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Messages - TehKyou (8)

Pages: [1]
Entropy / Re: Singularity | Singularity
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:41:38 pm »
Wouldn't this give rainbow rushes a free cremate monster?

Nvm, I see that cremating it gives no quanta, got it.

Buff This Card! / Re: Pharaoh / Pharaoh
« on: April 02, 2012, 06:01:27 pm »
I say raise its attack and lower HP by one, Summoning and ability wise it's already balanced imo. Needs to hit harder

Buff This Card! / Re: Shrieker | Elite Shrieker
« on: April 02, 2012, 05:59:39 pm »
Would fractal work on a burrowed creature?

Either way, I think it'd be more detrimental to the earth deck if rewind just sent the shrieker back into the hand, that way they'd have to pay the full  :earth cost. If this suggestion was made to prevent that, then .... oh ... kay

Design Theory / Revisiting Hybrid Card Concepts
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:13:04 am »
Hybrid or Psuedo Elemental Cards don't seem to last long in the Design section of the forums.

The main sticking point is it would require the introduction of a massive amount of cards which means alot of work for the developers. I propose that some the cards already being used can be shifted into this category. Another thing is combining effects from the elements but making these Hybrid cards generally very expensive

The first thing I propose is to not make creatures have hybrid quanta costs. Since they already have the option to have abilities from other elemental quanta pools to make them Psuedo Elemental anyway. Weapons can be included in that category since they basically behave very similar to creatures anyway.

So that leaves spells and shields. An easy way to make new cards would be to combine effects from 2 elements that make sense together.

Various examples:
Current Cards:
Ice Shield - Really I think this shield is just over powered. It already does damage reduction, which I consider Earth Shields specialty, with an added bonus of potentially freezing the attacking creature. I think a shield that just induces freezing can stand on its own without the damage reduction, and a Hybrid Shield of Earth and Water can be what the current but with a quanta cost of 8 and 9 random  :earth :water quanta
Purify - 2  :water :light Can heal 3 HP and add Regen Counter
Black Hole -  4 :gravity :darkness It drains resources from enemy to sustain itself, just like Darkness
Thunderstorm 2  :aether :air

New Cards Examples
 I like is taking the Fire Shield and combining it with Dusk for Smokescreen, 8 quanta costs, for a 40% chance to dodge and deal 1 damage to the creatures that miss. This means that when I creature does make it through the smoke it won't lose HP, combining the best and worst of the 2 shields. The 40% puts it equal to Fog Shield but with a much higher quanta cost
Combustion Shield, a combination of Skull Shield and Immolation, 6 random  :fire or  :death quanta. A shield that has a chance of killing the attacking monster and at the same time granting the user 5 fire quanta and 1 of each other quanta.
Humidity, a combination of Fog Shield and Water costs 5 random  :air or :water. This would be a new type of shield with a 33% block rate that generate 1  :water quanta when blocking an attack.

Design Theory / Re: Ask the Idea Guru
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:38:20 am »
Would it be ok to make a new thread regarding the discussion of that topic?

Design Theory / Re: Ask the Idea Guru
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:56:36 am »
Is there a thread about cards with mixed elements? I saw in the "Forge" cards that looked like they belonged to 2 elements at once and I was wondering how they went about explaining those.

I did find a thread about a duo element collaboration effort, but if fell short after 2 posts. I wouldn't mind revisiting the idea since I have a solution to ease the transition into duo elemental cards. I don't want to revive the old thread without permission though

Forge Archive / Re: Orbital | Magnetic Orbit
« on: March 31, 2012, 08:36:39 pm »
I love this idea, I was going to suggest a shield for Gravity that inflicted Magnet Pull, Although mine was going to be % based, last attacking monster is better for balance though.

General Discussion / Where is t50?
« on: March 17, 2012, 05:47:30 pm »
After playing Elements over a year ago, boredom got me playing again yesterday, I decided to reset my account and build over from scratch.... One thing I noticed is ... what happened to t50? I could have sworn I used to farm the top 50 decks for weapons...

I seriously need some Morning Glory's and a Miracle for a deck I want to do

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