonial) skill and a status effect.

Main comments:
1 card negating all Active abilities of creature and Permanents is a bit much.
Shields with 2 abilities would be hardest hit assuming Pillars use a passive ability rather than a non activated active ability. (I forget if DR or Freeze is the active ability of Ice Shield)

The magnitude of the ability as it stands is too powerful to balance in EtG. It needs to be reduced in scale either in type of ability negated, valid targets for negation and/or in duration.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on January 15, 2012, 08:11:34 pm
The magnitude of the ability as it stands is too powerful to balance in EtG. It needs to be reduced in scale either in type of ability negated, valid targets for negation and/or in duration.
Would reducing the affected field to either creatures or Permanents be an appropriate nerf?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 15, 2012, 08:16:12 pm
The magnitude of the ability as it stands is too powerful to balance in EtG. It needs to be reduced in scale either in type of ability negated, valid targets for negation and/or in duration.
Would reducing the affected field to either creatures or Permanents be an appropriate nerf?
For a low attack, high cost weapon: Possibly
Otherwise: No
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on January 18, 2012, 05:13:38 am
Can you analyze Sponge | Sponge and Coral| Coral ? (Too lazy to link them when the linking fell off.)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 18, 2012, 05:53:52 am
Can you analyze Sponge | Sponge and Coral| Coral ? (Too lazy to link them when the linking fell off.)
Sponge has primary uses.
1) Quanta Accelerant.
After the 1 turn delay (same as pillars) it produces 5 :water|6 :water or the quanta gain can be delayed to gain +2 :water|3 :water per turn.
Even with the delay, 1 time use and CC vulnerablity I feel the upgraded per turn gain is certainly too strong. 3|5 hp with +2|+2 hp per turn sounds more fair.
2) Liquid Shadow, Acceleration, Gravity Pull, Rage.
These are harder to analyse but it seems roughly balanced with Voodoo Doll. Playtesting would double check.
Finally the submerged value would also need playtesting. I think +3 would be sufficient but perhaps +4.

Hide is a one target skill that costs 1 :earth to reduce target creature's attack by half.
Sponge seems like an improved version of the passive ability.
Probably not that useful to EtG compared to alternatives like Sponge.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on January 18, 2012, 01:04:37 pm
How do you incorporate the "flexibility" variable into cost mechanics?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 18, 2012, 02:45:12 pm
How do you incorporate the "flexibility" variable into cost mechanics?
With difficulty and guess work related to risky cards.

Blessing: 3 :light|2 :light +1 card for +3|+3
Chaos Power: X|1 :entropy + 1 card for +1-5|+1-5
Same average result. 1 less cost (3 cost units rather than 4).
Chaos Power is less valuable because it is less reliable.

The more reliable or more flexible a card the less likely it is to be a dead card in your hand. Thus it deserves to pay the decreased cost in the form of an increased casting cost.

I would assume between a +0 - +2 casting cost modifier for increased flexibility relative to the standard. If the flexibility increase was great enough to deserve a +3 then it might be too flexible for EtG. The reverse applies for decreased flexibility though decreased flexibility deserving -2 would be too situational for EtG.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 19, 2012, 05:56:00 pm
What abou Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35704.msg480200#msg480200) ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 19, 2012, 06:37:24 pm
Hello Guru! :P

Please could you help us to build mechanics in:
Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35365.0.html)
Both the stealing effects (from deck or from hand) would add  something to the game.
Stealing from the hand is twice the net card advantage (2x  the value of Hasten)
Stealing from the deck is a Milling win condition
What abou Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35704.msg480200#msg480200) ?
Magpie steals a card from the opponent's deck. This gives you 1 card and reduces your opponent's deck size by 1.
You have 2 versions:
Duo activated ability
    The card can be used the same turn
    1 card per turn per magpie
Duo venom ability that requires an attack buff
    The card must wait a turn
    Can prevent you from drawing next turn (widens the deckout gap between the two decks)
    Can be used up to twice per turn per magpie
    2 card combo
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 20, 2012, 03:15:47 pm
Hello Guru! :P

Please could you help us to build mechanics in:
Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35365.0.html)
Both the stealing effects (from deck or from hand) would add  something to the game.
Stealing from the hand is twice the net card advantage (2x  the value of Hasten)
Stealing from the deck is a Milling win condition
What abou Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35704.msg480200#msg480200) ?
Magpie steals a card from the opponent's deck. This gives you 1 card and reduces your opponent's deck size by 1.
You have 2 versions:
Duo activated ability
    The card can be used the same turn
    1 card per turn per magpie
Duo venom ability that requires an attack buff
    The card must wait a turn
    Can prevent you from drawing next turn (widens the deckout gap between the two decks)
    Can be used up to twice per turn per magpie
    2 card combo
Well, these are things that we already know :D
Any opinion? Suggestion? Wich one would be better for the metagame?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 20, 2012, 06:45:30 pm
Any opinion or suggestion about Avalanche (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30778.0.html) ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 20, 2012, 07:22:00 pm
Hello Guru! :P

Please could you help us to build mechanics in:
Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35365.0.html)
Both the stealing effects (from deck or from hand) would add  something to the game.
Stealing from the hand is twice the net card advantage (2x  the value of Hasten)
Stealing from the deck is a Milling win condition
What abou Magpie (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35704.msg480200#msg480200) ?
Magpie steals a card from the opponent's deck. This gives you 1 card and reduces your opponent's deck size by 1.
You have 2 versions:
Duo activated ability
    The card can be used the same turn
    1 card per turn per magpie
Duo venom ability that requires an attack buff
    The card must wait a turn
    Can prevent you from drawing next turn (widens the deckout gap between the two decks)
    Can be used up to twice per turn per magpie
    2 card combo
Well, these are things that we already know :D
Any opinion? Suggestion? Which one would be better for the metagame?
The venom ability exaggerates the deckout option (something less abundant in the metagame) but at the cost of restricting the decks to (/ :entropy :gravity :light) duos. So it would be a smaller increase in the metagame but would increase an underused area more than the activated ability version.

I don't have an opinion and I cannot identify either as being obviously better for the metagame. The preference of the community (through the poll) should be the deciding factor.

Any opinion or suggestion about Avalanche (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30778.0.html) ?
Flooding synergy, Anti Fractal, Expensive standalone instant kill that ignores hp.
Excluding Water creature prevents beneficial Flooding synergy. (also Pufferfish cannot swim up avalanches :) ) You might have meant only the damage clause excluded water creatures. In that case you ran out of room to communicate that on the card. (ice still hurts fish)
I would definitely agree with Jocko's suggestion where one version is enemy only and one version in universal.
Dealing 2 damage on both versions might help reduce the variance between best and worst results.
I think the random nature fits the disaster quite well thematically.
PS: compare to thunderstorm and fire storm not to fire bolt.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 21, 2012, 06:00:14 am
should it cost less? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35838.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 21, 2012, 08:03:45 am
should it cost less? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35838.0.html
Armagio 6|6 :gravity + X :darkness + 1 turn + 2 card for 25|30 voodoo and 1|2 attack
Default: 2 :darkness + 2|1 :gravity + 2 cards for 16|20 voodoo

Chimera + Pin + Creatures vs Voodoo + Gravity Pull + Basilisk Bloods

I am not sure it is ever superior to Voodoo Doll and I am not sure if it can cost low enough.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 21, 2012, 02:53:22 pm
should it cost less? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35838.0.html
Armagio 6|6 :gravity + X :darkness + 1 turn + 2 card for 25|30 voodoo and 1|2 attack
Default: 2 :darkness + 2|1 :gravity + 2 cards for 16|20 voodoo

Chimera + Pin + Creatures vs Voodoo + Gravity Pull + Basilisk Bloods

I am not sure it is ever superior to Voodoo Doll and I am not sure if it can cost low enough.

If non- :darkness gained the +5hp|+7hp, how much would :darkness creatures be allowed to gain?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 21, 2012, 04:52:45 pm
should it cost less? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35838.0.html
Armagio 6|6 :gravity + X :darkness + 1 turn + 2 card for 25|30 voodoo and 1|2 attack
Default: 2 :darkness + 2|1 :gravity + 2 cards for 16|20 voodoo

Chimera + Pin + Creatures vs Voodoo + Gravity Pull + Basilisk Bloods

I am not sure it is ever superior to Voodoo Doll and I am not sure if it can cost low enough.

If non- :darkness gained the +5hp|+7hp, how much would :darkness creatures be allowed to gain?
Well, why would Darkness creatures be able to gain more?
Shards are usually useful in rainbows. The elemental loyalty bonus is paid for by the restriction from rainbow towards mono (5 :time rather than 5 :rainbow).
All creatures except Voodoo Doll, Armagio and Chimera are subpar choices for pin. (So being forced into mono Darkness is not much of an additional cost)

Pin will remain a subpar choice for Voodoo Doll until it is as effective as Basilisk Blood.
Pin will remain a subpar choice for Armagio until it is as effective as Voodoo Doll + Gravity Pull.
Pin will remain a subpar choice for Chimera + Hp fodder until it is as effective as Voodoo Doll + Gravity Pull + Basilisk Bloods.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 21, 2012, 05:03:27 pm
Would you recommend a Higher Hp  buff?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 21, 2012, 05:39:16 pm
Would you recommend a Higher Hp  buff?
My primary concern is that is might not be able to be balanced against both Heavy Armor and Voodoo Doll at the same time.
My secondary concern is that it might not be versatile enough without rendering Voodoo Doll suboptimal.

What niches is this card meant to have? What niches does that leave for Heavy Armor and Voodoo Doll?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 21, 2012, 05:50:22 pm
My original thought was a spell that gave a creature damage reflection towards opponent.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 21, 2012, 06:24:46 pm
My original thought was a spell that gave a creature damage reflection towards opponent.
But what niche? If the niche is too similar to Voodoo Doll then only 1 will remain and the other will become UP. If the niche is too small then it is too restrictive.

The Vampire ability is most useful on creatures with high attack and reasonable cost (low hp and no other abilities). The Vampire ability is native on a creature with low-average attack. Therefore the Liquid Shadow card had a niche of Vampiric Dragons (as well as its synergy with Antimatter).

The Voodoo Ability is most useful on creatures with the highest hp/cost ratio (no attack and no other abilities). The Voodoo ability is native on a if not the optimal creature for the ability. Thus there is little room for a Voodoo teaching spell (a spell that grant the voodoo skill) to carve its own niche.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 22, 2012, 12:48:06 pm
Any opinion or suggestion about Avalanche (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30778.0.html) ?
Flooding synergy, Anti Fractal, Expensive standalone instant kill that ignores hp.
Excluding Water creature prevents beneficial Flooding synergy. (also Pufferfish cannot swim up avalanches :) ) You might have meant only the damage clause excluded water creatures. In that case you ran out of room to communicate that on the card. (ice still hurts fish)
I would definitely agree with Jocko's suggestion where one version is enemy only and one version in universal.
Dealing 2 damage on both versions might help reduce the variance between best and worst results.
I think the random nature fits the disaster quite well thematically.
PS: compare to thunderstorm and fire storm not to fire bolt.
 Mmmh, this card is a very old concept of mine, now I understand better which modify I should do.
Original idea was: Deal damage and shift row to both field, but :water creature don't take damages. So it allow a beneficial Flooding synergy, but maybe it has no much meaning this point.

I agree to make one version to only one field, but which one? I was thinking to the upgraded.

With 2 damage it isn't OP? with 3 of those you can kill almost everthing and it's really hard to take an advantage to put your creatures underwater.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 22, 2012, 12:52:17 pm
Any opinion or suggestion about Avalanche (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30778.0.html) ?
Flooding synergy, Anti Fractal, Expensive standalone instant kill that ignores hp.
Excluding Water creature prevents beneficial Flooding synergy. (also Pufferfish cannot swim up avalanches :) ) You might have meant only the damage clause excluded water creatures. In that case you ran out of room to communicate that on the card. (ice still hurts fish)
I would definitely agree with Jocko's suggestion where one version is enemy only and one version in universal.
Dealing 2 damage on both versions might help reduce the variance between best and worst results.
I think the random nature fits the disaster quite well thematically.
PS: compare to thunderstorm and fire storm not to fire bolt.
 Mmmh, this card is a very old concept of mine, now I understand better which modify I should do.
Original idea was: Deal damage and shift row to both field, but :water creature don't take damages. So it allow a beneficial Flooding synergy, but maybe it has no much meaning this point.

I agree to make one version to only one field, but which one? I was thinking to the upgraded.

With 2 damage it isn't OP? with 3 of those you can kill almost everthing and it's really hard to take an advantage to put your creatures underwater.
2 damage at the current cost would be OP. However 2 damage at a higher cost is better design that the current version.
(some water creatures can survive the 2 damage so the exclusion clause is unecessary)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 22, 2012, 02:10:12 pm
Ok, thank you. I've changed the card and added a poll.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 23, 2012, 12:51:16 pm
May you join threads and give me an opinion about general card balancing? (cost etc...)

Pryntil | Pryntil (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33425.0.html)
Puppeteer | Master Puppeteer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35909.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 24, 2012, 08:34:32 am
May you join threads and give me an opinion about general card balancing? (cost etc...)
Pryntil | Pryntil (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,33425.0.html)
In general you make comparisons.
Growth = quadratic damage
Charm = quadratic damage prevention
Damage prevention < Damage
So Lava Golem costs 5 :fire + 1 card for 5|1 and  :earth:Growth
Expensive activation costs are a -1 cost reduction
costs 4 :fire + 1 card for 5|1 and  :earth :earth:Growth
Reduce Attack and reduce cost
costs 1 :fire + 1 card for 2|1 and  :earth :earth:Growth
change growth to charm
costs 1 :water + 1 card for 1|6 and  :entropy :entropy:Charm
Puppeteer | Master Puppeteer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35909.0.html)
This has more variables that cannot be removed or discounted.
I would take the larger scale comparison of Blessing|Chaos Power + Puppeteer as a win condition vs Lava Golem and Firefly Queen.
How many turns does it take to deal 100/200 hp?
How much quanta + cards did it take?
How does that compare with LG and FFQ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on January 26, 2012, 02:37:22 am
Well... this is not a card but a project thread which may interest you (and your experience would be useful)

Acquatic/Amphibian Passive Skill (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35904.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 26, 2012, 02:59:21 am
Well... this is not a card but a project thread which may interest you (and your experience would be useful)

Acquatic/Amphibian Passive Skill (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35904.0.html)
Aquatic as a characteristic does not provide a benefit until a source of water is provided.

It will need 2 changes to the game to be fully developed.
1) Non Water aquatic creatures
2) Non Flooding sources of water

After that it should probably be structured like Airborne in that it has a default benefit when in water but certain sources of water would give additional bonuses.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on January 27, 2012, 03:03:27 am
What are the known card ideas 'taboos' (ideas that are frowned upon, such as controlling an enemy creature) and why are they labeled as so?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on January 27, 2012, 04:36:14 am
Just made a few cards about Time, wanna get some comments

Suspension Clock / Suspension Shield : A new shield for time elements, able to delay and suspend damage

Time Slip / Time Displacement : A new spell that can speed up something,  dim. shield bewares !

Temporal Loop / Eternal Loop : New form of time creature, with true immortality and good synergy with death element

Book of Prophecy / Code of Genesis : Manipulate the future !

Distant Future / End of Time : Synergy with air element, permanent control for time

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on January 27, 2012, 05:50:07 am
I'm stuck with how I should pursue this card idea:
Ultimately, which of the two is better and would fare better under the curators' scrutiny in considerations for the Crucible?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 27, 2012, 06:34:32 am
What are the known card ideas 'taboos' (ideas that are frowned upon, such as controlling an enemy creature) and why are they labeled as so?
Everyone should know this: Card Idea Taboos are merely guidelines with a bite. Only break a taboo if you have a good reason. If you have a good reason then break a taboo. Humans are fallible and the taboos originate from humans.

There are 3 types of 'taboos'
1) Vetoed by Zanz or otherwise impossible to add
These are taboo because they are a waste of the suggestion author's time to suggest.
2) Disliked by the community
The community has negative reactions to these suggestions whether or not the suggestion deserves such reactions.
3) Difficult to balance
These are cards with such problems balancing that they seem to have contradicting balance requirements (Ex: Must cost X such that 4 :light>X>6 :time). These cards probably can be balanced but it is no easy task and the community recommends only attempting if you are experienced. Experience is tied to skill not to seniority.

13th Element (Zanz veto)
Simultaneous player actions (Multiplayer cannot be restructured to allow that)
Costs like  :aether :aether :air :air :air (Zanz veto)
Instant Kill without regard to hp (Zanz included a few but noted his general dislike)
Instant Kill without regard to hp
'Excessive' denial
Moderately complex cards (Dislike grows with the complexity)
Swap Attack and Hp (Attack and Hp are valued on different scales.)
Steal Creature (Temporary steal creature + Cremation/Catapult = Instant Kill, Permanent steal creature = Instant Kill)

Just made a few cards about Time, wanna get some comments

Suspension Clock / Suspension Shield : A new shield for time elements, able to delay and suspend damage

Time Slip / Time Displacement : A new spell that can speed up something,  dim. shield bewares !

Temporal Loop / Eternal Loop : New form of time creature, with true immortality and good synergy with death element

Book of Prophecy / Code of Genesis : Manipulate the future !

Distant Future / End of Time : Synergy with air element, permanent control for time
Suspension Clock / Suspension Shield
Around the power of a 40%|60% miss chance shield. Compare with Dusk Shield.
SC = 5 :time + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 9 -> ~40%
SS = 6 :time + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) +1.5 (upgrade) = 11.5 -> ~60%
DS = 6 :darkness + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 10 -> 50%

Time Slip / Time Displacement
Limited reliable usages:
1) Infection
2) Acceleration
3) ? (usually 3 strategies is a minimum)
Whose deck is affected by the upgraded? The creature's owner? The caster (current effect)? The opponent? This also has limited usage.

Temporal Loop / Eternal Loop
4,3,2,1,8,6,4,2,16,12,8,4,32,24,16,8 ... attack
Fulfills you design goal perfectly but balance is an interesting question.
4,4,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,6,6,6,8,9,9,9 ... average damage per turn (rounded to whole number)
I expect it is balanced as is but I am not sure.

Book of Prophecy / Code of Genesis
Both give card filtering. Scarabs is the only potential abuse I can think of and I do not expect that to be unbalanced.
This card might be as revolutionary as Crusader or it might not be. Having that potential is one of the signs that the card might be a great design instead of merely a good or poor design.

I'm stuck with how I should pursue this card idea:
Ultimately, which of the two is better and would fare better under the curators' scrutiny in considerations for the Crucible?
Curators do not veto card ideas. They merely require consistent formatting. Just make sure when you correct "ariborne" to "airborne" you do it in both the card image and the card text.

The easiest balance mechanic for this card is having it affect both sides equally.
There is a difference but not much of a difference between it lasting 1 or 4 turns.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on January 27, 2012, 07:07:28 am
Suspension Clock / Suspension Shield
Around the power of a 40%|60% miss chance shield. Compare with Dusk Shield.
SC = 5  + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 9 -> ~40%
SS = 6  + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) +1.5 (upgrade) = 11.5 -> ~60%
DS = 6  + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 10 -> 50%
So this card does not need any modification ?

Time Slip / Time Displacement
Limited reliable usages:
1) Infection
2) Acceleration
3) ? (usually 3 strategies is a minimum)
The upped version of the card will not have the second effect (it will be removed soon)
The third usage is to destroy a dimensional shield instantly :D

Temporal Loop / Eternal Loop
4,3,2,1,8,6,4,2,16,12,8,4,32,24,16,8 ... attack
Fulfills you design goal perfectly but balance is an interesting question.
4,4,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,6,6,6,8,9,9,9 ... average damage per turn (rounded to whole number)
I expect it is balanced as is but I am not sure.
The creature will not increase in number. One dies and another one will take its place, which means I need to lower its cost or increase its attack

Book of Prophecy / Code of Genesis
Both give card filtering. Scarabs is the only potential abuse I can think of and I do not expect that to be unbalanced.
This card might be as revolutionary as Crusader or it might not be. Having that potential is one of the signs that the card might be a great design instead of merely a good or poor design.
This card serves like PU and fractal but with different limitations and advantages. Any deck that can utilize fractal and PU may also find this card suitable. It can also help you get rid of useless cards (destroy the Book of Prophecy yourself) and use Genesis to replace useless cards in hand.
Sometimes you only need one card of a kind (e.g.Hope) but you may have more than one shield in deck to increase to chance of getting it. Then you can use the Book / Code to change the additional shield to something else
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 27, 2012, 07:15:17 am
Suspension Clock / Suspension Shield
Around the power of a 40%|60% miss chance shield. Compare with Dusk Shield.
SC = 5  + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 9 -> ~40%
SS = 6  + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) +1.5 (upgrade) = 11.5 -> ~60%
DS = 6  + 1 card + 3 (shield slot) = 10 -> 50%
So this card does not need any modification ?
It may, it may not. If 50% cost 2 per 10% then 40% would cost 8 (4 :time). However it is merely around the power of a 40% miss chance shield. Somewhere in the 7-9 cost (3-5 :time) range is the ideally balanced cost.

Time Slip / Time Displacement
Limited reliable usages:
1) Infection
2) Acceleration
3) ? (usually 3 strategies is a minimum)
The upped version of the card will not have the second effect (it will be removed soon)
The third usage is to destroy a dimensional shield instantly :D
You cannot rely on all your opponents using Dimensional Shield, Sundial or Wings.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on January 27, 2012, 03:37:49 pm
Trying to make series called Vortex for at least 6 elements, wanna get some comments before start making the cards

Main idea for Vortexes :

Spatial Vortex / Dimensional Vortex, creature (0|3)
Move on opponent field randomly. Kill any creature on its path

Temporal Vortex / Eternal Vortex, permanent
Reshuffle cards in hand and deck.
 :time reverse time
Last one turn only

Energy Vortex / Power Vortex, permanent
Alternately absorb 5 random quanta from opponent and return 5 random quanta to you

Gravity Vortex / Cosmic Vortex, permanent
Creature loses 2 hp each turn until it dies, one by one. Start with the lightest one

Soul Vortex / Death Vortex, creature ( 0|1)
Death of any creature adds 4 counter. Deals damage(=counter) when it dies

Spirit Vortex / Life Vortex, creature ( 0|1)
Casting any creature adds 4 counter. Heals you(amount =counter) when it dies
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 27, 2012, 06:50:04 pm
Trying to make series called Vortex for at least 6 elements, wanna get some comments before start making the cards

Main idea for Vortexes :

Spatial Vortex / Dimensional Vortex, creature (0|3)
Move on opponent field randomly. Kill any creature on its path

Temporal Vortex / Eternal Vortex, permanent
Reshuffle cards in hand and deck.
 :time reverse time
Last one turn only

Energy Vortex / Power Vortex, permanent
Alternately absorb 5 random quanta from opponent and return 5 random quanta to you

Gravity Vortex / Cosmic Vortex, permanent
Creature loses 2 hp each turn until it dies, one by one. Start with the lightest one

Soul Vortex / Death Vortex, creature ( 0|1)
Death of any creature adds 4 counter. Deals damage(=counter) when it dies

Spirit Vortex / Life Vortex, creature ( 0|1)
Casting any creature adds 4 counter. Heals you(amount =counter) when it dies
There are a few types of series. There are Set series that act as a suggestion to add that set of cards. (Set series have problems fitting into the polls) There are Mechanical series where each card is a different take on a new mechanic. Finally there are Theme series where each card fits within a theme. You are obviously going for a Theme series.

Your theme is Vortex.
Quote from: wiki
A vortex (plural: vortices) is a spinning, often turbulent, flow of
So each card should have a connection between name, art and mechanic that centers around what is flowing.

Spatial Vortex (space) and a moving creature does not connect. Either space is flowing or the creature is flowing.
Would the mechanic work better as a creature or as a terrain effect like Flooding?

Temporal Vortex (time) and shuffling cards. These do connect as it is reordering the order you drew your cards giving you some future cards instead of some past cards.
By 'reverse time' did you mean 'reverse time target creature' or 'reverse time this permanent'? The first seems implied but the design looks like you meant the second. Obviously the second has an antideckout ability that should be considered when balancing.

Energy Vortex and flowing quanta. The flow of energy ( :rainbow) is not spinning. It is more like a river than a vortex.

Gravity Vortex (gravity?) and ??
Gravity is the last element I would expect to see a vortex. Vortices tend to be turbulent, chaotic, and disordering things.
The gravitational force does not seem like something that could flow.
The mechanic does not seem to have anything to do with a vortex.

Soul Vortex (souls) and death triggers. This connection makes sense. The vortex of souls is contained inside the fragile (1 infection) creature
Poison and fewer counters might fit better. Then again, it might not. Consider both equally.

Spirit Vortex (lifeforce) and creature generation. This connection does not makes sense. How can the lifeforce of the new creature be in the creature and in the vortex creature?
Life has Feral bond, Heal, Druidic Staff and Shard of Gratitude. It might be set for healing.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on January 28, 2012, 01:20:15 pm
Sorry if I bother you. Since I am new to card creation, I do need a lot of information and comments

What do you think about these ?

Dimensional Rift / Dimensional Vortex

Time River / Eternal Waves

The Forgotten / The Non-existed
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 28, 2012, 05:05:25 pm
Sorry if I bother you. Since I am new to card creation, I do need a lot of information and comments

What do you think about these ?

Dimensional Rift / Dimensional Vortex

Time River / Eternal Waves

The Forgotten / The Non-existed
Spatial Rift / Dimensional Rift
This disables a creature slot per turn (killing any creature in it) and is balanced by a cumulative upkeep cost.
I am unsure if it is balanced but the cumulative upkeep cost does its part in making the card able to be balanced. Playtesting would reveal the correct cost.

Time River / Eternal Waves
Has 2 reliable effects:
Your Basilisk Bloods don't delay your creatures and your creatures are immune to Reverse Time.
You can pay 2 :time + 1 card + 1 turn wait + 2 :time = 6 to give both yourself and your opponent a mulligan.

The first effect makes some interesting trios with Rage or Devour. Alternatively it can be a  :earth :time duo that is immune to most CC.
The second effect is not worth the cost. In general the automulligan is sufficient.

The Forgotten / The Non-existed
It is a 4|3-x / 5|3-x for 6 :time + 1 card that requires 2 CC to kill.
(X= :time quanta at time of casting / 10 rounded down)
Alternatively if you do have 30+ :time then it is a Ghost of the Past for 6 :time|6 :time which is only a -1 cost reduction upgraded.

No one will ever use only 1 CC on this creature unless it gets a buff/debuff. It is detrimental for the opponent to do so and to expensive for you to do so.
The reducing hp based on  :time seems unnecessary.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on January 30, 2012, 03:01:49 am
Probably my two last cards. (won't have the time to make cards soon)

What do you think ?


Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 30, 2012, 03:53:44 am
Probably my two last cards. (won't have the time to make cards soon)

What do you think ?


Echo of Time / Echoes of Time
"Both players do not draw cards from decks in the next turn. They get their last-drawn cards again."

This can prevent either player from decking out or drawing a different card for 2 :time + 1 card per turn. This probably is balanced but I am not sure about the severity of the effect.

Outside of this usage it can be used to gain an additional copy of a card and waste your opponent's draw for 2 :time+2cards. Again this is probably balanced.

Energy Dice / Killer Dice
" :entropy: Gamble. Opponent draws a card. If spell, deal 15 damage. If creature, discard that card.If permanent,you get 15 damage"

Creatures are more common than spells or permanents. Hence this card would average out to be reducing the opponent's deck size by 1 but have a 50% chance of giving the opponent an extra card in their hand. These probabilities can be altered by using Reverse Time or Mindgate. Alternatively regeneration can be used to make the damage portion in your favor.

It is probably balanced but playtesting would be required.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on January 30, 2012, 04:45:01 am
My last card, truly

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 30, 2012, 05:12:46 am
My last card, truly

Typically authors only work on a few ideas at a time so they can polish each idea beyond "good" to reach perfection.

"The next card you draw will match your mark if possible"

Does the effect fit Darkness? If so, How? If not, what element would fit better?

Normally 4|3 stats are worth 3 :underworld + 1 card. The ability probably justifies an increase in cost.

Is there a better mechanic for identifying the card drawn? Magnetic Tracer used "Target card as it's means of selecting."

Cards in hands of both players are exchanged for one turn.

Normally upgraded 4|2 stats are worth 2 :underworld + 1 card. The ability might justifiy an increase in cost.

A rainbow deck would be able to steal all the cards in the opponent's hand and only lose 0-2 cards in exchange.
As you noted Magician + Nightmare = Fractal. You will need the cost of using Magician to equal the difference in the cost between Nightmare and Fractal.
The Magician + Fractal + Ghost of the Past is a combo to watch.

Last thought: Are these the same card? Or are they too different from each other?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 30, 2012, 09:44:13 pm
thoughts? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36175.0.html

Reference: http://thesaurus.com/browse/serendipity?__utma=1.441075848.1324007426.1324007426.1327956713.2&__utmb=
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 30, 2012, 11:02:06 pm
thoughts? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36175.0.html

Reference: http://thesaurus.com/browse/serendipity?__utma=1.441075848.1324007426.1324007426.1327956713.2&__utmb=
:time/ :entropy Duo permanent that generates a random card in your hand.
I fear this is too random for both thematic and mechanical reasons:

Mech: Shard of Serendipity is a cheap Other card (geared towards Rainbows) that generates 3 random cards in your hand. The quantity reduces the randomness and the low cost reduces the resource gamble.
Thematic: I typically divide the elements into 3 categories:  :entropy, :gravity, the rest. Each category lies in a difference place on a continuum of randomness. The magnitude of this card's randomness seems more like the influence of Mono Entropy not of a Entropy/X duo.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on January 30, 2012, 11:11:04 pm
better or worse http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36170.msg486094#msg486094
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on January 30, 2012, 11:29:59 pm
better or worse http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36170.msg486094#msg486094
Worse: If you were referring to the blank card or to Poker Alho's suggestion
Obviously blank is worse.
Poker Alho's suggestion is merely a malfunctioning Hourglass.

I have already commented on Mathematistic's suggestion.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on February 07, 2012, 02:18:17 am
Would a non-targeting effect like http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36381.0.html be aloud to affect immaterial?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 07, 2012, 02:29:32 am
Would a non-targeting effect like http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36381.0.html be aloud to affect immaterial?
Do Nightfall, Flooding and Fire Shield all affect Quinted Vampires?
Yes. Immaterial only protects it from targeting effects including mass targeting effects. Non-targeting effects bypass the immaterial defense.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on February 07, 2012, 03:51:03 am
Can you analyze water sprayer ¦ water jets?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Anarook on February 07, 2012, 04:05:41 am
Snatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34894.msg478427#msg478427)
I got so much positive feedback on the original idea, but it's just too limited in it's uses with the current game.
How would you suggest I go about making it work for the best?
I made a suggestion in one of my posts in teh thread, does that seem like a good route?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 07, 2012, 06:18:04 am
Can you analyze water sprayer ¦ water jets?
"Shield: Reduce damage by 5-N, where N is the attacking creature's HP. Attacking creatures might die."

This is an antiRush specialized shield. (DR 4 vs lava golem but DR 0 vs most dragons)

Upgraded this is a more complicated form of Skull Buckler.
Chance to die: (45%, 37.5%, 30%, 22.5%, 15%, 7.5%) vs (50%, 25%, 15.7%, 12,5%, 10%, 8.3%)

Its effect is too unique for me to be able to do a direct quantitative comparison to existing cards. The possibility of drowning when upgraded is probably unnecessary. I would have based the cost off the average DR of the shield.

Snatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,34894.msg478427#msg478427)
I got so much positive feedback on the original idea, but it's just too limited in it's uses with the current game.
How would you suggest I go about making it work for the best?
I made a suggestion in one of my posts in teh thread, does that seem like a good route?
The major problem is the rarity of the event (discarding) which is needed to trigger the effect.
There are only 4 methods of forcing discarding
1) Silence (limit of 6 discards but probably will be less)
2) Nightmare (limit of 6 discards but probably will be less)
3) Quanta Denial (reliable repeatable)
4) Self inflicted discarding (currently does not trigger)
It might be better if it were modified into a 2 part card. 1 part does not need discards but incentivizes the opponent to be vulnerable to discards. The second part would trigger when the opponent discarded.
Gain X when the opponent plays a card, gain Y when they discard a card.
Gain X per empty slot in the opponent's hand, gain Y when they discard a card.
Bad stuff when anyone plays a card, gain Y when they discard a card.

So I would consider:
"Gain  :darkness when the opponent plays a card. Gain a copy of each card the opponent discards."
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Anarook on February 08, 2012, 12:12:13 am
Hmm, I see where you;re comming from with split effects. I do seem to like that.
Don;t like the "gain  :darkness when opponent plays a card" though.
Advice is very good. I think I'll make a separate card with this in mind, thank you.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on February 12, 2012, 03:56:38 am
 Does this fit a time mechanic?  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36538.msg490214#msg490214
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Anarook on February 12, 2012, 06:07:54 am
As a first thought I would never associate candles with time, they're typically ritualistic in nature.
However, upon thinking over it I can see the approach, a candle burns as time passes.
It's unusual and certainly a different approach, but I'm all for doing the unexpected.
The ideas currently present in that topic are rather... off. You might be able to pull it off, but def needs some work.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 12, 2012, 07:09:45 am
Does this fit a time mechanic?  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36538.msg490214#msg490214
As a first thought I would never associate candles with time, they're typically ritualistic in nature.
However, upon thinking over it I can see the approach, a candle burns as time passes.
It's unusual and certainly a different approach, but I'm all for doing the unexpected.
The ideas currently present in that topic are rather... off. You might be able to pull it off, but def needs some work.
The candle is an object that intersects Fire, Light and Time. Many references of various sorts will tie candles to the passage of time including the use of candles as clocks in ancient times.

However you asked about the mechanic (I assume it was Malebolgia's to which you linked)
It could be a time/fire duo mechanic. The ability counts :fire so it can't be called a mono even if both casting and activation cost were :time.
The significance of the reference to the amount of :fire is a bit worrisome for a time activation cost. Not to mention the attack increasing beyond dragons for so cheap. However the idea of the attack increasing and the duration decreasing could easily be Time compressing the future and present together. Likewise it could be a Fire mechanic representing overexertion for short term gain at the expense of long term welfare.

However many candle based time ideas would also fit Fire very well. Especially all these "short life" ideas.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on February 15, 2012, 01:06:11 am
What do you think of Giant Ant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36251.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 15, 2012, 01:59:44 am
What do you think of Giant Ant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36251.0.html)?
Giant Ant is a spell that summons 3 creatures in 3 continuous slots if and only if there is such a trio of slots.

5 :life|5 :life
2|4  :life :life Devour creature and regrow legs -> 2|4  :life Devour creature and regrow legs ->
2|2 (can't attack without legs)
4|4 -> 5|5
If the head is killed then all of the giant is killed.

5 :life+ 1 card for 8|4 with  :life :life:Devour is roughly comparable with the Giant Ant
A 4 hp Otyugh with  :gravity :gravity:Devour would be worth roughly 3 :gravity + 1 card.
A 8|4  :underworld :underworld:Devour creature would be worth roughly 11 :underworld + 1card

With the ease of regrowing the legs, I do not think the Leg/Head pair of abilities is preforming its function of presenting a more fragile target for partial CC.

I understand that you think the idea of a larger creature is neat. However I am skeptical that it would be a net benefit to the game compared to the average card added. I feel that many people might find it too ridiculous for their tastes.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on February 15, 2012, 05:58:38 am
Can I have some feedback on Ocula (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36635.0.html)?

In before any suggestions, I was thinking of:
Dropping health
Making ability one-time use only
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: UTAlan on February 15, 2012, 06:22:31 am
2 questions about Distort | Sequester (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36684.0.html):

1) Should the cost be lowered, especially when compared to other PC cards such as Steal and Deflagration?
2) Any suggestions on how to handle stackable permanents (pillars, SoG, etc)?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 15, 2012, 06:48:40 am
Can I have some feedback on Ocula (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36635.0.html)?

In before any suggestions, I was thinking of:
Dropping health
Making ability one-time use only
1|5 stats (1|6 upgraded)
Usually this would be Seeing their hand and rendering their most threatening card useless (manual hostile discard).

The ability is the core mechanic to design around.
Questions to consider in the design process
1) How valuable is a manual hostile discard?
Obviously more powerful that drawing a card but how much more powerful.
2) How fragile should the ability be?
Very fragile since 2 of these could lock down almost any opponent. (~2-4 hp)
3) How late in a game should it be delayed?
Probably mid to late game. (~6-8 quanta casting cost)
4) What could this be compared to?
It deals in card advantage (discard), card filtering (manual discard) and information gathering (see hand). Precognition seems a good start for comparison so the Time Nymph is a good model to balance from.

So now there is a cost (6-8 quanta + 1 card) and a resilience (~2-4 hp) so the Attack + Skill Value should add up to 7-9.

So my suggestion would be to change the hp and increase the cost.

2 questions about Distort | Sequester (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36684.0.html):

1) Should the cost be lowered, especially when compared to other PC cards such as Steal and Deflagration?
2) Any suggestions on how to handle stackable permanents (pillars, SoG, etc)?

Destroy costs 3|2.
Worse than destroy costs 2 :underworld|1 :underworld or 1 :underworld|1 :rainbow.
Temporarily reduce the size of the stack.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on February 17, 2012, 06:32:40 pm
Would it be possible to cause two creatures on opposite sides to attack only each other?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 17, 2012, 07:00:36 pm
Would it be possible to cause two creatures on opposite sides to attack only each other?
Yes. A creature could have the activated ability to challenge a creature on the opposite side. It would involve some additional combat code if it were to prevent the creatures from attacking normally or the combat could be in addition to normal combat. Damage could also be done simultaneously or sequentially.
Alternatively a spell could teach the Challenge activated ability to a creature.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on February 17, 2012, 07:04:23 pm
I will work on this later tonight in about 7 to 8 hours from now, in card idea planning.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Captain Scibra on February 18, 2012, 01:44:25 am
Would it be possible to cause two creatures on opposite sides to attack only each other?
Yes. A creature could have the activated ability to challenge a creature on the opposite side. It would involve some additional combat code if it were to prevent the creatures from attacking normally or the combat could be in addition to normal combat. Damage could also be done simultaneously or sequentially.
Alternatively a spell could teach the Challenge activated ability to a creature.
The mechanic seems best that one's attack is removed from the others hp, and vice versa, at the time of the effect.  Any survivors are delayed.  Ideally, it is a berfed Warden.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on February 18, 2012, 03:08:42 am
Topaz Nymph | Acid Nymph (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,24781.0.html)
(Disregarding the whole FG suggestion that was implemented in that thread as this is not the main focus of the card.)
Unlike it's counterpart, Garnet Nymph | Energy Nymph (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,24783.0.html), I feel that this card I made is not managing to hit the standard of quality I usually set but the theme of the card is interesting enough for me expand on.

Am I correct in that this card could be be designed with better quality, and what are your suggestions on improving it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 18, 2012, 06:51:18 am
Topaz Nymph | Acid Nymph (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,24781.0.html)
(Disregarding the whole FG suggestion that was implemented in that thread as this is not the main focus of the card.)
Unlike it's counterpart, Garnet Nymph | Energy Nymph (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,24783.0.html), I feel that this card I made is not managing to hit the standard of quality I usually set but the theme of the card is interesting enough for me expand on.

Am I correct in that this card could be be designed with better quality, and what are your suggestions on improving it?
Yes, it is lower than your norm.

Remember Nymphs use Alchemy. This is why the effect does not change significantly between unupped and upgraded. Does Topaz reflect this?
Remember Nymphs use Alchemy. Thunderstorm is not an alchemy card. Is this a problem?
Acid probably is not Other but rather fits some particular element or duo. (Remember Pseudo elements can be subsets of existing elements. Void was a strange exception)

Basically my diagnosis would be to double check the theme, make the card versions more consistent and balance the card.

PS: I would put Acid in Death or Water. Creating Acid Rain using Air would be weird.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on February 18, 2012, 06:57:38 am
Remember Nymphs use Alchemy. This is why the effect does not change significantly between unupped and upgraded. Does Topaz reflect this?
I'm not sure where to draw the line on this - Void Nymph (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,21512.0.html) also had a significant change in it's ability, which you noted was "worth the upgrade". Here, you seem to imply that the shift in stats and lethality takes away from the card instead. Is Void's theme generally an exception in most (if not all) cases within ETG?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 18, 2012, 06:59:24 am
Remember Nymphs use Alchemy. This is why the effect does not change significantly between unupped and upgraded. Does Topaz reflect this?
I'm not sure where to draw the line on this - Void Nymph (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,21512.0.html) also had a significant change in it's ability, which you noted was "worth the upgrade". Here, you seem to imply that the shift in stats and lethality takes away from the card instead. Is Void's theme generally an exception in most (if not all) cases within ETG?
In the case of Void, the effect increased in magnitude (destroy quanta to absorb quanta) but did not change direction. Acid Nymph's effect changes direction (-atk to -hp).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on February 18, 2012, 11:26:26 am
:life Elephant | Bull Elephant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36771.0.html) :life balance check. please
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on February 18, 2012, 05:03:35 pm
It's been a long time, eh? :D

Could you join Chain of Atlas (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35839.0.html), Bonefish (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36760.0.html) and Storm Wand (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36761.0.html) threads and discuss about balance and usefulness of these cards?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 18, 2012, 07:00:02 pm
:life Elephant | Bull Elephant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36771.0.html) :life balance check. please
Does it take any damage if it would kill its target?
If no then it would be compared to a 4hp Otyugh|5hp Otyugh.
The combat is worth less and more than a 4hp|5hp devour 6|7
The stats are worth 3|4+2=5|6
Total = 11|11 (13-2 from upgrade)

If yes then it would be compared to a 3|1 with 2 3|4 damage CC bolts.
A 3|1[4|1] is worth 3|4.
2 3|4 damage CC bolts are worth less than 3.6|4.8 (6/10 x 4 :aether+2card).
So it would be worth less than 6.6|7.3 (8.8-1.5).
(Casting , Activation) costs of (4|5, 1|1) would be better.

It's been a long time, eh? :D

Could you join Chain of Atlas (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35839.0.html), Bonefish (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36760.0.html) and Storm Wand (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36761.0.html) threads and discuss about balance and usefulness of these cards?
Chains of Atlas reply
Bonefish reply
Storm Wand reply
It is almost identical to Owl's Eye. If Storm Wand were balanced then either Storm Wand or Owl's Eye would be strictly superior to the other. This is a major problem.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on February 19, 2012, 04:59:11 am
Just considering attack and Hp, how much looseness can you allow before drawing the line that signifies the end of a niche?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 19, 2012, 05:14:04 am
Just considering attack and Hp, how much looseness can you allow before drawing the line that signifies the end of a niche?
There are 4 stages
Need: The element needs something in this slot.
Value: The element would value something in this slot
Neutral: The element doesn't care. What else does it bring to the element?
Harmful: The element would be harmed by the addition. What else does it bring that justifies this imposition on existing cards?

These stages do not have constant ranges and are influenced by existing cards however I will give a rough estimate.
Need: Nothing within +4/-4 attack
Value: Nothing within +2/-2 attack
Neutral: Nothing with identical attack and within hp range
Harmful: Same attack and hp range

So on one hand if there is a gap of 5 attack (ex. no creatures with 3,4,5,6 or 7 attack in the element) then there is a niche seeking a creature (with 5 attack).
On the other hand if a card has an ability that would be valuable to the game it may be able to justify having the exact same stats as an existing creature.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on February 20, 2012, 01:08:14 am
I'm not sure if you've noticed the change in ability considering the last post on it, but can I get a balance check on:
 :water Levii | Levii (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36738.0.html)

Also, is this card intruding on Wyrm's attack niche?  Or does the difference in abilities make that void?
 :air Altiuiri | Altiuiri (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36789.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 20, 2012, 01:58:00 am
I'm not sure if you've noticed the change in ability considering the last post on it, but can I get a balance check on:
 :water Levii | Levii (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36738.0.html)

Also, is this card intruding on Wyrm's attack niche?  Or does the difference in abilities make that void?
 :air Altiuiri | Altiuiri (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36789.0.html)
I had not noticed the change in Levii.
Levii is similar to a Shrieker (8|3 / 10|4  :earth:Burrow for 8 :earth + 1card) except it is cheaper (the higher activation cost is equivalent to +1 cost) and floods nearby squares. It is probably too cheap.

Wyrm is 6|3 and 10|3 stats with an upkeep cost. However that ability of Altiuiri probably would require a higher cost (and less efficient stats) to pay for the Mass Reverse Time.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on February 20, 2012, 02:13:31 am
Regarding Altiuiri | Altiuiri (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36789.0.html), would a +1 to ability cost be enough to balance it, or should the cost to play also be raised by +1?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 20, 2012, 02:48:25 am
Regarding Altiuiri | Altiuiri (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36789.0.html), would a +1 to ability cost be enough to balance it, or should the cost to play also be raised by +1?
I am not sure but I think both of those are underestimates. Compare it to other mass CC.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on February 20, 2012, 03:08:55 am
Hm, but in that case, isn't it UP with any raised cost, better as it is?  And, as you've suggested, I've looked at other mass CC.

Rain of Fire costs 7 :fire / 5 :fire , but deals a set amount of damage only to the opponent's side.
Unupgraded Pandemonium costs 3 :entropy and has a random chance to inflict a negative effect on both sides of the field while upgraded costs 5 :entropy  and only targets the opponent's side.
Thunderstorm costs 2 :air , but only deals one damage and only targets the opponent's side.

The closest that comes is unupgraded Pandemonium as Tempest targets both sides of the fields and their is a random aspect in the chance to reverse.  Besides affecting your own side, it does not guarantee affecting any creatures besides Spark and Ball Lightning, setting the minimal chance at 50% for 1 hp creatures.

Would you say there is any flaw with my comparisons?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 20, 2012, 03:46:11 am
Hm, but in that case, isn't it UP with any raised cost, better as it is?  And, as you've suggested, I've looked at other mass CC.

Rain of Fire costs 7 :fire / 5 :fire , but deals a set amount of damage only to the opponent's side.
Unupgraded Pandemonium costs 3 :entropy and has a random chance to inflict a negative effect on both sides of the field while upgraded costs 5 :entropy  and only targets the opponent's side.
Thunderstorm costs 2 :air , but only deals one damage and only targets the opponent's side.

The closest that comes is unupgraded Pandemonium as Tempest targets both sides of the fields and their is a random aspect in the chance to reverse.  Besides affecting your own side, it does not guarantee affecting any creatures besides Spark and Ball Lightning, setting the minimal chance at 50% for 1 hp creatures.

Would you say there is any flaw with my comparisons?
I would include details like Tempest being repeatable and currently only being priced at 1 :air + 3 :air per activation.
Likewise I would include that 2X Tempests would be equivalent to 2 sided mass Reverse Time for creatures of Xhp or less with mixed results for creatures with more hp.
Also comparing to single use repeated cards like Owl's Eye and Eternity would be wise. (mind the detail that Weapons expend the weapon slot ~3 quanta in value)

Owl's Eye's Snipe costs roughly 3 :air + 1 card + 2 :air per target.
Fire Storm costs 7 :fire + 1 card
Fire Storm = Snipe at 2 targets.
Eternity's Rewind costs roughly 5 :time + 1card + 3 :time per target.
Mass Rewind = Eternity's Rewind at 2 targets
Mass Rewind costs 11 :time + 1 card
For 10 :air + 1 card, Tempest achieves 3 activations.

My gut reaction to Tempest seems to be wrong.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on February 20, 2012, 04:51:30 am
Just a few fallacies with your comparison.

I would include details like Tempest being repeatable and currently only being priced at 4 :air + 3 :air per activation.
Altiuiri costs 4  :air to play Tempest costs 3 :air to use.


Eternity's Rewind costs roughly 6 :time + 1 card + 3 :time per target.
Eternity costs 6 :time both unupgraded and upgraded.  If it's upgraded, then it's 2 :time
Mass Rewind = Eternity's Rewind at 2 targets
Mass Rewind costs 12 (unupgraded) :time + 1 card
If using Upgraded Eternity, then the cost is 10 :time
For 10 :air + 1 card, Tempest achieves 2 activations.
And seeing that one Tempest is only 50% max to return, Mass Rewind = 2 Tempest.  Unless I'm wrong, is it not balanced as is?

I apologize for making this complicated.  I just want to flush out any possible problems.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 20, 2012, 05:08:44 am
Just a few fallacies with your comparison.

I would include details like Tempest being repeatable and currently only being priced at 4 :air + 3 :air per activation.
Altiuiri costs 4  :air to play Tempest costs 3 :air to use.


Eternity's Rewind costs roughly 6 :time + 1 card + 3 :time per target.
Eternity costs 6 :time both unupgraded and upgraded.  If it's upgraded, then it's 2 :time
Mass Rewind = Eternity's Rewind at 2 targets
Mass Rewind costs 12 (unupgraded) :time + 1 card
If using Upgraded Eternity, then the cost is 10 :time
For 10 :air + 1 card, Tempest achieves 2 activations.
And seeing that one Tempest is only 50% max to return, Mass Rewind = 2 Tempest.  Unless I'm wrong, is it not balanced as is?

I apologize for making this complicated.  I just want to flush out any possible problems.
You missed the step where I separated the skill from the body. The 4|4 body is worth 3 :air + 1 card hence the ability costs 1 :air + 3  :air per use. I had double checked the numbers.

You also missed my conclusion: "My gut reaction to Tempest seems to be wrong."
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on February 20, 2012, 05:21:41 am
Do you agree this should become a :life card? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36805.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 20, 2012, 05:42:51 am
Do you agree this should become a :life card? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36805.0.html
The card sends some portion of a creature's attack at the opponent in the form of spell damage.
Fire already has Fire Bolts to fill this role. (the result, not the method)
Life uses Adrenaline.
I do not think it should be either a Fire or a Life card. (mostly because I do not see it as having much of a role in EtG)
Something related to consider: Would you use Lightning if it could not target creatures?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on February 29, 2012, 12:17:47 pm
I really need your professional comments on these cards

Stay | Progress

The mechanic of Stay hasn't settled yet.

Possible new mechanic :
Deal 8 damage.When opponent deck size decreases by 4, reduce damage by 1
I am not sure whether I should stick to the concept that power of Stay depends on opponent's deck or something else

Another possible mechanic :
Damage = current number of creatures on field. But -1 damage when new creature is played
I've already put up a poll to gather opinions but I think I need more analysis before I can make the final decision

So far the focus is on Stay but I also want to know if Progress itself is polished enough
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 29, 2012, 12:43:20 pm
I really need your professional comments on these cards

Stay | Progress

The mechanic of Stay hasn't settled yet.

Possible new mechanic :
Deal 8 damage.When opponent deck size decreases by 4, reduce damage by 1
I am not sure whether I should stick to the concept that power of Stay depends on opponent's deck or something else

Another possible mechanic :
Damage = current number of creatures on field. But -1 damage when new creature is played
I've already put up a poll to gather opinions but I think I need more analysis before I can make the final decision

So far the focus is on Stay but I also want to know if Progress itself is polished enough
There have been Life weapons before that counted the number of creatures. Having Stay tied to the deck size of the opponent seems to fit Time better. (Time manipulates cards more than it manipulates creatures.)

I see 2 versions of Stay:
1) 5 + X/4 attack [X=opponent deck size]
2) 8 - D/4 attack [D=the number of times the opponent drew reducing their deck size]

Version 1 starts between 10 attack and 18 attack and has a constant drop off until it reaches 5 attack. (prefers facing stalls)
Version 2 starts at 8 attack and has a constant drop off until it reaches -2 attack to -10 attack. (prefers facing rushes)

Balance would be based on the average damage per turn in an average game. Cost = Weapon Slot + 1 Card + Y :time. Y = average damage per turn - 4.

Progress works like a Free Ablaze (1 normal draw, 1 hourglass draw). This is comparable with Arsenic's venom however it is easier to use PC than to remove poison.
Arsenic: 2 + (X-1) = X+1
Progress: 0 + (2X-1) = 2X-1
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on February 29, 2012, 12:57:41 pm
Progress works like a Free Ablaze (1 normal draw, 1 hourglass draw). This is comparable with Arsenic's venom however it is easier to use PC than to remove poison.
Arsenic: 2 + (X-1) = X+1
Progress: 0 + (2X-1) = 2X-1
I'm sorry, I'm not sure the meaning of this

Besides, comparing the two versions of Stay :
1) 5 + X/4 attack [X=opponent deck size]
2) 8 - D/4 attack [D=the number of times the opponent drew reducing their deck size]
Let alone the numbers (which will soon be adjusted), which version would be a better card to fit into an average Time deck ?

And how should I consider the effect of Reverse Time | Rewind ? Since they stop the constant drop of "Stay" power
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 29, 2012, 02:14:04 pm
Progress works like a Free Ablaze (1 normal draw, 1 hourglass draw). This is comparable with Arsenic's venom however it is easier to use PC than to remove poison.
Arsenic: 2 + (X-1) = X+1
Progress: 0 + (2X-1) = 2X-1
I'm sorry, I'm not sure the meaning of this
Arsenic deals X+1 damage on turn X. (Turn 1 it does 2 damage. Turn 2 it does 2 damage and the poison does 1 more for a total of 3)
Progress deals 2X-1 damage on turn X. (Turn 1 it does 1 damage from the use of an hourglass. Turn 2 it does 3 damage. +2 from the normal draw and a use of hourglass)

Besides, comparing the two versions of Stay :
1) 5 + X/4 attack [X=opponent deck size]
2) 8 - D/4 attack [D=the number of times the opponent drew reducing their deck size]
Let alone the numbers (which will soon be adjusted), which version would be a better card to fit into an average Time deck ?

And how should I consider the effect of Reverse Time | Rewind ? Since they stop the constant drop of "Stay" power
Do you want it better against Rush decks[version 2] or better against Stall decks[version 1]?

Reverse Time can be ignored. It would take 4 uses of Eternity to give Stay a single +1 attack.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on February 29, 2012, 02:39:35 pm
Reverse Time can be ignored. It would take 4 uses of Eternity to give Stay a single +1 attack.
Well I think I' gonna use version 2, better against rushes

but for version 2, isn't the effect of Reverse Time more important (not just Eternity) ?
You prevent opponent from reducing deck size, and you can gain one extra turn of higher damage, and if you constantly do so, you can keep the attack at the highest value for 6 more turns in the ideal case
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on February 29, 2012, 09:14:41 pm
Reverse Time can be ignored. It would take 4 uses of Eternity to give Stay a single +1 attack.
Well I think I' gonna use version 2, better against rushes

but for version 2, isn't the effect of Reverse Time more important (not just Eternity) ?
You prevent opponent from reducing deck size, and you can gain one extra turn of higher damage, and if you constantly do so, you can keep the attack at the highest value for 6 more turns in the ideal case
For each Reverse Time you gain +0.25 attack. 1 attack is worth 1 :time.
It is too small to worry about.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: DarkStelth52 on March 01, 2012, 12:17:37 am
Howabout the card effect: Kamikaze. This card dies, and inflicts damage equal to it's health. Or, howabout revenge. If a  card with revenge dies, your opponent takes a certain amount of damage.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 01, 2012, 01:21:52 am
Howabout the card effect: Kamikaze. This card dies, and inflicts damage equal to it's health. Or, howabout revenge. If a  card with revenge dies, your opponent takes a certain amount of damage.
Kamikaze acts similar to the Catapult effect. You could also think of it as a creature version of Unstable Gas. It would be used as evasive damage (damage that can bypass normal defenses like Shields and Creature Control). This probably would work best as an activated ability. Either like how Catapult sacrifices other cards or as part of a more complicated ability " :fire __ takes 2 damage: Deal 3 damage to target" (borrowed from a recent card)

Revenge would work as antiCC (the opponent is less eager to use Creature Control on that creature). All antiCC needs to be supported by having the creature normally be worth using CC on. If it can be deigned such that the opponent is ambivalent about using or not using CC then the player can slightly adjust the situation to prompt the desired response from the opponent.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: DarkStelth52 on March 01, 2012, 04:15:06 pm
Howabout the card effect: Kamikaze. This card dies, and inflicts damage equal to it's health. Or, howabout revenge. If a  card with revenge dies, your opponent takes a certain amount of damage.
Kamikaze acts similar to the Catapult effect. You could also think of it as a creature version of Unstable Gas. It would be used as evasive damage (damage that can bypass normal defenses like Shields and Creature Control). This probably would work best as an activated ability. Either like how Catapult sacrifices other cards or as part of a more complicated ability " :fire __ takes 2 damage: Deal 3 damage to target" (borrowed from a recent card)

Revenge would work as antiCC (the opponent is less eager to use Creature Control on that creature). All antiCC needs to be supported by having the creature normally be worth using CC on. If it can be deigned such that the opponent is ambivalent about using or not using CC then the player can slightly adjust the situation to prompt the desired response from the opponent.
You could also kill your own creature, thus dealing damage. And it's stats wouldn't be worthwhile. I.E. A "bomb" card, with 1/1, and inflicts 5 lifepoints if it dies.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on March 01, 2012, 04:45:17 pm
What would be the best application of a Passive Skill Nocturnal?
Nocturnal: a given Skill is triggered when it is in the dark, other wise it is a vanilla creature.
I am thinking of giving the skill to Torcherous.

In some cases the Nocturnal skill may turn a creature to :darkness
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 01, 2012, 10:20:59 pm
What would be the best application of a Passive Skill Nocturnal?
Nocturnal: a given Skill is triggered when it is in the dark, other wise it is a vanilla creature.
I am thinking of giving the skill to Torcherous.

In some cases the Nocturnal skill may turn a creature to :darkness
Nocturnal is like Amphibious. There first need to be several ways to trigger the Nocturnal clause before it becomes viable as a passive ability.

It will be shaped by the cards that enable it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 02, 2012, 05:42:06 am
May I know what's your thought about this card ?

Spear of Innocence | Spear of Purity
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 02, 2012, 06:47:36 am
May I know what's your thought about this card ?

Spear of Innocence | Spear of Purity
It reminds me of the Armory level card Oceanus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32071).
The remove all poison ability is too much of a hard counter against poison. Having merely the regenation counters fixes this concern.
Since it is providing regeneration it does not need to have a growing attack. The low attack can be lethal in a long stall game.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 04, 2012, 08:12:04 pm
Out of curiosity:

In your opinion, how effectively does Singularity nerf Nova?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: BluePriest on March 04, 2012, 10:32:46 pm
Out of curiosity:

In your opinion, how effectively does Singularity nerf Nova?
its not in trainer yet, so even the idea guru, with his infinite knowledge, can only speculate at this point.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 04, 2012, 11:06:17 pm
Out of curiosity:

In your opinion, how effectively does Singularity nerf Nova?
its not in trainer yet, so even the idea guru, with his infinite knowledge, can only speculate at this point.
Its effects are known to players due to being in the trainer as a bazaar card and we know that playing more than 1 nova each turn results in one of them spawning for each consecutive Nova. With the exception of the actual percentages of the effects you could still theorize the potential effects on the metagame and how strong an effect this has on all Nova-related decks.

Just my 2 :electrum anyway, since I'm just looking for opinions.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 05, 2012, 02:05:21 am
Out of curiosity:

In your opinion, how effectively does Singularity nerf Nova?
its not in trainer yet, so even the idea guru, with his infinite knowledge, can only speculate at this point.
Indeed I can speculate. My speculation is most accurate about the form and not the magnitude of the nerf in question.

The singularity is to discourage chaining SN in one turn.
If the discouragement is high then SN will not be chained. This would slow down SN Rush decks and make SN OTK decks more vulnerable to quanta denial.
If the discouragement is low then SN will still be chained but with an added cost that would need to be overcome.

The strength of the discouragement will relate directly to the strength of nerfing these 2 types of decks. The nerf to the SN Rush is much greater than to the SN OTK.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: BluePriest on March 05, 2012, 02:23:36 am
Dear Idea Guru
Its in the trainer now. Whats your thoughts on it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 05, 2012, 03:38:07 am
Dear Idea Guru
Its in the trainer now. Whats your thoughts on it?
I tested a FG with Entropy Mark and 120 Supernovas.
The singularities were -7|5s which caused random effects per attack (including: Chaos Power, Adrenaline, Parallel Universe, Quint, Vampire, Nova, Infest)
Infest and Parallel Universe seem to create 0|0 singularities that die on their turn.

These Drawbacks are timed in such a manner that SN OTK decks can ignore them but SN Rush decks will need 1 Lightning/Reverse Time per additional SN or play only 1 SN per turn.

I used Parallel Universe on a Singularity. It gave me a copy as normal PU would. I used Mitosis on that copy. That copy triggered infest when it attacked resulting in a new -7|5 singularity (no ability) which triggered vampire gaining 10 :entropy:Vampire.
Result: Sometimes Infest creates a 0|0 singularity with an undefined skill. Sometimes it creates a -7|5 singularity with no skill.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 06, 2012, 05:55:48 am
I have a card idea, not sure if this is a good one. Probably just for fun

Echo of Time : 1 :time
Your last card in hand sent to bottom of deck. Draw a card. This spell returns to top of deck.

Pros : you can draw a card while you are sending a card back to deck, prevent clogging your hand. You can also send a useless card away.

Cons : You will draw Echo of Time again. Either use it again to send another card back to deck, or accept the fact that you miss a useful draw

And, would you like to look at my latest card ?

Summer Monsoon | Winter Monsoon
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 06, 2012, 06:44:19 am
I have a card idea, not sure if this is a good one. Probably just for fun

Echo of Time : 1 :time
Your last card in hand sent to bottom of deck. Draw a card. This spell returns to top of deck.

Pros : you can draw a card while you are sending a card back to deck, prevent clogging your hand. You can also send a useless card away.

Cons : You will draw Echo of Time again. Either use it again to send another card back to deck, or accept the fact that you miss a useful draw

And, would you like to look at my latest card ?

Summer Monsoon | Winter Monsoon
The first idea reminds me of http://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=50400
This is a hotly contested card where some think it is golden and others think it is a net drain.

I would suggest at least letting them target the card being returned and perhaps make it into a permanent with an activation cost rather than a repeating spell.

The second idea feels like you are trying to force synergy artificially. (When the synergy present is already high)
It does not seem elegant enough and its objective was already accomplished. (Ask Hyroen or Jenkar about Air synergies)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 06, 2012, 07:47:40 am
The first idea reminds me of http://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=50400
This is a hotly contested card where some think it is golden and others think it is a net drain.

I would suggest at least letting them target the card being returned and perhaps make it into a permanent with an activation cost rather than a repeating spell.
But making it a permanent will lose the theme of "Echo", and with an overlapping role with Hourglasses

And will this be overpower if you can choose sending which card back to deck ?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 06, 2012, 08:13:42 am
The first idea reminds me of http://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=50400
This is a hotly contested card where some think it is golden and others think it is a net drain.

I would suggest at least letting them target the card being returned and perhaps make it into a permanent with an activation cost rather than a repeating spell.
But making it a permanent will lose the theme of "Echo", and with an overlapping role with Hourglasses

And will this be overpower if you can choose sending which card back to deck ?
Each echo needs an echo chamber. However there is overlap with Hourglass. I would consider Card Draw and Card Filtration to be synergistic rather than redundant. However some may disagree.

It would not be inherently overpowered it depends on the final costs involved. (Including the card disadvantage.)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jenkar on March 09, 2012, 09:33:06 am

Is this card's cost (including max hp cost) balanced in regard to its effects?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 09, 2012, 02:52:57 pm

Is this card's cost (including max hp cost) balanced in regard to its effects?
I do not know.
The power of the effect is hard to measure. You get 1 turn of usage out of each permanent the opponent plays. 1 quanta|2quanta from pillars, 1 strike with weapons, 1 turn of protection with shields, 1 activation of abilities, 1 turn of non activated abilities.

The cost is also difficult to condense. It costs 4 :darkness [4cu] + 1 card [+1cu=5] + 2|1 max hp per permanent played [+Xcu=5+X]

I would etimate it is balanced +/- 2 quanta but at this point I think playtesting (http://sync.in/CardIdeaBattlefield1) is needed.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on March 11, 2012, 12:42:57 am
What are your thoughts on Shard of Integrity?  Would you say it definitely favors certain shards over others?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 11, 2012, 04:40:45 am
What are your thoughts on Shard of Integrity?  Would you say it definitely favors certain shards over others?
For those without Google Docs

:aether+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
Immortal (no effect)
:earth :earth:
Immortal (no effect)
:air+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
Unstable Gas
:earth :earth:
Unstable Gas
:darkness+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
:earth :earth:
Liquid Shadow
:earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth:
:death+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
ScavengerScavengerVenom :earth :earth:
Deadly VenomDeadly Venom
:earth+1|+4+3|+3 :earth:
Stone Form
Stone Form
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:entropy+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
Dead and Alive
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
Improved Mutation
Scramble :earth :earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
:fire+3|+0+4|+1 :earth:
FieryFiery :earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:gravity+0|+6+1|+7 :earth:
:earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
Black Hole
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
Black Hole
:life+2|+2+3|+3 :earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:light+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
:time+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
Deja Vu
NeurotoxinNeurotoxin :earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:water+2|+2+3|+3 :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
:earth :earth :earth :earth:
I do not think it favors any shard specifically. There are many wonderful spots to land.
Gravity tiers 1-4 are pitiful but give nice hp for gravity cards.
Aether tiers 6 and 7 (secret tier I) have amazing stats and immaterial but have a useless skill.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on March 11, 2012, 05:23:56 am
Would it be a good idea to have a rareless way to generate shards, like nymph's tears generates nymphs in a rareless card?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 11, 2012, 06:28:16 am
Would it be a good idea to have a rareless way to generate shards, like nymph's tears generates nymphs in a rareless card?
Yes, provided such a card serves a secondary purpose like Nymph's Tears and if the alternate cost was balanced relative to the shards.
Nymph's tears is an alternate cost and a Pillar PC.

In fact, Shard of Integrity is begging for such a card to be made.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 11, 2012, 06:35:29 am
Would it be a good idea to have a rareless way to generate shards, like nymph's tears generates nymphs in a rareless card?
Yes, provided such a card serves a secondary purpose like Nymph's Tears and if the alternate cost was balanced relative to the shards.
Nymph's tears is an alternate cost and a Pillar PC.

In fact, Shard of Integrity is begging for such a card to be made.
Would Glass Shard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35283.0.html) be a good example of such a card?

Also, what are some good alternative effects that you feel would work with Mark Upgrades (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37370.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 11, 2012, 07:02:04 am
Would it be a good idea to have a rareless way to generate shards, like nymph's tears generates nymphs in a rareless card?
Yes, provided such a card serves a secondary purpose like Nymph's Tears and if the alternate cost was balanced relative to the shards.
Nymph's tears is an alternate cost and a Pillar PC.

In fact, Shard of Integrity is begging for such a card to be made.
Would Glass Shard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35283.0.html) be a good example of such a card?

Also, what are some good alternative effects that you feel would work with Mark Upgrades (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37370.0.html)?
No Glass Shard resembles Nymph's Tear too closely and did not adjust to the new cost range. (7 :water/8-9 :underworld -> 6 :rainbow/~5 :rainbow?)

Alternative effects for Marks?
The current idea is +5 quanta +5 hp when a named card is played by the opponent.

I feel this idea is extremely situational. Remember the old Purify? It was useful against 2 cards (Chrysaora and Poison). Now to be fair Purify cost a deck slot that the mark doesn't. However if there are alternate effects then this Taxation effect will cost a deck slot relative to the other abilities. This extremely limits the design of alternative abilities.

I would suggest skills of a quanta value of 0-1.
Pendulum mark (choose 1 element in the trial and 1 at deck building)
Growing mark (it would increase in size every [balanced number] of turns)
Shard master (fools mark dependent shards)

Alternatively the trial could offer the ability to sacrifice the quanta generation for another ability.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on March 12, 2012, 02:11:24 am
Can you analyze Massive Orb | Gravity Orb (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36321.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 12, 2012, 02:32:46 am
Can you analyze Massive Orb | Gravity Orb (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36321.0.html)?
Upgraded it is a repeat of Fire Nymph. Rage is a potent ability that would be devastating if available in the early game. Thus it was restricted to mid-late game by having a larger swing and thus a higher casting cost.

1 card + 2 :gravity for 0|10
1 :gravity: +2|-3

0|10 is worth n/a cost units (It does not have a primary use to compare to. The secondary usages are not sufficiently quantified)
2|7 is worth 3 cost units
4|4 is worth 4 cost units
6|1 is worth 6 cost units

So it has 4 modes
0|10 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity = 3 cost units (cu)
2|7 costs 1 card + 3 :gravity -2 damage ~= 4cu
4|4 costs 1 card + 4 :gravity -6 damage ~= 6cu
6|1 costs 1 card + 5 :gravity -12 damage ~= 8cu

What if it had no activation cost?
0|10 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity = 3 cost units (cu)
2|7 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -2 damage ~= 3cu
4|4 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -6 damage ~= 5cu
6|1 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -12 damage ~= 7cu
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on March 12, 2012, 03:36:35 am
Can you analyze Massive Orb | Gravity Orb (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36321.0.html)?
Upgraded it is a repeat of Fire Nymph. Rage is a potent ability that would be devastating if available in the early game. Thus it was restricted to mid-late game by having a larger swing and thus a higher casting cost.

1 card + 2 :gravity for 0|10
1 :gravity: +2|-3

0|10 is worth n/a cost units (It does not have a primary use to compare to. The secondary usages are not sufficiently quantified)
2|7 is worth 3 cost units
4|4 is worth 4 cost units
6|1 is worth 6 cost units

So it has 4 modes
0|10 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity = 3 cost units (cu)
2|7 costs 1 card + 3 :gravity -2 damage ~= 4cu
4|4 costs 1 card + 4 :gravity -6 damage ~= 6cu
6|1 costs 1 card + 5 :gravity -12 damage ~= 8cu

What if it had no activation cost?
0|10 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity = 3 cost units (cu)
2|7 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -2 damage ~= 3cu
4|4 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -6 damage ~= 5cu
6|1 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -12 damage ~= 7cu

And then if a guardian angel, heavy armor, or holy light is also in the scene?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 12, 2012, 03:53:39 am
Can you analyze Massive Orb | Gravity Orb (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36321.0.html)?
Upgraded it is a repeat of Fire Nymph. Rage is a potent ability that would be devastating if available in the early game. Thus it was restricted to mid-late game by having a larger swing and thus a higher casting cost.

1 card + 2 :gravity for 0|10
1 :gravity: +2|-3

0|10 is worth n/a cost units (It does not have a primary use to compare to. The secondary usages are not sufficiently quantified)
2|7 is worth 3 cost units
4|4 is worth 4 cost units
6|1 is worth 6 cost units

So it has 4 modes
0|10 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity = 3 cost units (cu)
2|7 costs 1 card + 3 :gravity -2 damage ~= 4cu
4|4 costs 1 card + 4 :gravity -6 damage ~= 6cu
6|1 costs 1 card + 5 :gravity -12 damage ~= 8cu

What if it had no activation cost?
0|10 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity = 3 cost units (cu)
2|7 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -2 damage ~= 3cu
4|4 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -6 damage ~= 5cu
6|1 costs 1 card + 2 :gravity -12 damage ~= 7cu

And then if a guardian angel, heavy armor, or holy light is also in the scene?
Extra cost -> Extra benefit
ex: Heavy Armor (1 :earth + 1 card + duo = 3 cost units) -> 10|1 costs 2 cards + 2 :gravity + 1 :earth + duo -30 damage > 10 cost units.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Silver on March 15, 2012, 06:22:47 pm
Here I am being presumptious again but why do you use comparitive cost when looking at balance? Wouldn't a more accurate assessment be looking at potential applications rather than cost in a void?

I think the cost model of balance analysis is simpler and more concrete, but decks are more than the sum of their parts and it's decks that imbalance the game, not cards.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 15, 2012, 08:00:42 pm
Here I am being presumptious again but why do you use comparitive cost when looking at balance? Wouldn't a more accurate assessment be looking at potential applications rather than cost in a void?

I think the cost model of balance analysis is simpler and more concrete, but decks are more than the sum of their parts and it's decks that imbalance the game, not cards.
This is a good question.

However I do not look for balance merely once. Rather I use a series of estimates starting with theoretical and progressing through practical for the cards that enter the game.


We start with a vanilla comparative cost. This gives an estimate of the power/cost ratio in a void.

Then we compare the strength of abnormally* strong combos for that card. Fractal would be balanced off above average fractal fodder not average fractal fodder.

*Only abnormally strong combos need to be checked. If the synergy is sufficiently low (Horned Frog + Cockatrice) then the strength of the combo can be predicted without a comparison.


If a card makes it to the trainer we start testing the card at the deck level. Sometimes a card has gone through some preliminary playtesting before this point. However almost nothing can compare to the amount of manpower the In Development section can muster. At this point the decks are compared to similar decks.

Finally the card has been in the game for several months. The only source of manpower to dwarf the In Development playtesting is the Metagame. Now the card's impact on the metagame (complete with backlash and blowback) can be observed and critiqued. This normally happens in the Game Suggestion and Feedback (Buff this Card/Nerf this Card) sections.

In conclusion:
"Why do you use comparitive cost when looking at balance?" Because it is an efficient tool for balancing that can be done sooner than the more accurate methods. However the more accurate methods are still used later when they become available.

Sidenote: An imbalanced card can create an imbalanced combo. An imbalanced combo can create an imbalanced deck. An imbalanced deck can unbalance the metagame. However each of these imbalances can also arise simultaneously from balanced materials assuming the synergy is strong enough. This chain of effect along with the branches is what makes a multiple tiered balancing approach required.

Sidenote 2: Additionally the single card comparison theory is meant to adapt and change as the standard of the game changes. Dragonfly was the last change that caused the theory to shift. Shard of Integrity is likely to cause another shift.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Silver on March 15, 2012, 08:01:52 pm

That is a really good answer.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 16, 2012, 06:59:48 am
I would like hear some comments from you. Not only for the cost balance, bu also for the whole mechanics. Do you think this card is a good idea ?

Divine Protection | Divine Force
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 16, 2012, 09:15:38 pm
I would like hear some comments from you. Not only for the cost balance, bu also for the whole mechanics. Do you think this card is a good idea ?

Divine Protection | Divine Force
This card would protect creatures from damaging CC, by redirecting that damaging CC at the player.
Is mass anti-CC a good idea? Yes. There should be answers to everything even to answers.
Does it fit in Light? Yes. Light likes to be able to ignore the opponent. It also is the element most associated with martyrdom. A leader sacrificing for the sake of the followers fits the theme well.

The final part of the card is the bonus you receive per creature protected. This is not per creature per turn. If Shard of Divinity and Shard of Gratitude are to be believed, regeneration is worth about 4 times as much as healing. Empathic bond gives 1 regeneration per creature. Divine Protection gives 1 healing per creature.

The value of Divine Protection is
Mass anti damaging CC + 2 healing per creature (EB/2=3cu) + CC redirected towards the player.

Divine Force gives you  :light per creature. This effectively reduces the casting cost of all creatures by 1.

The value of Divine Protection is
Mass anti damaging CC + creatures cost 1 quanta less + CC redirected towards the player.

Now one would merely need to estimate the magnitude of these components.
I do not have a good guess yet as to the value of (Mass anti damaging CC + CC redirected towards the player). However Lightning is usually used as CC and not as direct damage. This would indicate that the redirection is a net positive. Perhaps around 1-5cu.

The reducing creature costs by 1 was done before as Lotus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,26904.0.html) for 1cu.

This would result in value totals of
3+(3+/-2)|-1.5+1+(3+/-2) = 6|4  +/-2 = 5 :light|2 :light + 1 card +/-2 :light

However remember these are very rough estimates. I am much more confident on the structure of the estimate then I am on the estimates involved.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 17, 2012, 01:10:45 am
Seems there won't be definitely correct balanced cost. So maybe I should remain the current low cost because this card, after all, is a risky card. A simple rain of fire can cost you the whole game.

*Submission to Crucible*
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on March 17, 2012, 03:42:09 pm
Can I get your thoughts on:
 :aether Diode (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37524.0.html) and  :aether Short Circuit (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37507.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 17, 2012, 05:49:53 pm
Can I get your thoughts on:
 :aether Diode (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37524.0.html) and  :aether Short Circuit (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37507.0.html)?
Diode is a 2 turn two sided form of Silence. As all two sided cards, the user would minimize costs and maximize benefits during deckbuilding. Unexpected side effects include unupped pandemonium acting like it was upgraded and unstable gas acting like thunderstorm (one sided rather than 2 sided).

Using Silence as a basis for estimation, Diode seems balanced at 2 turns.

Diodes do prevent the flow of electricity from reversing however, that does not explain why the flow of energy cannot go from the elemental towards their creatures. This is a minor issue.

Short circuit will be a mass buff that does not target. It will usually be used in Gravity duos, Voodoo duos or with Phase Dragons. However it accepts a broad range of triggers including almost all forms of damaging CC from both sides. This seems to give it a very self destructive feel. While the name's theme is undoubtedly Aether, the mechanical theme is more reminiscent of Fire (Mass fury).

Whether it is balanced is hard to tell. It has more impact than a Eclipse but gives the opponent a bonus Thunderstorm with each CC card. It would reccomend playtesting the card. Both as Aether and as Fire at 4 :underworld|3 :underworld and at 6 :underworld|5 :underworld. I suspect the card to be weaker in Fire due to the lower hp. This would incentivize making a duo (higher cost for higher benefit).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 19, 2012, 02:52:50 pm
How should it be balanced ? I'm not sure how much the "absorbed" quanta count, as compared to normal quanta consumption.


If you have a lot of quanta, you are basically using 3 quanta to gain a temporary creature with massive attack and HP. But it does take some risk to use this card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 19, 2012, 03:11:05 pm
How should it be balanced ? I'm not sure how much the "absorbed" quanta count, as compared to normal quanta consumption.


If you have a lot of quanta, you are basically using 3lots of quanta to gain a temporary creature with massive attack and HP. But it does take some risk to use this card.
It costs all your quanta and thus has a cost of X :rainbow [X=total quanta]

1.5 * (1 + Y :water) ~= X :rainbow
(X :rainbow - 1.5) / 1.5 = Y :water

Then, since it is possible to get the quanta back, reduce the power of the creature after it is balanced according to the above equations.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 19, 2012, 03:21:44 pm
May I know how you obtain the equations ?

And I assume  :water means attack, am I right ?

if  :water means attack, then assume X is 12.

Y = (12-1.5)/1.5 = 7....

attack gained by 4 quanta = 7/3, well, not a good looking number, round it down ?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 19, 2012, 03:40:15 pm
May I know how you obtain the equations ?

And I assume  :water means attack, am I right ?

if  :water means attack, then assume X is 12.

Y = (12-1.5)/1.5 = 7....

attack gained by 4 quanta = 7/3, well, not a good looking number, round it down ?
I obtained the equations by comparing Tower Shield, Titanium Shield, Quantum Pillar and Earth Pillar.
2 :rainbow ~~= 1 :water

 :water means elemental quanta cost. +1 attack costs +1 :water casting cost.

When X :rainbow is absorbed, the creature should be worth slightly less than (X-1.5)/1.5 elemental quanta.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on March 20, 2012, 07:36:23 pm
I'm pretty much at a loss on how to balance Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566).
What are you thoughts?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 20, 2012, 07:53:32 pm
I'm pretty much at a loss on how to balance Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566).
What are you thoughts?
It is a bit unclear, can the creatures do anything other than sit there? Aka do the 3 Nymphs get to use their abilities?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on March 21, 2012, 03:24:53 pm
I'm pretty much at a loss on how to balance Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566).
What are you thoughts?
It is a bit unclear, can the creatures do anything other than sit there? Aka do the 3 Nymphs get to use their abilities?

Yes. They can do everything a creature can do except attack (and for the unupgraded, be targeted).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 21, 2012, 03:54:26 pm
I'm pretty much at a loss on how to balance Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566).
What are you thoughts?
It is a bit unclear, can the creatures do anything other than sit there? Aka do the 3 Nymphs get to use their abilities?

Yes. They can do everything a creature can do except attack (and for the unupgraded, be targeted).
So unupped they are vulneable to PC but upgraded they are vulnerable to PC and some CC (Reverse Time)?

Then the effect of the average usage can be summarized as:
3 Nymphs - attack + PC rather than CC | 3 Nymphs - attack + PC rather than CC

I think Blue Nymph gets the best advantage
Value: 3x (8 :air + 1 card) - 9 attack + PC rather than CC | 3x (8 :air + 1 card) - 9 attack + Invincible
Value: 15 :air + 3 cards + PC rather than CC | 15 :air + 3 cards + PC rather than CC
Result: Stone Legion + 15 :air + 5 :fire + 3 turns = Victory.

Obviously this entails that how Nymphs are handled is going to be central to the balancing of Stone Legion.
Option 1) You can design Stone Legion primarily for Nymph use
Option 2) You can rules that Stone Nymphs are Pillars (Is that implied by Nymph's Tear?)

Once you have decided you identify the quanta value of the most valuable activated ability that could be obtained. (5 :air+1card for Blue Nymph, 2 :entropy+1card for Fallen Druid, 2 :time + 1 card for Anubis)

Then you identify a range of casting costs that you want Stone Legion to fall inside.

Divide desired cost by estimated value. Analysis to obtain the size of the legion the will be created.

So lets assume Nymphs become pillars leaving the most valuable skill at the 2 :underworld + 1card mark. Lets assume you want to hit the sweet spot of 4-6 :underworld + 1 card.
4 :underworld + 1 card / 2 :underworld + 1 card < 2
6 :underworld + 1 card / 2 :underworld + 1 card < 3
Thus the stone legion would create 2 statues for somewhere around the cost of 4 :earth +1card +/-1 :earth.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on March 21, 2012, 04:50:55 pm
Hm...I was thinking for those summoned by the upgraded card to be affected by all forms of CC by being a creature (with stats) in the permanent zone.

Note that Nymphs are just as expensive as Pharaoh and Anubis. In addition, Nymph abilities aren't all that powerful; an Anubis statue is surely better than a Turquoise statue.
As for Blue Nymph, I think that it only shows that 3 skills per turn from the 2nd turn onwards is a bit overpowered. However, summoning 2 doesn't really fit with summoning a legion...

Is a mechanic that summons 1 at the end of every turn for free balance-able, or does it need to be a timed permanent and/or a permanent with an ability cost? I've calculated that this permanent would cost 3/2 quanta (using your final cost as a basis for the effect's worth). Do you have a different conclusion for initial cost?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 22, 2012, 03:58:15 am
Ad Infinitum | Ad Infinitum (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37658.0.html)

I feel the Eternal ability deserves a better vehicle. Am I correct, and could you join the discussion with your thoughts?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 22, 2012, 06:14:09 am
Hm...I was thinking for those summoned by the upgraded card to be affected by all forms of CC by being a creature (with stats) in the permanent zone.

Note that Nymphs are just as expensive as Pharaoh and Anubis. In addition, Nymph abilities aren't all that powerful; an Anubis statue is surely better than a Turquoise statue.
As for Blue Nymph, I think that it only shows that 3 skills per turn from the 2nd turn onwards is a bit overpowered. However, summoning 2 doesn't really fit with summoning a legion...

Is a mechanic that summons 1 at the end of every turn for free balance-able, or does it need to be a timed permanent and/or a permanent with an ability cost? I've calculated that this permanent would cost 3/2 quanta (using your final cost as a basis for the effect's worth). Do you have a different conclusion for initial cost?
1) Being vulnerable to CC would be better on the unupped card. (Upgrades are better not worse)
2) Unstable Gas, Black Hole, Antimatter and Rage Potion are very nice.
3) The larger the legion desired, the higher the cost to summon.
4) A permanent that summons something worth 2-4 quanta + 1 card per turn is going to cost more than 3 quanta + 1 card.
5) I think we should think twice before making a permanent that generates a Black Hole casting statue per turn.

Ad Infinitum | Ad Infinitum (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37658.0.html)

I feel the Eternal ability deserves a better vehicle. Am I correct, and could you join the discussion with your thoughts?
The Eternal ability was submitted to the Crucible under a different name (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23068.msg312922#msg312922) by Kami. It did not survive the polls and was archived. Eternal may deserve a better vehicle but we do not submit the same suggestion twice.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on March 22, 2012, 05:23:49 pm
Hm...I was thinking for those summoned by the upgraded card to be affected by all forms of CC by being a creature (with stats) in the permanent zone.

Note that Nymphs are just as expensive as Pharaoh and Anubis. In addition, Nymph abilities aren't all that powerful; an Anubis statue is surely better than a Turquoise statue.
As for Blue Nymph, I think that it only shows that 3 skills per turn from the 2nd turn onwards is a bit overpowered. However, summoning 2 doesn't really fit with summoning a legion...

Is a mechanic that summons 1 at the end of every turn for free balance-able, or does it need to be a timed permanent and/or a permanent with an ability cost? I've calculated that this permanent would cost 3/2 quanta (using your final cost as a basis for the effect's worth). Do you have a different conclusion for initial cost?
1) Being vulnerable to CC would be better on the unupped card. (Upgrades are better not worse)
2) Unstable Gas, Black Hole, Antimatter and Rage Potion are very nice.
3) The larger the legion desired, the higher the cost to summon.
4) A permanent that summons something worth 2-4 quanta + 1 card per turn is going to cost more than 3 quanta + 1 card.
5) I think we should think twice before making a permanent that generates a Black Hole casting statue per turn.
1) Cremation, Fractal, Mitosis, TU, and SoR all require targeting.
2) They also cost a hefty bit to use repeatably, which limits the impact of (initial) cost reduction. This is especially true for nymphs since you cannot remove an element from the equation since all nymphs have mono abilities.
3) This may not be true because of the delay. Assuming you activate all abilities once per turn, it takes 4 turns for my suggested version to match the capability of the your suggested version. In addition, the suggested version is much less reliable, since it can be destroyed before it stays out for 4 turns.
4) Assuming unit increase in ATK equals a unit increase in cost, an Air Nymph with 0 attack costs 2 quanta. In addition, you can only have 6 Air Nymphs in a deck.
5) I believe that the drastic decrease in or limit on damage potential upon the use of Stone Legion warrants the ability to field 6 Gravity Nymphs within 6 turns (6 turns assuming you don't need to wait for quanta to use its ability).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 22, 2012, 06:15:34 pm
Hm...I was thinking for those summoned by the upgraded card to be affected by all forms of CC by being a creature (with stats) in the permanent zone.

Note that Nymphs are just as expensive as Pharaoh and Anubis. In addition, Nymph abilities aren't all that powerful; an Anubis statue is surely better than a Turquoise statue.
As for Blue Nymph, I think that it only shows that 3 skills per turn from the 2nd turn onwards is a bit overpowered. However, summoning 2 doesn't really fit with summoning a legion...

Is a mechanic that summons 1 at the end of every turn for free balance-able, or does it need to be a timed permanent and/or a permanent with an ability cost? I've calculated that this permanent would cost 3/2 quanta (using your final cost as a basis for the effect's worth). Do you have a different conclusion for initial cost?
1) Being vulnerable to CC would be better on the unupped card. (Upgrades are better not worse)
2) Unstable Gas, Black Hole, Antimatter and Rage Potion are very nice.
3) The larger the legion desired, the higher the cost to summon.
4) A permanent that summons something worth 2-4 quanta + 1 card per turn is going to cost more than 3 quanta + 1 card.
5) I think we should think twice before making a permanent that generates a Black Hole casting statue per turn.
1) Cremation, Fractal, Mitosis, TU, and SoR all require targeting.
2) They also cost a hefty bit to use repeatably, which limits the impact of (initial) cost reduction. This is especially true for nymphs since you cannot remove an element from the equation since all nymphs have mono abilities.
3) This may not be true because of the delay. Assuming you activate all abilities once per turn, it takes 4 turns for my suggested version to match the capability of the your suggested version. In addition, the suggested version is much less reliable, since it can be destroyed before it stays out for 4 turns.
4) Assuming unit increase in ATK equals a unit increase in cost, an Air Nymph with 0 attack costs 2 quanta. In addition, you can only have 6 Air Nymphs in a deck.
5) I believe that the drastic decrease in or limit on damage potential upon the use of Stone Legion warrants the ability to field 6 Gravity Nymphs within 6 turns (6 turns assuming you don't need to wait for quanta to use its ability).
Cremation + Stone Legion < Cremation + 0 cost Cremation Fodder.
Fractal + Stone Legion merely gives you an expensive 7th-12th copy of fractal fodder in the deck.
Mitosis + Stone Legion gives you a PC vulnerable version of Mitosis + Creature. (However it might require a large legion for a high cost to balance Stone Legion + Mitosis + SoR)
Twin Universe + Stone Legion would be balanced with Twin Universe + Creature assuming you balance Stone Legion
Shard of Readiness would be an additional cost to remove an element requirement. Additional costs deserve additional benefit
These suggestions reveal that they are additional benefits for additional costs. Being immune to CC is an additional benefit. It should have the additional cost of requiring the upgrade rather than have each of the listed synergies have to pay twice for the same benefit.

The hefty cost is part of the reason why their skills are not valued at +8 quanta + 1 card or higher. I am not suggesting having Stone Legion cost more to get Nymph abilities than it costs Nymphs to get them. I am suggesting it cost the same as 0 attack versions of the Nymphs. OR I am suggesting it turn Nymphs into Pillars and you balance based on the next most valuable skill in the game.

I do not have a version. Those were sample calculations.
Furthermore this line was about comparing similar version. (The Summon 2 instantly or the Summon 3 instantly)

You do remember why I start calculations on the unupped creature. Otherwise you lose track of how many upgrades are on either side of the equation.
Furthermore: Did you know that people tend to be unwilling to upgrade Nymphs due to their extreme rarity? The rarity and the lack of a downgrade option in PvP Duel makes upgrading a Nymph useless in unupped events. However Air Nymph is an exception to this rule. The reason is that the upgrade adds enough power to compensate for the lost opportunity. This implies that Air Nymph is granted a more powerful upgrade than is standard for the balance between unupped and upped.

Gravity Nymph barely notices the -1 attack. However the opponent will surely notice the never ending (1 CC per turn or 1CC + 1 PC) flow of Black Holes. There is such a thing as an effect that is too powerful for EtG even if given a balanced cost. EtG has a threshold for the magnitude of effects that are appropriate. There will never be a "pay 75 :fire and you win" card nor will we ever see a vanilla 1|1 for 1 :death again.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 23, 2012, 09:14:23 am
If a creature's attack depends on HP of both sides, will it be useful in the game ?

Resonance Spirit | Mirror Spirit
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 23, 2012, 04:14:47 pm
If a creature's attack depends on HP of both sides, will it be useful in the game ?

Resonance Spirit | Mirror Spirit
If you are winning, Resonance Spirit gets weaker
If the opponent is winning, Resonance Spirit gets weaker
If you are tied Resonance Spirit gets stronger

Resonance Spirit acts like a tie breaker. It will have synergy with comeback cards. It will give Aether a new rush option. Yes it is useful to the game even if it is not Great.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on March 23, 2012, 05:55:22 pm
Hm...I was thinking for those summoned by the upgraded card to be affected by all forms of CC by being a creature (with stats) in the permanent zone.

Note that Nymphs are just as expensive as Pharaoh and Anubis. In addition, Nymph abilities aren't all that powerful; an Anubis statue is surely better than a Turquoise statue.
As for Blue Nymph, I think that it only shows that 3 skills per turn from the 2nd turn onwards is a bit overpowered. However, summoning 2 doesn't really fit with summoning a legion...

Is a mechanic that summons 1 at the end of every turn for free balance-able, or does it need to be a timed permanent and/or a permanent with an ability cost? I've calculated that this permanent would cost 3/2 quanta (using your final cost as a basis for the effect's worth). Do you have a different conclusion for initial cost?
1) Being vulnerable to CC would be better on the unupped card. (Upgrades are better not worse)
2) Unstable Gas, Black Hole, Antimatter and Rage Potion are very nice.
3) The larger the legion desired, the higher the cost to summon.
4) A permanent that summons something worth 2-4 quanta + 1 card per turn is going to cost more than 3 quanta + 1 card.
5) I think we should think twice before making a permanent that generates a Black Hole casting statue per turn.
1) Cremation, Fractal, Mitosis, TU, and SoR all require targeting.
2) They also cost a hefty bit to use repeatably, which limits the impact of (initial) cost reduction. This is especially true for nymphs since you cannot remove an element from the equation since all nymphs have mono abilities.
3) This may not be true because of the delay. Assuming you activate all abilities once per turn, it takes 4 turns for my suggested version to match the capability of the your suggested version. In addition, the suggested version is much less reliable, since it can be destroyed before it stays out for 4 turns.
4) Assuming unit increase in ATK equals a unit increase in cost, an Air Nymph with 0 attack costs 2 quanta. In addition, you can only have 6 Air Nymphs in a deck.
5) I believe that the drastic decrease in or limit on damage potential upon the use of Stone Legion warrants the ability to field 6 Gravity Nymphs within 6 turns (6 turns assuming you don't need to wait for quanta to use its ability).
Cremation + Stone Legion < Cremation + 0 cost Cremation Fodder.
Fractal + Stone Legion merely gives you an expensive 7th-12th copy of fractal fodder in the deck.
Mitosis + Stone Legion gives you a PC vulnerable version of Mitosis + Creature. (However it might require a large legion for a high cost to balance Stone Legion + Mitosis + SoR)
Twin Universe + Stone Legion would be balanced with Twin Universe + Creature assuming you balance Stone Legion
Shard of Readiness would be an additional cost to remove an element requirement. Additional costs deserve additional benefit
These suggestions reveal that they are additional benefits for additional costs. Being immune to CC is an additional benefit. It should have the additional cost of requiring the upgrade rather than have each of the listed synergies have to pay twice for the same benefit.

The hefty cost is part of the reason why their skills are not valued at +8 quanta + 1 card or higher. I am not suggesting having Stone Legion cost more to get Nymph abilities than it costs Nymphs to get them. I am suggesting it cost the same as 0 attack versions of the Nymphs. OR I am suggesting it turn Nymphs into Pillars and you balance based on the next most valuable skill in the game.

I do not have a version. Those were sample calculations.
Furthermore this line was about comparing similar version. (The Summon 2 instantly or the Summon 3 instantly)

You do remember why I start calculations on the unupped creature. Otherwise you lose track of how many upgrades are on either side of the equation.
Furthermore: Did you know that people tend to be unwilling to upgrade Nymphs due to their extreme rarity? The rarity and the lack of a downgrade option in PvP Duel makes upgrading a Nymph useless in unupped events. However Air Nymph is an exception to this rule. The reason is that the upgrade adds enough power to compensate for the lost opportunity. This implies that Air Nymph is granted a more powerful upgrade than is standard for the balance between unupped and upped.

Gravity Nymph barely notices the -1 attack. However the opponent will surely notice the never ending (1 CC per turn or 1CC + 1 PC) flow of Black Holes. There is such a thing as an effect that is too powerful for EtG even if given a balanced cost. EtG has a threshold for the magnitude of effects that are appropriate. There will never be a "pay 75 :fire and you win" card nor will we ever see a vanilla 1|1 for 1 :death again.
1) Noted.
2) I disagree with what you suggest because of (4) and (5)
3) Then you should treat my (3) as a response to your (4). Assume "your suggested version" is the (balanced) "example" you suggested.
4) Even so, an unupgraded Air creature with the ability ":air :air :air : Unstable Gas" and 3 attack costs 8 quanta, so an unupgraded Air creature with the ability ":air :air :air : Unstable Gas" and 0 attack should cost 5 quanta. That's only twice the cost of the ability.
5) You completely missed the point. How do you expect to kill the opponent with 6 Amber Nymphs? Let's say you add 2 Stone Dragons for the finisher. That means that you only have a 53% chance to get out 2 Amber Nymphs instead of halving your damage potential by pulling only 1 Nymph and a useless Stone Dragon.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 23, 2012, 06:52:16 pm
Hm...I was thinking for those summoned by the upgraded card to be affected by all forms of CC by being a creature (with stats) in the permanent zone.

Note that Nymphs are just as expensive as Pharaoh and Anubis. In addition, Nymph abilities aren't all that powerful; an Anubis statue is surely better than a Turquoise statue.
As for Blue Nymph, I think that it only shows that 3 skills per turn from the 2nd turn onwards is a bit overpowered. However, summoning 2 doesn't really fit with summoning a legion...

Is a mechanic that summons 1 at the end of every turn for free balance-able, or does it need to be a timed permanent and/or a permanent with an ability cost? I've calculated that this permanent would cost 3/2 quanta (using your final cost as a basis for the effect's worth). Do you have a different conclusion for initial cost?
1) Being vulnerable to CC would be better on the unupped card. (Upgrades are better not worse)
2) Unstable Gas, Black Hole, Antimatter and Rage Potion are very nice.
3) The larger the legion desired, the higher the cost to summon.
4) A permanent that summons something worth 2-4 quanta + 1 card per turn is going to cost more than 3 quanta + 1 card.
5) I think we should think twice before making a permanent that generates a Black Hole casting statue per turn.
1) Cremation, Fractal, Mitosis, TU, and SoR all require targeting.
2) They also cost a hefty bit to use repeatably, which limits the impact of (initial) cost reduction. This is especially true for nymphs since you cannot remove an element from the equation since all nymphs have mono abilities.
3) This may not be true because of the delay. Assuming you activate all abilities once per turn, it takes 4 turns for my suggested version to match the capability of the your suggested version. In addition, the suggested version is much less reliable, since it can be destroyed before it stays out for 4 turns.
4) Assuming unit increase in ATK equals a unit increase in cost, an Air Nymph with 0 attack costs 2 quanta. In addition, you can only have 6 Air Nymphs in a deck.
5) I believe that the drastic decrease in or limit on damage potential upon the use of Stone Legion warrants the ability to field 6 Gravity Nymphs within 6 turns (6 turns assuming you don't need to wait for quanta to use its ability).
Cremation + Stone Legion < Cremation + 0 cost Cremation Fodder.
Fractal + Stone Legion merely gives you an expensive 7th-12th copy of fractal fodder in the deck.
Mitosis + Stone Legion gives you a PC vulnerable version of Mitosis + Creature. (However it might require a large legion for a high cost to balance Stone Legion + Mitosis + SoR)
Twin Universe + Stone Legion would be balanced with Twin Universe + Creature assuming you balance Stone Legion
Shard of Readiness would be an additional cost to remove an element requirement. Additional costs deserve additional benefit
These suggestions reveal that they are additional benefits for additional costs. Being immune to CC is an additional benefit. It should have the additional cost of requiring the upgrade rather than have each of the listed synergies have to pay twice for the same benefit.

The hefty cost is part of the reason why their skills are not valued at +8 quanta + 1 card or higher. I am not suggesting having Stone Legion cost more to get Nymph abilities than it costs Nymphs to get them. I am suggesting it cost the same as 0 attack versions of the Nymphs. OR I am suggesting it turn Nymphs into Pillars and you balance based on the next most valuable skill in the game.

I do not have a version. Those were sample calculations.
Furthermore this line was about comparing similar version. (The Summon 2 instantly or the Summon 3 instantly)

You do remember why I start calculations on the unupped creature. Otherwise you lose track of how many upgrades are on either side of the equation.
Furthermore: Did you know that people tend to be unwilling to upgrade Nymphs due to their extreme rarity? The rarity and the lack of a downgrade option in PvP Duel makes upgrading a Nymph useless in unupped events. However Air Nymph is an exception to this rule. The reason is that the upgrade adds enough power to compensate for the lost opportunity. This implies that Air Nymph is granted a more powerful upgrade than is standard for the balance between unupped and upped.

Gravity Nymph barely notices the -1 attack. However the opponent will surely notice the never ending (1 CC per turn or 1CC + 1 PC) flow of Black Holes. There is such a thing as an effect that is too powerful for EtG even if given a balanced cost. EtG has a threshold for the magnitude of effects that are appropriate. There will never be a "pay 75 :fire and you win" card nor will we ever see a vanilla 1|1 for 1 :death again.
1) Noted.
2) I disagree with what you suggest because of (4) and (5)
3) Then you should treat my (3) as a response to your (4). Assume "your suggested version" is the (balanced) "example" you suggested.
4) Even so, an unupgraded Air creature with the ability ":air :air :air : Unstable Gas" and 3 attack costs 8 quanta, so an unupgraded Air creature with the ability ":air :air :air : Unstable Gas" and 0 attack should cost 5 quanta. That's only twice the cost of the ability.
5) You completely missed the point. How do you expect to kill the opponent with 6 Amber Nymphs? Let's say you add 2 Stone Dragons for the finisher. That means that you only have a 53% chance to get out 2 Amber Nymphs instead of halving your damage potential by pulling only 1 Nymph and a useless Stone Dragon.
4) Each  :air :air :air: Unstable Gas ability is worth 5 :air + 1 card.
If an effect obtains a benefit it should have a comparable cost.
Gaining multiple " :air :air :air: Unstable Gas" abilities should have a cost of the same magnitude as the value obtained. This cost can come in multiple different currencies (it already is in 2 currencies).

4b) I am confused at why you mentioned "That's only twice the cost of the ability.". That relationship seems to be coincidental and trivial. You would not have made the comment if you thought that so I must have missed something you were implying.

5) Stone Legion using Amber Nymphs would ensure an early lockdown and then win with either Permanent based damage (Titan / Pulverizer / Hammer) or with decking the opponent out via having 32 cards.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Schlonz on March 24, 2012, 08:29:52 pm
Would you please have a look at my very first attempt for a new card idea:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37724.0.html (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37724.0.html)

All comments are very much appreciated.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 24, 2012, 08:53:31 pm
Would you please have a look at my very first attempt for a new card idea:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37724.0.html (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37724.0.html)

All comments are very much appreciated.
Theme: Entropy is usually but not always random / chaotic.
Whenever a cost is paid a benefit of on average equal value should be obtained.
Unupped you pay 3 :entropy + the rest of your  :entropy + 1 card to get 1 of 4 results
What is the average result?
The average of 25% of healing you 40hp + 25% of damaging you 40hp + 25% of healing the opponent 40hp + 25% of damaging the opponent 40hp is nothing
Conclusion: There needs to be a greater benefit on average than nothing so it would match the cost of 3 :entropy + the rest of your  :entropy + 1 card.

Average hp you heal is valued at: 3 :life + 1card for 20hp
or (X+1) * 5hp healed for X :life + 1 card.
Average damage dealt to opponent is valued at: 6 :air + 1turn + 1card for 20 damage
or (X+1) * 2.5hp damaged for X :air + 1 card.

The absorbing Entropy is probably not going to be needed.

The hp being secured on the upgraded means it will not be played until hp remaining is less than the maximum damage it could deal you. Hence the average damage it deals you for the purposes of balance calculations is low.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on March 24, 2012, 09:01:54 pm
Can I get your thoughts on Draconian Emblem (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37700.0.html) and Recursion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37720.0.html) ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 24, 2012, 10:42:00 pm
Can I get your thoughts on Draconian Emblem (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37700.0.html) and Recursion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37720.0.html) ?
Draconic Emblem: Play a card to get a discount on all dragons you play this turn (and all cards played after Draconic Emblem are dragons this turn).

The average discount per turn should be roughly equivalent to the cost of Draconic Emblem.
Cost of Draconic Emblem 5 :rainbow + 1 card ~= 2 :underworld + 1 card
However since Draconic Emblem requires 5 :rainbow + 7 :underworld/dragon it does not quite behave as most  :rainbow does. I would probably estimate it as costing roughly 4 :underworld + 1 card
Quanta saved per dragon would be ~3 :underworld + 0 cards

I would suggest having each dragon cost 8 of their element.
That way
2 Dragons would cost 5 :rainbow + 16 :underworld + 3 cards compared to 20 :underworld + 2 cards
3 Dragons would cost 5 :rainbow + 24 :underworld + 4 cards compared to 30 :underworld + 3 cards

A Time version of Fractal in the same manner as Crusader was a Light version of Animate Weapon. (The quality of the cards in this comparison were deliberately chosen)

Casting cost is around the right spot. It increases the cost of cards as a drawback that removes any obvious abuses. The quanta drain is irrelevant but thematic for this kind of card. Silence would probably not stack if Recursion was added.

I would recommend people watch this card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on March 25, 2012, 05:52:20 am
Oh great OldTrees, what are your ideas on Century (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37732.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 25, 2012, 06:26:24 am
Oh great OldTrees, what are your ideas on Century (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37732.0.html)?
When would you want to draw that much for just 1 turn? [Excluding OTK decks which don't need to be made that much faster.]
Either you are casting your cards quickly which means you will want additional draws per turn, or you are not casting quickly and have only a fraction of your hand to fill with cards.

It would probably work better as a Draw 3 or as an Hourglass.

However you balanced it using Fractal as a basis. That was wise. Century moves you towards deckout, doesn't break the 6 card limit and gives semi random cards. Hence you decreased the cost. You will want to playtest it in an OTK deck to see how far you can decrease the cost because non OTK decks would not pay quite that much for that effect.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on March 25, 2012, 01:11:23 pm
New mechanic: Stone Legion | Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 25, 2012, 04:40:10 pm
New mechanic: Stone Legion | Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566)
What happens to spells? Do they act like Unstable Gas (Permanent with an activation cost to release the spell)

Hourglass + Extra space - removal vulnerability + target-able.

It seems balanced. I am not sure if it adds anything new to the game or merely makes an Earth hourglass

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Pineapple on March 25, 2012, 05:07:01 pm
New mechanic: Stone Legion | Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566)
What happens to spells? Do they act like Unstable Gas (Permanent with an activation cost to release the spell)

Hourglass + Extra space - removal vulnerability + target-able.

It seems balanced. I am not sure if it adds anything new to the game or merely makes an Earth hourglass

Yes, spells act like permanents with Sacrifice abilities. The "just an hourglass" idea is what I've been trying to avoid, but as you can see it's been quite difficult for me. As the Idea Guru, do you have any ideas to spice up this mechanic?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 25, 2012, 10:27:34 pm
New mechanic: Stone Legion | Stone Legion (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37566)
What happens to spells? Do they act like Unstable Gas (Permanent with an activation cost to release the spell)

Hourglass + Extra space - removal vulnerability + target-able.

It seems balanced. I am not sure if it adds anything new to the game or merely makes an Earth hourglass
Yes, spells act like permanents with Sacrifice abilities. The "just an hourglass" idea is what I've been trying to avoid, but as you can see it's been quite difficult for me. As the Idea Guru, do you have any ideas to spice up this mechanic?
I think the original variant, with a modification of "Nymphs becoming pillars" (because their abilities are too valuable compared to other creatures) would be the best of the variants.

Since the non nymph skills were worth ~2 :underworld+1card that would be 3 non nymphs for ~7 :earth+1card
Alternatively you could have it be a permanent with a Casting/Activation cost of 6 :earth+1card / 2 :earth
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on March 26, 2012, 12:39:21 am
Can you check the balance of the cards currently in the Mind series?
(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37400.0.html )
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 26, 2012, 02:45:45 am
Can you check the balance of the cards currently in the Mind series?
(http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37400.0.html )
8 is too many to judge at once.

Insight: A skill only mutation that makes the activation cost Light
Can have the ability Hatch, Freeze, Burrow, Destroy, Steal, Dive, Heal, Momentum, Paradox, Lycanthropy, Scavenger, Infection, Gravity Pull, Devour, Mutation, Growth, Ablaze, Poison, Deja Vu, Immaterial, Endow, Guard, or Mitosis.
Why Light rather than Entropy?
I guessed at dividing these skills into categories based on relative value.
2cu Hatch, Burrow, Dive, Heal, Momentum, Paradox, Scavenger, Infection, Gravity Pull
3cu Freeze, Lycanthropy, Devour, Mutation, Growth, Ablaze, Poison
4cu Destroy, Steal, Deja Vu, Immaterial, Endow, Guard, or Mitosis.
68/23 ~= 3cu ~= 2 :entropy+1card ~= 2 :light+1card.

Amnesia: Target card becomes invisible to opponent for a turn
Fits Darkness
Amnesia seems to be about right but it is hard to judge.

Infestation: Poison opponent and they may draw malignant cells
Infestation needs playtesting to see how powerful the effect (Adding 1|3 cells to the deck.) is or is not.
As it currently stands, the upgraded is paying +3 :death compared to deadly poison. That should be used to determine what the average number of dead draws per turn should be set at.
2 -> 3 poison had a cost increase. 1-> 3 would have a cost increase of ~3.5

Enthusiasm: The target creature uses its skill as many times as it can at increased cost.
The increased cost can be adjusted to balance the card. It is in a category of cards (Fractal, Skyblitz, Recursion above) that need to be tested to judge precisely.

Discipline: All creatures gain -1|+1. Removes invisibility.
Why Water?
Value of all enemy creatures getting -1 is roughly equal to regeneration of equal magnitude. Purify gives a target regeneration 2 and cures poison for 2 :water + 1 card. Shard of Gratitude has a similar cost (5 for 5 :rainbow + Life mark + 1card ~= 2 :life + Life mark + 1card). It seems that Regeneration is priced close to the Regeneration gained. If there are 5 creatures affected on average, that would act like Regeneration 5 which would cost about 3 :water + 1 card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 26, 2012, 11:07:30 am
 :time Temporal Mirror | Eternal Mirror

I'm not sure if I have asked you before as this card is a remake of my old card.

Is there any thing that needs correction in particular ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 26, 2012, 11:22:37 am
:time Temporal Mirror | Eternal Mirror

I'm not sure if I have asked you before as this card is a remake of my old card.

Is there any thing that needs correction in particular ?
(Both players receive| Target player receives)  copies of their last-drawn cards instead of drawing.
You have identified all the uses I can see:
Delay deckout, draw denial and break the 6 card limit (permanents and spells too)

It appears balanced even in the cases of the unending chains (If Temporal Mirror was your last draw).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on March 27, 2012, 11:11:13 pm
Quanta Dissolution (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35054.0.html)
Slow Time (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37595.0.html)

Do you feel that either of these mechanics are too powerful?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 28, 2012, 02:22:02 am
Quanta Dissolution (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35054.0.html)
Slow Time (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37595.0.html)

Do you feel that either of these mechanics are too powerful?
Quanta Dissolution shuts down an entire stack of quanta producers. This is equivalent to destroying X2 quanta. This increases quickly and might be too powerful.

Slow Time (upgraded) creates draw denial every other turn. This is a lot of card disadvantage and probably is too powerful.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on March 28, 2012, 02:54:52 am
Quanta Dissolution (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35054.0.html)
Slow Time (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37595.0.html)

Do you feel that either of these mechanics are too powerful?
Quanta Dissolution shuts down an entire stack of quanta producers. This is equivalent to destroying X2 quanta. This increases quickly and might be too powerful. For it to increase you'd have to recast it.

Slow Time (upgraded) creates draw denial every other turn. This is a lot of card disadvantage and probably is too powerful. You are referring to the upgraded, right?
How can the scale of the mechanics respectively become balanced? I'm not sure how I'd change Quanta Dissolution. For Slow Time there's triggers and durations. Are either of those a bad step for Slow Time?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 28, 2012, 03:01:15 am
Quanta Dissolution (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35054.0.html)
Slow Time (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37595.0.html)

Do you feel that either of these mechanics are too powerful?
Quanta Dissolution shuts down an entire stack of quanta producers. This is equivalent to destroying X2 quanta. This increases quickly and might be too powerful. For it to increase you'd have to recast it.

Slow Time (upgraded) creates draw denial every other turn. This is a lot of card disadvantage and probably is too powerful. You are referring to the upgraded, right?
How can the scale of the mechanics respectively become balanced? I'm not sure how I'd change Quanta Dissolution. For Slow Time there's triggers and durations. Are either of those a bad step for Slow Time?
Slow Time is already set up with a duration mechanic. I would just adjust that.
Qunata Dissolution could be changed from X2 to X/Y. Have it delay a stack for X turns divided by the number of pillars in the stack.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on March 28, 2012, 03:03:12 am
Slow Time is already set up with a duration mechanic. I would just adjust that.
For what particular reasons?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 28, 2012, 03:09:20 am
Slow Time is already set up with a duration mechanic. I would just adjust that.
For what particular reasons?
Why use the cooldown duration? (I was not talking about a doomclock duration)
Since the people commenting on the card are already used to the ability only being used every X turns, I would use that existing balance mechanic rather than add a new one.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on March 28, 2012, 03:13:07 am
Thoughts before I make requested change. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37795.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on March 28, 2012, 03:21:59 am
Slow Time is already set up with a duration mechanic. I would just adjust that.
For what particular reasons?
Why use the cooldown duration? (I was not talking about a doomclock duration)
Since the people commenting on the card are already used to the ability only being used every X turns, I would use that existing balance mechanic rather than add a new one.
What do you mean by doomclock duration? I think I have an idea of it, but it's only a guess.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 28, 2012, 03:29:17 am
Slow Time is already set up with a duration mechanic. I would just adjust that.
For what particular reasons?
Why use the cooldown duration? (I was not talking about a doomclock duration)
Since the people commenting on the card are already used to the ability only being used every X turns, I would use that existing balance mechanic rather than add a new one.
What do you mean by doomclock duration? I think I have an idea of it, but it's only a guess.
Sundial, Cloak, Dimensional Shield, and Wings have doomclocks of 1, 3, 3 & 5.
I would suggest keeping/using the cooldown duration (usable at maximum once per X turns).

Thoughts before I make requested change. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37795.0.html
Having a static damage draws attention towards the core of the card.
Although you will want to think about the age counter effects. 10 activations (20 :time + 10 turns) for a mere -5|-5 is not desired.
It might also benefit from more simplicity.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on March 28, 2012, 04:20:46 am
 :death Unholy Curse | Deadly Curse

I think this card brings a lot more variety to death-effect-based decks. Do you agree ? And, will the upgraded version overshadow the current boneyard ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on March 28, 2012, 04:54:59 am
:death Unholy Curse | Deadly Curse

I think this card brings a lot more variety to death-effect-based decks. Do you agree ? And, will the upgraded version overshadow the current boneyard ?
"When your creatures die, your opponent gets boneyards."

It is another way of clogging up the enemy field like Alfatoxin.

I think the upgraded would overshadow boneyard. (3 :death + 1 upgrade + 1 card + 1 CC -> 3x boneyard)

I would reccomend testing the rate of the clogging to see how it compares to the buffed alfatoxin.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TehKyou on April 01, 2012, 01:56:36 am
Is there a thread about cards with mixed elements? I saw in the "Forge" cards that looked like they belonged to 2 elements at once and I was wondering how they went about explaining those.

I did find a thread about a duo element collaboration effort, but if fell short after 2 posts. I wouldn't mind revisiting the idea since I have a solution to ease the transition into duo elemental cards. I don't want to revive the old thread without permission though
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 01, 2012, 02:32:42 am
I have injured my primary arm so this thread will take a short break. Nothing seem broken.

Is there a thread about cards with mixed elements? I saw in the "Forge" cards that looked like they belonged to 2 elements at once and I was wondering how they went about explaining those
There are a few mixed element concepts.

However the one I suspect you are referring to is Chaos Lightning.
It costs 2 :entropy/ :aether which means randomly between  :aether :aether or  :aether :entropy or :entropy :entropy or  :entropy :aether.
These are called Hybrid cards because they used the Hybrid Pseudoquanta mechanic and they are part of the misleadingly named Duality Series.
--underlined are some keywords to search

Since it can be played using either quanta, it needs to make sense as a mono card in each element.

These cards go in the misnamed Pseudo Element crucible.
--Pseudoelement was already defined as a series with an elemental theme that does not have a new quanta pool.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TehKyou on April 01, 2012, 02:38:20 am
Would it be ok to make a new thread regarding the discussion of that topic?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 01, 2012, 02:41:53 am
Would it be ok to make a new thread regarding the discussion of that topic?
Yes. Make it in design theory and defend your assertion. There is a significant burden of proof that should be given for large changes that require lots of zanz's time to make other improvements.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on April 05, 2012, 06:00:32 am
Is this a new kind of mechanics ?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 09, 2012, 12:48:00 am
The thread will now resume. (both arms can type)

Is this a new kind of mechanics ?

Yes, it is a new form of scaling.
We have linear scaling of cost and benefit with standard activated abilities.
We have quadratic scaling of benefit and linear scaling of cost with " :life: X per Y" ( :life: Heal you 3hp per CARDNAME)
This will be linear scaling of benefit with no scaling of cost. Effectively it is the X per Y scaling with the cost and benefit both divided by the number of creatures.

However new is neither good nor bad. It is the utility of the implementation that matters.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on April 09, 2012, 12:53:49 am
This post wasn't copied to this new forum. So here it is:

Currently, Giant Ant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36251) is not doing well in the life crucible. Do you think this is because of the mechanic, the implementation of the mechanic, or the text not revealing the mechanic combined with laziness for not looking at threads? Do you think the mechanic is worth another go?

Also OT, you should link you're account to your previous one. It's so wierd seeing you with 1 post.  :)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 09, 2012, 02:11:00 am
The thread is back. My primary arm can type.

Is this a new kind of mechanics ?

Yes it is a new kind of implementation.
Rather than linearly scaling cost and benefit (Lava Golem) or quadratically scaling benefit with linear cost (X per Y), you are linearly scaling benefit without scaling cost.
However new is not inherently good or bad. Does this implementation have utility?

When you are feeling better, I have a few questions to break up the monotony of reviewing cards.
1If you were told EtG would be adding one more card for the rest of its existence (not likely, I know, but hypotheticals), what would you have the card be like; in other words, what is the most important problem the game has right now that could be fixed with a single card?
2What card(s) currently in the game, if any, would you oughtright remove or significantly change, and why?
3How many cards total do you think EtG needs?

4Finally, some other CCGs include what I'll call "Explicit Combos". This is beyond just synergy; the cards were designed to be used with each other, often in specific strategies. What advantages and disadvantages would these bring to EtG? If it could be good, what would be the biggest such combination you would be comfortable with?
Nice questions.
1 card. Hmm. The game has so much left to patch and directions to expand in. I would probably make a lower quality patch that patched as much as possible. I would still take heed of when the marginal cost and marginal benefit intersected. Since the scenario left open the possibility of card changes, I would probably ignore metagame balance and instead focus on expanding inherent metagame balancing systems (aka Completeness). Since the goal would be to affect as many elements as possible it would have to be an Other card. The most important part of completeness is the ability to defend. However this could be done in a less elegant manner by merely expanding certain types of CC to also be general PC (Freeze). This could not be done for all elements (Life, Light). Offenses are not as diverse as desired but that is a lower priority.
So it would be an Other CC/PC card that had an alternative use as a growing spell damage offense. However it would have a balanced cost both for its effect but also including the tax for its increased versatility. I would design it to be slightly UP to discourage its use except by the decks that needed it. This would be intended to decrease the usage of the card to counteract the detail that it is 5-20 cards squished into 1.

What card would I remove or significantly change?
Holy Light (Purify is 2nd, Shard of Focus is ignored because it is not in the game)

Holy Light has 4 usagesSo 4 usages with no sufficient reason for existing. That is sufficient reason to change Holy Light to a Pacifying effect.

Purify's "Remove all Poison" gets in the way of balancing the card because it is too situationally powerful.

How many cards do I think EtG needs?
It depends on the quality concentration per card. The game could be complete with merely 120 interacting cards of Crusader quality. However more reasonable models would be 30-40 cards in each element or a continually increasing number of cards.

Explicit combos are fine when not Forced, Imbalanced nor Unmentioned. However they are usually called Synergy in those cases.
Forced: As a rule of thumb a card is part of a forced combo if it cannot be used competently in 3 or more combos without repeating partners.
Imbalanced: Imbalanced card combos eliminate potential gameplay variety.
Unmentioned: We must remember that Elements is also meant to appeal to people that don't enjoy researching the game. Cards should not hate on newbs.

Currently, Giant Ant is not doing well in the life crucible. (will edit with link when i get computer access tommorow). Do you think this is because of the mechanic, the implementation of the mechanic, or the text not revealing the mechanic combined with laziness for not looking at threads? Do you think the mechanic is worth another go?
Yes it is probably the mechanic. It feels interesting to some but it feels weird to most.
I think some parts of the mechanic might be valuable (Card A spawns Card B. Y happens to Card B if X happens to Card A) but other parts feel like novelty without utility (the adjacent slots requirement).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ddevans96 on April 09, 2012, 02:23:31 am
In your post following round 3 of the CDW, you stated that you had, correctly, expected my loss in that round, but implied that my match was closer than you expected, and that you would look at my card more closely.

Could I ask your impressions before the vote, and your impressions after studying the card, if they have changed?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on April 09, 2012, 02:29:39 am
Currently, Giant Ant is not doing well in the life crucible. (will edit with link when i get computer access tommorow). Do you think this is because of the mechanic, the implementation of the mechanic, or the text not revealing the mechanic combined with laziness for not looking at threads? Do you think the mechanic is worth another go?
Yes it is probably the mechanic. It feels interesting to some but it feels weird to most.
I think some parts of the mechanic might be valuable (Card A spawns Card B. Y happens to Card B if X happens to Card A) but other parts feel like novelty without utility (the adjacent slots requirement).
Thank you. I shall work on developing this further with this feedback in mind.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jenkar on April 17, 2012, 06:39:30 pm
Now that the new shards are released, what are your thoughts on each of the shard's balance/theme/impact on the metagame?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 17, 2012, 09:24:15 pm
Now that the new shards are released, what are your thoughts on each of the shard's balance/theme/impact on the metagame?
SoW Shard of Wisdom
SoFr Shard of Freedom
SoV Shard of Void
SoSa Shard of Sacrifice
SoI Shard of Integrity
SoSe Shard of Serendipity
SoBe Shard of Bravery
SoFo Shard of Focus
SoG Shard of Gratitude
SoD Shard of Divinity
SoR Shard of Readiness
SoP Shard of Patience
With the exception of Shard of Focus and Shard of Sacrifice, all the shards have good thematic connections between the aligned element, effect and virtue. Focus and devouring permanents do not seem connected. Sacrifices are in a currency other than the effect produces. The Sacrifice in SoSa is more like an investment.

Shard of Wisdom requires a heavy Aether investment that is atypical for Shards. The reflection usage seems fairly balanced with its high investment cost. The evasive usage is probably slightly overpowered. The risk of it being a dead draw (the opponent has reflective shield) is not that significant and thus does not balance the evasive usage. It gives Aether another tool to evade defenses which is good for the metagame but will have little impact. The reflective defense is restricted to  :aether :light so it will not be common.

Shard of Freedom is a cheaper, weaker and more versatile version of Nightfall. It probably is balanced but it has not been long enough to see how much impact it will have as an anti-stall card (bypass Shields and evade CC).

Shard of Void is a balanced nigh inevitable win condition. It will have almost no impact on the metagame other than sometimes substituting for other nigh inevitable win conditions.

Shard of Sacrifice can be countered by smart plays without changing the decklist provided it can be predicted. Even when countered, shard of sacrifice slows the opponent down. I think it still slows the opponent down too much for the cost. A quanta cost would slow down its offense as well which would be a better balance. It does do a good job of encouraging more Rush / Stall (healing) decks and discouraging pure Rush decks.

Shard of Integrity is internally well balanced (aka the combinations are balanced with each other). I have an estimate for a relation between card disadvantage and quanta costs (1:1). Shard of Integrity has a different estimate (1card:2-3quanta). I will be watching it to see if my estimate is wrong. The balance of the lower combinations will be determined quickly (1-2 months) but the maxed out versions cannot be playtested in sufficient bulk. It will be another source of randomness for the entropy players.

Shard of Serendipity might be a little bit underpowered. Due to its randomness it will not have much impact on the metagame.

Shard of Bravery seems balanced, you trade card advantage for tempo. This is beneficial for most rush decks however it speeds up the opposing deck as well. The other effect is certain deckout decks will become smaller.

Shard of Focus is still overpowered. An activation cost of 2-3 :rainbow would be a sufficient fix. It will make PC much more frequent until balanced. PC will still be more frequent even after it is balanced.

As one of the older shards, Shard of Gratitude has be balanced over time. Its metagame effect of regenerating stalls is well known.

As one of the older shards, Shard of Divinity has be balanced over time. Its metagame effect in stalls is well known.

As one of the older shards, Shard of Readiness has been balanced over time. Playing multiple on the same creature in the same turn has an synergy that can be overpowered in cases like Instantosis. However this interaction could be nerfed without harming the balance of the rest of the card.

Now that Shard of Patience is a permanent it is useful for overcoming damage reduction or regeneration. It works as mass growth if enough are played at the same time (otherwise damage is lost). SoPa is useful as a counter to cards like SoSa, Hope and CC shields.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Mithcairion on April 19, 2012, 12:25:35 am
Does the passive skill "airborne" add to the cost of creatures at all?  I admit to not scouring every resource and my overriding laziness at this moment in time.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 19, 2012, 05:03:35 am
Does the passive skill "airborne" add to the cost of creatures at all?  I admit to not scouring every resource and my overriding laziness at this moment in time.
The value of Airborne will increase as more cards are added. Currently it adds somewhere between 0 and 1. However costs are then rounded down. Multiple abilities worth between 0 and 1 each would accumulate a cost (Airborne + Poisonous = +1 cost).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on April 21, 2012, 02:19:32 am
Would you comment on this card ?

 :darkness Moondial | Nightdial

And, what is your thoughts on introducing a card that affect airborne creatures negatively ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 21, 2012, 08:05:20 am
Would you comment on this card ?

 :darkness Moondial | Nightdial

And, what is your thoughts on introducing a card that affect airborne creatures negatively ?

Last 3 turns. When expires, all creatures receive damage equal to their maximum health minus 1
1) Does not target
2) Does anywhere between 0 and 498 damage to each creature
3) The effect is delayed 3 turns
4) The opponent will not play creatures for 3 turns

This does a fair amount of damage per creature on average.
See creature hp distribution here -> http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,20857.0.html
The delay and preventing creatures from being played roughly cancel each other out.
With Thunderstorm (or played twice) it will kill all creatures.

I would consider it worth about as much as Firestorm

PS: The web ability affects airborne creatures negatively. It is fair game for cards.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on April 21, 2012, 08:37:10 am

I would consider it worth about as much as Firestorm

Does the cost include the delay turns ? Or you are suggesting a playing cost of 5  :darkness ? (for upped version, I guess ? )

Moondial can be countered by various strategy (either rush faster or stall for 3 turns) and various PC, besides you always need at least one more card to kill creatures, do these help lower the cost ?


By negative effect on Airborne, I mean something like airborne creatures delay one turn or take damage. Will such kind  of cards affect the game in a harmful way ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 21, 2012, 09:32:46 am

I would consider it worth about as much as Firestorm

Does the cost include the delay turns ? Or you are suggesting a playing cost of 5  :darkness ? (for upped version, I guess ? )

Moondial can be countered by various strategy (either rush faster or stall for 3 turns) and various PC, besides you always need at least one more card to kill creatures, do these help lower the cost ?


By negative effect on Airborne, I mean something like airborne creatures delay one turn or take damage. Will such kind  of cards affect the game in a harmful way ?

7 :darkness|5 :darkness is a good starting estimate. However you should double check by calculating the average damage per creature and comparing it to Firestorm. I made the 7|5 estimate with the assumption (crude estimate) that the average damage was around 4.5.


I do not think that cards that have an increased negative effect on airborne creatures would be harmful (aka not useless against decks full of walkers). Be careful that you don't buff Wings too much though.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on April 21, 2012, 10:01:55 am

7 :darkness|5 :darkness is a good starting estimate. However you should double check by calculating the average damage per creature and comparing it to Firestorm. I made the 7|5 estimate with the assumption (crude estimate) that the average damage was around 4.5.

Then assume the average damage is 4.5, is that extra 1.5 damage really worth the cost of 3 turns delay + prone to PC ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Arum on April 21, 2012, 04:08:04 pm
4 :darkness
1 | 3
Drains opponent's max HP and adds it to this creature's HP; If killed, inflict 3 poison counters on the opponent.
3 :darkness
1 | 3
Drains opponent's max HP and adds it to this creature's HP; If killed, inflict 3 poison counters on the opponent.

If this isn't at all really that clear to you, then here is an explanation.
It attacks the Opponents max HP and drains 1(4, 6, 90, whatever it's attack is) HP. That drained HP goes to the leech.
If the leech is killed, inflict 3 poison counters to your opponent.

Can you check this idea and give feedback before I paste it into the forums? Please?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 21, 2012, 07:55:46 pm

7 :darkness|5 :darkness is a good starting estimate. However you should double check by calculating the average damage per creature and comparing it to Firestorm. I made the 7|5 estimate with the assumption (crude estimate) that the average damage was around 4.5.

Then assume the average damage is 4.5, is that extra 1.5 damage really worth the cost of 3 turns delay + prone to PC ?
The extra damage + The 3 turns when creatures will not be played is probably worth around the cost of 3 turns delay + prone to PC (assuming SoF is fixed). Based on my estimates that is treating the additional cost as if the additional cost were greater than 4.5 quanta.

4 :darkness
1 | 3
Drains opponent's max HP and adds it to this creature's HP; If killed, inflict 3 poison counters on the opponent.
3 :darkness
1 | 3
Drains opponent's max HP and adds it to this creature's HP; If killed, inflict 3 poison counters on the opponent.

If this isn't at all really that clear to you, then here is an explanation.
It attacks the Opponents max HP and drains 1(4, 6, 90, whatever it's attack is) HP. That drained HP goes to the leech.
If the leech is killed, inflict 3 poison counters to your opponent.

Can you check this idea and give feedback before I paste it into the forums? Please?
SoV attacks the max hp. Damaging the max hp does not damage the current hp unless their current hp exceeds their max hp. SoV reduces the max by 2-3 each turn for 5 :rainbow|3 :rainbow.
Sea Crab (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9505) (Armory level card) also attacks the max hp. Sea Crab reduces the max and the current by 3 each turn for 3 :water. Sea Crab also is remarkable similar to your card idea. We only allow ideas to go through the polls once.

The 2nd effect acts like a deterrent against CC. Deterrents are balanced when the opponent does not know whether to play through or avoid the deterrent. Hence the creature should be worth slightly more than the value of the spell effect created.

Finally, the hp gain is not very useful. However it is not the core of the card and thus does not have to be very useful.

Summary: The creature stats were too weak for the casting cost. The deterrent matched the casting cost. The deterrent did not synergize with the creature ability (fighting 2 different battles). A similar card idea was tried already.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: mega plini on April 24, 2012, 04:45:00 pm
How long does it usualy take for a card to get from the Crucible to the relinquary? Because I can see all thes realy cool cards in there but none of them ever is added to the game.
Is there a way to speed up this proces?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 24, 2012, 08:42:52 pm
How long does it usualy take for a card to get from the Crucible to the relinquary? Because I can see all thes realy cool cards in there but none of them ever is added to the game.
Is there a way to speed up this proces?
Getting to the Armory is not required nor guarantees a card will be added to the game. A card being in the Armory is a message to Zanz that the card is well liked. Nothing less, nothing more.

Cards can get from the Crucible to the Armory in a month. More often, Armory quality cards take several months to navigate the polls.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on April 25, 2012, 05:08:18 am
Was there already an idea for a light card that provided soft CC by blinding (delaying) creatures? I want to make a card based on delaying a creature based on how much light emitting creatures you have. What should the blind counter be (as in light emitters or light emitters+1?) and what should the cost be? (I want to keep it between 0-2), and should it be in :light, or like holy light, be rainbow later on?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on April 25, 2012, 05:13:56 am
I believe Flame Child by Timerclock did that. Can't get the link right now
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 25, 2012, 06:26:45 am
Was there already an idea for a light card that provided soft CC by blinding (delaying) creatures? I want to make a card based on delaying a creature based on how much light emitting creatures you have. What should the blind counter be (as in light emitters or light emitters+1?) and what should the cost be? (I want to keep it between 0-2), and should it be in :light, or like holy light, be rainbow later on?
The first blinding effect I could find (after Flame Child below) was Blind | Blind (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,28693). It prevented a creature from attacking or targeting other creatures for 1 turn.

There was also Light [blindness] card that prevented a target creature from attacking for 3 turns. (Similar to Freeze)

There are also cards (like Flame Child) that interpret blindness as a miss chance rather than as delay.

Flame Child (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,19560.msg248607.html#msg248607) blinded all creatures for 2 turns

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on April 27, 2012, 03:57:15 am
Can I get your thoughts on:


Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 27, 2012, 05:19:40 am
Can I get your thoughts on:
Twilit Tyrant
Twilit Queen
Twilit Tyrant
8|5 stats are worth 7 :darkness|5.5 :darkness  + 1 card
Unupped: Reduce quanta produced per stack by 1. This is a 2 sided effect. Usually it will reduce quanta produced by 1-2 per side. Probably worth +0-2 cost
Upped: Quanta production per stack you control increases by 1. This is a 1 sided effect. Usually it will increase production by 3-4. Probably worth +2-4 cost.
7+1+/-1|5.5+3+/-1 -> 8 :darkness|8.5 :darkness +/-1 :darkness

The unupped ability would make more sense in a deck of cheap cards. It would be better if the stats & cost were lower.
The upped ability would make more sense early. It would be better if the stats & cost were lower.

Twilit Queen
Restoring creatures to their original state has been done before in Time and Light.
Ex: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,22580.msg286116.html#msg286116

PS: Did you mean "Twilight"?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on April 27, 2012, 05:26:46 am
Twilit Queen
Restoring creatures to their original state has been done before in Time and Light.
Ex: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,22580.msg286116.html#msg286116

PS: Did you mean "Twilight"?

No, I meant Twilit, as in having natures of twilight.

While the restoring nature of Twilit Queen | Twilit Empress has been done, and the provided card is a year old and still in the Smithy, I was thinking that the redeeming feature wasn't that it reset the stats, but how the +/-1 to both stats, respective to the ability, would affect the target creature.  Any thoughts on that aspect?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 27, 2012, 05:44:01 am
Twilit Queen
Restoring creatures to their original state has been done before in Time and Light.
Ex: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,22580.msg286116.html#msg286116

PS: Did you mean "Twilight"?

No, I meant Twilit, as in having natures of twilight.

While the restoring nature of Twilit Queen | Twilit Empress has been done, and the provided card is a year old and still in the Smithy, I was thinking that the redeeming feature wasn't that it reset the stats, but how the +/-1 to both stats, respective to the ability, would affect the target creature.  Any thoughts on that aspect?
The +1|+1 does not stack. I do not see it making much of an addition beyond the restoration. However I might be underestimating that feature.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on April 28, 2012, 03:41:13 am
Is 2 :light | 1 :light balanced for delaying a creature for 2 plus the number of light emitting creatures on your side of the field turns?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 28, 2012, 05:25:46 am
Is 2 :light | 1 :light balanced for delaying a creature for 2 plus the number of light emitting creatures on your side of the field turns?
Freeze for 3 turns costs 1 :water +1card
Freeze for 4 turns costs 1 :water +1card +1upgrade ~=2 :water +1card
Delay for 6 turns costs 2 :earth +1card +20hp

Such a card would be more powerful than Basilisk Blood IF the average number of light emitting creatures on your side of the field were 4 when the card is played.
It is easy to get 4 light emitters.

I would suggest starting with a 3 :light|2 :light cost with the expectation of it needing a nerf. Then let the community intuition determine the average number of light emitters to be expected.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on April 29, 2012, 02:37:32 am
What is your thoughts on this ?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 29, 2012, 03:38:48 am
What is your thoughts on this ?

The mechanic is: Drain X quanta and [Effect].

It is in the same category as
X quanta: [Effect]
Absorb X quanta. [Effect]

Is it useful in a case where the current version are not? Or is it more useful in a case the current version are used?

Something to note is that the proposed mechanic has more of a drawback than an activation cost and less of a drawback than an absorption cost. Since it has a drawback relative to the default (activation cost), it would be used as a disadvantage to a card to balance the card without raising other costs. It is less of a drawback than absorb. Thus it would be used when the desired disadvantage is less than the disadvantage imposed by Absorb. How significant is the disadvantage imposed by absorb? Flooding used to have Absorb  :water :water :water. This cost was discovered to be much too high. It now only has Absorb  :water. This implies that absorb costs are a high magnitude disadvantage.

However there are other low magnitude disadvantages that are less complex. Stat changes are a low magnitude disadvantage on skill based cards (where this disadvantage would make sense). Stock quanta (Fire Bolt, Ice Bolt, ...) is another low magnitude disadvantage.

I would suggest trying this disadvantage on permanents with abilities that are designed to be played before the regular casting cost would allow them to be played.

In most cases I do not think this mechanic would be a better design than a higher casting cost with the manual activation mechanic. However there would be exceptions.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on April 30, 2012, 12:02:46 pm
Lots of questions for this card.

 :darkness Moon Wizard | Moon Sorcerer

1. Does my card resemble any old cards made ?

2. Is the cost too high or too low ?

3. Does the mechanics have potential ?

4. If it has potential, would you suggest any fine adjustment to it to make it more useful (or more balanced ) ?

5. Would it be a good idea to make a Wizard series based on this card and my previous Green Wizard card ? The theme would be some magic stuff, just like the healing magic of Green Wizard and psychic magic of this one.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 30, 2012, 07:27:18 pm
Lots of questions for this card.

 :darkness Moon Wizard | Moon Sorcerer

1. Does my card resemble any old cards made ?

2. Is the cost too high or too low ?

3. Does the mechanics have potential ?

4. If it has potential, would you suggest any fine adjustment to it to make it more useful (or more balanced ) ?

5. Would it be a good idea to make a Wizard series based on this card and my previous Green Wizard card ? The theme would be some magic stuff, just like the healing magic of Green Wizard and psychic magic of this one.
1. Linking is a genre of mechanics. However I do not remember one similar to this.

2. Probably too high for 3 reasons.
The drawback is significant. The benefit is weaker than creating 2|4s [3-4] and stronger than Ablaze [1-2].

You probably want the card to enter play earlier than a 7 non fire casting cost would allow.

The high starting attack is not synergistic with the attack boost mechanic.

3. I think the drawback is probably too large for your mechanic. However the benefit has potential given a suitable drawback. Even certain drawbacks would have potential.

4. See [2]. I would suggest checking and then placing it in a cost/speed niche that differs from existing growing damage cards like Lava Golem, Steam Machine and Firefly Queen. Use charts / tables of damage / cost over time looking for thresholds like 100 or 200 hp.

5. Would testing more cards of this theme be a good idea? Yes.

Making it a thematic series (a series thread) would let each idea give free advertising for the other ideas. However they would also all be judged by the worst card included in the series.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on April 30, 2012, 11:52:14 pm
Dark Prince (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,28336.0.html) is the only similar one I can think of.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on April 30, 2012, 11:55:21 pm
Dark Prince (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,28336.0.html) is the only similar one I can think of.

Dark Prince is also a good example of an alternative drawback.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on May 01, 2012, 01:29:11 am
2. Probably too high for 3 reasons.
The drawback is significant. The benefit is weaker than creating 2|4s [3-4] and stronger than Ablaze [1-2].

You probably want the card to enter play earlier than a 7 non fire casting cost would allow.

The high starting attack is not synergistic with the attack boost mechanic.

4. See [2]. I would suggest checking and then placing it in a cost/speed niche that differs from existing growing damage cards like Lava Golem, Steam Machine and Firefly Queen. Use charts / tables of damage / cost over time looking for thresholds like 100 or 200 hp.
I can understand you saying that the attack boost is a bit too weak for the large drawback.

But you haven't mentioned the CC aspect of this card. If I lower the cost so it can enter play in turn 2 or 3, you could link with almost every enemy creature coming out later and wipe out all of them with a single bolt.

How should I evaluate the skill value when a skill has 2 different uses ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on May 01, 2012, 02:16:46 am
In theory, how large do you feel the card pool should be before the majority of card-based 'flavor' features are added to the game, such as same-element cards with similar roles, card crafting, or alternate upgrades?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 01, 2012, 05:44:04 am
2. Probably too high for 3 reasons.
The drawback is significant. The benefit is weaker than creating 2|4s [3-4] and stronger than Ablaze [1-2].

You probably want the card to enter play earlier than a 7 non fire casting cost would allow.

The high starting attack is not synergistic with the attack boost mechanic.

4. See [2]. I would suggest checking and then placing it in a cost/speed niche that differs from existing growing damage cards like Lava Golem, Steam Machine and Firefly Queen. Use charts / tables of damage / cost over time looking for thresholds like 100 or 200 hp.
I can understand you saying that the attack boost is a bit too weak for the large drawback.

But you haven't mentioned the CC aspect of this card. If I lower the cost so it can enter play in turn 2 or 3, you could link with almost every enemy creature coming out later and wipe out all of them with a single bolt.

How should I evaluate the skill value when a skill has 2 different uses ?
I made a mistake and overlooked that use.

Here you have 2 effects that trade off being the benefit / drawback. The CC use gains benefit from the drawback to the buff use. Likewise it sees the attack buff as a drawback. In cases like these you want to make the relative benefit/drawback ratio equal for either use. I would probably suggest reducing the deadly effect to be more on par with the attack buff. This way both the CC and Buff usages would be of roughly equal value. Cards with multiple uses of equal value cost slightly (~0-1 quanta) more than cards with 1 use of the same value.

In theory, how large do you feel the card pool should be before the majority of card-based 'flavor' features are added to the game, such as same-element cards with similar roles, card crafting, or alternate upgrades?
Same-element cards with similar roles
I think Seraph was a little premature. However the certain elements are near that point where subtle differences between cards can be appreciated alongside large differences. This would be a process of glacial speed.

Card Crafting
The 2 forms of card crafting have little to do with the size of the card pool. The "make your own card" version requires Zanz to have a pinpoint accurate balance theory. The craft rare cards version is a version of rarity.

Alternative upgrades
Alternative upgrades add 1 upgraded card to the game without adding an unupped card to the game. It would be a rare circumstance indeed for the unupped card pool to be so much larger than the upgraded card pool to justify the inclusion of alternate upgrades.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 01, 2012, 01:02:18 pm
Thoughts on this mechanic:

Free Range: (passive)
For airborne creatures the could move up to N number of spaces and if in top row said creatures may change sides.
On a non airborne creature the creature still moves but it can't change sides.

If this mechanic is usable i will attempt a few ideas using it.

Example: an Airborne creature that when it changes sides its attack is inverted.

I think this card needs your advice. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39486.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 01, 2012, 10:52:46 pm
Thoughts on this mechanic:

Free Range: (passive)
For airborne creatures the could move up to N number of spaces and if in top row said creatures may change sides.
On a non airborne creature the creature still moves but it can't change sides.

If this mechanic is usable i will attempt a few ideas using it.

Example: an Airborne creature that when it changes sides its attack is inverted.
That is not a complete mechanic. How do they move?

The mechanic by itself provides little benefit. The card it comes with should provide a benefit.

I think this card needs your advice. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39486.0.html
I do not remember a card like this. It probably is original.

It fits the generic subtheme of Other well.

Pillar | Tower is worth 0quanta + 1card
A 1|1 is worth 0quanta + 1 card
Versatile cards cost more than less versatile cards
Forgotten Soldier | Forgotten Knight costs 1 :rainbow + 1 card
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on May 02, 2012, 12:43:38 am
You keep mentioning "card cost", a factor I've never really considered. What is it and why is it so important?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 02, 2012, 01:04:24 am
You keep mentioning "card cost", a factor I've never really considered. What is it and why is it so important?
All cards have to be drawn to be played (net 1 card cost)
Precognition draws a card replacing itself (net 0 card cost)
Photon costs 0 quanta yet gives a benefit. It happens to cost 1 draw (1 card cost)

Essentially card cost is an attempt to compare quanta costs and card advantage/disadvantage. It also explains why people would prefer a 12|3 for 10 over a 2|1 for 1 for their decks. The attack/quanta ratio of Ash Eater is greater than that of Crimson Dragon. However once the cost to draw the card is included the attack/cost ratio changes in Crimson Dragon's favor. This predictive and explanatory ability is why I discuss card costs.

Currently Shard of Integrity and I disagree about how much quanta a card is worth and how that scales as additional cards are included. If Shard of Integrity turns out to be balanced, then I will reevaluate my estimate. This is a real possibility. It might also be possible that card costs and quanta costs do not have an additive relationship. The interaction might be more complex.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TheManuz on May 02, 2012, 11:02:29 am
Can you give me some feedback on Time Anomaly | Time Disruption (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39485.0.html) ?

I'm looking for balancing advice and what do you think of its metagame impact. Any additional thought is welcome too!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 02, 2012, 06:39:39 pm
Can you give me some feedback on Time Anomaly | Time Disruption (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39485.0.html) ?

I'm looking for balancing advice and what do you think of its metagame impact. Any additional thought is welcome too!
All your creatures are rewinded, but they also stay on the field.
(aka a copy is put on top of your deck)

The Manuz has a very good summary of the card
Back to the card, it does the following:
Every targetable creature on your side of the field is affected by a reverse time, so a copy of it is put on the top of your deck, BUT the creature remain on the field.
The order of the creatures on the top of your deck is the same order they have on the field.

The main effect of this spell is Fractal-like: its purpose is to multiply creatures beyond the 6-cards limit.
However this spell requires the draw power of Time to effectively use the new created creatures.

It can also be used to mass rewind skeletons and mummys. In this case, they behave normally: Mummys become Pharaohs and Skeletons become random creatures.

Another side effect is to add a lot of cards on top of your deck, effectively giving you a lot of turns more to play. A wonderful anti-deckout (but it needs creatures to fuel it).

In general, it's useful once you establish control of the field but you need more "firepower".

The first thing to note is that it costs more than Fractal but can be played earlier and in mono.
The second thing to note is it is not limited by the hand size. Though its cost scales.

It provides cheaper anti deckout than Eternity but more expensive than SoBe. This matches the extend of the anti deckout. SoBe decks out 30 card decks. Time Anomaly decks out SoBe. Eternity decks out Time Anomaly.

These balancing factors help balance the card. It still generates significant potential card advantage. It is more likely that is it OP than UP right now. However its potency is hard to measure without playtesting. I suspect we would see the same reaction to Time Anomaly as we did with the first version of Fractal. That is to say a significant fraction of the metagame would be dominated by the card advantage derived from Time Anomaly + unrestrained draw engines. Lots of Time duos would be used. After awhile things would settle giving accurate data about how much it would need to be nerfed. At that point it would still be a great card advantage enabler. It would help stalls that included it as well as undead decks.

Great design for a draw engine enabler.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TheManuz on May 02, 2012, 08:30:23 pm
Can you give me some feedback on Time Anomaly | Time Disruption (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39485.0.html) ?

I'm looking for balancing advice and what do you think of its metagame impact. Any additional thought is welcome too!
All your creatures are rewinded, but they also stay on the field.
(aka a copy is put on top of your deck)

The Manuz has a very good summary of the card
Back to the card, it does the following:
Every targetable creature on your side of the field is affected by a reverse time, so a copy of it is put on the top of your deck, BUT the creature remain on the field.
The order of the creatures on the top of your deck is the same order they have on the field.

The main effect of this spell is Fractal-like: its purpose is to multiply creatures beyond the 6-cards limit.
However this spell requires the draw power of Time to effectively use the new created creatures.

It can also be used to mass rewind skeletons and mummys. In this case, they behave normally: Mummys become Pharaohs and Skeletons become random creatures.

Another side effect is to add a lot of cards on top of your deck, effectively giving you a lot of turns more to play. A wonderful anti-deckout (but it needs creatures to fuel it).

In general, it's useful once you establish control of the field but you need more "firepower".

The first thing to note is that it costs more than Fractal but can be played earlier and in mono.
The second thing to note is it is not limited by the hand size. Though its cost scales.

It provides cheaper anti deckout than Eternity but more expensive than SoBe. This matches the extend of the anti deckout. SoBe decks out 30 card decks. Time Anomaly decks out SoBe. Eternity decks out Time Anomaly.

These balancing factors help balance the card. It still generates significant potential card advantage. It is more likely that is it OP than UP right now. However its potency is hard to measure without playtesting. I suspect we would see the same reaction to Time Anomaly as we did with the first version of Fractal. That is to say a significant fraction of the metagame would be dominated by the card advantage derived from Time Anomaly + unrestrained draw engines. Lots of Time duos would be used. After awhile things would settle giving accurate data about how much it would need to be nerfed. At that point it would still be a great card advantage enabler. It would help stalls that included it as well as undead decks.

Great design for a draw engine enabler.
Thanks for your feedback, and thanks for your compliment!  :)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ddevans96 on May 02, 2012, 10:03:51 pm
In your post following round 3 of the CDW, you stated that you had, correctly, expected my loss in that round, but implied that my match was closer than you expected, and that you would look at my card more closely.

Could I ask your impressions before the vote, and your impressions after studying the card, if they have changed?

Just quoting this. I'm not sure if you missed it or have a reason not to answer it, but I'm really curious to see your response :)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 02, 2012, 10:35:34 pm
In your post following round 3 of the CDW, you stated that you had, correctly, expected my loss in that round, but implied that my match was closer than you expected, and that you would look at my card more closely.

Could I ask your impressions before the vote, and your impressions after studying the card, if they have changed?

Just quoting this. I'm not sure if you missed it or have a reason not to answer it, but I'm really curious to see your response :)
Sorry for missing that post.

ddevans96 round 3 http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37133.0.html

Initially I was skeptical about this card because it only interacted with 2 abilities on 4 cards (Rustler, Firefly, Ray of Light, Luciferin). The competition was more versatile by upgrading cards or blessing upgraded cards.

Upon review I feel that it is well designed for what it is intended to do. However I still think it is too focused of a card. It is meant to be used in  :life :light duos and trios which is too restrictive in my opinion. Doubling "quanta produced by creatures" would be a good improvement (broaded to include Pest, Brimstone Eater, Damselfly, Gnome Gemfinder and Elite Firefly). This would expand it to duos with Darkness, Fire, Air or Earth.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 03, 2012, 12:20:39 am
Is there any element or niche card designers should give attention to?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 03, 2012, 12:34:05 am
Is there any element or niche card designers should give attention to?
None that deserve or could handle a general call to action.
Continue trying to expand the game mechanically while creating patches for current gaps. Take the time to also see where the game could be developed more thematically.

Revolutionary ideas tend to be spontaneous rather than requested.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 03, 2012, 02:36:18 am
Would it be OP to Steal or copy a card from opponent's hand?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on May 03, 2012, 04:21:12 am
Can I get your thoughts on:

I apologize for lack of linkage.  I am currently incapable of retrieving and copying them.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on May 03, 2012, 04:23:08 am
How much cost should instant damage from a weapon be? How much should the instant damage be if it can be used once per turn? Used once per weapon?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 03, 2012, 06:20:22 am
Would it be OP to Steal or copy a card from opponent's hand?
Stealing a random card = A random discard + A mindgate draw
Copying a random card = A mindgate draw
There is a cost for which a random discard would be balanced.

Can I get your thoughts on:

I apologize for lack of linkage.  I am currently incapable of retrieving and copying them.
Y: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39557
7|6 stats are normally worth 7 :darkness+1card
Preventing 6 destructions and dealing 18|30 damage is a bit much for no additional cost.

I would reduce the attack and hp. The hp to reduce the value of the skill. The attack to pay for the skill.
PS: Why does it have a connection to Light? It costs only  :darkness. (This might have to do with the series)

O: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39561
12|8 for the cost of 8 :earth + 1card + 1 creature per turn
It is extremely vulnerable to lobotomy.

Deja Vu provides 2 turns for 2 :time+1card

It looks balanced off hand however I would playtest the Graboid, Orochi and Deja Vu deck to double check.

How much cost should instant damage from a weapon be? How much should the instant damage be if it can be used once per turn? Used once per weapon?
Instant damage? You mean like "Snipe player"?

Once per weapon would be priced as an equal sized Lightning with the card cost converted into a quanta cost.
Additional cost = ( Instant damage / 5 ) * 3

Once per turn would cost an equal sized Lightning with the card cost converted into a quanta cost per turn with a casting cost increased by 1.
Activation cost = ( Instant damage / 5 ) * 3
Casting cost = Attack - 3(weapon slot) +1

This is a low estimate.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on May 03, 2012, 07:04:16 am
I think hearing your thoughts on my latest wizard could tell me whether it's a good idea to continue the wizard series.

Density Wizard | Density Sorcerer

Is there any thing in particular about the whole wizard series (e.g. themes, mechanics) you want to comment on ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 03, 2012, 08:21:35 am
I think hearing your thoughts on my latest wizard could tell me whether it's a good idea to continue the wizard series.

Density Wizard | Density Sorcerer

Is there any thing in particular about the whole wizard series (e.g. themes, mechanics) you want to comment on ?
A Wizard that is as great a fighter (physical damage too) as a Dragon? Huh? I must admit I am really confused at why this is a wizard.

Unupped: 7|6 momentum for 8 :gravity+1card
or 5|6 double strike for 8 :gravity +1 card + 1 :gravity per turn
Charger: 4|5 momentum for 5 :gravity+1card
Blessed Wyrm: 12|3 for ~8 :air + 2 cards + 2 :air per turn

Charger +3 attack +3 cost +1hp
Blessed Wyrm -2 attack +3hp -1 card -1 quanta per turn

Upped: 10|6 momentum for 11 :gravity+1card
or 7|6 double strike for 11 :gravity +1 card + 1 :gravity per turn
Charger: 7|5 momentum for 5 :gravity+1card
Chaos Elite Wyrm: 16|3 for ~8 :air + 2 cards + 2 :air per turn

Charger +3 attack +6 cost +1hp
Chaos Wyrm -2 attack +3 cost +3hp -1 card -1 quanta per turn

The unupped looks balanced. The upgraded looks UP though less so when shifted.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on May 03, 2012, 11:27:59 pm
Y: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39557
7|6 stats are normally worth 7 :darkness+1card
Preventing 6 destructions and dealing 18|30 damage is a bit much for no additional cost.

I would reduce the attack and hp. The hp to reduce the value of the skill. The attack to pay for the skill.
PS: Why does it have a connection to Light? It costs only  :darkness. (This might have to do with the series)
Yeah, the :light connection is to justify its placement in the series.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Glitch on May 03, 2012, 11:43:51 pm
Oh great and powerful guru, please bless me with thine wisdom.

What is thine opinion on caretaker|overseer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39588.0.html), and how might I move it from the pre-smithy forums to the smithy for voting?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 03, 2012, 11:56:59 pm
Oh great and powerful guru, please bless me with thine wisdom.

What is thine opinion on caretaker|overseer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39588.0.html), and how might I move it from the pre-smithy forums to the smithy for voting?
(the notes do not match the table/image)

Protect:  Target creature cannot be affected by enemy spells and permanents.  Lasts 1 turn.

This appears to be an activated ability. The extent of the protection is not well clarified at this point. (Does it protect the creature from flooding? What about Fire shield?)

This ability seems to range from a 1 turn immaterial to a 1 turn immunity or even a 1 turn momentum immunity. I think it fits the theme of caretaker well. The gamewarden theme makes life seem fitting.

Would you clarify the effect for me?

PS: PM a Curator to move your thread when you are ready.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on May 04, 2012, 12:14:04 am
Have you made any decks or any interesting deck ideas oldtrees?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Glitch on May 04, 2012, 12:16:40 am
Oh great and powerful guru, please bless me with thine wisdom.

What is thine opinion on caretaker|overseer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39588.0.html), and how might I move it from the pre-smithy forums to the smithy for voting?
(the notes do not match the table/image)

Protect:  Target creature cannot be affected by enemy spells and permanents.  Lasts 1 turn.

This appears to be an activated ability. The extent of the protection is not well clarified at this point. (Does it protect the creature from flooding? What about Fire shield?)

This ability seems to range from a 1 turn immaterial to a 1 turn immunity or even a 1 turn momentum immunity. I think it fits the theme of caretaker well. The gamewarden theme makes life seem fitting.

Would you clarify the effect for me?

PS: PM a Curator to move your thread when you are ready.

I must apologize about the notes, they were regarding older iterations of the card concept.

It protects the creature both from flooding and fire shield.  The creatures are unaffected by enemy spells and permanents.  They may not be targeted by enemy spells, or enemy permanents, and act as though they have momentum.

However, enemy CREATURES may still affect protected creatures as normal.  Life is protecting itself against the inanimate.

THe hope is for this to be the soft-protection life needed.  Keep your mitosis safe, keep your rustler safe, or even keep a adrenaline'd frog safe.  It's cheap to get out fast, and durable to stay alive if it isn't targeting itself.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 04, 2012, 12:43:06 am
Oh great and powerful guru, please bless me with thine wisdom.

What is thine opinion on caretaker|overseer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39588.0.html), and how might I move it from the pre-smithy forums to the smithy for voting?
(the notes do not match the table/image)

Protect:  Target creature cannot be affected by enemy spells and permanents.  Lasts 1 turn.

This appears to be an activated ability. The extent of the protection is not well clarified at this point. (Does it protect the creature from flooding? What about Fire shield?)

This ability seems to range from a 1 turn immaterial to a 1 turn immunity or even a 1 turn momentum immunity. I think it fits the theme of caretaker well. The gamewarden theme makes life seem fitting.

Would you clarify the effect for me?

PS: PM a Curator to move your thread when you are ready.

I must apologize about the notes, they were regarding older iterations of the card concept.

It protects the creature both from flooding and fire shield.  The creatures are unaffected by enemy spells and permanents.  They may not be targeted by enemy spells, or enemy permanents, and act as though they have momentum.

However, enemy CREATURES may still affect protected creatures as normal.  Life is protecting itself against the inanimate.

THe hope is for this to be the soft-protection life needed.  Keep your mitosis safe, keep your rustler safe, or even keep a adrenaline'd frog safe.  It's cheap to get out fast, and durable to stay alive if it isn't targeting itself.
It sounds like a potent ability, well able to do its intended goal.
Since it can only protect 1 creature per turn, I would balance it as if it were a CC vulnerable anti CC spell that can change targets. Its effect seems to be similar in strength (though slightly weaker in total) to Quint. I think the 0 activation cost was a good choice. These factors cumulative in the skill being worth a +2 casting cost over the value of the Caretaker's stats.

I noticed the 0 attack. This allows the Caretaker to be safe from shields which is a good design for such a card.

PS: Adrenaline does give extra turns. So only the first turn would be protected from shields leaving it vulnerable the rest of the turns (and your opponent's turn).

Have you made any decks or any interesting deck ideas oldtrees?
No. I almost beat an In Development deck to the punch. However as usual there are members that are much better and quicker deckbuilders than me. Glitch is one example. [I love USEM]
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Glitch on May 04, 2012, 12:45:45 am
So increase the card to 2 life quanta?  Or decrease the stats?

I want to keep it cheap so you can drop it /before/ you drop what you're trying to protect.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 04, 2012, 12:48:30 am
So increase the card to 2 life quanta?  Or decrease the stats?

I want to keep it cheap so you can drop it /before/ you drop what you're trying to protect.
2 :life|1 :life

1 :life|0

Probably not the 0 cost upgraded version though.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on May 05, 2012, 06:04:23 am
Draw until the total card cost in the hand is greater than/equal to 10. (reveal hand?)

possible upgrade: the opponent discards until their total card cost in their hand is 10/less than 10

Is this too much of an MtG-like idea? Do you think it could fit in EtG?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 05, 2012, 08:31:10 am
Draw until the total card cost in the hand is greater than/equal to 10. (reveal hand?)

possible upgrade: the opponent discards until their total card cost in their hand is 10/less than 10

Is this too much of an MtG-like idea? Do you think it could fit in EtG?
That is probably too complicated. Even MtG never used casting cost to determine card draw / discard.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on May 07, 2012, 03:53:43 am
What if it was simplified to:
If (TotalCastingCost < 10)
   Draw; // just one card.

And for opponent if it's greater, they just discard one. This gets rid of the ghostmare potential the previous had. Is it still too complicated this way?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 07, 2012, 05:26:31 am
What if it was simplified to:
If (TotalCastingCost < 10)
   Draw; // just one card.

And for opponent if it's greater, they just discard one. This gets rid of the ghostmare potential the previous had. Is it still too complicated this way?
Perhaps the term "unnecessarily complicated" would be more appropriate.

The simplest version would be
"Your opponent discards 1 card randomly. Draw 1 card."
Does this effect need to be tweaked? If so, does the casting cost restriction tweak it in the correct direction?

What are your thoughts on these questions?

To clairify:
Disadvantages like requirements are used to tweak the balance of a card so the more powerful uses are weakened and/or the weaker uses are strengthened. This allows the card to be more versatile without imbalance. However the cost of using this method is the resulting cards are more complicated.

Hyroen also is taking questions. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39804.msg475909/topicseen.html#new
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Glitch on May 07, 2012, 03:21:12 pm
It is time for me to again request your wisdom.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 07, 2012, 05:26:33 pm
If we were to have a card that increased the quanta cap, Which element would be better :aether :air :water? and for the opposite affect,  :gravity :earth?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 07, 2012, 06:06:41 pm
It is time for me to again request your wisdom.

Duo :entropy/ :gravity Fission: Target creature gains +2|+1, this card gets -2|-1.  You can use this ability multiple times per turn.
Duo  :gravity/ :entropy Fusion:  Target creature gets -1|-2, this card gets +1|+2.

Convenient summary of Fission and Fusion as they relate to entropy
Fission causes particles to divide into more particles causing entropy to increase. (aka  :entropy)
Fusion causes particles to melt together causing entropy to decrease. (aka  :gravity)

Based on these definitions, I do not see the reason for these to be duo creatures.
As a mono creature, Matter Mage would have easier access to cross element synergies.
(Unupped: Wyrm, Angel, Heavy Armor, Basilisk Blood)

Fission gives +2X|+X for Casting Cost + X * Activation Cost where X=hp of Matter Mage.
+6|+3 for Casting Cost + 3 * Activation Cost
+12|+6 for Casting Cost + Plate Armor + 6 * Activation Cost
+18|+9 for Casting Cost + Heavy Armor + 9 * Activation Cost
+46|+23 for Casting Cost + Basilisk Blood + 6 turns + 23 * Activation Cost (OTK potential for OTK cost)
Since it gives 2 attack per activation cost, the activation cost of 2 quanta is appropriate. However the casting cost is a bit high.

The casting cost is high because the Matter Mage starts with 6 attack. Less attack would allow a lower casting cost.

Fusion is a 2 attack swing, +2hp and a 2hp CC. This is slightly better than Growth due to the versatility. Cost should be about 2-3 more than the starting stat value.

If we were to have a card that increased the quanta cap, Which element would be better :aether :air :water? and for the opposite affect,  :gravity :earth?
Shard of Conscience was abandoned. Its thread would prove useful for the decrease effect.

Mechanically: I would choose the element that would benefit the least among the elements that would benefit enough. (This is mechanic specific)
Thematically: I would choose a physical or mental theme depending on the element chosen thematically.

Example: I would not choose Air because it does not use near 75 quanta. Nor would I choose Gravity because its denial elements are really strong vs near empty pools.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on May 07, 2012, 07:34:20 pm
Not all the elements really benefit...Off the top of my head, the only real reason to stock huge amounts of quanta like that on purpose is for bolting...
So a cap increaser would only be good for  :fire,  :darkness, or  :water.
Now, as far as summoning lots of creatures, that's something that is aided by fast quanta generation, not so much higher caps, which is why  :life or  :light don't actually help that much. And another thing that weakens the benefit, are cards that drain all X quanta, like  :light's miracle. Those spells can't be used repeatedly due to this nature...
It really seems like a none-too useful card, if you ask me.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on May 07, 2012, 07:36:14 pm
What are your thoughts on duo-cost abilities, as in it costing :light and :fire but not :light or :fire ?

Also, may I have your thoughts on...

:aether Technophage | Technophage (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39747.0.html)

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 07, 2012, 08:14:36 pm
What are your thoughts on duo-cost abilities, as in it costing :light and :fire but not :light or :fire ?

Also, may I have your thoughts on...

:aether Technophage | Technophage (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39747.0.html)
It depends on what precisely you mean:

Did you mean duo cards? (Activation cost and Casting cost use different quanta. Aka Lava Golem.)
In general, the duo-cost mechanic should be used sparingly and only when either the theme or balance requires it. Mono cards are generally expand the metagame more than a similar duo card.

Or did you mean "1 :fire + 1 :light: Effect".
The game cannot handle this without a major addition to how the game treats quanta. It is even more restrictive than Duo cards and does not give any additional benefit to card designers in a quanta based system. (Mana* based systems are a different matter)

*Mana does not remain from turn to turn and is limited by 1 land/pillar per turn.

Why does it, as a 1 card wind condition, only have 1 hp and no internal way of gaining more?
Lava Golem has Growth. Neurotoxin does not need the scorpion. Firefly Queen and Steam Machine each have respectable starting hp scores.

There are some interactions that are harder to predict ahead of time
Ex:  :aether :life Mitosis Technophage + Adrenal Forest Scorpions
In these cases it would be best to measure the average number of poison counters on the opponent side of the field (without generating viruses) per turn. This will give you an estimate for the average value of P without paying the activation cost.

Once you have the average stats, you can estimate the value of the ability. Virus would act like a temporary +1 attack for all Technopages. Retrovirus would act like an even shorter duration +X attack for all Technophages (X=# of enemy creatures).
Virus could probably get away with +1 casting cost and 0 activation cost. Except it is a death ability on an aether card so some activation cost is required. Try +0 casting cost and 1 :death activation cost.
Retrovirus' value depends on how much shorter the duration is and how much greater X is than 1. It might be able to get away with an activation cost of  :death :death if it gets a casting cost of +2.

So total casting cost assuming  :death| :death :death activation cost would be
P (attack) + H (value of new hp) +0|+2 (skill, including duo cost reduction) 0|-1.5 (upgrade) -1 (card cost constant) = quanta cost
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru - Non-Rare weapon buff permanent
Post by: OdinVanguard on May 07, 2012, 08:45:47 pm

This is a long one, so thank you in advance for your time here.
  I am considering making a stackable permanent card called Martial Training. It will be an "Other" element card that gives non-rare weapons in hand (and possibly flying versions at reduced chance) a chance to cause an extra effect.
The magnitude and chance of causing the effect will be based on the stacksize of this permanent (1-6).
Mechanics wise, I would have the card initially read:
"Give non-rare weapons a chance to cause a bonus effect, or allows a chance to attack without a weapon."
when in hand or in bazar / deck buillding screen
The wording on the card will change to reflect the players currently equipped weapon
E.g. while in hand it reads "Give non-rare weapons a chance to cause a bonus effect, or allows a chance to attack without a weapon."
player plays it with no weapon equipped and it reads:
"chance to deal up to 1 damage per training with your bare hand"
Player then equips a hammer and the text changes to:
"chance to stun opponents weapon 1 round for every 2 trainings with your hammer"

I realize this card would have a pretty major impact on the game so I would like some help on weighing out its impacts and balance considerations. Specifically:
1) Do you know if this has this been done / suggested before?
2) Is this a feasible mechanic? (i.e. does this seem to complicated to ever get implemented in game or is it ok?)
3) Are there any special considerations I should have to prevent it from becoming over or underpowered?
4) What would be a good cost for this card?
5) Can you suggest some balancing on chance to occur for each effect?
Below is a list of my current ideas for each non rare weapon (I am also going to make additional non-rare weapons so every element will be represented)
N.A. , empty hand: "flying fist: chance to deal up to 1 damage per training with bare hand"
 :earth :gravity , Hammer: "Crushing blow: chance to stun opponents weapon 1 round for every 2 trainings with your hammer"
 :air Short Bow "Sniper training: chance to deal weapon damage to a random enemy target with your short bow"
 :darkness :death , dagger: "gouge: chance to cause opponent to take 1 extra damage from all sources next round with your dagger"
 :rainbow , short sword: "sword dance: chance to retaliate against weapon attacks 1 time per 2 trainings with your short sword"
---new non-rare weapons to be added as "Other" cards---
 :life :light :water , quarter staff: "parry: chance to deflect (prevent) weapon attacks with your quarter staff"
 :entropy :fire , pick axe: "penetrate: chance to deal 2 extra damage and bypass shields with your pick axe"
 :time :aether , katara : "Bluring speed: attack an extra 1 time per 3 trainings with your katara"
balancing can be accomplished by tuning the chance of causing each effect individually. In the end, I would hope to make non-rare weapons more valuable additions, but not overshadow the existing rare element specific weapons already in place.

1) For sword dance and parry, weapon attacks referes to attacks by either the weapon your opponent is holding, or ones that have been made flying. In the case of sword dance, damage will get dealt to the creature itself for animated weapons or the opponent for weapons held in hand, but crusaders are immune.
2) if non-rare flying weapons are in play, only ones that match the current card text will be affected. E.g. if you have a hammer equipped, flying hammers also get crushing blow but swords or other weapons would be unaffected
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 07, 2012, 09:05:24 pm
@OdinVanguard come to http://sync.in/CardIdeaPlanning to discuss your idea since it is lengthy
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OdinVanguard on May 07, 2012, 09:20:56 pm
will do. Sorry for taking up so much space. I will encapsulate the whole thing in a spoiler so it won't take up so much space.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 07, 2012, 09:51:07 pm
1) No I do not remember a card suggestion like this before.
2) It does seem more complicated than anything in the game so far. However it is not much more complicated than Mutation.
3) Special considerations:
Animated weapons of the same type would also get the bonus. (you already noticed this)
Adrenaline gives creatures extra turns not just extra attacks. This relates to flying weapon abilities and to gouge. Specifically the bonus from gouge would only apply to the first attack from each creature. Also an adrenal dagger could trigger gouge and then benefit from gouge on the next attack.
4) Depends on what range you want them to have. I would recommend around 5 :rainbow|3 :rainbow. This allows each Martial Training to have a significant impact while still leaving room for all 6 to be played.
Empty Hand: 100%
Crushing Blow: like SD and Parry it should get 10%-20% per Training rather than counting the number of trainings. Delay from stunning stacks
Sniper training: 10%-20%
Gouge: 5%-10% each
Sword dance: 10%-20% each
Parry: 10%-20% each
Penetrate: depends on the attack of weapon
Blurring speed: depends on the attack of weapon

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on May 08, 2012, 01:31:04 am
What's your thoughts on the new nymph changes?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Absol on May 08, 2012, 01:52:55 am
What's your thoughts on the new nymph changes?
Seconded. Also, if you're given the chance to rebalance all 12 nymphs, how will you do it? (casting cost, attack, HP, skill cost)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 08, 2012, 05:51:10 am
What's your thoughts on the new nymph changes?
Seconded. Also, if you're given the chance to rebalance all 12 nymphs, how will you do it? (casting cost, attack, HP, skill cost)
I tend to ignore nymphs most of the time. They too rare unupped for decent playtesting data to be collected by the player mass. An upgraded nymph is even rarer because some tournaments are unupped only. So there is too little playtesting to double check my balance predictions.

CostStatsActivation CostSkill costMy estimate on the unupped
8 :aether7|4 / 9|4 :aether :aether :aether3|3Balanced
8 :air6|8 / 7|9 :air :air :air2|3Slightly too low. Nerf attack.
8 :darkness3|5 / 5|5 :darkness :darkness7|7Too high. Boost attack and hp.
8 :death6|8 / 7|9 :death1|2Skill is not very useful to repeat. Stats are slightly too high.
8 :earth6|8 / 7|9 :earth :earth :earth2|3Balanced
9 :entropy3|1 / 3|2 :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy9|11Too high. Boost hp and attack.
8 :fire1|6 / 1|7 :fire :fire :fire /  :fire :fire :fire :fire9|12Too high. Boost attack and hp.
9 :gravity1|3 / 1|4 :gravity :gravity :gravity10|12Too high. Boost attack and hp.
8 :life3|6 / 3|7 :life :life7|9Too high. Boost attack and hp.
9 :light6|9 / 7|9 :light :light :light /  :light :light :light :light3|5Balanced?
8 :time6|8 / 7|9 :time :time2|3Balanced
8 :water6|8 / 7|9 :water :water :water :water3|4Balanced or slightly too low.
Whenever the upgraded skill cost is higher than the unupped skill cost, the upgraded card needs to be buffed more/ nerfed less relative to the unupped card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Glitch on May 08, 2012, 03:50:24 pm
It is time for me to again request your wisdom.

Duo :entropy/ :gravity Fission: Target creature gains +2|+1, this card gets -2|-1.  You can use this ability multiple times per turn.
Duo  :gravity/ :entropy Fusion:  Target creature gets -1|-2, this card gets +1|+2.

Convenient summary of Fission and Fusion as they relate to entropy
Fission causes particles to divide into more particles causing entropy to increase. (aka  :entropy)
Fusion causes particles to melt together causing entropy to decrease. (aka  :gravity)

Based on these definitions, I do not see the reason for these to be duo creatures.
As a mono creature, Matter Mage would have easier access to cross element synergies.
(Unupped: Wyrm, Angel, Heavy Armor, Basilisk Blood)

Fission gives +2X|+X for Casting Cost + X * Activation Cost where X=hp of Matter Mage.
+6|+3 for Casting Cost + 3 * Activation Cost
+12|+6 for Casting Cost + Plate Armor + 6 * Activation Cost
+18|+9 for Casting Cost + Heavy Armor + 9 * Activation Cost
+46|+23 for Casting Cost + Basilisk Blood + 6 turns + 23 * Activation Cost (OTK potential for OTK cost)
Since it gives 2 attack per activation cost, the activation cost of 2 quanta is appropriate. However the casting cost is a bit high.

The casting cost is high because the Matter Mage starts with 6 attack. Less attack would allow a lower casting cost.

Fusion is a 2 attack swing, +2hp and a 2hp CC. This is slightly better than Growth due to the versatility. Cost should be about 2-3 more than the starting stat value.

Let me first start out by saying I'm constantly flipping which ability I call fission and which I call fusion.  This is partially due to decent arguments for both, partially due to my rudimentary understanding of fusion and fission (at best), and partially due to my own dyslexia).  I'll probably switch them again.  For the purposes of this post, assume the cards are:

Matter Mage.  3/3 for 3 :gravity, with the ability :entropy:  Fission, this card gets -2|-1, target card gets +2|+1.  You may use this ability multiple times per turn.
Natter Master. 1/1/ for 3 :entropy, with the ability :gravity:  Fusion, this card gets +1|+2, target card gets -1|-2

There are several reasons for the duos as I have them.

1)  I want to create a series where upgrading the card changes the element.  I want these to be opposite elements.  Forcing duos is an easy way of doing this without fundamentally changing the card

2)  Fission divides a stable particle (base creature is gravity) and causes them to be more chaotic (effect costs entropy), in doing so weakening the stable particle (the base creature) and causing more energy in the system as a whole (buffing another target creature).   Fusion takes a more chaotic system (base creature is entropy) and makes it more stable (effect costs entropy), in so taking matter from the system (target creature gets -1|-2) and combining it into a stable creature (matter mage gets +1|+2).
However, the counter argument is that why would a gravity creature use fission and an entropy creature use fusion.  Shouldn't it be the other way around?  Quite clearly fission and fusion are a transition from entropy to gravity, and vice versa, the question is how to best express that on one card.

3)  While the synergy with other elements is increased by making it mono, doing so would make upgraded/unupgraded versions of the card mandatory.  You'd have to have unupgraded matter mage to make a gravity/air dive deck, and an upgraded matter master to make a entropy/fire maxwell's deck.  You could argue that splitting this concept into two mono card concepts would make it stronger, and I'm gimping it by attempting to balance it for a duo swap that makes sense thematically, but makes no sense when you consider gameplay.  However, you could also argument that all of those combos could be made, and rather potently, with shard of readiness.  I'm debating it right now.

Regardless, in my attempt to make a creature that switches elements on upgrades, this one is clearly a failure.  At least in it's current iteration.  I'll come back to it and move on to the next one.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 08, 2012, 04:06:55 pm
Reason 2 is interesting and makes sense.
(1: Changing a mono card from one element to another does not necessarily fundamentally alter the card.)
(3: A mono that swaps elements would not be required to be split into 2 cards.)

I do not know if Fission and Fusion are the ideal themes or if those versions of them are the ideal mechanics for this kind of a switch card. However, I think that you have a reasonable justification for switching duos in those elements.

PS: The ability names and the element orientations are correct in the above post using the logic of reason 2.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 10, 2012, 02:21:46 pm
Would care to host the next Community Card, using what was learned from the last one to improve the process?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Glitch on May 10, 2012, 02:42:44 pm
I'm thinking it may be smarter to just post all 6 card ideas for the series (eventually 12?) before I make them.

Core concept:  upgrading a card changes the element.
Flaw:  I (personally) hate cards that force upgrades v. downgrades.  The best example of this is pufferfish.  If I want to make a water/life adrenaline poison rush, I have to upgrade pufferfish.  It won't work otherwise.  As such, I need to design these cards in such a way that despite changing their base element, you still use them in the same decks for the same things, upgraded or unupgraded.  My solution is to have them all being duo, and upgrading switching the ability cost and the base creature cost.  This means regardless of upgrade or downgrade they're still used in the same duo.  At this point, I began looking at the duos themselves.

 :life/ :death some sort of evolution card.  Poison all creatures, when they die, bring random ones into play.  One version, death creatures turn into random life creatures, other version, dying life creatures grant random death ones.
 :gravity/ :entropy Fission/Fusion idea listed above
 :air/ :earth  Cave bat:  unupgraded has burrow, burrowing doesn't halve it's attack.  Upgraded comes into play burrowed with dive.
 :time/ :aether It gets +1/+1 and suspends itself a turn.  Upgraded version is immortal while suspended.
 :light/ :darkness When it attacks it gets it's own HP increased.  It can heal you at the cost of it's own HP.
 :fire/ :water No clue.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 12, 2012, 06:44:55 am
Sorry for the delay. Finals had just ended.

First I would like to highlight for new designers, how Glitch narrowed the card suggestion.
He identified his core suggestion. He noted the core suggestion had a design drawback. He identified how he could minimize the drawback. This also works with maximizing design advantages. It is a useful skill to practice. In some cases this process + a core idea is all you will need.

I'm thinking it may be smarter to just post all 6 card ideas for the series (eventually 12?) before I make them.

Core concept:  upgrading a card changes the element.
Flaw:  I (personally) hate cards that force upgrades v. downgrades.  The best example of this is pufferfish.  If I want to make a water/life adrenaline poison rush, I have to upgrade pufferfish.  It won't work otherwise.  As such, I need to design these cards in such a way that despite changing their base element, you still use them in the same decks for the same things, upgraded or unupgraded.  My solution is to have them all being duo, and upgrading switching the ability cost and the base creature cost.  This means regardless of upgrade or downgrade they're still used in the same duo.  At this point, I began looking at the duos themselves.

 :life/ :death some sort of evolution card.  Poison all creatures, when they die, bring random ones into play.  One version, death creatures turn into random life creatures, other version, dying life creatures grant random death ones.
 :gravity/ :entropy Fission/Fusion idea listed above
 :air/ :earth  Cave bat:  unupgraded has burrow, burrowing doesn't halve it's attack.  Upgraded comes into play burrowed with dive.
 :time/ :aether It gets +1/+1 and suspends itself a turn.  Upgraded version is immortal while suspended.
 :light/ :darkness When it attacks it gets it's own HP increased.  It can heal you at the cost of it's own HP.
 :fire/ :water No clue.

The  :life/ :death one makes sense as it creates Death creatures from the Life creatures by adding Death. They both have the same purpose of creature generation and anti CC. I wonder if Graveyard would be too much competition. I also am concerned that the Duo element would not be represented by an activation cost in this version. Modifying it to represent both types of quanta would be wise.

The :gravity/ :entropy is good but I do not think they fill the same deck slot. Care to enlighten me?

 :air/ :earth Diving while Burrowed? This feels like a joke. (funny visual images) It also does not fit the previous thematic pattern of Using A to convert extreme B toward A.

 :time/ :aether Half growth, delayed and immaterial. I know you have more creative ideas than a slowed and sometimes immaterial Lava Golem.

 :darkness/ :light This is a delayed Vampire effect. I do not see potential here but it is quirky enough that I might be overlooking something obvious.

 :fire/ :water Cool down | Heat up?
Would care to host the next Community Card, using what was learned from the last one to improve the process?
No. I would prefer to leave that opportunity available for others to contribute.
I would give this advice:
Once the idea has been narrowed, brainstorm all the variations.
Have several polls deciding major variables from the variations.
Encourage people to defend / support their suggestions.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on May 12, 2012, 01:57:21 pm
Concerning the  :fire/ :water...Perhaps, it could have a choice of Creature ability?  :fire would be direct damage, perhaps at the cost of it's own HP/life to mimic Rage.
While  :water could purify a creature, either at the cost of it's own Atk power, freezing either itself or the target (think like how surgury has anesthetic to put you out while they operate.) There's also good old qaunta costs.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 12, 2012, 06:34:47 pm
Concerning the  :fire/ :water...Perhaps, it could have a choice of Creature ability?  :fire would be direct damage, perhaps at the cost of it's own HP/life to mimic Rage.
While  :water could purify a creature, either at the cost of it's own Atk power, freezing either itself or the target (think like how surgury has anesthetic to put you out while they operate.) There's also good old qaunta costs.
Ideally both effects would be used in the same deck slot. CC and anti-CC do not fill the same slot.
Also purify only works against Infection, Snipe and Gravity Pull.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Glitch on May 12, 2012, 08:23:00 pm
The  :life/ :death one makes sense as it creates Death creatures from the Life creatures by adding Death. They both have the same purpose of creature generation and anti CC. I wonder if Graveyard would be too much competition. I also am concerned that the Duo element would not be represented by an activation cost in this version. Modifying it to represent both types of quanta would be wise.

The :gravity/ :entropy is good but I do not think they fill the same deck slot. Care to enlighten me?

 :air/ :earth Diving while Burrowed? This feels like a joke. (funny visual images) It also does not fit the previous thematic pattern of Using A to convert extreme B toward A.

 :time/ :aether Half growth, delayed and immaterial. I know you have more creative ideas than a slowed and sometimes immaterial Lava Golem.

 :darkness/ :light This is a delayed Vampire effect. I do not see potential here but it is quirky enough that I might be overlooking something obvious.

 :fire/ :water Cool down | Heat up?

The :life/ :death one works as a duo because it brings creatures to the base cost.  The life card grants life creatures when death creatures you control die, and vice versa.  It's a forced duo because you're required to have creatures of one type and quanta of the other.  I'm thinking of calling it "raise the dead/raise the living".  Unupgraded, the card says "Attacking creatures have a 25% chance to get poisoned.  When a life creature dies, bring a random death creature into play".  Upgraded, the card says "Attacking creatures have a 50% chance to get poisoned, when a death creature dies, bring a random life creature into play".  At least, at this point in the design.
The idea for both is a life/death synergy with thornshield, however, there are a couple key flaws.  For instance, I am still undecided as to whether the card should affect both players, or just one.  The concept in and of itself is broken if you have both unupgraded and upgraded versions of the card in play.  However, I feel like it's closest to being ready.

You keyed in on the main flaw with the :gravity/ :entropy card.  Looking at both elements, they're about sturdiness versus chaos.  The idea was to have a card that converts one into the other.  (The other potential direction to take this card is the discord/blackhole route).  However, the main goal was to make sure no matter what, the card would benefit otyugh/maxwell's demons.  This meant it had to affect attack power and defense at differing rates, so targeting enemies will eventually kill them with the two.  Perhaps this card would be better:
Unupgraded, this card gets -2/-1, target creatures gets +2/+1.
Upgraded, a random creatures gets -2/-1, target creature gets +2/+1.

The :air/ :earth one is getting a complete rework.  I'm thinking of instead making it great wurm, a creature who may unborrow itself in order to dive, remaining unburrowed until the start of your turn, when you burrow it again.  The upgraded version of this card would make target creature dive, and then make it burrowed after it dives.
Unupgraded, it plays with burrow's ability to do large damage when an opportunity presents itself, and then stay hidden when it's not safe.  Upgraded it still does this, but suddenly it's also a lobotomize effect.

 :time/ :aether is a difficult card to design.  Growth is the most obvious example of turning time into damage.  Perhaps "Harbinger", which gets +3/+0 for every turn it's in stasis, and then drops to it's base stats after attacking?  Upgraded the card is immortal while in stasis.

:light/ :darkness is also getting a full rework.  thematically it's one of the harder to design, as light and darkness, unlike the rest, physically can't coexist.  Maybe a creature that flickers into play, and returns to your hand after combat?
EDIT:  Just thought of something
The effect is simple, killing it makes it switch teams.  Unupgraded it costs darkness and it on the enemy's side of the field, upgraded it costs light and is on your side of the field.  At any point either player may pay the opposite mana cost, (darkness if it's a light creature, and vice versa) to steal it.   The switching sides upon dying would be a passive effect, and not lobotomizable.  The active, paying quanta to kill it, could be lobo'd.  This adds synergy with liquid shadow.

:fire/ :water has been giving me trouble because steam machine already exists.  Element wise, fire is the most complete element, there's no really niche "thing" it needs, and giving it more CC, PC, or creatures feels redundant.  I'm really drawing a blank mechanically.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 12, 2012, 11:11:00 pm
 :death/ :life You are right. I missed the creature's casting cost.

 :entropy/ :gravity Your new version would solve this problem. Here the random one would be drawing stats from the many to the one [Gravity activation cost].

 :air/ :earth The Great Worm theme does help explain the combination of Burrow and Dive. However I think there will be too little difference between unupped and upgraded versions if you go with this mechanic. There might not be enough reason to swap elements on the upgrade.

 :darkness/ :light This uses a similar mechanic to Water Golem | Ice Golem.

 :fire/ :water Since Fire is complete, look to where Water is incomplete. However the duo nature means this card will not contribute to mono completeness.

 :time/ :aether Based on the thematic pattern. You want a mechanical representation of what happens when you start to convert portions of Large amounts of (Time/Space) into the other.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 12, 2012, 11:12:06 pm
thoughts? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40076.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 12, 2012, 11:29:20 pm
thoughts? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40076.0.html
Diminishing Returns
Target creature gains the passive Diminish: This creature gains -1|-1 when a creature dies.


It would give Death a powerful lethal CC powered by death triggers.

It would be used as Damage Reduction followed by CC. Rarely it might also heal. It might be better as an activated ability.
I think it is about as powerful as Snipe or Lightning.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 17, 2012, 12:23:30 pm
is this possible in ETG?

Name: ?
Element: Time
Cost: ? :time
Type: Spell
Ability: Look at the top 3 cards of target player deck and arrange them in any order.
Owner of Idea: EmeraldTiger
Thread: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40330.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 17, 2012, 04:11:44 pm
is this possible in ETG?

Name: ?
Element: Time
Cost: ? :time
Type: Spell
Ability: Look at the top 3 cards of target player deck and arrange them in any order.
Owner of Idea: EmeraldTiger
Thread: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40330.0.html
It is possible.
The decks are contained in arrays of strings.
Aka the game knows the deck order of the entire deck.
All that would be needed is: Reading the top 3 entries, a GUI, code to rewrite the top 3 entries if the order is changed.

This could delay a draw between 0 and 2 turns. Reverse Time can delay a draw 1 turn. Reverse Time might be too cheap.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on May 19, 2012, 02:57:00 am

Do I have a valid point here?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 19, 2012, 04:27:48 am

Do I have a valid point here?

When I went silver grinding several minutes ago, I found a mono-aether deck with SoW. The problem with this deck is that it is difficult to counter. Reflective shields do not do much to this deck, since the player playing the mono-aether can hold back SoW and pierce through said shield. By their nature, immortal creatures are difficult to control. This is especially true when immortals with SoW bypass shields that could kill them. Unlike other decks based on spell damage such as UG decks and firestalls, there are few ways to avoid the wave of spell damage.
 I think this does not reflect any overpoweredness of SoW itself, but the lack of effective counters to both spell damage and hard hits of physical damage. I propose that a shield such as Divine Shield | Divine Protection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39839.msg494492.html#msg494492) or Dodging | Wild Dodging (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,38999.msg484674.html#msg484674) be added to the game. (These are my card ideas, since I noticed this deficiency before anyone else I know did.) Thank you for reading.
Immaterial the hard to counter defense. Or is it? Let me count the ways (obvious to subtle):
1) CC Shields
2) Blocking Shields [Bone Wall, Hope, Dusk Shield, ...]
3) Healing
4) Denial [Quanta denial, ...]
5) Strong Offense [Lava Golem, ...]
Now Immaterial offenses (normally slow) can get accelerated by gaining Wisdom
6) Reflection post Wisdom
7) Reflection pre Wisdom (lower attack to deal with)
8 8) The one two shield punch. [counter 1or2 then counter 6]

So I do not think there is the problem you think there is. However improved versions of your solution could benefit EtG.
Dusk could make it as likely for a Psion to miss as it is for a Dragon to miss. A spell could protect a target from the next X spells / attacks with no recharge mechanic.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on May 19, 2012, 05:54:54 am
Can I get some help with this?

Regarding both the card as shown, and the ideas presented throughout the thread.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 19, 2012, 07:42:09 pm
Can I get some help with this?

Regarding both the card as shown, and the ideas presented throughout the thread.  Thanks!
Gulp. 5|5 Indestructible Momentum creature that fits any type specific combo?
Counters: (This list is short. Very short.)
1) Reverse Time
2) Denial
3) Healing
4) Faster Rush
The skill's value is rather high. I would estimate it as equal to or greater than the attack of the creature. Aka a minimum cost of 9 :earth + 1 card.

Obviously this creature is too powerful and too expensive (power and cost are related) for EtG. The simple modification would be to reduce the reactions and to reduce the magnitude of the reactions. However you know this and have already started.

First thing to drop is Momentum, Immunity to damage and Immunity to Freeze/Delay.
Second thing to drop is the adaptation to your strategy. Mercury and Quicksilver have the unique ability to adapt to the opponent's strategy.
Why not:
Gains +1 attack from each turn it fails to deal damage. (DR, Miss Chance, Sundial, Freeze, Delay)
The first time it would die it is reduced to 0hp instead

Combined this might be worth 5-7 :earth +1card for a 5|5.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on May 19, 2012, 08:15:22 pm

Why not:
Gains +1 attack from each turn it fails to deal damage. (DR, Miss Chance, Sundial, Freeze, Delay)
The first time it would die it is reduced to 0hp instead

Combined this might be worth 5-7 :earth +1card for a 5|5.

I like that idea.  What if I made the card gain 1 ATK per missed attack, plus it can adapt one time for the first trigger on the list to occur?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 19, 2012, 09:46:08 pm

Why not:
Gains +1 attack from each turn it fails to deal damage. (DR, Miss Chance, Sundial, Freeze, Delay)
The first time it would die it is reduced to 0hp instead

Combined this might be worth 5-7 :earth +1card for a 5|5.

I like that idea.  What if I made the card gain 1 ATK per missed attack, plus it can adapt one time for the first trigger on the list to occur?
That list has some rather, ridiculous, reactions. I would first make all the reactions of equal value and then estimate from there.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on May 19, 2012, 10:50:49 pm

Why not:
Gains +1 attack from each turn it fails to deal damage. (DR, Miss Chance, Sundial, Freeze, Delay)
The first time it would die it is reduced to 0hp instead

Combined this might be worth 5-7 :earth +1card for a 5|5.

I like that idea.  What if I made the card gain 1 ATK per missed attack, plus it can adapt one time for the first trigger on the list to occur?
That list has some rather, ridiculous, reactions. I would first make all the reactions of equal value and then estimate from there.

Sounds good.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 20, 2012, 04:15:00 pm
Thoughts http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40424.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 20, 2012, 05:24:09 pm
Thoughts http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40424.0.html
A creature with
"Use 1 :earth  to absorb 3 damage."

It provides a lot of protection from damaging CC for a fair price.

Rage would give +5|0 for 3 :fire +2 :earth +1card (fair price)

Gravity Pull would create an Earthen Dissipation Shield
X :earth + 2 :gravity + 2 cards > 3 :entropy + Shield + 1 card
X+3 :underworld + 2 cards > 6 :underworld + 1 card
X :underworld + 1 card > 3 :underworld
3 :earth + 1card should be fine for the 3/2 | 3/4 stats.

The name should probably be replaced.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OTL on May 22, 2012, 12:46:43 am

I need your opinion on this
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 22, 2012, 03:13:36 am

I need your opinion on this
Anger: If a creature on your side dies, Mother Bear attacks one more time per death on its next attack

I have 2 concerns with this mechanic.
1) It can act like "All sparks gain +5|+0" (Too much effect for the cost)
2) I am not sure anger channeled into retribution is a Life theme.

I would modify the effect so the Mother Bear will not notice natural or sacrificial deaths (Spark, Virus, Catapult, Immolation). Perhaps by requiring the opponent to have killed the creature.

Since this is a threat it will be balanced when the opponent is ambivalent about whether to trigger or avoid the threat. An extra attack per Mother Bear is potent. I think it is close enough for now (assuming the above change). Playtesting would be required to double check.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: NonexistentFlower on May 22, 2012, 09:28:34 am

What is your opinion on this (Regarding its balance etc.)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on May 22, 2012, 03:12:08 pm
What are your thoughts on combining physical and spell damage in one card ?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 22, 2012, 05:07:07 pm

What is your opinion on this (Regarding its balance etc.)?
1) Elite Immortal gains +1 attack, +1 hp tier for +1 cost. +2 comes with a similar cost increase (See Phase Dragon).
2) A 5|4 Elite Immortal is worth around 6 :aether + 1 upgrade + 1 card (I always forget which immaterial creature is the UP one)
~= 7.5 :underworld + 1 card unupped.
3) Ghostly flame costs 2 :aether + Duo + delayed 1 turn + 1 card + 1 :fire per turn.
~= 4 :underworld + 1 card + 1 :underworld per turn
It is probably balanced considering it is a rush card and such decks lose if the game goes on too long.
4) This card cannot be used without paying the activation cost. This is suboptimal. Ideally a duo creature could be played either as a mono vanilla creature or as a duo skilled creature.
5) Are you sure the name fits? I usually think Will o Wisps as creatures with weak natural attacks that lure strangers into dangerous areas. Nothing like the Charger stats of this creature.
6) What benefit do you see this providing for Elements?

What are your thoughts on combining physical and spell damage in one card ?

My initial thoughts were it sounded like a clunky mechanic for partial partial momentum. However the use of Ice Bolt surprised me. In some ways this is a better design for Fahrenheit.

3 :fire + Weapon + 1 card + Stock  :fire -> 4 + Physical 2/3 Firebolt
6 :fire + 1 card + Stock Fire -> 4 + Physical 2/3 Firebolt
2 :fire + 1 card + Stock Fire -> Physical 2/3 Firebolt
4 :fire + 1 card + Stock Fire -> Physical Firebolt
A)[Here I estimated physical to spell damage as +17-33% of the non stock quanta cost. The new estimate of 1 card = 2 quanta was used.]
5-6 :fire + 1 card + Stock Fire -> Firebolt
5-6 :water + 1 card + Stock Water -> Ice Bolt
8-9 :water + 1 card + Stock Water -> 3 Physical + Ice Bolt
5-6 :water + Weapon + 1 card + Stock Water -> 3 Physical + Ice Bolt

I would recommend the attack not chage when upgraded but rather the cost drop. 5-6 :water | 3-5 :water
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: The_Mormegil on May 22, 2012, 05:56:41 pm
(I always forget which immaterial creature is the UP one)

Immortal is UP. Think of it this way: immaterial is good if you're going to stall - it's not worth the cost increase if you want to rush. Stalls need card space more than they need fast creatures. Phase Dragon packs double the punch for the same card space. Phase Dragon >> Immortal, which is barely usable even if dragon is banned.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on May 25, 2012, 01:58:35 pm
Do you think a small amount (say, about 5) of specialized cards would benefit ETG? A medium amount? What's the limit before it would be detrimental?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 25, 2012, 05:26:30 pm
Do you think a small amount (say, about 5) of specialized cards would benefit ETG? A medium amount? What's the limit before it would be detrimental?
Imagine a card pool of 10 cards. We can use lines to represent the synergies and combos the cards create. The more lines exist, the more opportunities exist for decks. Specialized cards are cards with fewer connections than average. In this manner being specialized is a con in design proportional to the degree of specialization. Since specialized is relative to the average, no more than 50% of cards can be specialized. The metagame is benefited more by higher average connections per card. Adding cards with fewer connections lowers the average and thus reduces this benefit.

However the specialization is not the only factor that provides benefit. There are other beneficial factors that a card can have that compensate for this detriment. This can lead to specialized cards that are a net benefit.

As a general guideline: A card should either be able to be used by itself or ( have at least 3 distinct/separate combos and have a benefit worth the degree of specialization ) .
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on May 26, 2012, 06:00:50 pm
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before...But something I thought of was the idea of a  :life creature with stats of X|X, where X was the number of creatures on your side of the field.
However, in attempts to balance it, I didn't like what I saw...Basically, it starts out a 1|1, since it counts itself, but the cost wouldn't be balanced well with the effect. I'd like to have balanced it at 4 :life or maybe 5 :life, but the fact that it's ability is an unreliable booster, makes it hard to know just how to balance the thing...Any ideas?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on May 26, 2012, 08:11:20 pm
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before...But something I thought of was the idea of a  :life creature with stats of X|X, where X was the number of creatures on your side of the field.
However, in attempts to balance it, I didn't like what I saw...Basically, it starts out a 1|1, since it counts itself, but the cost wouldn't be balanced well with the effect. I'd like to have balanced it at 4 :life or maybe 5 :life, but the fact that it's ability is an unreliable booster, makes it hard to know just how to balance the thing...Any ideas?
Fractal, mitosis, and aflatoxin will make that very hard to balance.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 26, 2012, 09:52:13 pm
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before...But something I thought of was the idea of a  :life creature with stats of X|X, where X was the number of creatures on your side of the field.
However, in attempts to balance it, I didn't like what I saw...Basically, it starts out a 1|1, since it counts itself, but the cost wouldn't be balanced well with the effect. I'd like to have balanced it at 4 :life or maybe 5 :life, but the fact that it's ability is an unreliable booster, makes it hard to know just how to balance the thing...Any ideas?
This has been suggested before a few times. (usually as an Aether creature strangely enough)

In its current form it would always be used with either Mitosis, Fractal, Alfatoxin or another spawner.

However it would be balanced based on the average stats over the course of a game. (Playtesting should be done to double check my estimates)
I would assume that it would quickly get to at least a 7|7 in most games. 7 :life +/- 2 :life might be a reasonable cost.

A playtest with it and fractal photon | damselflies would be wise.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: russianspy1234 on May 30, 2012, 04:26:47 pm
What do you think would be a good balance for using HP instead of quanta for an ability activation (in this case growth)  I valued it at 5 HP for an activation, thus making 5 HP equal to 1  :life/ :earth 
card in question (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40589.msg502698.html#msg502698)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 30, 2012, 04:53:09 pm
What do you think would be a good balance for using HP instead of quanta for an ability activation (in this case growth)  I valued it at 5 HP for an activation, thus making 5 HP equal to 1  :life/ :earth 
card in question (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40589.msg502698.html#msg502698)
Usually a crude approximation can be made by reversing an existing effect. Heal is 3 :life + 1 card for 20 hp. If 1 card is worth ~2 quanta then 1 elemental quanta -> 4hp healing (assuming linear value for healing). However this is a crude estimate. 5hp is close enough.

The next test is ambivalence. Would informed players be ambivalent about using this card compared to its peer?
4 :death for 2|2  :death:Growth
4 :death for 2|2 5hp:Growth
Saves quanta, gains resistance to denial but also gains a vulnerability to rush. I am ambivalent.

So it appears that the 5hp activation cost is equivalent to 1quanta mono activation cost. (Note that Lava Golem has a duo activation cost.)
Ghoul could probably get an additional +1 attack on its base stats.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on May 31, 2012, 02:31:30 am
I think I need your thoughts on this card.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 31, 2012, 05:25:50 am
I think I need your thoughts on this card.

Heavy Armor Bolts
Fractal Bolts

1) Bolt OTK decks are restricted by generating the stock quanta and drawing enough bolts. At the cost of a duo, the restriction drops.
Mono Fire
5 of 6  cards in a 30 card deck with 69 stock  :fire
Fractal Bolt
3 of 12 cards in a 30 card deck with 52 stock  :fire
This is a significant buff to these decks. I think it is evident that this great of a buff would result in Reflective Shield being a required card.

2) Bolts are like Spark in that they usually only hit once per card. Spark has the potential for more if its hp is buffed. However the cost of hp buffs does not scale with the attack of the mega spark. Thus any mega sparks would already have to have paid the cost.

3) This card has a huge impact with the first bolt spell alone. Why let it affect the later such spells?

My suggestion would be to nerf the effect instead (or more likely along with) raising the cost. I would then compare the Energy Rein OTKs vs competitive OTKs. Similar cost for similar effect.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on May 31, 2012, 02:02:08 pm
Hrm..New idea for ya Old Trees-
A creature that derives it's stats from your current life. I figure the conversion rate might be something along the lines of Catapult, but not sure.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on May 31, 2012, 02:31:58 pm
Hrm..New idea for ya Old Trees-
A creature that derives it's stats from your current life. I figure the conversion rate might be something along the lines of Catapult, but not sure.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on May 31, 2012, 05:40:34 pm
Hrm..New idea for ya Old Trees-
A creature that derives it's stats from your current life. I figure the conversion rate might be something along the lines of Catapult, but not sure.
So it starts with 50 attack?
100 x hp / ( 100 + hp )
100hp: 50 attack
75hp: 43 attack
50hp: 33 attack
25hp: 20 attack
10hp: 9 attack

See ET's card for more possible equations.

In general a card has a cost around its average attack over the course of a game.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on June 01, 2012, 02:13:23 am
I think I need your thoughts on this card.


My suggestion would be to nerf the effect instead (or more likely along with) raising the cost. I would then compare the Energy Rein OTKs vs competitive OTKs. Similar cost for similar effect.
Is this a viable fix ?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 01, 2012, 03:03:22 am
I think I need your thoughts on this card.


My suggestion would be to nerf the effect instead (or more likely along with) raising the cost. I would then compare the Energy Rein OTKs vs competitive OTKs. Similar cost for similar effect.
Is this a viable fix ?

Hp buff
The "all" -> "next"
It is also slowed 1 turn
Finally it is vulnerable to interference.
5 :aether + 30|20 stock :fire +1 :earth|1 :entropy +3 cards for 12|3. This is probably close to balanced if not already balanced.

Fractal OTK
The Silence makes it vulnerable to interference.
15 :aether + 52 stock :fire + 3 cards of 12 in 30 for TTK is probably still to low. However it is not as clearcut as it was before.

Anti CC
Anti CC needs to cost less than the amount of CC it prevents.
Perhaps have you gain the spark regardless of who cast the spell.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 01, 2012, 04:26:32 am
This topic came up during chat.

Suppose Bone dragon got an ability that if it were RT'd, it would instead become a random dragon instead. Is this a buff or nerf to the dragon?

Why or why not should this be implemented?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 01, 2012, 05:04:51 am
This topic came up during chat.

Suppose Bone dragon got an ability that if it were RT'd, it would instead become a random dragon instead. Is this a buff or nerf to the dragon?

Why or why not should this be implemented?
Bone Dragon is a fairly good dragon from a cost / benefit view. However many dragons have equal or better stats. Reverse Time would give it a minor stat boost. rather than returning it to the hand. 2 Reverse Times would "kill" the dragon and deny a draw. (Compared to 2x "kill" or deny) In total this would be a rather insignificant buff. Similar to giving Colossal Dragon +10hp. It would not make an observable difference to the balance.

Dragons are intended to be vanilla creatures. The only exception (phase dragon) was the result of a nerf.  ?_? Yes. I said nerf. PU Dragons was too powerful mono back before the nerf so the stats were lowered and immaterial was added.

Bone Dragon does seem undead. 2 undead creatures have interactions with Reverse Time.

Summary: No balance reason to implement it. To equal and opposed thematic reasons. It would not be worth the coding and testing time.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on June 01, 2012, 03:17:33 pm
Hp buff
The "all" -> "next"
It is also slowed 1 turn
Finally it is vulnerable to interference.
5 :aether + 30|20 stock :fire +1 :earth|1 :entropy +3 cards for 12|3. This is probably close to balanced if not already balanced.

Fractal OTK
The Silence makes it vulnerable to interference.
15 :aether + 52 stock :fire + 3 cards of 12 in 30 for TTK is probably still to low. However it is not as clearcut as it was before.
Is it impossible to balance both functions of the card just based on cost adjustment ?

If it is impossible, how do you think about this fix ?

Silence yourself this turn, the next damage spell targeted on you becomes creature of N | 0.
N = spell damage.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 01, 2012, 04:25:11 pm
Hp buff
The "all" -> "next"
It is also slowed 1 turn
Finally it is vulnerable to interference.
5 :aether + 30|20 stock :fire +1 :earth|1 :entropy +3 cards for 12|3. This is probably close to balanced if not already balanced.

Fractal OTK
The Silence makes it vulnerable to interference.
15 :aether + 52 stock :fire + 3 cards of 12 in 30 for TTK is probably still to low. However it is not as clearcut as it was before.
Is it impossible to balance both functions of the card just based on cost adjustment ?

If it is impossible, how do you think about this fix ?

Silence yourself this turn, the next damage spell targeted on you becomes creature of N | 0.
N = spell damage.
The new fix does not hamper either aggressive strategy and does remove the weak anti CC usage.

Any cost increase would hinder the OTK more than the Megaspark. (the speed of :fire produced would drop) So it is theoretically possible to balance those two relative to each other. Although I do not think theory alone is precise enough to determine that cost. (aka contact Emerald Tiger or ZBlader about a playtest)

The main problem is how to buff the anti CC usage along with the aggressive usages. The ideal way would be to weaken the aggressive versions.

Fractal Bolts gains its strength from Fractal returning the spell card. What if fractal returned a creature card instead (see fractal Shard Golem rather than fractal Shard of Integrity)?

Megaspark gains its strength from receiving the full power of bolt spells. (Lightning and Shockwave are not problems) Perhaps the spark has a fraction of the extra damage?

With sufficiently weakened aggressive versions, you could return it from "next" to "all" thus buffing the anti-CC usage.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on June 01, 2012, 11:29:07 pm
Name: ?
Element: ?
Cost: somewhere between 3 and 5, inclusive
Text: Your Hp is now equal to the total Hp of all creatures on your field. If it is higher than your max, your max is raised.
Upgraded change: Your Hp is now equal to the total Hp of all creatures on the field. If it is higher than your max, your max is raised.

What do you think of this and what's the best to compare it to?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 02, 2012, 12:34:12 pm
Sounds like a  :life (thematic match of other cards in  :life) or  :gravity ( strongest mono implementation of card) card to me.
As for the cost...Un upped I think could have the 3 cost, but the upgraded could be 5, since it's a significant leap in power.
The unupped requires you to have either high HP creatures, or gamble that the opponent won't have a way to prevent mass creature spawning.
The upgraded has the benefit of being able to serve as a sot counter to decks with high HP creatures as it's strategy, however, I can't think of very many decks that work that way...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 02, 2012, 05:48:03 pm
Name: ?
Element: ?
Cost: somewhere between 3 and 5, inclusive
Text: Your Hp is now equal to the total Hp of all creatures on your field. If it is higher than your max, your max is raised.
Upgraded change: Your Hp is now equal to the total Hp of all creatures on the field. If it is higher than your max, your max is raised.

What do you think of this and what's the best to compare it to?
Sounds like a  :life (thematic match of other cards in  :life) or  :gravity ( strongest mono implementation of card) card to me.
As for the cost...Un upped I think could have the 3 cost, but the upgraded could be 5, since it's a significant leap in power.
The unupped requires you to have either high HP creatures, or gamble that the opponent won't have a way to prevent mass creature spawning.
The upgraded has the benefit of being able to serve as a sot counter to decks with high HP creatures as it's strategy, however, I can't think of very many decks that work that way...
The upgrade is not double the power of the unupped because the opponent's deck will not be tailored to synergize with this card. I would expect the upgrade to be about a 20% increase in power.

It would probably be played in a Gravity Deck (Armagios, Animated Titans, Basilisk Blood + Catapult). In many cases I expect it to set the hp to around 75. This is similar to Miracle. However a 75hp Miracle is less than 3/4ths the value of Miracle. (people do not normally cast it at 1hp) Probably closer to 1/2

Being dependent on having field presence is a cost reduction.

1/2 (15 :light+1card) ~= 6.5 :underworld + 1 card
A 25% increase would be 8.6 :underworld + 1 card
The cost reduction is probably about 1-2 quanta
5.5 :underworld + 1card | 7.1 :underworld + 1card - upgrade

5 :underworld +1card | 6 :underworld +1card
I would agree with Zaealix in that Life fits closest thematically and if it were Life it would probably used in a Life / Gravity Duo. (Duo = -1 casting cost) However its synergy with Gravity is great enough that a Life version would probably only be used in Life Gravity Duos. Based on this there is a good case for making it a Gravity card.

5 :gravity|6 :gravity +1card (This is a low estimate. Expect a slight nerf after playtesting)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 04, 2012, 01:53:13 am
So I was brainstorming another random chaos type card for entropy, just for the fun of it, and I thought of a card that removes all skills from all creatures on the field and then randomly assigns every creature a new skill. I'm thinking the "skill pool" could be almost any creature skill in the game and/or skills granted via spell.

At second glance it seemed overpowered because unless your opponent is using a rainbow, odds are they won't be able to use any of the skills that they get, so that makes it a kind of field wide lobotomy.

-First off, is this original?
-Suggestions for mechanic balance, like what skills would you not include in the pool?
-What would this card cost to play?
-Does  :entropy need another card? If not, what other element could use this?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 04, 2012, 02:10:13 am
Concerning mechanic balance...This idea of yours makes me think first of a sort of mass version of mutation, like the way pandemonium is sort of a mass version of chaos seed. Now, this doesn't affect stats of the creature, but it does affect skills...Depending on the creature, it could make it more or less powerful, since not all abilities require quanta.
Momentum, Venom, Gravity Pull, Immaterial, are some if not all of the abilities that don't require quanta.
Mitosis would count, as the cost of mitosis is always the cost of the creature's casting cost, which would not have changed.
Entropy is the only thing that really fits for this idea, so it'd have to go here...The REAL question, if you ask me, is will this card be useful enough to be worth using despite it's natural randomness?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 04, 2012, 03:27:26 am
So I was brainstorming another random chaos type card for entropy, just for the fun of it, and I thought of a card that removes all skills from all creatures on the field and then randomly assigns every creature a new skill. I'm thinking the "skill pool" could be almost any creature skill in the game and/or skills granted via spell.

At second glance it seemed overpowered because unless your opponent is using a rainbow, odds are they won't be able to use any of the skills that they get, so that makes it a kind of field wide lobotomy.

-First off, is this original?
-Suggestions for mechanic balance, like what skills would you not include in the pool?
-What would this card cost to play?
-Does  :entropy need another card? If not, what other element could use this?
Concerning mechanic balance...This idea of yours makes me think first of a sort of mass version of mutation, like the way pandemonium is sort of a mass version of chaos seed. Now, this doesn't affect stats of the creature, but it does affect skills...Depending on the creature, it could make it more or less powerful, since not all abilities require quanta.
Momentum, Venom, Gravity Pull, Immaterial, are some if not all of the abilities that don't require quanta.
Mitosis would count, as the cost of mitosis is always the cost of the creature's casting cost, which would not have changed.
Entropy is the only thing that really fits for this idea, so it'd have to go here...The REAL question, if you ask me, is will this card be useful enough to be worth using despite it's natural randomness?
Is it original?
Yes, I remember seeing posts containing the idea but I don't recall any threads.

Does entropy need another card?
All elements can benefit from more cards.

Changing the skill of an enemy creature is usually a lobotomy effect even if it is in the same element. If you want to avoid the mass lobotomy, you could restrict the spell to only affect your creatures.
I have found that a mass spell is about 4x the cost of a single target spell. This is like mutation but without the stat adjustment. I would consider testing a 5|3 :entropy your side only version.

In many ways, Fallen Elf has filled the same role as this. This would be a mono version that has some pros and cons compared to the Elf.

Skills to possibly exclude:
None that exist yet. Even Deja Vu and Steal would be fine.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 06, 2012, 01:16:36 am
Some ideas I've considered...
A card that basically works like Mindgate, but for your own deck: it draws a copy of the card you're about to draw.
Can be abused for incredible pillar creation and quanta production (Bolts are back!)
Easier to work with, Mindgate for the most part, seems to require a good deal of  :aether quanta sunk before you can start making use of it.
Since Time is the element of drawing cards, and Time paradoxes can, in a sense, generate more of one thing, I figured this could be a time card.
Secondly: A card that does damage whenever a creature is put into play,  :life element if possible, as it works mechanically with life's cheap easy to spawn creatures, as well as mitosis.
Not sure about the balance this card might have...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on June 06, 2012, 06:25:02 am
Some ideas I've considered...
A card that basically works like Mindgate, but for your own deck: it draws a copy of the card you're about to draw.
Can be abused for incredible pillar creation and quanta production (Bolts are back!)
Easier to work with, Mindgate for the most part, seems to require a good deal of  :aether quanta sunk before you can start making use of it.
Since Time is the element of drawing cards, and Time paradoxes can, in a sense, generate more of one thing, I figured this could be a time card.

One thing here is that, because Mindgate works with your opponent's deck, you will need a decent amount :rainbow.  With a reverse-Mindgate, you know exactly what's in your deck, so you can use it with only one quanta type.  I'm not sure if it would work or not; just a note.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on June 06, 2012, 01:11:20 pm
Some ideas I've considered...
A card that basically works like Mindgate, but for your own deck: it draws a copy of the card you're about to draw.
Can be abused for incredible pillar creation and quanta production (Bolts are back!)
Easier to work with, Mindgate for the most part, seems to require a good deal of  :aether quanta sunk before you can start making use of it.
Since Time is the element of drawing cards, and Time paradoxes can, in a sense, generate more of one thing, I figured this could be a time card.
Secondly: A card that does damage whenever a creature is put into play,  :life element if possible, as it works mechanically with life's cheap easy to spawn creatures, as well as mitosis.
Not sure about the balance this card might have...
Could make it totally a reverse mindgate as a possible form of denial. giving opponent a copy of ur top card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 06, 2012, 03:54:59 pm
Some ideas I've considered...
A card that basically works like Mindgate, but for your own deck: it draws a copy of the card you're about to draw.
Can be abused for incredible pillar creation and quanta production (Bolts are back!)
Easier to work with, Mindgate for the most part, seems to require a good deal of  :aether quanta sunk before you can start making use of it.
Since Time is the element of drawing cards, and Time paradoxes can, in a sense, generate more of one thing, I figured this could be a time card.
One thing here is that, because Mindgate works with your opponent's deck, you will need a decent amount :rainbow.  With a reverse-Mindgate, you know exactly what's in your deck, so you can use it with only one quanta type.  I'm not sure if it would work or not; just a note.
In some ways it will be like an Hourglass. However some cards have abnormal synergy when breaking the 6 copy barrier and it would not be powered by your deck size.

Another card dealt with these abnormal synergies Echo (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,21641.0.html)

Try +2 casting cost and +1 activation cost compared to hourglass. 6|6 casting cost  3|2 activation cost

Secondly: A card that does damage whenever a creature is put into play,  :life element if possible, as it works mechanically with life's cheap easy to spawn creatures, as well as mitosis.
Not sure about the balance this card might have...

I would probably not put it in either Life or Aether if possible. The synergy and cost resulting in a duo with one of those elements would cancel allowing a lower base cost.

So the question is how does the damage happen?
Is it an enchantment that lobs fireballs? Perhaps the creatures are quick and get an early (but weak) strike? Something else?

I would guess a casting cost of 5 with 3 damage per creature might be balanced. However I do not have a good comparison so poll the community.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 07, 2012, 07:32:33 pm
I have an idea for a non-rare weapon card. I would like to know
1) Has it already been done (or is there another card too similar to it out there right now)
2) Is it low key enough to be a non-rare weapon. More specifically is it a good idea to add non-rare type "other" weapons that have non-vanilla abilities or should that be reserved for elemental weapons.
3) Is it balanced well compared to the other non-rares (dagger, hammer, bow, sword)

Card: Razor Disc | Chakram
Cost: 1  :rainbow
Text: "Weapon (Ranged): Deals 2 (4 upped) damage, as spell if mark is :aether .
0 throw: deal 1 damage to target and return to deck."

Return to deck could mean either top or randomly shuffled in.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 07, 2012, 07:38:08 pm
 :o That 'thrown' idea of yours is highly intriging. However, the mark creating 'spell' damage I think might be better suited to being a seperate idea...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 07, 2012, 07:44:58 pm
Hmm, if the spell damage part is too much, I can always change it to:
"Weapon (Ranged): Deals 2 damage, plus 1 if mark is :aether.
0 throw: deal 1 damage to target and return to deck."

I had the spell damage part in there to try and keep this weapon sufficiently distinct from Owl's Eye as well as the other non-rares in place already.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on June 07, 2012, 10:59:46 pm
This one is in the archives: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35691
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 07, 2012, 11:10:38 pm
I have an idea for a non-rare weapon card. I would like to know
1) Has it already been done (or is there another card too similar to it out there right now)
2) Is it low key enough to be a non-rare weapon. More specifically is it a good idea to add non-rare type "other" weapons that have non-vanilla abilities or should that be reserved for elemental weapons.
3) Is it balanced well compared to the other non-rares (dagger, hammer, bow, sword)

Card: Razor Disc | Chakram
Cost: 1  :rainbow
Text: "Weapon (Ranged): Deals 2 (4 upped) damage, as spell if mark is :aether .
0 throw: deal 1 damage to target and return to deck."

Return to deck could mean either top or randomly shuffled in.
Hmm, if the spell damage part is too much, I can always change it to:
"Weapon (Ranged): Deals 2 damage, plus 1 if mark is :aether.
0 throw: deal 1 damage to target and return to deck."

I had the spell damage part in there to try and keep this weapon sufficiently distinct from Owl's Eye as well as the other non-rares in place already.

This one is in the archives: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,35691

2) Spell damage + Antideckout is probably too much for an other card. Antideckout might be too much for an other weapon by itself. (See Eternity)

3)Shortbow | Longbow is
3|6 attack + Ranged + 1 if mark X for 2 :rainbow + 1 card
Your suggestion is
2|4 attack + Spell + Throw + 1 if mark X for 1 :rainbow + 1 card
Dagger | Dirk is
2|4 attack + 1 if mark X or Y for 0 :rainbow + 1 card

Spell damage is probably balanced but not Throw.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 08, 2012, 04:36:14 am
Would having it return to hand be OK? That way it won't have anit-deckout abilities and will be different from the crucible archive card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 08, 2012, 05:16:11 am
Would having it return to hand be OK? That way it won't have anit-deckout abilities and will be different from the crucible archive card.

2|4 attack +  :rainbow: deal 1 damage* + Spell + 1 if X mark for 2 :rainbow
*Throw and replay

Spell is practically momentum so I would recommend dropping it in order to balance.

2|4 attack +  :rainbow: deal 3 damage* + 1 if X mark for 2 :rainbow
*Throw and replay
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 10, 2012, 01:08:56 am
Oldtrees, I've a question for you concerning spell damage and shields.
As of right now, shields have 1 of 2 responses to spell damage.
Either reflection, which not only renders targeting the player with attack spells useless, but grants the shield immortality (via reflection of any attempt to destroy it) and causes any such spell to rebound on it's wielder.
I've been considering the idea of creating a shield that, instead of 'reflecting spells' merely acts as 'spell' resistance, but in exchange, has either improved damage resistance (Unlikely, due to the very limited spectrum that defensive shields allow) Or a cost trade off.
 :rainbow Force Field
costs 1 :rainbow|2 :rainbow
Normal: Reduces spell damage done to you by 3
Upgraded: Reduces spell damage done to you by 3, and physical damage by 1.
This idea I was contemplating as a way to create alternate shields for  :aether, which has the controversial Dim|Phase Shield. and Gravity's oft-spurned Gravity shield.
Your thoughts?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 10, 2012, 01:52:33 am
Oldtrees, I've a question for you concerning spell damage and shields.
As of right now, shields have 1 of 2 responses to spell damage.
Either reflection, which not only renders targeting the player with attack spells useless, but grants the shield immortality (via reflection of any attempt to destroy it) and causes any such spell to rebound on it's wielder.
I've been considering the idea of creating a shield that, instead of 'reflecting spells' merely acts as 'spell' resistance, but in exchange, has either improved damage resistance (Unlikely, due to the very limited spectrum that defensive shields allow) Or a cost trade off.
 :rainbow Force Field
costs 1 :rainbow|2 :rainbow
Normal: Reduces spell damage done to you by 3
Upgraded: Reduces spell damage done to you by 3, and physical damage by 1.
This idea I was contemplating as a way to create alternate shields for  :aether, which has the controversial Dim|Phase Shield. and Gravity's oft-spurned Gravity shield.
Your thoughts?
Such a shield would only be useful vs Wisdom and Physical damage. This is probably sufficiently useful.
An alternative would be blocking a fraction of spell damage (30% round up?) and a constant amount of physical damage (DR 1)

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on June 10, 2012, 02:24:30 am
A while ago Essence mentioned the possiblity of having 'classes' with various special effects as well as tradebacks on an elemental playstyle. Some examples:

Beserker : Use a weapon slot in place of your shield slot. You cannot heal.
Cleric : Spell cards heal you 2x the amount. You cannot use weapons. (Original Cleric by Essence)
Hunter : You can up to 7 copies of each creature, and 4 copies of each spell/permanent (pillars don't count.)
Lich : Upon death, revive with 15 HP. Start with 5 Poison.

What are your thoughts on their possible impact on the game?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 10, 2012, 03:57:45 am
A while ago Essence mentioned the possiblity of having 'classes' with various special effects as well as tradebacks on an elemental playstyle. Some examples:

Beserker : Use a weapon slot in place of your shield slot. You cannot heal.
Cleric : Spell cards heal you 2x the amount. You cannot use weapons. (Original Cleric by Essence)
Hunter : You can up to 7 copies of each creature, and 4 copies of each spell/permanent (pillars don't count.)
Lich : Upon death, revive with 15 HP. Start with 5 Poison.

What are your thoughts on their possible impact on the game?

I feel that such ideas would be viable options for this new Trial idea. Since the original mark represents the player, the class would be tied to the original mark

If done correctly they would benefit the game. However they are far from a crucial feature.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 10, 2012, 12:22:22 pm
A while ago Essence mentioned the possiblity of having 'classes' with various special effects as well as tradebacks on an elemental playstyle. Some examples:

Beserker : Use a weapon slot in place of your shield slot. You cannot heal.
Cleric : Spell cards heal you 2x the amount. You cannot use weapons. (Original Cleric by Essence)
Hunter : You can up to 7 copies of each creature, and 4 copies of each spell/permanent (pillars don't count.)
Lich : Upon death, revive with 15 HP. Start with 5 Poison.

What are your thoughts on their possible impact on the game?
MY thoughts are this:
Beserker: Not gonna last long if it can't heal and use shields, the extra weapon I don't see making up for that.
Cleric: If you use it right it's good, but without using weapons, it could be tricky.
Hunter: Spells and Permanents usually aren't good to carry in large numbers so I suspect this class will be heavily used.
Lich: Possibly OP if runs a deck with purifiy, but hard to tell really how this one will work out.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on June 10, 2012, 05:18:59 pm

Can I get a thought on this vs. Otyugh, oh Great Tree-ey One?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 10, 2012, 06:45:14 pm

Can I get a thought on this vs. Otyugh, oh Great Tree-ey One?
It is not very similar to Otyugh at all.

It is more similar to "Copy and kill target creature with less than 6|8 hp"
This is turn is similar to "Copy and deal 5|7 damage to target creature"
So it is similar to a Lightning + Parallel Universe that have to target the same creature.
(Lightning + Parallel Universe) - enemy creature only
(9 :aether + 2 cards) - 2 :aether + 1 card (estimate) = 7 :aether + 1 card
7 :aether + 1 card = 5 :gravity (casting) + 2 :gravity (activating) + 1 card
However since the stats are overwritten, the starting stats should be worth the casting cost.
4-5 | 5-6 attack could be justified

Conclusion: Buff attack and increase activation cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: mildlyfrightenedboy on June 10, 2012, 07:33:19 pm

Can I get a thought on this vs. Otyugh, oh Great Tree-ey One?
It is not very similar to Otyugh at all.

It is more similar to "Copy and kill target creature with less than 6|8 hp"
This is turn is similar to "Copy and deal 5|7 damage to target creature"
So it is similar to a Lightning + Parallel Universe that have to target the same creature.
(Lightning + Parallel Universe) - enemy creature only
(9 :aether + 2 cards) - 2 :aether + 1 card (estimate) = 7 :aether + 1 card
7 :aether + 1 card = 5 :gravity (casting) + 2 :gravity (activating) + 1 card
However since the stats are overwritten, the starting stats should be worth the casting cost.
4-5 | 5-6 attack could be justified

Conclusion: Buff attack and increase activation cost.
Thank god

Thanks, will do!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on June 11, 2012, 11:11:49 am
Transformation | Transformation

Do you think it's a good idea to make it a  :entropy card ? My original idea was to make it an other card but I changed it in the last minute for no convincing reason.

And do you think such way to adjust quanta production a useful addition for decks which require accurate quanta balance ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 11, 2012, 02:20:32 pm
Transformation | Transformation

Do you think it's a good idea to make it a  :entropy card ? My original idea was to make it an other card but I changed it in the last minute for no convincing reason.

And do you think such way to adjust quanta production a useful addition for decks which require accurate quanta balance ?

"Turn target piller/pendulum stack into pendulum/piller stack of the same element."

This does not seem to have an elemental feel to it. Change, Pillars and Pendulums are themes in all elements and thus in Other.

Would the constructive usage be useful?
I don't think so. All it does it toggle the amount of mark quanta being produced. This can be done during deck building. More accurate quanta generation would be needed for decks that require accurate quanta balance.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 12, 2012, 02:10:50 am
Something I thought of was some sort of 'chargable spell'.
Basically, when played, you can 'activate' the spell to feed it quanta,much like Rustler, and then it applies it's effects either at the end of your turn, or at the end of your opponent's turn (in case a counter-measure to it should be the case.) based on the quanta fed to it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 12, 2012, 04:19:24 am
Something I thought of was some sort of 'chargable spell'.
Basically, when played, you can 'activate' the spell to feed it quanta,much like Rustler, and then it applies it's effects either at the end of your turn, or at the end of your opponent's turn (in case a counter-measure to it should be the case.) based on the quanta fed to it.
Please extrapolate. What is the core of this idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 12, 2012, 11:22:45 am
Originally? A  :gravity spell that would do something based on the amount of quanta spent, the idea being this 'event' was somehow related to the creation of a new star or something.
However, it's an idea that could be applied in a number of ways, depending on how you look at it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 12, 2012, 03:12:33 pm
Something I thought of was some sort of 'chargable spell'.
Basically, when played, you can 'activate' the spell to feed it quanta,much like Rustler, and then it applies it's effects either at the end of your turn, or at the end of your opponent's turn (in case a counter-measure to it should be the case.) based on the quanta fed to it.
Please extrapolate. What is the core of this idea?
Originally? A  :gravity spell that would do something based on the amount of quanta spent, the idea being this 'event' was somehow related to the creation of a new star or something.
However, it's an idea that could be applied in a number of ways, depending on how you look at it.
A core idea is the smallest fraction of an idea without which it is no longer the suggestion.

A possible Core idea:
Original: A  :gravity spell that would do something based on the amount of quanta spent
A spell that would do something based on the amount of quanta spent
A spell that had multiple modes based on the amount of quanta spent
Multiple modes based on the amount of quanta spent
Core: Ability to spend different amounts of quanta to get different modes

What is the core of your idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 12, 2012, 03:30:43 pm
The idea was something akin to a bolt, more quanta fed, more damage dealt, or something like that.
But multiple modes...Hrm...Well, multiple modes might be more of a  :time type dealie, I'm not sure where a spell like that could go.
Perhaps with  :darkness it could be one of three effects:
1.Applies a 'corruption' buff, that turns the creature into a darkness type, and grants it +1/+1.
2. Grants the vampire effect without the poison.
3. Lycantropy-level buff, but applies poison (often times in werewolf mythos the wolf side is destructive beyond what a normal wild animal might be.)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 12, 2012, 06:43:28 pm
The idea was something akin to a bolt, more quanta fed, more damage dealt, or something like that.
This is multiple modes.
1) X quanta for Y damage
2) 2X quanta for 2Y damage

In this case a short term permanent with a doom clock (dimensional shield has a 3 turn clock) would work.
An activated ability would increase the clock by 1 turn and increase the effect triggered when the permanent is destroyed (either by PC or by the doom clock)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on June 13, 2012, 01:52:47 am
Someone told me that this game does not need any new CC. Do you agree ?

And if I want to make a card that damages creature and triggers secondary effect if target is killed, how much damage is suitable for this card in order to lower the CC aspect to minimum ?

( In other words, killing a creature is just a condition for the card to function and I don't want CC to be the main goal of the card. I thought of 1 damage but that would be a very harsh condition for the card to function properly so I settled with 2 damage. Is this enough ? )

These questions are related to the following card but I think it would be better not to limit the questions to just one particular card.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 13, 2012, 02:09:17 am
Someone told me that this game does not need any new CC. Do you agree ?

And if I want to make a card that damages creature and triggers secondary effect if target is killed, how much damage is suitable for this card in order to lower the CC aspect to minimum ?

( In other words, killing a creature is just a condition for the card to function and I don't want CC to be the main goal of the card. I thought of 1 damage but that would be a very harsh condition for the card to function properly so I settled with 2 damage. Is this enough ? )

These questions are related to the following card but I think it would be better not to limit the questions to just one particular card.

Does the game have enough CC? No. Light and Life (more CC) should have thematically appropriate CC mechanics.

It should deal at least 1 damage to enable it to trigger its effect.
Snipe does 3 damage.
2 damage is slower than snipe and bound to be less efficient due to the added cost paying for the triggered effect.

Since it is a spell, Shockwave might be a better comparison than Snipe. Only buff to 3 damage if it needs it.

[General questions tend to be more useful to others. Thanks]
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OTL on June 13, 2012, 02:15:49 am
Someone told me that this game does not need any new CC. Do you agree ?
Does the game have enough CC? No. Light and Water should have thematically appropriate CC mechanics.

Just a minor error, but I'm pretty sure between squid, ice bolt, permafrost and freeze, water has quite a bit of CC ^^
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 13, 2012, 02:21:52 am
Someone told me that this game does not need any new CC. Do you agree ?
Does the game have enough CC? No. Light and Water should have thematically appropriate CC mechanics.

Just a minor error, but I'm pretty sure between squid, ice bolt, permafrost and freeze, water has quite a bit of CC ^^
Thanks. I meant Life (I clicked a quanta symbol rather than type the name. I did not proof read)
Yes Life has Spine Carapace but I think that more CC would be wise.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 13, 2012, 05:17:35 am
If you could make one change (nothing that has to do with cards themselves though) to the game right now, what would it be? What features would you add/change/remove?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 13, 2012, 01:45:53 pm
If you could make one change (nothing that has to do with cards themselves though) to the game right now, what would it be? What features would you add/change/remove?
"Nothing to do with the cards themselves"
So it has to be a structural gameplay mechanic.

I would add some more PvP Duel options:
Arena powers (People see these abilities and are tempted to use them. If people use them then Arena balance would be improved faster.)
Terrain Settings (Global effects that alter the game slightly)
Mark character (Beneficial and negative effects balanced relative to the default marks)

However I realize that this would take awhile to implement and should be implemented one at a time for easier balancing.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on June 13, 2012, 05:17:55 pm
1) What are your thoughts on the concept of 'Hero' cards and a 'Hero' slot?

2) What are your thoughts on cards that limit/expand the number of copies they can have in a deck?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 13, 2012, 06:33:24 pm
Hero concept? Hero slot?
Elaborate please, this idea could very well mean anything.
In my case I read it as either:
A. A card that alters the base abilities of the player (drawing more cards, getting more quanta from mark, that sort of thing.)
B. Something akin to a 'planeswalker' from Magic, that is, a special 'helper' of sorts that basically has a kind of 'lifeforce' and abilities that do things alongside a player.
As far as limiting/expanding the number of copies, I find this idea interesting, but such cards would have to apply even from within the deck, or somehow be availible for use at all times. As a creature/permanent/spell, these cards would have to have the 'limit break' ability as some sort of 'secondary effect'. The primary effect, which would be triggered when played, could resemble a weaker version of an existing effect, as a means to balance it out.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 13, 2012, 08:50:02 pm
1) What are your thoughts on the concept of 'Hero' cards and a 'Hero' slot?

2) What are your thoughts on cards that limit/expand the number of copies they can have in a deck?
1) Hero cards are like Weapons and Shields. (Like a planeswalker if you were limited to only 1 planeswalker)
In general I am against cards that encourage including 6 of a kind in a deck but only allow 1 to be used. It feels irrational. I much prefer the current implementation Firefly Queen, Pharaoh and Anubis use.

2) In general I prefer exponential design (adding cards that enable breaking the 6 card limit) to linear design (adding cards that break the 6 card limit).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OTL on June 13, 2012, 10:35:12 pm

What would be a balanced cost for this card?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 13, 2012, 10:53:26 pm

What would be a balanced cost for this card?
All creatures have a 50% miss chance for the next 3 turns. | All enemy creatures ...

The unupped is akin to a 1.5 turn sundial | The upgraded is akin to a 1.5 turn Dimensional Shield
1.5x 1 :time + 1 card | (0.5x 6 :aether + Shield + 1 card) - upgrade
If 1 card = 2 quanta and Shield = 3 quanta
1.5x 3 :time | (0.5x 11 :aether) - upgrade
4.5 :time | 5.5 :aether - upgrade
2.5 :time + 1 card | 3.5 :aether + 1 card - upgrade
upgrade = 1-2
3 :light + 1 card | 3 :light + 1 card
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OTL on June 13, 2012, 11:01:05 pm

What would be a balanced cost for this card?
All creatures have a 50% miss chance for the next 3 turns. | All enemy creatures ...

The unupped is akin to a 1.5 turn sundial | The upgraded is akin to a 1.5 turn Dimensional Shield
1.5x 1 :time + 1 card | (0.5x 6 :aether + Shield + 1 card) - upgrade
If 1 card = 2 quanta and Shield = 3 quanta
1.5x 3 :time | (0.5x 11 :aether) - upgrade
4.5 :time | 5.5 :aether - upgrade
2.5 :time + 1 card | 3.5 :aether + 1 card - upgrade
upgrade = 1-2
3 :light + 1 card | 3 :light + 1 card

PS: Currently it does not have synergy with Immortal. "All creatures" does not imply the effect targets. You might want to update the notes to explain whether it does target (immaterial creatures are immune) or does not target.

Thanks for the cost comparison

Just to clarify, when I said The Immortal, I was referring to the earth-light stall, not the aether card
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 16, 2012, 07:15:31 am
Assume I have a card that has the effect "Gain X hp per turn" and its cost is Y quanta.

How much should a card that has the effect "Gain 5X hp" cost?
How much should a card that has the effect "Increase your max hp by X every turn" cost?
How much should a card that has the effect "Increase your max hp by 5X" cost?

How much is Y in respect to X?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 16, 2012, 04:02:32 pm
Assume I have a card that has the effect "Gain X hp per turn" and its cost is Y quanta.

How much should a card that has the effect "Gain 5X hp" cost?
How much should a card that has the effect "Increase your max hp by X every turn" cost?
How much should a card that has the effect "Increase your max hp by 5X" cost?

How much is Y in respect to X?

I would start with the assumption that a card that heals 5X per turn would cost 5x* the amount of a card that heals X per turn. This is not always true because healing per turn is less effective at really small or moderately high quantities.
*5x the cost does not mean 5x the quanta cost. 5 photons cost 5 cards ~= 8 :light + 1 card.

Next I would use a comparison to an existing card.
Druidic Staff costs 2 :life + weapon + 1 card for 2 attack and 5 regeneration.
Shard of Gratitude costs 5 :rainbow + Mark + 1 card for 5 regeneration.
Both of these can be reduced to 3 :life/6 :rainbow + 1 card for 5 regeneration.
So X regeneration would cost X-2 :life + 1 card or 1.5(X-1) :rainbow + 1 card.

Next I would compare healing to gaining max hp.
Heal 3 :life + 1 card for 20 healing
Shard of Divinity 5 :rainbow + Mark + 1 card for 24 max hp
4X healing costs (X-2) :life + 1 card
5X max hp costs (X-2) :life + 1 card
This implies that max hp is worth slightly less than healing. This is counter intuitive. Healing enables Elemental Mastery. Max hp healing is cut off at 500 rather than 100. I would hazard a guess that Shard of Divinity is slightly more powerful than Heal. This sets max hp gain and healing at equal value.

So X max hp per turn would cost X-2 :life + 1 card or 1.5(X-1) :rainbow + 1 card.

Note there are some assumptions that should be double checked.
1) When is healing not linear? (heal 500 is less valuable than 5x heal 100)
2) When is max hp gain not linear?
3) Are the cards used in the comparison balanced?
4) What is the relative balance relationship between Shard of Divinity and Heal?
5) Is the relationship between max hp and healing different from the relationship between max hp per turn and regeneration?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 17, 2012, 04:23:32 am
General thoughts on a creature that is affected by buffs and healing in reverse.

-Any attempt to damage this creature via spell or skill heals it by that amount instead.
-Vise-versa for attempts to heal it.
-Casting Infection on it instead casts a +1 Purify and vise-versa.

Thinking about having the same for buffs to attack... but there's lack of negative and positive diversity in buffs and debuffs. There's no spell to reduce something's attack in the game right now, so this would only allow negative affects.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 17, 2012, 02:47:16 pm
General thoughts on a creature that is affected by buffs and healing in reverse.

-Any attempt to damage this creature via spell or skill heals it by that amount instead.
-Vise-versa for attempts to heal it.
-Casting Infection on it instead casts a +1 Purify and vise-versa.

Thinking about having the same for buffs to attack... but there's lack of negative and positive diversity in buffs and debuffs. There's no spell to reduce something's attack in the game right now, so this would only allow negative affects.
1) I have a hard time imagining a creature that would be healed by burns, beatings and bolts that would also be harmed by healing.
2) It would be really hard to remove.
3) There would be more debuffing if a debuff were added rather than a card that was debuffed by buffs.
I think the damage effect has been done before via negative hp on an undead creature. (However I could not find it)

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 17, 2012, 04:01:47 pm
I'd think such a creature, would simply become suspectible to different things.
Ex. Basilisk blood would most likly insta-kill it (-20 HP), but if it didn't work, it would grant the creature adrenaline.
Adrenaline however would delay it, if we grant these two equivilance, than it would be 6 turns of delay.
I feel this creature highlights what is a perhaps a precieved weakness in buff cards, namely that they 'aren't worth the investment' or that they are too easily countered.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 17, 2012, 09:18:58 pm
I'd think such a creature, would simply become suspectible to different things.
Ex. Basilisk blood would most likly insta-kill it (-20 HP), but if it didn't work, it would grant the creature adrenaline.
Adrenaline however would delay it, if we grant these two equivilance, than it would be 6 turns of delay.
I feel this creature highlights what is a perhaps a precieved weakness in buff cards, namely that they 'aren't worth the investment' or that they are too easily countered.
Yeah that's part of why I brought this up, buffs are underrated.
1) I have a hard time imagining a creature that would be healed by burns, beatings and bolts that would also be harmed by healing.
2) It would be really hard to remove.
3) There would be more debuffing if a debuff were added rather than a card that was debuffed by buffs.
I think the damage effect has been done before via negative hp on an undead creature. (However I could not find it)
Let me go a little more in detail with the idea.
I'm thinking a 5|1 creature that can only be killed by a heal or buff.
If we're thinking outside the box, an opponent who has Guardian Angel as a key creature is a nightmare. This is saying I've never found a particularly good reason why we can target enemies with heal.
This hypothetical creature of mine would be some kind of chaotic reverse energy monster, or possibly some kind of spirit or undead thing.   :darkness or :entropy maybe?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 17, 2012, 09:43:50 pm
I'd think such a creature, would simply become suspectible to different things.
Ex. Basilisk blood would most likly insta-kill it (-20 HP), but if it didn't work, it would grant the creature adrenaline.
Adrenaline however would delay it, if we grant these two equivilance, than it would be 6 turns of delay.
I feel this creature highlights what is a perhaps a precieved weakness in buff cards, namely that they 'aren't worth the investment' or that they are too easily countered.
Yeah that's part of why I brought this up, buffs are underrated.
1) I have a hard time imagining a creature that would be healed by burns, beatings and bolts that would also be harmed by healing.
2) It would be really hard to remove.
3) There would be more debuffing if a debuff were added rather than a card that was debuffed by buffs.
I think the damage effect has been done before via negative hp on an undead creature. (However I could not find it)
Let me go a little more in detail with the idea.
I'm thinking a 5|1 creature that can only be killed by a heal or buff.
If we're thinking outside the box, an opponent who has Guardian Angel as a key creature is a nightmare. This is saying I've never found a particularly good reason why we can target enemies with heal.
This hypothetical creature of mine would be some kind of chaotic reverse energy monster, or possibly some kind of spirit or undead thing.   :darkness or :entropy maybe?
1) Buff cards are worth the investment
2) Having a CC use vs 1 creature would not buff the buff cards

3) Such a creature would be vulnerable to: Quint?, Heavy Armor, Basilisk Blood, Chaos Power, Adrenaline, Holy Light, Angel, Bless, Reverse Time, Purify +indirect counters
4) Heavy Armor, Holy Light, Angel and Purify are not very common and thus should not be counted as counters. Still that leaves enough counters (provided they get effects worth the higher than Lightning cost.)
5) It would usually only be removed by Basilisk Blood, Chaos Power, Bless or Reverse Time. Similar to Immaterial being removed by 3 CC shields.

6) Undead burn
7) Reverse energy sounds like it would treat all energy (mechanical, thermal, electrical, healing) the same.

The idea is definitely worth developing and submitting to the crucible after tuning.

PS: I would still recommend adding more debuff cards if the intent is to add more debuffing.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 17, 2012, 09:51:08 pm
hrm...A method to turn adversity(incoming spells) into power...
Perhaps some sort of 'absorbtion?' except that does not explain the negative effects of beneficial effects...
Another idea is some sort of 'reflective' creature, like the many times you see in tales of an adventurer coming across a 'shadow' of oneself, and having to either fight and defeat it...Or somehow 'accept it'. This seems like a more fitting idea, the shadow you must 'accept', as such a thing is only strengthened by conflict, but defeated when subjected to kindness.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 17, 2012, 11:50:54 pm
hrm...A method to turn adversity(incoming spells) into power...
Perhaps some sort of 'absorbtion?' except that does not explain the negative effects of beneficial effects...
Another idea is some sort of 'reflective' creature, like the many times you see in tales of an adventurer coming across a 'shadow' of oneself, and having to either fight and defeat it...Or somehow 'accept it'. This seems like a more fitting idea, the shadow you must 'accept', as such a thing is only strengthened by conflict, but defeated when subjected to kindness.
A spirit of conflict or something along those lines (shadow ...) could work.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 20, 2012, 06:32:14 am
More bothersome questions for the aged perennial woody plant!

Majofa did his own version of changes to the current cards. What changes would you make to the current cards? You may not add or remove any cards, only slightly rework them. What are the top 5 that you would change? How and why?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 20, 2012, 04:06:24 pm
More bothersome questions for the aged perennial woody plant!

Majofa did his own version of changes to the current cards. What changes would you make to the current cards? You may not add or remove any cards, only slightly rework them. What are the top 5 that you would change? How and why?
I have looked through Majofa's changes and for the most part found them to be positive or neutral.

Shard of Focus
Shard of Focus suffers from a few factors
1) It is overpowered. (Benefit>>Cost)
2) It damages the metagame. (Decks include or counter Shard of Focus)
3)  :rainbow becomes a much less useful cost mechanic at moderate-high costs. (Either OP with rainbow or UP with duo)
4) It is too resilience for its potent effect
There are a variety of fixes each with there own pros and cons.
I would:
Reduce the casting cost and increase the activation cost. (An activation cost should be used to balance activated abilities.)
Reduce the hp gained while maintaining the cap on uses. (Reduce the resilience)
Reduce the effect from hard PC to soft PC. (Reduces the long term effects)
Since this would be a large shift and the original was OP, I am far more confident with the direction than the actual values.
Casting Cost: 5 :rainbow|3 :rainbow
 :rainbow :rainbow: Delay a permanent 2 turns. Gain +5hp. Turn into Black Hole if hp>15
Only the top permanent in a stack can be delayed. (Do you split to protect from Quicksand or not to protect from delay?)
Delay stacks.

Shard of Sacrifice
Shard of Sacrifice has 1 problem. Its cost and effect are in the same currency. You pay hp and get it back immediately in healing.
I would remove the hp cost, remove the useless drain clause, increase the casting cost and reduce it to 1 turn of healing (effective 2 turns of protection).
Casting Cost: 7 :rainbow|5 :rainbow

Holy Light
Holy Light is a card that swings from UP to OP depending on the opponent's Element of choice. There are 2 problems with this.
1) It is punishing a choice that I do not think should be punished. I do not think players should be penalized for their choice in element.
2) The difference between creature healing and a double strength lightning bolt is too large a swing for both to be balanced simultaneously.
I would change the effect. Holy Light is meant as a protective spell or a CC spell.
Something simple like: Target is ignores the next 2 targeted effects but will not attack this turn.
(Protects vs most CC, slow down enemy creatures and hinder cards like Fractal or Adrenaline)

Reflective Shield & Emerald Shield
Back when I joined the forum there was a deck type that only used Bolt cards as a win condition. I believe this deck type disappeared due to the addition of Reflective Shield. If this counter were nerfed as part of a berf to both cards, I think this deck type would return. (Generally the more deck types exist the better the metagame is.)
I would:
Change Reflective from blocking and reflecting to just reflecting the effects of the targeted spell.
Make more spells like Black Hole, Silence, Poison and Shard of Sacrifice count as targeted spells.
Finally I would give them both DR 1|2 for 3|5 quanta.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Shantu on June 20, 2012, 09:53:54 pm
Reflective Shield & Emerald Shield
Back when I joined the forum there was a deck type that only used Bolt cards as a win condition. I believe this deck type disappeared due to the addition of Reflective Shield. If this counter were nerfed as part of a berf to both cards, I think this deck type would return. (Generally the more deck types exist the better the metagame is.

I have seen you say this in multiple places, but this is - in my opinion - false. It is usually easy to circumvent reflective shield, since you can have your own: you need only a single nova to power it. If reflective shields are unavailable to you, you will more often than not still attempt to bolt your opponent (speaking of deck choice) because of the rarity of reflective shields in pvp. Even with a reflective shield in play, Fahrenheit can still win the game for you.
The only real thing ruining (read as: hindering in the case of fire bolt) bolter decks is the quanta cap. It makes 2 out of 3 bolts nigh useless for one-turn-kill purposes. You need to have caused a serious amount of damage already to be able to OTK with them. Which is not as easy for Darkness and Water as for Fire.

If "a deck type that only used Bolt cards as a win condition" means truly bolts only (so no other sources of damage, like a Fahrenheit, which is a pretty natural addition to such a deck), I agree such decks have disappeared and what I wrote earlier can be ignored. But the reason is that all bolter decks use some other source of damage to soften up your opponent, to win earlier and to be able to OTK with the quanta cap.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 20, 2012, 10:35:05 pm
Reflective Shield & Emerald Shield
Back when I joined the forum there was a deck type that only used Bolt cards as a win condition. I believe this deck type disappeared due to the addition of Reflective Shield. If this counter were nerfed as part of a berf to both cards, I think this deck type would return. (Generally the more deck types exist the better the metagame is.

I have seen you say this in multiple places, but this is - in my opinion - false. It is usually easy to circumvent reflective shield, since you can have your own: you need only a single nova to power it. If reflective shields are unavailable to you, you will more often than not still attempt to bolt your opponent (speaking of deck choice) because of the rarity of reflective shields in pvp. Even with a reflective shield in play, Fahrenheit can still win the game for you.
The only real thing ruining (read as: hindering in the case of fire bolt) bolter decks is the quanta cap. It makes 2 out of 3 bolts nigh useless for one-turn-kill purposes. You need to have caused a serious amount of damage already to be able to OTK with them. Which is not as easy for Darkness and Water as for Fire.

If "a deck type that only used Bolt cards as a win condition" means truly bolts only (so no other sources of damage, like a Fahrenheit, which is a pretty natural addition to such a deck), I agree such decks have disappeared and what I wrote earlier can be ignored. But the reason is that all bolter decks use some other source of damage to soften up your opponent, to win earlier and to be able to OTK with the quanta cap.
As your second paragraph correctly assumed, I was not talking about Fire Stall.

The addition of Reflection required the bolt only OTK to be a +2 card combo. Any combo player will tell you that adding even +1 card to a combo drastically reduces its speed and consistency. Obviously the quanta cap (added much later) is an additional obstacle to the bolt only decks. The quanta cap was added to reduce the presence of FireStall. I believe there are better solutions that could have been done instead. (Additional counterdefense/evasion cards like Psion)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 20, 2012, 10:47:20 pm
Now that I've read that, what about a card to increase the quanta cap.

I'm thinking a  :rainbow permanent that raises the cap by a finite amount or,
removes the cap altogether.

Or it could be tied to one element and force a duo for bolt decks.

Creative juices not flowing for theme idea...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 21, 2012, 01:04:06 am
Now that I've read that, what about a card to increase the quanta cap.

I'm thinking a  :rainbow permanent that raises the cap by a finite amount or,
removes the cap altogether.

Or it could be tied to one element and force a duo for bolt decks.

Creative juices not flowing for theme idea...
Other is the way to go.
I would recommend having 2 effects: One to increase the quanta cap, the other to exploit the increase.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on June 21, 2012, 01:11:59 am
Now that I've read that, what about a card to increase the quanta cap.

I'm thinking a  :rainbow permanent that raises the cap by a finite amount or,
removes the cap altogether.

Or it could be tied to one element and force a duo for bolt decks.

Creative juices not flowing for theme idea...
Other is the way to go.
I would recommend having 2 effects: One to increase the quanta cap, the other to exploit the increase.
Bolts and Faren would already exploit the increase.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 21, 2012, 02:51:11 am
Now that I've read that, what about a card to increase the quanta cap.

I'm thinking a  :rainbow permanent that raises the cap by a finite amount or,
removes the cap altogether.

Or it could be tied to one element and force a duo for bolt decks.

Creative juices not flowing for theme idea...
Other is the way to go.
I would recommend having 2 effects: One to increase the quanta cap, the other to exploit the increase.
Bolts and Faren would already exploit the increase.
Including an internal effect that exploits the increase enables using the card without using Farenheit or a Bolt. This increases possible uses and reduces the forced combo problem.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on June 21, 2012, 06:09:34 am
What do you think of an Aftereffect mechanic? That being, if a certain card (combo-restricted) or certain type/categorization of card/ability (less restricted) is played/used after this card is played, something happens. The Aftereffect could be varied by duration (in which to activate it), but, the shorter that time is  restricts it to combos, or luck.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 21, 2012, 03:00:50 pm
What do you think of an Aftereffect mechanic? That being, if a certain card (combo-restricted) or certain type/categorization of card/ability (less restricted) is played/used after this card is played, something happens. The Aftereffect could be varied by duration (in which to activate it), but, the shorter that time is  restricts it to combos, or luck.
"When ____/a ____ is played, _______."
Ex: "Generate  :life each time a creature is put into play" (Moomoose http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,37382.0.html)

I have always though EtG could benefit from the emergent optional complexity that triggered effects can create. The Aftereffect is one of the simpler kinds of Triggers. Since it is a relatively simple design tool, it has been used in the past many times. It has not been overused, merely used to the point that one should use the search to check for prior cards. I would avoid the forced combo of it requiring a specific card.

Such cards should be slightly stronger than "Cost as a function of Number of uses * value of use".
However still slightly weaker than "Cost as a function of Summation (Value of usei * Durationi)"

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 22, 2012, 12:02:54 am
I have a card idea, but I wanted advice on balance before I submit:
Abjuration - 8 :aether
"Sacrifice a non-pillar, non-spell card. Discard all copies in either hand. You lose 5 max hp for each."

Execration - 9 :aether
"Sacrifice a non-pillar, non-spell card. Discard all copies in both hands or decks. You lose 5 max hp for each."

Is the 5 hp loss and sacrifice enough to balance the quite heavy effect?
Is the mass discard effect too over the top to ever balance?
Is this ok in Aether, or should it be moved to another element to help prevent abuse?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 22, 2012, 12:32:41 am

Does the sacrifice have to be in the hand? Or is it meant to combo with Steal / Parallel Universe?

X: How many cards is it likely to discard / mill (removed from deck)?
Y: How valuable is a forced discard / mill?
Cost = X * Y

value of Mill = value of Forced discard - drawback of Forced draw
Whether it is them discarding or you drawing it ends up at +1 card advantage. Card advantage seems to be worth 1-2 quanta. So 2quanta per card.
A forced draw is probably a drawback worth -1quanta.

So it boils down to how many cards is this effect likely to discard/mill in a normal game?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 23, 2012, 04:51:40 am
OldTrees! OldTrees! You didn't comment on my idea here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41346.0.html) (in fact nobody did). Could I ask what you think of it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 23, 2012, 05:16:33 am
OldTrees! OldTrees! You didn't comment on my idea here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41346.0.html) (in fact nobody did). Could I ask what you think of it?
3 :life + 1 card for 3|4 (Cockatrice -1 attack)
3 :life + 1 card + 1 :water + duo for 5|4 Immaterial (Immortal -1 cost, +1|+1)

3 :life + 1 card for 4|5 (Cockatrice -1 attack)
3 :life + 1 card + 1 :water + duo for 6|5 Immaterial (Immortal -1 cost, +1|+1)

Submerge probably should cost  :water :water.
This is a rare case where duo was the correct mechanical choice. Niether Water nor Life have Attack buffs and Attack buffs have abnormally potent synergy with submerge.

A return question:
"My thoughts: Didn't really like the ambush ability"
Would you elaborate so I may improve?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 23, 2012, 05:29:04 am
OldTrees! OldTrees! You didn't comment on my idea here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41346.0.html) (in fact nobody did). Could I ask what you think of it?
3 :life + 1 card for 3|4 (Cockatrice -1 attack)
3 :life + 1 card + 1 :water + duo for 5|4 Immaterial (Immortal -1 cost, +1|+1)

3 :life + 1 card for 4|5 (Cockatrice -1 attack)
3 :life + 1 card + 1 :water + duo for 6|5 Immaterial (Immortal -1 cost, +1|+1)

Submerge probably should cost  :water :water.
This is a rare case where duo was the correct mechanical choice. Niether Water nor Life have Attack buffs and Attack buffs have abnormally potent synergy with submerge.

A return question:
"My thoughts: Didn't really like the ambush ability"
Would you elaborate so I may improve?
Hmm. I priced submerge at 1 :water because 3 :life + 1 :water + 1 turn for a psuedo immortal 5|4 creature. A 5|4 creature in :life should cost between 4-5 :life, and I would probably gauge psuedo immortality at around one quanta. If looked at this way, it should probably cost around 5-6 quanta, but I thought the fact that a one turn delay and the fact that it required a duo would lower the cost a bit, so I ended up with a final cost of around 4.

As for the ambush idea, I was never really a fan of series, but as for the idea itself, I think the biggest reason I wasn't so attracted towards it was because I really didn't feel any genius innovation like "Ah! I've never thought of it that way before! What a brilliant new idea!" In fact, the ambush ability seems like it'd only be used with fractal, adren, or mitosis. It seems like it was almost created for that purpose, and sort of "tied down" to existing ideas and mechanics as opposed to creating new ideas and combos.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 23, 2012, 06:00:29 am
OldTrees! OldTrees! You didn't comment on my idea here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41346.0.html) (in fact nobody did). Could I ask what you think of it?
3 :life + 1 card for 3|4 (Cockatrice -1 attack)
3 :life + 1 card + 1 :water + duo for 5|4 Immaterial (Immortal -1 cost, +1|+1)

3 :life + 1 card for 4|5 (Cockatrice -1 attack)
3 :life + 1 card + 1 :water + duo for 6|5 Immaterial (Immortal -1 cost, +1|+1)

Submerge probably should cost  :water :water.
This is a rare case where duo was the correct mechanical choice. Niether Water nor Life have Attack buffs and Attack buffs have abnormally potent synergy with submerge.

A return question:
"My thoughts: Didn't really like the ambush ability"
Would you elaborate so I may improve?
Hmm. I priced submerge at 1 :water because 3 :life + 1 :water + 1 turn for a psuedo immortal 5|4 creature. A 5|4 creature in :life should cost between 4-5 :life, and I would probably gauge psuedo immortality at around one quanta. If looked at this way, it should probably cost around 5-6 quanta, but I thought the fact that a one turn delay and the fact that it required a duo would lower the cost a bit, so I ended up with a final cost of around 4.
Immaterial (even pseudo immaterial) is a value multiplier not an independent value. The higher the value of the creature, the higher the value of the protection. 1 turn vulnerability is not that much. (See SoF)

Thanks for the feedback.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 23, 2012, 06:05:36 am
I'd assume psuedo-immaterial will be less than true immaterial. Before, I always thought of immaterial as a +2 cost. Now I feel that it's more like a 1.5* attack cost. Immortal=4attack*1.5=6 phase dragon=12attack*1.5+1 cost for 6hp=13. Upped immortal=5attack*1.5-upgradebonus=7 Upped phase dragon=10attack*1.5-upgradebonus=14. Is that what you price immaterial as? What would psuedo immateriality be worth then? A 1.25 multiplier?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 23, 2012, 06:35:36 am
I'd assume psuedo-immaterial will be less than true immaterial. Before, I always thought of immaterial as a +2 cost. Now I feel that it's more like a 1.5* attack cost. Immortal=4attack*1.5=6 phase dragon=12attack*1.5+1 cost for 6hp=13. Upped immortal=5attack*1.5-upgradebonus=7 Upped phase dragon=10attack*1.5-upgradebonus=14. Is that what you price immaterial as? What would psuedo immateriality be worth then? A 1.25 multiplier?
1.5x is my current estimate for immaterial.
Since this is immaterial with a short vulnerable gap rather that weaker forms of immaterial, I would put it between 1.25x and 1.5x. 1.4x or 4/3x would be my initial estimates.

PS: Sorry, initially I hit modify instead of quote. Nothing was changed.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 23, 2012, 06:42:02 am
A 1.4 multiplier puts the cost at 7 quanta. 1.25 puts it at 6.25. Clearly, it should be around 6-7 if this is the case. However, because of life bonus or duo bonus, I feel it should be slightly less. Paying 6-7 quanta (duo) and a turn for a pseudo-immaterial 5|4 creature seems pretty bad. I think I'll take the suggestion and put the activation cost at 2 :water.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 23, 2012, 03:09:31 pm
A 1.4 multiplier puts the cost at 7 quanta. 1.25 puts it at 6.25. Clearly, it should be around 6-7 if this is the case. However, because of life bonus or duo bonus, I feel it should be slightly less. Paying 6-7 quanta (duo) and a turn for a pseudo-immaterial 5|4 creature seems pretty bad. I think I'll take the suggestion and put the activation cost at 2 :water.
The life bonus theory has been replaced. Current theory (post Damselfly buff) is all creatures have a -1 cost bonus. Current justification is the draw cost (+1 card).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 24, 2012, 05:31:07 am
So can I get updated on the new "mechanics of creature cost"?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 24, 2012, 05:55:46 am
So can I get updated on the new "mechanics of creature cost"?
The skeleton is:

Photon/Spark is worth 0 quanta + 1 card
+1 average damage per turn over the course of the average game = +1 quanta
Each hp tier is worth +1 quanta (1-3hp/4-6hp/7-9hp/10+hp)
+1 card ~= +2 quanta (used for comparing )

Activation cost
0(1 weapon) = +1 quanta
1(2 weapon) = +0 quanta
2-3(3 weapon) = -1 quanta
4+ = -2 quanta

1.5*(X+1) :rainbow ~= X quanta [approximation has problems at high values of X]

Upgrade is typically a 1-2 cost reduction or an equivalent buff.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 24, 2012, 11:24:12 am
Hrm...Something I was toying with, was a new idea for  :life...
Gain a purify counter for every creature summoned this turn.
The idea was to give  :life more options for surviving, and something of a resistance to poison...But it won't remove poison counters already existing.
Another thought was to make it some sort of pure 'damage' spell, since One of the biggest issues for life is the lack of methods it has for getting around shields.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Cheesy111 on June 24, 2012, 11:27:45 am
So can I get updated on the new "mechanics of creature cost"?
The skeleton is:

Photon/Spark is worth 0 quanta + 1 card
+1 average damage per turn over the course of the average game = +1 quanta
Each hp tier is worth +1 quanta (1-3hp/4-6hp/7-9hp/10+hp)
+1 card ~= +2 quanta (used for comparing )

Activation cost
0(1 weapon) = +1 quanta
1(2 weapon) = +0 quanta
2-3(3 weapon) = -1 quanta
4+ = -2 quanta

1.5*(X+1) :rainbow ~= X quanta [approximation has problems at high values of X]

Upgrade is typically a 1-2 cost reduction or an equivalent buff.

So the mechanics of creature cost formula doesn't take into account the dramatic difference between 5HP and 6HP?  And why is 2 rainbow ~ 1 quanta?   Does this mean that QP is overpowered?  I don't mean to sound abrasive, just trying to understand where this came from.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 24, 2012, 04:49:40 pm
Hrm...Something I was toying with, was a new idea for  :life...
Gain a purify counter for every creature summoned this turn.
The idea was to give  :life more options for surviving, and something of a resistance to poison...But it won't remove poison counters already existing.
Another thought was to make it some sort of pure 'damage' spell, since One of the biggest issues for life is the lack of methods it has for getting around shields.

Life has Feral Bond which is a larger, more fragile version of Thrive. You could use that as the base for your cost estimate. Or you could use the average number of creatures played on a Thrive turn and use Shard of Gratitude as a base for your cost estimate.

Someone already recently proposed the idea of an effect that let creatures make a single attack as they enter the field. I forget who though. (Yes, Life has trouble getting past shields. Usually it tries to rushes before the shield, inflict poison before the shield or use dragons to overrun the DR.)

So can I get updated on the new "mechanics of creature cost"?
The skeleton is:

Photon/Spark is worth 0 quanta + 1 card
+1 average damage per turn over the course of the average game = +1 quanta
Each hp tier is worth +1 quanta (1-3hp/4-6hp/7-9hp/10+hp)
+1 card ~= +2 quanta (used for comparing )

Activation cost
0(1 weapon) = +1 quanta
1(2 weapon) = +0 quanta
2-3(3 weapon) = -1 quanta
4+ = -2 quanta

1.5*(X+1) :rainbow ~= X quanta [approximation has problems at high values of X]

Upgrade is typically a 1-2 cost reduction or an equivalent buff.

So the mechanics of creature cost formula doesn't take into account the dramatic difference between 5HP and 6HP?  And why is 2 rainbow ~ 1 quanta?   Does this mean that QP is overpowered?  I don't mean to sound abrasive, just trying to understand where this came from.
Questioning is good. It helps me double check my assumptions.

I used to think the dramatic difference was between 5hp and 6hp. However I have been recently convinced that Lightning is not as good a measurement as Snipe, Guard or Infection. It seems that 4hp-6hp requires 2 minor lethal CC or 1 major lethal CC. 7hp-9hp requires 3 minor or 2 major. 10+ is safe.
Lightning -> 5, category: Major
Rage -> 5|6, category: Major
Shockwave -> 4, category: Major
Snipe -> 3, Minor
single buff Guard -> 3, Minor
Infection -> 3 turn 3, Minor
Fire Bolt -> 3/6, Minor/Major
Ice Bolt/Drain Life -> 2/4, Minor/Major
Fire Storm -> 3hp, Mass Minor
Pandamonium -> variable, usually mass Minor
Chaos Seed -> variable, usually Minor

3 :rainbow ~= 1 quanta
4.5 rainbow ~= 2 quanta
6 rainbow ~= 3 quanta
This decay originated by assuming Tower Shield was a balanced upped card and Titanium Shield was a balanced unupped.
I would explain the decay as the effect of transferring from Pillars to Nova as the source of the :rainbow.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: russianspy1234 on June 24, 2012, 05:02:42 pm
still having a little trouble following the costs/notation... if i were to have a vanilla Other creature that cost 12, what stats could i give it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 24, 2012, 05:32:08 pm
SoG is 5 :rainbow, and heals for 3 life per turn.
Thrive heals 1 per turn for every creature summoned that turn...The situational style of it reduces it's effect's power, but considering there's no real counter...
Another point of comparison is Purifiy, which is 2 :water quanta for 2 HP healing per turn, plus the removal of poison effects.
So, here's my guess.
Thrive should cost 4 :life, 3 :life when upgraded...Hrm..Perhaps, as a way to set it apart, it gives counters to EVERY creature on the field, including any creature summoned...
That would alter it majorly, and the new cost...I think 6 :life, 5 upgraded...
Which idea do you like more OldTrees?
The self-target Thrive that costs 4, or the field effect Thrive that costs 6?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 24, 2012, 06:25:48 pm
still having a little trouble following the costs/notation... if i were to have a vanilla Other creature that cost 12, what stats could i give it?
12 :rainbow = 1.5(X+1) :rainbow
12 = 1.5(X+1)
24 = 3(X+1)
8 = X+1
7 = X
12 :rainbow ~= 7 quanta
12 :rainbow + 1 card ~= 7 quanta + 1 card = 7 quanta + (0 quanta + 1 card) = 7 quanta + Photon
So it would be a photon with 7 quanta worth of bonuses
6|7   1|1[0qunata+1card] +5 attack[+5quanta] +2hp tiers[+2quanta]

hmm. I may need to review that formula. This is soft evidence that at least one of (Quantum Pillar, Tower Shield, Titanium Shield, Nova, or Immolation) might be imbalanced.

SoG is 5 :rainbow, and heals for 3 life per turn.
Thrive heals 1 per turn for every creature summoned that turn...The situational style of it reduces it's effect's power, but considering there's no real counter...
Another point of comparison is Purifiy, which is 2 :water quanta for 2 HP healing per turn, plus the removal of poison effects.
So, here's my guess.
Thrive should cost 4 :life, 3 :life when upgraded...Hrm..Perhaps, as a way to set it apart, it gives counters to EVERY creature on the field, including any creature summoned...
That would alter it majorly, and the new cost...I think 6 :life, 5 upgraded...
Which idea do you like more OldTrees?
The self-target Thrive that costs 4, or the field effect Thrive that costs 6?
The field effect would be almost an immaterial Empathic Bond. The self target is likely to heal 5 hp per turn. SoG is likely to heal 5hp per turn (but costs a mark). 4 :life|3 :life is a good starting point.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: bogtro on June 25, 2012, 12:29:58 am
Is Finial (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40023.msg497030.html#msg497030) balanced? The idea is quite old but I still like it and may revive it at some point.

Specifically: Is it overcosted (should it be 2|1?), is it in the correct element (logic is gravity=attracting things), and what should be the interaction with RP and/or RT (RP giving +5|+0 and destroying Finial is interesting, and RT could be blocked to make it stronger with appropriate wording changes).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 25, 2012, 01:51:22 am
Is Finial (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40023.msg497030.html#msg497030) balanced? The idea is quite old but I still like it and may revive it at some point.

Specifically: Is it overcosted (should it be 2|1?), is it in the correct element (logic is gravity=attracting things), and what should be the interaction with RP and/or RT (RP giving +5|+0 and destroying Finial is interesting, and RT could be blocked to make it stronger with appropriate wording changes).
Obviously the correct element (gravity contains attracting things).
Currently it blocks the first spell attack against you or your creatures. It is a counter to Fire Bolt. Counters should cost less than what they counter. (Remember Fire Bolt also costs stock quanta.)

I would allow Rage Potion to give +5|+0 and destroy Final. I would also expand it to block hostile targeted spells in general. This would be worth about 2 :gravity|1 :gravity + 1 card. It might even be reduced to 1 :gravity|1 :rainbow
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 26, 2012, 12:29:24 am
Fishing for opinions.
I've been wondering for a while if anyone has ever attempted a animate shield.
I would have it be a  :earth spell because it's thematically opposite of  :air.

I had an idea for a skill they might have that's kind of a combination of Guard and Gravity Pull.
It's "redirect next attack of target on this next turn". Obviously could shorten it for the card text.
The ability that sheild had would become a passive skill and effects would apply on attack.
I imagine they would all have a decent amount of HP, may or may not go for giving them attack.

Or, I could flip the whole idea around and figure ways to apply their abilities to attack effects, but that sounds like it could get complicated...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: esran on June 26, 2012, 01:36:10 am
12 :rainbow ~= 7 quanta
the problem here is that as you increase the cost of an other card, each additional quanta is worthe much less. so for example, if you said that 6 other=3 of an element, 12 other would probably be 5 of the element, and 24 other would probably be 6 of the element. the reason is that cards like nova and supernova devalue large quantities of other becuase of rush potential. that is why no other card costs as much as 12.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 26, 2012, 01:49:47 am
Fishing for opinions.
I've been wondering for a while if anyone has ever attempted a animate shield.
I would have it be a  :earth spell because it's thematically opposite of  :air.

I had an idea for a skill they might have that's kind of a combination of Guard and Gravity Pull.
It's "redirect next attack of target on this next turn". Obviously could shorten it for the card text.
The ability that sheild had would become a passive skill and effects would apply on attack.
I imagine they would all have a decent amount of HP, may or may not go for giving them attack.

Or, I could flip the whole idea around and figure ways to apply their abilities to attack effects, but that sounds like it could get complicated...
People have tried Flying Shields. The exemplar of the multiple shield genre is surprisingly not an animate card (the Armory card Dual Buckler).

Also search Royal Guard.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on June 26, 2012, 01:53:25 am
Slightly more personal question. When looking at card ideas, are there any that make you instantly think "this is not a very good idea"? If so, what causes that and why? (not based on inbalance, but rather the concept)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on June 26, 2012, 02:08:04 am
Oh wise Guru, I'd like your input on this (admittedly, very rough) concept, based on a mixture of opposing Elemental hate and synergy.  Oh, and super-high costs, because I think this game could use some huge power-bombs for endgames.

The basic mechanic, across all Elements, would be a permanent that a) costs ridiculous quanta (20+); and b) has an activated effect using the opposing Element's quanta.


 :aether: Aetherial Plane - 25 :aether.  7  :gravity: Opponent cannot play any cards with  :gravity casting cost next turn.

 :gravity: Reality - 25 :gravity.  7 :aether: Opponent cannot play any cards with  :aether casting cost next turn.

. . . and so on.

Alternately, I was thinking of lowering the effect's cost, but adding the passive "Fragile: this permanent cannot be protected."

Anyways, to the best of your knowledge, is this an idea that's been persued before?  If not, is it one you think worth developing?  Are there any obvious, glaring faults that would wreck EtG if this were implemented?


 ???:rainbow: Grey Area.  Both player's quanta pools are drained to 0.  Players cannot play Elemental spells.  Lasts 3 turns; Fragile.

I look forward to your input on this concept.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 26, 2012, 02:24:44 am
Slightly more personal question. When looking at card ideas, are there any that make you instantly think "this is not a very good idea"? If so, what causes that and why? (not based on inbalance, but rather the concept)
Yes there are.
I value balance, expanding the metagame, originality, simplicity, consistent theme, clarity and optional complexity.
I have 2 taboos. I feel it is unfair to punish players for their choice of element. I also feel a complete lockdown is not fun for the player locked down. (mere denial is not the same as a lockdown)

So I worry when I see:
Inherent imbalance (situational cards like Holy Light)
Shrinking the metagame
Redundant ideas (Horned Frog and rather than or Cockatrice)
Unnecessary complexity (when a simpler variant could exist)
Contradicting theme
Newb hating obscurity
Imposed complexity
Elemental Hate (Holy Light)
Lockdown (repeatable Silence ability)

Oh wise Guru, I'd like your input on this (admittedly, very rough) concept, based on a mixture of opposing Elemental hate and synergy.  Oh, and super-high costs, because I think this game could use some huge power-bombs for endgames.

The basic mechanic, across all Elements, would be a permanent that a) costs ridiculous quanta (20+); and b) has an activated effect using the opposing Element's quanta.


 :aether: Aetherial Plane - 25 :aether.  7  :gravity: Opponent cannot play any cards with  :gravity casting cost next turn.

 :gravity: Reality - 25 :gravity.  7 :aether: Opponent cannot play any cards with  :aether casting cost next turn.

. . . and so on.

Alternately, I was thinking of lowering the effect's cost, but adding the passive "Fragile: this permanent cannot be protected."

Anyways, to the best of your knowledge, is this an idea that's been persued before?  If not, is it one you think worth developing?  Are there any obvious, glaring faults that would wreck EtG if this were implemented?


 ???:rainbow: Grey Area.  Both player's quanta pools are drained to 0.  Players cannot play Elemental spells.  Lasts 3 turns; Fragile.

I look forward to your input on this concept.
It is wise for cards to have a low enough cost to be played before killed by a rush deck. 10 elemental quanta is high enough.

Punishing players for choosing Aether as their element of choice is Elemental Hate. Color Hate has had a net negative effect for Magic the Gathering.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on June 26, 2012, 02:58:19 am
Quote from: OldTrees
It is wise for cards to have a low enough cost to be played before killed by a rush deck. 10 elemental quanta is high enough.

Punishing players for choosing Aether as their element of choice is Elemental Hate. Color Hate has had a net negative effect for Magic the Gathering.

I'm not sure if comparing to Magic is quite fair, but if we were to, I'd say that the net negative (and reason I stopped playing years ago) lies in having too many cruddy, slapped together cards, not from any specific colour hate.  Various "protection from" mechanics kept the game fresh, and provided answers to the more commonly used OP rares in any tournament metagame.  Also, in that other game, there are only 5 colours (plus other) - for any one colour, there are 2 others that you're built to hate.

This idea hit me when facing (yet another) Chrysora/Arsenic build in the Arena.  If a Silence effect is too hate-y (it's a word now, darn it!), what about just using the natural counters each Element's theme suggests?

 :light Dawn - Vampiric abilities do you no damage/ :darkness Dusk -(insert idea here -  :light is kinda weak already);

 :life Vaccine - You and all your creatures are immune to further Poisoning/ :death Deadly Bonds - Opponent gets 1 Poison counter for every creature he has in play;


I notice that my first posted conceptualization of this hit at least 2 of your hot-buttons (Elemental hate; Lockdown).  Do you think that revamping the idea in this way would be more acceptable?  After all, if nothing else, it would add to the metagame (players would have to de-focus their decks a little - a Poisonstall would have to pack at least a few creatures, just in case of Vaccine).

Or, perhaps, I should just scrap it - or throw it into the "Steal My Idea" thread, for better minds to chew on?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on June 26, 2012, 02:59:51 am
There are ways of working around silence not involving Sanct. You can't say similar things for some of the cards you proposed.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: esran on June 26, 2012, 04:06:26 am
the reason elemental hate sucks is because there are 12 elements. if a card hates on an element, it means 2 things.
1. if your opponent isnt that element the card sucks.
2. if your opponent is that element then the card is OP.
so unless you want every match to be decided by the RNG, elemental hate is stupid.
sorry to answer someones question in your thread idea guru. i just want to give me 2 :electrum
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 26, 2012, 04:13:27 am
Quote from: OldTrees
It is wise for cards to have a low enough cost to be played before killed by a rush deck. 10 elemental quanta is high enough.

Punishing players for choosing Aether as their element of choice is Elemental Hate. Color Hate has had a net negative effect for Magic the Gathering.

I'm not sure if comparing to Magic is quite fair, but if we were to, I'd say that the net negative (and reason I stopped playing years ago) lies in having too many cruddy, slapped together cards, not from any specific colour hate.  Various "protection from" mechanics kept the game fresh, and provided answers to the more commonly used OP rares in any tournament metagame.  Also, in that other game, there are only 5 colours (plus other) - for any one colour, there are 2 others that you're built to hate.
"Color Hate was a net negative for MtG" is not a claim that the greatest flaw with MtG was Color Hate. It is the claim that MtG would have been better without Color Hate.
To be clear, the Elemental Hate of your idea was that it would lock down a single predetermined element and have no effect on other elements.

This idea hit me when facing (yet another) Chrysora/Arsenic build in the Arena.  If a Silence effect is too hate-y (it's a word now, darn it!), what about just using the natural counters each Element's theme suggests?

 :light Dawn - Vampiric abilities do you no damage/ :darkness Dusk -(insert idea here -  :light is kinda weak already);

 :life Vaccine - You and all your creatures are immune to further Poisoning/ :death Deadly Bonds - Opponent gets 1 Poison counter for every creature he has in play;


I notice that my first posted conceptualization of this hit at least 2 of your hot-buttons (Elemental hate; Lockdown).  Do you think that revamping the idea in this way would be more acceptable?  After all, if nothing else, it would add to the metagame (players would have to de-focus their decks a little - a Poisonstall would have to pack at least a few creatures, just in case of Vaccine).

Or, perhaps, I should just scrap it - or throw it into the "Steal My Idea" thread, for better minds to chew on?
Your modifications are IMHO* improvements. However I would suggest increasing the scope of each card. Have each card counter a large genre that is primarily in the opposed element but still has significant presence outside that element. See Sanctuary as an example of a non Elemental Hate version of opposition.
*Those 2 personal taboos are merely opinions based on my tastes. They are in a much less significant category compared to the rest of the list.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on June 26, 2012, 04:31:54 am

Quote from: OldTrees

Your modifications are IMHO* improvements. However I would suggest increasing the scope of each card. Have each card counter a large genre that is primarily in the opposed element but still has significant presence outside that element. See Sanctuary as an example of a non Elemental Hate version of opposition.
*Those 2 personal taboos are merely opinions based on my tastes. They are in a much less significant category compared to the rest of the list.

Okay, thank you.  I think, over the next week or so, I'll flesh these out a little, until there's a set of postable cards.  Thanks for the input!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 26, 2012, 12:12:29 pm
I believe it's been stated by OldTrees that others commenting on ideas presented for him to critque is allowed, and possibly encouraged.

In lieu of Santuary's becoming a counter to dissapation shield, do you think  :entropy could use a new shield, or no?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on June 26, 2012, 12:26:04 pm
If we are allowed to comment on other's ideas, I would just like to say that:
:light Dawn - Vampiric abilities do you no damage/ :darkness Dusk -(insert idea here -  :light is kinda weak already)
is still a bit too much elemental hate imho, but
:life Vaccine - You and all your creatures are immune to further Poisoning/ :death Deadly Bonds - Opponent gets 1 Poison counter for every creature he has in play;
are both great, and when developed could be terrific card ideas.
Just my 2 :electrum.
(Also, I would be happy to steal it from you, but it's such a good idea you'll probably want to keep it for yourself.)  ;)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on June 26, 2012, 12:54:11 pm
Quote from: esran
the reason elemental hate sucks is because there are 12 elements. if a card hates on an element, it means 2 things.
1. if your opponent isnt that element the card sucks.
2. if your opponent is that element then the card is OP.
so unless you want every match to be decided by the RNG, elemental hate is stupid.
sorry to answer someones question in your thread idea guru. i just want to give me 2 :electrum

I see your point; however, what you see as a weakness to the idea, I see as a strength.  When building decks, players would have to be prepared for the chance at having a hate-bomb dropped on their decks - so people might have to pull out the 6th Shrieker for an extra counter (or 6th whatever) - leading, potentially, to an expanded metagame.  The idea is to have cards that can hate on elements, but also be countered by that same element, with clever play.

Also, I'm not sure if point 1 is valid.  If the only counter-strategy that can rip apart my deck comes from a specific element (BH, Neurotoxin, and Sanctuary come to mind as exemplars), I may pack a couple of these as extra defense for my deck's goal.  If I don't face that strategy, then my counters would be no less useful in my deck than SoF is vs a PSN deck, or Phase Shield vs a creatureless Poisondials build.

Perhaps you'd be interested in helping design suitably broad-range cards, with balanced effects?

Quote from: Annele
If we are allowed to comment on other's ideas, I would just like to say that:
Quote from: memimemi on Today at 02:58:19

    :light Dawn - Vampiric abilities do you no damage/ :darkness Dusk -(insert idea here -  :light is kinda weak already)

is still a bit too much elemental hate imho, but
Quote from: memimemi on Today at 02:58:19

    :life Vaccine - You and all your creatures are immune to further Poisoning/ :death Deadly Bonds - Opponent gets 1 Poison counter for every creature he has in play;

are both great, and when developed could be terrific card ideas.
Just my 2 :electrum.
(Also, I would be happy to steal it from you, but it's such a good idea you'll probably want to keep it for yourself.)  ;)

Howabout instead of theft, we aim for collaboration?  Thank you for the compliment: the :life/ :death balance seemed like a no-brainer.  :darkness/ :light, however. . . I could use all the help I can get on this one!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 26, 2012, 02:58:23 pm
I believe it's been stated by OldTrees that others commenting on ideas presented for him to critque is allowed, and possibly encouraged.

In lieu of Santuary's becoming a counter to dissapation shield, do you think  :entropy could use a new shield, or no?
Correct. Others commenting is allowed.

Sanctuary is not a counter to Dissipation Shield (aka your Sanctuary will not disrupt my Dissipation Shield)
I do think the card pool is large enough for a second shield for every element that doesn't already have a second.

Quote from: esran
the reason elemental hate sucks is because there are 12 elements. if a card hates on an element, it means 2 things.
1. if your opponent isnt that element the card sucks.
2. if your opponent is that element then the card is OP.
so unless you want every match to be decided by the RNG, elemental hate is stupid.
sorry to answer someones question in your thread idea guru. i just want to give me 2 :electrum

I see your point; however, what you see as a weakness to the idea, I see as a strength.  When building decks, players would have to be prepared for the chance at having a hate-bomb dropped on their decks - so people might have to pull out the 6th Shrieker for an extra counter (or 6th whatever) - leading, potentially, to an expanded metagame.  The idea is to have cards that can hate on elements, but also be countered by that same element, with clever play.

Also, I'm not sure if point 1 is valid.  If the only counter-strategy that can rip apart my deck comes from a specific element (BH, Neurotoxin, and Sanctuary come to mind as exemplars), I may pack a couple of these as extra defense for my deck's goal.  If I don't face that strategy, then my counters would be no less useful in my deck than SoF is vs a PSN deck, or Phase Shield vs a creatureless Poisondials build.

Perhaps you'd be interested in helping design suitably broad-range cards, with balanced effects?
Elemental Hate suffers from being inherently situational in the problematic manner. The range of value created by your opponents choice is large enough that both extremes cannot be simultaneously balanced*. A UP/Balanced one would be passed up for balanced cards. A Balanced/OP one would always be selected over similar alternatives. A UP/OP one would be passed up for balanced cards except in War.

*An opponent choice is not a cost. Balance is when all effects are paid by an equivalent cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TheManuz on June 26, 2012, 04:17:30 pm
Sometime ago i was thinking about some soft elemental-haters creatures.
The idea was to have semi-vanilla creatures that receive a little boost when facing the opposing element (the mark counts for this purpose).
I was thinking to text the ability this way:
opposing :underworld : gain <ability> or <stats>

For example:
Time traveler                                 some :time
opposing :aether: gain Deja Vu

Life guardian                           some :life
opposing :death: gain 2 purify counter (on the creature, not on the player).

The purpose of this kind of creature would be to add more vanilla creatures with a twist, and also (subsequently) add more luciferin-like spells and effects (affecting vanilla creatures).

However i didn't find this idea interesting enough, so i gave up.
Maybe someone here can find an interesting way to develop this idea.

Since i'm talking about this, OldTrees, what do you think about it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 26, 2012, 05:04:37 pm
Sometime ago i was thinking about some soft elemental-haters creatures.
The idea was to have semi-vanilla creatures that receive a little boost when facing the opposing element (the mark counts for this purpose).
I was thinking to text the ability this way:
opposing :underworld : gain <ability> or <stats>

The purpose of this kind of creature would be to add more vanilla creatures with a twist, and also (subsequently) add more luciferin-like spells and effects (affecting vanilla creatures).

However i didn't find this idea interesting enough, so i gave up.
Maybe someone here can find an interesting way to develop this idea.

Since i'm talking about this, OldTrees, what do you think about it?
Having an Elemental Hate ability be weak enough to qualify as a semivanilla* ability does enable both extremes to be simultaneously balanced. I see no problems with this implementation. (I still don't like the taste of elemental hate, but the personal taste of one person is not a problem)

*semivanilla abilities are weak enough that they do not increase the cost of the creature.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: esran on June 26, 2012, 05:13:45 pm
if i were going to make a card that does differently based on what element yourr opponent used, i would not make it like "if opponents element is x, do extra y" this is a pointless affect that would just give the rng even more prominence compared to skill. what i would suggest is a card like flood. flood drowns all creatures except water creatures. instead of hating on an element, it is liking on an element. and dont make the elemental like incidental, such as a card that say 'destroy target creature unless it is fire', make the elemental love part of the synergy for the player playing the card. so most cards with an elemental love would be field cards that effect both players. think flood or eclipse.
to make my idea i will give an example of a card that could be made.
fire huricane: some  :air
some  :fire deal 1 damage to all non fire creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on June 26, 2012, 06:30:15 pm
@TheManuz: that seems like a decent compromise.  How far did you get with the idea?

@OldTrees: well, I have to agree with you.  The way to go, it seems, is to hate on abilities that are associated with certain elements (poison for :death, speed-drawing for :time, etc), but based on ability, not element.  That way, they are less situational, shoring up weak spots in a deck's strategy as opposed to killing an opponent's strat.

@esran:  I like your concept, but it's far enough removed from mine to be it's own thing.  It'd be neat to see what you come up with - sounds similar to Annelle's Bolt Series, but with field effects rather than targeted ones.

To Anyone Else Lurking:  I mentioned, in passing, a passive ability for perms called "Fragile."  Basically, they would not be targetable by PA, or any future perm protection card that comes about.  What do you all think of the idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: esran on June 26, 2012, 08:44:26 pm
i think fragile could work, but unless the permanent is earth, it doesnt seem to be a strong enough weakness to warrant a lowered quanta cost. it would be most relevant on earth permanents, or permanents that synergize well with earth.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 26, 2012, 08:54:30 pm
To Anyone Else Lurking:  I mentioned, in passing, a passive ability for perms called "Fragile."  Basically, they would not be targetable by PA, or any future perm protection card that comes about.  What do you all think of the idea?
Fragile would be more useful as a design tool after soft targeting PC is added to the game. Fragile permanents would be destroyed by soft PC. This would then warrant a cost decrease around 1quanta. Until then it would not have the utility to be used as a design tool in most cases.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on June 26, 2012, 09:03:14 pm
Quote from: esran
i think fragile could work, but unless the permanent is earth, it doesnt seem to be a strong enough weakness to warrant a lowered quanta cost. it would be most relevant on earth permanents, or permanents that synergize well with earth.

I wasn't looking to lower casting costs, so much as allow for slightly stronger abilities that would be OP when comboed with PA.  As an example, if Sanctuary had "Fragile," it would possibly be justifiable to up the healing from 4 to 5 HP/turn.  Alternately, some abilities might have slightly lower costs - this could be a way to balance ability costs that are slightly too high to be very useful.  Example: if EE were Fragile, it could cost 1 less  :air to Sniper.

Of course, Fragile would also prevent weapons/shields/perms from Animating (I know weapons are the only targets right now, but in the future...)

Just slight buffs, to offset the slight debuff of not being able to protect the perms.

Quote from: OldTrees
Fragile would be more useful as a design tool after soft targeting PC is added to the game. Fragile permanents would be destroyed by soft PC. This would then warrant a cost decrease around 1quanta. Until then it would not have the utility to be used as a design tool in most cases.

Yes.  I've seen suggestions, for example, of PC that delays, rather than destroys, perms.  A Fragile perm would still be destroyed, as even the slightest jostling can break these precious items.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: esran on June 27, 2012, 03:17:43 am
hi, can i get some input/balancing help on my berf idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 27, 2012, 04:39:19 am
hi, can i get some input/balancing help on my berf idea?
2 :light|1 :light
Shield: reduce damage by 1. Ignores the first 2 effects. Reflective.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on June 27, 2012, 05:19:39 am
Will it be beneficial to the game to introduce the third kind of damage ?

Right now we have physical and spell damage and they cover pretty much everything but there's still one kind of damage not included in the 2-damage system.

That kind of damage does not involve physical contact but it also does not involve magical energy. For example, the fire breath of a dragon, the wind blade made by some fast-moving creatures....These damages are not magic and are usually produced by creatures.

In order not to make things complicated, I think it would be nice to have a few (2-3) creatures that deal this kind of "absolute" damage that can't be countered by physical or magical shields.

This random thought comes from the game Dragon Quest in which there are 3 kinds of damage : physical damage, magic and breaths. Breaths are known to be strong and difficult to mitigate but only a few characters/enemies are able to use.

Do you think we need this kind of damage ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 27, 2012, 06:17:47 am
Will it be beneficial to the game to introduce the third kind of damage ?

Right now we have physical and spell damage and they cover pretty much everything but there's still one kind of damage not included in the 2-damage system.

That kind of damage does not involve physical contact but it also does not involve magical energy. For example, the fire breath of a dragon, the wind blade made by some fast-moving creatures....These damages are not magic and are usually produced by creatures.

In order not to make things complicated, I think it would be nice to have a few (2-3) creatures that deal this kind of "absolute" damage that can't be countered by physical or magical shields.

This random thought comes from the game Dragon Quest in which there are 3 kinds of damage : physical damage, magic and breaths. Breaths are known to be strong and difficult to mitigate but only a few characters/enemies are able to use.

Do you think we need this kind of damage ?
Would it be beneficial? Not at this time. (No comment about the future)
Would we ever need breaths as a type of damage? No. We would have better material to use.

Some details:
We just recently went from Physical and Untyped to Physical, Magical and Untyped. (Before Psion and its child Shard of Wisdom, Mirror Shield reflected spells not spell damage.)

Usually draconic breath weapons are classified as magical. Even wind blades from supernaturally fast creatures are usually categorized as magical. When wind blades are not categorized as magical they are instead classified as cutting/slashing (aka physical).

I think a good way to think if the current division is Force(Impact, Puncture or Cutting) vs Energy(Fire, Cold, other magical energy).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TheManuz on June 27, 2012, 11:04:14 am
@TheManuz: that seems like a decent compromise.  How far did you get with the idea?
Not much, just the ideas i exposed here. If you think it's interesting and want to develop and modify it you can do it with no problem on my side.
I'd just like to follow your ideas on the theme, just because i like to see game-design solutions! :D
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on June 27, 2012, 03:26:36 pm
As far as a third damage type, something that the  :air shield Wings brought out was the 'ranged' category. As of right now, it only applies to weapons, due to the act that a creature would simply just have the 'flying' passive.
This, to me, suggests a few card ideas: Something to make the 'Ranged' category more viable, like protection from shields that 'counter' enemy attackers, like how  :fire's shield damages targets-you aren't getting close enough to gete burnt.
Something to make Flying creatures seperate, but a decent alternative to 'Ranged'. As of right now, the only card that interacts with this that I can think of MIGHT (because I don't actually have it yet.) Is  :air's shard of freedom, and I might be wrong on that.
And last but not least, a 'fairly large' series of 'Ranged' creatures, perhaps focused in the elements that lack flying creatures.
The thing is, this would be a LARGE expansion to the game of elements, and could require extensive re-balancing across the board. :-\
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: esran on June 27, 2012, 04:13:00 pm
i think if a crusader targets a ranged weapon, he gets ranged and is unafected by web and sofreedom, but is still blocked by shields normally and goes through wings.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on June 28, 2012, 06:10:20 am
Will it be beneficial to the game to introduce the third kind of damage ?

Right now we have physical and spell damage and they cover pretty much everything but there's still one kind of damage not included in the 2-damage system.

That kind of damage does not involve physical contact but it also does not involve magical energy. For example, the fire breath of a dragon, the wind blade made by some fast-moving creatures....These damages are not magic and are usually produced by creatures.

In order not to make things complicated, I think it would be nice to have a few (2-3) creatures that deal this kind of "absolute" damage that can't be countered by physical or magical shields.

This random thought comes from the game Dragon Quest in which there are 3 kinds of damage : physical damage, magic and breaths. Breaths are known to be strong and difficult to mitigate but only a few characters/enemies are able to use.

Do you think we need this kind of damage ?
Chemical damage? (as in damage by chemical change)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 28, 2012, 07:32:48 am
Had another idea...
-Name: (insert appropriate word) Ritual
-Cost: none or low

-Effect: Play creatures this turn for Maximum Health instead of quanta.

P.S. Thoughts on the "this turn" mechanic?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: russianspy1234 on June 28, 2012, 03:11:57 pm
Had another idea...
-Name: (insert appropriate word) Ritual
-Cost: none or low

-Effect: Play creatures this turn for Maximum Health instead of quanta.

P.S. Thoughts on the "this turn" mechanic?

fractal ruby dragon.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 28, 2012, 03:49:43 pm
Had another idea...
-Name: (insert appropriate word) Ritual
-Cost: none or low

-Effect: Play creatures this turn for Maximum Health instead of quanta.

P.S. Thoughts on the "this turn" mechanic?
"This turn" is a useful implementation when used well. The effect it is currently linked to seems problematic.
(Fractal Ruby dragon -> 7 dragons -> -93 max hp -> 105 attack)

Shard of Sacrifice teaches us that 4 turns of protection are worth equal or greater than -48 hp + 1 card. Dimensional Shield is 6 :ather + shield + 1 card (~9 :aether + 1 card). We can see that 3quanta ~>= -12hp. Strangely -Max Hp is probably less expensive than -Hp since Max Hp is rarely attacked.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 28, 2012, 04:11:36 pm
Death Permanent Idea:
Danse Macabre  5 :death
"Poisoned players and creatures lose 1 max hp per turn for every 6 poison counters (rounded up)."

-Has this been done?
-Is it well balanced: OP, UP, or too situational
-Should it be stackable (with 6 of these poison would effectively drain both hp and max hp simultaneously)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 28, 2012, 05:10:19 pm
Death Permanent Idea:
Danse Macabre  5 :death
"Poisoned players and creatures lose 1 max hp per turn for every 6 poison counters (rounded up)."

-Has this been done?
-Is it well balanced: OP, UP, or too situational
-Should it be stackable (with 6 of these poison would effectively drain both hp and max hp simultaneously)?
I do not remember it being done before.

Creatures rarely get 6 infection but are healed equally infrequently.
It is situational in that it requires the opponent to have healing for it to be worthwhile.
I am not sure if it is too situational (I do not remember how often people have healing to counter poison) but I suspect it is too situational. (It would also cost less. 3 :death tops)

Should it be stackable? Default: Yes.
6 of these and 29 poison should drain 24 max hp
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 29, 2012, 08:10:38 am
Thoughts on this:
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 29, 2012, 04:31:54 pm
Thoughts on this:
"Earth creatures gain +0|+3"
"Burrowed creatures generate  :earth per turn."

Mass hp buffs are hard to balance. Most Earth/Gravity creatures do not benefit from additional hp. Sparks would benefit more than most creatures.
Ideally you would balance it for all creatures. (Including Spark, Scarab and Otyugh)

I have not perfected balancing cards that generate variable amounts of quanta.

It currently looks reasonable balanced despite not doing much.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on June 29, 2012, 05:10:01 pm
Thoughts on this:
"Earth creatures gain +0|+3"
"Burrowed creatures generate  :earth per turn."

Mass hp buffs are hard to balance. Most Earth/Gravity creatures do not benefit from additional hp. Sparks would benefit more than most creatures.
Ideally you would balance it for all creatures. (Including Spark, Scarab and Otyugh)

I have not perfected balancing cards that generate variable amounts of quanta.

It currently looks reasonable balanced despite not doing much.
I created it to have a strong mono-core strategy.

I do also see some applications for  :darkness | :earth decks that use Devourer and  :time | :earth decks with Graboids, that could use alternative way of generating  :earth to make more room for other cards.

The main effect was the "burrowed creatures generate quanta". That alone didn't seem like enough, so I threw on the +0|+3 with the idea that it would strengthen Earth's theme for durability, plus, a Shreiker with 6 hp would shake up how to go about CC for earth .

And, in my opinion, the theme works. Where does all the dirt go?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on June 29, 2012, 05:18:21 pm
Thoughts on this:
"Earth creatures gain +0|+3"
"Burrowed creatures generate  :earth per turn."

Mass hp buffs are hard to balance. Most Earth/Gravity creatures do not benefit from additional hp. Sparks would benefit more than most creatures.
Ideally you would balance it for all creatures. (Including Spark, Scarab and Otyugh)

I have not perfected balancing cards that generate variable amounts of quanta.

It currently looks reasonable balanced despite not doing much.
I created it to have a strong mono-core strategy.

I do also see some applications for  :darkness | :earth decks that use Devourer and  :time | :earth decks with Graboids, that could use alternative way of generating  :earth to make more room for other cards.

The main effect was the "burrowed creatures generate quanta". That alone didn't seem like enough, so I threw on the +0|+3 with the idea that it would strengthen Earth's theme for durability, plus, a Shreiker with 6 hp would shake up how to go about CC for earth .

And, in my opinion, the theme works. Where does all the dirt go?
The theme works and it preforms its quanta generating function. The additional hp (which I mistook as the main effect) does not do much when restricted to Earth.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 01, 2012, 08:03:32 am
I forgot. What's the theoretical fastest way to deal 100 damage assuming you have complete control of the RNG and your opponent does nothing?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 01, 2012, 08:39:12 pm
I forgot. What's the theoretical fastest way to deal 100 damage assuming you have complete control of the RNG and your opponent does nothing?
Quantum Towers providing 3 quanta of your choice each.
Pandemonium providing Mass Parallel Universe.

So perhaps it was
1) Photon
2) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
3) 3 :entropy -> Improved Mutation (Photon -> 19|6 Ruby Dragon with  :fire:Dive)
4) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
5) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 19|6 and 23|10 Ruby Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
6) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
7) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 19|6, 23|10, 23|10 and 27|14,  Ruby Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
Total: 92 damage turn 1 going first with 384 damage next turn.
If going second, a Ball Lightning can be inserted at step 3.5 for 4 Ball Lightnings, dealing an additional 20 damage.
Total: 112 damage turn 1 going second with 384 damage next turn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on July 01, 2012, 09:15:13 pm
Now what about without RNG control, or at least reasonable playing of odds?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 02, 2012, 12:59:52 am
Now what about without RNG control, or at least reasonable playing of odds?
6.9 | 5.5 turns.
Source: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,17173.0.html
Unupped: Grabbix (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,16828.0.html)
Upped: Powerful Wyrms (Air Rush) (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,12895.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on July 02, 2012, 03:56:43 am
Now suppose you could tell Fortuna to give you the chance advantage, but you wouldn't consistently get one-in-a-thousand events. Now what would you say?
(This is the TTW with modest coincidences, such as good draws and chaos powers handing you 5 attack boost.)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 02, 2012, 04:25:14 am
Now suppose you could tell Fortuna to give you the chance advantage, but you wouldn't consistently get one-in-a-thousand events. Now what would you say?
That would be too difficult for me to calculate. (It also depends on what you would and would not count.)
However the named decks have around a 10% chance of winning in 5|4 turns.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on July 02, 2012, 06:31:17 am
I forgot. What's the theoretical fastest way to deal 100 damage assuming you have complete control of the RNG and your opponent does nothing?
Quantum Towers providing 3 quanta of your choice each.
Pandemonium providing Mass Parallel Universe.

So perhaps it was
1) Photon
2) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
3) 3 :entropy -> Improved Mutation (Photon -> 19|6 Ruby Dragon with  :fire:Dive)
4) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
5) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 19|6 and 23|10 Ruby Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
6) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
7) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 19|6, 23|10, 23|10 and 27|14,  Ruby Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
Total: 92 damage turn 1 going first with 384 damage next turn.
If going second, a Ball Lightning can be inserted at step 3.5 for 4 Ball Lightnings, dealing an additional 20 damage.
Total: 112 damage turn 1 going second with 384 damage next turn.

Just want to point out that this scenario is impossible, due to the fact you cannot get ruby dragons from mutants.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 02, 2012, 06:59:41 am
I'm pretty sure you can get ruby dragons from mutants. Only things you can't get are chimera, devonian dragon, fate egg, immortal, and scarab.

Anyways, OT, I haven't been paying much attention to war. For round 11, if we assume everyone has a 50% chance of winning, what are the percent chances that :time will win war? :fire? :aether?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on July 02, 2012, 07:02:01 am
I'm pretty sure you can get ruby dragons from mutants. Only things you can't get are chimera, devonian dragon, fate egg, immortal, and scarab.

Let me rephrase that.

Just want to point out that this scenario is impossible, due to the fact you cannot get UPs as mutants.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 02, 2012, 07:03:52 am
I'm pretty sure you can get ruby dragons from mutants. Only things you can't get are chimera, devonian dragon, fate egg, immortal, and scarab.

Let me rephrase that.

Just want to point out that this scenario is impossible, due to the fact you cannot get UPs as mutants.
Oooh.  :-X
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 02, 2012, 07:08:53 am
I forgot. What's the theoretical fastest way to deal 100 damage assuming you have complete control of the RNG and your opponent does nothing?
Quantum Towers providing 3 quanta of your choice each.
Pandemonium providing Mass Parallel Universe.

So perhaps it was
1) Photon
2) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
3) 3 :entropy -> Improved Mutation (Photon -> 19|6 Ruby Dragon with  :fire:Dive)
4) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
5) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 19|6 and 23|10 Ruby Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
6) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
7) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 19|6, 23|10, 23|10 and 27|14,  Ruby Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
Total: 92 damage turn 1 going first with 384 damage next turn.
If going second, a Ball Lightning can be inserted at step 3.5 for 4 Ball Lightnings, dealing an additional 20 damage.
Total: 112 damage turn 1 going second with 384 damage next turn.

Just want to point out that this scenario is impossible, due to the fact you cannot get ruby dragons from mutants.
Errata: I forgot Improved Mutation only created unupped creatures.

1) Photon
2) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
3) 3 :entropy -> Improved Mutation (Photon -> 16|7 Crimson Dragon with  :fire:Dive)
4) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
5) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7 and 20|11 Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
6) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
7) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7, 20|11, 20|11 and 24|15,  Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
Total: 80 damage turn 1 going first with 336 damage next turn.
If going second, a Ball Lightning can be inserted at step 3.5 for 4 Ball Lightnings, dealing an additional 20 damage.
Total: 100 damage turn 1 going second with 336 damage next turn.

Anyways, OT, I haven't been paying much attention to war. For round 11, if we assume everyone has a 50% chance of winning, what are the percent chances that :time will win war? :fire? :aether?
I have not been paying any attention to the current war and do not have the vault management knowledge to make an accurate estimate of their current positions.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Xenocidius on July 05, 2012, 10:42:58 am
OldTrees has asked me to announce that he is experiencing connectivity issues and may not have forum access for a while. That said, keep the questions coming.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 05, 2012, 03:54:35 pm
Thanks Xenocidius. The connectivity problems appear to be over now.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: RavingRabbid on July 06, 2012, 10:34:56 am
1) Photon
2) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
3) 3 :entropy -> Improved Mutation (Photon -> 16|7 Crimson Dragon with  :fire:Dive)
4) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
5) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7 and 20|11 Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
6) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
7) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7, 20|11, 20|11 and 24|15,  Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
Total: 80 damage turn 1 going first with 336 damage next turn.
If going second, a Ball Lightning can be inserted at step 3.5 for 4 Ball Lightnings, dealing an additional 20 damage.
Total: 100 damage turn 1 going second with 336 damage next turn.

Hand: Photon, Mutation, QT, QT, Chaos Seed, Chaos Seed, Chaos Seed.

Photon+Mutation => 17 Crimson Dragon.
22 Crimson Dragon from Seed.
27 Crimson Dragon from Seed.
32 Crimson Dragon from Seed.

Or Hand: Photon, Mutation, QT, QT, Seed, SoR, something

Photon+Mutation => 15 Devonian Dragon with Dive.
Sor => 60 attack Devonian Dragon.
Chaos Seed, party. 65 attack Devonian Dragon.

If going second, there is the chance to change that something with 1 more SoR and 1 more QT. Just to make things insane.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 06, 2012, 05:16:11 pm
1) Photon
2) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
3) 3 :entropy -> Improved Mutation (Photon -> 16|7 Crimson Dragon with  :fire:Dive)
4) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
5) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7 and 20|11 Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
6) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
7) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7, 20|11, 20|11 and 24|15,  Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
Total: 80 damage turn 1 going first with 336 damage next turn.
If going second, a Ball Lightning can be inserted at step 3.5 for 4 Ball Lightnings, dealing an additional 20 damage.
Total: 100 damage turn 1 going second with 336 damage next turn.

Hand: Photon, Mutation, QT, QT, Chaos Seed, Chaos Seed, Chaos Seed.

Photon+Mutation => 17 Crimson Dragon.
22 Crimson Dragon from Seed.
27 Crimson Dragon from Seed.
32 Crimson Dragon from Seed.

Or Hand: Photon, Mutation, QT, QT, Seed, SoR, something

Photon+Mutation => 15 Devonian Dragon with Dive.
Sor => 60 attack Devonian Dragon.
Chaos Seed, party. 65 attack Devonian Dragon.

If going second, there is the chance to change that something with 1 more SoR and 1 more QT. Just to make things insane.
Good point about SoR (to use the mutant's ability) and Chaos Seed(cheaper pandamonium if only 1 target, though 2 QT + 2 Pandamonium = 1 QT + 3 Seeds)

Improved mutation is +0-4|+0-4 A 16|7 (12|3 +4|+4)Crimson Dragon is the best stats mutation can initially obtain.

Devonian Dragon is not able to be obtained by mutation.

I need to check if multiple dives in the same turn stack. (Otherwise Mitosis might be better)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on July 06, 2012, 10:19:50 pm
Two questions for the same card idea.

Thoughts on reusing a name that's been used multiple times, in this case Locust.

Thoughts on this card idea:
Locust  1|1 creature
-  Cost Undecided (what do you think would be balanced for life cost theory?)
-  Enters game burrowed. Skill: (Sacrifice card) create 3 Locust Eggs.

Locust Egg
-  0|1 creature
-  Skill: Hatch into Locust.

Wondering what costs should be applied to the skills. I'm thinking 1  :life :earth or :time
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 07, 2012, 08:01:52 am
Two questions for the same card idea.

Thoughts on reusing a name that's been used multiple times, in this case Locust.

Thoughts on this card idea:
Locust  1|1 creature
-  Cost Undecided (what do you think would be balanced for life cost theory?)
-  Enters game burrowed. Skill: (Sacrifice card) create 3 Locust Eggs.

Locust Egg
-  0|1 creature
-  Skill: Hatch into Locust.

Wondering what costs should be applied to the skills. I'm thinking 1  :life :earth or :time
1|1 immaterial creature that can triple its attack every other turn at the cost of not attacking for a turn and temporary partial vulnerability to CC.

I would reccomend:
The initial skill be :life: (Sacrifice card) create 3 Locust Eggs. [Tie a exponential cost to the exponential benefit]
The second skill be  0: Hatch into Locust. [Have the cost be paid before the vulnerability to increase the significance of the vulnerability]
The 1|1 burrowed body with that pair of abilities is probably worth 3 :life + 1 card.

1) Photon
2) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
3) 3 :entropy -> Improved Mutation (Photon -> 16|7 Crimson Dragon with  :fire:Dive)
4) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
5) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7 and 20|11 Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
6) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
7) 3 :entropy -> Pandemonium (Parallel Universe -> 16|7, 20|11, 20|11 and 24|15,  Crimson Dragons with  :fire:Dive)
Total: 80 damage turn 1 going first with 336 damage next turn.
If going second, a Ball Lightning can be inserted at step 3.5 for 4 Ball Lightnings, dealing an additional 20 damage.
Total: 100 damage turn 1 going second with 336 damage next turn.

Hand: Photon, Mutation, QT, QT, Chaos Seed, Chaos Seed, Chaos Seed.

Photon+Mutation => 17 Crimson Dragon.
22 Crimson Dragon from Seed.
27 Crimson Dragon from Seed.
32 Crimson Dragon from Seed.

Or Hand: Photon, Mutation, QT, QT, Seed, SoR, something

Photon+Mutation => 15 Devonian Dragon with Dive.
Sor => 60 attack Devonian Dragon.
Chaos Seed, party. 65 attack Devonian Dragon.

If going second, there is the chance to change that something with 1 more SoR and 1 more QT. Just to make things insane.
Good point about SoR (to use the mutant's ability) and Chaos Seed(cheaper pandamonium if only 1 target, though 2 QT + 2 Pandamonium = 1 QT + 3 Seeds)

Improved mutation is +0-4|+0-4 A 16|7 (12|3 +4|+4)Crimson Dragon is the best stats mutation can initially obtain.

Devonian Dragon is not able to be obtained by mutation.

I need to check if multiple dives in the same turn stack. (Otherwise Mitosis might be better)

Ghost of the Past (unupped) is the highest attack Time creature a mutant can be.
An improved mutant can get up to +4|+4

1) Quantum Tower -> 3 :entropy
2) Supernova -> 22 :rainbow
3) Photon
4) 3 :entropy -> Mutation(Photon) -> 11|8  :time:Dive Ghost of the past
5-7) 9 :rainbow -> SoR(Ghost) x3 -> x2^(2x3)=x64 attack = 704|8 Ghost of the past turn 1 going first.
Hand Summary: Quantum Tower, Supernova, Photon, Mutation, Shard of Readiness x3
Quanta remaining: 13 non :entropy
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 08, 2012, 02:47:08 am
Hello again OldTrees! If I were to make a card that allowed protection of your permanents based on the number of airborne creatures you have (like one airborne creature=one permanent protected), where would weapon/shield fall in the queue? Before pillars/others? After? In between? If such a card exists, would it be bad if the upped form of it used other quanta?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 08, 2012, 03:32:44 am
Hello again OldTrees! If I were to make a card that allowed protection of your permanents based on the number of airborne creatures you have (like one airborne creature=one permanent protected), where would weapon/shield fall in the queue? Before pillars/others? After? In between? If such a card exists, would it be bad if the upped form of it used other quanta?
For simplicity I would suggest permanents be selected in numerical order (1-3, S, 6-9, W, 11+). Skip the mark [5] of course. Usually this means it will be Pillars, Misc, Shield then Weapon.
I would recommend the card be airborne so it can be self sufficient. (and not protect itself)
I would recommend the upped still cost :air but I see good reasons for it costing  :rainbow too. It has a strong thematic connection to Air but has sufficient support outside of Air that it could work mechanically as an other card. I think theme wins in this case but the opposition is not certain.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 08, 2012, 03:37:27 am
Hello again OldTrees! If I were to make a card that allowed protection of your permanents based on the number of airborne creatures you have (like one airborne creature=one permanent protected), where would weapon/shield fall in the queue? Before pillars/others? After? In between? If such a card exists, would it be bad if the upped form of it used other quanta?
For simplicity I would suggest permanents be selected in numerical order (1-3, S, 6-9, W, 11+). Skip the mark [5] of course. Usually this means it will be Pillars, Misc, Shield then Weapon.
I would recommend the card be airborne so it can be self sufficient. (and not protect itself)
I would recommend the upped still cost :air but I see good reasons for it costing  :rainbow too. It has a strong thematic connection to Air but has sufficient support outside of Air that it could work mechanically as an other card. I think theme wins in this case but the opposition is not certain.
Well that could work. Putting all the permanents in a queue (pillars and misc first based on order of play, then shield then weapon). One airborne creature protects one each. I was actually thinking this card be a permanent, so it could synergize very well with mono air and SoFre. I thought of a 3|2 :air cost at first, but now I'm considering 3 :air unupped and 3 :rainbow upped. It'd make it more flexible while not being overly splashable.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 08, 2012, 06:28:54 am
Hello again OldTrees! If I were to make a card that allowed protection of your permanents based on the number of airborne creatures you have (like one airborne creature=one permanent protected), where would weapon/shield fall in the queue? Before pillars/others? After? In between? If such a card exists, would it be bad if the upped form of it used other quanta?
For simplicity I would suggest permanents be selected in numerical order (1-3, S, 6-9, W, 11+). Skip the mark [5] of course. Usually this means it will be Pillars, Misc, Shield then Weapon.
I would recommend the card be airborne so it can be self sufficient. (and not protect itself)
I would recommend the upped still cost :air but I see good reasons for it costing  :rainbow too. It has a strong thematic connection to Air but has sufficient support outside of Air that it could work mechanically as an other card. I think theme wins in this case but the opposition is not certain.
Well that could work. Putting all the permanents in a queue (pillars and misc first based on order of play, then shield then weapon). One airborne creature protects one each. I was actually thinking this card be a permanent, so it could synergize very well with mono air and SoFre. I thought of a 3|2 :air cost at first, but now I'm considering 3 :air unupped and 3 :rainbow upped. It'd make it more flexible while not being overly splashable.
Clarification: I did not say "Putting all the permanents in a queue (pillars and misc first based on order of play, then shield then weapon)". The shield is the 4th permanent slot. The weapon is the 10th permanent slot. I suggested having it protect the permanents from lowest to highest slot.

One question you should consider when designing effects: "How do I want this effect to be able to be removed?"
If it were a cheap permanent then it would be removed by killing all but 1-2 airborne creatures and then using 1 PC.
If it were a resilient creature then it would be either using multiple CC on it or using CC on a few airborne creatures.

Provided it is balanced at 3 :air, 3 :air|3 :rainbow would be a fair upgrade. I think it is probably balanced around that cost depending on the final difficulty of removing it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 08, 2012, 11:21:56 pm
Ah. shield was 4 and weapon is 10. That makes things a lot easier, since I thought shield and weapon were 22 and 23. Then yes, permanents are protected from lowest to highest.

How can this be removed? If it's a permanent, it'd be often played second or third in a mono air deck I imagine, so it'd require some light CC (or AoE CC) and a deflag/steal.

I priced it at 3 :air, since I tried to balance it to cloak. It requires creatures to be useful, so I made it slightly cheaper than unupped cloak. Is the requirement for its removal too much though for its price?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 09, 2012, 01:15:29 am
Ah. shield was 4 and weapon is 10. That makes things a lot easier, since I thought shield and weapon were 22 and 23. Then yes, permanents are protected from lowest to highest.

How can this be removed? If it's a permanent, it'd be often played second or third in a mono air deck I imagine, so it'd require some light CC (or AoE CC) and a deflag/steal.

I priced it at 3 :air, since I tried to balance it to cloak. It requires creatures to be useful, so I made it slightly cheaper than unupped cloak. Is the requirement for its removal too much though for its price?
I do believe that requiring some light CC and an extra PC to be able to get through the anti-PC would call for a slightly higher cost to compensate for the card advantage. (Just checking: This, unlike cloak, does have indefinite duration correct?) 4 :air | 4 :rainbow. (This is a slightly larger upgrade than normal) It might need to be changed to 5 :rainbow.

PS: The question to consider was "How should this be able to be removed?". The idea is to not assume an implementation before deducing the ideal implementation. An additional benefit of it being a creature is the 2nd copy is not a dead draw.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 09, 2012, 02:26:29 am
Hm. Making it as a creature also has benefits. What would a name or theme be thematically then? I originally proposed a permanent since the idea was that your airborne creatures would beat their wings to generate clouds or something to hide your permanents.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 09, 2012, 04:27:09 am
Hm. Making it as a creature also has benefits. What would a name or theme be thematically then? I originally proposed a permanent since the idea was that your airborne creatures would beat their wings to generate clouds or something to hide your permanents.
Have a tactician rather than a tactic? Have a creature that knows this trick and recruits other airborne creatures to aid it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 09, 2012, 04:49:23 am
Hm. Making it as a creature also has benefits. What would a name or theme be thematically then? I originally proposed a permanent since the idea was that your airborne creatures would beat their wings to generate clouds or something to hide your permanents.
Have a tactician rather than a tactic? Have a creature that knows this trick and recruits other airborne creatures to aid it.
That could work. I'd probably go towards an aged wise large creature. As for stats, I'd think something like 2|6 or something would be pretty nice. Would the ability be passive? Active?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 09, 2012, 05:14:57 am
Hm. Making it as a creature also has benefits. What would a name or theme be thematically then? I originally proposed a permanent since the idea was that your airborne creatures would beat their wings to generate clouds or something to hide your permanents.
Have a tactician rather than a tactic? Have a creature that knows this trick and recruits other airborne creatures to aid it.
That could work. I'd probably go towards an aged wise large creature. As for stats, I'd think something like 2|6 or something would be pretty nice. Would the ability be passive? Active?
Active is default. It only changes to passive when a reason is present (need room for a 2nd ability, needs to ignore lobotomy)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on July 09, 2012, 10:57:37 am
Genesis - :time card
Reverts hand and field to start

All permanents and creatures on field are removed and shuffled back into deck.
Quanta costs for each respective player's cards are added to their pool.
Each Player starts next turn with 7 random cards from their deck.

Health and health effects are unaffected.

What would this cost?
Has it been suggested before?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 09, 2012, 04:35:50 pm
Genesis - :time card
Reverts hand and field to start

All permanents and creatures on field are removed and shuffled back into deck.
Quanta costs for each respective player's cards are added to their pool.
Each Player starts next turn with 7 random cards from their deck.

Health and health effects are unaffected.

What would this cost?
Has it been suggested before?
I do not remember a complete restart effect. (There are lots of mulligans though)
I do not know how to evaluate its worth. How would you abuse its effect?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: russianspy1234 on July 09, 2012, 05:36:33 pm
Genesis - :time card
Reverts hand and field to start

All permanents and creatures on field are removed and shuffled back into deck.
Quanta costs for each respective player's cards are added to their pool.
Each Player starts next turn with 7 random cards from their deck.

Health and health effects are unaffected.

What would this cost?
Has it been suggested before?
I do not remember a complete restart effect. (There are lots of mulligans though)
I do not know how to evaluate its worth. How would you abuse its effect?

OTK decks getting a poor start.
poison is a health effect right?
i could imagine some fun mitosis shenanigans for getting lots of quanta off of this card (including a refund for it if time creatures are on the field) and then swarming the field by playing all 7 cards.  if you powered them out through imo/SN  you would be guaranteed to draw just 7 creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 09, 2012, 05:47:58 pm
Unless there are more powerful abuses than Poison or OTK mulligan, I think a cost of 3-5 :time would be appropriate. However I am not very confident with this estimate since I don't have a good standard to compare to.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 09, 2012, 11:06:26 pm
Hello again once more OldTrees! Thanks for all your help with Stolas!

Has there been cards already where they changed a player's mark to something random? Would a card like that be better as a permanent or spell? How much should it cost? If it's a spell, I'd estimate it at a cost of 2|1 :entropy.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 09, 2012, 11:10:22 pm
What are your thoughts on inflicting Singularity?
If you had to place a :underworld cost on placing Singularity on a creature, what would you say it would be?  What if it were given at a chance?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 02:26:22 am
Hello again once more OldTrees! Thanks for all your help with Stolas!

Has there been cards already where they changed a player's mark to something random? Would a card like that be better as a permanent or spell? How much should it cost? If it's a spell, I'd estimate it at a cost of 2|1 :entropy.
There was an attempt once. It was discovered that changing the mark had the potential to cripple decks to easily. It would destroy 1+X/2 quanta per turn. [X=number of pendulums] Furthermore it would usually eliminate all the sources of a type of quanta. A permanent with a duration would be the most workable implementation.

What are your thoughts on inflicting Singularity?
If you had to place a :underworld cost on placing Singularity on a creature, what would you say it would be?  What if it were given at a chance?
Gulp. Singularity is more damaging than Antimatter. It can only be fixed by mutation. Chance cards work by having moderate variance between the best and the worst results. I am worried that the value of Singularity is too great to fit a chance well. I would have Singularity be one of many possible results. Say 25% chance of Singularity, 25% chance of Antimatter, 2 other effects of in between value. Cost 10 :entropy?
I have very little confidence in this estimate.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 10, 2012, 02:40:32 am
Hello again once more OldTrees! Thanks for all your help with Stolas!

Has there been cards already where they changed a player's mark to something random? Would a card like that be better as a permanent or spell? How much should it cost? If it's a spell, I'd estimate it at a cost of 2|1 :entropy.
There was an attempt once. It was discovered that changing the mark had the potential to cripple decks to easily. It would destroy 1+X/2 quanta per turn. [X=number of pendulums] Furthermore it would usually eliminate all the sources of a type of quanta. A permanent with a duration would be the most workable implementation.

So the biggest problem is ruining pends. Well what if somehow the mark changed, but the pends continued to act the way they used to? What if the mark stayed the same but gave different quanta (As in a mark of entropy giving fire quanta and life quanta)? What if the mark was just disabled (no quanta gained)? Are any of these valid ways of looking at it or is the concept something that should just be discarded?

Also, slightly more personal question, can I go submit alligator | giant alligator to the crucible and all that?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 04:56:15 am
Hello again once more OldTrees! Thanks for all your help with Stolas!

Has there been cards already where they changed a player's mark to something random? Would a card like that be better as a permanent or spell? How much should it cost? If it's a spell, I'd estimate it at a cost of 2|1 :entropy.
There was an attempt once. It was discovered that changing the mark had the potential to cripple decks to easily. It would destroy 1+X/2 quanta per turn. [X=number of pendulums] Furthermore it would usually eliminate all the sources of a type of quanta. A permanent with a duration would be the most workable implementation.

So the biggest problem is ruining pends. Well what if somehow the mark changed, but the pends continued to act the way they used to? What if the mark stayed the same but gave different quanta (As in a mark of entropy giving fire quanta and life quanta)? What if the mark was just disabled (no quanta gained)? Are any of these valid ways of looking at it or is the concept something that should just be discarded?

Also, slightly more personal question, can I go submit alligator | giant alligator to the crucible and all that?
Those variation remove the problem but render it a scrambling of a single pillar/mark/pendulum. I do not see a useful implementation. However that merely means I have writer's block.

Yes. The competition is over. You can submit Alligator | Giant Alligator to the crucible.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 10, 2012, 04:19:35 pm
Could you give your thoughts on Blood Pocketwatch | Soulbound Pocketwatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41873.0.html)? I am interested in knowing the following, it if helps your critique:

1. Whether it is in the correct element.
2. If the HP amount of draining/healing is UP or OP.
3. If I should be concerned about :darkness 's mass of healing cards leading to redundancy or niche interference in an expanding meta.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 07:05:33 pm
Could you give your thoughts on Blood Pocketwatch | Soulbound Pocketwatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41873.0.html)? I am interested in knowing the following, it if helps your critique:

1. Whether it is in the correct element.
2. If the HP amount of draining/healing is UP or OP.
3. If I should be concerned about :darkness 's mass of healing cards leading to redundancy or niche interference in an expanding meta.
1) Storing life has not been placed in an element yet.
2) I would use Heal before Blood Pocketwatch. The only advantage Blood Pocketwatch has is storing 5 excess healing per turn. (via Vampire or Miracle)
3) I fear redundancy with Heal. It might also be prudent to be worried that Darkness might be over saturated with healing relative to the other aspects of Darkness.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 10, 2012, 07:59:56 pm
Hrm...That makes me think of a new series of cards.
Light Aegis. :light, costs perhaps about 5-6  :light quanta Spell
Gives your creatures+0|+X where X is the number of light-emitting creatures.
Wing Blast|Roc Blast.  :air,
version 1: 6-10  :air quanta, possibly even  :air quanta draining. Spell
Deals Spell damage to your opponent equal to the number of airborne creatures on your side of the field, returns to your hand when played.
Version 2: 5-8  :air quanta, spell
Deals Spell damage equal to X, where X is the total attack power of your airborne creatures.
Shared Blood|Shared Life:  :life 5-6  :life quanta, permanent
0: siphon: take 5 damage, Life well gets 5 counters.
When a creature dies, it gains counters equal to it's max HP. If you die, Lifewell is destroyed and you gain life equal to the number of counters on Lifewell.
If Lifewell runs out of counters, it is destroyed.
Your thoughts?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 08:27:51 pm
With the exception of Wing Blast Version 2 (which is too similar to Sky Blitz), I do not have any initial thoughts and would recommend gathering data from the community.

Though you might want to compare Version 1 to an activated ability or an Eternal Spell (look in the Design Theory section)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 10, 2012, 08:30:00 pm
What would the metagame be like if there was no limit to how big or small your deck size could be (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41921.msg520246.html#msg520246)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 08:46:49 pm
What would the metagame be like if there was no limit to how big or small your deck size could be (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41921.msg520246.html#msg520246)?
What is the fewest number of cards for an OTK? (Supernovas included) Some decks would be just a few cards more than that.
What is the optimal immolation or supernova hand? Some decks would be just enough cards to not deck out.
There would also be the Silence + Nightmare + CC deckout deck. (Silence early vs Immo and late vs OTK. Nightmares after Silence vs Immo and before Silence vs OTK)

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 10, 2012, 09:01:23 pm
If you wanted to define the concepts of 'Good' and 'Evil' in a card(s), how would you do so?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on July 10, 2012, 09:08:17 pm
Do you think the game would benefit from a fourth type of card? (besides creature, permanent, and spell) I'm not sure what to suggest though, so it's a vague question. Would the sudden influx of cards of that fourth type be too much to keep the game balanced as well as keep the amount of each of the card types relatively close?

Edit: One possible type Z and I just discussed is a Field. It could be a type because it's too big for a permanent. One possible card that could be shifted is Nightfall/Eclipse. Because of relative size and effect, less might be needed for a good ratio of all the types.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 10, 2012, 09:39:41 pm
Oh great and wise OldTrees! I have another idea!

Has the idea of a creature taking damage for creatures next to it (left and right only) been done before? If not, what element would it be best in (I'm thinking earth or gravity)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 09:53:47 pm
If you wanted to define the concepts of 'Good' and 'Evil' in a card(s), how would you do so?

Good and Evil is Independent of element. Darkness and Light have equal chance of being Good.
I would probably have 1 card that switches from Evil to Good but does not change element.
I would probably go with a Malice|Benevolence theme.

Do you think the game would benefit from a fourth type of card? (besides creature, permanent, and spell) I'm not sure what to suggest though, so it's a vague question. Would the sudden influx of cards of that fourth type be too much to keep the game balanced as well as keep the amount of each of the card types relatively close?

Perhaps it would benefit the game. No it would not necessarily be too much. However we should expect similar problems as we have with shards.
A better question would be if anything is missing. If 3 categories covers everything then there is no need for a fourth. We even have enchantments in the form of Neurotoxin Silence and Shard of Sacrifice.

Oh great and wise OldTrees! I have another idea!

Has the idea of a creature taking damage for creatures next to it (left and right only) been done before? If not, what element would it be best in (I'm thinking earth or gravity)?
I do not remember one.
I think it would not be tied to a single element. It really depends on why it is taking damage.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 10, 2012, 09:58:09 pm
I was sort of thinking along the lines of a phalanx or something. The creature would protect the creatures beside it (what I have in mind is the earth dragon spreading its wings to cover the nearby creatures).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 10:06:07 pm
I was sort of thinking along the lines of a phalanx or something. The creature would protect the creatures beside it (what I have in mind is the earth dragon spreading its wings to cover the nearby creatures).
That is different than what I thought it said.

If it is protecting adjacent creatures (could even be all 6) then Earth would probably be best if it is physical cover.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 10, 2012, 10:07:10 pm
I'm sorry if this was not addressed a few months ago, but could I get your thoughts on:

:air  Odonata | Odonata  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40354.0.html)

Also, could I have you post your thoughts in the thread as to fulfill the Crucible requirements?  Much appreciated.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 10, 2012, 10:08:09 pm
I was sort of thinking along the lines of a phalanx or something. The creature would protect the creatures beside it (what I have in mind is the earth dragon spreading its wings to cover the nearby creatures).
That is different than what I thought it said.

If it is protecting adjacent creatures (could even be all 6) then Earth would probably be best if it is physical cover.
Yes. Physical cover. That is what I imagined. As for that, would 6 (hexagonal) protection be better or just 2 (sideways)? How much hp should it have? I'm thinking around 12. What should it cost? And, should AoE ignore the protection like AoE ignores most other psuedo invincibility?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 10:55:54 pm
I'm sorry if this was not addressed a few months ago, but could I get your thoughts on:

:air  Odonata | Odonata  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,40354.0.html)

Also, could I have you post your thoughts in the thread as to fulfill the Crucible requirements?  Much appreciated.
In many ways it is similar to the Armory card Monkey (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,21667.0.html)
It affects non activated skills instead of being able to affect creatures.

I was sort of thinking along the lines of a phalanx or something. The creature would protect the creatures beside it (what I have in mind is the earth dragon spreading its wings to cover the nearby creatures).
That is different than what I thought it said.

If it is protecting adjacent creatures (could even be all 6) then Earth would probably be best if it is physical cover.
Yes. Physical cover. That is what I imagined. As for that, would 6 (hexagonal) protection be better or just 2 (sideways)? How much hp should it have? I'm thinking around 12. What should it cost? And, should AoE ignore the protection like AoE ignores most other psuedo invincibility?
AoE would be the weakness of Cover since the guardian would quickly die. It is rare for there to be a difference between hexagonal and sideways. Either works.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 10, 2012, 11:06:40 pm
So what should the stats/pricing of it be? I feel the pricing should be around 3-4 :earth and the hp should be near 10. That also brings up the point of what should upping it change about it. More hp? Cheaper casting cost? Higher attack? Some or all of the above?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 10, 2012, 11:11:42 pm
So what should the stats/pricing of it be? I feel the pricing should be around 3-4 :earth and the hp should be near 10. That also brings up the point of what should upping it change about it. More hp? Cheaper casting cost? Higher attack? Some or all of the above?
10 hp, 2|4 attack, cost 5-7 :earth|4-6 :earth
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 11, 2012, 02:36:56 am
Can I get your opinion on:

:aether  Energy Wyrm | Energy Wyrm  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41927.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 11, 2012, 02:49:55 am
Can I get your opinion on:

:aether  Energy Wyrm | Energy Wyrm  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41927.0.html)
It is good practice to make a card useful in an amount of 1-6. Unstable limits the card so the 2nd copy is a dead card. Taking this into account, what Aether deck would not include precisely 1 Energy Wyrm? A card is obviously OP if a card improves any deck. Finally, it is too similar to Psion.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 11, 2012, 03:03:06 am
So what should the stats/pricing of it be? I feel the pricing should be around 3-4 :earth and the hp should be near 10. That also brings up the point of what should upping it change about it. More hp? Cheaper casting cost? Higher attack? Some or all of the above?
10 hp, 2|4 attack, cost 5-7 :earth|4-6 :earth
You think 6|5 :earth? Isn't that a bit excessive? That's nearly 2 :earth higher than my initial idea. I could lower the attack, but it's more of meant to act as a protector or guardian, so it's attack isn't that important.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 11, 2012, 03:06:30 am
So what should the stats/pricing of it be? I feel the pricing should be around 3-4 :earth and the hp should be near 10. That also brings up the point of what should upping it change about it. More hp? Cheaper casting cost? Higher attack? Some or all of the above?
10 hp, 2|4 attack, cost 5-7 :earth|4-6 :earth
You think 6|5 :earth? Isn't that a bit excessive? That's nearly 2 :earth higher than my initial idea. I could lower the attack, but it's more of meant to act as a protector or guardian, so it's attack isn't that important.
I am assuming that the player will be taking advantage of guardian effect to protect multiple other creatures.
I put those ranges because I am not sure of the pratical strength of the effect. It might be 5 :earth|4 :earth
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 11, 2012, 03:43:44 am
So what should the stats/pricing of it be? I feel the pricing should be around 3-4 :earth and the hp should be near 10. That also brings up the point of what should upping it change about it. More hp? Cheaper casting cost? Higher attack? Some or all of the above?
10 hp, 2|4 attack, cost 5-7 :earth|4-6 :earth
You think 6|5 :earth? Isn't that a bit excessive? That's nearly 2 :earth higher than my initial idea. I could lower the attack, but it's more of meant to act as a protector or guardian, so it's attack isn't that important.
I am assuming that the player will be taking advantage of guardian effect to protect multiple other creatures.
I put those ranges because I am not sure of the pratical strength of the effect. It might be 5 :earth|4 :earth
If quint costs 4|3 :aether, this card acts as a psuedoquint for about 2 (you rarely see so many creatures that hexagonal protection would be usefl). A psuedoquint would probably half to 3/4th the cost of a quint to me, and then you double that, and then add on a bit more cost for stats, so I think a 4|3 :earth sounds reasonable. 5|4 as well. Either way, I see cost hovers around 3-5 :earth.

Now then some actual implementation questions:
What if two guardians both guard a creature and your opponent targets the creature? Who gets hit? The first guardian played?
If two guardians guard protect each other, and your opponent targets one, who gets hit? The first guardian played?
Will there be something like "layers" of protection with each guardian you play?

Maybe also when upped, it gains a bit more attack at a more expensive price. I wanted it to seem like a phalanx, protective yet also able to deal damage. Or the other way around. An expensive phalanx like creature unupped, cheap (like minor phoenix) guardian creature upped?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 11, 2012, 06:01:26 am
So what should the stats/pricing of it be? I feel the pricing should be around 3-4 :earth and the hp should be near 10. That also brings up the point of what should upping it change about it. More hp? Cheaper casting cost? Higher attack? Some or all of the above?
10 hp, 2|4 attack, cost 5-7 :earth|4-6 :earth
You think 6|5 :earth? Isn't that a bit excessive? That's nearly 2 :earth higher than my initial idea. I could lower the attack, but it's more of meant to act as a protector or guardian, so it's attack isn't that important.
I am assuming that the player will be taking advantage of guardian effect to protect multiple other creatures.
I put those ranges because I am not sure of the pratical strength of the effect. It might be 5 :earth|4 :earth
If quint costs 4|3 :aether, this card acts as a psuedoquint for about 2 (you rarely see so many creatures that hexagonal protection would be usefl). A psuedoquint would probably half to 3/4th the cost of a quint to me, and then you double that, and then add on a bit more cost for stats, so I think a 4|3 :earth sounds reasonable. 5|4 as well. Either way, I see cost hovers around 3-5 :earth.

Now then some actual implementation questions:
What if two guardians both guard a creature and your opponent targets the creature? Who gets hit? The first guardian played?
If two guardians guard protect each other, and your opponent targets one, who gets hit? The first guardian played?
Will there be something like "layers" of protection with each guardian you play?

Maybe also when upped, it gains a bit more attack at a more expensive price. I wanted it to seem like a phalanx, protective yet also able to deal damage. Or the other way around. An expensive phalanx like creature unupped, cheap (like minor phoenix) guardian creature upped?
Wait. I made the Voodoo/Armagio mistake again. I counted the hp and the skill separately despite only one providing benefit at a time.
10hp, 2|4 attack, 4 :earth|4 :earth is accurate.

I think having the senior (lower slot) guardian would take the damage. If 2 guardians are damaged then the lower slot takes all the damage. If 2 guardians guard the same slot then the lower slot takes the damage. Yes it would be possible for a non adjacent guardian to end up with the damage. [Guardians in slots 2 and 6. A creature in slot 11 would take damage. Instead the guardian in slot 2 takes the damage.]

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 11, 2012, 06:11:29 am
Yes, that sounds more reasonable. 4|4 :earth for a 2/4 atk 10hp creature. As soon as I can find some card art I'll make the card idea.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 11, 2012, 04:14:13 pm
Do you feel Essence Wyrm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39507.0.html) needs a "Minimum ATK | HP" cap to it's stats?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Absol on July 11, 2012, 04:16:37 pm
Can you comment on this about the card's balance? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41945.msg520631.html#msg520631
Thank you.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 11, 2012, 05:53:41 pm
Do you feel Essence Wyrm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39507.0.html) needs a "Minimum ATK | HP" cap to it's stats?
Perhaps a minimum of 1|1 or 0|0. Negative hp does not exist after all. Beyond that I do not see much of a purpose to restricting the cost.

Can you comment on this about the card's balance? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41945.msg520631.html#msg520631
Thank you.
Assume we have two players with enough quanta to use 1 Fractal and play at least 8 copies of any card that costs 3 quanta. Both players have only Fractal in their hand.
Player 1 has only 1 Flesh Spider on the field.
Player 2 has only 1 Clock on the field.

Both players cast Fractal and proceed to play the 8 copies of creatures they got from it.
Player 1 now has 9 Flesh Spiders on the field.
Player 2 now has 9 Clocks on the field.

If this was an unupped-only game:
Player 1 has paid 2 Cards + 10+all :aether + 27 :death to get 9*3 = 27 damage.
Player 2 has paid 2 Cards + 10+all :aether + 27 :time to get 9*(2+9) = 99 damage.

If this was an upped-only game:
Player 1 has paid 2 Cards + 9+all :aether + 27 :death to get 9*6 = 48 damage.
Player 2 has paid 2 Cards + 9+all :aether + 27 :time to get 9*(3+9) = 108 damage.
Clock deals quadratic (aX2+bX) rather than linear (aX) damage with respect to the number of creatures.

4/9 Flesh Spiders deal 12|27 damage per turn and 4/9 Flesh Recluses deal 24|54 damage per turn.
What if 4/9 Clocks (unupped) dealt 12|27 damage per turn and 4/9 Clocks (upped) dealt around 24|54 damage per turn?
Now obviously that is impossible because the 3 points (0,0 4,12 and 9,27) define a quadratic function that happens to be linear. However we can get close with 0.25X2+X | 0.25X2+4X
Aka 1|4 attack. Gains +1 per 4 clocks. I would remove the "can't be delayed" and add a sacrifice ability instead to buff the non fractal usage.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 11, 2012, 06:02:09 pm
Just throwing this one out here:
Would it be possible to dump all the Armory (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,128.0.html) cards into the game and have ETG remained balanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 11, 2012, 07:38:01 pm
Just throwing this one out here:
Would it be possible to dump all the Armory (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,128.0.html) cards into the game and have ETG remained balanced?
The vast majority of Armory cards are balanced. However some are not. It is similar to how most cards in game are balanced but some are not. No armory card is more imbalanced than cards already in game.

So, yes?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Captain Scibra on July 11, 2012, 08:49:33 pm
Could use an opinion of this please. Prowler | Prowler (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41956.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 11, 2012, 11:17:33 pm
Could use an opinion of this please. Prowler | Prowler (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41956.0.html)
1) I am not sure if Life should be king of Lethal CC.
2) Did you forgot Guard on your list?
3) The effect is too potent to be played so early. I would recommend higher cost and stats.
4) Its effect is kill any target creature with more attack than hp, or has less than 6 hp.
This means almost all creatures that are not  :earth/ :gravity or the rare Nymph. (<- More of a statement than an opinion)
In this sense it is on par with Earth Nymph.
5) Prowling has impact, but not much. If it gets the higher cost and stats, then Prowling could be removed without anyone noticing.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Daguerreo on July 12, 2012, 04:11:02 pm
I guess Atlantis's Protection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31232.msg520720.html#new) would be a good example of "mitigation" about your protection cards thread
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 12, 2012, 04:38:56 pm
I guess Atlantis's Protection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31232.msg520720.html#new) would be a good example of "mitigation" about your protection cards thread
Yes. Atlantis's Protection (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,31232.0.html) (good card, people should check it out) still permits PC but requires the opponent to use more PC to achieve the same effect. Since it is reducing the efficiency but not stopping the effect it is classified as "Mitigation".
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 12, 2012, 04:46:04 pm
Can I get your thoughts on the revised Energy Wyrm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41927.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 12, 2012, 05:10:45 pm
Can I get your thoughts on the revised Energy Wyrm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41927.0.html)?
What changed?
It is still a 10|1 for 4 :aether that would be have a single copy added to every Aether deck. (No deck would use a 2nd copy for long)
It is still impossible to have 2 on the field at once.
It can still deal 20 spell damage to the opponent for the cost of 1 :light + 1 card + (8 :aether + 2 cards) [PS more expensive than UG]
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 12, 2012, 05:12:37 pm
But I was also considering the drawbacks when accounting for CC.

And yes, it isn't as cheap as UG, but the idea was it would be slightly more flexible.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 12, 2012, 05:21:03 pm
But I was also considering the drawbacks when accounting for CC.
This was inevitable. I had assumed it in the previous evaluation because I knew you would fix it.

And yes, it isn't as cheap as UG, but the idea was it would be slightly more flexible.
The major problem of the card is the imbalance and restrictions you created when combining high attack and unstable. To fix the card you need to make the first copy balanced (rather than OP) and then make the 6th copy still useful and balanced (rather than UP).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 13, 2012, 02:01:55 am
What do feel is the biggest difference between weapons/shields and other types of cards (such as 'heroes') that attempt to limit the number of potentially viable copies in a deck?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 13, 2012, 02:06:45 am
What do feel is the biggest difference between weapons/shields and other types of cards (such as 'heroes') that attempt to limit the number of potentially viable copies in a deck?
Weapons and Shields are based on expected limitations resulting from the presumption of a humanoid body. Most other limits are less expected. (What do you mean I can't have a right hand man and a left hand man?)

The other big difference is Zanz already used the addition of Weapon and Shield slots to add primary defense and secure offense. The others have not been added. (And most don't have a purpose beyond wanting a 3rd slot.)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 13, 2012, 07:49:16 am
Has the idea of a creature reducing damage done to the creatures around them been done before? If not, how should it be balanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 13, 2012, 08:51:02 am
Has the idea of a creature reducing damage done to the creatures around them been done before? If not, how should it be balanced?
Yes, though around was defined as the whole field.
Creature Forge: Gravitation Behemoth http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,36486.0.html
Balanced via serial playtesting and cost adjustment.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 13, 2012, 08:57:02 am
Just had an idea:

Chaotic Nexus
 :entropy Permanent

Unupped: all randomized effects have their effects strengthened
Upped: all randomized positive effects are strengthened for you; all negative effects are strengthened for opponent.  All negative random effects are weakened against you; all positive random effects are weakened for your opponent.

Has this idea been tossed around already?  Is there any glaring fault that pops out immediately?

By "strengthened," I mean that all damage done by Chaos Seed/Pandemonium has a random (1-3) boost; Pandemonium is less likely to be a dud against any given creature; Mutation/Fallen Elf are more likely to create mutants instead of Abominations; Improved Mutation/Fallen Druid's creatures gain an extra Chaos Power's boost on creation; etc.

I'm keen to hear your input.  I'd like to see more mono- :entropy builds, using all the awesome randomized goodies that are availible.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 13, 2012, 09:20:40 am
Just had an idea:

Chaotic Nexus
 :entropy Permanent

Unupped: all randomized effects have their effects strengthened
Upped: all randomized positive effects are strengthened for you; all negative effects are strengthened for opponent.  All negative random effects are weakened against you; all positive random effects are weakened for your opponent.

Has this idea been tossed around already?  Is there any glaring fault that pops out immediately?

By "strengthened," I mean that all damage done by Chaos Seed/Pandemonium has a random (1-3) boost; Pandemonium is less likely to be a dud against any given creature; Mutation/Fallen Elf are more likely to create mutants instead of Abominations; Improved Mutation/Fallen Druid's creatures gain an extra Chaos Power's boost on creation; etc.

I'm keen to hear your input.  I'd like to see more mono- :entropy builds, using all the awesome randomized goodies that are availible.
It has been tossed around at the theme level (aka people will recognize it as obviously Entropy) but it has never been made into a card.

Cards that require support (the random effect in this case) should have a variety of different supports that the player can choose from.

It is unlikely that your opponent will use any random cards. Do not assume they will but also make it remain balanced even if they do.

Make the card effect as clear as possible from reading the card text.

Read up on the random effects. (Pandamonium effects every creature. No duds. What you perceive as duds are multiple instances of Gravity Pull defaulting to the last Gravity Pulled creature.)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 13, 2012, 09:29:37 am
Cards that require support (the random effect in this case) should have a variety of different supports that the player can choose from.

It is unlikely that your opponent will use any random cards. Do not assume they will but also make it remain balanced even if they do.

Read up on the random effects. (Pandamonium effects every creature. No duds. What you perceive as duds are multiple instances of Gravity Pull defaulting to the last Gravity Pulled creature.)

I don't quite understand the first point.  Wouldn't most of  :entropy's arsenal count as a variety of different supports from which to choose?

The second point makes sense.  Maybe if it just boosted your own effects, and had nothing to do with the opponent?  Do you think that would make for easier balancing?

Point three: the moar you know.  I was totally unaware of that.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 13, 2012, 04:12:39 pm
Cards that require support (the random effect in this case) should have a variety of different supports that the player can choose from.

It is unlikely that your opponent will use any random cards. Do not assume they will but also make it remain balanced even if they do.

Read up on the random effects. (Pandamonium effects every creature. No duds. What you perceive as duds are multiple instances of Gravity Pull defaulting to the last Gravity Pulled creature.)

I don't quite understand the first point.  Wouldn't most of  :entropy's arsenal count as a variety of different supports from which to choose?

The second point makes sense.  Maybe if it just boosted your own effects, and had nothing to do with the opponent?  Do you think that would make for easier balancing?

Point three: the moar you know.  I was totally unaware of that.
I do not think you need to change the card design. I was merely reminding you to make it useful with each of the random effects (Mutation, Chaos Seed, Discord, Quantum Pillars, Hatch) so that it does not become dependent on a single one. You can have it effect the opponent's effects. Just don't underestimate or overestimate their frequency.

Here is another one you should know (although you will be researching these effects on the wiki):
Discord drains up to 10 quanta and then generates up to 10  :rainbow
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 14, 2012, 06:02:08 am
Wise old trees! If I provide a few ideas can you tell me which has potential?

A 3|2 :life card that stops target player from drawing for one turn
An :air card that grants +2atk and airborne status
A :water creature called flying fish that is airborne, and has X% of getting critical hits and dodging as long as it is airborne
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 14, 2012, 07:10:39 am
Wise old trees! If I provide a few ideas can you tell me which has potential?

A 3|2 :life card that stops target player from drawing for one turn
An :air card that grants +2atk and airborne status
A :water creature called flying fish that is airborne, and has X% of getting critical hits and dodging as long as it is airborne

The Life card does not have an obvious theme for the  :time :darkness draw lock :time :darkness. If it had a reasonable theme then the next question would be whether a simple draw lock card would be valuable to a game that already has 2 cards that are similar but with additional benfits.

The Air card relies on Airborne being beneficial. Currently that does not matter to enough support cards [1. Sky Blitz, 2. Shard of Freedom and 3. Nothing yet). So it would have a minor case of the Forced combo problem.

The Water card is self sufficient. It does seem to have a greater Airborne mechanical theme than any current Air creature. This might be a problem.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 14, 2012, 07:16:26 am
Wise old trees! If I provide a few ideas can you tell me which has potential?

A 3|2 :life card that stops target player from drawing for one turn
An :air card that grants +2atk and airborne status
A :water creature called flying fish that is airborne, and has X% of getting critical hits and dodging as long as it is airborne

The Life card does not have an obvious theme for the  :time :darkness draw lock :time :darkness. If it had a reasonable theme then the next question would be whether a simple draw lock card would be valuable to a game that already has 2 cards that are similar but with additional benfits.

The Air card relies on Airborne being beneficial. Currently that does not matter to enough support cards [1. Sky Blitz, 2. Shard of Freedom and 3. Nothing yet). So it would have a minor case of the Forced combo problem.

The Water card is self sufficient. It does seem to have a greater Airborne mechanical theme than any current Air creature. This might be a problem.

1. I imagine either a trap, or obstructive vines/roots trapping the player from getting their next card (or if cards are like spells, restraining them from managing to find a new one). Why do I think :life needs this? Life is an element based purely on speed and no control right now, so I feel it'd beneficial if life had some kind of control. Having a card like that (I balanced it similarly to silence) would allow for some actual control from life, as well as powering the element in general. Stopping your opponent from drawing can save your fragile 12|3 frog. Additionally, you could also cast it on yourself to delay deckout, or even help with fractal.

2. Actually, I admit that the +2 atk is the true part of the card. I noticed momentum had a +1 boost, blessing had a +3 boost, so there should be a +2 boost as well. Just a pure boring boost to attack would be pointless, so I added a secondary effect (like momentum's shield bypass and blessing's health increase). I'll agree that the airborne does feel a bit forced. Do you have any good suggestions?

3. That's true, but I felt it'd be nice if :water had some kind of soft PC and anti CC.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on July 14, 2012, 08:04:06 am
Just want to point this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8697.0.html) and this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39391.0.html) out.

Your other ideas are nice though, fur.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 15, 2012, 12:08:03 am
Wise old trees! If I provide a few ideas can you tell me which has potential?

A 3|2 :life card that stops target player from drawing for one turn
An :air card that grants +2atk and airborne status
A :water creature called flying fish that is airborne, and has X% of getting critical hits and dodging as long as it is airborne

The Life card does not have an obvious theme for the  :time :darkness draw lock :time :darkness. If it had a reasonable theme then the next question would be whether a simple draw lock card would be valuable to a game that already has 2 cards that are similar but with additional benfits.

The Air card relies on Airborne being beneficial. Currently that does not matter to enough support cards [1. Sky Blitz, 2. Shard of Freedom and 3. Nothing yet). So it would have a minor case of the Forced combo problem.

The Water card is self sufficient. It does seem to have a greater Airborne mechanical theme than any current Air creature. This might be a problem.

1. I imagine either a trap, or obstructive vines/roots trapping the player from getting their next card (or if cards are like spells, restraining them from managing to find a new one). Why do I think :life needs this? Life is an element based purely on speed and no control right now, so I feel it'd beneficial if life had some kind of control. Having a card like that (I balanced it similarly to silence) would allow for some actual control from life, as well as powering the element in general. Stopping your opponent from drawing can save your fragile 12|3 frog. Additionally, you could also cast it on yourself to delay deckout, or even help with fractal.

2. Actually, I admit that the +2 atk is the true part of the card. I noticed momentum had a +1 boost, blessing had a +3 boost, so there should be a +2 boost as well. Just a pure boring boost to attack would be pointless, so I added a secondary effect (like momentum's shield bypass and blessing's health increase). I'll agree that the airborne does feel a bit forced. Do you have any good suggestions?

3. That's true, but I felt it'd be nice if :water had some kind of soft PC and anti CC.
1. Life can both Rush and Stall. Stall, Control and Denial are not synonymous despite being related. If Nightmare is to be believed, the hand is part of the mind. Last and most important: What benefit would the game get from adding Draw Denial in a manner similar to 2 previous cards that each had additional effects?

2. Thanks Annele
I do not have any goo replacements yet. The +2 attack has utility but feels like a secondary effect. I would wait until you find a primary effect that is weak enough to tie the +2 to.

3. Soft PC and anti CC does not necessitate Critical Strikes and Evasion. How would Water do Soft PC/anti CC?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on July 15, 2012, 01:29:30 am
I know it's only slightly relevant, but I thought I'd point out another Flying Fish (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,20463.0.html) that's been done.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 15, 2012, 02:02:32 am
Something I had in mind once was this:
life fungus| life shroom
1 :life
heals you for 1 HP per turn
Upgraded either has 0|3 or possibly 0 cost.
Your thoughts to this?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 15, 2012, 03:35:23 am
Something I had in mind once was this:
life fungus| life shroom
1 :life
heals you for 1 HP per turn
Upgraded either has 0|3 or possibly 0 cost.
Your thoughts to this?
Why not play Druidic Staff? It would do the job of 5 shrooms.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 15, 2012, 03:39:06 am
1. Life can both Rush and Stall. Stall, Control and Denial are not synonymous despite being related. If Nightmare is to be believed, the hand is part of the mind. Last and most important: What benefit would the game get from adding Draw Denial in a manner similar to 2 previous cards that each had additional effects?

2. Thanks Annele
I do not have any goo replacements yet. The +2 attack has utility but feels like a secondary effect. I would wait until you find a primary effect that is weak enough to tie the +2 to.

3. Soft PC and anti CC does not necessitate Critical Strikes and Evasion. How would Water do Soft PC/anti CC?
1. Well, if you spring a trap for your opponent, I'd imagine that they'd have a hard time concentrating for new ideas. Why would the game benefit? I imagine the draw denial more similarly to silence rather than nightmare. It acts as a way to keep the opponent where they are. :life is an element of speed, so getting the upper hand and being able to restrict your opponent allows for both Anti-CC (Stopping your opponent from drawing control cards), as well as very minor soft PC (Stop them from drawing that dim shield). Nightmare also gives your opponent cards and drains hp, whereas my idea only stops drawing. In this way, it's not a hard counter to fractal (can even benefit it), is good vs rainbows, and can be even used on the player playing the card as some kind of anti-stall for not decking out.

2. Blessing's atk boost is the primary effect while momentum's attack boost is a secondary effect. If I look at it this way, I would want to balance out the +2atk with some other effect that's roughly the same. I'll have to think a bit on that.

3. Hm. I sort of wanted to use flying fish or the SoFre concept in other elements. PC and anti-CC? Well perhaps freeze should be able to target permanents, or another water card that protects water creatures, or making flooding protect water creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 15, 2012, 06:42:05 am
1. Life can both Rush and Stall. Stall, Control and Denial are not synonymous despite being related. If Nightmare is to be believed, the hand is part of the mind. Last and most important: What benefit would the game get from adding Draw Denial in a manner similar to 2 previous cards that each had additional effects?

2. Thanks Annele
I do not have any goo replacements yet. The +2 attack has utility but feels like a secondary effect. I would wait until you find a primary effect that is weak enough to tie the +2 to.

3. Soft PC and anti CC does not necessitate Critical Strikes and Evasion. How would Water do Soft PC/anti CC?
1. Well, if you spring a trap for your opponent, I'd imagine that they'd have a hard time concentrating for new ideas. Why would the game benefit? I imagine the draw denial more similarly to silence rather than nightmare. It acts as a way to keep the opponent where they are. :life is an element of speed, so getting the upper hand and being able to restrict your opponent allows for both Anti-CC (Stopping your opponent from drawing control cards), as well as very minor soft PC (Stop them from drawing that dim shield). Nightmare also gives your opponent cards and drains hp, whereas my idea only stops drawing. In this way, it's not a hard counter to fractal (can even benefit it), is good vs rainbows, and can be even used on the player playing the card as some kind of anti-stall for not decking out.

2. Blessing's atk boost is the primary effect while momentum's attack boost is a secondary effect. If I look at it this way, I would want to balance out the +2atk with some other effect that's roughly the same. I'll have to think a bit on that.

3. Hm. I sort of wanted to use flying fish or the SoFre concept in other elements. PC and anti-CC? Well perhaps freeze should be able to target permanents, or another water card that protects water creatures, or making flooding protect water creatures.
1. Draw Denial is most similar to Draw Denial (RT or Nightmare). Draw Denial is a form of Hand Denial (RT, Nightmare, Silence, Neurotoxin)
You keep answering: "What benefit would the Life get from adding Draw Denial?"
I asked: "What benefit would the game get from adding Draw Denial in a manner similar to 2 previous cards that each had additional effects?"
An answer to the first is not an answer to the second. (Otherwise, we would have 12 of each card)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 16, 2012, 01:26:11 am
Why does the game need this? Because while both RT and nightmare have draw denial, they require different per-equisites and have different consequences along with the draw denial. RT is meant as soft CC for time, and also serves to damage not very quanta heavy decks, while nightmare is an anti-rush deck that punishes decks that dump their hands. Why can't there be just a simple card for draw denial? If we have cards that say "If A or B do X and Y" and "If A do X and Z", why don't we just have a card saying "do X"?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 16, 2012, 02:42:26 am
Your thread currently spans 61 pages / 730 Posts and growing. Are there any particularly notable questions/ideas that you feel that might deserve to be revisited a bit?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 16, 2012, 04:13:17 am
Why does the game need this? Because while both RT and nightmare have draw denial, they require different per-equisites and have different consequences along with the draw denial. RT is meant as soft CC for time, and also serves to damage not very quanta heavy decks, while nightmare is an anti-rush deck that punishes decks that dump their hands. Why can't there be just a simple card for draw denial? If we have cards that say "If A or B do X and Y" and "If A do X and Z", why don't we just have a card saying "do X"?
While it is true that for draw denial, Reverse Time requires a creature on their field and Nightmare simply requires a creature. Those prerequisites are insignificant.

They both have additional consequences beyond draw denial. (This is not a point in favor of a card that is only draw denial)

Why don't we just have a card saying "do X"?
Because we already have 2 cards that can already "do X" and both have an additional effect in order to be balanced.

PS: Cards have more than 1 purpose. Their optimal use is not their only use. The draw denial of Nightmare is useful against more than just rush decks. Reverse Time has an offensive purpose beyond soft CC.

Your thread currently spans 61 pages / 730 Posts and growing. Are there any particularly notable questions/ideas that you feel that might deserve to be revisited a bit?
I will need to go through and double check. This will take awhile. There are probably some questions worth linking to in the OP but I don't recall any worth revisiting.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 16, 2012, 06:19:49 am
So what should I do about the card? Add some secondary effect to it as well or just scrap the idea because of enough draw denial cards?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 16, 2012, 08:04:15 am
So what should I do about the card? Add some secondary effect to it as well or just scrap the idea because of enough draw denial cards?
I think we have enough cards that do draw denial for the sake of draw denial. Additionally I think that all draw denial cards would need a secondary effect or be able to deny more than 1 turn.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 16, 2012, 01:32:42 pm
Why not play Druidic Staff? It would do the job of 5 shrooms.
Indeed, which is why the idea needs sprucing up...Perhaps the inclusion of an activatable version of Maligant cell's ability might be called for?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 16, 2012, 06:25:15 pm
Why not play Druidic Staff? It would do the job of 5 shrooms.
Indeed, which is why the idea needs sprucing up...Perhaps the inclusion of an activatable version of Maligant cell's ability might be called for?
That skill would be called Mitosis
I would recommend adding additional utility beyond simple regeneration OR raise the regeneration to be comparable with current regeneration without redundancy.
What is a mechanic that would fit Life but is not present in current cards?

Side Note:
Armory Card: Cell | Cell http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,29546

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: thispersonisagenius on July 16, 2012, 08:12:34 pm
I'm not sure if this is a very original idea, but here goes:
Should the "Other" category be developed into a full-fledged element with its own spells, creatures, rare(s), shard (excluding the Shards corresponding to the other elements), etc.?
Here is an idea for the rare weapon of the "Other" element.

Weapon (Rare)
Cost: 5 :rainbow
Damage: 4
Animated Stats: 4/4
Active Ability: Blacksmith (This weapon turns into a random rare weapon)
Passive Ability: NONE

I think the "Other" creatures should have the ability to change colors, and there should be "Other" cards that benefit them if they are a certain colors. This will obviously result in more "Other" cards than any other.

Suggestions, community and Mr. Sequoia?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 16, 2012, 09:06:53 pm
I'm not sure if this is a very original idea, but here goes:
Should the "Other" category be developed into a full-fledged element with its own spells, creatures, rare(s), shard (excluding the Shards corresponding to the other elements), etc.?
Here is an idea for the rare weapon of the "Other" element.

Weapon (Rare)
Cost: 5 :rainbow
Damage: 4
Animated Stats: 4/4
Active Ability: Blacksmith (This weapon turns into a random rare weapon)
Passive Ability: NONE

I think the "Other" creatures should have the ability to change colors, and there should be "Other" cards that benefit them if they are a certain colors. This will obviously result in more "Other" cards than any other.

Suggestions, community and Mr. Sequoia?
Other is not an element. As such there are many things (requiring a high cost or an elemental component) it probably should not have (no Other dragon, Nymph, Alchemy or 13th shard).

Rarity is independent of element/other.

In many ways I see Other as a shortcut for effectively adding 12 cards per other card added. Certain effects are better or worse suited to this nature.

Enough rare weapons have activation costs that a random rare weapon is not very beneficial. A new yet generic effect would work better.

Other seems to have 3 roles:
1) Effects that fit no element.
2) Effects that fit all elements.
3) Effects that change based on the elemental influence.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 17, 2012, 12:07:14 am
Something I just thought of was the idea of a card that could clog the opponent's hand with some sort of 'fake card' like Relic.
Since Nightmare does that and more, the card might be a creature featuring an ability, or somehow repeatable.
Barring the above, a card that simply stopped you from drawing for a turn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 17, 2012, 02:29:01 am
Something I just thought of was the idea of a card that could clog the opponent's hand with some sort of 'fake card' like Relic.
Since Nightmare does that and more, the card might be a creature featuring an ability, or somehow repeatable.
Barring the above, a card that simply stopped you from drawing for a turn.
Repeatable Nightmare would be OP since it is a lockdown.
Relic Nightmare would be OP since relics cannot be discarded.
Simple stopping drawing as a spell would be to UP.
Draw denial already exists in 2 cards. The game might not need a 3rd.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ddevans96 on July 17, 2012, 02:54:34 am
Relic Nightmare would be OP since relics cannot be discarded.

They can, and even if they couldn't, it could be a new fake card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 17, 2012, 05:53:41 am
Relic Nightmare would be OP since relics cannot be discarded.

They can, and even if they couldn't, it could be a new fake card.
doh. Thanks for the correction. I was confusing the "not leaving the hand when cast" with the old "not able to be discarded" relic buff suggestion.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 18, 2012, 01:40:09 am
Would a card that made it so when a player ended their turn they had to have equal to or less cards than their opponent be good?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 18, 2012, 04:05:01 am
Would a card that made it so when a player ended their turn they had to have equal to or less cards than their opponent be good?
It would probably be used in a instant quanta based rush deck to force the opposing stall deck to discard several cards. This is probably too potent unless this particular usage is heavily nerfed.

I do think discarding would be beneficial to add.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 18, 2012, 04:07:40 am
Would a card that made it so when a player ended their turn they had to have equal to or less cards than their opponent be good?
It would probably be used in a instant quanta based rush deck to force the opposing stall deck to discard several cards. This is probably too potent unless this particular usage is heavily nerfed.

I do think discarding would be beneficial to add.
Well at least you agree it's something beneficial and interesting. How would you propose to nerf it then?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 18, 2012, 04:18:28 am
Would a card that made it so when a player ended their turn they had to have equal to or less cards than their opponent be good?
It would probably be used in a instant quanta based rush deck to force the opposing stall deck to discard several cards. This is probably too potent unless this particular usage is heavily nerfed.

I do think discarding would be beneficial to add.
Well at least you agree it's something beneficial and interesting. How would you propose to nerf it then?
The problem is two fold.
1) Equalize the expected number of cards discarded for each use of the card. The number of cards in hand for a rush deck decreases much faster than that of  a stall deck. The difference decreases as the game advances. So you would need to make the card hard to play early with a instant quanta deck. Being played early by a stall deck would not be a problem.
How would you do that?
Instant quanta decks avoid cards costing 4 :entropy or 6 non  :fire for a reason (Supernova & Immolation). These cards are expensive for the means of quanta production used. I would go with the 6 non  :fire to hinder Mark shifted instant quanta decks too.

2) Set a cost balanced for the expected number of cards discarded.
This is harder. I do not have the data to make an accurate estimate.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on July 18, 2012, 08:04:50 am
Thoughts on a passive skill that a creature uses "in hand"?

Applied to a creature that "every other turn" can be played for max hp instead of quanta.

I'm thinking a small to mid-ranged creature for balance. Thoughts on cost as well?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 18, 2012, 08:49:19 am
Thoughts on a passive skill that a creature uses "in hand"?

Applied to a creature that "every other turn" can be played for max hp instead of quanta.

I'm thinking a small to mid-ranged creature for balance. Thoughts on cost as well?
Obsession (Ghost of the Past) is a passive that triggers from the hand. (So obviously it is possible.)

Switching the cost is an interesting idea. It allows for more flexibility.

Costs in Max hp are hard to balance. Everyone gets about 50-75 free max hp that they can spend without taking damage.
Test 3 quanta / 15 max hp. (so all 6 would be -75mhp)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 18, 2012, 11:47:13 pm
More HP? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42078.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 01:03:50 am
More HP? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42078.0.html)
Sure. There is not much difference between 10 and 15 hp.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 19, 2012, 01:11:46 am
More HP? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42078.0.html)
Sure. There is not much difference between 10 and 15 hp.
Except, in this case, there is. Normally, the difference in hp diminishes after it gets high enough (like over 10), but in this case, (protecting other creatures) hp is actually an important point. If there should be an increase in HP, how much?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 02:40:06 am
More HP? (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42078.0.html)
Sure. There is not much difference between 10 and 15 hp.
Except, in this case, there is. Normally, the difference in hp diminishes after it gets high enough (like over 10), but in this case, (protecting other creatures) hp is actually an important point. If there should be an increase in HP, how much?
There is a significant difference between 10 and 18 hp for this card. Not as much between 10 and 15.
Changing to 15hp probably comes with a +1 cost. 10->18 would be +2.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 19, 2012, 02:40:55 am
What about 3|15 stats for the upped? Still for 4 :earth?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 02:42:44 am
What about 3|15 stats for the upped? Still for 4 :earth?
-1 attack => -1 cost
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 19, 2012, 03:04:22 am
How much do you consider protecting a target row (essentially, 1/3 of a cloak) to be worth?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 19, 2012, 03:08:47 am
How much do you consider protecting a target row (essentially, 1/3 of a cloak) to be worth?
Cloak also protects permanents.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 03:24:16 am
How much do you consider protecting a target row (essentially, 1/3 of a cloak) to be worth?
Depends on the Row. If the player gets to choose then it would be almost the same as the current cloak without protecting either the creatures (middle row) or the permanents. Probably 2-3  :darkness + 1 card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 19, 2012, 04:16:51 am
How much is card cost worth? Like, what's the equivalent of 1 card in terms of quanta? HP? Other benefit?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 04:58:02 am
How much is card cost worth? Like, what's the equivalent of 1 card in terms of quanta? HP? Other benefit?
1 card cost ~= 2-3 quanta cost
1 quanta cost might be ~= 5hp cost
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 19, 2012, 06:24:52 am
Would a permanent that lets you discard costs to increase your hp or gain quanta (like half of the discarded card) be good?

Do some shards fit too much of a niche instead of being able to be splashable like they were meant to?

Would something like this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,38939.msg483949.html#msg483949) be a good idea? As a spell? If the difference was changed to +/- 4?

Would a permanent that stopped all spells for both people for 3 turns be a good idea? What would be the cost?

Besides the shards, are there any cards that you feel to be OP?

Did you ever try this logic game (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/598731)? It's quite fun.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 08:12:38 pm
1) Would a permanent that lets you discard costs to increase your hp or gain quanta (like half of the discarded card) be good?

2) Do some shards fit too much of a niche instead of being able to be splashable like they were meant to?

3) Would something like this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,38939.msg483949.html#msg483949) be a good idea? As a spell? If the difference was changed to +/- 4?

4) Would a permanent that stopped all spells for both people for 3 turns be a good idea? What would be the cost?

5) Besides the shards, are there any cards that you feel to be OP?

6) Did you ever try this logic game (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/598731)? It's quite fun.
The cost of the discarded card is not paid. It should not impact the benefit gained. Otherwise yes.

Yes. Shard of Wisdom cannot be used without   :aether or  :light. Shard of Focus is too powerful for a splashable card (Hence cannot be simultaneously balanced for rainbows and mono decks without a major change). Shard of Sacrifice has a disloyalty penalty rather than a loyalty bonus.

It can be used both as Attack Reduction and Rage. However Attack Reduction can be accomplished by CC (prevent attacking or remove the creature) and Rage is already a spell.
So no. I do not think it is a good idea in addition to cards already in the game.

A rush deck would love that card since it prevents the opponent from equalizing. 3 of those would be 9 turns of status quo. (with 3 turns of playing between the double sided Silence) I would reduce it to 2 turns and a cost of 4 quanta.

Yes. The degree of imbalance differs from card to card. I find cards that have imbalance less than 1 quanta in magnitude to be balanced. I consider cards with imbalance of more than 1 quanta in magnitude to be overpowered. This ranges from cards that are slightly to cheap (Fog, Graboid, Reverse Time) to metagame injury (Shard of Focus). However I have watched the card pool get fine tuned. Most of the op cards are now in the slightly too cheap bucket.

Yes. It is quite fun.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 19, 2012, 08:32:20 pm
2 turns and 4 quanta? Wouldn't that make it slightly inferior to cloak?

Null Field
*2 turns
*4 quanta
*Can't be targetted by spells
*Can be destroyed through destroy skill

*3 turns
*hides field
*4 quanta
*Can be destroyed/stolen
*Disappears with AoE
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 09:07:34 pm
2 turns and 4 quanta? Wouldn't that make it slightly inferior to cloak?

Null Field
*2 turns
*4 quanta
*Can't be targetted by spells
*Can be destroyed through destroy skill

*3 turns
*hides field
*4 quanta
*Can be destroyed/stolen
*Disappears with AoE

Null Field
*2 turns
*4 quanta
*Losing player cannot play anything including offense to equalize.
*Can be destroyed through destroy skill

*3 turns
*hides field
*4 quanta
*Can be destroyed/stolen
*Disappears with AoE

Cloak maintains your strength. Null maintains your strength and their weakness.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 19, 2012, 09:11:00 pm
They can still play creatures and permanents. Null Field only stops spells from being played. If there are two rush decks facing off against each other, the one packing null field would be slightly slower.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 19, 2012, 09:14:41 pm
mmm....Ya no, cloak's not really a thing that's used enough for people to care, but AOE Spells can negate it. That said, people don't seem to realize it's an option...Or don't need to care.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 19, 2012, 09:26:27 pm
They can still play creatures and permanents. Null Field only stops spells from being played. If there are two rush decks facing off against each other, the one packing null field would be slightly slower.
Doh. I was thinking about MtG for a moment where all cards are spells.

If it only stops spells then it has a similar utility to cloak. It prevents fractal, black hole, shard of sacrifice ... but does not stop abilities. 3 turns 4 quanta would be fine.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 20, 2012, 11:21:17 pm
You said 2 turn silence would cost 4 quanta. I disagree. Wouldn't it increase in a way that's greater than linear? 2 turn silence form one card should be at least 5 or 6 quanta.

Which element best embodies the qualities of "salvaging"?

If you pay 1 quanta + discard 1 card per turn, what should the gain be? 10hp per turn?

Why do you disagree with discarding a dragon and reaping X benefit while discarding a photon reaps X/10 or a smaller amount of benefit?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 20, 2012, 11:45:41 pm
You said 2 turn silence would cost 4 quanta. I disagree. Wouldn't it increase in a way that's greater than linear? 2 turn silence form one card should be at least 5 or 6 quanta.
2 turn double sided silence that started counting on your opponent's turn would be a minimum of 4 quanta. (1 more than the mark produces in that time)
Your Turn 1 cast
Their Turn 1 silence
Your Turn 2 silence
Their Turn 2 silence
Your Turn 3 silence
Their Turn 3 vocal
Your Turn 4 cast
Their Turn 4 silence

Which element best embodies the qualities of "salvaging"?

If you pay 1 quanta + discard 1 card per turn, what should the gain be? 10hp per turn?

Why do you disagree with discarding a dragon and reaping X benefit while discarding a photon reaps X/10 or a smaller amount of benefit?
No element has a salvaging theme yet. I would go for a mental element since the hand is affected by nightmares and obsession.

1 :underworld + 1 card per turn for 10hp per turn is a good starting estimate.

I think that players should only reap benefits for costs they pay. They have not paid a higher cost to discard a dragon than to discard a photon. In both cases they paid 1 draw.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 20, 2012, 11:53:45 pm
Oh right. Double sided silence. doh. my bad. What if it was just silencing your opponent for 2 turns? How much would that cost? (I'm guessing 5-7).

Hm. Mind. That seems like it doesn't really fit. If I were to make a card that did what I just said (let you sacrifice cards for 1 quanta for 10hp regen), what element would that go best under? Would it work in other?

They haven't played it, but they still made use of it. In other words, by discarding a dragon, you're not just discarding the same worth as a photon. If later on during the game, when the player has more quanta, they could've made use of the dragon. Additionally, if a player has 5 :entropy, it wouldn't really be the same if they discarded an abomination or a photon. In addition to the space that a card takes up, its innate cost and usefulness should be factored into it a little bit in my opinion.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 21, 2012, 12:35:08 am
Oh right. Double sided silence. doh. my bad. What if it was just silencing your opponent for 2 turns? How much would that cost? (I'm guessing 5-7).

Hm. Mind. That seems like it doesn't really fit. If I were to make a card that did what I just said (let you sacrifice cards for 1 quanta for 10hp regen), what element would that go best under? Would it work in other?

They haven't played it, but they still made use of it. In other words, by discarding a dragon, you're not just discarding the same worth as a photon. If later on during the game, when the player has more quanta, they could've made use of the dragon. Additionally, if a player has 5 :entropy, it wouldn't really be the same if they discarded an abomination or a photon. In addition to the space that a card takes up, its innate cost and usefulness should be factored into it a little bit in my opinion.

2 turn Silence has too much synergy with Silence. I would not hazard a guess below 7 :aether.

Other might work. I would still suggest giving it to an element that has a mental theme to match the hand: mind model.

They did not pay the casting cost. They should not gain a benefit from the casting cost. They did pay the draw cost. They should gain a benefit from the draw cost.
If an abomination might be more situationally useful than a photon when a player has 5 :entropy, then the photon is more useful than miracle in that situation.
However cards are not balanced based on situations because situations are created in response to card costs through deckbuilding. Ideally cards would be balanced that Abomination/5 :entropy + 1 card ~= Photon/1 card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on July 21, 2012, 06:04:31 am
I've been thinking about a new way of damage negation.

Here's the rough idea : You discard a card from deck whenever you are attacked in the next turn.

And I want to make it a Time card with a theme of escaping to future.

Here's the question :

1. Do we need another stalling card, especially in Time element ?

2. How much is enough ? How many turns should it last and how many cards should be discarded per unit damage ?

3. Is there still room for mechanics like mixing the roles of cards, quanta and HP ? I mean something like using HP to play cards, using cards which normally have no healing function to replenish HP, etc.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 21, 2012, 06:29:09 pm
I've been thinking about a new way of damage negation.

Here's the rough idea : You discard a card from deck whenever you are attacked in the next turn.

And I want to make it a Time card with a theme of escaping to future.

Here's the question :

1. Do we need another stalling card, especially in Time element ?

2. How much is enough ? How many turns should it last and how many cards should be discarded per unit damage ?

3. Is there still room for mechanics like mixing the roles of cards, quanta and HP ? I mean something like using HP to play cards, using cards which normally have no healing function to replenish HP, etc.
1) The game would benefit from more cards. Time already has a lot of stall but could use some more after it gains some more non stall cards.
2) I see a problem:
Cards lost from the deck are less/more valuable than cards in the hand depending on the quantity. Most games end by 0hp rather than deckout. When this happens the loser still has X cards in their deck. They would not have been effected by milling X cards because they would reach 0hp before running out of deck. However the X+1th card would have lost them a turn. So milled cards from 1 to X are worth 0. From X+1 onwards they are worth 1 turn each. However it cannot give a turn of defense(you survive 1 more turn) since it cost a turn of defense. The best it could do would be a turn of offense(they survive 1 less turn).

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 21, 2012, 09:10:56 pm
What if the cost for creatures was no longer paid quanta? A 10 :death merely means you have to have 10 death pillars minimum. That means, with 3 life pillars, you can play as many frogs as you have frogs, but anything more than 3 :life. How would the game have to be rebalanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 21, 2012, 10:14:31 pm
What if the cost for creatures was no longer paid quanta? A 10 :death merely means you have to have 10 death pillars minimum. That means, with 3 life pillars, you can play as many frogs as you have frogs, but anything more than 3 :life. How would the game have to be rebalanced?
The first thing to note is that 2 creatures cost less than twice the cost of 1 creature. (Except in the case of 0 cost creatures where it is exactly equal)
1 11 cost creature would have an equal cost to 11 1 cost creatures or 8 4 cost creatures or 6 6 cost creatures.
5 11 cost creatures would have an equal cost to 15 1 cost creatures or 12 4 cost creatures or 8 8 cost creatures.

Each card would individually have a benefit equivalent to a 0 cost creature. Playing a pillar would enable access to the next tier of creatures. Access to the next tier of creatures would have a net benefit equivalent to the net benefit of a 0 cost creature. The value of a 0 cost creature would need to be large enough that these net benefits could be expressed via incremental stat increases.

Nightfall gives all  :darkness and  :death creatures +1|+1 for 3 :darkness + 1 card.
A semi vanilla 4|2 (Phase Spider) costs 3 :aether + 1 card.
Photon would be buffed to 4|2 stats, each +1 cost would translate into +1|+1 stats.

Card advantage in all forms (including activated abilities like snipe or growth) would be severely nerfed.
Mitigating effects would be strengthened. Removal and Negation would be nerfed.

Some effects like quanta denial would be removed.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 22, 2012, 02:43:19 am
Does the game need more PC in the form of a creature (that can use destroy or something once) or PC in the form of permanents? If so, which elements?

Would a mine that dealt damage once the opponent played a creature/spell/permanent be a good idea? Should it damage each time they play a certain type of card or just a one time burst? Which element most fits this?

Oh, and I have an idea for a weapon that gets bonus damage when you have no shield equipped. Has this idea been done before? Which element would it fit under? I'm thinking earth. How much damage boost? A constant like +5 or a multiplier like double?

Are you a robot?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 22, 2012, 07:01:33 am
Does the game need more PC in the form of a creature (that can use destroy or something once) or PC in the form of permanents? If so, which elements?

Would a mine that dealt damage once the opponent played a creature/spell/permanent be a good idea? Should it damage each time they play a certain type of card or just a one time burst? Which element most fits this?

Oh, and I have an idea for a weapon that gets bonus damage when you have no shield equipped. Has this idea been done before? Which element would it fit under? I'm thinking earth. How much damage boost? A constant like +5 or a multiplier like double?

Are you a robot?
Does the game need more PC? Yes. Particularly in the elements that don't have any Hard or Soft PC. Shard of Focus could do this but I think the game would be better served with the addition of some more soft PC as well. Whether it is implemented in a spell, creature or permanent does not make much difference.

Trap based card have been suggested before. I think that the added complexity would be beneficial. However the mine idea does not have enough structure to have a default element. In cases like this a theme is needed to add further structure. How is the damage dealt? Why is the damage dealt?

I do not recall a 1-1/2 handed sword being suggested. There was a 2handed sword suggested. Taking a slot is worth -3 cost. +3 attack should be sufficient.

I am an organic robot but not a plant despite my namesake.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 22, 2012, 07:05:26 am
Hm. I was thinking more along the lines of something like a Cestus. Having two hands free would allow more damage, but one could also use a shield. This way, it can be used together with a shield, but it does better without a shield. How should it be balanced if I want to make it deal double damage if the shield slot is empty? And what element does that fall under? Earth? Gravity?

For the mine idea, for balance, how much hp should the enemy lose if it's a one time thing, or if it's a "every time they play a certain card" type thing?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 22, 2012, 07:09:02 am
Hm. I was thinking more along the lines of something like a Cestus. Having two hands free would allow more damage, but one could also use a shield. This way, it can be used together with a shield, but it does better without a shield. How should it be balanced if I want to make it deal double damage if the shield slot is empty? And what element does that fall under? Earth? Gravity?
Not even RPGs let a 2 handed weapon deal double damage. A Cestus (as you have described it) is a 1-1/2 handed weapon.
Since it would get +3 attack a 3 attack weapon would be doubled to 6.
Earth probably fits better with the Strength them.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 22, 2012, 07:24:28 am
What about instead of doubling, it's attack twice? It'd get affected by shields twice, and if I have the atk start at 3|4 for 3 or 4 quanta, it seems like it'd be relatively balanced. (3 cost for 6 damage is balanced with sacrificing shield. If shield sacrifice is -3, then that's 3dmg for 3 quanta.) (3 quanta for 8 damage sacrifice shield makes it around a 5/3 dmg/cost ratio, about the same as fahren and lobo). I don't know how it'd do with AW and buffs though.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 22, 2012, 07:38:05 am
What about instead of doubling, it's attack twice? It'd get affected by shields twice, and if I have the atk start at 3|4 for 3 or 4 quanta, it seems like it'd be relatively balanced. (3 cost for 6 damage is balanced with sacrificing shield. If shield sacrifice is -3, then that's 3dmg for 3 quanta.) (3 quanta for 8 damage sacrifice shield makes it around a 5/3 dmg/cost ratio, about the same as fahren and lobo). I don't know how it'd do with AW and buffs though.
Why would having a shield relate to weapon speed?

1 attack double damage is difficult because:
2X -3 -3 = X -3
6 (6 attack) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  3 (6 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 0
Obviously flown weapons do not get a bonus from the shield hand. That hand is busy with the current cestus.

2 attacks would seem like a constant effect independent of a shield. I thought an adrenal weapon had been suggested before.
However 2 attacks is weaker than double damage so it would be +4 damage for +3 cost.
2X -1 -3 -3 = X -3
8 (8 damage per turn) -1 (affected by shields twice) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  4 (4 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 1

A weapon that gained adrenaline if held in the weapon slot with an empty shield slot would have
10 (10 damage per turn) -2 (affected by shields thrice) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  5 (5 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 2
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 22, 2012, 06:18:27 pm
Furball: http://www.medieval-life-and-times.info/medieval-swords-and-armor/bastard-sword.htm

To me, it would fit best in  :light, the Element of Crusaders and chivalry.  Also, a damage modifier of (k(1.5)) makes more sense than double damage, as adding an extra hand doesn't double the effectiveness of the weapon, but it does add some more power to your swings.

As for traps, how about these:

Bear Trap ( :life): each trap deals 1 damage to the first untrapped attacking creature, and delays it 1 turn.
Land Mine ( :fire, or maybe  :earth): deals 5 damage to the first creature played, and 5 to its controller.  Destroyed with first activation.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 22, 2012, 06:19:54 pm
What are your thoughts on Hailstorm | Icicle Storm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42104.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 22, 2012, 06:53:01 pm
Furball: http://www.medieval-life-and-times.info/medieval-swords-and-armor/bastard-sword.htm

To me, it would fit best in  :light, the Element of Crusaders and chivalry.  Also, a damage modifier of (k(1.5)) makes more sense than double damage, as adding an extra hand doesn't double the effectiveness of the weapon, but it does add some more power to your swings.

As for traps, how about these:

Bear Trap ( :life): each trap deals 1 damage to the first untrapped attacking creature, and delays it 1 turn.
Land Mine ( :fire, or maybe  :earth): deals 5 damage to the first creature played, and 5 to its controller.  Destroyed with first activation.
So bear trap deals 1 damage per turn to alternating creatures?
Both would work as traps.
I have not received enough data about traps yet to make a precise cost analysis. However they should cost more for happening sooner and less for letting if the opponent chooses the target.

What are your thoughts on Hailstorm | Icicle Storm (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42104.0.html)?
The implementation is mildly interesting. The base effect is dull. Assuming Pandemonium is balanced, it seems balanced.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 22, 2012, 07:04:24 pm

So bear trap deals 1 damage per turn to alternating creatures?
Both would work as traps.
I have not received enough data about traps yet to make a precise cost analysis. However they should cost more for happening sooner and less for letting if the opponent chooses the target.

As an example: your opponent has 1 Grabboid (burrowed), 1 Cockatrice, and 1 Vampire in play, in that order, and hits hir attack phase.  You have 2 Bear Traps in play.

Grabby goes through, as it's burrowed.  The Cockatrice hits your first trap, dealing 1 damage to the Cockatrice, and delaying it.  Vampire hits the second Trap, with the same effect.

Next turn, your opponent drops another Grabby, and a Crusader, then Evolves the first Grabboid and attacks.

Now, the Shrieker in slot 1 hits the first trap, taking 1 damage and getting delayed.  Cockatrice and Vampire lose delay.  The Grabboid goes through, and the Crusader hits your second Trap.

If your opponent only has one creature in play, a second Bear Trap is a dead Permanent.  I would also suggest that with Bear Trap, as described, Flying, Immaterial, and Burrowed creatures would remain unaffected.

A question for you, OT: what would E:tG look like, if 0-attack creatures still attacked at the end of the turn?  Would SoF being affected by your Procrastination, Thorn Carapice, etc., be a good thing for the game, a bad one, or just interesting?  Same with unbuffed Dune Scorps, Wardens, and any future 0-ATK critters.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 22, 2012, 07:18:57 pm
A question for you, OT: what would E:tG look like, if 0-attack creatures still attacked at the end of the turn?  Would SoF being affected by your Procrastination, Thorn Carapice, etc., be a good thing for the game, a bad one, or just interesting?  Same with unbuffed Dune Scorps, Wardens, and any future 0-ATK critters.
Nerfing Chrysaora and Warden in order to nerf SoFo is probably a bad idea. There is a place for creatures that don't attack.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 22, 2012, 07:54:21 pm
Would it be a strict nerf?  Does Feral Bond count 0-ATK critters as attackers already? 

I wasn't looking for a way to nerf SoF - I personally think it's fine how it is, though I know it's a minority opinion.  Otyugh protection for  :time (Turtle Shield) and for  :life (Carapice) could be neat, too.  Any Element could use extra protection from Butterfly Effect, as well.  I don't see this idea so much as a nerf to 0-cost creatures, as a buff to defense for  :life and  :time, as well as a buff to quanta acceleration for  :light (w/Solar Buckler).

Anyways, you did answer the question, as put to you.  So, is it fair to say that you see a creature's 0-ATK as a weak form of protection against situational CC?  If so, can you think of any mechanics that could use that tiny bit of CC to advantage?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 22, 2012, 09:36:19 pm
Would it be a strict nerf?  Does Feral Bond count 0-ATK critters as attackers already? 

I wasn't looking for a way to nerf SoF - I personally think it's fine how it is, though I know it's a minority opinion.  Otyugh protection for  :time (Turtle Shield) and for  :life (Carapice) could be neat, too.  Any Element could use extra protection from Butterfly Effect, as well.  I don't see this idea so much as a nerf to 0-cost creatures, as a buff to defense for  :life and  :time, as well as a buff to quanta acceleration for  :light (w/Solar Buckler).

Anyways, you did answer the question, as put to you.  So, is it fair to say that you see a creature's 0-ATK as a weak form of protection against situational CC?  If so, can you think of any mechanics that could use that tiny bit of CC to advantage?
Feral Bond counts creature turns not attackers.

I see 0-Atk to be a useful design (as a result of the protection from CC shields) in that it allows the existence of non fighting utility creatures.

I did not understand your final question.
If you meant can I think of a use for the tiny CC protection then:
I see 0-Atk to be a useful design (as a result of the protection from CC shields) in that it allows the existence of non fighting utility creatures. Devourer, Chyrsaora and Warden are the best examples in my opinion.

If not, please rephrase the question.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 22, 2012, 09:59:26 pm

Feral Bond counts creature turns not attackers.

I should really read the cards more carefully.


If you meant can I think of a use for the tiny CC protection then:
I see 0-Atk to be a useful design (as a result of the protection from CC shields) in that it allows the existence of non fighting utility creatures. Devourer, Chyrsaora and Warden are the best examples in my opinion.

If not, please rephrase the question.

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of: can you think of a(some) hypothetical new mechanic(s), which would create synergies specific to 0-ATK creatures i.e. "Immobility - 0-ATK creatures gain +0/+6 and are delayed at the end of every turn?"  Or, you know, whatever - that's why I'm asking you, oh Guru!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 22, 2012, 11:19:49 pm
Oldtrees, I've been pondering ideas for a thematic  :life card that gives it an answer to getting CC'd in the face...Something I came up with was a creature that would make the next creature you played (or perhaps the next creature period, meaning your opponent could get this boost, in exchange for increased power/ reduced cost.) The idea was something that would somehow 'enhance' the summoning, like...To use a somewhat odd comparison, meta-magic, on the creatures you summon.
Your thoughts on this idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 12:40:36 am
If you meant can I think of a use for the tiny CC protection then:
I see 0-Atk to be a useful design (as a result of the protection from CC shields) in that it allows the existence of non fighting utility creatures. Devourer, Chyrsaora and Warden are the best examples in my opinion.

If not, please rephrase the question.

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of: can you think of a(some) hypothetical new mechanic(s), which would create synergies specific to 0-ATK creatures i.e. "Immobility - 0-ATK creatures gain +0/+6 and are delayed at the end of every turn?"  Or, you know, whatever - that's why I'm asking you, oh Guru!
Target creature's attack is reduced to 0 and gain "active ability".
Target creature gains "active ability" but will attack owner if able.
Players "are affected by negative effect" whenever their creature attacks.

Oldtrees, I've been pondering ideas for a thematic  :life card that gives it an answer to getting CC'd in the face...Something I came up with was a creature that would make the next creature you played (or perhaps the next creature period, meaning your opponent could get this boost, in exchange for increased power/ reduced cost.) The idea was something that would somehow 'enhance' the summoning, like...To use a somewhat odd comparison, meta-magic, on the creatures you summon.
Your thoughts on this idea?
Interesting. The metamagic or augmented summoning is an intriguing mechanic.  Like most buffs this would actually be more (not less) vulnerable to CC. However that is before taking the buff into account.

A creature (magus) that assists your summoning: All creatures you summon while it is alive get the bonus
A permanent (aura) that alters creatures summoned :Augments all creatures summoned by either player while it is around
The aura might have side effects as part of the bonus.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 23, 2012, 01:24:44 am
The 'magus' idea you mentioned gave me the idea of a series...
 :life magus that perhaps heals you for every creature played.
 :fire magus that buffs the attack power of any friendly creature summoned.
 :time magus that affects the opponent, delaying their creatures.
 :darkness magus that weakens the attack power of any enemy creatures played.
 :earth magus that boosts the HP of any friendly creature played.
 :death magus that reduces the Max HP of any enemy creature played.
 :aether magus might require a quanta upkeep due to the first power that comes to mind, granting immortality to any creature played.
 :air magus could grant the passive 'airborne' to friendly creature played.
 :entropy magus might scramble a creature's skill cost, making it cost a random elemental quanta, including rainbow.
 :gravity magus could grant momentum to friendly creatures, at a quanta upkeep price.
 :light magus either grants biolumence, or perhaps heals all creatures when a creature is played.
 :water magus could 'refund' you 1 quanta of that creature's element when played, essentially cutting down on the cost of summoning creatures, in a sense.
quanta upkeep seems to also be a potential balancing factor, and this list probably could more or less be straight converted into permanent auras.
Yet another idea, one I kinda like, is this effect as a spell, that provides this buff to the next creature summoned. I propose that the permanent, creature, and spell buff ideas be appropriately scattered throughout the elements, so for example,  :aether's effect becomes a spell, alongside quintessance, but working instantly, while  :entropy's effect, due to it's situational nature, be a permanent.
Any ideas you'd like to add to this list OldTrees?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 01:34:51 am
Rather than  :aether :gravity :light, what about:
 :aether Split creatures in half. (2 creatures half atk, half hp, 1.5x activation costs)
 :gravity [aura] The last creature played is gravity pulled.
 :light Creatures ignore the first targeting effect.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 23, 2012, 01:55:22 am
What about instead of doubling, it's attack twice? It'd get affected by shields twice, and if I have the atk start at 3|4 for 3 or 4 quanta, it seems like it'd be relatively balanced. (3 cost for 6 damage is balanced with sacrificing shield. If shield sacrifice is -3, then that's 3dmg for 3 quanta.) (3 quanta for 8 damage sacrifice shield makes it around a 5/3 dmg/cost ratio, about the same as fahren and lobo). I don't know how it'd do with AW and buffs though.
Why would having a shield relate to weapon speed?

1 attack double damage is difficult because:
2X -3 -3 = X -3
6 (6 attack) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  3 (6 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 0
Obviously flown weapons do not get a bonus from the shield hand. That hand is busy with the current cestus.

2 attacks would seem like a constant effect independent of a shield. I thought an adrenal weapon had been suggested before.
However 2 attacks is weaker than double damage so it would be +4 damage for +3 cost.
2X -1 -3 -3 = X -3
8 (8 damage per turn) -1 (affected by shields twice) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  4 (4 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 1

A weapon that gained adrenaline if held in the weapon slot with an empty shield slot would have
10 (10 damage per turn) -2 (affected by shields thrice) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  5 (5 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 2

Perhaps I should reword it. "Gain 1 extra attack if you do not have a shield equipped" The idea is that without using a shield, your shield hand is free, and that lets you pull off one extra attack (If it's flying, you jump and grab it in the air to punch your opponent). If it had 3|4atk, how much cost would that be in elemental quanta? What about in other quanta? Which element would it fit under?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 03:26:54 am
What about instead of doubling, it's attack twice? It'd get affected by shields twice, and if I have the atk start at 3|4 for 3 or 4 quanta, it seems like it'd be relatively balanced. (3 cost for 6 damage is balanced with sacrificing shield. If shield sacrifice is -3, then that's 3dmg for 3 quanta.) (3 quanta for 8 damage sacrifice shield makes it around a 5/3 dmg/cost ratio, about the same as fahren and lobo). I don't know how it'd do with AW and buffs though.
Why would having a shield relate to weapon speed?

1 attack double damage is difficult because:
2X -3 -3 = X -3
6 (6 attack) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  3 (6 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 0
Obviously flown weapons do not get a bonus from the shield hand. That hand is busy with the current cestus.

2 attacks would seem like a constant effect independent of a shield. I thought an adrenal weapon had been suggested before.
However 2 attacks is weaker than double damage so it would be +4 damage for +3 cost.
2X -1 -3 -3 = X -3
8 (8 damage per turn) -1 (affected by shields twice) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  4 (4 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 1

A weapon that gained adrenaline if held in the weapon slot with an empty shield slot would have
10 (10 damage per turn) -2 (affected by shields thrice) -3 (weapon slot) -3 (shield slot) =  5 (5 attack) -3 (weapon slot) = 2

Perhaps I should reword it. "Gain 1 extra attack if you do not have a shield equipped" The idea is that without using a shield, your shield hand is free, and that lets you pull off one extra attack (If it's flying, you jump and grab it in the air to punch your opponent). If it had 3|4atk, how much cost would that be in elemental quanta? What about in other quanta? Which element would it fit under?
If 5 are flying and you have one in your primary hand, your off hand (aka the shield hand) would be unable to assist all 6 weapons.

If they all get an extra attack (weird) then it would be:
Between a -3 and a -0.5 cost reduction for the shield slot. (shield slot value / number of weapons affected)
However if a flying weapon gets an extra attack then it will be buffed with Blessing|Chaos Power. So it is more valuable than a held weapon getting a 2nd attack. Let's estimate a 3 attack weapon would get a +5 cost for an extra attack.

I would try 3 attack 2 :underworld + 1 card +/- 1 quanta.
As for element, if each weapon is getting an extra attack, I would direct you towards Adrenaline.

However: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18253.0.html and http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23405.0.html

Remember: When it comes to weapons, you can check here first: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30645
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 23, 2012, 03:47:30 am
Rather than  :aether :gravity :light, what about:
 :aether Split creatures in half. (2 creatures half atk, half hp, 1.5x activation costs)
 :gravity [aura] The last creature played is gravity pulled.
 :light Creatures ignore the first targeting effect.
What exactly is this idea that you're proposing? a 1-time shield against any ability targeting the creature?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 04:36:26 am
Rather than  :aether :gravity :light, what about:
 :aether Split creatures in half. (2 creatures half atk, half hp, 1.5x activation costs)
 :gravity [aura] The last creature played is gravity pulled.
 :light Creatures ignore the first targeting effect.
What exactly is this idea that you're proposing? a 1-time shield against any ability targeting the creature?
Yes. It would increase the cost of using CC (in cards) against those creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 23, 2012, 04:40:57 am
If 5 are flying and you have one in your primary hand, your off hand (aka the shield hand) would be unable to assist all 6 weapons.

If they all get an extra attack (weird) then it would be:
Between a -3 and a -0.5 cost reduction for the shield slot. (shield slot value / number of weapons affected)
However if a flying weapon gets an extra attack then it will be buffed with Blessing|Chaos Power. So it is more valuable than a held weapon getting a 2nd attack. Let's estimate a 3 attack weapon would get a +5 cost for an extra attack.

I would try 3 attack 2 :underworld + 1 card +/- 1 quanta.
As for element, if each weapon is getting an extra attack, I would direct you towards Adrenaline.

However: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18253.0.html and http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23405.0.html

Remember: When it comes to weapons, you can check here first: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30645
Well thematically, what's to say that 5 crusaders can endow one weapon? There's no clear indication, so just like how the crusaders pass the weapon around or something, the user could also attack with each flying cestus with their free hand each time a flying cestus attacks (like disgaea's team attacks). Attacking twice is also different from adrenaline. Attacking twice makes it feel more like vampire dagger, doubling the effectiveness of buffs and other things. In fact, an epi'd flying 4atk creature does 9 damage. A flying (upped) cestus with your support only does 8.

Anyways, I've had another idea based on the "mine" idea we discussed earlier. It'd be a water parasite that when played, goes to the opponent's side of the field. Whoever owns the card takes X damage each time they play a card.

How much should X be? How much should the parasite cost? I assume X=5 would be the same as neurotoxin, and dunescorp+momentum=4 quanta + duo + 2 cards. This means if I have X=5, the parasite would have to cost 6 :water. Any advice? And how it should function upped?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 05:11:13 am
If 5 are flying and you have one in your primary hand, your off hand (aka the shield hand) would be unable to assist all 6 weapons.

If they all get an extra attack (weird) then it would be:
Between a -3 and a -0.5 cost reduction for the shield slot. (shield slot value / number of weapons affected)
However if a flying weapon gets an extra attack then it will be buffed with Blessing|Chaos Power. So it is more valuable than a held weapon getting a 2nd attack. Let's estimate a 3 attack weapon would get a +5 cost for an extra attack.

I would try 3 attack 2 :underworld + 1 card +/- 1 quanta.
As for element, if each weapon is getting an extra attack, I would direct you towards Adrenaline.

However: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,18253.0.html and http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23405.0.html

Remember: When it comes to weapons, you can check here first: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30645
Well thematically, what's to say that 5 crusaders can endow one weapon? There's no clear indication, so just like how the crusaders pass the weapon around or something, the user could also attack with each flying cestus with their free hand each time a flying cestus attacks (like disgaea's team attacks). Attacking twice is also different from adrenaline. Attacking twice makes it feel more like vampire dagger, doubling the effectiveness of buffs and other things. In fact, an epi'd flying 4atk creature does 9 damage. A flying (upped) cestus with your support only does 8.

Anyways, I've had another idea based on the "mine" idea we discussed earlier. It'd be a water parasite that when played, goes to the opponent's side of the field. Whoever owns the card takes X damage each time they play a card.

How much should X be? How much should the parasite cost? I assume X=5 would be the same as neurotoxin, and dunescorp+momentum=4 quanta + duo + 2 cards. This means if I have X=5, the parasite would have to cost 6 :water. Any advice? And how it should function upped?
Endow is the process of copying the enchantment of a magical weapon onto the mundane blade the crusader starts with. It is endowing the blade with the potency of the elemental's weapon.

The cost analysis looks right. Upgraded would have a -2 cost. 6 :water|4 :water
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 23, 2012, 05:14:49 am
Maybe the flying cestii are inspired your bravery and lack of shield so they hit twice. I dunno.

If I want to make it more playable (3-5) range, how much should X be lowered to?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 05:15:57 am
Maybe the flying cestii are inspired your bravery and lack of shield so they hit twice. I dunno.

If I want to make it more playable (3-5) range, how much should X be lowered to?
Try 3 for 4 :water|2 :water.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 23, 2012, 05:18:14 am
Maybe the flying cestii are inspired your bravery and lack of shield so they hit twice. I dunno.

If I want to make it more playable (3-5) range, how much should X be lowered to?
Try 3 for 4 :water|2 :water.
What about 4 :water | 4 :water
but X is 3|5?

Or would that make a way bigger difference than the regular upped of (+2 bonus)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 12:47:58 pm
Maybe the flying cestii are inspired your bravery and lack of shield so they hit twice. I dunno.

If I want to make it more playable (3-5) range, how much should X be lowered to?
Try 3 for 4 :water|2 :water.
What about 4 :water | 4 :water
but X is 3|5?

Or would that make a way bigger difference than the regular upped of (+2 bonus)?
That would also work.
PS: The regular upgrade is 1-2 (more cards see a +1 than a +2 but it is close enough to call it a +1.5)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 23, 2012, 06:26:02 pm
Can I get your thoughts on the following ideas, preferably in their respective threads?

Whirlpool | Whirlpool (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42194.0.html)
Quark Burst | Quark Burst (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42180.0.html)
Labyrinth | Labyrinth (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42190.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 23, 2012, 08:48:49 pm
Can I get your thoughts on the following ideas, preferably in their respective threads?

Whirlpool | Whirlpool (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42194.0.html)
Quark Burst | Quark Burst (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42180.0.html)
Labyrinth | Labyrinth (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42190.0.html)

Whirlpool | Whirlpool (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42194.0.html)
4 :water + 1 card for
Up to once per turn (twice with flooding) you lose 2 :water and your opponent loses up to 2 :rainbow.
2 :water > 2 :rainbow > up to 2 :rainbow

2 :darkness + 1 card for
once per turn (twice when adrenal) you gain up to 1 :darkness and your opponent loses up to 1 :rainbow

Quark Burst | Quark Burst (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42180.0.html)
So a spell that should be reflected causes all targeted spells to not be reflected for that turn? That sounds like targeting an untargetable object.
It is balanced despite its paradoxical effect.

Labyrinth | Labyrinth (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42190.0.html)
I would use a non linear scale to match the non linear hp progression.
Ideally something like 1-3, 4-9, 10+
Might deserve a cost reduction to 5|4.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 23, 2012, 10:33:43 pm
Comment on Cymothoa (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42197.0.html)?

Would an entropy card that increased your max/current (one of them) hp for scrambling yours/youropponent's (One of them) quanta be a good idea?

If cestus was implemented into the other element as it is now, would it be too powerful in a deck dedicated to flying them and buffing them?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 23, 2012, 11:55:31 pm
@Drake-Your Laybrinth idea reminds me of an older idea I had called Gravity Field, that more or less did the same thing, but in spell form.
I believe I ran the idea past OldTrees in this thread somewhere...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 24, 2012, 02:41:33 am
Comment on Cymothoa (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42197.0.html)?

Would an entropy card that increased your max/current (one of them) hp for scrambling yours/youropponent's (One of them) quanta be a good idea?

If cestus was implemented into the other element as it is now, would it be too powerful in a deck dedicated to flying them and buffing them?
I think I misunderstood. I thought Cymothoa dealt damage at the end of the turn rather than when the controller cast a card.
I would decrease it to 2|4 damage.
Neat reference by the way.

I don't think Entropy needs a 2nd Discord yet.

If flying cestuses were affected by the shield slot then it would need to cost elemental quanta rather than random quanta.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 24, 2012, 02:48:14 am
Comment on Cymothoa (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42197.0.html)?

Would an entropy card that increased your max/current (one of them) hp for scrambling yours/youropponent's (One of them) quanta be a good idea?

If cestus was implemented into the other element as it is now, would it be too powerful in a deck dedicated to flying them and buffing them?
I think I misunderstood. I thought Cymothoa dealt damage at the end of the turn rather than when the controller cast a card.
I would decrease it to 2|4 damage.
Neat reference by the way.

I don't think Entropy needs a 2nd Discord yet.

If flying cestuses were affected by the shield slot then it would need to cost elemental quanta rather than random quanta.
Really? I tried balancing it around dune scorp, but I personally feel Cymothoa is actually a bit UP. Besides the first (and second) turn, it is very rare for a player to play more than 1-2 cards. The chances of getting out Cymothoa in the first two turns is small (Even with towers). Because of this cost, Cymothoa would most likely enter the game at around turn 2-3. If we assume the opponent plays an average of 1.5 (is probably less unless hourglasses, dexterity, fractal, etc) cards per turn, Cymothoa does around 4.5|7.5 damage per turn.
Let us compare to blue crawler and toadfish
Blue crawler 3 :water 3|3
Cymothoa 4 :water 4.5|4
Toadfish 5 :water 6|4

Abyss crawler 4 :water 6|6
Cymothoa 4 :water 7.5|4
Toadfish 5 :water 3(+1 each turn)|5

In this way, isn't it balanced? (Going onto the opponent's side of the field would probably count as less than .25 :rainbow in cost imo)

What if it scrambled your own quanta? Like, increase your hp by 1-5 each turn. Scramble that many number of quanta.

Hm. Probably. I can probably try and do some testing, but at a glance, it does feel OP. If it fits into an element, which element would it best fit into? :gravity and :earth for strength? :light for honor? :air and :fire for speed and aggressiveness?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 24, 2012, 03:20:54 am
Although in theory, being 'given to an opponent' sounds like a bad thing, let's notice that Cymotha is nothing but bad news for whoever has it.
It hurts you, and possibly doing so in a manner that circumvents most shields.
It has 0 attack power, meaning buffing is required to use it as any sort of attacker: The only case where this is feasible as a counter-strategy is with the rare SoP, as it is the only mass buff card.
And it takes up a creature slot- a mostly negligible effect, as it's rare even for the second and third rows to come into play in a standard Elements game.
So in short, being given to the opponent only is something to counterbalance the cost with...If you're losing something in the process.
Rather akin to how Antimatter is only worth using on the opponent, as opposed to (de)buffing your own creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 24, 2012, 03:22:21 am
Cymothoa goes to the opponent's side as extra synergy with flooding (As a parasite, it chokes and restricts its host). Going to the opponent is not supposed to help them.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 24, 2012, 05:32:16 pm
Comment on Cymothoa (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42197.0.html)?

Would an entropy card that increased your max/current (one of them) hp for scrambling yours/youropponent's (One of them) quanta be a good idea?

If cestus was implemented into the other element as it is now, would it be too powerful in a deck dedicated to flying them and buffing them?
I think I misunderstood. I thought Cymothoa dealt damage at the end of the turn rather than when the controller cast a card.
I would decrease it to 2|4 damage.
Neat reference by the way.

I don't think Entropy needs a 2nd Discord yet.

If flying cestuses were affected by the shield slot then it would need to cost elemental quanta rather than random quanta.
Really? I tried balancing it around dune scorp, but I personally feel Cymothoa is actually a bit UP. Besides the first (and second) turn, it is very rare for a player to play more than 1-2 cards. The chances of getting out Cymothoa in the first two turns is small (Even with towers). Because of this cost, Cymothoa would most likely enter the game at around turn 2-3. If we assume the opponent plays an average of 1.5 (is probably less unless hourglasses, dexterity, fractal, etc) cards per turn, Cymothoa does around 4.5|7.5 damage per turn.
Let us compare to blue crawler and toadfish
Blue crawler 3 :water 3|3
Cymothoa 4 :water 4.5|4
Toadfish 5 :water 6|4

Abyss crawler 4 :water 6|6
Cymothoa 4 :water 7.5|4
Toadfish 5 :water 3(+1 each turn)|5

In this way, isn't it balanced? (Going onto the opponent's side of the field would probably count as less than .25 :rainbow in cost imo)

What if it scrambled your own quanta? Like, increase your hp by 1-5 each turn. Scramble that many number of quanta.

Hm. Probably. I can probably try and do some testing, but at a glance, it does feel OP. If it fits into an element, which element would it best fit into? :gravity and :earth for strength? :light for honor? :air and :fire for speed and aggressiveness?
4.5|7.5 unblockable damage per turn (that requires single target CC, pandemonium, catapult, immolation or chimera to remove.)
See Charger. 5 :gravity for 4|7 unblockable attack.
If going to the opponent's side is worth .25 :gravity then 3|6 unblockable attack is closer to Charger's standard than 4.5|7.5 unblockable attack

Why would you scramble your own quanta? Scrambling  :rainbow does almost nothing. The gaining life sounds like SoG/Druidic Staff/SoD/Stoneskin depending on what life you meant you gained.
PS: Healing is not speed/aggro.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 24, 2012, 06:37:25 pm
OldTrees OldTrees! I has some evidence of testing! Testing to see how much cards opponent plays in the first 7 turns. (blanks are because I got lazy or forgot)

1: 3   3   4   4   4   2   1
2: 0   1   1   2   1   1   2
3: 2   1   1   1   2   1   1
4: 1   2   1   2   1   1   1
5: 2   2   1   1   1   1   1
6: 1   1   1   0   2   1   1
7: 1   0      1   2      0

Averages are 1.43, 1.43, 1.5, 1.57, 1, and 1. So the total average is 1.32. So averagely a cymothoa is a 3.96, roughly 4 momentum'd attacker.


It is absolutely impossible to get out cymothoa in the first turn unupped. It's possible to get it out second turn, but impossible to get it out first turn (unless you get 2 novas, 2 photons, 2 immolations, and a cymothoa), so the first turn should be discarded.

New averages are 1.17, 1.17, 1, 1, 1.5, 1, and 1. New total average is 1.12. Averagely, a cymothoa does 3.36 momentum'd damage in the first 7 turns of the game, making it slightly better than blue crawler, but not as good as toadfish.

I also meant as the go to opponent's side as less than .25 :rainbow to indicate that it was practically negligible. .25 :rainbow is also less than .25 :water.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 24, 2012, 06:58:13 pm
OldTrees OldTrees! I has some evidence of testing! Testing to see how much cards opponent plays in the first 7 turns. (blanks are because I got lazy or forgot)

1: 3   3   4   4   4   2   1
2: 0   1   1   2   1   1   2
3: 2   1   1   1   2   1   1
4: 1   2   1   2   1   1   1
5: 2   2   1   1   1   1   1
6: 1   1   1   0   2   1   1
7: 1   0      1   2      0

Averages are 1.43, 1.43, 1.5, 1.57, 1, and 1. So the total average is 1.32. So averagely a cymothoa is a 3.96, roughly 4 momentum'd attacker.


It is absolutely impossible to get out cymothoa in the first turn unupped. It's possible to get it out second turn, but impossible to get it out first turn (unless you get 2 novas, 2 photons, 2 immolations, and a cymothoa), so the first turn should be discarded.

New averages are 1.17, 1.17, 1, 1, 1.5, 1, and 1. New total average is 1.12. Averagely, a cymothoa does 3.36 momentum'd damage in the first 7 turns of the game, making it slightly better than blue crawler, but not as good as toadfish.

I also meant as the go to opponent's side as less than .25 :rainbow to indicate that it was practically negligible. .25 :rainbow is also less than .25 :water.
+84 rep  for evidence of playtesting. Playtesting is an important part of balancing. Emerald Tiger and ZBlader have a system for testing nonofficial cards using deck vs deck playtesting.

Based on this data I revise my estimate and agree that the 3.36|5.60 unblockable damage is fair for the 4 :water cost.

Since I did overestimate this card, I would recommend more expensive playtesting (deck vs deck playtesting) to double check to see if it is still UP.

PS: When you said .25 :rainbow I thought you meant .25 :underworld. I have never seen any effect worth less than 1 :rainbow.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 24, 2012, 07:02:54 pm
My play testing is not complete and only reveals that in a rush deck, Cymothoa is roughly balanced. I have yet to see how it does in a stall or control deck (squid lock down+Cymothoa leach). And also, that was only using unupped cards. If I were to test upped, the card average would most likely be higher since it is possible to get out Cymothoa first turn (Unlikely, but not sure exactly how unlikely to draw 4 towers in opening hand) and then the multiplier is 5. If we assume that it can only be gotten out second turn like unupped Cymothoa, it is probably balanced in terms of rushing.

Well I thought the give to opponent part was negligible. It doesn't have much synergies, can give your opponent an immotarget as well as bond, and even mutation fodder in exchange for clogging up one of their field slots.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 24, 2012, 07:06:10 pm
Well I thought the give to opponent part was negligible. It doesn't have much synergies, can give your opponent an immotarget as well as bond, and even mutation fodder in exchange for clogging up one of their field slots.
1 :rainbow is negligible in small quantities.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 24, 2012, 11:55:32 pm
Comments on Chronoblast (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42213.0/topicseen.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 25, 2012, 01:52:50 am
Comments on Chronoblast (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42213.0/topicseen.html)?
It is a damaging targeting AoE. (I have seen too many of those) Most of these have a balance point of around 4-5 creatures relative to single target CC. Usually one of these would kill more creatures than 1 rain of fire. However each additional Chronoblast is weakened dramatically.

Its cost need to be raised. (I am unsure how much more though. It depends on the opponent enough that playtesting is recommended)
Would it be better with a different implementation (non AoE)?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 25, 2012, 01:55:42 am
How would it work without AoE? Like an eternal spell that does more damage each time you cast it? Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea. How would you balance an eternal card that does more damage each time it's cast (in one turn)? Can the game keep track of how many times a certain spell has been played in a turn?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 25, 2012, 02:05:27 am
How would it work without AoE? Like an eternal spell that does more damage each time you cast it? Actually, that sounds like a pretty good idea. How would you balance an eternal card that does more damage each time it's cast (in one turn)? Can the game keep track of how many times a certain spell has been played in a turn?
I believe there was a meteor themed card that was a single target version.

You would balance such a card by balancing the average case. The total efficiency of the card if it was cast the average number of times in a turn should be balanced.
Currently the Arena AI is reluctant to spam cards. There must be some similar code there.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 25, 2012, 06:45:42 pm
Would a firewood card idea be good? It'd be a 0 cost life permanent with ability being either immolation or cremation. If so, should the activation cost be 1 :rainbow, 1 :fire, or 0?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 25, 2012, 06:51:32 pm
Would a firewood card idea be good? It'd be a 0 cost life permanent with ability being either immolation or cremation. If so, should the activation cost be 1 :rainbow, 1 :fire, or 0?
So 1 card that duplicates Immolation + Photon?
That would be redundant with Immolation.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 25, 2012, 06:54:57 pm
Would a firewood card idea be good? It'd be a 0 cost life permanent with ability being either immolation or cremation. If so, should the activation cost be 1 :rainbow, 1 :fire, or 0?
It sounds too much like a replacing card. A permanent is harder to remove, as there are less cards that do so. This would allow the same boost that immo combos do, at half the card slots. In fact, this card very well could possibly replace Nova and Supernova, which were specifically nerfed to prevent rapid spamming of said cards.
1. There needs to be a reason to still play immolation after this cards comes around.
2. There needs to be a reason not to revive the old, nova-reliant rushes that now are nerfed by the presence of Singularity, with this card replacing it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 25, 2012, 07:01:20 pm
Would a firewood card idea be good? It'd be a 0 cost life permanent with ability being either immolation or cremation. If so, should the activation cost be 1 :rainbow, 1 :fire, or 0?
So 1 card that duplicates Immolation + Photon?
That would be redundant with Immolation.
Seems redundant yeah. But I thought of it as saving card space. It'd allow immorushes to pack more cards.
Photon+immolation=2 cards
firewood=1 card + 1 turn
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 25, 2012, 07:15:21 pm
What point would there be to using Immolation once this caught on though? As far as I can tell, there's really no reason not to bother with Immo once you have firewood to burn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 25, 2012, 07:16:24 pm
Firewood requires one turn of waiting in exchange for more card space. Immolation uses up more cards, but it can be used in one turn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 25, 2012, 07:23:43 pm
The wait period isn't that severe though, when you consider that these are pretty much cheaper, and all but untouchable except for four cards: explosion, which for full denial would leave other permanents free for use unless you had more PC. Pulverize, which would most likely be played later in a match than these things, and steal, which would probably be the best bet, and SoF, which...Is kinda broken as is due to the quanta powers of rainbows. As a result, the only decks made with PC can deal with Firewood directly.
Not to mention that if Nova's recent Singularity nerf is any indication, there needs to be a reason this card cannot be spammed. Immo's control is the creature sacrifice requirement. Nova can't be spammed because then you have to deal with a Singularity. This however, does not have a control for it's use as of yet.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 25, 2012, 08:42:29 pm
Would a firewood card idea be good? It'd be a 0 cost life permanent with ability being either immolation or cremation. If so, should the activation cost be 1 :rainbow, 1 :fire, or 0?
So 1 card that duplicates Immolation + Photon?
That would be redundant with Immolation.
Seems redundant yeah. But I thought of it as saving card space.
That would place it in the same redundancy tier as a  :life :entropy fallen elf in addition to the  :entropy :life fallen elf.
I would wait until 1000 cards are in the game before this tier.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 25, 2012, 11:46:22 pm
Tossing an idea at you, OT:

Acorn|Acorn (Creature,  :life)

0 :life|0 :life

0/1 | 0/1

 :life : Grow. Turns into Sapling. |  :life : Grow.  Turns into Sapling.


1/3 | 1/4

 :life : Grow.  Turns into Oak.  |  :life : Grow.  Turns into Ancient Oak.

Oak|Ancient Oak.

4/5 | 5/6

 :life Propagate.  Generates an Acorn. | 1 :rainbow Propagate.  Generates an (upgraded) Acorn.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 25, 2012, 11:49:25 pm
Tossing an idea at you, OT:

Acorn|Acorn (Creature,  :life)

0 :life|0 :life

0/1 | 0/1

 :life : Grow. Turns into Sapling. |  :life : Grow.  Turns into Sapling.


1/3 | 1/4

 :life : Grow.  Turns into Oak.  |  :life : Grow.  Turns into Ancient Oak.

Oak|Ancient Oak.

4/5 | 5/6

 :life Propagate.  Generates an Acorn. | 1 :rainbow Propagate.  Generates an (upgraded) Acorn.

2 :life + 3 turns for a 5|6 creature that generates acorns. This feels much worse than just casting mitosis on something. Either bump up the stats insanely high for the oak or cut out the sapling. If you'll notice the "evolving" concept of grabboid, it jumps from 2atk to 8|10 atk. 1 turn delay means quite a lot.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 25, 2012, 11:51:41 pm

2 :life + 3 turns for a 5|6 creature that generates acorns. This feels much worse than just casting mitosis on something. Either bump up the stats insanely high for the oak or cut out the sapling. If you'll notice the "evolving" concept of grabboid, it jumps from 2atk to 8|10 atk. 1 turn delay means quite a lot.

Fair enough.  I like the multiple-turn delay - would it be fair, in your opinion, to just make the growth costs 0, and bump the stats on the upped versions?  0 quanta + 1 card + 3 turns = big hitter?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 26, 2012, 12:11:23 am
Let's compare graboid evolving to shrieker.
1 :time + 1 turns = +6atk

If we look at it this way, the 1 :time probably contributes a +2atk, so 1 turn should be worth 3-4 atk at least. Your acorn idea needs 3 turns to fully come out. That means if it starts with 0atk, the final form should have around 9-12atk. With the 2 :life you spent, probably around 11-13atk.

Then compare that to dragon.
Is 2 :life + 3 turns = 10 :life?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 26, 2012, 12:39:55 am
Tossing an idea at you, OT:

Acorn|Acorn (Creature,  :life)

0 :life|0 :life

0/1 | 0/1

 :life : Grow. Turns into Sapling. |  :life : Grow.  Turns into Sapling.


1/3 | 1/4

 :life : Grow.  Turns into Oak.  |  :life : Grow.  Turns into Ancient Oak.

Oak|Ancient Oak.

4/5 | 5/6

 :life Propagate.  Generates an Acorn. | 1 :rainbow Propagate.  Generates an (upgraded) Acorn.

It has been done before as 2 cards (rather than 3)

Graboid is too efficient. I think it is OP by at least 1 unit (+cost or -atk).

0|1 for 0 :life + 1 card is weaker than Photon (and even weaker than Ray of Light because there was no meaningful upgrade for the acorn)
1|3/4 for 1 :life + 1 turn + 1 card is still weaker than Photon (and even weaker than Ray of Light because there was no meaningful upgrade for the sapling)
4|5 + generation for 2 :life + 2 turns + 1 card might be balanced
5|6 + generation for 2 :life + 2 turns + 1 card + 1 upgrade might be balanced (Here there was a meaningful upgrade. Although changing the activation cost was insignificant since it will still cost 2 :life.)
Warning: These estimates assume that turns are a linear cost. The other possibility is 2 turns is more expensive than 2x 1 turn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 26, 2012, 12:48:03 am
Let's compare graboid evolving to shrieker.
1 :time + 1 turns = +6atk

If we look at it this way, the 1 :time probably contributes a +2atk, so 1 turn should be worth 3-4 atk at least. Your acorn idea needs 3 turns to fully come out. That means if it starts with 0atk, the final form should have around 9-12atk. With the 2 :life you spent, probably around 11-13atk.

Then compare that to dragon.
Is 2 :life + 3 turns = 10 :life?

Oldtrees, you ninja'd this one.  Instead of me rewriting it, what do you think of these amendments?  They feel a bit better to me.

Okay, by your analysis, if 1 turn ~ 4 Atk, then:

(unupped) Acorn 0 :life, 0/1.   0: Grow.
(unupped) Sapling (no cost), 3/6.  0: Grow.
Oak (no cost), 6/8.  0: Propagate.

(upgraded) Acorn 0 :life, 0/3.  0: Grow.
(upgraded) Sapling (no cost), 4/8. 0: Grow.
Ancient Oak (no cost), 8/16.  0: Propagate.

So, unupped, 1st turn cost 1 card, 0 dmg dealt.  2nd turn [1 card] cost, 3 dmg dealt.  3rd turn [1 card] cost, (6+3=9) dmg dealt.  Average: 3 dmg/turn, as with Spark; 1 card|3 cards, 3 turns|1 turn.  Delayed, but resilient.  Is a turn worth roughly a card slot?

Upped: 1st turn cost 1 card, 0 dmg.  2nd turn [1 card] cost, 4 dmg dealt.  3rd turn [1 card] cost, 12 dmg dealt.  Average: 4 dmg/turn, less than BL, but far, far more resilient.

Does that look a little better?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 26, 2012, 12:49:22 am
gogo fractal saplings. Way better than fractaling grabboids or lycans and frogs!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 26, 2012, 01:16:47 am
Let's compare graboid evolving to shrieker.
1 :time + 1 turns = +6atk

If we look at it this way, the 1 :time probably contributes a +2atk, so 1 turn should be worth 3-4 atk at least. Your acorn idea needs 3 turns to fully come out. That means if it starts with 0atk, the final form should have around 9-12atk. With the 2 :life you spent, probably around 11-13atk.

Then compare that to dragon.
Is 2 :life + 3 turns = 10 :life?

Oldtrees, you ninja'd this one.  Instead of me rewriting it, what do you think of these amendments?  They feel a bit better to me.
1) It has already been done as 2 cards.
2) 1 turn < 4 atk.
3) Costs should be placed it the correct places. There should be a reason for not growing a sapling. An activation cost is the normal method.
4) Sapling was improved but overshot balance.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 26, 2012, 04:57:32 am
Blarp brought up a good point on Guardian (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42078.msg522848.html#msg522848) Compared to cloak, it mostly only protects 2 creatures whereas cloak protects your entire field for the same cost.

What makes rational thinking (with logic) the right way of thinking?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 26, 2012, 07:23:34 am
Blarp brought up a good point on Guardian (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42078.msg522848.html#msg522848) Compared to cloak, it mostly only protects 2 creatures whereas cloak protects your entire field for the same cost.

What makes rational thinking (with logic) the right way of thinking?
Guardian has CC vulnerability, PC immunity and attack.

What makes rational thinking the right way of thinking?
Hmm. Since we are getting into philosophy I should abandon some grammatical shorthand.
1) I admit that [I think]n->inf that I know nothing.
2) If I had a logical argument that concludes rational thinking is the right way of thinking then I would be begging the question by assuming the conclusion.
3) I have no practice thinking outside of bounded rationality.
4) If you define irrational as bounded rationality with all false premises and rational as bounded rationality with all true premises then both are valid ways of thinking because one does not choose whether one's accepted premises are true or false.
5) Finally my best response is that "right" implies "correct" or "true". Logic is a tool that connects "true" premises to and only to "true" conclusions. The question assumes its answer.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 26, 2012, 07:00:29 pm
How much is 1 :underworld upkeep worth? 2?

Would etg benefit from a field slot that affects the whole field like nightfall and flooding? Should there be one field slot for each player or one field slot for the whole board?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 26, 2012, 08:25:30 pm
How much is 1 :underworld upkeep worth? 2?

Would etg benefit from a field slot that affects the whole field like nightfall and flooding? Should there be one field slot for each player or one field slot for the whole board?
I don't know. Flooding is the only example and it is hard to make an accurate comparison. I would assume it would be closer to 4 :underworld. However I do not have enough data to calculate how imprecise that estimate is.

 :o It cannot flood at night? Thank goodness!
There is no reason why global enchantments would exclude other global enchantments. Likewise there is no reason global enchantments should not strengthen as duplicates are played.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on July 26, 2012, 08:37:27 pm
 :o It cannot flood at night? Thank goodness!
There is no reason why global enchantments would exclude other global enchantments. Likewise there is no reason global enchantments should not strengthen as duplicates are played.
Are there good exceptions such as (and besides) Sunrise | Morning Sun (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8807.0.html) and Nightfall's not stacking to avoid potential balance concerns, or does this rule just apply to global enchants in general?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 26, 2012, 08:41:39 pm
 :o It cannot flood at night? Thank goodness!
There is no reason why global enchantments would exclude other global enchantments. Likewise there is no reason global enchantments should not strengthen as duplicates are played.
Are there good exceptions such as (and besides) Sunrise | Morning Sun (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8807.0.html) and Nightfall's not stacking to avoid potential balance concerns, or does this rule just apply to global cards in general?
Some themes might not mesh (Sunrise + Nightfall). However most would (Morning Sun + Eclipse). The universal stacking is a guideline. However I see no problem with  :darkness :death :light receiving power during the day of the new moon (re themed nightfall and sunrise to be lunar and solar influences).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Absol on July 27, 2012, 11:46:27 am
Just a thought.
What if elemental hate is widespread? As in, almost every element have elemental hate card. (As of now, only Holy Light is elemental hate)
Will it open up more strategy and meta, or just narrow it down?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 27, 2012, 07:55:47 pm
Just a thought.
What if elemental hate is widespread? As in, almost every element have elemental hate card. (As of now, only Holy Light is elemental hate)
Will it open up more strategy and meta, or just narrow it down?
The amount of Elemental Hate is unrelated to metagame size and health.

My primary objection to Elemental Hate is that it punishes a player for a choice that I feel should be immune to direct attack. The choice of element is a personal preference of a high enough level that I feel it should be exempt from hate. Similar to how one would reject cards that deal 10 damage to players with a vowel at the beginning of their name. However elements should be different from each other so there is already a necessary indirect attack on that choice.

My second objection is Elemental Hate cards are almost impossible to balance due to their situational nature. The UP/OP Holy Light is a prime example.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 27, 2012, 09:19:43 pm
I have some people saying Cestus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42297.0.html) is OP, and some say that it's UP. Can I get your opinion on balance?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 27, 2012, 09:52:36 pm
I have some people saying Cestus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42297.0.html) is OP, and some say that it's UP. Can I get your opinion on balance?
Why did you chose Light? Normally cards are not put in the element that have the most synergy with. This way there is a duo and mono usage that can be simultaneously balanced. (rather than a duo usage that will be strictly worse than the mono usage)

Vampire dagger has an HP swing equal to double its attack.
Cestus has an HP swing equal to double its attack.
The more damage in an hp swing the better.

The most efficient usage of VD is a Trio|Duo
The most efficient usage of Cestus is a Duo|Mono

It is close to balanced. 4|6 attack might be better.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 27, 2012, 09:56:24 pm
I have some people saying Cestus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42297.0.html) is OP, and some say that it's UP. Can I get your opinion on balance?
Why did you chose Light? Normally cards are not put in the element that have the most synergy with. This way there is a duo and mono usage that can be simultaneously balanced. (rather than a duo usage that will be strictly worse than the mono usage)

Vampire dagger has an HP swing equal to double its attack.
Cestus has an HP swing equal to double its attack.
The more damage in an hp swing the better.

The most efficient usage of VD is a Trio|Duo
The most efficient usage of Cestus is a Duo|Mono

It is close to balanced. 4|6 attack might be better.
Element was a very hard decision. I ended up with light since that was the highest number of votes for an elemental element in my preliminary poll. I also felt light really deserved a weapon to endow. Forcing crusaders to be duos or endow other cards just felt odd.

Technically, Cestus has slightly less, since it is blocked by shields twice and only works if the user has no shield equipped. However, I believe that attacking twice is worth slightly more than attacking and draining health.

Wouldn't putting it at 4|6 make it too similar to vampire stiletto?

Also, would a card that forced both players to have no equipment be good? Would it be good as a creature, permanent, or spell?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 27, 2012, 10:53:05 pm
I have some people saying Cestus (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42297.0.html) is OP, and some say that it's UP. Can I get your opinion on balance?
Why did you chose Light? Normally cards are not put in the element that have the most synergy with. This way there is a duo and mono usage that can be simultaneously balanced. (rather than a duo usage that will be strictly worse than the mono usage)

Vampire dagger has an HP swing equal to double its attack.
Cestus has an HP swing equal to double its attack.
The more damage in an hp swing the better.

The most efficient usage of VD is a Trio|Duo
The most efficient usage of Cestus is a Duo|Mono

It is close to balanced. 4|6 attack might be better.
Element was a very hard decision. I ended up with light since that was the highest number of votes for an elemental element in my preliminary poll. I also felt light really deserved a weapon to endow. Forcing crusaders to be duos or endow other cards just felt odd.

Technically, Cestus has slightly less, since it is blocked by shields twice and only works if the user has no shield equipped. However, I believe that attacking twice is worth slightly more than attacking and draining health.

Wouldn't putting it at 4|6 make it too similar to vampire stiletto?

Also, would a card that forced both players to have no equipment be good? Would it be good as a creature, permanent, or spell?

You could vary the stats/cost from 4|6 for 3 :light.

It could be good (shields and weapons are common) although I personally would prefer to use general PC.
I would make it removable with an indefinite duration. Which doesn't really answer your question. Probably a permanent but that choice really depends on the theme.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 27, 2012, 11:25:49 pm
Ramping it from 3|4 for 3 :light to 4|6 for 3 :light seems like a pretty big jump to me. I'll consider 4|5 atk for 3 :light though.

Could I get your opinion on this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42302.msg526360.html#msg526360)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 28, 2012, 01:08:05 am
Ramping it from 3|4 for 3 :light to 4|6 for 3 :light seems like a pretty big jump to me. I'll consider 4|5 atk for 3 :light though.

Could I get your opinion on this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42302.msg526360.html#msg526360)?
It is meant to use cards are the primary cost. I would use a lower casting cost. Say 2 :time|1 :time
I would use the community as a measure of the card's balance. Based on current responses I would also raise the hp gained to 15. Making further adjustments based on the community responses should home in on the correct ratio.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 28, 2012, 02:49:48 am
Interesting thinking experiment: What would the stats of a regular human (You and me as opposed to elementals) be if they were in EtG? You can use other cards, pictures, and gameplay mechanics for reference.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on July 28, 2012, 03:20:48 am
Hrm... Lycantrope, perhaps, is the closest thing we have to an 'ordinary human' to me, since I consider the  :darkness quanta cost the key to 'transforming' into the wolf form.
Lycantrope being another name for 'werewolf'...As far as Gravition Mercenary, Crusader, and any other 'humanoids' I may be missing...There's a good deal of variety in their powers.
skeleton, and for that matter, mummy, are undead creature reanimated by necromantic energies. Mummies specifically, as per their relationship to Pharohs, in that they are the mummified remains of the latter, and skeleton, which is a more general 'reanimated bones'...Ok, got off-topic there.
Anyhow, Lycantrope-1\1 in 'human' form, 6/6 in werewolf form, as the mythos goes, this shows a considerable increase in power.
Mercenary, Crusader, and possibly immortal and pisons, wildly vary in ability: I suspect that good equipment and arms training would enable a human to surpass the baseline 1/1 limit that human strength is worth. The hard part, would be determining how say, a handgun would measure up to say, the savage might of a ruby dragon. There's also seems to be proof that depending on said training/equipment, one could demonstrate abilities that would translate into activatable and passive powers, such as Airborne, or Ranged (if that is in fact a passive ability.) Now, as for what degree is where...I don't know, but I think something we CAN assume is thus:
Normal range of human ability is 1/1.
With abnormally high levels of endurance and strength, one could perhaps rise to be a 2/2.
Armor, if Graviton mercenary is any indication, allows a boost up to 2/5 (this is assuming graviton mercenary is a 'trained' human, as opposed to a normal person in a 'powersuit'.
weaponry...This is the interesting part: our weaponry has advanced in technological scope, but the comparison point is 'Elementals'. Magic may not only even the odds, so to speak, but prove superior and as a result, I don't know how well our 'machine guns' and other such weaponry might compare. As a result...I'd say that barring the use of vehicles, but only going off of a standard infantry, we'd measure out to about...
4/3, ranged passive.
your normal infantryman is used to armor that I'd guess to be about +1 to his native 2/2, and as for the 4 attack...I presume that a machinegun or some other such weapon would indeed allow a decent degree of damage. Of course, without actual factual information on what these 'arbitrary' numbers translate to...I'm really just reaching.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 28, 2012, 03:23:36 am
Technically, pre-Lycanthropy Werewolf should be a human...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 28, 2012, 03:25:49 am
Wow. Great response. Let me make a separate thread for this.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 28, 2012, 04:28:46 am
Interesting thinking experiment: What would the stats of a regular human (You and me as opposed to elementals) be if they were in EtG? You can use other cards, pictures, and gameplay mechanics for reference.
Zaealix has a good answer.

Human: 1|1
Merc: 2|2
Items and Talents vary in magnitude but probably never more than +5|+5
Shakar is an exception.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on July 28, 2012, 04:34:00 am
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 28, 2012, 05:48:09 am
Shakar was a human in the backstory of the FG grinding deck Shakar's Revenge. He discovered a way to become a voodoo elemental.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 28, 2012, 07:27:36 am
Shakar was a human in the backstory of the FG grinding deck Shakar's Revenge. He discovered a way to become a voodoo elemental.
But is it canon? What exactly is canon anyway?

How do vampires work? Bite the enemy, suck their blood then inject it into you? Do elementals have blood types? How do antimattered vampires work? How do antimattered creatures heal the enemy anyway? Why is a photon or spark as strong (or stronger) than some other creatures that'd seem they'd be stronger?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: memimemi on July 28, 2012, 08:23:48 am

But is it canon? What exactly is canon anyway?

How do vampires work? Bite the enemy, suck their blood then inject it into you? Do elementals have blood types? How do antimattered vampires work? How do antimattered creatures heal the enemy anyway? Why is a photon or spark as strong (or stronger) than some other creatures that'd seem they'd be stronger?

Vampires work through magic.  Spooky magic.

Elementals are type O-, or, as it's known in the halls of Heroes, Type :rainbow negative.

Antimatter works through the power of awesome.  Sheer awesome.  When Awesome is mixed with Magic, somebody's gonna get hurt, as happens with LA decks.

If you don't believe that Photons are powerful, try going outside on a sunny day, with a hangover.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 28, 2012, 09:36:16 am
Shakar was a human in the backstory of the FG grinding deck Shakar's Revenge. He discovered a way to become a voodoo elemental.
But is it canon? What exactly is canon anyway?

How do vampires work? Bite the enemy, suck their blood then inject it into you? Do elementals have blood types? How do antimattered vampires work? How do antimattered creatures heal the enemy anyway? Why is a photon or spark as strong (or stronger) than some other creatures that'd seem they'd be stronger?
It is not in game canon. However it might be forum canon. (I consider it such)

Vampires drain life from their target using dark magic (instead of earth magic or death magic). I like to assume that their claws have a natural vampiric enchantment.

Antimatter changes the creature so it is partially inverted. This causes their attacks to radiate healing magic.

Photons are probably closer related to Will o Wisps than to photons. Perhaps they are called photons for the lasers they attack with.
Sparks are a living electrical charge of sufficient magnitude. (I would rather fight a Skeleton than the discharge of a powerplant)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: odideph on July 28, 2012, 09:47:08 am
Can i have your opinion on the overall concept, the way it is applied, and the balance, of this series (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42289.msg526204.html#msg526204) please?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 28, 2012, 03:30:53 pm
Can i have your opinion on the overall concept, the way it is applied, and the balance, of this series (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42289.msg526204.html#msg526204) please?

Average number played in a turn = N
Average value if N are played in a turn = (2N-1)/N
Cost per card is a function of average value.

In most cases chain will act like a forced combo with itself. The faster the increase the greater the problem.

Note: There are various rates you can have these increase
square for each previous
double for each previous
+1 for each previous
square if there was a previous
double if there was a previous
+1 if there was a previous
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 28, 2012, 08:53:29 pm
What is happiness and fun? In the context of EtG?

Do all meta games eventually devolve into rock paper scissors or rock paper scissors lizard spork? Is this bad?

Would EtG be better with a much larger card base or a small one?

How do you place more emphasis on creativity/deck building in EtG without grinding or forum based PvP?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 28, 2012, 09:38:36 pm
What is happiness and fun? In the context of EtG?
This varies from player to player. The ability for EtG to reward many different player types is one of its greatest aspects. Here are a few stereotypes:

The Collector has a goal and gets satisfaction from growing their card pool towards that goal. This varies from the 12 of each card players to the 4 of a subset of rares player. These players tend to have a love hate relationship with the spins.

The Warrior enjoys the thrill of conflict. Facing a worthy opponent is fun. The definition of worthy varies.

The Artist enjoys creating. This varies in medium from Decks, Card Art (Vrt), Card Ideas and even Lore.

Players may fall in more than one category or might fit in unmentioned categories.

Do all meta games eventually devolve into rock paper scissors or rock paper scissors lizard spork? Is this bad?
No. Some metagames are rock rock rock.  ;)

You know of Rock Paper Scissors can be expanded further (see RPS 25).*
It can be modified further by adding a dimension. (Each 3 consecutive options in Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock is its own RPS)
Imagine a RPS with 100 options and 5 dimensions.
Now change the certain victory to a probably victory (Lizard has a greater chance of beating Spock than Paper does but Spock could still win)
This is what I would call a mature metagame.

The only objection I see to a mature metagame is that it is too complex to hold in my head.

Would EtG be better with a much larger card base or a small one?
Larger. More options create more diverse experiences and thus more wealth(in the form of happiness).

How do you place more emphasis on creativity/deck building in EtG without grinding or forum based PvP?
Expand PvP Duel. Let people play PvP Duel without prior arrangement (a lobby) and have it separated based on intent (Competitive decks, Creative decks).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 29, 2012, 06:36:28 am
How much would a darkness element spark that cannot be buffed (it dies when targetted with any buff, stays alive with nightfall) be worth? Good idea or bad? Thematically, it could be some kind of super arrogant, injured warrior.

how much is repeatable -0/-1 for all creatures worth? What about only your opponent's? What about reusable -1/-1 for all creatures? Only your opponent's? What if this was eternal (able to be cast multiple times per turn)

Are there any series in the game besides nymphs/alchemy? Should more be added? Are series good or bad?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on July 29, 2012, 12:41:22 pm
What is the theoretical value of each status effect ?

By theoretical, I means the average value of a status effect.

For example, momentum costs 2 quanta per card but Chargers have built-in momentum, which means the cost of momentum is not exactly 2 quanta for all creatures. What is the average value for all creatures then ?

I also want to know how to estimate the theoretical benefit of removing a status effect from creature. For example, how much benefit I would gain and how much cost the opponent would pay if I could remove adrenaline from an opponent's creature ?

And how should I consider "berf" status such as Gravity Pull ?

These questions are related to a new card I made. Just as soon as I clicked the "post" button, I start to feel that my estimate (which actually based on nothing) is completely wrong....

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 30, 2012, 05:49:18 am
How much would a darkness element spark that cannot be buffed (it dies when targetted with any buff, stays alive with nightfall) be worth? Good idea or bad? Thematically, it could be some kind of super arrogant, injured warrior.

how much is repeatable -0/-1 for all creatures worth? What about only your opponent's? What about reusable -1/-1 for all creatures? Only your opponent's? What if this was eternal (able to be cast multiple times per turn)

Are there any series in the game besides nymphs/alchemy? Should more be added? Are series good or bad?
A 0 hp creature that cannot be buffed? Redundant
An illusion that disappears when targeted? 2|1 | 3|1 for 0. Unless it gets really big it would follow the normal +1 atk -> +1 cost. It could work.

Repeatable -0|-1: Sounds like Fire Shield/Plague. (Closer to Fire Shield)
-1|-1 would have 2 conflicting effects. It would be more than 0|-1 but less than twice the value of 0|-1

Dragons, Pillars, Pendulums, Elemental Weapons, Shards, Shields?
Adding series are good. However designing a series has complications. The best idea will be held back by the worst idea in the series.
Additionally: Series tend to fail if they are not connected mechanically.

What is the theoretical value of each status effect ?

By theoretical, I means the average value of a status effect.

For example, momentum costs 2 quanta per card but Chargers have built-in momentum, which means the cost of momentum is not exactly 2 quanta for all creatures. What is the average value for all creatures then ?

I also want to know how to estimate the theoretical benefit of removing a status effect from creature. For example, how much benefit I would gain and how much cost the opponent would pay if I could remove adrenaline from an opponent's creature ?

And how should I consider "berf" status such as Gravity Pull ?

These questions are related to a new card I made. Just as soon as I clicked the "post" button, I start to feel that my estimate (which actually based on nothing) is completely wrong....

The value of an effect is the (valued added per creature * frequency of use on creature)
An effect is not used on a creature too far below this value.
An effect that has targets significantly above this value would be OP.
So a balanced effect has a low variance and thus the value is close enough to the cost.

So the cost of Adrenaline, Momentum, Gravity Pull, Purify, Freeze and the lack of a Infect card would be good material for an estimate.
I am still unsure (not enough data) if alfatoxin is balanced.

However removing the delay of Basilisk Blood is more useful than removing Delay 6.

I think your spell can have a cost of 5 :entropy unupped.
However poison should deal more damage since removing infection is less valuable and delay should deal 1/turn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 30, 2012, 05:58:22 am
Can I get your opinions on balance on Toadfish | Pufferfish (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2067.0.html)? Something about them feels off.

Toadfish has quite decent stats at 6|4 unupped, that alone should warrant almost a 6 :underworld cost, but it also comes with a useful ability.

On the other hand, pufferfish feels weak. It'd take over 6 turns to deal more damage than toadfish, and if we look at scorpion, venom is a +2 cost. 3atk +2cost = 5. Where is the upgrade bonus?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 30, 2012, 06:09:12 am
Can I get your opinions on balance on Toadfish | Pufferfish (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2067.0.html)? Something about them feels off.

Toadfish has quite decent stats at 6|4 unupped, that alone should warrant almost a 6 :underworld cost, but it also comes with a useful ability.

On the other hand, pufferfish feels weak. It'd take over 6 turns to deal more damage than toadfish, and if we look at scorpion, venom is a +2 cost. 3atk +2cost = 5. Where is the upgrade bonus?
6|4 costs either 4 or 5  :water + 1 card depending on which hp value scale is used.
The duo ability of Toadfish is between a +0 and a +1 cost
3|5 costs either 1 or 2 :water + 1 card depending on which hp value scale is used.
1|2 costs 0  :life + 1 card
Forest Scorpion costs 3 :life + 1 card
Venom costs +3 :life
Toadfish is balanced at 5 :water + 1 card
Puffer Fish would cost 4 or 5 :water + 1 card unupped by my estimate.
Pufferfish may be UP.

Summary: Balanced | UP respectively.

See this thread for more opinions on pufferfish: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10227.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on July 30, 2012, 06:56:25 am
What happens when we compare charger and psion?

Unupped charger
5 :gravity
ignores all shields

Unupped Psion
4 :aether
ignores most shields
completely ruined by reflect

Upped Charger
5 :gravity
ignores all shields
can be paradox'd

Upped Psion
4 :aether
ignores most shields
completely destroyed by reflect
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on July 30, 2012, 08:08:43 am
What happens when we compare charger and psion?

Unupped charger
5 :gravity
ignores all shields

Unupped Psion
4 :aether
ignores most shields
completely ruined by reflect

Upped Charger
5 :gravity
ignores all shields
can be paradox'd

Upped Psion
4 :aether
ignores most shields
completely destroyed by reflect
Upped cards usually get between a -1 and a -2 cost decrease or the equivalent.
I thought/think upped charger was/is slightly OP.
Psion is balanced in my opinion. However I did have influence in the initial balancing moomoose did.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 01, 2012, 07:05:43 am
Hey OldTrees, let's try something audacious, more audacious than :rainbow birds.

Remember this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=40742.0)? As a spell it wasn't that useful. What if it turned into a permanent that affected every creature | only your creatures? How much would it cost then? Would an upkeep cost be useful to it? Should it bring the atk to the closest "magical" number or just bump it to the next highest magical number?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 01, 2012, 08:23:46 am
Hey OldTrees, let's try something audacious, more audacious than :rainbow birds.

Remember this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=40742.0)? As a spell it wasn't that useful. What if it turned into a permanent that affected every creature | only your creatures? How much would it cost then? Would an upkeep cost be useful to it? Should it bring the atk to the closest "magical" number or just bump it to the next highest magical number?
What is the core suggestion? The card was merely a tool/means of making your core suggestion. What was that suggestion?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 01, 2012, 06:51:15 pm
Hey OldTrees, let's try something audacious, more audacious than :rainbow birds.

Remember this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=40742.0)? As a spell it wasn't that useful. What if it turned into a permanent that affected every creature | only your creatures? How much would it cost then? Would an upkeep cost be useful to it? Should it bring the atk to the closest "magical" number or just bump it to the next highest magical number?
What is the core suggestion? The card was merely a tool/means of making your core suggestion. What was that suggestion?
Make all creatures | only your creatures attacks into the magical number of either 3, 8, or 15. Probably rounded to which number is closer.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 01, 2012, 07:28:58 pm
Hey OldTrees, let's try something audacious, more audacious than :rainbow birds.

Remember this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=40742.0)? As a spell it wasn't that useful. What if it turned into a permanent that affected every creature | only your creatures? How much would it cost then? Would an upkeep cost be useful to it? Should it bring the atk to the closest "magical" number or just bump it to the next highest magical number?
What is the core suggestion? The card was merely a tool/means of making your core suggestion. What was that suggestion?
Make all creatures | only your creatures attacks into the magical number of either 3, 8, or 15. Probably rounded to which number is closer.
That was the tool. What was the suggestion? What was the purpose that being able to set the attack to 3, 8, 15 helps achieve?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 01, 2012, 07:31:25 pm
Synergy with adrenaline/green nymph, a quicker boost of damage to your creatures, probably weakening your opponent's creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 01, 2012, 07:34:46 pm
Something I kinda wanna do, because the element is close to being capable of a 'pure mage' deck, is some sort of long-lasting  :darkness spell or permanent, that builds power over time and can be released for a powerful effect.
I've had...Limited success, in that while I've made the idea, it mechanically fits better in other elements, besides, the only 'thematic' tie, is to the idea of a villian having some sort of 'doomsday' device or artifact...
Anyhow, musing aside, here's the alternate versions:
1. Consumes  :fire quanta per turn, activate ability to sacrifice it, drain all  :fire quanta and do damage to opponent equal to all  :fire quanta absorbed.
2. Consumes  :death quanta per turn, activate ability to sacrifice it, doing damage to opponent equal to death counters+ :death quanta absorbed.
I'm trying to think of a way to add  :darkness flavor to this spell, but the best thing I have is some sort of 'gain counters when you drain quanta from opponent' or something like that...Not so good. Maybe 'drain life'? Any ideas, OldTrees?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 01, 2012, 08:42:26 pm
Hey OldTrees, let's try something audacious, more audacious than :rainbow birds.

Remember this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=40742.0)? As a spell it wasn't that useful. What if it turned into a permanent that affected every creature | only your creatures? How much would it cost then? Would an upkeep cost be useful to it? Should it bring the atk to the closest "magical" number or just bump it to the next highest magical number?
What is the core suggestion? The card was merely a tool/means of making your core suggestion. What was that suggestion?
Make all creatures | only your creatures attacks into the magical number of either 3, 8, or 15. Probably rounded to which number is closer.
That was the tool. What was the suggestion? What was the purpose that being able to set the attack to 3, 8, 15 helps achieve?
Synergy with adrenaline/green nymph, a quicker boost of damage to your creatures, probably weakening your opponent's creatures.
Magic number buff/adrenaline synergy value
In theory adrenaline gives a minimum increase of +3 damage per turn.
In practice it gives +9 damage per turn because there is rarely need to look for a non 3/8 attack creature.
In other words: The only buff would usually be replaceable with more time deckbuilding.

Magic number CC value
If round up to the next magic number: No CC value
If round to the nearest magic number: unupped Dragons and weak mid sized creatures (4 or 5 atk) get weakened [creatures with more than 15 atk have growth, are chimera or are a upped shard golem]
If round down to the next magic number: CC value exists.

What value can you squeeze out of setting atk to magic numbers?

(Sidenote: Sometimes synergy requires an indirect approach. (See Fire Shield + Green Nymph)

Something I kinda wanna do, because the element is close to being capable of a 'pure mage' deck, is some sort of long-lasting  :darkness spell or permanent, that builds power over time and can be released for a powerful effect.
I've had...Limited success, in that while I've made the idea, it mechanically fits better in other elements, besides, the only 'thematic' tie, is to the idea of a villian having some sort of 'doomsday' device or artifact...
Anyhow, musing aside, here's the alternate versions:
1. Consumes  :fire quanta per turn, activate ability to sacrifice it, drain all  :fire quanta and do damage to opponent equal to all  :fire quanta absorbed.
2. Consumes  :death quanta per turn, activate ability to sacrifice it, doing damage to opponent equal to death counters+ :death quanta absorbed.
I'm trying to think of a way to add  :darkness flavor to this spell, but the best thing I have is some sort of 'gain counters when you drain quanta from opponent' or something like that...Not so good. Maybe 'drain life'? Any ideas, OldTrees?
1)builds power over time and can be released for a powerful effect.
Quanta is conserved from turn to turn unlike mana. There is little advantage to playing the spell before the end. See the Bolt or Fractal doomsday devices.

2)"the only 'thematic' tie, is to the idea of a villian having some sort of 'doomsday' device or artifact..."
Where is the connection to darkness? Dark is not evil. Light is not good. Fire is destruction.

3)My best conceptualization of Darkness in EtG is as the element of manipulation. Both decks are resources for masters of  :darkness. Permanents are "found". A doll will turn dragons on their masters. The life of the opponent is a source of healing. Even the mind (hand) of the opponent is a valid resource.
Honestly the existing Drain Life spell is a great doomsday spell for Darkness.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 02, 2012, 02:46:04 am
Hrm...Manipulat-oooooh.... :D :D :D
Shadow Army... Perhaps roughly 5 :darkness|4 :darkness
Copy all creatures in one row on opponent's side of the field. The copies vanish (provides death effects) after 1 turn.
Or possibly:
Treacherous summoning- 2 :darkness | 4  :darkness  spell (creates effect grapic like Sant or Silence on yourself)
The next creature you summon uses  :rainbow quanta from the opponent.

Maybe even:
Mind looping 2  :darkness | 1 :darkness spell
Add a copy of the last card opponent has drawn to his/her hand. (Yes, this can be crossed with Nightmare!)

Some new ideas for darkness. I was hoping to construct another damage spell, since between Drain life and Nightmare,  :darkness Seems like the element that will most easily become able to use spells only to decimate the opponent, forgoing the use of creatures...But this works too I think.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 02, 2012, 03:11:56 am
Hrm...Manipulat-oooooh.... :D :D :D
Shadow Army... Perhaps roughly 5 :darkness|4 :darkness
Copy all creatures in one row on opponent's side of the field. The copies vanish (provides death effects) after 1 turn.
Or possibly:
Treacherous summoning- 2 :darkness | 4  :darkness  spell (creates effect grapic like Sant or Silence on yourself)
The next creature you summon uses  :rainbow quanta from the opponent.

Maybe even:
Mind looping 2  :darkness | 1 :darkness spell
Add a copy of the last card opponent has drawn to his/her hand. (Yes, this can be crossed with Nightmare!)

Some new ideas for darkness. I was hoping to construct another damage spell, since between Drain life and Nightmare,  :darkness Seems like the element that will most easily become able to use spells only to decimate the opponent, forgoing the use of creatures...But this works too I think.
Interesting ideas.
Remember to see how they can be abused (Golden Dragon Treacherously summoned)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 02, 2012, 07:06:46 am
What if all cards cost 1 type of quanta like :fire? How would the metagame be like then? What if all cards cost :fire but you could only have 1 copy of a card in a deck besides fire pillars? (ignore immolation, nova, QT for now)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 02, 2012, 09:36:59 am
What if all cards cost 1 type of quanta like :fire? How would the metagame be like then? What if all cards cost :fire but you could only have 1 copy of a card in a deck besides fire pillars? (ignore immolation, nova, QT for now)
First case: Only 1 type of quanta exists.
 :rainbow =  :underworld
Quantum Pillars would be nerfed to producing the same as Fire Pillars.
The single element would be complete but have lots of redundancy and an insane thematic condition.
Rustler would be broken and thus nerfed.
However since all the cards still exist we would see many of the old strategies.
 :fire Pestal :fire    :fire Ghostmare :fire    :fire Dim Shield :fire
Some new combos would arise that would not be broken (despite being OP).
 :fire Fractal Nightfall Ball Lightning :fire

Second Case: What if cards were also limited to 1 copy?
Previously (first case) non redundant combos would be abandoned because the chances would be too low.
Weaker decks would fill the void left by the neutered decks.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: artimies7 on August 03, 2012, 04:10:24 pm
OldTrees, which element needs a new card more than the others?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 03, 2012, 04:51:53 pm
OldTrees, which element needs a new card more than the others?
None need a new card. All are functional.
All would benefit from a new card.
Most are incomplete.

Water is the element that would benefit the most after considering incompleteness and how long it has been.
2nd Life
3rd Earth
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 04, 2012, 02:51:43 am
Is SoFre balanced? How much should it cost if you were to create it?

Shield bypass is +2. SoFre is +.25
Double damage is +6. 1.5 damage is probably +4.5. SoFre is +1.125
Cloak is +3. Protecting only creatures is probably +1.5. SoFre is  +.375

That gets me 1.75 quanta. Is that equivalent to the 3 :rainbow cost it has now? How do I factor in whole field affection? How do I factor in stacking? How do I factor in airborne only?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 04, 2012, 04:11:55 am
Is SoFre balanced? How much should it cost if you were to create it?

Shield bypass is +2. SoFre is +.25
Double damage is +6. 1.5 damage is probably +4.5. SoFre is +1.125
Cloak is +3. Protecting only creatures is probably +1.5. SoFre is  +.375

That gets me 1.75 quanta. Is that equivalent to the 3 :rainbow cost it has now? How do I factor in whole field affection? How do I factor in stacking? How do I factor in airborne only?
25% to deal +50% is an average of +12.5%
+12.5% is on average a +1|+0

25% to ignore shields is probably equivalent value to a +1|+0
(converting to quanta value for a creature then to stat bonus for a creature)

So we have a mass +2|+0 which is worth about 4 :underworld +/- 1 + 1 card which is worth 4.5 :rainbow-7.5 :rainbow + 1 card
(using nightfall)

The loyalty bonus would raise the cost but not by much. Say 5-8 :rainbow + 1 card.
(loyalty bonuses need to be balanced around their cost. The existence of a loyalty bonus merely incurs a versatility penalty)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on August 04, 2012, 06:29:37 am
Hey, I posted a restart (excluding health) card idea for time here a while ago.
I recently posted this idea in Level 0 with a different upgrade concept:
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 04, 2012, 04:30:31 pm
Hey, I posted a restart (excluding health) card idea for time here a while ago.
I recently posted this idea in Level 0 with a different upgrade concept:
Unupped is similar to Fiber Jar from Yuigoh. I am not saying you borrowed the idea. I am merely making the comparision.
Fiber Jar was one of the forbidden cards that I did/do not understand how it was OP. It might have been related to Fiber Jar being infinitely repeatable until an advantage (OTK) was gained.

Playtest a Time Mark SN OTK deck that includes it. (Talk to ZBlader or EmeraldTiger to find a good way to playtest this card)

Time Mark + No pillars + Expensive Rainbow deck + Upgraded version = On the fourth turn and every 6 turns thereafter play ~4.5 expensive cards from various elements.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 04, 2012, 08:21:15 pm
Compact Guard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42305.msg528617.html#msg528617) has been shown to have balancing difficulties regarding facing a mono-deck with a different mark or similar decks that rely on the mark as a source to fuel low-costing cards/abilities but not the majority of the deck itself. Does +1 cost help resolve this issue or do I need to consider other balance measures?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 04, 2012, 08:26:53 pm
Compact Guard (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42305.msg528617.html#msg528617) has been shown to have balancing difficulties regarding facing a mono-deck with a different mark or similar decks that rely on the mark as a source to fuel low-costing cards/abilities but not the majority of the deck itself. Does +1 cost help resolve this issue or do I need to consider other balance measures?
The +1 cost would delay the playing of the shield. If it is a problem then it would be a problem due to the lockdown capability. Delaying the playing of the shield would only be effective at the point that the shield might/might not be too late. This would render it much less useful against all other decks.

If it is a problem, then a +1 cost would not be sufficient.

I would compare the damage it deals to mark splashing decks against the damage devourer does to those decks.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 05, 2012, 07:48:40 pm
Had some ideas yesterday.

A creature that is very efficient, but requires sacrificing a card from your hand (or perhaps top card of deck?) to attack. What should stats and cost be?

A permanent that damages any player for X damage if a player doesn't play a card during their turn. How much should X be? How much should cost be? Is this a forced combo with silence?

A permanent or spell that heals the user for X hp each time their opponent plays a card. Good idea? Half-good idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 05, 2012, 10:08:32 pm
Had some ideas yesterday.

A creature that is very efficient, but requires sacrificing a card from your hand (or perhaps top card of deck?) to attack. What should stats and cost be?

A permanent that damages any player for X damage if a player doesn't play a card during their turn. How much should X be? How much should cost be? Is this a forced combo with silence?

A permanent or spell that heals the user for X hp each time their opponent plays a card. Good idea? Half-good idea?
Sacrificing a card per attack is very expensive. Based on how people reacted to the initial Flooding (Absorb :water :water :water). A card per attack would have a similar problem. Aka the upkeep cost is probably too high.

It would be a combo with Silence and/or Quanta Denial. It would also be used to cause the opponent to play cards slower. It would have a low-medium cost (3-5). The damage would probably be around 5 but get input from the community.

Healing per card played would act like Healing per turn. In most cases it would be redundant with current Regeneration.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 05, 2012, 10:18:29 pm
Had some ideas yesterday.

A creature that is very efficient, but requires sacrificing a card from your hand (or perhaps top card of deck?) to attack. What should stats and cost be?

A permanent that damages any player for X damage if a player doesn't play a card during their turn. How much should X be? How much should cost be? Is this a forced combo with silence?

A permanent or spell that heals the user for X hp each time their opponent plays a card. Good idea? Half-good idea?
Sacrificing a card per attack is very expensive. Based on how people reacted to the initial Flooding (Absorb :water :water :water). A card per attack would have a similar problem. Aka the upkeep cost is probably too high.

It would be a combo with Silence and/or Quanta Denial. It would also be used to cause the opponent to play cards slower. It would have a low-medium cost (3-5). The damage would probably be around 5 but get input from the community.

Healing per card played would act like Healing per turn. In most cases it would be redundant with current Regeneration.
What if you chose to activate it? It has high stats and cheap cost, but you need to activate it's ability that costs 0 quanta and says something like "Discard a card from your hand (or maybe the top of your deck). Attack"

Only 5? That seems really little, considering how it affects both players and is worse than a minor phoenix or lava golem.

Hm, okay.

Why do I feel SoI is a forced combo card?

What should be done about a card that is more powerful for its cost yet still UP?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 05, 2012, 10:37:23 pm
Had some ideas yesterday.

A creature that is very efficient, but requires sacrificing a card from your hand (or perhaps top card of deck?) to attack. What should stats and cost be?

A permanent that damages any player for X damage if a player doesn't play a card during their turn. How much should X be? How much should cost be? Is this a forced combo with silence?

A permanent or spell that heals the user for X hp each time their opponent plays a card. Good idea? Half-good idea?
Sacrificing a card per attack is very expensive. Based on how people reacted to the initial Flooding (Absorb :water :water :water). A card per attack would have a similar problem. Aka the upkeep cost is probably too high.

It would be a combo with Silence and/or Quanta Denial. It would also be used to cause the opponent to play cards slower. It would have a low-medium cost (3-5). The damage would probably be around 5 but get input from the community.

Healing per card played would act like Healing per turn. In most cases it would be redundant with current Regeneration.
What if you chose to activate it? It has high stats and cheap cost, but you need to activate it's ability that costs 0 quanta and says something like "Discard a card from your hand (or maybe the top of your deck). Attack"

Only 5? That seems really little, considering how it affects both players and is worse than a minor phoenix or lava golem.

Hm, okay.

Why do I feel SoI is a forced combo card?

What should be done about a card that is more powerful for its cost yet still UP?
Having it be an activation cost would not be much of an improvement. Although it would be necessary to reduce the vulnerability to adrenaline.

I might have overestimated the potential combos. It would be the second non weapon permanent with an attack. SoV has low attack.

SoI has 12 different possible partners. However it is not as flexible as most combos with 12 partners. I would not classify it as a forced combo however it is closer than I would feel comfortable designing.

There is a card that is more efficient than the standard for balance and yet is UP? Could you give an example?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 05, 2012, 10:48:29 pm
Something like 3 :underworld for 8|4 and 0: discard a card to attack. Is that balanced?

Well what about a comparison?

Berserk field
*does direct damage
*applies to both players
*only applies when a player plays no cards
* :underworld
*can combo with silence/denial

*permanent damage
*only applies to the opponent and happens every turn
* :rainbow

A card that's more powerful for cost but also UP is a hypothetical example. Please ignore the forced combo issues that arise from the following example.

Magical potato 2 :underworld "Target antlion gains +10/+10". This card is more powerful than its cost, and would most likely be OP and OU, so it would require a nerf. What about something like this though?

Magical tomato 1 :underworld "Target antlion gains +2/+4 and momentum". This card is more powerful than its cost, but would it be OU or OP? Would that warrant a nerf?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 05, 2012, 11:11:39 pm
Something like 3 :underworld for 8|4 and 0: discard a card to attack. Is that balanced?

Well what about a comparison?

Berserk field
*does direct damage
*applies to both players
*only applies when a player plays no cards
* :underworld
*can combo with silence/denial

*permanent damage
*only applies to the opponent and happens every turn
* :rainbow

A card that's more powerful for cost but also UP is a hypothetical example. Please ignore the forced combo issues that arise from the following example.

Magical potato 2 :underworld "Target antlion gains +10/+10". This card is more powerful than its cost, and would most likely be OP and OU, so it would require a nerf. What about something like this though?

Magical tomato 1 :underworld "Target antlion gains +2/+4 and momentum". This card is more powerful than its cost, but would it be OU or OP? Would that warrant a nerf?
Yes. 8 attack would probably be balanced.

Good point with the comparison. I would up it to 10.

Both magic potato and tomato are OP. Antlion would be UP. UP + OP can be UP, net balanced or OP. OP cards should be nerfed and UP cards should be buffed. Magic tomato (while OP) would actually be an obstacle to balancing Antlion.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: odideph on August 07, 2012, 02:56:24 am
How can i accurately estimate the strength of this mechanism (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42531.msg529834.html#msg529834), and thus deduce the cost it should have?

Do you think this precise mechanism has been suggested before? (note the fundamental difference with the "cloak target thing" mechanism)

Should it be able to hide the colored bars aswell?

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 07, 2012, 07:31:45 pm
How would a SoSa disloyalty penalty be changed to a loyalty bonus? Perhaps lose less hp if mark is :death?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 08, 2012, 07:12:23 pm
How can i accurately estimate the strength of this mechanism (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42531.msg529834.html#msg529834), and thus deduce the cost it should have?

Do you think this precise mechanism has been suggested before? (note the fundamental difference with the "cloak target thing" mechanism)

Should it be able to hide the colored bars aswell?
Cloak is usually used to prevent targeting. (Because it is hard to hide actual information from veterans) In this manner it is similar to a temporary mass Quint. Your suggestion is better at hiding information.* But does not prevent targeting.

The creature usage is soft anti CC when used on multiple creatures. (Might be better if 1 card can affect multiple targets)
Soft anti CC is balanced based on the additional resources required to succeed with the CC. In general anti-X should cost less than X. So Soft-anti CC should cost less than the additional CC required. Say 1 :underworld + 1 card cost per 3 :underworld + 1 card waste.
The player usage is information denial. (No good comparison to make here. Instead estimate it based on the waste it causes for the opponent.)

No your precise method of obscuring has not been tried before. There have been cards that cloak individual creatures but I think yours is sufficiently different bith in the scope and the type of obscuring.

Yes hide the colored bars

*You cannot obscure elemental quanta from a veteran ( :rainbow can be obscured but only in character not in quantity). Atk buffs (Overdrive) can only be obscured if used on 1 of 2 or more 0 atk creatures.

How would a SoSa disloyalty penalty be changed to a loyalty bonus? Perhaps lose less hp if mark is :death?
Add an optional* sacrifice to heal some of the paid hp. [death trigger]
*See the optional accreation when SoFo turns into a Black Hole.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 11, 2012, 05:18:02 am
Why exactly is "do something super good/bad to random player" a bad idea? Wwhat if the something good/bad had a 60-40 split of percentages as opposed to a 50-50 one? What exactly, in your words, makes ese huge luck dependent game swingers a bad idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 11, 2012, 01:13:34 pm
Why exactly is "do something super good/bad to random player" a bad idea? Wwhat if the something good/bad had a 60-40 split of percentages as opposed to a 50-50 one? What exactly, in your words, makes ese huge luck dependent game swingers a bad idea?
People value merit. A victory feels more satisfying if it was you that won rather than luck that won because it does not reflect on your character. Likewise a defeat feels worse when you lost to luck rather than to a good play because you might have won if not for bad luck.

However luck does a good job of making games less boring and less certain.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 11, 2012, 05:48:11 pm
Consider me back. I would like to revisit the Blood mechanic where cost = player HP. What should be taken into consideration?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 11, 2012, 06:40:37 pm
Consider me back. I would like to revisit the Blood mechanic where cost = player HP. What should be taken into consideration?
One starts with hp available to spend. This is similar to starting with cards to spend.
Hp is harder to replace than quanta. It is easier to replace than cards. (This does not speak of efficiency. Only magnitude. Efficiency would be set when the exchange ratio is set.)
The speed of hp costs does not change when upgraded. (Pillar Quanta gets a 1 turn boost)
Effects and costs usually should not be in the same currency. (Pillars cost cards to get quanta)
-Max Hp is probably less expensive than -Hp since Max Hp is rarely attacked. (Not relevant to -Hp costs)
Shard of Sacrifice has an Hp cost and acts similar to Dimensional Shield. (I'll let you do the comparision or find a more precise calculation)

That's all I can think of at this moment.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 11, 2012, 09:55:58 pm
Something that came to mind: If you're doing a 'blood' series or element, something that could balance it, is 'blood pillars' that work by reducing the HP cost of any 'blood' element card by 1. I figure that to prohibit the use of this in rainbows, the HP costs would be rather significant. Ex: something like say, a Gnome Rider would cost maybe 5-7 HP, meaning that playing blood cards without blood pillars will suck you dry very quickly.
I'm curious what you have in mind Emerald...Something I like the idea of is that the 'blood' element is fairly powerful, to compensate for the sheer speed gained by casting from HP.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 11, 2012, 10:06:55 pm
Something that came to mind: If you're doing a 'blood' series or element, something that could balance it, is 'blood pillars' that work by reducing the HP cost of any 'blood' element card by 1. I figure that to prohibit the use of this in rainbows, the HP costs would be rather significant. Ex: something like say, a Gnome Rider would cost maybe 5-7 HP, meaning that playing blood cards without blood pillars will suck you dry very quickly.
I'm curious what you have in mind Emerald...Something I like the idea of is that the 'blood' element is fairly powerful, to compensate for the sheer speed gained by casting from HP.
Blood will not be an Element (it will not have a quanta pool). It might be a Pseudoelement (a series with an elemental theme but no quanta pool). However it is likely to only be an alternate cost mechanic (cards using hp costs without an elemental theme).

Blood cards would probably be used by rainbow and elemental decks alike (See SoSac).

PS: I doubt Zanz knew about the community calling hp costs the blood alternate cost mechanic before(or after) creating SoSac.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 12, 2012, 12:22:26 am
Pseudoelement? Or perhaps something that could fit into various elements in it's own way?
Like, a  :darkness card, could have a Blood cost to grant a creature Vampirism, or a  :life spell/permanent might allow you to summon Creatures with HP replacing quanta.
There's even just basic 'you may lose X HP to summon this creature instead of paying it's quanta cost', or perhaps a 'lesser upkeep' which might read like this 'pay X quanta per turn, or lose X HP' These mechanics could be used to balance out weaker than normal creatures, or justify an abnormally powerful one.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: thispersonisagenius on August 12, 2012, 02:13:58 am
Fitting Blood creature/ability costs into the current 12 elements should be pretty easy. A notable example that is almost the exact same is the introduction of Phyrexian mana into Magic: the Gathering. The designers used a slightly different symbol, but still the same color. http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/686 (http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/686)
That link shows an example from MtG, where the "Blood" mechanic is in effect on a black card.

In addition, as a kind of spin-off of this idea, I'm proposing a "Bloodthirsty" passive skill. Similar to vampire, this ability heals the creature whenever it deals damage. I suppose this would be better on high-HP, low attack darkness or death creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 13, 2012, 03:11:53 pm
Pseudoelement? Or perhaps something that could fit into various elements in it's own way?
Like, a  :darkness card, could have a Blood cost to grant a creature Vampirism, or a  :life spell/permanent might allow you to summon Creatures with HP replacing quanta.
There's even just basic 'you may lose X HP to summon this creature instead of paying it's quanta cost', or perhaps a 'lesser upkeep' which might read like this 'pay X quanta per turn, or lose X HP' These mechanics could be used to balance out weaker than normal creatures, or justify an abnormally powerful one.

Fitting Blood creature/ability costs into the current 12 elements should be pretty easy. A notable example that is almost the exact same is the introduction of Phyrexian mana into Magic: the Gathering. The designers used a slightly different symbol, but still the same color. http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/686 (http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/686)
That link shows an example from MtG, where the "Blood" mechanic is in effect on a black card.

A Pseudoelement may or may not be spread across multiples elements/other. The same holds for an alternate cost mechanic or a pseudoquanta mechanic.

In addition, as a kind of spin-off of this idea, I'm proposing a "Bloodthirsty" passive skill. Similar to vampire, this ability heals the creature whenever it deals damage. I suppose this would be better on high-HP, low attack darkness or death creatures.

Creature healing is rarely useful. Last time self healing vampirism was suggested it was found to have too little utility.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 13, 2012, 04:10:06 pm
Hrm...Something else I considered, was the idea of various ideas from the '13th element Contest.' being made into the 'select a class' idea, you select a '13' element, that alters your abilities...
Blood elements would have some amount of extra HP and the ability to use HP to replace quanta.
Void element, could perhaps attack the Max HP and quanta generation of the opponent...
I forget the rest, but it's just another addition to the ideas already in waiting...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 13, 2012, 07:56:39 pm
This is the 1st thing i thought of. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42676.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 13, 2012, 08:34:09 pm
Hrm...Something else I considered, was the idea of various ideas from the '13th element Contest.' being made into the 'select a class' idea, you select a '13' element, that alters your abilities...
Blood elements would have some amount of extra HP and the ability to use HP to replace quanta.
Void element, could perhaps attack the Max HP and quanta generation of the opponent...
I forget the rest, but it's just another addition to the ideas already in waiting...
Drop the word element. It has a specific meaning.

You select a "Discipline/Class/Style" that alters but does not replace your elemental's element.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 13, 2012, 10:10:38 pm
There seem to be a fair number of cards using "HP" (player's hit points) as a cost mechanic instead of (or even in addition to) quanta. I've had a few ideas myself, but before fleshing them out, I wanted to get your opinion:

How do "HP" costs fit in with the current Cost Theory paradigm / schemes?
To be a bit more specific:
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 14, 2012, 03:01:21 am
There seem to be a fair number of cards using "HP" (player's hit points) as a cost mechanic instead of (or even in addition to) quanta. I've had a few ideas myself, but before fleshing them out, I wanted to get your opinion:

How do "HP" costs fit in with the current Cost Theory paradigm / schemes?
To be a bit more specific:
  • How much :underworld is 1 HP worth.
  • Should this value scale linearly?
  • Should the scale be different for skill / ability costs than spell costs?
  • Should HP costs be put in the "Cost" position next to quanta if both HP and Quanta costs are used or should the HP cost always be moved to the card text if a quanta cost is also needed?
Should it scale linearly? Nothing scales linearly. However some sections of the function can be approximated with simpler (possibly linear) functions.
At low quantities hp is much cheaper than the linear estimate (Games are rarely as close as 9hp despite being as close as 1 turn). At high quantities it becomes a forced combo with Miracle due to the cheaper price.

I have estimated 4hp per  :underworld but this is a preliminary estimate prior to extensive playtesting. If you think Dimensional Shield or SoSac is OP then increase the hp cost.

The scale should differ in the same way and magnitude that quanta scales differently. (Aka long way of saying no)

Hp costs should be moved to the text if a quanta cost is included. This applies for casting and activation costs.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 14, 2012, 03:05:27 am
My 2 ideas should help with such testing.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 14, 2012, 07:04:38 pm
Do you feel it is appropriate for elements to counter themselves? What are some ingame examples of self-element countering?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 14, 2012, 07:17:24 pm
Do you feel it is appropriate for elements to counter themselves? What are some ingame examples of self-element countering?

Fire is the simplest example.

Card level
Pillar/Pendulum: Deflag
Creature: CC
CC: Phoenix, Bolts
Fire Shield: Phoenix, Bolts and Deflag
Nymph: Phoenix, Bolts and CC
Deflag: Creatures and Spells
Immolation: CC + Pillars

Deck level
Rush vs CC Control

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 15, 2012, 04:46:29 am
I don't know. It usually gives more quanta than it destroys. However it reduces quanta quality.
What is quanta quality? What cards increase/reduce quanta quality?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 15, 2012, 04:58:45 am
I don't know. It usually gives more quanta than it destroys. However it reduces quanta quality.
What is quanta quality? What cards increase/reduce quanta quality?
Discord scrambles quanta. This lowers the total value of the quanta to the user.
X :underworld -> X  :rainbow is generally reducing quanta quality.
X :rainbow -> X :underworld is generally increasing quanta quality.
Ruslter increases the quanta total but also converts excess unused  :light into useful  :life.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 15, 2012, 05:59:23 pm
Has the idea of a permanent that does damage (but isn't a weapon) been done before? Like a creature, only unaffected by CC, and can be deflagged or stolen.

Has an idea of stealing an enemy permanent in exchange for them getting a random permanent of yours been done before?

What about a creature that instantly disappears when targetted (makes it easier to kill, not fractal-able)?

Are these good and original ideas?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: thispersonisagenius on August 15, 2012, 06:07:54 pm
Has the idea of a permanent that does damage (but isn't a weapon) been done before? Like a creature, only unaffected by CC, and can be deflagged or stolen.
Do you mean something with an ability like " :fire :fire : Deal 5 damage to target player"? That sounds good, as it will require players to focus on all areas of the field instead of just the creature slots.

I also have an idea for a mechanic, called "Destiny Bond". A creature with the active, one-time use skill Destiny Bond can target a creature. When either creature dies, the other dies as well.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 15, 2012, 06:14:17 pm
Nah, 2 :fire for 5 damage a turn is pretty UP. I was thinking of something like SoV, only it deals regular damage, and not permanent damage.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 15, 2012, 06:46:27 pm
Has the idea of a permanent that does damage (but isn't a weapon) been done before? Like a creature, only unaffected by CC, and can be deflagged or stolen.

Has an idea of stealing an enemy permanent in exchange for them getting a random permanent of yours been done before?

What about a creature that instantly disappears when targetted (makes it easier to kill, not fractal-able)?

Are these good and original ideas?
Yes. (Beyond SoV) I forget what though. [Original but not of high quality in the default form]

I don't think so. However giving a permanent has been suggested. [Worth trying]

No as a card suggestion. Someone had suggested the fragile disadvantage. It should not be used merely to avoid fractal. If there is another reason then *shrug*. [Disadvantages are not the core of a card]

I also have an idea for a mechanic, called "Destiny Bond". A creature with the active, one-time use skill Destiny Bond can target a creature. When either creature dies, the other dies as well.
Reminds me of Puppet: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6321.0.html
I think there is a more recent (my time not yours) version that is even closer.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: thispersonisagenius on August 15, 2012, 06:52:49 pm
I also have an idea for a mechanic, called "Destiny Bond". A creature with the active, one-time use skill Destiny Bond can target a creature. When either creature dies, the other dies as well.
Reminds me of Puppet: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6321.0.html
I think there is a more recent (my time not yours) version that is even closer.
That idea is pretty similar to Puppet. However, mine is an actual activated ability, and the only time the creatures display linkage is when one of them dies (e.g. poison, damage, etc. aren't shared between creatures). I feel that Elements needs more one-time activation abilities, for some diversity among "growing" creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Atom_heart on August 15, 2012, 07:15:35 pm
I also have an idea for a mechanic, called "Destiny Bond". A creature with the active, one-time use skill Destiny Bond can target a creature. When either creature dies, the other dies as well.
Reminds me of Puppet: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6321.0.html
I think there is a more recent (my time not yours) version that is even closer.
That idea is pretty similar to Puppet. However, mine is an actual activated ability, and the only time the creatures display linkage is when one of them dies (e.g. poison, damage, etc. aren't shared between creatures). I feel that Elements needs more one-time activation abilities, for some diversity among "growing" creatures.

Not to spam my own card, but there's this:


Although it's broader and not "one time", which could be a good thing too. And apparently there's an issue with double targeting.
Other cards somewhat similar are linked in the Notes section.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 15, 2012, 07:37:27 pm
I also have an idea for a mechanic, called "Destiny Bond". A creature with the active, one-time use skill Destiny Bond can target a creature. When either creature dies, the other dies as well.
Reminds me of Puppet: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6321.0.html
I think there is a more recent (my time not yours) version that is even closer.
That idea is pretty similar to Puppet. However, mine is an actual activated ability, and the only time the creatures display linkage is when one of them dies (e.g. poison, damage, etc. aren't shared between creatures). I feel that Elements needs more one-time activation abilities, for some diversity among "growing" creatures.
I was not able to locate the more similar version.

I agree that Elements would benefit from more one time activation abilities. Specifically spell like effects that desire a design that allows for more than 6 uses.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 16, 2012, 02:02:05 am
Not card related, but more of logic related.

You can prove "X does not exist" false by showing the existence of X. How do you prove "X does not exist" or "X exists"?

How do we define something as existing?

How come humans are not able to view everything objectively?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 16, 2012, 03:59:25 am
Not card related, but more of logic related.

You can prove "X does not exist" false by showing the existence of X. How do you prove "X does not exist" or "X exists"?

How do we define something as existing?

How come humans are not able to view everything objectively?
"You can prove "X does not exist" false by showing the existence of X. How do you prove "X does not exist" or "X exists"?"
If X is false then X does not exist. "If A then !A. A does not exist."
If !X is false then X does exist. "If !A then A. A does exist."

Depends on the relation between evidence and existence.
If X did exist, would evidence for the existence of X exist? [A]
If X did exist, would evidence against the existence of X exist? [ B]
If X did not exist, would evidence for the existence of X exist? [C]
If X did not exist, would evidence against the existence of X exist? [D]
ExistsDoes not exist
Evidence for existenceAC
Evidence against existenceBD
If a row has 2 different values then it provides evidence. (lack of evidence would be evidence of lack in this case)
If a row has 2 copies of the same value then it provides nothing.

"How do we define something as existing? "
Ontology is a subset of the Philosophic field Metaphysics. It deals with the question "What is being?".

"How come humans are not able to view everything objectively?"
Because we are subjects. We observe reality through our being. Through empathy we can have an image of how we think someone else sees the reality through their being. However this is still subjective (doubly so: reality through their being and our perceptions of them through our being). The only way to be truly objective would be to see reality without eyes. To perceive reality without the subjective senses of the human form. Even language colors our perception. In the end although the objective reality exists, it cannot be perceived. However when we examine our filters, through our filters or through the double filter of empathy, we can form opinions about how our filters are shaped. http://lesswrong.com/ is a website that has lots of opinions about mental  filters.

My subjective observations about reality lead me to believe that opinions influenced by empathy and study of filters are closer to objective reality.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 16, 2012, 08:11:15 pm
thoughts http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42812.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 16, 2012, 09:35:33 pm
thoughts http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42812.0.html
Balanced but needs to enter play later in the game. This should enter around the same time as Fire Storm. A 5 :earth casting cost should be a decent goal to balance towards.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Vangelios on August 16, 2012, 10:50:21 pm
Estimated Oldtrees Greetings, I'm planning on posting a permanent card, but do i not want to risk having a card ever created before, so I need the help of your memory, and also your comment of the balance.

the card is a sword of 6 :fire, 6 damage, the player will have the option of paying 3 :fire, the sword is not caused damage this turn, but the target dragon suffers damage, is a sword that kills the dragon, I know of some earlier attempts, but not know if it was this way.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: artimies7 on August 16, 2012, 10:57:59 pm
Any thoughts?
River Monster | River Behemoth (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42758.0.html)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 16, 2012, 11:37:01 pm
Estimated Oldtrees Greetings, I'm planning on posting a permanent card, but do i not want to risk having a card ever created before, so I need the help of your memory, and also your comment of the balance.

the card is a sword of 6 :fire, 6 damage, the player will have the option of paying 3 :fire, the sword is not caused damage this turn, but the target dragon suffers damage, is a sword that kills the dragon, I know of some earlier attempts, but not know if it was this way.
I do not know of an earlier weapon version. However I would warn you that the ability to kill a dragon is very situation. What frequency of matches will you face a dragon?

Any thoughts?
River Monster | River Behemoth (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42758.0.html)
Coincidentally the only "negative status effect" that is not quantified is Gravity Pull. However there are many suggested negative status effects that do not come in multiples (Pacify is an example). You should consider how it would handle these.

Infect is weak so removing 1 infection counter is weak.
Freeze and Delay come cheap in large quantities. So removing 1 turn is weak.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: artimies7 on August 16, 2012, 11:51:02 pm
Any thoughts?
River Monster | River Behemoth (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42758.0.html)
Coincidentally the only "negative status effect" that is not quantified is Gravity Pull. However there are many suggested negative status effects that do not come in multiples (Pacify is an example). You should consider how it would handle these.

Infect is weak so removing 1 infection counter is weak.
Freeze and Delay come cheap in large quantities. So removing 1 turn is weak.

Would lowering the cost of the ability by one be sufficient?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 16, 2012, 11:55:27 pm
Any thoughts?
River Monster | River Behemoth (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42758.0.html)
Coincidentally the only "negative status effect" that is not quantified is Gravity Pull. However there are many suggested negative status effects that do not come in multiples (Pacify is an example). You should consider how it would handle these.

Infect is weak so removing 1 infection counter is weak.
Freeze and Delay come cheap in large quantities. So removing 1 turn is weak.

Would lowering the cost of the ability by one be sufficient?
Probably not. The problem is the core of the card is a semivanilla ability (an ability weak enough to not affect the cost of the card).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Vangelios on August 17, 2012, 12:00:44 am
Really, I do not always face dragons, then are 6 damage on the opponent. but if arises, I will have an advantage.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 17, 2012, 10:25:47 pm
Comments on Tumult (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42839.msg534224.html#msg534224)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 17, 2012, 10:39:49 pm
Comments on Tumult (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42839.msg534224.html#msg534224)?
Cheaper and weaker than Steal.
More and less benefit than Deflag.
Looks balanced.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 18, 2012, 12:56:03 am
Is the idea of compensatory PC (like tumult) a good idea that could be explored more?

Should it destroy or steal a permanent? What compensatory response would be good?

For example, a 3|2 :light card that destroys target permanent, owner gains twice the quanta cost of the card as HP. Good idea?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 18, 2012, 03:09:21 am
Is the idea of compensatory PC (like tumult) a good idea that could be explored more?

Should it destroy or steal a permanent? What compensatory response would be good?

For example, a 3|2 :light card that destroys target permanent, owner gains twice the quanta cost of the card as HP. Good idea?

It probably could be investigated to find the 1 ideal version. What is the most versatile version of PC (ties go to most valuable)? What is the most versatile drawback?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on August 18, 2012, 02:20:24 pm
What about a Grave Robber | Relic Hunter creature with 0|10 stats and a passive ability which makes him to gain +1|-1 every time a Relic is played?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 18, 2012, 05:04:26 pm
What about a Grave Robber | Relic Hunter creature with 0|10 stats and a passive ability which makes him to gain +1|-1 every time a Relic is played?
Would playing it without Relics be UP? If so then it would only be played with Relics. This is a forced combo indicating the card has much lower versatility than cards in the game. One way to improve the design would be to give it at least 2 other options for triggering its effect.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 18, 2012, 11:29:41 pm
Would you consider a creature that gets stronger when the opponent plays permenants soft PC?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 18, 2012, 11:33:05 pm
Would you consider a creature that gets stronger when the opponent plays permenants soft PC?
I would consider it a counter to permanents. It might be a tier more indirect than soft PC. However it still would be a counter to permanents and thus fill a similar role.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 19, 2012, 03:48:31 am
 can this be balanced by cost or is mechanic adjustment needed? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42873.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 19, 2012, 04:59:11 am
can this be balanced by cost or is mechanic adjustment needed? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42873.0.html
It can be balanced by cost. I would suggest playtesting against a (unknown to you) deck that is not warned about the effect.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 19, 2012, 07:37:45 am
Has the idea of causing a creature's attack to be redirected randomly been done before or have potential? Should it be a spell (one use, perhaps last more than 1 turn and cause confuse status), permanent (must cast each turn) or creature? If confuse is a % chance to attack something random, what should it be?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 19, 2012, 05:45:14 pm
Has the idea of causing a creature's attack to be redirected randomly been done before or have potential? Should it be a spell (one use, perhaps last more than 1 turn and cause confuse status), permanent (must cast each turn) or creature? If confuse is a % chance to attack something random, what should it be?
I am sure there have been creatures that attack randomly and I think there have been cards to make creatures attack randomly.

Let's count randomly redirecting as twice as powerful as blocking for the purposes of outlining the thought process below.
If we were to block a single creature for 2 turns (random for 1 turn),
Would it be a spell? No. The effect is to small for a spell. Freeze gets 3 turns of blocking and preventing skills. So a spell would require at least 4 turns probably 6 before being useful in card form.
If we were to block creatures for 2 turns (random for 1 turn),
Would it be an AoE spell? Perhaps. It would act similar to a 2 turn Dimensional Shield that does not use the shield slot.
If we were to block creatures for 2 turns (random for 1 turn),
Would it be a permanent/shield? [I know of a recent shield that redirects to the opponent 25% of the time]
This would be similar to Procrastination.
If we were to block a single creature for 2 turns (random for 1 turn),
Would it be a creature activated ability? Possibly. Guard delays for 1 turn with a drawback.

So a multi turn single target spell, an AoE spell, a shield [already done] or a activated ability depending on the shape you want the influence of the effect to have.

The chance is the easiest to tweak variable. It depends on the rest of the card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on August 20, 2012, 03:32:39 pm
Light card called Construct that copies a target permanent and gives you a "light version". Changes costs and generation to light.

For example you targeted an Owls Eye and get a version that costs  :light to use. Targeted pillars generate :light

Thoughts on this and possible costs.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 20, 2012, 03:51:11 pm
@Jyi- considering  :light's innate quanta generation abilities, and judging from  :aether's parallel universe...
I figure this card would have a decently high cost, somewhere from 5-8 quanta I think.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 20, 2012, 04:46:27 pm
Light card called Construct that copies a target permanent and gives you a "light version". Changes costs and generation to light.

For example you targeted an Owls Eye and get a version that costs  :light to use. Targeted pillars generate :light

Thoughts on this and possible costs.
Why Light?

Parallel Universe costs slightly less than most copied creatures.
What would (would not can) be copied?
It is slightly more useful than just copying a permanent. It might deserve a +0-1 casting cost after this calculation.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 20, 2012, 06:26:09 pm
What is the difference between doing 1 damage to all creatures on the field (t-storm), making all creatures on the field take 1 damage per turn (plague), and repeatable, once a turn 1 damage to all the field (basically if t-storm was a permanent) in terms of cost/balance?

If I want to make a creature that gains attack every time one of your permanents is destroyed, how much attack should it gain? I'm thinking between 3-5.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 20, 2012, 08:49:40 pm
multi-cast T-storms would do 1 damage to all creatures on the opponent's field, including newly summoned creatures.
However, Plague only inflicts poison on all creatures on the opponent's field that were already out. Any creatures summoned after that would be safe.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 21, 2012, 12:44:57 am
What is the difference between doing 1 damage to all creatures on the field (t-storm), making all creatures on the field take 1 damage per turn (plague), and repeatable, once a turn 1 damage to all the field (basically if t-storm was a permanent) in terms of cost/balance?

If I want to make a creature that gains attack every time one of your permanents is destroyed, how much attack should it gain? I'm thinking between 3-5.
1 damage takes effect faster than 1 damage per turn but deals less damage.
1 damage per attack (fire shield) is similar to 1 damage per turn (thunderstorm per turn).
Plague is 4 :death + 1 card [~= 6-7q]
Fire Shield is 6 :fire + Shield slot + 1 card [~= 11-12q]
Thunderstorm per turn would either be a shield or cost around 10 :air + 1 card.

I would go for 3 attack.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 21, 2012, 03:02:41 am
How much is taking up a shield slot worth? What about weapon slot? What's the difference between two permanents with identical everythings, but one is a weapon and the other is just a permanent?

Would a weapon that acted like fire shield (1 damage to all opponent's creatures) be better with just that effect or should it have to be activated each turn? How much? I'm thinking of 2 :underworld per turn if it needs an upkeep. If it affects your own creatures it gets the standard -2 cost right?

Has the idea of a card that brings bad things upon its owner but has the ability to switch sides been done (sort of like cymothoa, only you need to activate its ability to switch sides)?

What would be a good negative parasitic effect? Cymothoa's was deal damage each card played, but what about just passively adding poison onto the owner? How much poison per turn is good? 1? 2? 3?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 21, 2012, 04:20:05 am
How much is taking up a shield slot worth? What about weapon slot? What's the difference between two permanents with identical everythings, but one is a weapon and the other is just a permanent?

Would a weapon that acted like fire shield (1 damage to all opponent's creatures) be better with just that effect or should it have to be activated each turn? How much? I'm thinking of 2 :underworld per turn if it needs an upkeep. If it affects your own creatures it gets the standard -2 cost right?

Has the idea of a card that brings bad things upon its owner but has the ability to switch sides been done (sort of like cymothoa, only you need to activate its ability to switch sides)?

What would be a good negative parasitic effect? Cymothoa's was deal damage each card played, but what about just passively adding poison onto the owner? How much poison per turn is good? 1? 2? 3?
Taking a unique slot is usually estimated as a -3 casting cost.
The difference (beyond the simple usage change 1:6) is that cards that take special slots prevent other cards that use that slot and tend to be less reliable/more dead draws.
Damage per attack is best implemented as an active yet non activated effect. Damage per turn would be best as an activated ability.

2 edged effects do not have a standard cost reduction. It depends entirely on how much net advantage a powergamer can squeeze out of the card.

The ability to switch sides has been done as a core effect. However it could still be used as an implementation mechanic.

I think the damage was sufficient. Neurotoxin (+1 poison per card) should be hard to inflict. The more potent the alternative damage source, the more vulnerable and expensive it should be.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on August 21, 2012, 04:13:12 pm
Light card called Construct that copies a target permanent and gives you a "light version". Changes costs and generation to light.

For example you targeted an Owls Eye and get a version that costs  :light to use. Targeted pillars generate :light

Thoughts on this and possible costs.
Why Light?

Parallel Universe costs slightly less than most copied creatures.
What would (would not can) be copied?
It is slightly more useful than just copying a permanent. It might deserve a +0-1 casting cost after this calculation.
Any non-immaterial permanent is target-able. Animated weapons are technically creatures, so not them. I think the median cost for permanents is lower than creatures so...  6|5 or 5|4.

Interesting choice in Light, eh? I think it would give Light a way to match Permanents, without having direct PC.

Also give a small, if not circumstantial boost to Crusaders and their potential in a mono light deck. They'd be able to use weapon skills from other elements.

Light is also thematically opposite of Dark, so instead of steal... copy.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 21, 2012, 10:53:26 pm
Light card called Construct that copies a target permanent and gives you a "light version". Changes costs and generation to light.

For example you targeted an Owls Eye and get a version that costs  :light to use. Targeted pillars generate :light

Thoughts on this and possible costs.
Why Light?

Parallel Universe costs slightly less than most copied creatures.
What would (would not can) be copied?
It is slightly more useful than just copying a permanent. It might deserve a +0-1 casting cost after this calculation.
Any non-immaterial permanent is target-able. Animated weapons are technically creatures, so not them. I think the median cost for permanents is lower than creatures so...  6|5 or 5|4.

Interesting choice in Light, eh? I think it would give Light a way to match Permanents, without having direct PC.

Also give a small, if not circumstantial boost to Crusaders and their potential in a mono light deck. They'd be able to use weapon skills from other elements.

Light is also thematically opposite of Dark, so instead of steal... copy.
Photon would not be targeted by Parallel Universe. A Pillar will not be targeted by this effect.
Which permanents would be targeted? Let your competitive side at this question. What would maximize the advantage taken?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 21, 2012, 11:32:24 pm
Comments on Sea Devil (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42961.0.html)?

And a tentative 40%|60% on gap (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42887.msg534902.html#msg534902)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on August 22, 2012, 01:32:35 am

Any non-immaterial permanent is target-able. Animated weapons are technically creatures, so not them. I think the median cost for permanents is lower than creatures so...  6|5 or 5|4.

Interesting choice in Light, eh? I think it would give Light a way to match Permanents, without having direct PC.

Also give a small, if not circumstantial boost to Crusaders and their potential in a mono light deck. They'd be able to use weapon skills from other elements.

Light is also thematically opposite of Dark, so instead of steal... copy.
Photon would not be targeted by Parallel Universe. A Pillar will not be targeted by this effect.
Which permanents would be targeted? Let your competitive side at this question. What would maximize the advantage taken?
That's completely circumstantial. Often, there would be a choice of a few permanents. If the only type of permanent they own are pillars, they might be targeted. But the advantage taken will always be given to what would help my strategy most in that moment. An exception would be for a deck you know well or understand... then you could wait out for something more helpful if you know it's coming.

If you want examples of cards that I might target: Golden Hourglass, Mindgate, Empathetic Bond, Dissipation Shield, Pulverizer (if they can't use it next turn), ... etc.

Off topic: the art for this card would be the image of the card you copied with a transparent light symbol over it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 22, 2012, 02:21:23 am
Comments on Sea Devil (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42961.0.html)?

And a tentative 40%|60% on gap (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42887.msg534902.html#msg534902)?
4 :water + 1 card +5 attack -> 5 poison
1 :death + 1 card -> 2 poison
4 :water + 1 card + 5 poison -> +5 attack
3 :light + 1 card -> +3 attack
6 attack would be closer to balanced.

2|1 cost for 50% would be my estimate.
"Gapped" is awkward. A term that is linked closer to the effect would be better.

Any non-immaterial permanent is target-able. Animated weapons are technically creatures, so not them. I think the median cost for permanents is lower than creatures so...  6|5 or 5|4.

Interesting choice in Light, eh? I think it would give Light a way to match Permanents, without having direct PC.

Also give a small, if not circumstantial boost to Crusaders and their potential in a mono light deck. They'd be able to use weapon skills from other elements.

Light is also thematically opposite of Dark, so instead of steal... copy.
Photon would not be targeted by Parallel Universe. A Pillar will not be targeted by this effect.
Which permanents would be targeted? Let your competitive side at this question. What would maximize the advantage taken?
That's completely circumstantial. Often, there would be a choice of a few permanents. If the only type of permanent they own are pillars, they might be targeted. But the advantage taken will always be given to what would help my strategy most in that moment. An exception would be for a deck you know well or understand... then you could wait out for something more helpful if you know it's coming.

If you want examples of cards that I might target: Golden Hourglass, Mindgate, Empathetic Bond, Dissipation Shield, Pulverizer (if they can't use it next turn), ... etc.

Off topic: the art for this card would be the image of the card you copied with a transparent light symbol over it.
My question is targeted at getting you to make an accurate estimate based on the incentives of the person building a deck with this card.
Your answer was permanents around 4-5 quanta + 1 card in cost. Compare this to creatures of 8-10 quanta + 1 card for Parallel Universe.

7 quanta + 1 card is to 9 quanta + 1 card as X quanta + 1 card is to 4.5 quanta + 1 card.
What is X? About 3 quanta.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Jyiber on August 22, 2012, 04:02:28 am
My question is targeted at getting you to make an accurate estimate based on the incentives of the person building a deck with this card.
Your answer was permanents around 4-5 quanta + 1 card in cost. Compare this to creatures of 8-10 quanta + 1 card for Parallel Universe.

7 quanta + 1 card is to 9 quanta + 1 card as X quanta + 1 card is to 4.5 quanta + 1 card.
What is X? About 3 quanta.

Ah, you wanted the math. Well...
Since I haven't been on a lot recently I didn't have all the numbers in my head. After browsing the un-upped cards I found most permanents are 3-5 for cost. 7 is the highest and 0 the lowest.

3 seems about right if you make it proportional to Parallel Universe, but slightly low taking into account the benefit of the alterations, but then that only applies to a mono deck with this. I would have gone with 4|3, but I guess 3|2 makes more sense.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 22, 2012, 04:08:13 am
Comments on Sea Devil (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42961.0.html)?
4 :water + 1 card +5 attack -> 5 poison
1 :death + 1 card -> 2 poison
4 :water + 1 card + 5 poison -> +5 attack
3 :light + 1 card -> +3 attack
6 attack would be closer to balanced.
Unupped or upped version? If attack gain is changed to 6, what should the poison gain be changed to?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 22, 2012, 04:11:07 am
Ah, you wanted the math. Well...
No. I wanted to differentiate between the median cost of permanents and the median cost of permanents that would be combo'd with this card.

Comments on Sea Devil (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42961.0.html)?
4 :water + 1 card +5 attack -> 5 poison
1 :death + 1 card -> 2 poison
4 :water + 1 card + 5 poison -> +5 attack
3 :light + 1 card -> +3 attack
6 attack would be closer to balanced.
Unupped or upped version? If attack gain is changed to 6, what should the poison gain be changed to?
The upgrade should probably be a cheaper version of the unupped. You don't want to replace Deadly Poison.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 22, 2012, 04:17:37 am
So +6/+0 for +5 poison counters as ability of both creatures, and a 4|3 :water casting cost sound all right?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 22, 2012, 08:22:15 pm
I seem to be running into difficulties regarding [Element] Crowned Pillar (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42976.0.html)'s use (unupped). How can I alter the card so that the unupped provides a benefit like the upped would?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 22, 2012, 09:13:04 pm
I seem to be running into difficulties regarding [Element] Crowned Pillar (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42976.0.html)'s use (unupped). How can I alter the card so that the unupped provides a benefit like the upped would?
Upgraded costs: 3 draws + 0 quanta for 3 quanta per turn. (2 PC and 2 deckslots)
Seems closer to a pillar in strength. The vulnerability, possible delay (more crowned than normal pillars) and versatility (copy target pillar type) might be balanced.

If the upgraded was unupped, would it replace pillars? I don't think so. However what do you think?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 24, 2012, 04:58:11 am
So +6/+0 for +5 poison counters as ability of both creatures, and a 4|3 :water casting cost sound all right?

What would happen to the game by itself if players started with 200hp? Or drew two cards per turn instead of 1?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 24, 2012, 05:04:43 am
So +6/+0 for +5 poison counters as ability of both creatures, and a 4|3 :water casting cost sound all right?

What would happen to the game by itself if players started with 200hp? Or drew two cards per turn instead of 1?
If hp were doubled, all mentions of atk, damage (including poison) and hp (including creature hp) would be doubled.
If card drawing were doubled, decks would be larger but not twice as large and all card advantage would either double or be half cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 24, 2012, 05:12:40 am
Erm, you still haven't really confirmed that if you thought +6/+0 for +5poison and a 4|3 cost was a balanced idea or not.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 24, 2012, 05:36:07 am
Erm, you still haven't really confirmed that if you thought +6/+0 for +5poison and a 4|3 cost was a balanced idea or not.
Sorry. I thought I had.
Yes, it looks balanced.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 24, 2012, 08:31:00 pm
Thoughts on the following?
Moon Dial | Luna Dial (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42934.0.html)
Monsoon | Hurricane (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42783.0.html)

Also, what do you think of the following cost requirement for the unupped Crowned Pillar (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42976.0.html)'s effect?

"Send a pillar to the bottom of your deck to play this card."
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 24, 2012, 10:39:44 pm
Thoughts on the following?
Moon Dial | Luna Dial (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42934.0.html)
Monsoon | Hurricane (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42783.0.html)

Also, what do you think of the following cost requirement for the unupped Crowned Pillar (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42976.0.html)'s effect?

"Send a pillar to the bottom of your deck to play this card."
1/3 of Cloak + a 1:6  :darkness :light Rustler as a permanent.
The cloak part feels redundant with cloak. The Rustler part is too efficient. The upgraded version is more versatile. However a Dark mark could use both versions to ridiculous effect.

Monsoon is balanceable. I am not sure whether it is balanced. The upgrade was well chosen.

That would be a good cost for the unupped crowned pillar.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 25, 2012, 10:59:20 pm
What should be the initial cost of a creature that starts with 0atk, and every turn gains 1atk per turn? What about 2? Or 3? Is the formula for cost linear or exponential? What is the formula?

Has there a card made that gains 1atk for every time the owner gets hit in a turn, and then resets every turn? How much would that cost? (I would hazard a guess that it would averagely do 4 more damage than its basic attack)

Would a temporary weapon be a good idea? It would be a cost efficient weapon that disappeared in 2|3 turns, but by paying quanta, the user could return the weapon either to their deck or hand, so they can keep the weapon card.

Deflag (destroy any permanent) is 3|2 :underworld. How much would a card that only destroyed your opponent's weapon or shield cost? 2|1 :underworld?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 25, 2012, 11:47:14 pm
What should be the initial cost of a creature that starts with 0atk, and every turn gains 1atk per turn? What about 2? Or 3? Is the formula for cost linear or exponential? What is the formula?

Has there a card made that gains 1atk for every time the owner gets hit in a turn, and then resets every turn? How much would that cost? (I would hazard a guess that it would averagely do 4 more damage than its basic attack)

Would a temporary weapon be a good idea? It would be a cost efficient weapon that disappeared in 2|3 turns, but by paying quanta, the user could return the weapon either to their deck or hand, so they can keep the weapon card.

Deflag (destroy any permanent) is 3|2 :underworld. How much would a card that only destroyed your opponent's weapon or shield cost? 2|1 :underworld?
The formula for the cost would be linear since the average attack per turn would have a linear difference.
Fire Spirit (probably a bit UP) is a 0|2 for 2 :fire + 1 card that gains +2 atk per turn for 1 :fire per turn.
Generating 1 :fire per turn is worth +1 casting cost. // A creature activation cost of 0 is worth a +1 casting cost.
Ablaze with an activation cost of 0 is almost identical to gaining +2 attack per turn.
So 0+2 per turn costs 2 :fire+1card (assuming Fire Spirit is slightly UP)
Each +1 per turn would probably be a +2-+3 casting cost.

There was a weapon that attacked each time the wielder was attacked. Temporia or something? It was a Time bow.

Dimensional Shield is a temporary shield. Weapons and Shields have few significant differences. I do not think the offensive/defensive difference is relevant to this question since Spark is an offensive card. Either return would work. It depends on what you are simulating.

Destroying only a weapon or shield is less versatile than destroying any permanent. I am not sure if the reduced versatility is great enough for a cost decrease. However it might be. Think of it as 2.5 :underworld|1.5 :underworld.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 27, 2012, 03:10:09 am
Would it be OP if a creature could cast nightmare on itself with 1-2 damage while in hand?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 27, 2012, 03:12:56 am
Would it be OP if a creature could cast nightmare on itself with 1-2 damage while in hand?
I did not understand what you meant by "with" and "while in hand".

Does Angel + This = Permament Nightmare?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 27, 2012, 03:25:27 am
Would it be OP if a creature could cast nightmare on itself with 1-2 damage while in hand?
I'll assume what you mean is a creature that can nightmare itself, as well as causing 1-2 damage in the hand of the owner. Yes, I'd say that's OP. Moomoose made a card that nightmared itself when targetted, but the additional psuedo-poison is too much.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 27, 2012, 03:32:47 am
(http://i.imgur.com/ryQRa.png) so no?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 27, 2012, 03:35:25 am
Definitely no. Especially with that cheap cost. A card that can nightmare itself indefinitely is already pretty OP, and with the extra 5-ish damage per turn, it's definitely OP.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 27, 2012, 03:58:10 am
Definitely no. Especially with that cheap cost. A card that can nightmare itself indefinitely is already pretty OP, and with the extra 5-ish damage per turn, it's definitely OP.
Furballdn ninja'd me.

Giving the opponent nightmares is too powerful an effect for a player to be able to inflict once per turn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on August 27, 2012, 03:59:47 am
Giving the opponent nightmares is too powerful an effect for a player to be able to inflict once per turn.
But if it was just upon entering play?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 27, 2012, 04:06:18 am
Giving the opponent nightmares is too powerful an effect for a player to be able to inflict once per turn.
But if it was just upon entering play?
Still OP. A sudden burst of nightmare would bring around 4 (guessing) cards into their hand. Assuming they discard one the first turn, you basically just gave them 3 poison counters. Add more nightmares or fractal and it's an OP combo.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on August 27, 2012, 04:13:24 am
Giving the opponent nightmares is too powerful an effect for a player to be able to inflict once per turn.
But if it was just upon entering play?
Still OP. A sudden burst of nightmare would bring around 4 (guessing) cards into their hand. Assuming they discard one the first turn, you basically just gave them 3 poison counters. Add more nightmares or fractal and it's an OP combo.
Then what if they were given the ability to play them by having a  :rainbow cost? Enough if a cost that there would still be a bit of temporary poison-like damage, say, 5 or 6?
It would still be a darkness card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 27, 2012, 04:20:56 am
Giving the opponent nightmares is too powerful an effect for a player to be able to inflict once per turn.
But if it was just upon entering play?
Still OP. A sudden burst of nightmare would bring around 4 (guessing) cards into their hand. Assuming they discard one the first turn, you basically just gave them 3 poison counters. Add more nightmares or fractal and it's an OP combo.
Then what if they were given the ability to play them by having a  :rainbow cost? Enough if a cost that there would still be a bit of temporary poison-like damage, say, 5 or 6?
It would still be a darkness card.
They play the card, your hand becomes nightmared. Opens up a large can of worms and just nightmare duels over and over. Not exactly fun.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on August 27, 2012, 04:32:29 am
Then what if, it only stayed in the hand for as many turns as it has cost? Still going by nightmaring upon entering play. This would be much more balanced I think.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 27, 2012, 04:35:53 am
Giving the opponent nightmares is too powerful an effect for a player to be able to inflict once per turn.
But if it was just upon entering play?
Still OP. A sudden burst of nightmare would bring around 4 (guessing) cards into their hand. Assuming they discard one the first turn, you basically just gave them 3 poison counters. Add more nightmares or fractal and it's an OP combo.
Then what if they were given the ability to play them by having a  :rainbow cost? Enough if a cost that there would still be a bit of temporary poison-like damage, say, 5 or 6?
It would still be a darkness card.
A creature that cost  :rainbow and cast nightmare on itself when played would be used with Mitosis for permanent draw lock for a maximum of 3 :underworld per turn (higher and SoR would be used).

This is still at best borderline OP. It would not be able to deal damage while in the hand.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 27, 2012, 04:36:10 am
Concept of dealing damage while in the hand is good, but abusable with nightmare. My advice would be "take 1 damage when this card enters your hand" as a passive. Without the constant damage, it can be balanced much more easily.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 27, 2012, 04:38:27 am
Concept of dealing damage while in the hand is good, but abusable with nightmare. My advice would be "take 1 damage when this card enters your hand" as a passive. Without the constant damage, it can be balanced much more easily.
Nightmare friendly creatures:
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 27, 2012, 04:42:49 am
Are these (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43074.0.html) thematically and mechanically executed well? Any advice for the things I'm missing?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on August 27, 2012, 04:46:11 am
Even a 1 time use nightmare skill would be OP?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 27, 2012, 07:56:11 am
Are these (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43074.0.html) thematically and mechanically executed well? Any advice for the things I'm missing?
Naegling will be played without shields. It will be similar to Momentum with a lower Atk but unchanged damage. Examine Animate Weapon + Atk buff combos for problems.
Dainslef will damage both players. This will be used in rush decks. (Since they are not the deck in danger of hp loss) Is this mindless non interactive approach fitting of Darkness? I would put it closer to Fire or Death.
Gram is a reverse Arsenic? Stalls and Rushes use Arsenic. Where would this be used?
Durendal does not fit your advantage + drawback theme.
Hrunting is random. That is its only effect. The effect cannot be exploited or biased. For the most part the effect will be ignored and treated as if it dealt average damage.
Laevateinn will be fueled by pillars.
Damocles will be used by Crusaders.
Kusanagi costs 1 pillar.
Excalibur looks fine.
Joyeuse will be Shard of Bravery's alternate. However if delayed until midgame it would be useful to the stall instead.

Most of these lack advantages. You might just have higher attack but the ideal design is either having a mixed blessing like Joyeuse, a useful disadvantage (A disadvantage that can be used for advantage) or a closely related advantage.

Even a 1 time use nightmare skill would be OP?
How exploitable would it be with Mitosis + SoR?
If a permanent drawlock can be established, it must be for a comparable cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 29, 2012, 08:57:57 pm
Glass Knight | Stained Glass Knight (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43035.0.html)
People initially felt the 'anti-Nova' casting penalty [spoilered version] was initially too much and said it was not needed to balance the card.
Now that I've removed that penalty, I've started experiencing the opposite opinion (quantum drain helps to balance it out in speedbow).

Do you feel the drain penalty is necessary, or does the 'Fragile' (dies when targeted) ability balance it enough?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 29, 2012, 09:52:02 pm
Glass Knight | Stained Glass Knight (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43035.0.html)
People initially felt the 'anti-Nova' casting penalty [spoilered version] was initially too much and said it was not needed to balance the card.
Now that I've removed that penalty, I've started experiencing the opposite opinion (quantum drain helps to balance it out in speedbow).

Do you feel the drain penalty is necessary, or does the 'Fragile' (dies when targeted) ability balance it enough?
A 6|1 would be worth around 4-6 :underworld + 1 card.
It is not a far jump from 1hp to "fragile".
So the initial cost of draining 3 novas (3 cards ~= 6 :underworld) was overkill and the current cost is too little.

However antinova is a bit direct. Subtlety might be received better.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 29, 2012, 10:48:39 pm
In looking at Glass Knight, I can't help but notice a fairly strong 'anti-rainbow' sentiment in the disscussions...Kinda makes me wonder if we should consider the idea of 'mark enhancement' akin to what the Shards do for card suggestions, as a potential method to say 'this card is not meant for rainbow use'. That said, that'd probably be better off used in elements that see minor rainbow involvement, as opposed to 'essential' rainbow elements like  :entropy or  :water.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 30, 2012, 12:23:06 am
In looking at Glass Knight, I can't help but notice a fairly strong 'anti-rainbow' sentiment in the disscussions...Kinda makes me wonder if we should consider the idea of 'mark enhancement' akin to what the Shards do for card suggestions, as a potential method to say 'this card is not meant for rainbow use'. That said, that'd probably be better off used in elements that see minor rainbow involvement, as opposed to 'essential' rainbow elements like  :entropy or  :water.
Mark enhancement promotes MarkBows. It is not a signal for "this card is not meant for rainbow use".

It is usually bad design to signal "not meant for use X". However having a muted effect correlate with lower cost is common design. This allows both uses to be promoted.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 30, 2012, 01:08:02 am
However antinova is a bit direct. Subtlety might be received better.
Do you have any suggestions for more subtle effects than 'Drain/convert X quanta'?

How large should the card pool be before we start considering adding Unique/Legendary cards to the card pool?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 30, 2012, 02:22:54 am
However antinova is a bit direct. Subtlety might be received better.
Do you have any suggestions for more subtle effects than 'Drain/convert X quanta'?

How large should the card pool be before we start considering adding Unique/Legendary cards to the card pool?
At lower costs,  :underworld and  :rainbow are closer. What if it were cheaper and weaker?

The issue is not related to the size of the card pool. It is related to the limit on copies per deck.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 30, 2012, 02:46:23 am
However antinova is a bit direct. Subtlety might be received better.
Do you have any suggestions for more subtle effects than 'Drain/convert X quanta'?

How large should the card pool be before we start considering adding Unique/Legendary cards to the card pool?
At lower costs,  :underworld and  :rainbow are closer. What if it were cheaper and weaker?

The issue is not related to the size of the card pool. It is related to the limit on copies per deck.
Hrm...Legendary cards could be rather controversial to make. On the one hand, it has to be more worth the investment, and easier to use in general, to justify the enhanced limitation of copies per deck, then again, having less then 6 or so means that it's less likly for a legendary card to be a 'dead draw'...
Perhaps a 'legendary' card could be a stronger varient of a normal card, and fall under that card for the 6 per deck limit, as well as the further limit of 1 legendary per deck. An Example:
Spark, Ball lightning, Thunder Wisp:
cost: 0 ( :aether)
stats: 10|0
...Maybe this system would be better off implemented as a 'legendary slot', which would make it much more newcomer friendly, as it would cut out  a great deal of grinding to get the card...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: thispersonisagenius on August 30, 2012, 03:12:48 am
Perhaps a 'legendary' card could be a stronger varient of a normal card, and fall under that card for the 6 per deck limit, as well as the further limit of 1 legendary per deck. An Example:
Spark, Ball lightning, Thunder Wisp:
cost: 0 ( :aether)
stats: 10|0
...Maybe this system would be better off implemented as a 'legendary slot', which would make it much more newcomer friendly, as it would cut out  a great deal of grinding to get the card...
That idea sounds pretty interesting. On a slight tangent from this, would Elements be able to introduce double upgrades? I don't know how card art would change on the second upgrade, but I think (since several people have complained that upgrades don't give enough of a benefit in many cases) that it would make the game be more interesting and quicker.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 30, 2012, 03:27:12 am
However antinova is a bit direct. Subtlety might be received better.
Do you have any suggestions for more subtle effects than 'Drain/convert X quanta'?

How large should the card pool be before we start considering adding Unique/Legendary cards to the card pool?
At lower costs,  :underworld and  :rainbow are closer. What if it were cheaper and weaker?

The issue is not related to the size of the card pool. It is related to the limit on copies per deck.
Hrm...Legendary cards could be rather controversial to make. On the one hand, it has to be more worth the investment, and easier to use in general, to justify the enhanced limitation of copies per deck, then again, having less then 6 or so means that it's less likly for a legendary card to be a 'dead draw'...
Perhaps a 'legendary' card could be a stronger varient of a normal card, and fall under that card for the 6 per deck limit, as well as the further limit of 1 legendary per deck. An Example:
Spark, Ball lightning, Thunder Wisp:
cost: 0 ( :aether)
stats: 10|0
...Maybe this system would be better off implemented as a 'legendary slot', which would make it much more newcomer friendly, as it would cut out  a great deal of grinding to get the card...
A card being legendary does not affect its balance. It merely limits the amount used per deck.

Perhaps a 'legendary' card could be a stronger varient of a normal card, and fall under that card for the 6 per deck limit, as well as the further limit of 1 legendary per deck. An Example:
Spark, Ball lightning, Thunder Wisp:
cost: 0 ( :aether)
stats: 10|0
...Maybe this system would be better off implemented as a 'legendary slot', which would make it much more newcomer friendly, as it would cut out  a great deal of grinding to get the card...
That idea sounds pretty interesting. On a slight tangent from this, would Elements be able to introduce double upgrades? I don't know how card art would change on the second upgrade, but I think (since several people have complained that upgrades don't give enough of a benefit in many cases) that it would make the game be more interesting and quicker.
We do not want to widen the gap between vets and new players. A 2nd upgrade would do this.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on August 30, 2012, 12:17:32 pm
What about a Permanent which gives +1|+1 or +2|+1 to all burrowed creatures (works like Nightfall|Eclipse, but buffs :earth creatures instead, in case of a burrowed Devourer|Pest the bonuses gained by Nightfall and this new permanent don't stack)? Is it a good idea? Has it been suggested before?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 30, 2012, 01:32:21 pm
Various buffs have been suggested for burrowing. I suspect this is because burrowing is often discarded in favor of immortality. I WOULD say teh ability to unburrow-reburrow stratgically compensates, as it allows you to buff your creatures...But SoW kinda breaks that reasoning. I somewhat like the thought of 'undoing' the burrow weakness of halving attack power-it's really not bothered with at all from what I can tell.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 30, 2012, 03:38:13 pm
What about a Permanent which gives +1|+1 or +2|+1 to all burrowed creatures (works like Nightfall|Eclipse, but buffs :earth creatures instead, in case of a burrowed Devourer|Pest the bonuses gained by Nightfall and this new permanent don't stack)? Is it a good idea? Has it been suggested before?
I do not think a Nightfall for burrowed creatures has been suggested before. However it is just another Nightfall. In this case choosing burrowed creatures is less versatile than choosing Earth creatures. (Nightfall and this could be allowed to stack)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Vangelios on August 30, 2012, 11:16:58 pm
OldTrees Greetings once again I need to know if a card has already been created previously. It would be a spell, would give a bonification for weapon, for example: the target weapon gets + 4  attack.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 30, 2012, 11:22:33 pm
OldTrees Greetings once again I need to know if a card has already been created previously. It would be a spell, would give a bonification for weapon, for example: the target weapon gets + 4  attack.
I do not recall it being suggested before. However, is it versatile enough?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Vangelios on August 31, 2012, 12:10:48 am
Yes, I believe that yes, we can put up to 6 cards, so I can imagine that a vampire stilletto as big draining, or even a titan and then use sundial, you can create a deck with flying weapons ... I only doubt which element matches the card, maybe fire.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 31, 2012, 12:23:53 am
Can you explain to me the rules and gameplay of MtG in a brief paragraph using only EtG terms?

Also, vangelios, the idea has been suggested. It's called Temper and was a fire card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Vangelios on August 31, 2012, 12:48:08 am
Can you explain to me the rules and gameplay of MtG in a brief paragraph using only EtG terms?

Also, vangelios, the idea has been suggested. It's called Temper and was a fire card.

Thanks Furrball, is very similar to what I was imagining, it's very sad the idea be stoped.
Now the techniques of ETG, MTG, CC, AB, BT, UC, I need a long while for adapting. Sorry ;D
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 31, 2012, 12:57:30 am
Can you explain to me the rules and gameplay of MtG in a brief paragraph using only EtG terms?
1 paragraph? Impossible. Here is a broad incomplete outline in 3 paragraphs.

Pillars are called Lands. Only 1 can be played per turn. They don't stack and each have an activated ability to generate Mana(similar to quanta except as follows). Mana pools drain every once in awhile throughout a turn. Since mana is not stored, effective casting cost increases faster than linear. When a mana cost is paid, the player manually chooses which mana is used. Longsword would cost 1 mana of your choice rather than 1 random quanta. Since the cost is manual it can require multiple types. 2 :life :light would cost  1 :life, 1 :light and 2 more mana of your choice. This adds an additional layer of complexity.  :life :life :life is effectively more expensive than 2 :life.

In MtG you can respond before the trigger you are responding to. Even if you are responding with the same effect.  ?_? Weird, I know. Effects are divided into multiple layers of speed. Only equally fast or faster responses can be used in response to a trigger. Some cards are so slow they can only be used on your turn in the pauses before and after combat. On the other hand there are effects that you can use on your opponent's turn that are so fast they cannot respond until the effect occurs. The ability to respond before the trigger results in the ability to negate/cancel the triggering effect.

Like in EtG, in MtG your army sallies forth to your enemy to attack them. However in MtG you choose which, if any, of your creatures attack. In addition you are permitted to block incoming creatures with your own creatures. Blocking involves both the attackers and the blockers attacking each other. Unlike gravity pull, blockers only block 1 creature rather than all creatures. There are 3 types of activated abilities in MtG. 1 type requires the creature to be readied and removed the readiness (as normal). Attacking is also this kind of ability. This removing readiness is called tapping.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on August 31, 2012, 01:08:53 am
I'm asking because the topic of MtG came up on another forum and I tried to see it with an EtG point of view. Can you analyze and correct the response I had with a friend below if it isn't too much trouble? (Topic was gemhide sliver)

Quote from: furball
I have no idea how MtG works so I will try and think with the best of my EtG knowledge.
Quote from: kirant
It's the ability that's scary.  In Magic, you get summoning power from Mana.  Creatures that ramp up this speed are generally popular. 

A popular "Rare" creature is Birds of Paradise. It's a 0/1 Flying for 1 Green Mana with the ability of "Tap: Add one of any colour".  It's highly sought after in multicolour green decks because it can help with ANY colour.  Old Sliver decks often ran them heavily since their best cards are separated between different colours (but were deadly when used)
Ah. I had first assumed it was a vanilla creature. I see now that it is a mana accelerating creature.

comes to mind, but so does

What makes Gemhide Sliver terrifying is that it gives this to all creatures of the "Sliver" type.  In a Sliver deck, every Sliver card gives bonuses to every Sliver.  So you can see how this works: Gemhide comes out.  Next turn, it and the two land required to summon it, in addition to the land you just played, gives you 4 mana to the opponent's 3 (you can only play 1 land a turn).  So let's say you play two 2 CMC Slivers (Muscle Sliver, which strengthens them, and Heart Sliver, which gives everything Haste so it can move he turn of summoning).  Next turn, you have 7 available mana to work with in opposition to your opponent's 4.  And if you get enough Slivers out, your creatures will be stronger (Generally, if you can't kill a few off early, you'll have groupings of 5-6 of 5/5 to 6/6 strength creatures with multiple abilities mobbing you).  And if you take a look at all their legendaries (such as the aforementioned Sliver Legion), you can see they also require 1 of each colour to cast.  Imagine how broken it is and how much of a threat it is if you can pull out an end game powered creature on turn 3.  That makes everything else you own stronger.  And survives a lot of basic removal cards.

Elements lacks any exponential attack creatures. The closest I can think of are scarab and eclipse.

In my own deck, I run cards specifically BECAUSE of Gemhide Sliver.  I have cards that I have no ability to effectively utilize unless one of 12 cards (8 special lands) is out.  Gemhide are four of them and are the ones any opponent decides WILL die if they see it on the field because it effectively turns every creature on my side (which can spring into the 4-6 creature range quick) into a creature of immense popularity and power.  In addition to kicking your ass in combat.  So again, it's not exactly what Gemhide Sliver will do to you...it's what Gemhide Sliver does to my side that makes them a major threat.
So specific counters? This is probably a big part where MtG and EtG are different. WHile specific counters do exist in EtG, there isn't a lot of "elemental hate" besides one specific card that counters the above mentioned devourer. This is because EtG has a relatively small cardbase (less than 200 I think) and MtG has what, thousands?

The two biggest concerns with Slivers have always been: 1) They are multicoloured and are restricted by your land and 2) They're slow to start.  Gemhide Sliver fixes both since it's "any colour", not a specifically predefined one.  A set Sliver army can't get stopped very easily.  Not unless you use mass removal.
So the biggest problem with them are their mana acceleration and flexibility?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on August 31, 2012, 01:42:11 am
OldTrees Greetings once again I need to know if a card has already been created previously. It would be a spell, would give a bonification for weapon, for example: the target weapon gets + 4  attack.
I do not recall it being suggested before. However, is it versatile enough?
Moomoose did a fire card for it. I'll find the link.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 31, 2012, 02:03:47 am
There are a few details to understand.

When a card costs X mana it really means requires and unreadies X lands that turn (expends them for the turn). This means a card that costs 2 mana is more mana expensive than 2 cards that cost 1 mana.
since players are limited to 1 land per turn, early mana acceleration is trading a weaker turn for a stronger turn. (Imagine playing Purple Dragons for 5 :entropy rather than playing Abominations)

A card that costs 2 mana can range (less expensive to more expensive) from costing:
 :rainbow :rainbow (2 Lands)
 :life :rainbow (1 Life Land and 1 additional Land)
 :life :life (2 Life Lands)
 :life :light (1 Life Land and 1 Light Land)

So generating colorless mana is powerful enough. Generating colored mana is more powerful. Generating rainbow mana (mana of any color) is even more powerful. A card that gives all your creatures the option to generate rainbow mana is extremely powerful.

So yes it is the mana generation that is the strength of Gemhide Sliver and how it complements the expensive and exponential (actually logistic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_logistic_curve)) rush of slivers.

PS: Specific counters in his post referred to is similar to including CC to deal with SoFo and other decks with extremely dangerous creatures.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on August 31, 2012, 12:57:51 pm
Quote from: furballdn
Can you explain to me the rules and gameplay of MtG in a brief paragraph using only EtG terms?
@furball : Here's a detailed breakdown, if you need more info on it. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/UsefulNotes/MagicTheGathering)

Has this idea been done before?
"Scramble the top 3 cards of target stack into 3 random pillars."

Regarding Glass Knight:
At lower costs,  :underworld and  :rainbow are closer. What if it were cheaper and weaker?
Glass Knight is intended to be a midhitter closer to role of GoTP, Puffer Fish, and Phoenix - I feel bringing it down to the scale of a 'small' creature might make step more into the area of creatures such as Giant Frog, Abyss Crawler, and Graviton Mercenary, which I'm trying to avoid because I don't want this card to suddenly replace them in a low-cost speedbow or mono-element rush.

Regarding Legendaries:
A card being legendary does not affect its balance. It merely limits the amount used per deck.
But doesn't the amount of cards used per deck play a role in it's balance, too? The less copies of a card you can use, the less of a chance you'll actually see this card used during the game (admittedly, this is somewhat luck-based, but since the luck revolves around the deck it's possible to manipulate the deck to some degree with cards that allow you to draw. ETG lacks 'search' cards but I would expect them to also play a role.)

In addition, some effects might be much stronger if used multiple times on one turn. (especially an effect that relies on previous triggers of the same effect) Limiting the amount of 'triggers' per turn could slow it down considerably to the point of balance. [On that note : how would the concept of 'this ability can only be triggered once per turn on your side of the field' work? It allows additional copies of a creature/permanent to be played but prevents a stronger ability from being spammed too much.]

If Zanz decided to introduce Legendary-esque cards into the game,  but made a few versatile 'Common' Legendaries available to newbies as well, how would the meta be affected?

If you had to 'card'-ify the following:
Half Bloods
False Gods
The Oracle
What do you feel their 'power level' would be in relation to other cards?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on August 31, 2012, 06:32:54 pm
Half Bloods- cards that synergize between two elements, like  :life :water might be a card that capitalizes on  :life's and  :water's specialties.
False Gods- powerful cards that relate to the general strategy of the False God in question- Lionheart for example, might be a premanent that gives a bonus for playing powerful creatures, or something like that.
The Oracle-I'm tempted to say it'd be a random card generator fitting with what the in-game function of the Oracle is...But IDK.

I feel like Half-Bloods might be more powerful but risky-or safer to play, they are 'half-bloods' so while thematically they can be stronger they should still have traits that 'commoners' have as well.
False God cards would and should thematically be very powerful, but this in turn necessitates rarity, which would widen the newcomer/veteran gap further.
Oracle?-It's unknown wheather he is some sort of 'entity' alongside the False Gods, or more akin to an elemental who simply retired from fighting and just aids others now...
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on August 31, 2012, 07:26:47 pm
I do not believe scrambling pillars has been done before. However it does resemble Earthquake in effect.

There is a reason I caution against attempting Dragons and Nymphs that cost  :rainbow. This is related to the reason Shield was moved from  :death :life :light to Other. It is hard to make a midhitter that costs  :rainbow and is not restricted to rainbow decks.
(The more I think about it the more I am convinced that the effective cost of  :rainbow is logarithmic rather than linear. Maybe even logistic)

Imagine we have a card pool that contained enough legendary cards that a legendary only deck could be created without negative synergy. I could build a deck using legendary cards or a similar deck using commons. If legendary is an excuse for better cards then the legendary only deck would be better than the similar common deck. Therefore legendary is not an excuse for better cards.

Effects that have synergy with themselves (get better each time) should be balanced by the cost to use the ability. Legendary is unneeded.

The meta would not be greatly affected after the new card rush unless Zanz made the mistake to make the Legendary cards OP. In that case we would see a smaller impact than SoSac initially had due to the rarity of the usage but the impact per usage would be the same.

I try not to cardify Elementals. It is hard to put an entire deck into a single card. This is ignoring the possible recursion of putting a deck that contains an Elemental into a card symbolizing another Elemental.

Instead I would put metamorphosis spells/permanents that improved you mark. Even giving it an activated ability in the case of oracle.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: artimies7 on September 02, 2012, 06:38:07 pm
Morning, Idea Guru. So I made some Mycelium (fancy mushroom) art:
and I needed your insight into what would be thematically correct while also proper for the metagame as it is.

I was first going to have it heal 0 | 1 || 1 | 1 every turn, but the chat thought that was situational, similar to Guardian Angel.
Then I thought of simply draining the target creature of 1 hp every turn, but that's just poison all over again.
Life needs permanent control, right? So the latest idea I've been toying with is that it takes so many turns to destroy a targeted permanent. Yet toppling pillars isn't exactly what mushrooms do.

Any thoughts, good sir?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 02, 2012, 08:13:37 pm
Morning, Idea Guru. So I made some Mycelium (fancy mushroom) art:
and I needed your insight into what would be thematically correct while also proper for the metagame as it is.

I was first going to have it heal 0 | 1 || 1 | 1 every turn, but the chat thought that was situational, similar to Guardian Angel.
Then I thought of simply draining the target creature of 1 hp every turn, but that's just poison all over again.
Life needs permanent control, right? So the latest idea I've been toying with is that it takes so many turns to destroy a targeted permanent. Yet toppling pillars isn't exactly what mushrooms do.

Any thoughts, good sir?
Creature healing is situational because few attempts to kill a creature give you a turn inbetween to respond with healing.
I do not think Mushrooms are known for being parasitic or destructive.

I would suggest making a list of what mushrooms do:
They have spores (Myconids (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myconid))
They are food
They can form large Mycelium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycelium) mats
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 03, 2012, 10:32:42 pm
Do you agree with my analyses for weapons?

HP stats of weapons are ignored

Dirk = 2atk - X weaponbonus = 0
Sword = 3atk - X weaponbonus = 1
Bow = 4atk - X weaponbonus = 2
Hammer = 4atk - X weaponbonus = 2

X=2. Weapon bonus is 2.

Morning star = 7atk - 2 weapon bonus + immortal = 5
Immortality for weapons is worth +0

Vampire stiletto = 4atk - 2 weapon bonus + vampire = 1
Vampire for weapons is a -1 cost. Vampire Stiletto is probably OP. I suggest changing it to 2 :darkness at the least.

Owls Eye = 5atk - 2 weapon bonus + snipe = 5
Snipe is worth +2

Pulvy = 5atk - 2 weapon bonus + destroy = 4
Destroy is worth +1

Titan = 7atk - 2 weapon bonus + momentum = 5
Momentum for weapons is worth +0

Discord = 4atk - 2 weapon bonus + scramble = 3
Scramble is worth +1 cost.

Fahrenheit = 4atk - 2weapon bonus + fiery = 3
Fiery is worth +1

Trident =  4atk - 2 weapon bonus + EQ = 3
EQ is worth +1

Druidic staff = 2atk - 2 weapon bonus + regenerate = 2
Regenerate is worth +2

Arsenic = 2atk - 2 weapon bonus + poison = 2
Poison is worth +2

Lobotomizer = 5atk - 2 weapon bonus + lobotomize = 3
lobotomize is worth +0

Eternity = 4atk - 2 weapon bonus + RT = 6
Repeatable RT is worth +4

Vampire stiletto is OP. (Vampire ability costs -1 cost lol)
Immortality, momentum, and lobotomize are worth +0
Fiery, scramble, EQ, and destroy are worth +1 (And trident is still UP)
Regenerate, Poison, and Snipe are +2
Repeatable RT is worth +4
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 04, 2012, 12:09:19 am
My initial examination of weapons resulted in an estimate of X=3 :underworld

However it is good to double check once in awhile.

The first thing to note is 2 :rainbow =/= 2 :underworld
The second thing to note is the Elemental Weapons are considered more balanced than the Other weapons. (especially unupped where the math is simple)
The third thing to note is that more of the mark other weapons were not intended to have both mark and non mark usages balanced with each other.

Sword[UP?] = 3 atk - X weapon slot <= 1 :rainbow + 1 card
Dirk[UP?] = 3 atk - X weapon slot - X mark <= 0 :rainbow + 1 card
Hammer[UP?] = 4 atk - X weapon slot - X mark <= 2 :rainbow + 1 card
So the mark cost is 1 :rainbow and atk is 2 :rainbow (assuming balance and linear which is probably erroneous)
5 :rainbow - slot <= 0 :rainbow + 1 card
Based on Photon it seems the first card is worth 1 attack
3 :rainbow - slot <= 0
3 :rainbow <= Weapon slot

However I do not expect the slot to be so cheap.
MindFlayer 2 atk + Psionic Wave - 1 duo = 2 :water + 1 card
MindFlayer* 5 atk + Psionic Wave - 1 duo = 5 :water + 1 card
MindFlayer* 5 atk + Psionic Wave - 1 higher activation = 5 :aether + 1 card
MindFlayer* 5 atk + Psionic Wave - 1 higher activation + permanent - weapon slot
= 5 :aether + 1 card + permanent - weapon slot = Lobotomizer = 3 :aether + 1 card
2 :aether + permanent - weapon slot = 0
2 :aether < weapon slot

Your conclusion about Vampire Stiletto is probably accurate despite not being supported. The rest of your conclusions need a ">" symbol rather than "is worth"
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 04, 2012, 12:14:00 am
While :rainbow =/= :underworld I counted the other weapons like that for now since most would see use in mono decks. (You don't often see rainbow decks using them).

I am confused on why > is needed instead of =. Doesn't > mean greater than?

For example,
5 :aether + 1 card + permanent - weapon bonus = 3 :aether,
why do you say 2 :underworld < 0 instead of 2 :underworld = 0?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 04, 2012, 12:28:11 am
While :rainbow =/= :underworld I counted the other weapons like that for now since most would see use in mono decks. (You don't often see rainbow decks using them).

I am confused on why > is needed instead of =. Doesn't > mean greater than?

For example,
5 :aether + 1 card + permanent - weapon bonus = 3 :aether,
why do you say 2 :underworld < 0 instead of 2 :underworld = 0?
Other weapons are usually used begrudgingly in mono decks when unupped. However this is a good point that might explain why they are considered UP. (cost being higher than it appears)

5 :aether + 1 card + permanent - weapon bonus = 3 :aether + 1 card
2 :aether + permanent - weapon bonus = 0
2 :aether + permanent = weapon bonus
2 :aether < 2 :aether + permanent = weapon bonus
2 :aether < weapon bonus
So the weapon slot is worth more than a 2 elemental quanta discount.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 04, 2012, 12:30:02 am
Permanent is worth something? I mean, it probably is worth something, but I've always assumed that it is so close to 0 it is negligible.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 04, 2012, 12:44:10 am
Permanent is worth something? I mean, it probably is worth something, but I've always assumed that it is so close to 0 it is negligible.
PC costs more than CC. There is a reason. Think of permanent like an hp tier. It is better than 0-5hp but how much better?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on September 05, 2012, 03:39:36 am
full analyse please. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43247.0.html
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 05, 2012, 04:24:00 am
full analyse please. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43247.0.html
A permanent that generates a random creature.
The creature may or may not be a mutant. Chance?
The creature may or may not be an illusion. (Real but fragile. Disappears without death when targeted) Chance?

Value = Permanent generating random creatures * Possibly mutant * Possibly Illusion
Possibly mutant = (Random creature value * Random creature chance + Mutant Value * Mutant Chance) / Random Creature Value
Possibly mutant = (Random creature value * Random creature chance + Illusion Value * Illusion Chance) / Random Creature Value
Since Fate Egg is UP, a random creature is worth 4 :underworld or less.
The Firefly ability of FFQ costs +3 :air + duo + expensive and generates a 3 :air creature.
An expensive creature skill ( :underworld :underworld) generating random creatures would be worth +5 :underworld
An expensive permanent skill ( :underworld :underworld :underworld) generating random creatures would be worth +5 :underworld
That would be 4 :entropy casting cost and  :entropy :entropy :entropy activation cost maximum prior to factoring in the deviations.
Changing from unupped to upgraded creatures would be covered by the upgrade of this card but mutants are not upgraded creatures

Lots of possible outcomes -> form of entropy -> fits Entropy.
Do Illusions fit Entropy?

I see no problem for cards that target Illusions to take effect with the exception of Devour, Immolation and Catapult. Fractal and Nightmare could create normal cards in the hand.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 10, 2012, 05:30:58 am
Hey OldTrees. Haven't popped in here for a while.

Which would be a better card design (Assume X is some innovative and good idea. Y is a card already in the game. Z is another innovative and good idea)? "Do X" or "Do X, when used in conjunction with Y, Z happens"

Seeing Thalas's (http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd226141/Anma.png) makes me think about time value cards. Do they have potential? Like "This card can only be played after X turns" or "The card's cost is decreased by 1 each turn" or "This card's cost is decreased by 1 for every card you draw" How would they be balanced?

How would I go about balancing this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43354.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 10, 2012, 06:24:43 am
Hey OldTrees. Haven't popped in here for a while.

Which would be a better card design (Assume X is some innovative and good idea. Y is a card already in the game. Z is another innovative and good idea)? "Do X" or "Do X, when used in conjunction with Y, Z happens"
This is not a black and white issue.
The first is simpler. The second, if the costs are correctly distributed, is more versatile. Simplicity is the easiest way to achieve clarity. Versatility is the easiest way to achieve diversity. It would depend on whether simplicity or versatility is the greater virtue. One should also consider how the effect "Z" is shaped by the trigger "X & Y". Some effects are better when triggered than when on their own. Some triggers do not fit some effects. In cases like this you want to consider the shape the effect wants its impact to be. (Yes, I said mechanics have wants.)

Seeing Thalas's (http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd226141/Anma.png) makes me think about time value cards. Do they have potential? Like "This card can only be played after X turns" or "The card's cost is decreased by 1 each turn" or "This card's cost is decreased by 1 for every card you draw" How would they be balanced?
Hard limits (can't be played before/after/on turn X) reduce the versatility of the card. However in rare cases the versatility that is removed was limiting the amount of cases/uses that could be simultaneously balanced. I would consider it a last resort measure to optimize a card design. It should never be used to balance a card if it does not increase the number of balanced cases.

Soft limits (everything else quoted) are price discrimination based on time. This can balance an effect that is affected by time in the same manner. I find complex balancing feels more elegant if hidden. It is not hidden. There may be a better balance tweak that would fill the same role. However it does its job well mechanically.

How would I go about balancing this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43354.0.html)?
[using upgraded cards in calculations]
Crusader + Gavel = 9+7X attack for 2 :underworld + 7X :light
(actually 2 :rainbow but acts like duo  :underworld in this context due to the off mark and high :light usage)
Crusader + Gavel = 9+7X attack for 3 :light + 7X :light
Crusader + Abandoned Excalibur = 2+7X attack for [Casting cost of excalibur] + 8X :light
Casting Cost < 4-5 :light|3 :light
Simple text: Mono Endowed Excalibur is similar to Endowed Gavels but needs to be slightly cheaper because the weapon is lost.

Now all you have left is to make the ability worth using.
For the cost of Activation cost + Casting cost you get 14 more damage. At minimum it should return to the hand because the ability is not worth the draw cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on September 15, 2012, 07:57:19 pm
Grateful Oak (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43448.0.html)
Wise Ascendant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43446.0.html)
Focused Tinkerer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43447.0.html)
^Do you feel the above three cards need a quantum cost to 'draw' their card type, compared to Hourglass?

A full analysis of the three would also be greatly appreciated (they are mostly similar except for the card type they interact with.)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on September 15, 2012, 11:56:26 pm
Hrrrm...I feel something that should be considered , is that depending on the conditions of 'revealed' these cards might actually aid a 'control' based deck the opponent is running by giving him a 'heads-up' on what's coming, should both players be able to see it.
Not to mention that while at first glance it looks like an extra draw mill, it's dependant on what you've got left in your deck. If the cards you need to draw past match the type that the card draws, then it's pretty good. Otherwise...
I slightly feel there should be different stats for each, but that's just me.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 16, 2012, 03:06:05 am
Grateful Oak (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43448.0.html)
Wise Ascendant (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43446.0.html)
Focused Tinkerer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43447.0.html)
^Do you feel the above three cards need a quantum cost to 'draw' their card type, compared to Hourglass?

A full analysis of the three would also be greatly appreciated (they are mostly similar except for the card type they interact with.)
Grateful Oak draws Grateful Oaks
Creatures are more common than spells or permanents
Spells might be more common than permanents

It definitely needs to cost more to balance out the Hourglass effect. I would have an activation cost of  :life to draw a creature. (deck revealed regardless)
Adjust stats and casting cost to equalize balance between them.

There isn't a great comparison so I am not sure the exact casting cost.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on September 17, 2012, 12:07:31 am

Analysis please?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 17, 2012, 04:57:02 am

Analysis please?
This cuts pillar production in half|thirds among other effects (momentum every other turn).

The first thing to note is 6 :time+1card|7 :time+1card is not a 33% increase despite the effect receiving a 33% increase.
The next thing to note is cutting pillars in half is usually stronger than Earthquake.
This is increased because it has multiplicative synergy with denial.
And it bypasses protection.
Next we should estimate the value of mass momentum every other turn.

I would hazard a guess of 7 :time-11 :time unupped. The upgraded cards would cost slightly less than 33% more
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on September 19, 2012, 04:03:28 am
It's been a while since I stepped in here...

Could I get your thoughts on:
Glass Figurine | Glass Miniature

Stem Celluloid | Stem Celluloid
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: plastiqe on September 19, 2012, 04:08:38 am

OldTrees are you leaving?  Say it ain't so!
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 19, 2012, 05:32:05 am
It's been a while since I stepped in here...

Could I get your thoughts on:
Glass Figurine | Glass Miniature
6 fused quanta is less expensive than 6 elemental quanta (the later has a predefined pool) however they are very close.
If destroyed it refunds you with a card. (I will assume a balanced card because the shards should not be imbalanced)
Thus it pretty much only costs 6 fused rather than 6|3 fused + 1 card. This is about 3-5|0-2 fused + 1 card.
This seems to indicate 4|4 => 1|1 stats would be the minimum.
Having the quanta used determine the shard created was wise both thematically (source of the elemental influence) and mechanically (versatility).

Stem Celluloid | Stem Celluloid
7|6 :aether + 1 card
~= 5-6|4-5 :aether + 2 turns + 1 card
~= 5-6|4-5 :aether + 2 turns + 1 card
~= 5-7|4-6 fused + 2 turns + 1 card
This does not take hybrid results, immaterial or the positional prerequisite into account.
I think these factors would err towards the cheaper side of the range.

PS: When does it copy statuses?


OldTrees are you leaving?  Say it ain't so!
Leaving? No. Stepping down? Very likely.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 19, 2012, 05:35:49 am
Can I have your ideas so far on this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43432.msg1000576.html#msg1000576)?

Is element-->type voting the best way to vote? What would happen if crucible was separated by type and forge was separated by element?

Why are you stepping down? If you leave the position of idea guru, I don't think anyone can replace the void that will appear.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: plastiqe on September 19, 2012, 05:56:57 am
Well that's good.  I would've missed butting heads with you in the GS&F section.  : )
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 19, 2012, 06:14:01 am
Can I have your ideas so far on this (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43432.msg1000576.html#msg1000576)?

Is element-->type voting the best way to vote? What would happen if crucible was separated by type and forge was separated by element?

Why are you stepping down? If you leave the position of idea guru, I don't think anyone can replace the void that will appear.
Seniority does not cause skill. At best seniority in card designers correlates to how often they have been corrected/criticized. I assume a similar lack of causation occurs for pvp skill.

Having a merit based voting advantage does make sense if it uses causation rather than mere correlation. (Or at least uses a stronger correlation)

Your new layout does seem useful however the table is there in part so the thread does not rely on an image that can disappear or be out of date.

Approval points are an interesting idea.

We want a pyramid shape out of the number of poll threads. 12>3 therefore it should happen first.

I am stepping down for 3 reasons (not in order):
1) I think someone can manage the Idea Factory better than I have.
2) I need someone to make the new generation of cost theory. This requires them to feel confident enough to correct my mistakes. (Especially the ones I do not see)
3) Real life will make my activity less reliable. Since I do not know how active I will be I do not know if I will be active enough. It is better to find a replacement while I am still active.
I do not expect the next Idea Guru to fill the void I leave. I expect they will cover most of it and cover some areas I was not as skilled in.

: )
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 23, 2012, 12:26:33 am
I haven't seen any concepts of time and healing, and I was thinking, why can't time elementals heal? Thematically they could literally reverse the time on their own bodies to when they weren't injured.

How much should a card cost that returns the user's hp to the amount of hp they had last time? I'm thinking around 5-6 :time.
What if it were targettable and could target the opponent?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 23, 2012, 04:24:55 am
I haven't seen any concepts of time and healing, and I was thinking, why can't time elementals heal? Thematically they could literally reverse the time on their own bodies to when they weren't injured.

How much should a card cost that returns the user's hp to the amount of hp they had last time? I'm thinking around 5-6 :time.
What if it were targettable and could target the opponent?

People have suggested reverse time based healing both for players and creatures (revert to original).
The ability to do this is akin to (but weaker than) preventing damage for 1 turn. (compare number of turns per card to Dim Shield) It probably would need a limit to prevent endless stall power. Having it target either play would increase the versatility of the card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 23, 2012, 05:12:10 am
Yeah. After thinking about the idea for a while, a one turn health return for the user would be akin to a more powerful sundial that only affects the opponent. Do you think the idea of reverting your opponent's health to how it was one turn ago has potential?

If I have something that is 3 cards + 1 :underworld, how much damage should it do per turn?

Is it possible that the stat values of creatures aren't worth integer costs? (1atk could be worth .75, 2atk could be worth 1, 3atk could be worth 2.5 and HP also be like that). This way, it'd make it so that an X+1|3 creature be worth more than just 1 :underworld than an X|3 creature due to rounding.

If you go by a vanilla creature having X-1 as cost, does this mean a 5|3 creature should cost 4 :underworld and a 20|3 creature should cost 19 :underwrold?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on September 23, 2012, 11:35:37 am
Cost theory...
I believe Oldtree's method for this was something along the lines of offensive potential, survivability, and ability potential...
It couldn't handle one-off spells, and thus became a problem...
I unfortunatly learn from experience, and this isn't my forte, nor do I think I understand what would go into managing the idea factory...
But I think I could make, if nothing else, a 'Spell theory' that works alongside OldTree's 'Cost theory' while being seperate.
EDIT: I've come up with a theory of sorts, originally a 'Spell theory' but I think one that can envelop all types of cards.
Attack, Survival are creature specific traits.
Ability potential is maintained throughout spells, permanents, and creatures.
Now, this enables Spell to Creature comparisons, which work as thus:
Freeze is 1 :water to freeze target creature for three turns.
Whereas Artic Squid, costs 2 :water to use freeze, which makes Freeze the better option, but Artic Squid has the benefit of being repeat-castable (eternal?). This (eternal) effect comes at the price of being tied to a creature with relatively weak stats=1|2, so it can be destroyed by the defensive measure of CC.
This should enable balancing not only amongst creatures, or spells, but also creatures, spells and permanents.
Now, OldTrees, your counter?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on September 23, 2012, 04:33:44 pm
What are your thoughts on the healing/draw ratio of Mending Pocketwatch | Mending Pocketwatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41873.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 23, 2012, 05:02:20 pm
Yeah. After thinking about the idea for a while, a one turn health return for the user would be akin to a more powerful sundial that only affects the opponent. Do you think the idea of reverting your opponent's health to how it was one turn ago has potential?

If I have something that is 3 cards + 1 :underworld, how much damage should it do per turn?

Is it possible that the stat values of creatures aren't worth integer costs? (1atk could be worth .75, 2atk could be worth 1, 3atk could be worth 2.5 and HP also be like that). This way, it'd make it so that an X+1|3 creature be worth more than just 1 :underworld than an X|3 creature due to rounding.

If you go by a vanilla creature having X-1 as cost, does this mean a 5|3 creature should cost 4 :underworld and a 20|3 creature should cost 19 :underwrold?
Negating your damage and their healing for 1 turn is not normally useful. Usually if healing > damage then the stall deck has already started to ascend.

3 cards + 1 :underworld ~= 5-7 :underworld + 1 card. So around 6-7 damage per turn.

It is possible. In fact at the high attack extreme it might be likely for it be be non linear. (50 attack for 49 quanta? No thanks.) The relationship is non linear even in the range we work in. However no one has yet found the best vanilla creature yet so the approximation might be fairly accurate.

Yes a 5|3 creature costs 4 :death + 1 card. However I would not pay 19 :underworld + 1 card for a 20 attack creature.

Part of the non linear relationship for the high end has to do with the game ending before the creature dies. This means the creature has lower maximum resilience than lower attack creatures' average resilience.

Cost theory...
I believe Oldtree's method for this was something along the lines of offensive potential, survivability, and ability potential...
It couldn't handle one-off spells, and thus became a problem...
I unfortunatly learn from experience, and this isn't my forte, nor do I think I understand what would go into managing the idea factory...
But I think I could make, if nothing else, a 'Spell theory' that works alongside OldTree's 'Cost theory' while being seperate.
EDIT: I've come up with a theory of sorts, originally a 'Spell theory' but I think one that can envelop all types of cards.
Attack, Survival are creature specific traits.
Ability potential is maintained throughout spells, permanents, and creatures.
Now, this enables Spell to Creature comparisons, which work as thus:
Freeze is 1 :water to freeze target creature for three turns.
Whereas Artic Squid, costs 2 :water to use freeze, which makes Freeze the better option, but Artic Squid has the benefit of being repeat-castable (eternal?). This (eternal) effect comes at the price of being tied to a creature with relatively weak stats=1|2, so it can be destroyed by the defensive measure of CC.
This should enable balancing not only amongst creatures, or spells, but also creatures, spells and permanents.
Now, OldTrees, your counter?
Eternal means as many times per turn as you want and have quanta.
Reusable would be once per turn.

Arctic Squid: Reusable Freeze for 2 :water that costs 3 :water + 1 card to play, has to wait 1 turn to Freeze, is a 2hp creature, and has 1 attack.
Freeze: One time Freeze for 1 :water + 1 card, no delay, no vulnerability, no attack.
Spells are one of the areas that I did not have a good enough technique/comparison list to create a cost theory.
I would love to see someone create the next generation of the cost theory (just as I did when I expanded on PhantomFox's).

What are your thoughts on the healing/draw ratio of Mending Pocketwatch | Mending Pocketwatch (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41873.0.html)?
Expected draws before healing is uses would be fairly constant so the ratio would be dependent on the cost.
Costs 3 :time + 1 card + 2 :time = 5 :time + 1 card vs 3 :life + 1 card ~= 7.5 vs 5.5
X/7.5 = 20/5.5
X = 15*20/11 = 27
So the unupped is expected to heal around 27hp. (assuming the turns waited are normal for healing cards) That would be 6.75 turns with the current ratio. (assuming no draw accel)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on September 23, 2012, 05:20:03 pm
opinion on impact pump | impact buckler?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 23, 2012, 05:29:15 pm
opinion on impact pump | impact buckler?
Solar Shield
Shifted to gravity (balanced)
Quanta generation changed to quanta drain (balanced)
Quanta drain doubled (stronger)
Quanta drain changed from  :rainbow to random  :underworld (weaker due to chance of failure)

Upgrade to +1DR for +2 casting cost
(depends on the quanta drained per DR. 0 quanta drained per DR gets a +1 casting cost for +1 DR upgrade)

Fits thematically.
I do not know why you deviated from Devourer's version of quanta drain.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on September 23, 2012, 06:01:19 pm
What do you think of a :life permanent that added a Heal to the bottom of your deck when an allied creature died?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on September 23, 2012, 06:18:56 pm
What do you think of a :life permanent that added a Heal to the bottom of your deck when an allied creature died?
I find the idea interesting, I've been wanting to do something like this, but  :death has death effects and scavenger, so it was hard figuring out something that wouldn't seem more thematically fitting of  :death instead of  :life.
Now as for balancing...
That's easier said then done: I suppose the first place to look for comparisons is  :aether's mindgate, Shard of Serindipity, and Fractal, as well as possibly Eternity for the cost of anti-deckout.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 23, 2012, 06:27:20 pm
What do you think of a :life permanent that added a Heal to the bottom of your deck when an allied creature died?
I find the idea interesting, I've been wanting to do something like this, but  :death has death effects and scavenger, so it was hard figuring out something that wouldn't seem more thematically fitting of  :death instead of  :life.
Now as for balancing...
That's easier said then done: I suppose the first place to look for comparisons is  :aether's mindgate, Shard of Serindipity, and Fractal, as well as possibly Eternity for the cost of anti-deckout.
I don't have much to add other than
Cards at the bottom of the deck are a long term plan. They only matter if you would have decked out. So cards added to the bottom should be useful in that situation.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on September 23, 2012, 07:30:28 pm
Arctic Squid: Reusable Freeze for 2 :water that costs 3 :water + 1 card to play, has to wait 1 turn to Freeze, is a 2hp creature, and has 1 attack.
Freeze: One time Freeze for 1 :water + 1 card, no delay, no vulnerability, no attack.

Spells are one of the areas that I did not have a good enough technique/comparison list to create a cost theory.
I would love to see someone create the next generation of the cost theory (just as I did when I expanded on PhantomFox's).
Hrm...So the biggest issue with Spells, is that their effects are too varied to create a unifying 'balance table' like what creatures have. But that's my take on how to figure out the price of spells!
For example, for the balance of Freeze, in addition to the card itself, I'll use the creature Artic Squid, and it's vanilla companion, Blue crawler.
Blue crawler is 3 :water, for a 3|3.
Artic Squid, has the same price, but has 1|2 as stats.
So, the price for attaching a repeatable 'Freeze', in addition to the 2 :water cost of activation, is -2|-1 on the creatures stats.
In effect, we now have 'attack' and 'defense' stats for the spell-what must be removed to make it worth attaching to a creature and enabling the repeatable function.
This should enable the addition of 'creature' abilities as 'faux spells' and help the issue of a lack of data.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 23, 2012, 07:33:04 pm
You will still want a method for converting between activated skills and spells
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on September 23, 2012, 08:01:26 pm
Different spells have different exploitabilities. Some are highly exploitable when repeated (black hole, nightmare, freeze), and some are barely exploitable at all (most shields, aflatoxin, sky blitz). How would we factor this exploitability into the formula?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 23, 2012, 08:56:14 pm
Different spells have different exploitabilities. Some are highly exploitable when repeated (black hole, nightmare, freeze), and some are barely exploitable at all (most shields, aflatoxin, sky blitz). How would we factor this exploitability into the formula?
How do we factor this in for Dimensional Shield?

Value of the average number used in the average game / average number used in the average game = theoretical value

Do note that integration is preferable to averaging.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on September 23, 2012, 10:23:11 pm
Converting between spell and ability is tricky...
But that's kinda what I was getting at.
The idea was, you take 'Creature with ability', remove the cost of the ability, and add stats until the creature is a vanilla creature 'balanced' for it's cost...And then from there...I guess I didn't think this through.
I suspect the cost of the recastable ability, plus the cost teh ability adds to the creature's price, but minus the cost for the stats lost from the creature to balance it, should equal the creature's version...But at this point I'm half-guessing, half following my train of thought from earlier.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: eaglgenes101 on September 24, 2012, 12:04:01 am
I'm trying to find a thematic for a light card that heals you every time your opponent plays a card. Help?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on September 24, 2012, 02:01:59 am
I'm trying to find a thematic for a light card that heals you every time your opponent plays a card. Help?
Something along the lines of gaining courage or something to face the outnumbered odds?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on September 24, 2012, 02:05:05 am
I'm trying to find a thematic for a light card that heals you every time your opponent plays a card. Help?

Does it have to be light? imo, light has too much healing. It could also work thematically in life, where if a creature is played then you get healed. (vitality).
Though if you do want it to be light, it could be something along the line of keeping order/justice.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 24, 2012, 03:42:17 am
I'm trying to find a thematic for a light card that heals you every time your opponent plays a card. Help?

Does it have to be light? imo, light has too much healing. It could also work thematically in life, where if a creature is played then you get healed. (vitality).
Though if you do want it to be light, it could be something along the line of keeping order/justice.
Alternatively Darkness has a large theme of using the opponent. Healing from cards they play would be up its alley.

The closest I personally see Light getting is a creature/player gaining some hp when targeted.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on September 26, 2012, 02:57:30 am
How much is putting 3 poison on the opponent worth if it requires two cards?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 26, 2012, 03:01:11 am
How much is putting 3 poison on the opponent worth if it requires two cards?
Deadly poison = 2 :death + 1 card + upgrade for 3 poison.

If we assume 1 card = 2 :underworld,

2 cards + 2 :underworld = 3 poison
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on September 26, 2012, 03:06:26 am
How much is putting 3 poison on the opponent worth if it requires two cards?
Deadly poison = 2 :death + 1 card + upgrade for 3 poison.

If we assume 1 card = 2 :underworld,

2 cards + 2 :underworld = 3 poison

OT's been training you I see. Whether he wants to or not.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 26, 2012, 03:35:18 am
furballdn's analysis is accurate.

I like it when people pick up information. (The question is whether the means to obtain methods to find data was also picked up)

On another note:
I have announced I plan to step down sometime soon. I expected to find people that wanted the position. Surprisingly no one has nominated themselves. Please PM me if you are interested in the position.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on September 26, 2012, 06:15:12 am
OP, UP, OU, and UU

OP and OU example: Shard of Focus

OP and UU example: Elite charger, long sword

UP and OU example: ???

UP and UU example: Antlion, graviton mercenary

OP and OU cards should be nerfed. UP and Uu cards should be buffed. What about OP and UU cards? Or UP and OU cards? I can't seem to find any UP and OU examples, are there any? I think if they did exist, they'd be "fun" cards that players would use just for messing around and not serious play, like mutation.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 26, 2012, 01:28:08 pm
OP, UP, OU, and UU

OP and OU example: Shard of Focus

OP and UU example: Elite charger, long sword

UP and OU example: ???

UP and UU example: Antlion, graviton mercenary

OP and OU cards should be nerfed. UP and Uu cards should be buffed. What about OP and UU cards? Or UP and OU cards? I can't seem to find any UP and OU examples, are there any? I think if they did exist, they'd be "fun" cards that players would use just for messing around and not serious play, like mutation.
Usage is related to balance but not solely defined by balance. OPUU and UPOU cards tend to be cards with hidden strengths/weaknesses that cause people to inaccurately evaluate them. Alternatively they could appeal/repel the more popular play styles. In general I assume that when it comes to OPUU or UPOU cards that either I am mistaken about the card or I am mistaken about the player tastes. In both cases I would tend to leave them alone unless the usage is extreme in either direction.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on September 26, 2012, 03:23:54 pm
Of the various 12-Element series (Ingame Examples: Pillars/Dragons/Nymphs/Alchemy/Rare Weapons) posted on this forum, which ones do feel have notable design features for card designers to learn from? (Said 12-element series does not have to be 'complete' if implied there are 12 elemental counterparts)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 26, 2012, 03:56:42 pm
Of the various 12-Element series (Ingame Examples: Pillars/Dragons/Nymphs/Alchemy/Rare Weapons) posted on this forum, which ones do feel have notable design features for card designers to learn from? (Said 12-element series does not have to be 'complete' if implied there are 12 elemental counterparts)
1) Pillars
This is the foundation of EtG and thus careful examination of how quanta is valued is useful.
2) Pendulums
This is an example of an expansion of possible decks through a simple quantum mechanic.
3) Dragons
This starts to show the practical limit for casting costs and also hints at the non linear section of cost:attack
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on September 26, 2012, 04:04:00 pm
Of the various 12-Element series (Ingame Examples: Pillars/Dragons/Nymphs/Alchemy/Rare Weapons) posted on this forum, which ones do feel have notable design features for card designers to learn from? (Said 12-element series does not have to be 'complete' if implied there are 12 elemental counterparts)
1) Pillars
This is the foundation of EtG and thus careful examination of how quanta is valued is useful.
2) Pendulums
This is an example of an expansion of possible decks through a simple quantum mechanic.
3) Dragons
This starts to show the practical limit for casting costs and also hints at the non linear section of cost:attack
What about non-ingame examples (aka Card idea ones)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 27, 2012, 04:40:48 am
Of the various 12-Element series (Ingame Examples: Pillars/Dragons/Nymphs/Alchemy/Rare Weapons) posted on this forum, which ones do feel have notable design features for card designers to learn from? (Said 12-element series does not have to be 'complete' if implied there are 12 elemental counterparts)
1) Pillars
This is the foundation of EtG and thus careful examination of how quanta is valued is useful.
2) Pendulums
This is an example of an expansion of possible decks through a simple quantum mechanic.
3) Dragons
This starts to show the practical limit for casting costs and also hints at the non linear section of cost:attack
What about non-ingame examples (aka Card idea ones)?
Monolith/Obelisk series has examples of skilled pillars

New Elemental Weapon Series has examples of high quality weapons

Temple of Element and Element Maker are 2 series with different takes on duo pillars
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: waterzx on September 30, 2012, 05:15:52 am
 :fire Quick Heat | Quick Fire


What do you think about this kind of anti-PC ?

1. How much quanta should a semi-passive drawing ability cost ?

2. Would this card have too much impact against PC-oriented decks ?

3. Is the potential risk of decking out yourself significant enough to avoid abuse of this card ?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on September 30, 2012, 07:55:49 am
:fire Quick Heat | Quick Fire


1. What do you think about this kind of anti-PC ?

2. How much quanta should a semi-passive drawing ability cost ?

3. Would this card have too much impact against PC-oriented decks ?

4. Is the potential risk of decking out yourself significant enough to avoid abuse of this card ?
1. It allows you to replace destroyed permanents with quanta rather than quanta + draws.

2. Since it is a permanent, I would think it would be destroyed before its ability activated once. So you are paying X quanta + 1 card to make your opponent discard a PC card. If there are 2 of these out then you are paying 2X quanta + 1 card to make your opponent discard 2 cards. I would currently price it in the low 2-4 quanta range. Now if we add in self triggered permanent destruction we would see the price rise to 4-6 quanta.

3. No. 1-6 of these would usually cause such decks to have to use X+1-6 PC cards to destroy X permanents.

4. No. But balancing the card would make no use abusive.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on October 02, 2012, 08:57:20 pm
Is Clock | Chronometer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43840.msg1004572.html#msg1004572) balanced? If not, how would you balance it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 02, 2012, 09:39:30 pm
Is Clock | Chronometer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43840.msg1004572.html#msg1004572) balanced? If not, how would you balance it?

The +3|-3 of Tick Tock is roughly the value of Snipe. (slightly better)
 :air :air: Snipe costs Owl's Eye roughly 3 :air + 1 card
 :time :time :time: Give 3 +1|-1s would cost around 3-4 :time + 1 card
So we are in the right neighborhood. But how to include Aging? (aka extra use of skills including non activated ones)
Probably worth +1-2 :time for a total of 4-6 :time + 1 card.

PS: How does your Puffer Fish example work? Venom requires an attack to trigger so it would not be repeated by Aging.
3 attack, 8 attack, 9 attack = 3, 11 and 20 total damage (Clock)
3 attack, 9 attack, 9 attack = 3, 12 and 21 total damage (Chronometer)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Rutarete on October 03, 2012, 01:21:39 am
What do you think about a card using an active ability before it's been drawn? Or of having a passive ability be occurring before being drawn?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on October 03, 2012, 03:05:56 am
Is Clock | Chronometer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43840.msg1004572.html#msg1004572) balanced? If not, how would you balance it?

The +3|-3 of Tick Tock is roughly the value of Snipe. (slightly better)
 :air :air: Snipe costs Owl's Eye roughly 3 :air + 1 card
 :time :time :time: Give 3 +1|-1s would cost around 3-4 :time + 1 card
So we are in the right neighborhood. But how to include Aging? (aka extra use of skills including non activated ones)
Probably worth +1-2 :time for a total of 4-6 :time + 1 card.

PS: How does your Puffer Fish example work? Venom requires an attack to trigger so it would not be repeated by Aging.
3 attack, 8 attack, 9 attack = 3, 11 and 20 total damage (Clock)
3 attack, 9 attack, 9 attack = 3, 12 and 21 total damage (Chronometer)

So I've got the balancing right then? Oh, and my Puffer Fish example was about my new Puffer Fish (that furball kindly help balance) here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43688.msg1004264.html#msg1004264) Thankyou for pointing that out, I will add that link to the Notes.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 03, 2012, 10:06:06 am
Is Clock | Chronometer (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43840.msg1004572.html#msg1004572) balanced? If not, how would you balance it?

The +3|-3 of Tick Tock is roughly the value of Snipe. (slightly better)
 :air :air: Snipe costs Owl's Eye roughly 3 :air + 1 card
 :time :time :time: Give 3 +1|-1s would cost around 3-4 :time + 1 card
So we are in the right neighborhood. But how to include Aging? (aka extra use of skills including non activated ones)
Probably worth +1-2 :time for a total of 4-6 :time + 1 card.

PS: How does your Puffer Fish example work? Venom requires an attack to trigger so it would not be repeated by Aging.
3 attack, 8 attack, 9 attack = 3, 11 and 20 total damage (Clock)
3 attack, 9 attack, 9 attack = 3, 12 and 21 total damage (Chronometer)

So I've got the balancing right then? Oh, and my Puffer Fish example was about my new Puffer Fish (that furball kindly help balance) here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43688.msg1004264.html#msg1004264) Thankyou for pointing that out, I will add that link to the Notes.
Yes with the existing Puffer Fish. Unknown with the alternative Puffer Fish.

What do you think about a card using an active ability before it's been drawn? Or of having a passive ability be occurring before being drawn?
A card using an ability before it's been drawn? Why not? However the types of abilities that would work would be limited. Things like "starts in the top 10 cards".
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: russianspy1234 on October 03, 2012, 05:20:28 pm
can i get some help balancing the numbers with this?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on October 03, 2012, 07:02:58 pm
This mechanic has been used before in the bolt series, as well as  :fire's fahrenheit, but not as  :rainbow quanta...
I would presume simmilar balancing should be applied, however, this creature easily serves rainbows far better than it does  :life, so adjusting for that is a necessity.
I would reccomend a different attack table set-up, with a base amount of attack power and a slower attack scaling ratio, as a quanta pillar/tower could feed this creature more effectively than a fire pillar could feed fahrenheight, to encourage mono-use, instead of specifically being for rainbow use.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 03, 2012, 10:26:26 pm
can i get some help balancing the numbers with this?
This mechanic has been used before in the bolt series, as well as  :fire's fahrenheit, but not as  :rainbow quanta...
I would presume simmilar balancing should be applied, however, this creature easily serves rainbows far better than it does  :life, so adjusting for that is a necessity.
I would reccomend a different attack table set-up, with a base amount of attack power and a slower attack scaling ratio, as a quanta pillar/tower could feed this creature more effectively than a fire pillar could feed fahrenheight, to encourage mono-use, instead of specifically being for rainbow use.
Elemental equivalent:
It does 1 Fire Bolt of damage per turn for a casting cost of 1 :fire + 1 card + Fire mark that is hard to cast before a the 4th turn.
Oh and it prevents Black Hole and Devourers.

Ideally you would convert this card to (Mono, Duo, Trio or Rainbow) Life rather than merely Rainbow Life.
The next thing to deal with is the low casting cost. It needs to be higher so we have more to work with. If it costs X :life then the elemental equivalent would be X/3 :fire that is hard to cast prior to the (X+1)th turn.
Second the rate of increase needs to be reduced from a Fire Bolt per turn.
Fahrenheit is a permanent that costs 6 :fire for 4+2/3rds Fire Bolt per turn.
Consider 1 attack per 15 quanta (1 attack per 5 :fire) and a cost of 6 :life (2 :fire on the 7 turn)
This is a very rough estimate.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: russianspy1234 on October 03, 2012, 11:40:27 pm
hmmm i did originally have it at 15, not sure why i thought bringing it down to 10 was a good idea.  possibly because it can't be creature removal.  making it mono-life would be thematically awkward wouldn't it?  that was the main reason i did rainbow, couldn't think of a good theme for something that wasn't.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 04, 2012, 04:05:24 am
hmmm i did originally have it at 15, not sure why i thought bringing it down to 10 was a good idea.  possibly because it can't be creature removal.  making it mono-life would be thematically awkward wouldn't it?  that was the main reason i did rainbow, couldn't think of a good theme for something that wasn't.
Thematically awkward? That is not the first obstacle. Shifting it so all stages of Life usage (Mono, Duo, Trio and Rainbow) is a mechanically puzzle that I do not see a good answer to. (Maybe have it check the highest pool?) The thematic issue might change the ending element but would be a tiny obstacle.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Absol on October 04, 2012, 04:17:51 am
Is this card balanced, mechanic-wise?
If it's OP, will reducing the effect to 1 turn balance it?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 04, 2012, 05:08:40 am
Is this card balanced, mechanic-wise?
If it's OP, will reducing the effect to 1 turn balance it?
Shard of Sacrifice has lots of available counters. The question is the efficiency of SoSac and the efficiency of the counters. This is really hard to predict in theory to this degree. (Theory only complains about the real SoSac not having a cost) If this version were imbalanced then it would be imbalanced by inches not feet. This means cutting the duration in half would probably be over reacting. The max hp loss is hard to increase and the casting cost is near the ideal limit for  :rainbow.

So in this case I would refer you to the balance opinion of PvP experts.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on October 05, 2012, 05:04:54 am
Please excuse this large deluge of questions. These popped up while I was analyzing creature cost theory. Started here (http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/Creature_cost_theory) if you were curious by the way.

Is the upgrade bonus consistent? I think there are times they are a -1 bonus, most of the time it is -2, and occasionally we have the probably OP -3 bonus.

If a creature has 0atk, do they get a -1 bonus, or is it still 0?

Is it okay to make say, gravity dragon slightly OP to give gravity (one of the least offensive elements) some offense? It is pretty expensive so it doesn't get to be abused by rainbows, and the high cost will mean that someone playing them will most likely be using mono gravity, already a handicap to offense.

How much exactly do you feel duo cost ability and how much ability costs add on to a creature? I feel a 1 :underworld upkeep is worth +1 card.

How much is a "drain all :underworld left" side-effect on a spell worth?

Should elite immortal cost 6 :aether? It'd cost around 6.5 :aether with a -1 upgrade bonus, and 5.5 with a -2 upgrade bonus.

How is seraph? A 10|1 immortal creature would probably cost 15 :underworld+1 card. Seraph for invincibility is 9 :fire+2 cards and a one turn delay before it can protect itself. There is also quite a difference in 1hp and 3hp even when immortalized. How much is that worth exactly?

Why is crimson dragon not linear? 12|3 seems like it should be worth 11 :fire instead of 10 :fire.

When balancing creatures, should they only be balanced individually or should their combos (adrenaline) and element be taken into account? How should it be taken into account?

Seems all the dragons are a bit wonky. Devonian dragon has 10|5 stats and costs 10 :time. Seems balanced. Silurian dragon has 13|4 stats and costs 12 :time. Where'd the upgrade bonus for silurian go?

Should certain elements give benefits to their own creatures? i.e. :life gives all its creatures -1 cost. :fire gives its creatures +1atk. :earth and :gravity give their creatures free hp boost.

If we go by mechanics and the creature cost theory already, it seems a lot of darkness creatures are UP, yet in actual game play, they're balanced, if not pretty powerful? Why is this? Is this because of nightfall? If a card like nightfall was in other elements, would that warrant a tiny nerf to that element's creatures? How come death creatures don't seem to be UP?

How would you price passives? (mummy, voodoo, airborne, swarm, possessive)

How is vampire calculated? I originally had it set at +2, but I assume it is closer to something like immateriality, with attack times a number (*1.5 perhaps?)

Can you hold something that is not being held?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: choongmyoung on October 05, 2012, 07:35:09 am
drain all quanta - can mean.. no use twice a turn. (blitz or possibly 2~3 fractals in a turn) or no other action after(miracle)
3~6 creature hp worth 1 quantum maybe.
vamps attack can considered by: 2X-1 is considered as real atk. reason? 2x is quite implicit, -1 is from possible DR shield.
really, really brilliant and sexy questions, maybe I can think about it when with my laptop ;)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 05, 2012, 08:37:31 am
Please excuse this large deluge of questions. These popped up while I was analyzing creature cost theory. Started here (http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/Creature_cost_theory) if you were curious by the way.
This motive means I need to go more in depth to support my opinions such that the author can judge for themselves. I will answer some but you will need to submit the rest again more slowly. You could resubmit some right after you read this. I just need the unread posts reminder.

Is the upgrade bonus consistent? I think there are times they are a -1 bonus, most of the time it is -2, and occasionally we have the probably OP -3 bonus.
We have an interesting range of metagames for EtG. Unupped and Upped of course but also some metagames that are partially upgraded. To maintain balance in these metagames we would need a relatively consistent bonus per upgrade. Additionally all in game cards have the same upgrade price. This implies that the optimal design move would be to have a consistent upgrade bonus. (With some variance due to the gut feel and playtest balance system Zanz uses) I have interpreted cards to have a range of +0 to -3 bonus with a significant portion having -1 to -2.

If a creature has 0atk, do they get a -1 bonus, or is it still 0?
A 0|1 has very little value. It is not worthless in that it can power immolation, feed Otyugh, power bonds, be flung, destroy permanents or be buffed. Assuming Photon is balanced then a 0|1 has a value between 0 quanta + 0 cards and 0 quanta + 1 card.

Is it okay to make say, gravity dragon slightly OP to give gravity (one of the least offensive elements) some offense? It is pretty expensive so it doesn't get to be abused by rainbows, and the high cost will mean that someone playing them will most likely be using mono gravity, already a handicap to offense.
If we do it then we have no reason not to repeat it for similar circumstances like Life CC. This would increase the time and complexity of balancing cards. Ideally we can give Gravity ways to use its own offense (Like Dim Shields do for Phase Dragons). Additionally we can add more offensive cards like Acceleration. However this hints at another topic. What about creatures that have dis-synergy with their element? Cards that are more powerful in duos than in monos even after adjusting for the duo cost? If we make the duo usage OP enough we enable the mono usage. However in doing so we have moved the goal that it needed to reach for the mono usage to be viable compared to the duo usage. In general it is better to have UP usages that are never used rather than OP usages which drain players from other strategies in addition to preventing the weaker usage.

How much exactly do you feel duo cost ability and how much ability costs add on to a creature? I feel a 1 :underworld upkeep is worth +1 card.
Abilities come with an investment and a per use cost. The investment is usually the casting cost - the stat value + the turn delay + the risk of wasting the investment to removal. Duo cost ability is usually as expensive as a duo combo. I have made a gut estimate of +1 quanta per additional quanta type. However this is merely a gut estimate. Ability costs might be worth a card the turn before the effect is used. However the real question is either how much does a 0 cost activated ability increase the cost of a photon or how much would an activated ability cost if it did not affect the casting cost. Also remember that cost transferred from the activation cost to the casting cost slows down the rest of the card and increases the investment being risked (and thus the risk cost of investment).

How much is a "drain all :underworld left" side-effect on a spell worth?
The casting cost is how much cost is usually paid not what it printed in the upped right corner.

Can you hold something that is not being held?
If I could hold something that is not being held it would become held as a result of my holding it.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: choongmyoung on October 05, 2012, 10:06:45 am
Well, little-bittle thoughts from me.
When balancing creatures, should they only be balanced individually or should their combos (adrenaline) and element be taken into account? How should it be taken into account?
Combos should be considered, yes. If there was no Max HP increasers, miracle should be cost little under.

Seems all the dragons are a bit wonky. Devonian dragon has 10|5 stats and costs 10 :time. Seems balanced. Silurian dragon has 13|4 stats and costs 12 :time. Where'd the upgrade bonus for silurian go?
Upped bonus can still be -0. See SN. Lost its free cost, but it can power 12 :underworld instead of 6 :underworld total. This is kinda big difference. It is actually seems OP to me but see the super duper Instosis combo. Devonian cannot support them. Generally dragons don't have good ATK/Cost Ratio, but it is the main of OTKs. Sometimes its own existence have meaning.

Should certain elements give benefits to their own creatures? i.e. :life gives all its creatures -1 cost. :fire gives its creatures +1atk. :earth and :gravity give their creatures free hp boost.
It's about the concept of the elements. Like, :fire is more aggressive so gaining ATK boost while losing some HP. :earth gained HP but ATK. Exchanging of Equivalent HP and ATK.

How would you price passives? (mummy, voodoo, airborne, swarm, possessive)
Mummy + RT = Pharaoh.
1. Mummy + RT = 2 Cards + 3 :death + 1 :time = 4(card itself) + 3 + 1 - 1(duo) = 7 cost total, without RT 5 ATK. Even better than the Pharaoh but much less HPs.
Pharaoh = 11 cost total.
Mummy+RT seems little better than Pharaoh.
1-1. Skeleton + RT = Egg.
Skeleton + RT = 2 Cards + 1 :death + 1 :time = 4(card itself) + 1 + 1 - 1(duo) = 5 cost total, without RT 2 ATK.
Egg = 6 cost total. Skeleton+RT seems little better than the egg.
2. Voodoo passive is just in Golem and Dolls. I will ignore golem part since voodoo golem is just anti-CC mechanism. (Or just for fun)
With dolls, voodoo passive should be count as card strategy itself. It has lots of HP to get along with. Its damage bypasses anything (but SoSac ;)) and the poison is doubled. Doubles the GP and BB synergy (not only blocking all damage but reflecting to your opponent). Hard but it seems the best balance.
3. Airborne..? Blitz, SoFre, Wing/web, Wardens. Anyway airborne is better than nothing so cost 1 quantum...
Though, :air creatures with airborne is pretty natural, and others synergy should be in duo(Okay okay SoFre but let's think in the out of the way of Shards), so 1 quantum - 1 duo bonus seems zero for me.
Like.. If it's airborne, good. If not, well, okay.
4. With swarm ability, it must swarm. or it's nothing. (not counting Blessing kinda thing)
So like voodoo-passived dolls, let's see Scarabs.
Scarab costs 2 :time and 3 ATK. 1 :gravity devour ability but cannot be done without swarm.
Cost ATK ratio is same with Poison so without swarm is is worse than poison maybe. Swarm is the potential. So like... 0.5 :underworld?
5. You meant poisonous? Well this is just an anti-specific CC mechanism. Too specific so like airborne, I see zero cost.
Btw I think virus should be poisonous.. Maybe it is so petty to make infect in the digesting system. ;)

How is vampire calculated? I originally had it set at +2, but I assume it is closer to something like immateriality, with attack times a number (*1.5 perhaps?)
Answering again sure with my guess. X ATK with vamp ability = 2X-1 actual ATK point.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on October 06, 2012, 04:32:27 am
A lot of dragons (and their upped counterparts) don't fit into my current model. Why is this? Are they supposed to be like this?

When balancing creatures, should they only be balanced individually or should their combos (adrenaline) and element be taken into account? How should it be taken into account?

Should certain elements give benefits to their own creatures? i.e. :life gives all its creatures -1 cost. :fire gives its creatures +1atk. :earth and :gravity give their creatures free hp boost.

If we go by mechanics and the creature cost theory already, it seems a lot of darkness creatures are UP, yet in actual game play, they're balanced, if not pretty powerful? Why is this? Is this because of nightfall? If a card like nightfall was in other elements, would that warrant a tiny nerf to that element's creatures? How come death creatures don't seem to be UP?

How would you price passives? (mummy, voodoo, airborne, undead, poisonous [causes poisoning if eaten], swarm, possessive [ghost ability])

How is vampire calculated? I originally had it set at +2, but I assume it is closer to something like immateriality, with attack times a number (*1.5 perhaps?) 1.5*attack seems to fit the model I have now.

Comparing certain cards makes me feel that there is some disparity. In all cases, the last is better.
Virus = 1|1 + infect for sacrifice + 1 :death
Bloodsucker = 1|1 + :death for infect + 2 :darkness
Toadfish = 6|4 + :air for infect + 5 :water

Forest spirit = 1|1 + :water for growth + 2 :life
Lava golem = 5|1 + :earth for growth + 5 :fire

lycanthrope = 1|1 + :darkness :darkness for +5/+5 + 1 turn + 2 :entropy
Graboid = 2|3 + immaterial + :time for +6/+0 + 1 turn + 3 :earth
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: TheAccuso on October 06, 2012, 04:55:20 am
Seems like we got a new guru in da house.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on October 07, 2012, 01:58:57 am
Seems like we got a new guru in da house.
Several, if the activity here is any indication.

Kitsune Trickster | Kitsune Trickster (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43674.0.html)

Is the card accurately priced for its disruption abilities?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 07, 2012, 03:20:46 am
A lot of dragons (and their upped counterparts) don't fit into my current model. Why is this? Are they supposed to be like this?
Would you pay 49 :underworld + 1 card for a 50 attack creature? I would not yet I would pay 1 card for a Photon or 2 :life + 1 card for a Horned Frog. This indicates that the balance is not indefinitely linear and deviates from linear as cards get more expensive/powerful. However dragons are old cards and do not significantly deviate from the theory. They might be slightly imbalanced and thus not corrected.

When balancing creatures, should they only be balanced individually or should their combos (adrenaline) and element be taken into account? How should it be taken into account?
The rational usage should be considered. The rational player would use cards optimally. This would include their combos unless their combos are worse than the individual card. This would include individual cards unless they are worse than the combo.

Should certain elements give benefits to their own creatures? i.e. :life gives all its creatures -1 cost. :fire gives its creatures +1atk. :earth and :gravity give their creatures free hp boost.
It is easier to balance cards if elements did not have separate balance theories. However it is wise to give a nod to thematic when crafting mechanics. A fire card would have more attack which would make it more expensive than a life card.

If we go by mechanics and the creature cost theory already, it seems a lot of darkness creatures are UP, yet in actual game play, they're balanced, if not pretty powerful? Why is this? Is this because of nightfall? If a card like nightfall was in other elements, would that warrant a tiny nerf to that element's creatures? How come death creatures don't seem to be UP?
There are differences between the elements based on the elemental favor (opposite of elemental hate) effects that exist in the game. If these differences are considered during balancing then forced combos with very weak force will be created. The other option results in inaccurate measurements of balance.

How would you price passives? (mummy, voodoo, airborne, undead, poisonous [causes poisoning if eaten], swarm, possessive [ghost ability])
How would you price abilities? Examine the ability to see how it operates. Mummy is an optional cost for a transformative effect. Luckily it is also an alternate cost for an effect with another default cost.

How is vampire calculated? I originally had it set at +2, but I assume it is closer to something like immateriality, with attack times a number (*1.5 perhaps?) 1.5*attack seems to fit the model I have now.
Vampire should be more valuable on Black Dragon than it is on Photon due to the higher attack. However healing is not as valuable as damage.

Comparing certain cards makes me feel that there is some disparity. In all cases, the last is better.
Virus = 1|1 + infect for sacrifice + 1 :death
Bloodsucker = 1|1 + :death for infect + 2 :darkness
Toadfish = 6|4 + :air for infect + 5 :water
Sacrifice creates a death trigger and prevents a second use of infect. These are relevant. Either Toadfish or Bloodsucker is imbalanced.

Forest spirit = 1|1 + :water for growth + 2 :life
Lava golem = 5|1 + :earth for growth + 5 :fire
One of these is imbalanced.

lycanthrope = 1|1 + :darkness :darkness for +5/+5 + 1 turn + 2 :entropy
Graboid = 2|3 + immaterial + :time for +6/+0 + 1 turn + 3 :earth
Graboid's ability is OP.

Seems like we got a new guru in da house.
Several, if the activity here is any indication.

If furballdn wishes to apply for Idea Guru he will need to send me a PM to initiate candidacy submission.

Kitsune Trickster | Kitsune Trickster (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,43674.0.html)
Is the card accurately priced for its disruption abilities?
Shuffling the opponent's deck while seeing their next draw is too powerful for the activation cost. It is similar to but not as powerful as a draw lock.
The transformation upon death seems unnecessary and would increase the cost beyond the other abilities.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on October 15, 2012, 09:48:30 am
I believe I may have given you my thoughts on the targeting of Imamterial creatures before.  So, disregarding the view of it so far, would you say that Machian Falcon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,44101.0.html) is balanced?  Would the range of Immaterial objects count as being subjected to Elemental Hate?

Also, can I get your thoughts on Pesticide (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,44097.0.html)?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 15, 2012, 10:09:57 am
I believe I may have given you my thoughts on the targeting of Imamterial creatures before.  So, disregarding the view of it so far, would you say that Machian Falcon (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,44101.0.html) is balanced?  Would the range of Immaterial objects count as being subjected to Elemental Hate?

Also, can I get your thoughts on Pesticide (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,44097.0.html)?
1) The linked card does not necessarily target. (Nightfall effects "all creatures" and does not target)
2) 4 :air + 1 card + hp support => 4 attack +  :air :air: All creatures take 1 damage and Immaterial cards (Permanents and Creatures) are destroyed.
This is a powerful ability. Unupped the hp support is a trio. Upgraded it is a duo.
4 :air + 3|2 cards + 1 :earth|0 + 3 :light => 5 attack + :air :air :light: All creatures take 1 damage and Immaterial cards (Permanents and Creatures) are destroyed.
The repeatable damage seems strong but fits the cost of the support.

However the destruction of Immaterial cards is a problem:
6 :air + 1 card => 2 :earth|1 :earth + 1 card : Destroy pillar stack

Yes "Destroy Immaterial cards" is elemental hate. It exhibits the large difference between non hate and hate usages that makes simultaneous balancing hard/impossible. (aka the Elemental Hate problem)

Destroying all 0-1 cost creatures is too situational for me to ever have a use for.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on October 16, 2012, 03:55:05 am
- Color Hate in MTG vs. Element Hate (Theorectical) in ETG
Are there any notable differences/similarities?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 16, 2012, 04:23:44 am
- Color Hate in MTG vs. Element Hate (Theorectical) in ETG
Are there any notable differences/similarities?
Since the frequency of an element/color is lower is EtG, Elemental Hate cards are more situational and have larger gaps between hate/nonhate usages than Color Hate.

Cards get phased out in MtG. The stay forever is EtG.

We get new cards slowly.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on October 17, 2012, 04:25:59 pm
Oh, great Idea Guru Drake (just teasing you :P), what about a high hp :fire creature which can gain +1|-1 per turn? Would that be balanced?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on October 17, 2012, 04:28:19 pm
Oh, great Idea Guru Drake (just teasing you :P), what about a high hp :fire creature which can gain +1|-1 per turn? Would that be balanced?

Well, that does depend on its base stats and playing cost, neither of which has been provided.

However, I don't see how that fits thematically within a :fire.  Maybe a duo creature with :fire being the ability, but aside from that, it does not seem obvious immediately.  Considering Acceleration, the ability itself may actually be underpowered and may better suit :gravity.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: choongmyoung on October 17, 2012, 04:45:10 pm
Oh, great Idea Guru Drake (just teasing you :P), what about a high hp :fire creature which can gain +1|-1 per turn? Would that be balanced?
Reminds me the Onryo.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 17, 2012, 08:46:32 pm
The new Idea Guru has been selected: Drake_XIV

Oh, great Idea Guru Drake (just teasing you :P), what about a high hp :fire creature which can gain +1|-1 per turn? Would that be balanced?

Well, that does depend on its base stats and playing cost, neither of which has been provided.

However, I don't see how that fits thematically within a :fire.  Maybe a duo creature with :fire being the ability, but aside from that, it does not seem obvious immediately.  Considering Acceleration, the ability itself may actually be underpowered and may better suit :gravity.
To expand on what Drake_XIV said:
Since it is not a complete idea (missing attack and cost) the question is if it is balance-able. Looking at Acceleration as evidence it seems easily possible to balance the card. Venom also does one more damage this turn than it did last turn. However this is weaker in 2 ways
1. The hp cost
2. Poison remains when the creature dies

Thematically I would suggest looking into Steam Machine and Acceleration rather than Fire.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: russianspy1234 on October 19, 2012, 08:24:26 pm
so i want to make a card like nightfall but for  :time (or perhaps :time/ :aether or  :time/ :gravity).  How different would the balance need to be since time has dune scorpion, which is a bit more powerful than deathstalker?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: EmeraldTiger on October 19, 2012, 08:59:52 pm
Perhaps this thread should be retired and Drake start a new one.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on October 19, 2012, 09:02:29 pm
Perhaps this thread should be retired and Drake start a new one.

Actually, it will.  It will be done later this month or so.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Drake_XIV on October 19, 2012, 09:33:14 pm
so i want to make a card like nightfall but for  :time (or perhaps :time/ :aether or  :time/ :gravity).  How different would the balance need to be since time has dune scorpion, which is a bit more powerful than deathstalker?

I've actually toyed with this idea for a time, but couldn't settle on a solid thematic connection myself.

Regardless, for starters, considering the range, it couldn't be limited to :time [Forced Combo (?)] nor be a :time card [Easily Abusable].  Considering the lock down and stall :time has in element, that would be the worse element to put something like that.  But if you did, it would have to somewhat pricey and/or temporary.

If you went for something that exactly paralleled Nightfall, like stated above, it'd have to be in a duo element [You considered :aether] and considerable more expensive, looking not only at Dune Scorpion, but other candidates both in :time [Deja Vu] and out [If :aether, Psion].  I would actually consider Shard of Patience when balancing something like this.

I will withhold further statements as I think it will be more as a Card Designer and my own feelings when it comes to card creation as opposed to what I feel should be an unbiased view of an ability.  Still trying to determine if these should be kept separate and if so, where I should draw the line.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 20, 2012, 11:29:09 am
so i want to make a card like nightfall but for  :time (or perhaps :time/ :aether or  :time/ :gravity).  How different would the balance need to be since time has dune scorpion, which is a bit more powerful than deathstalker?

I've actually toyed with this idea for a time, but couldn't settle on a solid thematic connection myself.

Regardless, for starters, considering the range, it couldn't be limited to :time [Forced Combo (?)] nor be a :time card [Easily Abusable].  Considering the lock down and stall :time has in element, that would be the worse element to put something like that.  But if you did, it would have to somewhat pricey and/or temporary.

If you went for something that exactly paralleled Nightfall, like stated above, it'd have to be in a duo element [You considered :aether] and considerable more expensive, looking not only at Dune Scorpion, but other candidates both in :time [Deja Vu] and out [If :aether, Psion].  I would actually consider Shard of Patience when balancing something like this.

I will withhold further statements as I think it will be more as a Card Designer and my own feelings when it comes to card creation as opposed to what I feel should be an unbiased view of an ability.  Still trying to determine if these should be kept separate and if so, where I should draw the line.
Being limited to Time would not be a forced combo unless it was cheaper than its cost thus forcing all Time players to run it. However it would not be as versatile as an alternative design would be. (Versatility can increase the metagame)

One of the flaws in the Nightfall card is the lack of stacking. Players need more than 1 to be able to draw them regularly but if they draw a 2nd or 3rd then it wasted a draw. Ideally you would solve this problem.

I would use Nightfall as the primary comparison with Shard of Patience as a secondary comparison. Nightfall can be an aggro card. Shard of Patience is inefficient if used as an aggro card.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Zaealix on October 20, 2012, 10:02:53 pm
Building on the  :time boost discussion...This isn't the best way to incorporate it, but what if it was a card that provided a temporary buff?
Thematic idea: War Readiness/Adreniline surge/ Entering a state meant specifically for combat, as opposed to a 'standard state.' of sorts.
adding the 'stacking' thing enables either a larger stat increase (with the possible provision that it declines over time, going with the theme/ a possible way to control the card's power- or simply an extension of the duration of the buff.)
Now, as for the card itself, perhaps it could read something like this:
Battle Time|Wartime
+3|+3 to all creatures on your side of the field.
Decay: This boost gains -1|-1 per turn. Destroy when boost equals +0|+0.
Drawing more of the same card could make a nice mechanic for thematically melding with  :time. It has plenty of cards that enable multiple draws, perhaps a theme to be looked into in future is cards that require/ are enhanced when more cards are drawn.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Captain Scibra on October 20, 2012, 11:13:07 pm
Just my two cents, Gravity sounds like the choice if you want it to be suit with Nightfall.  You could probably base it off of Gravitational time dilation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_time_dilation).
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Dm on October 20, 2012, 11:28:26 pm
Silly question time -- 3 Elements have scorpions, each of them with their own special ability. Considering the thematics (and making the scorpion not broken), what other element would a new scorpion fit, and, if any element at all would fit, would the scorpion need to be "bland" or have a special ability to make up for it?

(This is just a question I have toyed with in my mind plenty of times and never found the answer to.)

(A thread that would show my general idea for that scorp would be here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=35318.0)
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Annele on October 21, 2012, 12:35:55 am
Silly question time -- 3 Elements have scorpions, each of them with their own special ability. Considering the thematics (and making the scorpion not broken), what other element would a new scorpion fit, and, if any element at all would fit, would the scorpion need to be "bland" or have a special ability to make up for it?

(This is just a question I have toyed with in my mind plenty of times and never found the answer to.)

(A thread that would show my general idea for that scorp would be here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=35318.0)

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: Captain Scibra on October 21, 2012, 12:55:52 am
Silly question time -- 3 Elements have scorpions, each of them with their own special ability. Considering the thematics (and making the scorpion not broken), what other element would a new scorpion fit, and, if any element at all would fit, would the scorpion need to be "bland" or have a special ability to make up for it?

(This is just a question I have toyed with in my mind plenty of times and never found the answer to.)

(A thread that would show my general idea for that scorp would be here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=35318.0)


Such a nostalgic thread. :D

In any event, any element with attack buffs should not have a scorpion whose effect suggests that it starts with 0 attack.  Exception is Fire, since it would kill it at the same time, but Light, Gravity, Darkness, and Entropy should not contain a special scorpion.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 21, 2012, 05:03:26 am
Silly question time -- 3 Elements have scorpions, each of them with their own special ability. Considering the thematics (and making the scorpion not broken), what other element would a new scorpion fit, and, if any element at all would fit, would the scorpion need to be "bland" or have a special ability to make up for it?

(This is just a question I have toyed with in my mind plenty of times and never found the answer to.)

(A thread that would show my general idea for that scorp would be here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=35318.0)


Such a nostalgic thread. :D

In any event, any element with attack buffs should not have a scorpion whose effect suggests that it starts with 0 attack.  Exception is Fire, since it would kill it at the same time, but Light, Gravity, Darkness, and Entropy should not contain a special scorpion.

3 Additional factors:
1) This is elements the game not X the game. We want lots of small sets so the focus of the game is on the elements not the races/species.
2) Some elements are thematically opposed to fragile creatures.
3) There is only so far you can stretch the theme of poison.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on October 21, 2012, 10:29:04 pm
Immortal Enhancement vs. Immortal Destruction/Removal

What do you think of cards with either effect?
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 21, 2012, 10:42:11 pm
Immortal Enhancement vs. Immortal Destruction/Removal

What do you think of cards with either effect?
I see them as less versatile than they could be (Why only immaterial?) and I would prefer if they did not target (Consistency).

Shard of Patience vs Fire Shield rather than Shard of Wisdom vs Shard of Wisdom
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: OldTrees on October 21, 2012, 10:56:39 pm
There is a new Ask the Idea Guru thread: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,44181.msg475909/topicseen.html#new
This thread will soon be locked.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: artimies7 on October 21, 2012, 11:04:55 pm
If this thread's going to be locked, let me express just how helpful you've been as the Idea Guru to me as well as the rest of the community, OT.
You're probably one of the most respected people here right now.

Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: furballdn on October 21, 2012, 11:08:47 pm
If this thread's going to be locked, let me express just how helpful you've been as the Idea Guru to me as well as the rest of the community, OT.
You're probably one of the most respected people here right now.

Words can't express the greatness you have done. Thank you OT.
Title: Re: Ask the Idea Guru
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on October 21, 2012, 11:08:58 pm
Many thanks for all the help you have given to us. :)

From trees to drakes we go.